tv Watching the Hawks RT August 10, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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anyways. it's just like the real news. is that x. is and in the end you could never you're on. so much parking. all the world all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. greetings and salutations well it appears the going to war with north korea is once again the most popular flavor of political ice cream this week in the halls of power you're in washington d.c. after north korea radelet saber our own thoughtful commander in chief rattled his own spewing out the no oft quoted fire in the fury line and as i said they will be met with fire fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never
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see before. sounds like the donald's been loving this season of game of thrones just like the rest of us but tragically george r.r. martin dialogue doesn't quite translate well in the real world international politics in response to trump spire and theory north korea general can rock a genome the head of the country's strategic forces declared sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy bereft of reason and then only absolute force can work on him. do you feel like your country is in a little bit of trouble when kim jong il people are saying your president is bereft of reason or our church but while the schoolyard kind of tip for tat back and forth continues between north korea in the united states that hasn't stopped the war hawks in the military industrial complex and corporate news media from salivating over the chance for bombs to start dropping once again for example check out ali velshi is war porn on m s n b c makes middle missiles which can hit combat units
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incoming missiles communication sites and more some of them are able to deliver a five hundred pound warhead to a target have you ever seen someone so excited to see technological marvels destroy targets him of course by targets i mean north koreans and by north koreans i mean yes people human beings so before we let these two nations talk us into war in the media cheer leading them on let us let us pull the dogs of whack and start watching the hawks. like you that i got. this.
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week. welcome aboard watching the hearts are over the turks and i talk a lot about the move the war dogs are loose everyone's trade insults we got guam being a threat and mel played well i think the most shocking thing about all of this weekend for me at least has and the fact that i found out so many people that i knew and respected didn't know that part of u.s. territory so that. shocker for me but this is. entire thing is just as you said it's tip for tat it's childish and when even even the most childish are saying this is a child this is just well you know and the thing that gets me and we were talking about this is that i'm sorry but when you look at like how the media and a lot of the politicians in congress and all that are treating this and the defense contractors most importantly i smell a lot of like run up to the iraq war all over new you know you know yes north korea
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is you know a country you have to keep an eye on they could do something bad you never know but it's like six months ago everyone was making fun of them for a failed missile i mean you know everybody talked about how there were military is garbage or years away all they've been all over sudden all of a sudden out of the blue suddenly oh they're going to get us you see c.n.n. displaying maps that they can strike chicago at any moment you know stuff that like again they said wasn't the case just six months ago just a year ago all of this so miraculously in three months north korea's suddenly has become this massive global threat. you know every look at this c.n.n. headline this is just from like last spring north korea's real missile test fails u.s. military says i mean you saw a headline after headline like that basically saying look they can save the rabbit or saber rattle all they want but they're really not that big of a beyond you know to south korea and maybe japan they're not really that big of
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a threat but now suddenly they're a threat to american shores well even from a military standpoint they're not even if they have one or two of these missiles that could even possibly get that far that could even hit something which has been the problem they go up and they all come down or they just come right back down they don't hit their target but they don't have the equipment they i mean they're talking about stuff that's years and years old they can't get upgrades it's a terrible fight to be saying we're going to take them well yeah it would be pretty quick and pretty bloody and pretty awful. you're exactly right even tory fourteen the pentagon released its annual north korea report which was a twenty two pages susman of north korea's military strategy that made it quite clear that their ships planes and armored vehicles are old and obsolete and despite north korea's military first economic strategy there's no money for upgrades i was in two thousand and fourteen i don't think it strange that a lot of it really got more and more money and came up with the no matter it's interesting too because the experts also have said basically the same thing over the years yet frank is
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a policy director of east asian studies at pacific affairs for the senate foreign relations committee from ninety seven to twenty twelve had this to say the likelihood of a sneak attack by north korea one with nuclear weapons to me is infant test and really small i think that under most circumstances even now when they're frankly already under the economic sanctions and military pressure north korea will not be suicidal it's big talk and it's always been but the fact is you have to sit down and discuss this we need to come up with a plan and we have to be onboard with with south korea and china first talk is more important but why isn't it i think right now through all this talk is that the military deployments industry is getting record gains in their stocks so you wonder why there's so much talk of war on t.v. these days. finally it seems the mainstream media and west the washington politicians are finally woken up to big pharma frankenstein monster of an opioid up an epidemic that's been rampaging across the united states according to a report from the american society of addiction medicine four and five new heroin
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users started out misusing prescription painkillers in fact a s.a.m. found that in two thousand and twelve two hundred fifty nine million prescriptions were written for opioids which is more than enough to give every american adult their own bottle of pills cities big and small across the united states are now dealing with the fallout from this rising epidemic an r.t.s. not sweet discovered that this fall and tells more than just the care or incarceration of the addicts but also dealing with their delivery method. many refer to the us as opioid. demick as a modern plague and according to the c.d.c. the number of heroin related deaths has nearly quadrupled as a byproduct of that health crisis there is another one in the making use needles are carried up all across the country and all those who don't even use drugs or at risk for disease. and the scene of serenity and natural beauty. it's startling to know endless amounts of needles are all arounds it's an issue about that's not only that everybody has to take serious or washing up on the
