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tv   Headline News  RT  August 7, 2017 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the so fears in france the interior minister reveals two hundred to seven teacher how this had returned to the country while a much vaunted effort to tackle radicalization flounders. had to trouble in the house of trouble with his national security advisers loyalty is in question given security clearance to a former top aide to president obama. and feeling the heat over make the beacon activists who forced a butcher in california to hang an animal rights side of the stalls with.
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good morning for me kevin owen here in moscow this is r.t. international and first in this half hour of news it's been revealed that around two hundred seventy just at this of recent return to france after fighting in iraq and syria some are been arrested and the courts are currently playing through the cases of the others numbers being revealed by the french interior minister who also highlighted that the terror threat remains extremely high in an attempt to try and rein in optimism and extremism fran said open the first day of radicalization sent nearly a year ago but the facility has already hit the buffers the charlotte do bensky reports. it was billed as. with jihad ists was the country's. radicalization center when it opened last year. was here. this is rehab for extremists once
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inside psychologists say it will provide therapy and counselors will teach students about this isn't ship. but just months later the shutters down so way did it. at a cost of two point five million euros pay year knowing that people were treated none finished the course one resident from this center was eating a rested for having links to those behind the paris. and. white leave from his rehabilitation and since february not a single person is being hit the deep radical isolation so did this friendship the money. it is a complete fiasco everything is to be rethought everything is to be reconstructed
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according to people close to me but it's putting it mildly yes i would say this is a fiasco on people's money spend this way is a waste there are so many other things to do but to spend it on radicalized people know there are other associations and other centers to spend money on. this could not have turned out well if it is organized this way just letting people in and convincing them to think the other way or to see differently there are four or five people at once this is too expensive for the residents say based on their pleas that the center it's closed because it's nothing but worry. i was against this center from the beginning and i am. happy it is now closed this center should not have been here there is a nuclear plant near here so i think the location was inappropriate as it is quite close to the town to the kids this is too close to houses and not very secure and were not properly informed we did not receive any information many people sold
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their houses because of the center a complete failure that's how many people are describing this project and many and now left wondering if france has a concrete solution to the estimated fifty thousand citizens killed have been brought to clients in this country and artsy fartsy france terrorism expert david low believes it's not enough to isolate jihadists from the community and to simply preach at them. the french this time on this issue got it wrong. you know we talk about what it was going to be bothered to ising but where france missed a trick on us was. really removing individuals who were chateau in a remote part of france or. part of france and preached to there are successes that the states of france missed that they came to this issue of trying
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to deal radicalize. and help help those individuals who've been drawn towards terrorist activity very you know just just by taking them away from the community. and just preaching to them i think this has been the right approach and i think this is why it became. french police of ohms are terror investigation after an incident at the eiffel tower where a man with a knife tried to force his way past security the suspect reportedly tried to carry out an isolated speired terror attack and shouted god is great in arabic to the barges way into the paris landmark on saturday night no one was injured but the eiffel tower was evacuated initially the instant wasn't being treated as terrorism but now french prosecutors have begun an investigation over the suspects reported links to radical groups france has been the state of emergency for more than
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a year and a half and following the november twenty fifth terror attack in paris but political analysts nicholas markovitch told us the french security issue goes beyond the capital i think well it's impossible with today's reduced circumstances after only to say that the capital is safe what can you do against a lone wolf this is not the first time that we have along with attack type and terrorist don't forget a couple of months ago at the roof we have the same type of attack somebody who attacked military men in the remover and we've had other cases maybe the international media is not aware in smaller towns of which the first attention no no don't do usual and in the south of france to definitely see where people can ask themselves what has happened since that terrible attacks against the patrick roy instead of. last time so that and i wouldn't say it's it's a safe place but again i would say that it's not easy to fight against these long will. run fifteen hundred afghans including scores of children are in
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search of shelter after being caught in taliban eisel and u.s. airstrikes near a strategic eastern city some of been describing their ordeal. islamic state groups brutally attack civilians and the afghanistan national army then foreign forces came to the battlefield then the u.s. dropped the mother of all bombs on the village what is left is ruins. through does a lot of what has come up you should be sure to give it. up .
