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tv   Boom Bust  RT  August 9, 2017 1:29pm-2:01pm EDT

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the interview with russian lawyer natalia vessel needs sky starts in a few moments here on r t stay with us. here's what people have been saying about rejected in. the long. view only show i go out of my way to lunch you know what it's really packed a punch in the john oliver of party americans do the same we are apparently better than the blue. sea or heard of. the night president of the world bank he. sent us an e-mail. as you know might by going to what we saw in those.
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oh. you're so your hideaway lost his boss because. we were so you know. anybody. but the pressure on us. so i was you know i was you know. you know just i mean what i'm already but it was. i mean. if it up as well i must say i mean i just don't get it i'm getting letters but those were the oh. my god and we could have credible by just but that's already yes if he thought of getting up there calling you seem to mean.
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when former special counsel robert mueller is reportedly using a grand jury to investigate the alleged russian meddling in the us elections it is claimed that the grand jury will begin its work by questioning those present at your meeting with donald trump julia what do you think about such a possibility let's not so long delia impaneling a grand jury in the us is not a news worthy event at all. there is nothing sensational about it though it is a common practice used to investigate cases by the f.b.i. and the attorney general. but we all saw how the story respond it was reported as an alleged leak throwing in some intrigue on whether it has been convened or whether these plans are still in the pipeline i believe all this fuss had a single purpose to make this story even bigger. i do not know what will be the
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subject of robert molars investigation concerning my meeting with the son of the us president all i know is that i had to have that meeting as part of my job as a lawyer for a russian citizen in the us if it turns out that defending the interests of a russian national in the u.s. is considered a criminal offense today then indeed mr miller will have something to investigate that. thanks a lot charles from the wrong we've got that wrong at the same approach my last blog why did browser interest you particularly. that i wonder at the naming as i was not interested in bill browder personally he was the key witness in the proceedings where i defended the interests of a russian national named dennis can't see if in twenty twelve the u.s. congress passed the magnitsky act based purely on the testimony of bill browder
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from what my team learned there was no fact checking of browsers account whatsoever . in december twenty twelfth before the bill was signed into law by barack obama. browder filed a claim against my client with new york's attorney general. after nine months of red tape it reemerged as a civil complaint against my client demanding the confiscation of his assets that he had purchased between two thousand and nine and twenty thirteen. that it was. in fact the assets were purchased in a transparent way he took out loans from american banks and he also used sources of income that he had paid tax for. and then out of the blue it turns out this property was allegedly bought with eight hundred thousand dollars that were illegally laundered. in
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a year the suspected amount was raised to one point nine million dollars you can see for yourself that this is absurd so we began digging deeper into the causes of these allegations here is what we found out. the lawsuit of the attorney general on behalf of the us government had one hundred twenty items. one hundred items out of one hundred twenty were regurgitation of what mr brough to had said in public since twenty eleven including hundreds of interviews reports pleas and presentations and his epic speech at the senate committee on foreign affairs november twenty twelve where he was unanimously applauded and what followed was the adoption of the magnets get. that now again there are one hundred items from that lawsuit repeating the account of mr browder so it was not me who found him it was him who approached us he calls himself an anti
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corruption activist a champion of justice and the rule of law and so on so these one hundred items are what i would call a big lie in the sense used by goebbels back in the days of nazi germany browder spoon fed policy makers in europe and the us with this big lie cocktail of fortunately your colleagues fell victims to his technique to. spirituals so in the present your meeting with the president's son since we first heard about it with her conflicting reports on what was this cost from adoption law and the magnitsky act of compromising information hillary clinton so what did you discuss there. yes because a lot so as i outlined the meeting agenda in my very first interview with n.b.c. network. i was really amazed at how the u.s. media machine operates on july eighth the new york times sent me a request for comment they asked me to reply to
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a list of questions i was surprised by many questions relating to the trump junior meeting. which i was not even able to recall the exact date because it seemed like a passing meeting it did not lead anywhere there was no outcome so i could not recall in detail when it took place and what were the circumstances. it was a meal up and i sent a detailed reply to the new york times and surprisingly in their post on july eighth they only publish small extracts from my statement only what they needed. now that same piece looks completely different on their website it has been fairly revised there is a huge difference from the original article that was published on july eighth. that. you said to me it looks like an orchestrated story the whole scandal over my
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meeting with donald trump jr has been carefully orchestrated and blown out of proportion. oh here's my answer find the motive and you will understand what's behind the story we came very close to the true circumstances under which the magnitsky act was actually being adopted and we came close to the motivation behind those who had lobbied for this law for several years we had learned so much about the developments in russia between one thousand nine hundred six and two thousand and six we had come so close to the truth of how russian budget funds were stolen in that affair i just happened to be on the front line so to speak and i challenge mr brown to publicly he invented all of this he and nobody else he and his team set it all up it is extremely difficult to find a smart a media manipulator than bill browder he exploits the media to antagonize people to
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help others score political points or raise their public profile or pursue their political agenda it was browed his team the planted the story skillfully and carefully seat by seat i can safely say that this deceived mation campaign lasted for a whole year they planted negative information about me bit by bit over the past twelve months to have my reputation completely ruined so that my voice in the u.s. would be drowned out because of the kremlin agent label or. so the discourse here a clinton or the democratic party is financing. what i was saying then was that the illegally obtained one billion dollars what channel to the beneficiaries of the activities conducted by mr browder here in russia. the beneficiary was the brothers hedge fund in the u.s. . what it did
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a couple of us so it received this billion dollars in two thousand and seven and in two thousand and eight the u.s. media referred to it as the main or at least a major sponsor of the democratic party and the election campaign that kicked off in two thousand and eight that is what i talked about. what was at this i discuss this with anyone else yes fill a void or ask cause of all i told this story to a large number of lawyers i talk to journalists and politicians to anyone who could help and bring the truth out. you know. what if i had the chance to approach mrs clinton i would have been on and to share it with her or anyone from her team. my story has nothing to do with politics i did not really care who would be in power the republicans or democrats.