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shores. of. this poison so for me and just your it's from neighborhoods transit camps are popping up infested with needles. now reports of hypodermic needles turning up all across the country is staggering and alarming rates here in law massachusetts just outside of boston you don't have to go far to see just how vivid the country's problem is the only problem the harbor dharmic needles are coming down every day we're like what's going on in. rocky moore center heads the clean water projects he's been cleaning the merrimack river for the past fifteen years in the mud for the last four years rocky says he's noticed needles in the water here in there but he says the number of needles he's seen in last two have been unbelievable but when you start seeing a lot of the needles then you know there's something wrong. according to morison part of the problem are these homeless camps since the majority of them including intensity near the water the camps all along with the needles in them regularly
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washed up acting as a large conveyor belt the river transports these needles off the river and even into the ocean that needles aren't just turning up in areas where homeless reside we traveled to your area and at plum island we discovered a used needle within five minutes of hitting the beach jimmy murphy father of three was shocked to know needles were in places like plum island where his kids one of them just six years old were merely yards of the needle we came across it's very scary. and it's very much a part of real life and it's like you what you asked of was just this reality and it is yeah this is supposed to be a nicer part of town how surprised are you to hear that this issue isn't just some other places where there's homeless counts but it's actually here on the beach it's very very surprising and shocking and i think it's pretty telling where you know it shows that it's the epidemic is everywhere and i don't know what do you know sort of the same whether george charros has run
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a business near plum island for the last several decades he says needles haven't been an issue in the past but now people are finding them on the beach and turning them in and there's a lot of people want to be you know occasionally go burn up a. needle in the heart of times they don't want to touch it or even get a container and scoop it up for or take a. napkin or something and put around and that's what kills you when you find this toys when you're flying kids toys that are here around heroin to see well shocking it's nothing new as these images reveal massachusetts couple with new hampshire are reportedly the fastest growing states in this epidemic across the country to california epidemic there is worsening to an entirely new level in the city of san francisco alone there were reportedly two thousand one hundred seven just found in march of twenty sixteen and just one year later this past march a whopping thirteen thousand syringes were found and many worry it's the children at risk for these blood borne illnesses just seventy five miles south in santa cruz
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an eleven year old girl reportedly stepped on a needle in a swimming pool in two thousand and fifteen eleven point five million americans abused prescription opioids in two thousand and fifteen resulting in a whopping fifty two thousand deaths in overdoses that year an all time record and authorities say they expect that number to rise they're going to all along morrison points to his local needle exchange program as another part of the equation how many illegals are being all over the riverbanks because this. which my guides my volunteers in jeopardy on the war and more what's going on out here and i find out i read to a gentleman down there and he says you know why he says this is the company radio is passing all the needles up according to the national academies of sciences engineering medicine well the improper disposal of needles is a huge continental exchange programs they have helped lessen the number of people getting hiv or hepatitis from sharing needles by providing clean ones we reached down to the greater lawrence family health center for comment the same clinic
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morrison said was passing out free needles while they initially agreed to an interview they declined at the last minutes however an employee who wished to remain anonymous tells us they have programs aimed at educating people to help get off the street kids that morrison was opposing also contain bleach water and caps for the needles to they can be safely disposed according to the employee programs like theirs are the reason why the number of drug users hiv and hepatitis has dramatically declined so the question remains if they had not clean needles helps stop one epidemic how do we prevent it from creating another show to join us tomorrow as we discuss the root of the cause of this opioid crisis sweeping the country. and joining us today to talk more about her report is the tossers or to correspond plushest we thank you for coming on i you know i think for a lot of people who are dealing with this epidemic in their neighborhoods this is absolutely shocking to see that many needles are sitting out there you know
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certainly i mean i kind of believe my own eyes and my photographer and i got there you know we kind of discussed we weren't expecting to find the number of needles that we witness we thought maybe we'd see some here and there and maybe include some pictures from people that had sent us some pictures of you know e-mail but i mean the amount of needles we thought everywhere we went basically i mean we would look down and sure enough we were standing by some type of use needle and just to know that in parks and beaches where there are kids plans you consume our port it's really. scary to know that they could potentially step on one in so makes you think twice about taking your shoes off or even wearing flip flops and it's interesting though too that it's kind of you know with every needle you know that was also was suffering person you know by and large at least you know so you have to also remember to put those two things together that every needle you see there's probably you know there's the user who's suffering and using about needle to begin with it's very interesting well now natasha recently the president obviously in the new administration said ok we finally this is an issue we need to do something
