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tv   News with Ed  RT  August 9, 2017 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT

11:01 pm
good evening friends we start tonight with the entire world focused on president trump's comments on north korea and the political fallout here in the united states the president stirred the entire political arena threatening to bring fire and fury to north korea the congressional reaction has been mixed although the president has an understanding of some in the senate about what the country is actually facing put yourself in president trump shoes for a moment where does your allegiance slide is it isn't your primary purpose is prezi united states to protect the american homeland from a nuclear weapon attack by a guy like kim jong il i'm my belief is that we're headed that way unless the world can stop north korea he's going to pick loam land defense over regional stability and he has to. redstone see it that way senate minority leader chuck schumer says the president's comments and method or reckless meanwhile dianne feinstein
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criticized the president's bombastic comments and ben cardin called drum statement the wrong message for a diplomatic solution for more of the reaction within the administration we go to vanilla chance that i have been in a while there is a new threat this evening from north korea and you are exactly right this evening the d.p. r. k. lobbed yet another threat over to washington they said they are ready to launch for immediate need at range missiles in the direction of guam claiming that they will get them in and around the u.s. territory within miles of landfall landfall now the k.p.a. says they plan to do this by mid august the wording very ominous the dates kind of unclear the language a bit fuzzy but the message is clear they said quote the strategic force is also considering the opening of the historic enveloping fire at guam a practical action targeting a u.s. bases of aggression but prior to the k.p.a.
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issuing that statement this evening mattis did not dial down that rhetoric earlier today instead he said this he said quote the d.p. r. k. should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people meanwhile today and route back to the u.s. following that summit the secretary of state rex tillerson appeared to take a more measured tone this is a trend we're seeing with pillars and he's sort of seen as the adult in the room careful to tone it down a notch yet still able to back his boss the president serious so your strong message to north korea in language that can be are you going to the state because you don't seem to understand diplomatic language i think the phrase you just want to be clear are. the u.s. you know questionable ability to defend itself will defend itself and its allies
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and i think it's important that you deliver that message board if you discount a lot of people on the left are saying this is a divided administration that there's no real defied plan of action on north korea but according to the state department spokesperson the words we're hearing are a matter of tone on the same message. that the secretary happens to be coming back from the ozzie on conference where they had tremendous success it was a good week for diplomacy i know you all want to obsess over statements and all of that and try to want to make a lot of noise out of that but what is important to keep in mind is that this diplomatic pressure at ozzy on at the meeting of the ten asian nations along with the united states came to a joint agreement and a joint statement and put out a very strong condemnation of north korea we are all singing from the same hymn book so you heard it right there and if you parse through the words that each person used it really boils down to someone for nakheel or the choice of words that come naturally for them at the end of the day it sounds as though the
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administration is not stepping down from the threats issued by a pro the president yesterday all this nuclear talk though coming on the anniversary of the atomic bomb being dropped on nagasaki back in one thousand nine hundred five and the depair case final words this evening might seal their fate so this is diplomacy i guess modern day making the frame back and forth and there's probably no restriction anti-war activists gathered in front of the white house today to protest president trump's increasingly belligerent rhetoric towards north korea and urged for negotiation instead of escalating tensions and risking nuclear confrontation for more on this we're joined tonight by former florida congressman alan grayson alamosa to have you with us tonight let's consider the fact of what the president has said and he really does mean it let's take him at his word does the president have to go. get congressional authority to do a hit on north korea no one seems to be talking about that is you have the authority to do this no he's the commander in chief and congress has the authority
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to declare war but in his case he doesn't seem to understand the basic principles of the constitution there is a madman on the loose with nuclear weapons and in addition to that kim jong un also has them that madman is our president i don't think the president would think twice about using nuclear weapons against north korea for the sake of denuclearizing or trying to do you know prize north korea but what he doesn't seem to understand is that he's playing with other people's lives what we should be talking about is the possibility that an attack probably a chemical warfare attack from north korea would kill between three and five million south koreans in the course of less than a day. now if that's the case what are we going to do to prod to try to prevent that the question is not whether we're going to lob missiles that are going to misquote the question of whether if we attack north korea what will they do in response and that's something that seems absent from our so-called diplomacy and from our so-called saber rattling thought so north korea now says tonight no more
