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tv   Cross Talk  RT  August 8, 2017 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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thousands of russian speaking children are stranded as old friends in iraq after their parents allegedly died fighting for terrorists. the french couple and reveals that hundreds of extremists have returned to the country to join the islamic states and many still on the loose. and police in the u.k. launch an app aimed at countering far right hate crime. that's it for me for now kevin and will be live from here. in around an hour's time don't go away.
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hello and welcome the cross were all things to consider. the war against freedom of speech continues and you guessed it again is being targeted also has russia given up on trump and will anything stop the leaks in washington. cross talking news that you need to know about i'm joined by my guest he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have victor levitt he is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dmitri he's a political analyst with sputnik international our gentlemen as usual rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime and and i. always appreciate i want to
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talk about something that's really important i don't think anybody else in the media at least on television but we know that trump begrudgingly signed the sanctions against russia north korea and iran which we'll discuss further but also part of it was in a woman called countering america's adversaries through sanctions act what is that mark what does it mean in at the table and talk with well what this hamilton sixty eight is ok so this countering americans america's adversaries they're saying is that the final version of this bill that was put forward as regionally it was meant to sink should north korea for the missile program in additional senate tacked on to it some sanctions against russia went to the house they changed it around and now it's targeting iran north korea russia. syria and defacto the european union and companies anything that does business with
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russia of this is a leading it all of it this is this is the media. so. it is another feckless sanctions bill its effects on the foreign policies of any of the countries will have no effect other than to punish the right to do something and as we saw from the effects of the years of sanctions on russia that according to the u.s. government's own assessment treated less than one percent off russia's going to media element of it i mean they're targeting this television station that you're on right now it's sputnik here essentially saying go to a bigger one to go back to and once again are saying i mean this is a century saying that foreign broadcasters do not have first amendment speech rights in this is not been tested legally here. but there is they're targeting certain media outlets and denying them freedom of speech and this is a lot to tell you ted in the chair of the. and american information is here where
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we see that the american elites are scared they're afraid that the american people are going to have access to the turning points of view so whether it's our t. whether it's sputnik whether it's cheney's. or any other in your other one who'd given up only that's what they want to keep the marble so i'm american steve and i would go back to the cold war years and. actually in the seventy's some california stations broadcast broadcasts by russian or. hosts like to push you know who's quite liberal these days and there were no problems with that but why are there problems today because they see that i would see sputnik other broadcasters actually have great audiences the especially much especially in large american city and physically are you to cuba also. especially
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interesting for american intellectual intellectual spheroid people who are from all walks of life who suddenly see they're out there our information they're getting from c.n.n. or from m.s.m. b. or a.b.c. or c.b.s. it's just it's actually it's not just junk it's that's then it's propagate that way and begin this is this is something they're scared of that people that the american people. are going to see that they're if i can speak one half of all of us they should be free well i should know all of. the money spent on what they call counter in russian propaganda was initially you know mocked for conquering the so-called islamic state so it's a part of this very strange he's afraid you know presenting the real danger as the real one and fight in a bogus threat namely russia and please note you know the sanctions are targeting.
