tv Watching the Hawks RT August 8, 2017 9:29pm-10:01pm EDT
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feeling started to change you talked about more like it was a cave still some marshawn to view those that didn't like to question our archives and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with this one different speech because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big body corporate interest test rode out a lot of boys that's how we use them a new culture in this country now that's where i come in. i'm a troll i don't argue america i'll make sure you don't get railroad you'll get the
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straight talk in the great. courtroom or. there's a real irony going. to show that i don't play up the things that a responsible boys need people and there is always well that's what the father was always saying then something was going to be a little more area now wholesale surveillance you feel you have already been well as you mentioned two sides in the past and trump has used the social media site while israel is our lead story cause it's garbage in real genuine. the. greetings and sell you taishan. on a long enough timeline everything's life expectancy drops to zero including russian election meddling conspiracy theories. and time has not been kind of the purveyors
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of this new cold war fear mongering you see for those of us paying attention and reading between the corporate news headlines this summer has seen too many significant revelent tory blocks pulled from there now teetering russians are coming coming game of jenga to still believe that it was russian hacking and wikis leaking that cost hillary clinton her coronation last november one significant block was the incredible discovery by the veteran intelligence professionals for sanity that goose of her two point zero was not at all what he she it appeared to be and that those particular hacks weren't hacks but files downloaded to a flash drive in the eastern time zone. and now yet another block has just been shimmied out after crunching the election numbers a new study now attributes donald trump's win last year not to russian hackers or a horde of single white males steve bannon clones but to those hardest hit by
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america's militaristic neo liberal foreign policy of endless war the communities with the highest rates of military casualties the report titled battlefield casualties in ballot box defeat did the bush obama wars cost clinton the white house was authored by douglas criner a political scientist at boston university in france's shen a law professor at the university of minnesota and they filed a significant and meaningful relationship between a community's rate of military sacrifice and its support for trump you know i wonder if the rachel maddow is lindsey graham's or billy crystal bill kristol will take the time out of their busy busy busy busy days blaming russia to read this report or will they continue marching and cheer leading us into war with north korea russia or maybe at the end of the day even ourselves. while they do that let's start watching the hawks. to. get the.
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real deal with. the bottom. like you know i got. this. week so. welcome aboard to watch in the harks i am tired robe and dirt and i'm top of the lot like. oh you you know i said it's the entire all the reasons they've given us as to why trump won you know all the excuses that they've made for hillary's pour her ability in the elections and losing the donald is this teetering blocks of you know it's like jungle you know you keep pulling these blocks out eventually it's going to crumble i'm seeing it crumble yet this new report you know i really when you look at it really makes sense to me and when you
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look at the numbers that they present it's hard to deny them at the end of the day because they compared trump's numbers the romneys in places like pennsylvania matter you know wisconsin and found that there's numbers were better with families directly affected by our analyst war cycle this country well i just don't understand why that's surprising to anyone but this does explain why you saw the democratic party so obsessed with data missed something so huge why were they ignoring these states why were they in north norrington you know with a michigan with the wisconsin and pennsylvania is why were they not on track with what was going on there and that was part of it they just didn't put the effort and it's it's so much easier in narratives to say well it's just a bunch of poor undereducated white voters well there's a reason. airport there is a reason they're on educated and it's the same people who are pushing them into the
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only chance they have is to go fight in a war and they're going to make your home the the authors of the report actually say in the report that our statistical model suggests that if three key if three states q-tip tribes victory will be a new michigan wisconsin had suffered even modestly lower casualty rates all three could have flipped from red to blue and so it would cling to the white house again it's hard when they see when someone sees their child come home you know dead or with p.t.s.d. or whatever they're going to look at the people who sent their child into danger and more and more came out about how b.s. the iraq war was and knowing that point and voted for it that's tomorrow knowing that we were going into iraq with bills so there is an understanding a branding sense is that the clintons are for war and that's how they kind of works out and also point out that the very little post-election analysis even looked at so even after this happened they didn't even look at it and they ponder this over