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isis militants slaughtered our own saying he was a spy who fled since they threatened to kill us the next day. islamic state militants slaughtered our five cousin so front of us they could have come and killed us any time too so we left our whole. first isis attack their village then came american airstrikes now we don't have anything everything is destroyed. he told his syria artie's ripley video news agencies from disc loose a video from inside the tunnel after its liberation from i still by the syrian army
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. the operation to clear the last remaining terrorists is still ongoing there is the last islamic state stronghold in holmes province on saturday reports emerged that syrian government forces and surrounded islamic state on three sides the the retaken towns about fifty kilometers from the border. which is still mostly under control. of the states has been all major reshuffling of donald trump's top team this time a series of sackings among his national security aides but even the man in charge of the dismissals is in the firing line too of what might have driven his decisions as colored mopin reports general mcmaster national security advisor to donald trump his loyalty to the president is supposed to be a default quality except now instead it's widely in question mcmaster made
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a decision to allow susan rice his predecessor in the job and long time obama ally to keep full access to classified information. the national security council will continue to work with you to ensure the appropriate security clearance documentation remains on file to allow you access to classified information. this revelation emerged just weeks after it was revealed that susan rice had been unmasking members of the trump team who happened to be mentioned in classified intelligence reports by default the names are redacted but susan rice had been making sure that the names and information was readily available to anyone with a clearance to see classified government documents and potentially leak this information to the media susan rice's actions were flagged by as i recall one watt nic a member of the trumpet ministration since january apparently his revelation struck the wrong chord with mcmaster who has now dismissed him and it appears that's how
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it works with the general if he doesn't like you you go these people laid the very foundation of trump's foreign policy promises as a candidate we've been moving from one wrecked was intervention to another coup in libya syria iraq iran this destructive cycle bad decisions we cannot be the policeman of the world now that most of those who shape trumps foreign policy have gone we have this my attitude toward syria and assad has changed very much and i know you ordered a target a new jersey state or if you. trump may have come to washington promising that you would drain the swamp that's proving to be pretty difficult especially when you're already neck deep in it caleb r.t. new york footnote to this according to reports the security clearance given to susan rice was a regular procedure issued for every living former presidential advisor rice says
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she's never requested the identities of troops team members to be revealed for political purposes. and why toast to the u.s. state of oregon next to attentions of also been high as violent clashes broke out between rival rallies in the city of portland. and groups faced off for the so-called freedom march nearby organizers claim the purpose of the rally was to peacefully promote equality the rival protests accuse them of being white supremacists and chanted and slogans fighting them broke out flags were burned pepper spray was used three arrests were made. of all the signs you'd expect to see in a butcher's window next to one saying how quote killing animals is violent and unjust and quote must come as a surprise to some customers passing by but nonetheless a shop in california has agreed to display it after vegan activists really don't
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side for months staging some of the gruesome stunts similar to these. i think the only one. in the back yard line or something. and i'm not buying that entirely. the be no one. as well as forcing the owner to display the anti meat sign in the shop demonstrators from the group direct actions everywhere at the mothering it becomes a very good butcher real though it's not clear what that means they also want the right to carry out animal rights demonstrations there twice a year group spokesman mark johnson explains a bit more about the mission. as with the successful social movements throughout history when we when we do these public demonstrations we are intending to dramatize an issue and get an issue on the table because we feel like it's an issue that we are inevitably going to win when it is discussed on a wide enough scale we know that we are on the side of of justice we are on the
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side of compassion and nonviolence we know that people don't actually want to support violence towards animals and it's only because we we live in a society that that normalizes it so much that it is allowed to persist we intend to make berkeley california the united states leader on animal rights issues we intend to liberate the city of berkeley by banning all violence towards animals by twenty twenty five in effect banning meat in berkeley as part of a broader plan to pass a constitutional amendment for animal rights and on human discrimination that's pervasive in our society. the show belongs to monaco cino and her husband the family says it's their rights and should being abused here want to describes the activists is extremely caring and ethical extortion view echoed too by the californian can we did jeffrey klein the protests were a form of extortion because essentially they were saying. do this for us or we won't stop harassing you so yeah that is expression it's kind of like how the mafia
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used to say pay us for protection or we're going to destroy your shot that's kind of feels protesters chose a small butcher shop because it's a smaller target so they feel like they could have a bigger impact a smaller shop would be easier for them to extort event a big farm or a big factory if they chose mcdonald's there's a chance that mcdonald's lawyers may get involved and ultimately people are their kind of just children who are scared of consequences so they'll only do something if they feel like it's going to work out. and to be protesters have resorted to extreme measures for years to discourage people from eating animals including some pretty good wrenching stunts be prepared though even though a lot of this is fake still pretty extreme and graphic.
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a. lot more to come in the morning mosco time including a story about the french president's facing revolt over plans to finance a first lady role for his wife from the public purse coming up. welcome to right over here i've already got me right back you're back.
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with this manufactured. public well. when the ruling class is to protect themselves. in the fight. we can all middle of the room see. you. again the fate of eight missing workers in a flooded diamond mine in far east russia remains unknown still this monday as emergency crews continue their efforts rescue was last monday's to bring a monitor the service on friday bringing the total saved us to one hundred forty three.
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he'd spent nearly twenty four hours underground before being reached rescuers are now topping pipelines to try to make a sound in the hope that the trapped miners will hear it respond and try to locate them describing his ordeal. yours was good i was just started suddenly the lights went out which will usually go windy and misty out of nowhere a massive wave hit me i swallowed dirty salt water i couldn't breathe. the water was cold and dirty and up to my chest there were obstacles pipes boards and all the rubbish. i had to move with my leg badly injured and it was difficult of course but what can i do i wanted to live.