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talking that they don't believe that they can negotiate with donald trump so how do we defuse this how does the world community diffuse this well it's how you don't diffuse it by putting out a statement that could have been written by north korea he's such a patsy he's such a fool north korea literally could have written the statement that donald trump made and one of been any different they want us to be saber rattling against them that is their raise own d'être that is their only raise on death row for the past fifty years and the idea that the united states is going to attack and occupy north korea and he got suckered right into it all right i guess i'm maybe too much of a purist here when it comes to negotiation but i'm a little miffed at congressional reaction why are they so passive why why are there no press conferences why are. congressional leaders not speaking up right now i mean and i'll harken back to the days of ted kennedy and paul well stone if they
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were still in the well of the senate they'd be on the senate floor tonight calling for rhyme and reason as to what the heck this president is saying and just how threatening north korea is but the chamber silent what's your take on that well they're out of session so therefore they're bored and detached and not doing anything useful that's what happens when congress is out of session but the fact is that this is a problem with that easy solutions this one requires active thought and therefore congress when shy away from it what it would be more then the possibility of nuclear war the senators have. think a vacation or holding a town hall and it would seem to me that there would be a sense of urgency amongst our lawmakers they get back into washington and figure out what the next step is going to be or to be reassured that there's not going to be you know assured mutiny mutual destruction here no i mean there's been a conspiracy involving both parties that goes back generations this country to
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relinquish the hard decisions to the president including decisions of war and peace and it's unfortunate it's not with the constitution to support it at all it's not the way the rational country runs itself not with one man with his finger on the button playing with it alan grayson always a pleasure good to have you with us tonight thank you thank you thank you for your candid opinion north korea's neighbors and the world community have reacted to the back and forth between president trump and north korea the reigning consensus a diplomatic solution is the only way forward. we are following the increasing rhetorical escalation around the korean peninsula with great concern the situation is really serious further saber rattling will surely not help this regime is its conduct easy legal it's reckless it's provocative it's dangerous and and it threatens the peace of the region the peace of the wolves
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a conflict would be shattering it would have catastrophic consequences we all understand that the critical thing is that this dangerous regime comes to its senses struggles in the. mid to high in tension over the regional security environment us to turns power is extremely important for japan will in this respect we appreciate the stance that the us takes as they said that all up and are on the table the f.b.i. conducted a raid into paul man a for a home outside washington d.c. in late july f.b.i. agents used a search warrant to seize documents and other materials relating to special counsel robert muller's investigation agents believe the former trump campaign adviser was withholding critical evidence from the investigation manifest had already voluntarily her deuced documents to the f.b.i. had requested the raid occurred prior to robert mueller impaneling a grand jury in the investigation for more on this we're joined tonight by legal
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and media analyst lionel all right lionel there's a raid then there's a grand jury put it together for us what's this mean well first of all they're calling it a raid it's really a subpoena for just documents is just a search warrant are actually just a subpoena ducasse take i'm bringing us your give us documents which by the way he voluntarily submit it so this was clearly to send him a message but here's what he's looking at here's the exposure number one foreign agent registration act ed this is normally a kind of a pro forma administrative deal if you violate it you can retroactively reapply. i it's theoretically criminal in nature but nobody can remember the last time anybody ever was charger that's number one number two the bank secrecy act kind of an omnibus. law if you will and that is it indicates pretty all encompassing there's three things they're looking at one allegations of the alleged ponzi scheme and real estate in new york number two dealing with a russian oligarchy that gets everybody's attention and number three doing some