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say it made a lot clause a bully be due to the fact that most americans elites in the chattering classes have not at least in recent years spent directly affected by ongoing conflicts and this is a problem that happens daily and you have people who are in the top you know ten twenty percent one percent point was are there one percent they don't have it doesn't affect them the war doesn't affect them because of their family and others go out because they started seeing kids from good families come on the body bags you saw kids good kids at a good college white kids getting shot down that's when they realize when it connects and one of the kind of unanswered questions though in this report is you have to read through the troubles in exactly a on the campaign trail you would know if there's a civil cause i mean very specifically so i want to go after isis i want to bomb them their families it was very hawkish in that sense but at the same time he also . so was you know he also said you know with rogers not a bad idea he also said you know i want to beef up the military i want to fix the
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better it was you know if there's you know problems we have in this country so you know you could see kind of that back and forth that they had where they're saying like well look we know that hillary's going to give us more of this and you know the neo liberal cause you know endless war and that's where our paychecks go to pay for but at least i think a lot of what they found in the report too is a lot of these people voted not because they felt would be a good leader militarily but because it's kind of like dropping a hand grenade on washington you know trump was a protest vote we're going to sudden this guy and they're for abusing us right you know over the years we're just assuming that will take part in whatever military adventure you want to send us or try to convince us is just right and when you look at the numbers between two thousand and one and twenty seven the two thousand and sixteen election was made like october of two thousand and one and the november election over seven thousand american service people lost their lives that's just lost their lives were seven thousand then you added everybody was coming home that
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we talked about in the show because of the new waves of war you have people coming in with a lot more lost limbs a lot more p.t.s.d. and they're coming home to politicians who said they were going to help them who said they were for the vets and now they're seeing that not happen they're watching their children so there's a lot you have to deliver don't nothing deliver on it that this is an interventionist you know this kind of like look we don't want to be involved in all of these conflicts we don't want to start new conflicts and going to come back and potentially buy trump if he keeps pushing for war and it's actually like oh we will escalate here maybe we're going to go after north korea now and like all of the you know that's that those people don't want to see their families destroyed they know at the end of the day. has been ousted from the oil rich province and yemen government forces fighting alongside american the amorality screwups have secured a key natural gas port despite the victory the unrest in yemen. it's far from over r t's but she just sent us has the story. u.s. troops in yemen have assisted elite government forces alongside amorality troops in
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the joint fight against al qaeda in the arabian peninsula a q a p is widely considered the terrorist networks the most dangerous faction the campaign marks the largest military offensive against the extremists in over a year in two thousand and sixteen the group claimed the southern city of mccollough its defacto capital where it's been operating ever since under president trump u.s. military involvement in the war torn country has increased a botched raid in january left at least twenty civilians and one navy seal dead since then u.s. central command has completed an average of one airstrike in the area per day while the u.s. intensifies its fight against terrorists its allies continue waging a parallel war against who the rebels in the north this week the united nations has reported at least twelve civilian deaths from saudi airstrikes in saga the united nations spokesperson quoting the organizations in yemen korda nater said this that you would sit it's which are being investigated by the un human rights officer or
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an example of the brutality with which the conflict is being conducted i think that all parties to the contrary continue to show the disregard for the protection of civilians and the principle principle of distinction between civilians and combatants the conduction of military activities the united nations is now urging all parties of the conflict to follow international humanitarian law back in march president trump authorized the deployment of u.s. troops to designated battlefields in yemen for six month periods doing so without congressional oversight or permission of the war is far from over yemeni government forces say the latest operation is a success it will no longer have access to key oil and gas facilities in shaba. while joining us here this is our team's percy's and to thank you for joining us thing. having me i'm so interesting report it kind of dog kills right in with what
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we were talking about was trying to pull back u.s. involvement in places overseas. you know everything's got a pretty volatile quite a well we got to stop. given what is his role. or what have you followed in your research you know i was a civil war. so al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is obviously the islamist militant group and they are mainly focusing on yemen and saudi arabia now these two regional offshoots first came together in two thousand and nine but since the civil war began in two thousand and eleven they have really spread in the southern part of the country due to all of the infighting taking place in the north so there's a vacuum in the south they've completely taken over that area that's where this fight is going on and of course all of the fighting in the north is between the who the rebels who are backing the former ousted president ali abdullah saleh who was ousted in two thousand and eleven and they are fighting against the saudi led coalition including the americans who are backing the internationally recognized
