tv Documentary RT August 3, 2017 11:29am-12:01pm EDT
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when it's monopoly not monopoly and things think of the monopoly game and somebody came up with that idea i think it was you actually to come up with jail coin that o.j. simpson. and that's a get out of jail free card to matter what despicable act you may have he should work with eric holder maybe get a different prosecution coin deferred prosecution token sort of thing well yeah my idea was o.j. simpson should launch an ice you know called juice coin so distant to me to murder and i'm deciding larceny that kind of a play on the juice going basically for those outside of america who don't know or who are too young to remember o.j. simpson he was called the juice that was a nickname anyway. you know here you're talking about monopoly but i wonder do you know this is a theme we've been focusing on is that these monopolies and all of these and oligarchs here in america that are kind of keeping the wages down making america not so great again and how do we bust up these monopolies and anti-trust actions
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when we don't have a teddy roosevelt one you had said you hope that trump could be the sort of person but there's no indication that he's going to be that sort of person because of the people he's appointing and we're going to get into those headlines but on the other side the democrats are not. they don't care about the. monopolies developing because mostly it's in silicon valley right now these days and intellectual property and patents and copyright that is really where a lot of the most onerous monopolies are happening and those are big supporters of the democrats so i want to look at one tweet that i saw from a german finance guy and this is while we've been here as well this is a headline that fits in with this reality of a world where we have monopolies ruling everything wealth for all global stocks gained another one point six trillion dollars this week equities now worth seventy
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six point nine trillion highest in history equals to one hundred two percent of world g.d.p. so you see the stock markets keep on soaring and soaring and soaring they love these monopolies they love this sort of situation but monopoly by definition means monopoly pricing monopoly pricing by definition means competitive pricing there's and by definition means an economy that's been given over to or monopolist oleg up list price gougers in american health care industry because you can't import health care from china it's all very local you have the case of gouging and price gouging by monopolists in america and as a result people's houses declining life expectancy is falling childbirth deaths increasing because of these monopolies and the lack of competition so there's a very insidious dangerous condition fuel by the cheap money that is coming out of
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the federal reserve bank who answers to no one but the monopolists their job is not to according to the twin mandate price stability and employment they're not serving those mandates whatsoever they're only serving one god the god of monopoly pricing and you're going to talk about one particular. yes we're going to talk about the case but you know you mentioned that the federal reserve bank has a monopoly on basically setting interest rates and d.m.a. what is a legitimate currency and i know you talk in the second half of charlie he does mention that having these individual currencies and crypto currency and i.c.a.o. is in that thing has broken off that sort of monopoly and allowed this sort of wealth and job creation. trump said he was looking for but here is one of the monopoly positions that trump it seems unlikely that he's going to break this up have any concern about it nor will the democrats to save rural iowa we must oppose
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monsanto bare merger iowa farmers face a crisis crop prices have fallen by more than fifty percent since two thousand and thirteen with no end in sight at the same time farmers hold more debt and possess fewer capital reserves to fall back on in fact farmers debt levels are almost as high as they were prior to the farm crisis of the mid one nine hundred eighty s. meanwhile we have seen in these all these a megamergers happening between agricultural giants and if approved the proposed merger would result in just two companies in the agricultural space monsanto bear and dow dupont controlling three quarters of the u.s. corn seed market hey there's peter schiff right behind. that's right you guys are sure i am going to tell you today. we're going to come times you have to get a lot of flak from the cryptocurrency is always just somebody else here all the.