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i do not care about how the situation is unfolding today mine was a human story it had nothing to do with politics it did not have anything to do with russia it was more of an american story it is an american story. about the values they cherish so much about freedom of speech freedom of the press freedom to access public hearings you can even watch it online the trick is you don't know what is happening behind the scenes you have no idea of what discussions are going on in the corridors of power concealed from the public eye. then we hear these nice statements from u.s. politicians live on air this is what they call exercising democratic rights but it raises a lot of questions even with those who are not in politics. rational shouldn't still. another rumor the closing of the prison case with allegedly this cost of the meeting and some five preparer because he wasn't going along if that's the case trump could be accused of obstructing justice. was that
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those the bushes this is exactly what mr brown the likes of he labels people like me kremlin and f.s.b. agents to create a negative context around my name so that both the democrats and the republicans would shy away from me. mr browder single purpose is to get a ruling on this case he wants the settlement that we reached for the attorney general's office in make cancelled we've gone through so much during these years of litigation we always insisted on starting the trial immediately as early as twenty thirty me asked them to set a date to select the jury. the attorney general's office representing the interests of the us government always managed to find a new excuse to delay the procedure they never wanted a jury trial never. what kind of favor treatment of a talking about when we were dragged through the grindstone of the justice system
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but when the key decisions were made on the case and who made them it was an us it wasn't the attorney general it was the judge he was the one and only decision maker on the case judge pauley so when the judge threw out the case and everything related to the magnitsky case he actually called these materials quite harshly a john le carré like tale of international intrigue despite mr brough does attempts to avoid being served with a fourth subpoena the judge forced him to come and testify because he called mr browder the ground zero of this case and we're talking here about the man who ran around the world in a blitzkrieg campaign with the story and now seems to keep a low profile the judge in the case ruled that the council of europe's report which served as a foundation for the council of europe parliamentary assembly resolution similar to the u.s. magnitsky act was incompetent agenda driven and politically motivated in essence the entire magnitsky story was taken out of the present case together with all the
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lies that mr browder is so good at implanting into ordinary people's minds he is taking advantage of the present day political standoff between the us and russia he implants his own narrative into the minds and mouths of politicians so when all this was thrown out of the case the prosecutor no longer had a case and they agreed to a settlement asked for mr bharara judging by the us media reports and what my colleagues had to say about him he is one of the brightest stars of the us attorney general's office the whole of wall street shook in fear at his name he and his team delivered exceptional fantastic deals by the way last year he made his if brother's investments the company already mentioned. pay four hundred million dollars as a fine for violations of the foreign corrupt practices act as one can see this was their modus operandi and so if i had the opportunity to share with mr berar what i know now about the parties to his case i would certainly do it but i never had such an opportunity so i think the attempts to connect the fact that mr bharara was
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fired with our case is complete and utter nonsense especially considering that the terms of settlement we close the case with had been agreed back when mr bharara held the office two years ago. her. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath
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. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one different speech because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. same wrong but all roles just don't all. the world yet to shape out just because the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart
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a. chance to look for common ground. the typical company said. something up a bit. in the. national review so. we're talking to. them that. i think i let. me get it right. and that a lot of what i think about tom and i skidded but i'm about the same as art when i was up the line into the magazine but i mean it. taking a long long time to let my. comment. just say. yeah thanks for the. call that you made for.