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about it declared a national emergency so what's not just you know it's a great question i mean there's eleven point five million americans that are addicted that are suffering from their addiction and we have twenty three million americans who are in recovery hopefully they all get out of it as you saw in the report fifty two thousand deaths and twenty fifteen experts are saying that that number is clearly rising and there is legislation being put forward senator rob portman out of ohio he drafted legislation to basically get one hundred eighty one million dollars of spending a year for preventative treatment and also for treatment people are going to already affected but the main problem that we discovered speaking to a doctor out of new jersey he said that in the one nine hundred eighty s. they were taught to basically overprescribed make people comfortable and now a lot of states are cracking down on how much you can prescribe and for how long and so now people no longer have a prescription so now they're turning to street drugs like heroin to treat their
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pain and so the key is to not get them hooked in the first place so it's a really tricky predicament and that's what i was going to kind of whether it's logical question is you know is this all street drugs i mean obviously the needles you have heroin old and where do they know where the heroin is going to coming from and where these drugs are coming from and where the government of the needles are coming from that's a great question and as you saw in the report there are some you'll change programs that it's coming from but again they're trying to do something very positive. and then we saw you know in the one nine hundred seventy s. the world got its heroin from southeast asia the golden triangle then afghanistan and then twenty fifteen. there surged by forty three percent their production rather from a genetically modified poppy plants and so that just made their production or even more so but now we're actually shipping our production to mexico is where a lot of it's coming from and they're also shipping in fenton out which is very
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similar to heroin but fifty to eighty times stronger and so now it drug law enforcement officers they have to use hazmat suits to touch this stuff and so i really hope this doesn't affect the crisis that we're already in but it seems like it's inevitable that it unfortunately well will definitely i look forward to the next piece on this story thank you so much for coming on the bay and educate yourself need to work with them are happening across the country are to go to break or watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics to cover facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are coming up we delve into the world of top secret j.f.k. assassination documents with the man who is responsible for declassified united states district judge out of minnesota. state of the. all the world. and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties
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are anti america play party america. america or so. many ways to use the landscape just like you really. see that bad actor and yet you could never you're all. so much a part. of the world all the world's a stage we are. one of the most fascinating a mysterious events in u.s. history to this day remains the assassination of president john f. kennedy spurned on in the one nine hundred ninety s. by oliver stone's movie j.f.k. the nation began to re-examine one of the nation's most infamous crimes to separate fact from fiction and provide the public with some much needed transparency
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congress established the assassinations records review board presided over by attorney and law professor john tonight i'm now chief judge of the u.s. district court of minnesota the the board's mission was to clear up any remaining mysteries surrounding the assassination now more than twenty years later these tribes of documents are finally being released with some appearing online earlier this summer and the rest for publication this fall we were joined earlier by judge him to learn more about his role in this process thank you so much your honor for coming on to day cheap united states district judge of the u.s. district court for the district of or a bowl judge to. thank you so much so. thank you i want to get started in the ninety nine so that you served as chairman of the assassination records review board in charge of overseeing the public release of all the documents related to the j.f.k. assassination can you give them briefly explain to our viewers how you came to serve in this position and what your work entailed and how many documents were we
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talking about at this boy. well it was interesting. in the experience in really understanding or reading many of the books about the assassination of president kennedy i had attended a lecture but i was asked by president clinton if i would do this and i told him at the time that i didn't have any experience or didn't have a strong view points and he said. well that's perfect because i don't want someone running this effort to declassify records who thinks he knows what happened so if i didn't want to do this i said the wrong thing when i was asked about serving in this role i was a chair of a part time board although it seemed almost full time at the time there were five. and we had declassification authority over any record that could reasonably be
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related to the kennedy assassination there are still a lot of secret records by that time thirty years or so after the assassination it was long past time to release records that there are so many people who are interested in seeing especially after all over stone's movie introduced conspiracy one o one to a new generation of americans and we began our work in one nine hundred ninety four and by the end there were about five and a half million pages of records at the national archives most were fully opened and declassified i think we to me to that we made over thirty three thousand declassification decisions over that five year or four year period and we did radack some material we are obligated by law to do that but we tried very hard to make sure that we did not hide anything that was centrally related to the
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assassination itself we were there to open records not to protect records interesting very interesting you were quoted in a recent interview saying quote bombshell information about lee harvey oswald for example you're not going to find in these records whether he had discussions with anyone in advance it could have been the basis for a conspiracy i don't know if we'll ever and now that for sure and but it seems that we are saying is this release the release is a gold mine for those of us who are research or. is that his story. but it's there's nothing in there specifically supports i may have the alternative theory so what can we expect to find in the documents that the public didn't know. you think are valuable. well i think when we did our work in the one nine hundred ninety s. we tried very hard to find everything that we could. you know and some agencies it was relatively easy to find records the f.b.i.