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you're wrong and russia which is why i read that tale three completely different he . really does really going to want to talk about the problem is that now it would have to remove those sanctions you need to change that it just let me remind you that the jackson venue amendment stayed for forty years you know. and they don't have drilled any commandment was about jewish immigration a grant of soviet union you know freedom of jewish immigration jews called them a great creative since one thousand nine hundred nine but then madmen stayed for twenty five years what are you going to talk about this hamilton sixteen it's very important to give it a shot ok hamilton sixty eight is at heart it is a retread of of an online project called proper not all propaganda or not that was promoted by the washington post. that purported to track russian propaganda social on social media and
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anything that echoed rockit russian talking points which ended up attacking everything on the right or the left of the alternative media that ever criticized us foreign policy that ever anyway agreed with anything that russia at any time said was russian propaganda the washington post was forced to in a humiliating leave this bad things but the exact same be great neo con jokers beyond proper not now they were officially anonymous at that time the originators but the list was public but anyone who was following along we were going on what we were all the folks who was who was actually behind it the same people were talking clint watts from the daily beast. andrew aaron wise bird who is an arch zionist a just until a few years ago a basement troll obsessively. watching anyone who had anything positive to say
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about russia on the internet but imagining grand k.g.b. controlled spirits you really are going to go there all these pretty graphs and everybody well they're back again in a new iteration this time funded by the german marshall fund a serious atlanticist think tank and policy project it seems to me is that with this operation is i'm glad you brought up your german marshall because it sounds like a new stars the operation i mean you're tracking people on twitter we don't know they don't tell us who they're going to track i mean it's very you know this is a waste of money but it sounds very ominous well coming back to what. mark just said about the marshall fund of course it's called the german marshall fund but we all know where who founded the world where the money comes from a not that he saw german it's much more american and the purpose one of the purposes of the marshall organisation is to keep germany. racist
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if you're into washington's interests which it to us by the fact you only other things but here and that tells you who is behind those proper not and other initiatives and the american taxpayer essentially is paying two to not be able to not have access to alternative points of view so so it's almost think about it this way they make an taxpayers are paying so that they would not be able to hear that to us about the state of the country in the us and that's a that's an especially if you just sort of. you know the position of their party it's not actually it shows a mindset here i mean again you know they don't want they don't want their monopoly brokerage they want they want to make sure the party line is still here it's really amazing and i keep having have to fall back on a very authoritarian rhetoric here because this is exactly what it is you do you really do really starts to remind one of george orwell's one thousand nine hundred who are in the us in the west always you know we were. he likes to i went to when i
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went to school in one thousand nine hundred four in school and the interpretation was that it's about and so obviously about the soviet union but when you look at the west today when you look at the united states you find those qualities is much more represented in america than. in most other countries well i get scared now every time when i hear their objective more governmental because it's actually me me review what it means it is you that they take take spare mining taxpayer money they are not in any way responsible for the way they spend it and they spend it for example on what they call promotion of democracy in ukraine which and in creating and crudely a nationalist regime which starts another war in europe or you know when they say it's non-governmental and then the say it is supported by german marshall foundation and it is supposed to crack six hundred twitter accounts that analysts are identifying as users of russian propaganda they're not going to tell you who
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they were that they were going to. you know like i encourage courage all of our viewers to take a look at the website ok i mean it is it looks like it's pretty well designed but i have no idea what they're trying to say that it's going to considering the political situation in the u.s. right now where the opposition the political elites are blaming damp for some unsubstantiated relations with russia which we might be family times to either as part of that as part of that that's not just the media is the main enemy you know the main. source of russian propaganda are the past publications of the mainstream american media just it's enough to read what they ruled two months ago one year ago to see who is dead in the truth and who is lying right it may remind you of what they rolled a ball of iraq in the demeanor or effect you know create in the photos democracy in the middle east and then having the demeanor we figure all over the region but.
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there is but big things but who is down meeting up dramas foreign policy to you condoleezza rice who just recently less than a year ago that said and that is in the american media the problem should not be president he doesn't have the dignity and stage to be president and a fool so the main the main spread if you hold of russian propaganda these out of the websites or the mainstream newspapers that you should check out seconds before you go there this is a serious project now this is heavy hitters bang up a diver is that is michael mcfaul former ambassador to russia bill kristol harsh neo con. michael morello clinton surrogate and former director of the cia this is this is heavy and the or does not actually called the center for securing demarking well what i'm going to break here but you know that's just everybody feeding at the trough mark ok after a short break we'll continue our discussion on real news and stay with our.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works not the economy is built around corporation preparations from washington to washington post media the media. voters elected to run this country business because. it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before .
