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tv   Keiser Report  RT  August 12, 2017 10:29am-11:01am EDT

10:29 am
i encrypt. hitting new all time. high you know i dream of a parallel universe and in that universe is jim records and he's crying. up up up up up up up up up up. this is due izzy let's check in with stacy and see whats on a person leave as it were. well up my sleeve we have a lot of geopolitics and jim rickards has been right regarding geopolitics may be wrong regarding crypto currency but you know on there up and down ride the global geopolitics space is also as volatile as the cryptocurrency of space but before we go on speaking of crypto i do want to say we have to say that we are on steam mint dot com as well as kaiser report i'm supposed to say something about a squirrel and some nuts i'm not sure what that's about but i'm supposed to do that just so you know we are there every squirrel has not they like to bury them now
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and so our first headline going back to geo politics and economics there are two inextricably linked in john sure all have bigger knots and others for us yes those are the ones i like the acorn so male of the species so going back to the headline geopolitics economics much of it is driven by the quest for energy whether it was coal or whale oil or oil of course one of the most volatile regions in the world some people will say oh those middle eastern people they just don't know how to run themselves they're backwards culturally or it could be to do with the oil that they're sitting on top of which makes it difficult for them to develop when the empire once their stuff well here we have a new energy system coming into place and it's quite interesting that it's coming
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on line right as many say the u.s. empire is declining and that is electric car who drives rushed to mining's ninety billion dollar hub a scramble by the lithium markets biggest players to tie up supply of the high tech metal is gathering pace and the one hundred seventy year old heartland of australia is ninety billion. dollar mining industry rising chinese demand for lithium ion batteries needed for electric vehicles and energy storage is driving significant price gains and an asset boom in australia already the world's largest lithium producer the fast developing hub is drawing investment and deals from global producers as well as chemical to battery manufacturers in china the top consumer doesn't know the historical perspective there is i think cogent you know whale oil to hydrocarbon oil in the ground this is been the twentieth century this has been
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the rise of the american empire the rise of the automobile the rise of industry the rise of henry for the rise of banking but it's giving way to a new technology for energy battery technology and china is dominating that battery technology with their almost monopoly on things like lithium and so the question is is this going to define the decline of the american empire in the twenty first century and based on what you're saying there it looks to be the case because as energy goes so goes empire building and so the empire baton is being handed off to china based on this new energy source and development technology battery technology and of course i would also point out that china and russia are going really strongly into crypto currency as well whereas america stuck in oil and america stuck in the paper currency world as another emblematic.
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ok is that the premise of your sentence well so yeah my money is one thing of course oil has been priced in the dollar since we went off the gold standard and the us did a deal with saudi arabia to make sure it's priced in dollars i don't know what lithium is being priced then i'm sure of dollars at the moment but maybe one day it will be on. again i'll look at a show you a chart to just show you who the biggest lithium producers are leading the charge australia controls fourteen point three percent of the global market chill a prize twelve percent argentina five point seven china zimbabwe portugal and then brazil. now the biggest producer obviously has a strata and the biggest controller of those mines there are china and in fact the biggest mine is actually controlled by a chinese company and
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a company right here in north carolina is a joint production really francis across iowa a big lesson producer was afghanistan and was worth the justification for the afghanistani and you know control by the us was to get into that lithium we did cover that here on the kaiser for about seven or eight years ago where it was discovered they have massive lithium reserves they obviously are still being occupied they're still being bombed there is war still there so of course no companies are going in there to develop these mines there are resources there but right now because of the successful apparent launch of the teslas newmark for a everybody is suddenly it's dawning on people that wow this is actually going to be mass produced at a thirty five thousand dollars price for and an amazing vehicle by all you know reviews whether it's of him bloomberg or a car magazines everybody saying this is
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a game changing vehicle and it's definitely. going to change the market to something like five hundred thousand orders but there's a real tight supply of lithium so the idea of self financing the war in iraq for the oil that was a big bust never happened so financing and measuring the gamma stands for the lithium that was a big joke never happened in the us if i'm going crawls out of afghanistan probably russia will move right back and take over there let them and work with china. hopefully they'll you know afghanistan has their own indigenous population their own people and maybe they themselves will develop their own resources are like person on earth father colonized countries in terms of like the comparison to the middle east here they say that there are serious companies investing in people are starting to lock up the biggest longlife resources the question is who is next simon moore's managing director of benchmark minerals said by phone from london though on a smaller scale it's a land grab like in the petroleum industry when b.p.
