tv Headline News RT August 10, 2017 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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but. voices. all on the under fire no. shooting over to the shearling but i think it's good tours and or supposed tanks against civilians who are. going on for ninety days now well. or at the mosque or to the city has been completely empty no movement on the streets and nobody's out because sure george were true or on duty to shoot everybody who's in the streets down to shoot chart i'm sure most more like a war sure of who snuck cheap or free much of course year ago. i can't see that broad term. so wouldn't open the one curriculum to
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go on to shoot former books. on brickell small group of british sit in my house or which were to induce now my girl no older one out one hundred wants to go the months long saudi crackdown in the town has resulted in the death of a six year old boy he was reportedly shot by the army months ago and now we've been told that he died died in hospital dr ali i'll ask him at the head of the gulf edited for human rights told us about the boy thought to himself as a saudi dissident in prison for political reasons when he was just fourteen. part of my family. and i want me and i lost some of my students and friends. so. in the city a child was six years old was shot by the saudi special forces and eat out of that he was shot in the car is this family r.t. correspondent what i've got the f.
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now looking deeper and into the reasons behind the conflict in this area. no that's not a war zone don't be daft that renovations a little do over neighborhood remodelling with guns that's seriously what the saudis a calling this the workers who are conducting renovation works to ensure the safety of the on the syrian neighborhood have come under heavy terrorist find those pictures from our media town of twenty five thousand people where they are foolish enough not to like the king or his family which is the government there also shia as opposed to sunni and have resisted authorities our media was home to many
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executed malcontents such as cleric. who wanted democracy in saudi arabia bad behavior is punishable by so-called renovations soldiers plowing through your home with bulldozers or the strong it with explosives and shells security is tight but for some reason the renovators keep on being targeted by terrorists. one. week. the renovations began back in april then the u.n.
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condemned what it's called forced evictions and demolition people being thrown out of their homes with little or no compensation those who resist being shot at by the way in no small part the western part of canadian military vehicles are reportedly at the forefront of these saudi renovations. we are looking at these claims very seriously and have immediately launched a review remind me what did you expect would happen when you sold billions of dollars worth of arms to one of the most repressive regimes on earth profits of course dumb question saudi arabia is canada's second biggest arms buyer heck most western arms manufacturers sell all they can to riyadh weapons that eventually get turned on civilians both at home and abroad and then they feign
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outrage is saudi. attack on our means is the largest longest military campaign inside the country since the establishment of saudi arabia in nineteen thirty two i don't really put too much stock into international community the states of canada u.k. all of these countries have provided training weaponry assistance to to the saudi forces to the people. so i don't. i think the european and american comedians will. try to support them and keep. maintaining you know their appearance. civility. ati has reached out to several human rights organizations over the situation in that area we'll bring you the responses as soon as we get. north
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korea says no serious dialogue is possible with donald trump he went on to call the president a guy bereft of reason whose threatens whose threats are nonsense the statement comes in response to trump's latest stone morning north korea. make it even worse threats to the united states. they will be met with fire fury. like the world has never seen and the u.s. president doesn't appear willing to rein his rhetoric in foreign off tweets emphasizing the strength of america's nuclear arsenal he said one of his first jobs since taking power was ordering the modernization of the country's atomic arsenal and he added the u.s. will never be overtaken as the world's superpower president trumps a tough line on north korea has been widely question with some saying it could just make matters worse the state department says it's only words spoken in
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a language that needs no translation. exacerbating the president spoke to him to kim jong un in a language that secretary television has said and said this morning in the kind of language that kim jong un will understand have the president of the united states keep threatening to destroy north korea this is how shall i put it this is not the language of democracy does but by the way an act of war as well the north koreans either have a nuclear deterrent or they're pretending to but the only reason if they do have it the only reason they've got it is to keep themselves from being exterminated by the u.s. let's say the worst happens it could wipe out south korea japan it could do just. china the damage to russia i mean this is then of course all the u.s. troops in south korea would all be killed too but this is this is not anything
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anybody should want why is this the u.s. is why is so korea only north korea they'd like to be a why is it owned by the us this would be such a horrific disaster it could be the worst military disaster in human history if the north koreans actually have these weapons which by the way i'm not convinced they do have them tensions are being ratcheted up to new levels off the with korea announced it's considering a preemptive strike called the u.s. overseas territory of chalices a major military base pyongyang's previously accused washington of provocation of military drills which store american strategic nuclear bomb is flying over the korean peninsula and with friction building in the region the word war is being touted more than usual. and has been gauging opinion in new york as to how big a threat people think north korea is. with exchanges between washington d.c. and becoming even more menacing fear is growing across the united states according
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to a recent poll as many as two thirds of the mare. possibly believe that north korea is a serious threat we decided to talk to new yorkers and see if they could pinpoint exactly where this serious threat is coming from if you feeling north korea is a threat to the united states i don't think so my paranoid no but i definitely feel that north korea is a potential definite threat i think north korea is a serious threat to the region but not to the united states not scared of of north korea i'm not scared but i'm scared of our leaders are in many countries and how they're behaving they're not asleep behaving in the interest of of the people fully is becoming more of a birth votto than any time you're dealing with an a country that's led by your irrational dictator i think you know what you get paid for the worst yes pretty threatening and we responded in a threatening way that scary you point to north korea on this map.