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work which was either assisting or lobbying for ukrainian then president yannick over and maybe not reporting monies received there is the big one the kicker title eighteen u.s.c. one thousand one this is the statute that says whenever you lie to anyone you're toast this is what happened to martha stewart not insider trading but just lying so add what this is what all of the commentators and all of those individuals and fellow brothers and sisters of the bar what we're looking at is this is for documents what is seen john gotti is again being no crime family pre-dawn raid ad i know this may not sound like much to some people but i think you've been around long enough this is to send man a for a clear message that he doesn't have friends protecting them what about the rest of the suspects the the or in baldwin this investigation as well and i call them the
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specs because it seems are they're being treated by the mainstream media hillary clinton i'm sorry that's a different story because some people and i'm i'm not trying to be coy here remember in that particular investigation there were there was just notes taken nobody under oath no predawn raid so we'll talk about perhaps later on but flynt being looked at this and also remember when what what what what scares me what i would always always advise any client you're going to take the fifth amendment which is politically injurious as you know but so far. he's been very very up front but if they get him or anybody in the grand jury or before a tribunals on day one day two he varies that testimony in a substantial way that is perjury so they are the minefield and of of what's available per perhaps somebody could step on is very serious indeed ari
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thanks for breaking it down for us tonight on appreciate it is a much r. t. said down with the russian lawyer who met with donald trump jr last year we now present part two of her discussion of the special investigation into the twenty sixteen from campaign. my story has nothing to do with politics i did not really care who would be in power the republicans or democrats i do not care about how the situation is unfolding today mine was a human story it had nothing to do with politics i was really amazed at how the us media machine operates on july eighth the new york times sent me a request for comment that they asked me to reply to a list of questions i was surprised by many questions relating to the trump jr meeting i was not even able to recall the exact date because it seemed like a poncing meeting it did not lead anywhere there was no outcome just like i sent a detailed reply to the new york times and surprisingly in their post on july eighth they only publish small extracts from my statement only one thing. now that
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same piece looks completely different on their website it has been thoroughly revised there is a huge difference from the original article that was published on july eighth that though to me it looks like an orchestrated story the whole scandal over my meeting with donald trump you know has been carefully orchestrated and now to put the question that we have come so close to the truth of how russian but you don't and that's a fair i just happened to be on the frontline it's like to speak and i challenge mr brown to publicly that he invented all of this he and nobody else he and his team set it all up it is extremely difficult to find a small to medium manipulator than bill browder. the president has thrown his political support behind luther strange in the alabama senate race the special election will fill the seat vacated by jeff sessions when he was approved to be attorney general strangers major opponents or congress m o brooks and former chief
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justice of the alabama supreme court roy moore strange was not warned president rob would tweet his complete and total indorsement for more on all of this we go to our political panel tonight the saving were. mitch caesar former florida democratic party chair and also ed martin president of the eagle forum gentlemen nice to have you with us tonight all right so president trump put down the gauntlet yesterday and north korea has responded so north korea has threatened the united states territory of guam with a number of four missiles edwards the president going from here what's going to happen well i think look the president does this all the time people knock surprise but he's always the leader with huge strength you know fire and fury today what he's doing is setting up making sure the fight is not just north korea but china china's got you can't turn the lights on in north korea without china's permission so china's got to get involved back north korea down i think tillerson is playing
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good cop and softening some of trump this is what leaders do we need a serious leader north korea has a nuke we can't have a nuclear war but we can't sit back and let these guys bully is so i think the president's well position but we've are dealing with china and north korea and we've got to pull them back from the brink did you hear the president yesterday did you hear that we would see what the world has never seen before i mean if we take him at his word mid caesar we're going to war there is going to be an exchange of nukes now you don't believe that is. what your take. a let me just say first of all i obviously don't shock shockingly disagree with the with the prior speaker my concern yesterday was when trump made his trump in comments or with his normal tone whether that had clear the new chief of staff the general and i thought to myself if it does maybe this is a strategy if it doesn't it for bodes a bigger negative picture and that is he's not even listening to this guy on