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president. dr rob. now he his term ended legally in twenty fifteen but the international community is still supporting him so that's really what this war is that's what they're trying to reinstate him to power and as i said in my report the cia considers to be the worst branch of al qaeda and fact they've taken responsibility for attacks like the two thousand and fifteen charlie hebdo attack and also for the two thousand u.s.s. cole bombing so they're spreading all over the south and all of that suffering and chaos really provides the ideal breeding ground for more terror terrorism to spread in fact isis is now present in yemen as well and just because a.q. a.p. has been defeated from this one area it does not mean that they are completely out of yemen in fact they're still being battles throughout other areas in the south so . how many u.s. troops are actually on the ground in yemen right now and where will they
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go from here so right now the u.s. says that they have an unspecified small amount of ground forces and these ground forces are there also being supported by u.s. warplanes they're really providing things like surveillance aerial refueling air support and of course the navy is also there with about two thousand marines nearby and we really need to remember as you were talking about it's really u.s. foreign policy that has actually led to the spread of al qaeda just like it has in other places where you know terrorism has spread especially in iraq for example by ramping up all of the violence and the indiscriminate bombings by the saudis against innocent yemeni civilians were really the united states is really allowing it to spread no because everyone is going to you know everyone has their role destroyed is going to look to the organizational going to fly in for not only protection and also right there all those old tree that comes with it how did you
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want to get the people that bombed your house or joined us you know it's very easy to make those tartars when you're called to the war and there's no more talk about a lot of yeah i knew you had to manage terry in crisis and i'm really glad you guys are highlighting on this or this on your show because i think it's a very underreported war and american citizens aren't even aware of the fact that it's their tax dollars that are really supporting this completely useless war where there really doesn't seem to be any end in sight and it doesn't seem like they're even accomplishing anything the saudis have not been able to reinstall heidi to power and i'm not sure that they're going to especially not by conducting more air bombing what they really need is a political solution to this but i don't know what the status of that is going to be especially an interesting story of the story but there's so much we're going to hear things are going on. all right as we go to court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are dot com coming up. we put on the hip waders and venture into big political sludge and controversy surrounding national security advisor h.r.
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mcmasters recent round of handing out pink slips with the daily callers joel bennett stay true to watching the film. called the future we don't need. everyone in the world should experience lead and you'll get the old. the old according to gesture. the modern world come along. our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that. fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become the most deluded society on politics as
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a species of endless and needless political theater politicians more than just celebrity are two ruling parties are in reality one party to corporate and those who attempt to puncture this. breathless universe of fake news to sign the push through the cruelty and exploitation of the neo liberal who are pushed so far to the margins of society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche. we must. in the current administration it is common to see senior officials alternately fall
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in and out of presidential favor as well as come under blistering media attacks from all sides such was the fate of former national security advisor michael flynn than it was the intense turf war between top aides ben and jerry kushner the attacks by the president himself on his attorney general jeff sessions and most recently the staff shake up that claim sean spicer rants priebus and anthony scare me but unlike many in the past the latest personal feud starring flynn successor general h.r. mcmaster seems both serious and consequential when it comes to our national security and foreign policy joining us now to discuss it further is jonah bennett senior reporter at the daily caller welcome jonah thanks for having me on the show so help i know this is the we're all very confusing sort of but i want to kick off with just kind of looking up the stakes of this you know the battle between h.r. mcmaster was basically sparked by his removal of several officials who were kind of aligned with his predecessor michael flynn that's right and senior strategist but