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there no that's that's siberia ok. there that's that's still siberia. that's that's southeast asia that's you know that's like vietnam. man mark there you go yeah that that's that's right i knew that she would get it and you find north korea on this map of the world her all that's australia actual oh wow north korea. southeast asia that's cambodia that's. ok so it's here that's australia where someone at saudi arabia forget me i'm hopeless straight it's. around here around there yeah you're right that's that's north rim right there you go you've got it there you are like it's close somewhere furthermore it turns out there's actually a correlation between knowing where north korea is and favoring military action
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those who don't know where the country is are actually more likely to want to send troops. right now millions of americans are convinced that north korea is out to get them and it seems like those who are the least in the know are the ones running the most scared. r.t. new york. the new york times is facing growing criticism after internal e-mails revealed employees are allegedly encouraging government officials toward leaked information also used as details those of us who live in america and even many who live abroad are bombarded with headlines such as these on a daily basis with buzzwords like leaked and highly classified information revealed with all the sensitive information making its way into our lives you might imagine reporters getting calls late at night or having kindest eye meetings with a nervous but brave soul bursting to expose the wrongs they've witnessed within the government a true hollywood hero the story of the two young reporters they stumbled into leads
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and piece by piece based greatest detective story in american history well you might be disappointed to know that the truth might not be so cinematic or innocent for that matter or recently published email conversation reveals exactly how it's done at least by some apparently you don't have to wait for someone to leak the information to you just ask nicely i've heard a lot of secondhand rumors but you know to report these incidents need to have first hand eyewitness accounts i'm looking for examples of things like people being told not to bring phones or even take notes in meetings or any other specific first hand examples of practices that appear to demonstrate unprecedented secrecy or transparency and those government officials have no need to worry names are not necessary while i'd like to speak to staff about these examples i don't need to quote them by name or with any sort of identifying details that could in any way reveal the source of the information perhaps that explains why none of these recent
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sources are named especially knowing it's not the first time the more the merrier. we've already done this in a number of other stories this year but no food stories that's higher polluted with the help of multiple interviews with current employees making attorney general just sessions comments to the media but they must also have some degree of accountability when it comes to leaks and a little closer to home than expected one of the things we are doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas we respect the important role that the press plays and will give them respect but it is not unlimited so apparently any would be leakers can sit back and relax and wait for the journalists to come to them. r.t. washington d.c. we emailed the times asking for comment on the article but haven't received any response of political analyst charles all told told us that some media are increasingly becoming political activists rather than objective news gatherers went
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to journalists in effect colludes with members of the government bureaucracy to seek out stories that are damaging to one flank one political wing or one section of a political party that's a lot different from speaking trouble yourself and trying to get to the real bottom of the issue it's sure looks to me like in the reporting that i saw on breitbart and also the reaction to it what you saw there were journalists trying to provoke bureaucrats into providing coral's of information that could be used to slam a political group or figure with which they disagree and that to me i mean that you know i think you become a political action organization rather than a true journalist joining us so far here on r.t. international it's a thursday morning here in moscow plenty of stories still coming your way including a northern italy we go in a moment where locals are up in arms over a brand new migrant shelter that's in the works for those details in just
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thanks for joining us here on our international this morning we're going to show you a video here on the program it's a little bit different it's a difficult to make out to have a close look at the video but it reportedly shows israeli police beating a palestinian man and his son in east jerusalem. god was no sign of any god or sometimes you can sure there was a pleasure yes. i am not over for it also. was
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there. whenever she puts her up it. may be that if the whole field of me to open a neighbor's house without any reason i replied that this is not my house and i do not have the key to it he still yelling at me and at the same time not the soldiers accompanying him it's a break my friends there were five to six people they were employees especially theses tanks me twisted my hands behind my back and began to beat me and beat me hold on the head in shortly twisted my right hand with my money back and started to beat it insistently so the book that was from a little. we spoke to are both victims of the assault on a bed zero and his fifteen year old son matt don't have a say at all they first us into a car and drove to the police station they kept beating and insulting as during the right at the station they confiscated our clothes one officer asked me to stand
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near a wall and smash my head against a two car fingerprint took my father away i was kept at the station for two days for the hell it had young wiley but they didn't explain why they had beaten us we didn't attack them nor the me nor my son did nothing to us. and so that comes amid growing concern over israel's treatment of palestinians an east jerusalem a human rights watch warns growing numbers are having their residency rights removed which effectively forces them to leave their homes. but were crime in question is the forcible deportation of the occupied of the protected population east jerusalem is part of the occupy territory here we're not talking about people forced to leave their home at the point of gun fight we're talking about policies that in effect we forced people to leave in fifty years israel has stripped over