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gigantic issues that affect the entire world now we know today they say well we didn't know the words he was in use we kind of once it was weighing in and so he was winging it and the problem is now. they're saying today well you know he didn't really mean it you know our allies know that's just the way he talks we all know we're quite serious and here's the bigger brand let me just say quickly the bigger problem the bigger problem is that north korea even if they know with just words can use those as provocation were if he was a little bit more statesman like they couldn't do well i guess i'm at fault gentlemen i'm used to listening to the pres the united states whether it's obama or bush or freedom on the march or bill clinton or what i mean i am live in my lifetime i kind of think what they say is important and here's what the president said yesterday. and as i said they will be met with fire fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before ok all right in general mattis
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today says that north korea will not survive the confrontation and the regime would be destroyed ed i mean this is a now this isn't bad rabble we're playing here this is not a word game this is real stuff yeah but ed you played football right the last thing you do when somebody is acting like a bully that can't stand up is stand back and say what do you think you knock him honest tale and you make clear what the problem is right now north korea he may be rattling is saber but you know what china and the rest of the world's thinking is oh we have a leader who's not going to sit around and pretend it's ok to talk about tossing a nuke at quam or hawaii we got a guy that's going to say coming right at you with generals and nukes and look at what isn't it refreshing to have a leader say if we have a nuclear war it's fire and fury for all of us. believe it north korea says it doesn't matter of china the president does not understand the severity of the situation no and in their statement tonight mitch they were saying that you know
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he's out on the golf course and not paying attention so he's painted as well i would certainly take issue with the word refreshing we're dealing on giant dominoes here and frankly that's my concern he shoots from the hip he doesn't have the diplomatic personality or training he kind of what's being nice and say he stretches the truth occasionally these might be great for new york real estate not really good ok org affairs quick quickly want a quick take from both of you where's the congress where's the leadership where's the discussion ed look there failed it's a failed congress house and senate show that they have seven years they said we'll repeal and replace they couldn't do it they failed so their failure and trump knows that he's calling mcconnell out and that's why you're surprised that they're not back here trying to lead on foreign policy they have no leaders they're lost both parties what do you think mitch. well let's remind viewers are republicans control everything the executive branch and the legislative branch they have absolute no
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victories we forget about the supposedly mission accomplished party when the house passed a bill that the senate said was dead on arrival they cannot do anything and let me just close quickly by saying this is exactly why the polls are showing not only trump's numbers down but the most important. the most important thing to trump is that he's twelve points down from president i want him only caesar and martin great to visit thanks so much gentlemen thank you ed the opioid epidemic in the united states is affecting more than drug users and their families are teased and touched a sweet went to massachusetts where needles are turning up in places you would least expect. many refer to the us as opioid epidemic as a modern plague and according to the c.d.c. the number of heroin related deaths has nearly quadrupled as a byproduct of that health crisis there is another one in the making use needles are carried up all across the country in all those who don't even use drugs or at risk for disease in the scene of serenity and natural beauty. it's startling
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to know endless amounts of needles are all around the washing up on the shores and just your it's from neighborhoods transit camps are popping up infested with needles our ports of hypodermic needles turning up all across the country is staggering at an alarming rate here in law massachusetts just outside of boston you don't have to go far to see just how vivid the country's problem is there only from the hybrid armored vehicles that are coming down every day well like what's going on in. rocky more senate has a clean water projects he's been cleaning the merrimack river for the past fifteen years in the mud for the last four years rocky says he's noticed needles in the water here in their faces the number of needles he's seen in last two have been unbelievable but when you start seeing a lot of the needles then you know there's something wrong. according to morison part of the problem are these homeless camps since the majority of them including
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intensity near the water the camps all along with the needles in them regularly washed up acting as a large conveyor belt the river transports these needles off the river and even into the ocean that needles aren't just turning up in areas where homeless reside they travel to iran your area and at plum island we discovered a used needle within five minutes of hitting the beach jimmy murphy father of three was shocked to know needles were in places like plum island where his kids one of them just six years old were merely yards of the needle we came across it's very scary and it's very much a part of real life and it's like you what you asked of is just this reality and it is yeah that's what kills you when you find this toys. when you find kids toys that are here around heroin a while shocking it's nothing new as these images reveal massachusetts coupled with new hampshire are reportedly the fastest growing states in this epidemic across the country to california epidemic there is worsening to an entirely new level in the