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shell and others rounded on the middle east and the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's so again i'm saying that this is a sea change paradigm shift of energy and if you look at history going back through time you know any time there's a shift in new energy resources it's who controls that exploitation of that particular resource here in australia where the most mining is happening it looks like china is securing all those resources there the number one producer of lithium batteries as well what would happen if the lithium supplied to the us the traits trump bipolar disorder were cut off i mean that could really sink america i don't know if it's the same ingredients that is used in the lithium that is treating people with bipolar and schizophrenia but greenbushes this is the particular this is the largest mine in the world greenbushes and it's west australia the world's
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biggest hard rock lithium mine is being expanded to more than double. annual capacity callison lithium a joint venture between china's tanky lithium corporation and north carolina's album corp said in an e-mail the site first mined for tin from about eight hundred eighty eight already accounts for about thirty percent of global lithium production according to australian government tanky is also planning about five hundred seventy eight million dollars of processing plant expansion so china is controlling that right now they're doing the land grab while it can i think a lot of people in the in the west. you know you haven't really seen you know tesla is the most shorted company in america people have been mocking the notion that this will ever work in the meantime china spent expanding and betting big on this apparently but nobody seemed to know that until it's a bit too late now know of the elon musk classic american entrepreneur bucking the trend about being the naysayers looks like all the shorts are going to get squeezed
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a market capitalization heading toward one hundred billion dollars it's gonna like the same path the stock of amazon back in the one nine hundred ninety s. you know before shorting mess stock all the way up until it broke out and now it's you know worth hundreds of billions of dollars so this is what happens in america people have ideas they get capital they get traction they have a huge market here three hundred fifty million just domestically and things grow rapidly unlike other countries like the u.k. for example they have capital markets but the total population is very small so even if you are huge in the u.k. are still pina in the global market and that's why it's very difficult to be an entrepreneur there but yeah good good on them so just to put into context lithiums current market size is two point five billion dollars so it's a fraction of even the silver market it's a tiny market and so apparently has a big future to go but chinese companies plan battery factories with capacity to
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pump out about one hundred twenty gigawatt hours a year by twenty twenty one more than three times the proposed volume of tests gigafactory in nevada according to bloomberg news energy finance about fifty five percent of global lithium ion battery production is already based in china compared with ten percent in the u.s. by twenty twenty one china's share is forecast to grow to sixty five percent so there they're going to become the saudi arabia of the lithium ion battery market it looks like according to current projections unless we can bomb our way out of this . now what this transition to batteries and this new energy paradigm is really remarkable as happening quite rapidly and it's totally facilitated by this network economics that's transforming the global economy and central banks are fading and currency is fading electricity and batteries are to be the battery technology is in the ascent so it's really huge a poc defining transition to
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a new a new world and china is positioned themselves very well. of course you mentioned crypto currencies at the top of the showing and china is also the biggest mining operation for cryptocurrency for bitcoin they have the biggest mining rigs and some people say it's a lot to do a stolen energy electricity costs are the number one cost preventing any one nation or individual from mining. prop with any profit so china if they're now moving towards these battery powered situation perhaps they might even control more of the the market for cryptocurrency in the future where i think there's been a lot of dialogue between china and russia in the crypt space so china was very quick to seize on crypt russia was a laggard they were against it even as a year ago now they're totally on board now they want to create as part of that silk road perhaps
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a coin that will work all across the new silk road and compete with the u.s. dollar the u.s. dollar is weak u.s. demand for oil is weak and it's a prices of lithium carbonate the primary based chemical produced by the industry has more than doubled in the past five years and just so you know we don't see any price fall in next three years according to benchmarks morris he said when you look at all the battery plants being built in the plans for electric vehicles even if only about twenty five percent of those are ever realized we're still going to be short of lithium as a unique once in a generation situation you know long live him and us are bi-polar that short well we've got to take a break and we're back. to protect him he said. up and up and basically. in the. house he will be looking to see if. you were talking to.