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is filing system is quite complete and very accurate and well catalogued we found the cia records to be much more in disarray and you know in the end we tried very hard to find everything i don't know that we found everything. i can vouch for the fact that perhaps agencies may have been hiding information from us still after being required to submit it. under under the law and so i don't think in this group there's a lot of records that can be released this year unless president trump stops or release he has the authority to do that. that he doesn't there's going to be a lot of records released a lot of records that already have been released that have redactions in them and those redactions would be removed most of those read redactions relate to. intelligence gathering methods methods of protecting the president there's some personal privacy information but
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a lot of it has to do with the names of people who are involved in requested protection particularly law enforcement and intelligence officials who were still living in the one nine hundred ninety s. we also protected information which i think will be probably more interesting. information concerning the work that we did closely with the mexican government back in the one nine hundred sixty s. to spy on other countries in mexico i think every every country there was there was spying on everybody else because every country in the world had embassies there even countries that did not have diplomatic relations with each other and we were persuaded to protect some of that information how that was done because of the concern about our foreign relations with the mexican government in the one nine hundred ninety s. that we might undermine a good relationship at the time i don't think there's any need to protect that
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information anymore there was a good argument in the one nine hundred ninety s. for that there isn't any more and what also is very interesting about mexico is that two months before the assassination oswald made a very strange trip he took the bus from dallas down to mexico city went to the cuban and soviet embassies we know a lot about those visits because of the embassies were being bugged by both the f.b.i. and the cia but it was a very strange visit and while we have tried to find as much information as we can about that there may be more information in the files about. the mexican side of that investigation it's interesting you know if the cia comes up a lot and your subject of their kind of paperwork was in disarray and a lot of the major you know i think you'd see theories surrounding j.f.k.'s death you know revolve around his battles you know with the cia. in your opinion in going
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through these things did did you feel like that was an agency at the time run by allen dulles the you know did i have that animosity towards towards john kennedy i don't you know obviously we're going to ask you to weigh in. whether or not you think that they were involved in his death. but but did you see a kind of a pattern of animosity in those files towards john kennedy. well i think there was animosity arising out of the bay of pigs situation in which the cia was heavily involved in training and putting the anti castro cubans forward and then there is a feeling that the kennedy administration did not give sufficient support that day which led to the failure i think there was. a misunderstanding between the president and the agency of course removed not long thereafter john mccone
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who was heading the cia at the time of the kennedy assassination was a good friend of the president's he was a trusted ally of the president's but that doesn't say much about what was going on further down as we learned from the church committee investigation in the one nine hundred seventy s. the cia at the time elements of the cia were relatively lawless and not controlled by anyone and it's entirely possible that they could have harbored some level of animosity toward the president over the bay of pigs and the removal of mr dulles. for forty years textbooks that told us that the modem was formed in a giant impact between a baby earth and a mysterious large rocky planet the size of mars called the melted together solidified and left us with the earth and the moon however new tests on the lunar samples of the one nine hundred seventy two apollo seventeen mission don't actually support that theory the sample should resemble the up but down to its atoms the
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samples are exactly like earth so new theories have emerge one is that the a didn't hurt earth but and created the moon but it was a planet identical to earth the second is that they did it and act were different but the force of it mixed everything together so well we can't tell the difference the third. hypothesizes a mysterious orbital data of the donut shaped cloud of debris scientists from harvard coined cynthia cynthia that one circled the sun balancing banging and blitzing about these donuts created the perfect size moon spinning at the perfect rate and the perfect plates the mysteries of earth silver sister abound and every step backward is a leap into the future about it most definitely is so let's leap into the future of tomorrow because today right now we have to show what you can see it's a dental that is our show period of day and remember everyone in this world we're not told with love though so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and on top of
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the mainstream media in this country can say. average. r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one tells us what the cover how long the coverage or how to say it that's the beauty of our t.v. america. we give both sides we hear from both sides and we question more that journalists are not getting anything get in your way to bring it home to the american people. standoff between the united states and north korea already had the brink if not who backs down let's take a look on this edition.
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