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like i was at work you know my leg was trapped the i am pipes were bending because of the water pressure i had to try and get my leg out without breaking it i got lucky. and i looked for any way to be rescued it was a phone was my only hope however all the phones were destroyed. so the rabia is seeking to end the lawsuit sic using it of involvement in the nine eleven attacks the country's being sued by the family members of thousands of those killed and more than twenty thousand businesses and insurance documents filed in a manhattan court last week say the accusers cannot though prove that riyadh or
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affiliated bodies aided the terrorists neither proper allegations nor any evidence supports conclusory assertions that saudi arabia caused the nine eleven attacks by knowingly or even recklessly aiding the terrorists who committed them. one of the lawsuits accuses saudi arabia of helping the perpetrators behind nine eleven to stay in the united states it also claims riyadh was aware of money transactions from saudi charities to al qaida and furthermore that a senior saudi official stated the same hotel as three of the hijackers the night before the attacks the ability to sue foreign governments over terrorism only became possible in the u.s. loss of term that is when congress you know honestly overruled president obama's veto with the justice against sponsors of terrorism known as just currently there are twenty five lawsuits against the saudis seeking billions of dollars in compensation the video when they were one of the victims says she's confident
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though the courts will keep up the pressure a file their dismissal on august first and now we have over second that's our deadline to respond to their dismissal and then the judge will make a determination to grant them at dismissal or to keep them in the case and we believe now with the law on our side jast that there is no way that it will be dismissed and that this lawsuit will continue and go forward after many years of public pressure last summer the u.s. government declassified twenty eight pages from the eleven commission report which details how some of the hijackers received financial support from individuals who may have links to saudi arabia terry strada believes those connections could trace back to the highest levels of riyadh's government. they still have withheld about three pages worth of information in those twenty pages that we would like to see released but what we've seen so far shows that money was going through the saudi
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arabian embassy in washington d.c. and being funneled out to california to some of the hijackers prior to the attacks well they said no high ranking officials which is which leaves the entire lower level ranking officials possibly involved in the attacks and the we do have evidence that shows that they were and the reason we need to get this into a courtroom and have it all air it is highly unlikely these lower level agents were working. without any knowledge at the higher level levels in the saudi arabian government knowing what was happening. the french president's facing a barrage of criticism over plans to create an official first lady role for his wife it's despite the money or micron having banned lawmakers from employing their spouses in france the president's wife does not have an official status in place of courtesy role according to the plan though bridget mccrum would have her own office
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the number of staff and security guards but a particular body contention is the idea of allocating a separate budget for the president spouse we talked to a french publisher a journalist who says the president's becoming an french and coping his american counterpart. mr michael s. decision could be a real big mistake the main reason for that is that he thinks as an american little signs all took and moves are piling up to prove that mr macro is more and more out of touch with reality when becoming a truism in preschool see chanting the friendship. with the head on his heart like you probably saw on american movies but this kind of religious pious attitude is complete and french explanation for this love of america is that he has been supported like french. by the way by the young leaders of the french american foundation whose aim is to strengthen the links between france and the us
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or petition against the proposals now gathered over one hundred ninety thousand signatures got tens and one hundred thousand it's going to be presented to president micron comes as the latest polls show his approval rating plummeting when he was elected he had more than sixty percent of the population onside now though after less than a hundred days in office it in office it formed a record thirty six percent is really. proposal is not surprise it was announced during his election campaign because it has become a part of his american way of thinking like thinking that the french state could be business for the less this decision could be one of the moves to he has ever taken sixty five percent of the french disapprove of this new decision his appearance is flagging only thirty six percent of french of the french are happy with this new
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leader and he will soon face a terrible winter of discontent with the unions. so far after the latest twenty fourth. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around. perforation washington washington media. the media the voters elect. to run this country business it. must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. social environment. with. chemical discoveries over the last century made
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every day life easier but at what cost this is cereal is exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. cysts as the years old industrial giants reap the benefit ignoring the caused by chemical production. you know as if these people aren't just experimental animals decades later the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of dioxin levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever found in the united states for almost thirty years this very serious problem had not actually been addressed what will that investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed. this was.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to go right to be for us this is what before three of them or can't be good. i'm interested in the waters and how. they should. make this manufacture consent to step into public wealth. when the room in closest to protect themselves. in the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. that's not doing all middle of the room sick. doing million real new.
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just. this week when the knowing of which a kid like it doesn't feel like you know say that the rules are simple and should be in full service at the moment. just to let. me just go out of the media. if i thrown the whistle somebody thought of it will be myself with thing you know let them yesterday just a little bit and he's also like you may know he is out of this but. yes i guess that i will not. live up to.
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meet us there some is asking him to throw in will do a.v.n. in the they will leave. it out just a massage how about the one aka i can. get up in up a the needle i keep in this heat out of my spot i committed only see the u.s. law school can i live in d.c. and put up with. a client there any intellectual kind enough to abide by their own i keep. you let them be like we import a lot at the nikos get into the public school in which all my heels. the. i came we know my thought in colombia. the don't get me and my tummy some eagles joy i mean there was a special on us about them which are special in us you know might see them acquitted of you this year. but i have. waited.


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