tv Boom Bust RT August 8, 2017 5:29am-6:01am EDT
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selves in the. deep end serious results could bring for joy. a place in. war but unfortunately even the people didn't understand with a member celebration of the week to and i would like to say that right now some people enjoy don't understand reality. as they are living under an illusion but i see. these six years war situation concerning territorial integrity and situation concerning called picture solution. worse than the worst and very much disappointed that the. dignity used for solving their problems just. politicians they are closing the reality of the problems unfortunately i would like to mention. this tragic to
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selves and bring so serious problems. we can't just. create a better possibility for joy i would use the georgian media provides for and balanced coverage of those events no absolutely not of course leadbetter more. clear they need to was during a truly international movement. nevertheless i didn't see released investigations to generally speaking with a geisha an immediate or even some test to show all the pictures from different sides. for example and i mentioned. the. problem was that the. war. it was the person who is most responsible in
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these tragic events i was the clear. treat all by media and media representatives and even right now despite openness to gay shit in a film made by a european union peace prize levinas the collaboration this party talks of the things that everybody knows what really happened. to say they begin the war the. verdict uncomfortable enjoy it nobody wants to. press in time to save. western media do you think their coverage provides a balanced view on the events of two thousand and eight do viewers in the west have a more. you know view of what's going on you know because the main problem here is the. another side is a russia for the ration and right now. everywhere in the world to
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blame. everything what russia made and what russia didn't make and make the so of course. unfortunately unfortunately despite. provocative actions from their side many times russia use the. russian intervention had to place into cells and. russian military bases to break enjoy themselves or. even steal. a so-called but there is station process. in. georgia which is very painful but nevertheless nobody wants to show pictures from two different sides what was the fall of georgian leadership and what the russian made and how russia used. tapes made from outside of a. of course. very comfortable for
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a western politicians and for western media to be used. to show. only negative. light. reports by a swiss diplomat. she says the president president mikheil saakashvili started the conflict used against civilians forbidden weapons including cluster munitions during his bombing of the inquiry why hasn't he been prosecuted you know i think it was a political decision for a georgian government and not only of georgian government but from the side of some forces in the west especially in the united states who supported maybe. actions into cells and the and even more sometimes i have
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a feeling that despite of official position of the united states officials there were some very strong forces may be just trying to force. to begin the some war in two thousand and eight you remember that it was the pre-election period in the united states and it was a very useful for some. aggressive forces in the u.s. to use a gives to russian. t.v. . from another side of course i had the feeling and i had the big hole in two thousand and twelve when georgian dream came in. to the problem where they'd say well you know it's. not only two thousand and eight. of president bush really and his team and they will prosecute him but it could be here it might be a very serious step. even for solution of relations between georgia and center says
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she and. i saw that nobody wants a restoration of justice nobody wants to hold hands the files of which will show what it was doing during his presidency in the reality maybe some kind of pressure from. united states yes it was some pressure but i am sure that having it really mr geisha having this serious investigation. what might it give us a possibility even poor george and dream to show ever think to the west the west and representative center say that you should not take this a person who is doing things like a. circus read his potential return he is now being his ukrainian citizenship. do you think what you think rather caused. from
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greece and church or short period of time by the way he is really uncomfortable for the leaders in ukraine because the country is really corrupted countries are really in trouble. in the position and being in a position of course. quite strong so i think that he created some kind of structure for today's ukrainian leadership or maybe to receive some kind of instructions because sure the key is a part. part of some kind of program. should be done in ukraine so he is continuing everything the same what he was doing in georgia and of course a good could be used. for the problems aside because they didn't want to. use ukraine to russian.
