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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 26, 2017 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the u.s. house of representatives approves a new round of sanctions against russia the e.u. warns of possible retaliation if the measures end up harming european business is. news network c.n.n. accuses russia of all being the taliban but failed to provide any genuine evidence to back up the claim. the turkish president announces a deal with russia to buy a missile defense system prompting the u.s. to demand an explanation from its nato allies plus. if we have this conversation in ten years time we might all be sitting in washington doing the. head off because the head of the international monetary fund says this headquarters could be
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relocated to beijing in ten years with china's economy now growing faster than that of the u.s. . for all the stories you can head to my colleague kevin oh we'll be back at the top the hour with more news stories but next it's because reports stay with us. welcome this segment of summer solutions i'm max kaiser i'm here with randi bowler a former four time air pittsboro north carolina in the former chair of the north carolina democratic party welcome back. great to be back max all right we may hear some noise in the back on by the way some work going on behind us but i think that it will be ok randi you know the title of the series this summer solutions and we wanted to get your take on how to address the fact that this millennial generation
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they are not really supporting much in the way of politics they recognize that there's been thirty years of neo liberalism that some of called the massive ponzi scheme and the baby boomers have taken all the money out there's none left for the kids anymore so you know where where where can these millennial zx go they seem to be gravitating toward paradigm shifting concepts of sovereignty like bitcoin giving them a whole new take on the nation state and other concepts so how do you what about this millennial generation is that a fair characterization that they're basically just forging a new in their own path. well i think that it is a pretty interesting insight you have in a lot of the has to do with their experiences growing up and the technology around them and grown up so they have a much more distributed form of technology in platforms to get in to get information out to receive the information the previous generations so. i think
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there's a good likelihood that they'll be able to organize around durable values in per perhaps you know cause change in local communities i mean i would hope what a little what constitutes a durable value you call. community so you value your community you know ok so so i really care about your community and that's something that millennial is in generations you care about they care about their internal community but the concept of community has been replaced by something called the social network facebook is a global community of two billion and facebook is in bed with the corporations in america to filter news to make sure people all the see certain news and not other news and they shape the reality of a bit two billion people so that. community that you talk about is basically dead. i don't think so you know i think that sometimes you know what's old becomes new again i mean when i when i was coming of age everyone said nobody would care about
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the lp again and then of course everyone wanted to go back to analog and hear the rich music that i grew up with on records right c.d.'s were coming into vogue in the eighty's so i mean i see now people are going back and looking at what what worked in the past you know they're really reading the works of art of k. robert kennedy and they're looking at what martin luther king said i mean they're they're going back to the new deal to say what worked here why did we have a new deal in the first place what was f.d.r. saying in his last major speech about you know adding to the bill of rights you know that people should have a right to health insurance for instance on a right to a good job people should have a right to own their house these are durable truths that he he claimed to be self evident that they learned through the struggles of the great depression the competition that they're facing seems to be this baby boom generation that's increasingly becoming more. right wing to hold on to their gains that's a very antagonistic relationship now between the generations over finances and his
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going to keep the pie the biggest portion of the pie so how do you how well millennial is best address this fact that reactionary behavior of the baby boomers to pull up the drawbridge and just say you know we got ours kid good luck. well first of all interesting piece by a writer for the boston globe that i was looking at the other day to be published back in february that was about the baby boomer generation and how the boomers you know by and large have been a net positive for the republican party over the last thirty five years you know the image of grew up with the boomers being flower children really didn't translate into how they lived and how they move structurally through our democracy and i can see now that if the millennium goals and i encourage you know generation y. and z. in that if they're going to want to make the change and work with my generation genex there's less of us obviously than the two around us generations they're going
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to have to get involved in electoral politics they're going to have to vote and when i mean vote they're going to have to vote in on your elections and off year elections are going to have to vote for their county commissioners are going to vote for their mayors they can't just ignore it they're going to have to engage it is america a country that could give rise to a group like. separate day mouse in spain jeremy corbyn course bernie sanders was was destroyed by the d.n.c. even though he was the most likely to beat the republicans is there room for an alternative political party or a more grassroots party or a more representative party in america still to happen well in the room would have to be made on in the state level for the states to actually be more liberal in allowing parties to get on the ballot so in north carolina you have to have thousands of signatures to get on the ballot and so we do have the libertarian party on the ballot and they get you know one to three percent every election cycle