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so. welcome back to cross were all things we considered. discussing some very important
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news stories. you know we came we had the russian prime minister medvedev come out and really paint a very dark canvas if i can use that term of us russian relations but he more or less write to me with these sanctions who are listening and i would say to him and attempted economic war which you know. our. trade relations between russia and united states are really quite limited in meaningless now but it is for the europeans i mean. the worsening of u.s. relations will also see a worse e.u. . american relations will that make the e.u. reconsider its position well look every time a new american administration came into the white house from the beginning of the century let's start with george bush jr he came in and the
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relationship between moscow and washington there were usually moscow hopes i would see their relationship would improve from the ninety s. in fact in one of the meetings summits between putin and bush the american president said well he was able to look into putin's soul and he liked what he saw what did those two tearooms bush's two terms in the white house and with the and that with the abrogation of the ballistic missile treaty by washington. of only the national state religion it ended with the war in georgia where the georgian energy him attacked the south to sit here with a green light from from washington it would never do that without that without one you want to prove exactly and kill dozens of them and what happened next next obama comes in again there are hopes reset there he said yes and there was even misspelled and said something very different that was almost all controlled heat is
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what it said. it which is what they actually admitting it was a dream initially and so they start and it goes and with a look at the eight year obama's eight years in the white house and at the lowest. point in the russian american allegiance as the mid eighty's and then. wins in november again there are hopes in moscow hoping against hope there are the new administration will be interested in dialogue in dialogue in normalization of relations between moscow and washington now what do we see we see first of all we see every single branch of power in the u.s. from congress to the special services. to the media and others making sure taking every possible action to make sure that this administration is paralyzed their lives and cannot cannot believe in us but but i also want to point out that
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their new station so first phone call between trump and the weather stump seat to put it this was. this was january twenty eighth eight these after the inauguration he starts criticizing the start of three three two and seeing well maybe we do not want to prolong it on the february twenty eighth latest says no we cannot let me give it up for it but i have said this is a internal dynamic of american politics what i believe it's much more than. it's a double whammy. it is essential to making sure relations don't improve and to take the president down in the process yes in fact madrid if. i'm no fan of prime minister dmitry out of. it pointed out correctly pointed out that. trump has essentially had executive particularly foreign policy the primary product of the u.s. presidency usurped by him and that he was weak to sign this bill now that being
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said he was correct however many russian liberal opposition pointed out made vid of himself is hardly to one to comment about this he played it being president for six years made several disastrous mistakes when he was actually granted real power including trying to appease the west by libya by not vetoing the security council resolution that the u.s. used to destroy libya russia and china both abstained several other disastrous mistakes attempting to appease the west putin decided he needed to come back and. seemingly willingly step down and did not run again himself abrogating to another weakness and guys we. i want to talk about north korea here. one of the things. you were to go to. you tube page and there is the debate. unanimous voting no new sanctions here i would like our viewers to compare with the russian
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ambassador to say the chinese ambassador in just about everybody else russia and china did vote for a deal with the have a plan to move forward the west doesn't that's the big problem no that's the big problem and early mind over us that when we invaded was the president russia import sanctions on iran russia went along with sanctions against north korea and there were no russia is important sanctions on north korea so but. like i just said important thing is here is how a plan to move forward i mean what i saw from the u.k. from the americans is that something must be done something must be done the usual mantra they don't know what to do that's the problem here the chinese and the russians have proposed jointly jointly how to move forward on north korea and that is very important because the only two major powers i see pushing diplomacy here because that's what we need we do have voices in the united states talking about
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preventative war this is insanity well look at the way that that's going on but now he went to iraq and what happened with the ever increasing sanctions regime against iraq year after year the sanctions would be deepened that increased but why didn't with hundreds of thousands by some estimates of children and those people who was our landlord and you remember what madeline albright said once about that and where did that and it ended of course the sanctions they were bringing down a new regime but the americans finally after after years of sanctions that crippled iraq's economy that crippled iraq's infrastructure that killed hundreds of thousands of people they finally have that went in there you probably cannot do you think it's. so now we see a similar to developing towards north korea of course russia and china as nations at the border in north korea and that know full well just as they make it as a no that people young has no intentions to attack the united states it has no