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the world political game immediately when southwest really. lost the citizenship of ukraine he was in ca and then and b.b.c. and international media. all these interviews the people begin from the words the biggest fighter and gave begins the biggest fight against russia do you think this is. the time of the war to shift the responsibility for what. you know nobody nobody is sure there is possibility. after august thirtieth cells and date because it was a general said nobody's responsible and no but the just. paid a price for just. beginning war nobody paid a price that people were. on time nobody paid a price is. already for example depart for joy was. the government took
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force lisa left without even one. shooting and so on and so there was no investigation. but the responding for what was and from the side of georgian politically. the georgian dream when they came to the top of her relations with russia i. think. it's nothing serious yes the rest. just. agree culture products but this is not important what is important to have real serious political dialogue this is very important if you remember president putin suggested three times the specs he's ready to meet my level georgian officials president hope. mr and i'm so was absolutely tragic i'm so from the side the
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president was i will ask my western colleagues and then i decide to me to put in or not this is a tragedy for the tree this is this means that in georgia it is losing its independence if your president your prime minister asking. for us and the city of. how can we speak about some serious dialogue between this country . i can really enjoy dreams as a last let's say five golden years for solving the many problems which exist in front of the door in front of my country and. really lose this possibility to speak. russian president they didn't use that you know two years of georgia that have independently been building their own states their own nations for the past nine years arguably much longer how do you begin to fix
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the situation how do you begin to deescalate and as you say unify you know first of all i would like to stress it very seriously as a georgian and georgian us a chance we have a centuries of. history of friendship and. i'm sure that this century. but what is very important important ease that we should not forget that pain right now which exists after the strike. or said. this pain is very strong but the we have to begin to speak with these people we have to rebuild that these bridges which existed during many centuries and which we have to ensure that as. being part of united. will be
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much more safer and more comfortable for them and then to be. separated from the rest and part of georgia and these people should have absolutely one hundred percent insurance that nobody in the future will repeat the same. deed poll what happened between ninety's this is very important of course i am not naive and i understand that it will be quite difficult they just need a lot of time but i'm sure that if you will from one side it will begin a direct dialogue. and from another side will find this solution in our relations with russia this could be possible but the problem is just the georgian government is losing time and the time is not working. for georgia. the situation when we are not to use things the possibility to.
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create more and more problems on the way of unification and this is the problem. social environment. right. chemical discoveries over the last century made every day life easier but at what cost this is cereal is exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. says sister years old industrial giants reap the benefit ignoring the caused by chemical production. you know as if
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these people aren't people just experimental animals decades later the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of dioxin levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever found in the united states for almost thirty years this very serious problem had not actually been addressed what will that investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed. to specific. fears will people have been saying about rejected in the us is it just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know is that really packed a punch. yeah it's the john oliver of our three americas doing the same we are apparently better than two thousand and six and see people you never heard of love
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redacted tonight was the president of the world bank though they didn't. we're ok. is there any chance possibility the georgia would recognize a prize here and south of said your sovereign state. will never recognize. an independent state is thinking if any georgian politician will do this. he will leave that of peace very very soon because despite of problems despite of the difficulties which exist in georgia and society despite of the fed sometimes there are just. positions when people are relieved
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because of for difficult social if they cannot make life if you will look very deeply you will see is that for every joy for everybody a positive house a state here and unification of the country is very important well just before. you resigned for temporarily you put your political career. exactly just before the conflict broke out why is that you know because a you know i i saw that really is driving the country in wrong direction after our crisis in two thousand and seven and the second election itself. promise to me that he will change his policy he will change his internal and international policy that he will respect democratic values much more has them here because he was just relating to the verdict seriously in the country the promise to me is that he will change his position the ways of russia and the ways that conflict regions and he
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will begin the negotiation process but i remember quite well be able to solves. and eight when we were very near to as they were in applies the. country doing to people around here. just were doing and. idolizes they were giving to. these i saw that unfortunately i will have no any kind of mechanisms to every very serious problems for the country in the future and of course i said. either you are destined to doing what you promised or i will leave because i don't want to be a part of the process process which is reading my country in absolutely wrong direction and. very serious problems because of why i decided to leave will eventually do came back when you founded the democratic movement united georgia.