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years of defending gold against the crypto of the during the entire freedom fest you know they're all accused of cutting inside a shill for the global soros yes. george soros. i read that somewhere to play with insider died and i was not a part of these that was. the. over all these years ago i've been waiting for this moment we're going to come and talk to you in a few minutes you all and if you don't mind. talking we're going to ask you how would you travel around the camera yeah all right well by anything you know we have the full beard to be coming up like a half hours. i will be out in a few moments right here thanks here's your flesh gentlemen your shift. all right well so but i want to say you know here you're going to have only two two giant companies dupont to months and to bear controlling three quarters of the seed market farmers are already being squeezed however the price of corn seed you mentioned price of prices go up with monopolies the price of corn seed has more
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than doubled in the past ten years from fifty dollars fifty one dollars per acre in two thousand and six to one hundred two dollars and twenty fifteen so their prices have prices have doubled their profits have plummeted by fifty percent remember farm aid yeah willie nelson yeah and then willie nelson need to. do that it's a cycle now well i mean there's an enormous amount of information there but you've got monsanto bear are going to merge potentially and it would undermine the dynamism and competition in the food business american farmers are being destroyed and this is something that anyone who would be supportive of jobs in america or competition in america or american values certainly the cornbelt of american farmers don't get more american than that and yet no one is stepping in to stop this merger and it gives months out of power to be part of this monopolist bear monsanto combination and remember on the geo political front on
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a global basis the number one issue that is dividing ukraine and causing tension with russia is that russia is against genetically modified organisms g.m.o. in russia monsanto with victoria new. and her husband is a lobbyist for monsanto states who in ukraine it's all about their rich farmland ukraine is to that area of the world what kansas is to america it's the bread basket of central europe social euro eurasia and so there's a big battle who's waging this battle fricken months sat there and you know i was doing battle of intimate domestic and foreign enemies yet i mistook him for enemies whereas the cia was the n.s.a. whereas the f.b.i. these people are acting against ukraine are entirely right behind you know you know i mean that's the thing is also with everything so. algorithms and the fact that
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men santo and bear and dupont all these guys know to his second in exactly where all their seeds are they know exactly what your profit is to the penny and they can make sure it like in this sort of big economy that these farmers only eke out the littlest of existence any time prices might go up and their profits might be rising they'll like grab it and like increase their seed costs or whatever that because they have the monopoly pricing and they can grab they're not going to want you to be successful and independent and basically a feudal sort of model right same when banking they manipulate lie bore yeah for a yes gold and algorithmic trading high frequency trading they do in the agricultural market with patented seeds and control of the monopolization of that industry to kill the competition literally in this instance and to become this monopoly pricing. pricing so the americans get the worst of all possible worlds price gouging on food here domestically with these one off lists of jobs being
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shipped over to asia because of again monopolists and you have local health care price gougers like the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies taking prices way beyond any conceivable rate of inflation that would be commensurate with the business model and you end up with. disenfranchised americans disenfranchised americans you know no taxation without representation where were they up before you know let's just take these guys down you know we've got the manpower i'm sorry. i'm getting caught up in the spear so. whether or not trump will become the teddy roosevelt that you had hoped perhaps he might this seems unlikely if you look at this headline how trump's pick for top anti-trust copy may shape competition the same as. he said in american here is he however is a lawyer who used to work at the department of justice he was out also however
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a corporate lawyer and a lobbyist for that he was a lobbyist for amazon he was a lobbyist or or a lawyer for google comcast johnson and johnson blue cross blue shield and he however is most interested if he gets the job in going after europeans who are fining american companies like google on antitrust then he thinks this is unfair to american corporations and the article points out that he emphasized that antitrust is intended to support free markets and that the government should intervene only when necessary a monopoly is perfectly legal he says until it it views is its monopoly power so he says a monopoly is perfectly legal unless it abuses its monopoly power looking at the dictionary definition of monopoly monopoly by definition is abuse of the market that's what a monopoly means it's market abuse and to claim that it's like bill clinton said it
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depends on what your definition of is is being obtuse these being a solid cystic these manipulating the public discourse to further a monopolist in a way let me tell you this guy's anti-american. in no uncertain terms and i mean this should be pursued on those grounds and take it into a court of law it's as though you turn into could case always here everybody has the jury everybody saudi treason helpless who are putting farmers out of business or destroying competition in america abusing the english language to further their aid to further their own nests these people are tyrants these people should be dealt with any way any possible way you've been watching too much american kinkel news became national every day says everyone. everybody's a trader here i is three a rope. anyway we only have twenty seconds left so i want to say you know here in
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this with there's no freedom is now making america great again without busting up these monopolies and all of our police and all around america at the moment well said well we got to go to the second half ever this break you don't go away stay with us it's all good yes. you can see the border from here by the. steel fence goes down this side there's
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always. like they said this is this is. and this is something that you have every right to be here have a right to call collect my food be a part of my family on both sides of the border. play started an organization called the arizona border recall we or the standalone entity. that is doing. with these to be done in the five years it's getting worse the violence is escalating because it's millions of. bridges really good are great when somebody calls you know basically they believe the duration is there are areas and they don't believe. that there is taking responsibility for their security which we would for any where else to entry.