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you could see the growth of a more vibrant green party for instance if it were able to get on the ballot all the states and that would actually be an alternative to the democratic party let's for a moment. speculate that the current political paradigms are irreparably broken and when you hear folks like. jamieson lapa we've had on our show he's very big in the big going community talk about individual sovereignty and he described a scenario where it said of governments coming to individuals for money through taxes and other means they're going to be basically begging folks with all the money who are sitting on vast piles of crypto currency including bitcoin which is now one hundred billion dollars heading to mark cuban a multi-trillion dollar industry so this idea of individual sovereignty another words for good government forget the nation state everyone has the capacity now
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through crypto currency to become individually sovereign if you've got ten twenty thirty forty million dollars of big coin and a private key that no government has access to why would you even bother entertaining talking to any government flack lackey well because ultimately you actually live in the real world you don't live in the cyber world and yes you make a good point. about this currency but all currency to some extent is a theory it's sarber i mean what's actually back in the u.s. currency i mean it's all in some sense based on and it's based on our faith we have to pay time knows in dollars so they circulate dollars for you to pay taxes and it's backed by the u.s. military and it's the world reserve currency but in the case but i mean this is like you put your money into a bank the bank owns that money you do not own that money that's the charter of the bank if you have a private key to ten million dollars a big going you own it nobody else owns it it's your ten million dollars your sovereign over that ten million dollars for the first time in history in a frictionless way you can spend it just like any other cash money in any of the
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world so why would this one generation not just embrace this new paradigm and say to the establishment go drop dead you know. the white house drop dead millennial to the new world order drop dead why not. well you asked some very compelling questions but ultimately you know what allows you sings that happen you know is a government i mean if we eliminate government around us what are we going to have . in census in other words i will tell is derived as a means to organize society but its nation state goes back to the greek polis gives us politics and it's had a good run twenty seven hundred years or so but its days are done at the new world of crypto coins alternative koren see the bitcoin allow for code into the chain to put in the hope that this international pussycat eventually now does come up here this is also wow. so
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me i mean so in other words you can you haven't entered the block saying at all the rules and regs and for a democratic egalitarian society that you would want you know you're a bit nation is already on line it's already there if it's but if it's on plug what you have what do you actually have it mean if you don't have some form of local government you just you just basically have warlords i mean we have that situation in afghanistan for instance right now you know competently but i mean obviously those are those they don't have a true democracy they have warlords in control you know various tribal factions and control of territory i understand that but nobody is stepping up in america with the values that are outside of the corporate agenda. i don't think i think that people do put forth values that are outside of the corporate agenda i think going to fortunately they get squelched right i mean they have no ability to become powerful then what's the point unless they're just grandstanding to get so to accept pac dollars though however it works to go down on coffee but you asked the question about you know what should we do i mean millennial should get involved in
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local government on because the quality of people in the values they hold from your local government on up make a difference when your local mayor actually says you know we don't tolerate these type of things in our community we don't like people going over and pulling people over and violating their civil rights their fourth or fifth rate than them you know amendment right and saying no we're profiling we're going to we're going to operate differently the quality of your democracy depends upon the people that are in those positions and you can start locally that's something i think it really is of hope right the big thing i'm getting from you is local local optics local and up you start local you make you know be the change you want to be and start in a local environment here pittsboro you do find a lot of i would say values associated with this part of the country hard work threshed and you know pride in country is not hard to find and
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as a result the community is cohesive and folks are getting getting along and doing their thing on a day by day basis i don't get the feeling here in this community of a lot of social stress and strain even though the state on a state level try to pass the bathroom discriminations they did right but i mean on the local level it seems like you do find it does work if the local community is given the ability to act in their local interest. which a lot of times the state tries to take away because we're doing rules state of course we can only do locally what the state legislature allows you to do by statute one fifty three a right and gerrymandering is not a problem well gerrymander that's a whole different issue and another problem is another priorities are destroyed by the state in the federal government hallway where they allow the politicians and the the legislature to draw the let's say districts in the congressional districts to essentially what the politician but the voter not the other way around they talk about bantustans that he's talking about areas and ghettos in the country that are
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surrounded by predatory monopolists and corporatists and let them have their little day of fun in the sun but if they ever get up in a state or the federal government comes down jobs or had figured out play and they've got no recourse but let's look at the question about congress for instance why do we only have four hundred thirty five members of congress and it gets reapportion every you know ten years because we arbitrarily set that number we kept it in one thousand twenty nine right we could actually have a democracy reflective of where they were now as in our years we just have to double the number of people in congress you'd have nine hundred seventy people say to me that's insane that's crazy but i say no you probably would have more democracy if we up the level number of people in congress and there would be a wider range of values in congress because and districts would be smaller they become half if the barrier of entry would be lower. and you'd be more connected to