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fourteen thousand palestinians of their residency permits despite concerns from rights groups israel gives a number of justifications for it authorities say residents here right so usually removed when jerusalem is no longer people's main place of residence however in recent years palestinians have also been stripped of their rights for. details of security also as punishment against our relatives all suspected of tacos they are stripped of their residency they are therefore they can no longer work legally there are social benefits insurance medical insurance retirement plans are in check pretty they can't marry and have their spouse settle with them so all of these things motivate people to if you will sell to deport if they're not physically kicked out and we deemed that this kind of policy that forces people to stop deport amounts to the same war crime this never happens to citizens of israel specifically
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jewish citizens who don't face this is the risk of losing their right to reside in the city in which they were born and grew up so this is part of this policy that israel declares they are the city of jerusalem should be a united city but it's in practice not united at all there is to policies for the two peoples and we asked the israel's interior ministry for comment so far no comment. locals in the northern italian city of ventimiglia have been making their feelings clear over plans for a new refugee shelter for unaccompanied minors hundreds gathered outside the city hall to challenge a proposal to house more than twenty underage migrants a local say the influx of refugees in the country is just getting out of hand and many of those making the journey from northern africa head to italy in the hope of traveling on to other parts of europe since the partial closure of
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a nearby border crossing of fears of a most of the camp like the cal a jungle could now spring up. we can tell you. the scene is invaded we have no more freedom to go around live in the now. it is now our town and is just a huge refugee shelter and it's done with our tax money the government imposes and we pay our constitution talks about the people sovereignty where is this sovereignty where is the state has to listen to was starting with the mayor but no one will listen to us. and tourism invincibile year is not looking good basically is no tourism anymore and everyone is working less and less and i know that today's demonstration could backfire because it will give the town even more bad publicity but we really want all of this to be over and we can't leave here any more our women can't go out at night alone anymore it's impossible they are always in groups of four or five the situation is degrading we can't take it anymore. in
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light of the backlash local authorities have agreed to temporarily suspend plans for the refugee shelter but a former member of the european council on refugees believes a small cities such as ventimiglia shouldn't be left to fend for themselves as a result of the news and action. tragedy for the refugees because nobody wants them in their backyard anymore and that's true throughout europe and we see the disgraceful derogation of any kind of humanitarian obligation to help people fleeing from most spots in the world that we see on our television every day like syria and south side but also i have enormous sympathy for the people of vented media nobody in a quiet peaceful and touristic town wants to see suddenly thousands of foreigners descending upon them and in their view making their streets their safe or whatever
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of sympathy with the italians but you know really the the organization that i'm afraid is most of the fault here is the european union itself it has failed to live pretty shape except only as strong as its member states and if a member states don't want to tango than the european union can dance at all but it . has been a whole series of broken commitments of undertakings to try to spread this load of refugee there's a coming into europe through certain countries in particular that's where there are the see external borders of europe are closest to and there has been really no serious commitment or of continuing commitment to spread this burden. and san francisco people living in our one affluent street have recently discovered costa but they don't own it anymore here's how it
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happened. mismanagement by the top tax authorities this should never stop in the street to kill so many probably the world is laughing at simpson. heard that there is a charge to. our entire noticed our national guard our world and here is not good for the raising for years and years and years ago when our for sale nobody noticed a man. in the state.
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or a time with more farewell news and hope for no. one else chose seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me old yet to shape our disdain comes to the ticket and engage me because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. to protect him he said he opened up a base here. in the. us he will be useful because. he will be talking to the. time. that i am not going to.
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get it what he did you. get a lot of it i think about. what i'm about to see him as art but i was up the money into. making money i left my. home and. decides to be. there with. all that but you meet. other people more adult films of all those on the go. out. that. greenspan doesn't really seem to understand that the point of having a central bank is to try to mitigate the risks of these are the swings in interest
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rates in other words interest rates been through financial repression and they can look this up on google there's a term for it when the central banks are financially repressed the economy stealing from savers that's the definition of. eight hundred fifty children are now registered where she to be center. idea but to now i'm down but it was not a i don't think so doubts about you once again i was sort of humble so much on the correct side is that it says a lot to do what i want to do was get my one hundred seven job was out of a job of us got to think i might have just made most of them down when those six seconds. so you still can be good thing for me or about me is that is a big one but if that are what they say it's almost as if getting it i mean personally i'm a out in my mind exert myself submit to it was good but was immediately made us all still of the view that funny number that i don't deserve is a pretty.
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