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here's what people have been saying about rejected and i suspect it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch. yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than two thousand and six and see people you have never heard of love redacted tonight president of the world bank take on the rabbit seriously send us an e-mail. to walk selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still. produce offspring to tell you that what we gossip to the public by file for the most important day. of advertising tells me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience
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will watch. either welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to turn to charlie sharam. crypto legend charlie welcome back it's good to see you have great to check in with you from time to time and you're like an elder statesman a little space i love it did you like the godfather i get people right there white papers by hand and mail them to me. i say about white papers all right because it leads into my first question about initial calling offering yeah of course an initial point offering relatively new phenomenon in this space and it starts off with a white paper people read the white paper the nice website the nice website they can buy into the coin before it is opened up before traded actively exciter but
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let's talk about the initial point offerings we are from peter schiff here at freedom fest he says the fact that so many coins in tokens can be created means a crypto currency is can't be a store of value your thoughts on the end of the day it's what what's the point of this token and have all these different tokens that do different things and at the end of the day you know the value is what we all agree on most of these new tokens they're not really meant to be stories of when it was meant to be anything in fact one of them like it says right there on the main website this token has no value this token is not a security token does not access our website is talking is literally for us to raise funds from you and that's right so you're referring to a paragraph in the. description that says quite plainly this what you're buying here gives you no rights no equity it's worth nothing there's no guarantee it'll ever have any value the purpose of this disclaimer is to make them exempt from all securities laws they hope so but people buy into it anyway because it's a wink and
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a nod they say ah yeah i know you have to put that in because you're trying to bypass the existing you know all clocks like a duck if it acts like a duck it's. probably a doc i've spent many awoken nights pondering the scientific situation of the i.c.a.o. and i've come up with what i call is the the scientific word to use foma fear of missing out but that's all this is is is we you tell your friends to buy this token everyone's buying i have tokens that people are meant to me that haven't even gone on sale yet they're still in pre-sale and they're not even transferable people are straining to lend oneself twenty five cents and then they then they pre-sell change the price to a dollar and all these people want twenty five cents are now selling at a seventy five cents and where they traded their trading nothing but a psych in a real estate market when it gets to frothy people are trading the the properties before moving in the market that i mean is this is characteristic signs of a bubble thing aside the fact of whether crypto currency has value or not this or
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in this particular instance with i.c.l. is as you describe it it has characteristics of a bubble are we in a bubble. it's hard i think that all these these credit card fees work and bubble and bear cycles so goes up and down up and down where we are on the bubble cycle right now i don't know i hope it continues to go up but i also tell people take your profits because as we saw with the theory unless we go from four hundred dollars to one fifty within a few days people who you know you look at records people get they get hurt so if you made money double your money triple your money don't get greedy take your profits and walk away but again it comes that's the foam at the end of the day these things are really cool and all you need all we need is one successful one to come out of all of these bad ones and that will really like change the game here and it's going to take a lot of like really bad ones in order for us to get so that good people will go to jail who are going to lose their money going to lose their houses they're going to see it all over again it's going to look bad you're going to see on the news
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they're like bashing it will block but at the end of the day over time this is a phenomenal technology and something good will come out of the just like we saw the coin was was take. through the through the trash for years they made fun of us and finally now the corner is getting a little bit of the attention it deserves of actually until it ok you mentioned going to jail ok so charlie you've been to jail in prison yeah not the lucky called a few for a felon going back to bit instant you know or the very first companies that got involved in the space and a lot of people believe that it was a showcase case where the the the that they wanted to be an example made because the crypt i was a very threatening technology to the status quo sure and a lot of people see your case as being kind of emblematic of an overzealous reaction from the from the banking system but my my my question is you've been down this road and when people start to do a wink and