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aside from that kind of turf war aspect that we're seeing going to play out in the in the headlines and all of the what real effects of these moves have on you know u.s. citizens and our foreign policy you know are these kind of patronage jobs for bureaucrats or do these people he's putting in place actually you know control the flow of information that would save the president or you know take part of the decision making processes that could affect the american people well the job of the national security adviser is to basically conglomerate all of the information from the different desks at the n.s.c. and in this case when they keep replacing trump figures. who support trumps foreign policy as has discussed in some of his campaign statements it makes it more likely that trump is going to hear advice that we should be pushing forward. troop surge in afghanistan or. being more aggressive in syria as well so i think
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if the mcmaster camp solidifies control then then we would see more business as usual in terms of how the u.s. has conducted foreign policy under the obama administration that is why i asked now this is something that you know when i look at it like ok new guard comes in swapping out people yes you know it seems like an obvious thing to do but is he taking this too far in his kind of swapping out of i mean because when you figure if a guy comes you're going to kind of pick certain people that you want to work with as opposed to the last. you know what makes this so bizarre that it's like ok we need to why pay attention to why. since flynn was removed to mcmaster has been slowly building up a crusade against various figures more aligned with the trump and bannon faction as i said in my story i talked to two former n.s.c. officials and they were absolutely incensed. at some of their colleagues being fired for for what they viewed as as illegitimate reasons not directly related to
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their job performance but more about ideological difference about about the way the country's foreign policy should should move well that's a really big issue because when you're talking about you mention it in a recent article that you'd spoken to a former official who said that mick mcmaster opposes opposes the president every day i mean syria afghanistan china iran i mean name it the he pretty much thinks the opposite what i wonder is it whatever side of the aisle you're on is this feasible in the long term to have that kind of dissonance right within the white house is there some helpfulness to have a is there something helpful to having that dissonance or is this just going to make it impossible to get anything done in the last week there's been a huge flurry of articles on on this issue since kelly moved into the white house i think we're going to see a bit of a cease fire. basically from from my understanding what i can see kelly kelly moved
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in spoke with mcmaster about the purges and convinced trump then to send a statement to the new york times expressing full faith and confidence in master so i think by and large the major purges are over the n.s.c. officials i spoke with before the statement went to the new york times were very concerned that in the next two weeks everyone was going to be gone like there was going to be a full scale clear out of pretty much absolutely everyone left who was still loyal to trump's foreign policy but i think we've we were going to see a ceasefire in the media couple weeks so it's twenty seventeen and you know as we're talking about earlier in the show the appears to be no story of the camp for some reason or another have ties to russia but were always an attempt to make it tied to russia former n.s.a. analyst an observer columnist. wrote recently that there mcmaster is hated by the far right for firing pro moscow extremists and that moscow's hand is easily detectable behind this vicious online you know kind of campaign against him that
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we're seeing now. while clinton aligned media matters yesterday promoted kind of the you know there's this interesting study it had claiming that russia when blocks are also promoting the ouster of you know and as you know national security by the mcmaster so as someone who's studied the story quite extensively can you tell us is this all one giant secret russian operation to remove mcmaster so it's a what i would think that i mean there there could be some russia bots retreating things but that's not what's true what's primarily driving this disagreement this disagreement. is coming from you know various figures on the right. in the american context and also it speaks to trump's base who they i mean they didn't vote for trump so that they could increase their involvement in. in foreign wars and so when they see this kind of drama play out on the and see they want to know who's
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responsible they want to know who's clear and people aligned with tribes foreign policy vision and they're really really upset when campaign promises are broken is the image of logical sense and when you have a guard who clearly has a different ideology than the president put people with my ideology close to me here and you're going to that's where you're going to see this battle to. you know what's upsetting i think to a lot of people and what becomes so confusing and makes it such an emotional thing for people that it becomes that way is that so many people are cheering on this clash that's happening in the mainstream media whether it's the left or the right there's a certain amount of you know the left is so excited to see any any of this stuff happening for political reasons a senior editor at the new republic had recently wrote that the growing clout of generals kelly mcmaster and madison is preferable to the president meeting and the incumbent president say. whatever you think of the president wherever you land on