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other people my life was on. our. fears will people been saying about redacted in the sixty's full of the only show i go out of my way to you know was really packed a punch at least yeah mr john oliver of marty america is doing the same we are apparently better than that see people you never heard of love attack tonight the president of the world bank will take. me seriously send us an e-mail. ok what sort of the agent of kremlin label according to another bush and uber hillary clinton's trojan horse had the meeting with judyth there is
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a photo of you at a congress hearing five days after the meeting and you're sitting in one of the front rows. people who are there in a v.i.p. seat in the administration's v.i.p. corner as some in the media put it. you know i find the story the most amusing of all given the story behind the photo and by the way i have my views on who could have made it and how so the story is as follows. on june fourteenth hearing which shed told at the house of representatives subcommittee on europe and eurasia on the subject of the us russia relations that included the broader case a number of people including myself were invited to the hearing to testify. among them was andrina crowds of the filmmaker who produced his part documentary part feature film magnitsky case behind the scenes in twenty sixteen a film he'd worked on for many years just before june fourteenth when andreina
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press officer i would to give our testimonies before congress because of his films first screening took place in washington d.c. the birthplace of the magnitsky act and so this film whose title refers to what i was talking about magnitsky case behind the scenes you know referring to all those corridors of power where all the lobbying takes place generating the narrative we have been fed it was presented on june thirteenth in washington d.c. . we never made a secret of any of our actions we always acted in the open publicly and we invited everyone we voted all congressman senators state department officials journalists lawyers everyone. we invited mr browder to but as you can understand he did not honor us with his presence i would like to point out that as i understand it now instead of mr browder a certain mr kyle parker senior democrat staff in congress came to the screening he was one of the loudest opponents of the film. he said that he'd been living and
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breathing this case for seven years and those it from cover to cover and that this film was nothing but kremlin propaganda. that's just ridiculous the film was funded by the norwegian film institute a state agency. as to who exactly he was accusing of kremlin propaganda it was either myself on the cross off who given his background and his earlier works is very hard to accuse of being an agent of the kremlin and the fact is that i met nick only after the film was completed. so going back to the june fourteenth when the crowds and i went to congress to testify we found out that the agenda had been changed. and instead of a subcommittee hearing it was a full committee hearing on foreign affairs the agenda was different the rhetorical
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was different they kept talking about putin's russia and putin's propaganda and so on. the crowds often mind were given the available free seats and that's how i ended up sitting behind mr mcfaul at the same moment mr brown to enter the room accompanied by that very same call parker who less than twenty four hours before was shouting praise to mr browder. foaming at the mouth and telling us that we were bad people who dead challenge mr brown his exclusive right to tell this story. mr parker was sitting right opposite me in the back row with all the stuff isn't he was taking pitches. and so i think i have no proof but i watched the entire recording of the hearing as it's in the public domain and i saw that the picture in question could not have originated from this broadcast and it was shot from a different angle. and these two facts i missing mr parker taking pitches and the absence of such an angle in the official broadcast led me to the conclusion that mr
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parker might have been the author of this image and by the way when mr parker realized that mr browder was at behaving in the presence of myself and the crowds of he led mr brad out of the room through the back door and the latter never came back if i was the boss causing me to ask why they were what you're saying i get the impression that you're accusing brother of being behind the complaint against you why do you think that you are threats abroad what would he stand to gain words. which were what. led to this that at that point. give us a little girl is about all that i think that there is no doubt that i have grown to be a threat to him and not just me but also members of my team and the persons connected to me in regards to this case. right yes. but i think the broader himself as a pawn in someone's hands because this story has proven to be gold for so many it
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was gold five years ago when it made the very first russia sanctions act happen and it's gold now especially now is gold for the present day tabloids for politics and the mass media with its anti trump frenzy. as for the threat mr brown of possibly seizing me i think it has to do with the fact that i and my team and everyone who helped me who know the truth about the story from hard evidence from the documents we can tell our story in full and make it heard by the public. that's what he's afraid of just think of it this story has had so many deaths in it by now too many people are gone and those deaths are related to just one person mr browder and these were the people who could have told the story of how it happened.
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and it was russian journalists who were the first to point out as many as four deaths in this story the rossi sky exit the daily published an article about it in twenty eleven. but with time browder got smarter and when in twenty twelve yet another victim in browder story wound up dead the so-called informant missed a paraplegic knee browder claimed it was done by the kremlin that's how he spins it he builds up tension using every possibility while some cases could have been genuine accidents for example all they could have been some more shootouts that had nothing to do with him but that's how he put the story together piece by piece. and this makes me fear for my life why because i know that they have been gathering information on me for at least a year their e-mail exchanges with my photographs and my personal data exchanges
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between browder the state department and mr parker who i mentioned earlier i fully appreciate the degree of my responsibility for my words i'm always open for dialogue and i'm always ready to share with people who are ready to listen and analyze the situation that's why going back to your first question about special counselor and his investigation they are welcome i am ready to tell them everything i know about the story in person without any middleman i've been working to make this happen for many years and my wish for this investigation to finally take place the investigation into this story is what backfired on me and resulted as an investigation into people who were somehow connected to me. this cereal. no wonder it's.
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just sitting here so. if it. caused by chemical production. you know as if these people are people just. the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of tax and levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels of. state for almost thirty years this very serious problem had not actually been addressed what will that investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed . this despicable.
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if it up as. one of the. yes a question in the thought of getting up a call i think with you and your seem to me and think any of my thought i live by remain a squad i. will willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but noone has
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signed up to the flag and poisoned by our own people i've seen stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene these batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between berm pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the berm pits would really literally send a v.a. broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting in decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they won't have to pay and. call for help and get the middle finger the movie is the model is. delayed and i hope you die.
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killed. people. threatens north korea with. us.


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