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a nod and say the feds don't take them seriously a year miss you have got to be in maybe a little different rights and this is what i tell people in any other industry you can break things and like ask for forgiveness later you can break things and then try to to make it better in korea in finance you can't do that because you're talking about people's money so i would feel like finance and health care are the two industries that you can't really break things i made that mistake i want to disrupt and break and try to play around and i got in trouble i made mistakes in this industry there's no gray area there's only black or white however the government takes their time they won't come after you they're not reactionary like we think they're watching they're in the background we probably have people here they will be watching us right now they're always there and they're watching and then what they do is they'll pick someone tell invented that person and they want to make a big hit and one of these are guys it could be three years down the road it's not going to happen immediately that's how the government works so we think that oh i
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raise one hundred million dollars i got away with it six months later all good life is good doesn't mean that they're not going to come out through the selective make a. in the i worked on wall street and the macho there was break laws all day long you know will you going to change the law someone who has known someone else is breaking more laws than you that you're ok jamie dimon is broken many laws he's committed many frauds but he's a friend of the regulators they consider him to be systemically important as we saw during the h.s.b.c. money laundering drug money laundering the p.i.a.'s in switzerland and the bank of and the clearing corp there they have a list of banks that are exempt from prosecution and against her prosecution no i.c.a.o. is on that list it's true they they went through beauregard got fired some people in his office started talking and i heard this actually on the radio the other day and this was really this is really piss me off because i went down the criminal justice system but what they said was that. the f.c.c.
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sees these morgan stanley bankers as good guys they're good guys who made a mistake we're not going to prosecute good guys because these these f.c.c. prosecutors these. federal prosecutors they're playing tennis with morgan stanley and goldman sachs guys after work every day they're good guys they're my friends oh these big kids they're the bad guys so that's that's what it comes down to that's not fair it's not a conspiracy where you're standing there going you stating is the fact a player to play favorites and these some of these banks have whittled away into the system a systemically vital that they're beyond prosecution and john titus says if they don't there are the other side all the plaza peter jump to the other side or soon as my case is over he's now a criminal defense lawyer ok so when i tell her you've got to reinvent yourself and you're done a lot of the space and you are promoting crypto and it's something that is near and dear to your heart and of course and it's a revolutionary technology and. well i guess i know we might not have time actually
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to talk about what you're doing next i want to with other things pretty importantly . that all the i.c.a.o. is were talking about i.c.'s are done on a theory. how does the theory of fit into the crypto universe it's a higher price. higher is the price even something that fits into the i'm not sure what that says it all but how does fit into the company universe the ether is so as big as more of like a store of value settlement type of situation more by wire transfers and keeping money in your account assyrian was built as big as grid that lets to a crypto currency platform where other people can create their own tokens on the platform easiest one to three and they made it really easy as easy as possible a series a lot of attack vectors it's even the other day there was the parity wall that was you know one of the founders of fear and gavin would there was a big issue and like one hundred fifty million dollars was initially lost but they're able to recover like hundred twenty million dollars ship breaks because as
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you add more code you add more attack vectors you have the ability for attackers to punch holes in your and your bubble or whatever it gets crusty it gets cross-examined crafty bad code the corners a very small code base it doesn't it does one thing and it does one thing great so even adding any new code to big because the rigorous rigorous crigger is testing so three m. is really cool we need a smart contract platform but there are a lot of better ones now there are lot of better ones that do smart to contract tokens better than syria but a theory of how does something that all these other ones don't market share all these exchanges if you want if you want to launch a token the key to your token success is liquidity people trading it and if you want to get your token with an employee x. or big trucks a crack in orbitz the next for them to add a new token syrian token takes some five minutes if you want to launch a token on it shares it take some weeks of development work because they've done it already for theory and thirty makes it easy for copy and paste turn up ok so you