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city of san francisco alone there were reportedly two thousand one hundred seven just found in march twenty sixth teen and just one year later this past march a whopping thirteen thousand syringes were found in two thousand and fifteen eleven point five million americans abuse prescription opioids in two thousand and fifteen resulting in a whopping fifty two thousand deaths in overdoses that year an all time record at the ready say expect that number to rise they're going at it all wrong morrison points to his local needle exchange program as another part of the equation how many illegals are being all over the river banks because this puts my guys and my volunteers in jeopardy we reached out to the greater lawrence family health center for comment the same clinic morrison said was passing out free needles while they initially agreed to an interview they declined at the last minutes however an employee who wished to remain anonymous tells us programs like theirs are the reason why the number of drug users hiv and hepatitis has dramatically declined the
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blackwater founder's proposal to privatized the war in afghanistan comes as the legal battle over killings in baghdad continues in the united states courts artie's daniel hearkens reports from iraq tonight. the two thousand and seven news source square massacre in baghdad became one of the dog chapters of the iraq war seventeen iraqis lost their lives with nearly twenty more wounded in an incident where private security guards from blackwater now rebranded academy opened indiscriminate fire into crowds of civilians after an alleged ambush official investigations both the rocky and american found that most of the civilian deaths were unjustified it took nearly eight years of legal wrangling for justice to be served all the guards who opened fire that day for were found guilty and sentenced to lengthy prison terms but now an american federal appeals court has overturned the first degree murder conviction of one of the guards and recommended three others for
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resentencing citing the punishments as cruel and unusual we tracked down some of the people who were in baghdad on the day of the killings whose lives were changed forever. i was working for the post office magadan on the sixteenth of september two thousand and seven i was delivering post to a police department in central baghdad and i saw blackwater contractors open fire randomly on civilians i was wounded as a result of the shooting a bullet scrap my happy this wound is a result of the actions of blackwater contractors it still hurts and i still haven't fully recovered. on the sixteenth of september two thousand and seven we came under fire next in the source square now we've heard that those responsible are going to be released i'm calling on every country in the world it's unfair that i was wounded in both legs and several people were murdered
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we know that justice and law are respected in the u.s. we are calling on all countries to interfere in this situation the scars are not only physical hussain lost his brother in the gunfire he is in disbelief that real justice may once again if aid to victims of the massacre. when i reached the square there was horror all around cars were burning blood and bullets were everywhere i was looking for my brother among the wounded but he was already in hospital by the time i reached him he was already dead two days ago i heard they want to release these criminals from black water and i hope that the u.s. court will not release them it is they are criminals they murdered fourteen people my brother was only twenty four he was working hard to support our elderly parents our family still suffers greatly with the humanity we are all human rights how can
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the u.s. court acquit those criminals and release them on what grounds in a case that sparked outrage across the arab world many of the victims now feel that closure for them may be a search for a way as ever after that fateful day in the source square. holkins for all of iraq and that is our news tonight i'm ed schultz reporting from washington thanks for watching we'll see back to the. all the world this day and all the news companies merely players but what kind of
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partners are anti american players are to america offers more artsy american personal. in many ways the news landscape is just like the few real moves big names good actors bad actors and in the end you could never know you're on. the market all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. you . want to go to the street looks like real bigotry because when. analyzing the bottom good. luck with the play like you know i got.
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with. linux. larry king now boxing champion amir. and the. one of the. if. the what the division the the u.s. is. amazing i mean big names in that. call them of a muslim. pilgrimage. on the hunt and then. put on his. take a picture of my face in a box and fight i think it's all floyd so i just kind of walk right through it is going to make you look good make a misconstrued.


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