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the people you represent i mean on the framers of our constitution created this country they didn't conceive of congressional districts with eight hundred thousand people they were thinking of like thirty thousand people right all right fair enough that's a good point randy thanks so much for being on the summer solutions show. all right well that's going to do it for this edition of summer solutions with may max geyser and stacey i would like to thank our guest randy baller for time x. mayor of pittsburgh former chairman of the north carolina democratic party going to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and so next time. this was a with me you can know almost get a little bit of. class animals on you but i you. know both of
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us but i guess we're kind of scientists yes or no but if you dump on a handwritten note she would be going to the city. where the blue he won't get just a good area for immigrants it's hit and miss we never really know for sure but this has been a active area. thank you so i. know what i mean i sort of know i. here's what people have been saying about rejected a night with you i was actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what we want to do is the really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of marty americans do the same we are
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apparently better than booth nothing's better and see people you never heard of love redacted tonight my president of the world bank so you're going to write me seriously send us an e-mail. welcome to this segment of summer solutions with me max kaiser an inviting my guest john titus he's a filmmaker he has created the extraordinary film all the plenary as men and john welcome thank you max good beer in the film you outline a devastating portrait of a banking system run amok and become a rogue state menacing the globe with no accountability to anyone you point out that it's equivalent to medieval times when the king can do no wrong in that is
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meant literally and that's the literal power these banks have right you could prove me wrong show me a bank that's been prosecuted show me bankers in jail when they commit crimes outside of this bank or until there are any iceland ok but there's no iceland banks in the cartel right the cartel is all predominantly you can merican in big european banks and that is on a list that's up there in the bank of international settlements and the. the the financial stability board they are saying this list of protected banking cartel members right they call systemically important financial institution in those banks are literally above the law no one from those banks ever goes to jail unless they do things like trade on their own account. right right if they don't act in accordance with the carville's wishes the formal wishes as expressed in immunity agreement only then to the bankers go to jail but the banks now are literally blackstone's criterion for sovereign power the king can do no wrong the banks can
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do no wrong the cartel is the sovereign you know i've said many times and i'm sure if we think about this that the reason why there's so much hate against countries like russia and china is because they're actually outside of this cartel and these guys look at these countries that thinking we know we're going to keep this ponzi scheme going we need to get them in on this cartel is not a fair statement there's one of two ways look at it and that's certainly one way in other words the bank is the king the banks don't respect geographic borders right and since there can't be two kings in the kingdom when these banks see people like putin and g. and china putin and russia they think the audacity of these guys to think that they're the sovereign of those countries there is are there are no countries and there can't be two kings in the kingdom and those guys got to go that's one way of looking at the other way as you suggest is it is a ponzi scheme it is a debt based financial support system that can only survive if with greater greater amounts of debt and so maybe they're off to russia is a great collateral grab i don't know but either way russia has been targeted though
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i think that's behind saudis grab a cutter from which are for sure ok so we've laid out the the situation here the banks have become. infallible kinglike. powers with no accountability that are menacing the globe essentially and so let's talk about possible solutions here and some are solutions what's your first thought if i throw that out there like what would be their first reaction possible solutions the first thing to do just a dot on i cross the t. send a postcard to your congressman saying i do not consent because it's ultimately the authority of any government in the u.s. is premised on the consent of the people you have to make it clear that you don't consent to this illegal takeover the wholesale takeover the u.s. government. direct action postcard to your congressman i do not get i don't consent period full stop just set it off right aside from that beyond revolution you gotta get out the you have to find ways out of debt based financial system in other words our financial system the banks create the money money is created when they make
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loans and it bears interest and that is the ponzi scheme that is a ponzi scheme right there in the debt has to get bigger and bigger bigger so you have to find a way out of that system and one will things you promote and i don't know much about is big enough the potential way out sure. as many have described it promotes individual sovereignty so you're pretty much outside you become your own central bank you become like russia you become like china you're outside of the matrix if you will and certainly the market capitalization of these moving as they are you know you've made some films you've been involved in this film all the plenary and your research is incredible your background is as a lawyer for twenty years actually doing a do bad litigation which should you say you don't are venner yeah so you know you know the legal ins and outs in the film i had to actually print the transcript of the film and i go over it and pour over it because it's so it's chock full of information it's science dot biting into