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mentioned there in terms of the big coin code it is tight it's. but we editions are easier to make now of course today brings us to the scaling debate now so where are we in this in this palette this better break through some argue it's not as clean cut as others suggest where are we on the scaling debate going charlie i'm a free market person i believe that markets are markets are efficient when we allow them to be but they're not optimal they're out there it's it's not going to be as fast as human beings we want it to be we want instant gratification we want things done now so yes the scaling debate took two years however how many bad solutions came and went how many how many things happened that kind of effect why was there a need for a scale scaling need what is it because the big one is growing and because it is growing to a point where we need the ability to have more transactions when it's
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a rival the visa or master card network when it's rival swift we need to scale the right way the other side of the coin says now that's not really you get to keep it as a store of value and you know your time ok round to even a store of value folks think that we need to scale but they think that is to be scaled in a different way so here we have a market created compromise and as we saw the other day it passed with over ninety percent consensus what are we seeing any you know senator congress that have been able to do something with ninety percent consensus it's almost never this took a long time yes but it takes a while to get a perfect market solution i think this is one of the most bullish things that could ever happen to be quite what some bad actor came along with five hundred billion dollars and said hey i want to change because it to suit my needs a lot of money you could influence a lot of people but as we saw a lot of people are doing that craig right all these different companies and an unlimited zone as they tried to influence because of their own way but the market
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didn't allow them to do it and the market created the protocol prize and it passed everyone got together and that's what i see here is like this was this was like perf. governance this well is an issue isn't just game theory succeed again it's game theory will always succeed in the end and it's perfect market clearly nash equilibrium in this case was the current iteration yeah this is not one of the that's why i so i've always felt that if you just think of this is a giant game theory experiment it'll ols work out fine that's what it is you don't need to get too deep into the tax debate and such i've said it on your show a million times big coin is one of the largest social economic experiments we've ever had in the history of the world and this if not solidifies that argument this is if anything if peter schiff can say the coin is now no value blah blah blah but there's a huge value in being able to study one of the largest social economic experiments and the history of humankind and got a cut off their thanks man the guys report. that's going to do it for this edition
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of the guy's very porous me max geyser as they server like that i guess charlie sram if you want to find us on twitter it's guys reported that exxon bio. economic development is all about numbers really pleased to report this quarter we are modern six point zero. but what do we know about the other figures. when i think about the fact that our c.e.o. mike du made over twenty million dollars last year more than one thousand times the average wal-mart a says c.n.n. . with all due respect i have to say i don't think that's right. is that just you know a free market would. people went from pretty simple financial lives pre nine
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hundred eighty to the point now where people are. just totally submerged in their financial accounts and they're all in debt and what exactly devoid society. the whatever the government tried to do it wasn't necessary maybe. it might be making things worse. by saying this is not how capitalism works this is all capitalism goes hopelessly disastrously wrong. chemical discoveries over the last century made every day life easier but at what cost this is cereal is exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. says says three years old industrial giants reaps the benefit. caused by chemical production. you know as if these people are.
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just. the toxic environment continues to poison. these astronomically high levels of. levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever in the united states for almost thirty years this serious problem had not actually been addressed will lead investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed.
12:00 pm
donald trump claims congress for deregulating relations with moscow accusing representatives of forcing him to sign a flawed sanctions bill and raising concerns of a constitutional crisis in the u.s. . criticism and over the u.k. government's reluctance to publish documents with the opposition courting the secrecy affronts to democratic ideals. and a new deescalation zone has come into effect in syria with the moderate rebels committing to repairing islamic state and al nusra to terrorists.
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