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the spectrum. doesn't that sound an awful lot like the u.s. like we're talking about major media outlets encouraging something that is deeply deeply undemocratic isn't at some point doesn't this go beyond just you know the left doesn't like as everybody wanted clinton their rights not happy with either getting isn't that deeply undemocratic to be cheering on the idea of the deep state and everybody else sort of and bots getting. yeah i mean there's no doubt that's just me there's no doubt that there's a major clash in the n.s.c. and in fact that is basically what's responsible at this point for delaying the afghanistan strategy it was supposed to be rolled out mid july it hasn't been rolled out trump's not happy with the options and actually this disagreement the central disagreement is kind of revealing some of the inherent contradictions in trump's foreign policy because on the one hand you have some of the pro israel faction which entails some level of involvement in the middle east then you have the people who want to basically obliterate isis which is pretty commonly embraced
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and then you have the people who want slightly more friendly relations with russia because things have been pretty frosty lately but then you also have the people who are interested in say. extracting minerals from afghanistan or trump himself who said that we should have just taken the oil when we're in. iraq so you have a bit of a strange kind of like it's not neoconservatism and it's not isolationism and this kind of like synthesis hasn't been properly expressed coherently by really anyone so i think that's why you're seeing a lot of the weird play going on in the n.s.c. that's interesting this interesting. how dangerous it is you know you said earlier that you know what there's a lot of people making decisions that ultimately are political in nature as opposed to strategic in nature as approach is true you know what's best for the country or things like that maybe they think it is but ultimately it's still
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a political choice how dangerous is this kind of putting politics over you know making making the political side of things the priority well it's funny you mention that i got in touch with a former national security official during the george bush administration george w. bush administration and he emphasized to me. just how much things have been politicized even since that administration two administrations ago he was an entirely. at the who spoke to me and emphasized the level of disagreement between mcmaster and tropics according to this bush official that really shouldn't be happening at all i mean mcmaster should be subordinating his policy preferences in favor of tribes agenda. and i think we're also seeing this in some of the obama administration holdovers too i mean the truck people want to aggressively forward their their vision and the obama administration holdovers are leaking like crazy. to make sure things stay business as usual you always expect
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a little bit in the hope there be a little bit of argument you don't want dressed wasn't all g. moving through white house or if they were moving the country when there are just certain amount of hypocrisy and i have this conversation because that hypocrisy is that you know i was one of the people who screamed about it without when it happened to obama even when i disagreed with him on things i said that's not right to be is doing that and even we looked back at it with bush after nine eleven it was this idea of you don't tell someone they you want to fail you want them to fail this or that's kind of un-american. got to drive a bit thank you so much they do we work over the do we call or look for new books and sounds great. nasa and its partners have a squadron of vigilant sun observing satellites that are always keeping one eye on that sphere of hot plasma we rely on to survive on july fifth nasa living with a star program in the solar dynamics observatory watch star lady some putting on an unexpected and beautiful show which is odd since right now the sun is moving into
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an eleven year period of lower activity following the upcoming solar eclipse the region which nasa scientists nicknamed a r twelve six six five didn't just spit out a bit of plasma though she made a truly scientific spectacle of herself creating multiple solar flares one solar energetic particle event and even a coral mass ejection which shoots out of the solar material. and energy out into space and if you're wondering what happens to those well it'll spits of solar magic and what they do for us here on earth aside from messed up our cell phones and g.p.s. sometimes they also send those massive clouds of solar materials into space which meet up with a lecture magic store at the electromagnetic storms the push the mean mean three million miles to earth where they stream into the poles and give a roar like the northern alliance the ability to actually sparkle so our show for you to remember everyone in this world we are not told we love the love so it's
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always wall i love you i am tired and on top of the watching those hawks are great but everybody. would hope to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be present. for some want to. have to going to be this is what the three of the people. interested in the waters. there should be. i'm john harshman and i'll give you what the mainstream media chants the big
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picture will go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. welcome to on contact today we discuss the collapse of the american traditional system with legal scholar dr khan of the system. in the fact says the only way you can retain even a semblance of freedom is to walk around with the rest of your life with a criminal record and that's called freedom. with chris hedges our courts and law schools have become wholly owned subsidiaries of the corporate state they have abandoned the guiding principles of justice the judiciary and legal profession serve the needs of the one percent not the ninety nine percent the rule of law has been inverted it does not.
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