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a deep chocolate truffle of truth it says to chalk a couple of truth to six for one and you get all that instead of all the plenary event which doesn't mean anything anyone what do you call the deep trouble a couple of true i think you need to be read on in the script so are we going to have any more films from your job i mean to be in a film or going around europe you know peeing on bankers and stuff which i regret never having the chance to do but what's next i going to do all the players matters the second part of the trilogy i'm now in the early stages of writing the third part on a part but i'm really getting it is for two films have an impact i mean and some other words about solutions and you know people in the documentary film business like michael moore for example you know they believe that their films are doing fantastically to raise awareness and to change people's minds and to raise consciousness is that working. i mean for a small number of people to read the small number of people i reach it works really
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well and i'm fine with that yet it changes people's minds when they see the evidence the way i present films is i lay all the evidence i play cards face up on like the bankers you know if i'm talking about a statue up on a document talking in an email i show the e-mail right there and go over there's no paraphrasing a dog use a direct quote and that in that is very compelling to a certain segment of the population this is almost the material here is almost diametrically opposite to this mean a fake name is now think this is stuff that's kind of like you know news light or it's news quick you know the quick quick you know hand version shorthand version of the news is they've got to get it up there fast and they proxima and they paraphrase and they put up a meme and as if they end up having a mishmash of nothing terribly informative but it's very kneejerk and it's in its behavior it gets it feeds on itself this is the opposite this is so exhaustive lee researched and so meticulously presented it's makes no me look like dr seuss
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well i mean i lead people through the documents because i never want to want to do as i say four cards face up if someone says something in a document let's look at the document word for word that's the best way to present information right i mean the stock i mean i know so as we talk about some resolutions and all but this this letter here september tenth two thousand and twelve to ben bernanke he from george osborne telling ben bernanke he that if he doesn't get in line with the swiss institutions of the financial stability board in the bank of international style mess the implication here is really going to like come after you in a. he repeatedly threatens the destruction of both hemispheres financially if they prosecuted b.c. repeatedly about letter he says although they could be great financial consequences there could be contagion these guys these criminals they love that the false they love the pseudo scientific terms like contagion but is loaded with threats like that throw up ok so i guess and we have
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a problem here we have very wealthy thing powered banking kleptocrats menacing the globe image of the revolution you know i think back to the american revolution i think you know less than a third actually the country was ready to go for the revolution a third was against it and the third was ambivalent you know and would studies show that it only takes a few percentage of a group to want to overthrow the group to get the group overthrown but in the case of the banking system since you are tied to the banking system like tied to an oxygen tank you know i mean you can't divorce yourself from that if you've got student loans you've got medical loans you've got there in every nook and cranny of your being they live in your organs they you know you talk to just b.c. banker and you know they can see them calculating the value of your internal organs on e.-bay to feed off like their country club membership their craven their their they came out of satan's depressed the prey of psychopaths.
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you know i mean it's just. i mean this is leading me to a star conclusion you know which is that the remedies to put in legal terms are were are there any legal remedies revenue's revolution. if the girl her well look at it this way. executive branch has gone ok it's been taken over look who's in the executive branch now do you not see goldman sachs there years left right and center did you not see mark carney go to a white house while troubles away ok goldman sachs runs the white house congress is gone ok so one of the founders say about in the constitution what do they say when your whole government flips on you they did and the reason they didn't is they didn't have to because the constitution came so fast on the heels of the revolution when the people no longer consented to king george the third and they said get out we don't consent and without our consent you have no ability to get out to put our
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own country right and again we can return to this idea of cryptocurrency the bitcoin being one's own sovereignty and if you're depriving the banker of the ability to. thief steal you know your your money because it's all tied into a private k. that only only they you have control over. ok so. you don't know that there are projects going to be in this trilogy it will probably be the mafia ocracy imperative we live in a mafia ocracy now the mafia ocracy imperative yeah the catcher at the title than all the planners when i got to tell you i think deep open market truffle of truth is something that will play well and i am deep and i look for trouble people like truffles are like trouble of truth right now you got the fifty million people right there all the kings now mistaken all the presidents now is to man with only prince you took all the bankers know all the presidents bankers all the presidents backers
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i got it's difficult to be a filmmaker these days anyway i got to go thanks for being on some resolutions thanks max. and that's going to do it for this episode of summer solutions with a mash geyser and stacey i would like to thank our guests the extraordinary filmmaker and that's a serious john titus generates on twitter at kaiser reports on bio. seemed wrong wrong wrong just don't call. me if you get to shape out of just being educated and in. the trailer. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to be rich. to do like to be crooks that's what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the water using my. first sip.
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whether they are. in with a day when we'll have time to meet. the minimal. bill to move to take more time as a team to. leave me. of the mean looking north. just. north of you. but again. it was i was going to move to the.


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