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intention to attack the axis. i would also submit here these i.c.b.m. so you know mark a lot of intelligent people are saying these are intermediate range missiles that have a little extra fuel ok there is no guidance system on there there's no evidence whatsoever to have been able to minute miniaturized a warhead here i mean the language coming out of the western media the pliant liberal media and the establishment the u.s. is really frightening were net right even close to this kind of his situation and they claim that russia has some serious doubts on this range of this warhead of this missile its ability to deliver a warhead in its ability to withstand re entry they're most likely years away from from anything resembling a real i.c.b.m. but you know we've been here before we hear tony blair talking about forty minutes thank you for it and that's where we are but russia and china have both made i
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think a terrible mistake and agreeing to these sanctions now russia and china both recognize that north korea is being needlessly provocative here but they also recognize that they have a very good reason for wanting a strategic deterrent with the united states massing in conducting constant war games on north korea's borders we have did that down this path before with iraq and the u.s. use sanctions against iran to punish them for years russia is now being sanctioned for the third time the united states has in iraq you know this because the least of these sanctions is china and russia iran north korea's borders they have to be very very careful they're just going to have one peaceful solution to the north korean crisis superiors to. stop provocative exercises constantly hold on north korea's border anybody that you know does my south african sign of cease second and yes nuclear program i mean not really right sure if i write security there and here
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is provide official security guarantees by the united states by south korea that there will be no attack against north korea and so it will us will never do that of course all of the over the world never say never the us everything you know and there's nothing like it's going to make sure you watch this program because you've said exactly what i've said numerous times but the through it point is that the north korea already had an agreement with its nuclear program in the ninety's and who did what and who worked that way it was the bush jr administration that walked away and of course the clear answer walked away from it and that's when that's when the north koreans e started their program so what is the solution the key to the key is to talk the keystone hugo ship in the key is to sign a new agreement on their own list but it's been three conditions that is not what the american expansionist power elite is looking for in this case i mean a debugger yes i just wanted to say that when victor says there is a negative trajectory you know always at the beginning of the american president is
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connected with them and with only a much closer because not only russia but i think we have an idea of what you call potent here we have the united states which wants to expand its influence we have russia we call for goodwill and president made video when he was president he was the main like of this said to do it in russia and they said to do it simply fails because and that's why i made available so that's why if you use this language a full fledged trade war against russia because the last call for a compromise are vanishing you know now that the united states is probably going to leave our s.m.d. treaty you know there is a value but i just imagine the in the congress and introduce there's no it's there's no initiative given to russia to want to have that we know that it's nearly to right now to discuss shutting the top. right now we are really in the beginning when you call the war whether it whether those on both sides want to see it or not and they make it more frequently called rushing adversity than not we are really in the beginning of a new cold war unfortunately we've been in beginning
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a new cold war since two thousand and eight. as we're doing the prehistory of the. little. mystic about that safe period of cold war started in one thousand sixty two after that q but me so crisis we're not here to do or here we go we're getting really academic here because we're all smart guys here guys i have to point out something to you and to our viewers here you can see this tie that i'm wearing right now this is my big cation tie cross-talk the team process like we're going on vacation we will be back on the fourth of september and during that time reruns including this program will be run during the course september i want to thank all of you for being my guests during the season of cross not particularly bullhorns and we'll see you and our viewers on september fourth.
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the reality of charlatans on wall street and around the world that are pushing on the investment public securities that are not going to last and it will cause a rift. but it's enabled by the same. banks thank you. so the cost of fraud is always going down. we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but noone
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forced signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam will polystyrene these batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between berm pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from exposure from the berm pits would read literally send a v.a. broke and they don't want to pay it so the way to the decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay and. call for help and get the middle finger to the movies tomorrow or the slow. delayed and i hope you die.
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this ink when the knowing which of a kid. but you know. with the impulse i visit with the me. just to let. me just go out of the media. if i thrown. it will be myself with thing you know let me. just a little bit of this out of. that i will never. meet us doesn't mean that those who will do. that though.


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