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what move the to do to come back only war only war because before war i had a very strong decision made for myself at least a few years i will not. i will continue to be. somehow for political life or for georgia and i will try and just i wanted to see what is going to lead it from the side to understand the situation may be more just. from the side but what had happened what happened into cells and they tend to specially when i saw the reaction of course celebrating so-called week to reenter selves and when i saw absolutely reaction from the side of the political forces unfortunately from the side of a big part of society i am this to this that i have no right on the side i have obligation in front of my people and then in front of the even in front of
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these people who don't understand they send blaming to me as a trade. i have an obligation in front of future generations to do something to change the situation and to survive said during the last elections you didn't get any seats your party didn't get in sheets well. united national movement almost a third of the seats in parliament why is that the ideas in the beliefs of. his party still popular. in some parts of the population unfortunately yes because during the nine years when south australia was there in the poll he was able to use the media and using good t.v. . somehow. changed the people's mind in views and it was a very serious propaganda during this period but he has
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a maximum of fifteen percent of support of the much more more than twenty percent and begin this is because of two reasons one was that reason to give any money surely use this and his forces as the main opposition force and the second was of course very serious process of my mutilation of elections. picking a place it's quite easy to see. a conclusion or deal with. elections where there just mentioned verdict clearly it's accounting process forces what's bad all very well. recognisable politicians in georgia the presidential elections just around the corner in fact the taxi drove the big board here from the airport you said you would have voted for you you know a very very big firm you blood and running you know first of all yes i am planning
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to. planning to. run for presidential elections but again you need to depend. what georgian team will do because they're just changing the legislation they wanted to change legislation enjoyed to make georgia absolutely parliamentary republic they wanted to elect the next president of joy. directly elections they wanted to eleven georgian president of the parliament which of course means that somebody will put just any person. and just bring him in presidential presidential palace and this somebody will be busy they were initially fasting will be changed. position will be strong enough. to allow the georgian dream to make such kind of constitutional changes because it means that georgia will. just state anymore it will be some kind of
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company which will. eventually. ruling and this is absolutely not except in any case at the ready and will continue on my applied for. a life that there will be presidential elections i will participate in this elections that will be next parliamentary elections and we will participate again because despite a very serious shock let's say after parliamentary elections he was only one political party in georgia. positional political parties who. keeps the you need. the parliamentary elections results have been ours we continue our fight for justice we continue. to protect. unfortunately and the justice system of justice enjoyed.
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justice is that it was impose. would you change what school programs we've heard about your foreign policy what about your domestic program which would you offer the georgian people you know first to fall of course the foreign policies verde serious priority for me and the first one will do you will try to have a. president put in to begin very serious negotiation i read negotiation. and of course one of the first test will be begin. to meet representatives of. the state does that mean that will recognise them or is there is an independent state but will find. begin a negotiation process between me and between them and sending domestic
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policy of course many things have been should be changed first of all sure absolutely sure the bed was a development of the country it's important to ration of justice process of restoration of justice why not because you know i am angry. or somebody else and i want to punish them because for them ocracy it's very important. as a country the rule of law really exists and the rule of law means that if the president was guilty he should be punished just the ordinary citizen was guilty and should be punished and everybody should be equal in front. of the law and even once and forever in georgia will created the situation when you know as a president toys this picture of the problem and it should not do wrongs things as are wise. to model as
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a day after tomorrow it will change joy absolutely falling into heaven. and results on the corruption it will have serious results on many different. fields. and of course one of the biggest priority will be. economy can social situation in that country i want to see georgia as a social country which will give the protection elementary protection to his own citizens and we need to be and we don't want to be dependent really from the west and how we need to have a serious improvement to put chronic situation and investment climate in georgia and we want to really strengthen georgia and economy joy are going to call just sector and to give to the people are more possibilities to work because that level of unemployment enjoy here it's really very high is there and that shows the.
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independent rule in the international arena. my position is i'm sending me and my party consenting to ga ga should not be western and georgia should not be pro russian georgia should be proud georgia this is simple it's. for this it's very important first of all to think about your old national interests you know when we are speaking is it possible for small georgia to play independent role and know that. in twenty first century no but these independent one hundred percent everything in globalisation process so linked with each other and you could you can't be independent one hundred percent but you can be independent in these frames which is necessary for survival territorial integrity and democratic process in georgia i think the biggest mistake of georgian
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politician is that georgia decided to. the ice thing because a strong gust of united states said maybe some nato countries this was a very encouraging serious mistake when you are in the case joe but of course intuition of where we are you should not forget that you have a concern or so huge the purple or which has heard of serious interest and i think that even georgia will. respect and will try to take into account russia's. legally interests i want to stress this word legally interests in this case it will be much more easy to play really independent strolled by the notes to the role of the western or may be more correct to say pro american and not to be pro russian be pro-choice.
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this happen to you watch kaiser report. to forgive him but he said he opened up a basic belief in the. house he will never be useful so we're talking to the school. ok let's. get it why don't we get it started oh please. and that a lot of what i think about come out i skid but i'm about the same as art but i was up the money into the magazine by going to play a little long oh i left my money on. just say so you'll be the school they're all right so this is a long time a little longer for much of you made by. other people more adult films of all those on the go. it does look like that.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry you could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite
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different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. the legal battles not over for a massacre in iraq at decade ago as of course throws out convictions against gods for the notorious us military contract a blackboard. coming up to this news bulletin dozens of russian speaking children are found stranded in the orphanage in a rock from their parents allegedly dog fighting the terrorists we have their stories their. sister early the wiser. i need them do i am sure. you should love kids and fresh reports of voting irregularities in the us suspicions have been swiftly aimed at russia but this one .
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