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i'm not allowed. to meet him it's already. been a lot of any of us to come out of a skid but i'm a look at him as are a lot of us up the money into. oh give me money i love my money. just say so and i'll. go so who do are some of the fallout of fortune being made by. other people who are dull films and i was on the go. a little. special environment. right. chemical discoveries over the last century made
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every day life easier but at what cost this is cereal is exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. cysts as the years old industrial giants reap the benefit ignoring the home caused by chemical production. you know as if these people aren't people just experimental animals decades later the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high. levels of banks and levels of my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever in the united states for almost thirty years this very serious problem had not actually been addressed what will that investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed. to.
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the earth there's. welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to get out of the valley in new york and speak with legendary gerald celente of trends research dot com gerald welcome back. i see how you back all right gerald you've hopped on the
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crypto train what is going on here carol to lead to. well you know the man who call the crypto trade first is back skies way back when when it coins just came out and when you started talking i started to listen and we've been following it very closely and you know you go back and what the coin is now over thirty five hundred dollars up almost two hundred fifty percent in the year. what's going on is a lot of people don't have a lot of faith in c.i. currency it's because you know whether it's in japan where they call it abbay nomics the markets going up in the united states you could call it ponzi nomics the whole system is being juiced up by record low interest rates quantitative
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easing and just dumping a lot of cheap money into the system to keep it going so the people that are looking for alternatives are looking for crypto currency and it's showing the strength of them and now of course you have companies countries like japan where because one can be traded but it's even bigger than that max as we're looking at it now and that is just go back to november eighth oh no wasn't only the election in the united states which trump won the same day in india they called in eighty six percent of the rupee. in one day nobody saw it coming so what happens they going cashless and you go to go to sweden go to other countries cashless. cashless society needs so think about it you don't have
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a dollar bill to hold up anymore where it says in god we trust you're trusting nobody it's digital so people are say why go digital why should i have a currency backed by nothing printed on nothing that the government just keeps printing and devaluing and reality when i could go to a crypto currency so as more and the war of the world goes cashless we see more and more of the world going cryptocurrency now when the topic of fact current say and the global us dollar reserve currency recently a way of saying countries entered this mega to ventra straits so you're locking in a loss if you're buying bonds denominated in in these countries and as far as going cashless and going digital there's talk now about countries enter
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dissing electronic cast substitutes that have a next for expiration date like a dozen eggs or meat in other words if you don't spend the cash within a certain time it expires worthless. so this is what's happening to money and consumption you know it's keynesian economics gerald it's everything is to stimulate demand even creating money that expires like tainted mate or going into hyperbolic debt it's just about stimulating demand and propped up currencies are responding to that people are figuring out that wait a minute there's no flag there's no country it doesn't expire worthless it's good it's money and we're you know the top seems to be. not inside you know i pointed to the effect that nobody liked the ten nobody liked it one hundred nobody liked it a thousand for they're going to live it in their pension account at ten thousand
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above gerald. yeah and you pointed out all a lot of the points and again that me go to japan you want to buy a ten year bond at zero i mean why would you pocket and who's buying a by the way the government's buying but they don't talk about that so the whole system where they looking at a debt to g.d.p. ratio it over two hundred fifty is same thing with china now the numbers are coming out and you're looking some people are saying the debt to g.d.p. ratio is over three hundred and all they're doing is keeping the ponzi scheme going and by the way when when because when went down last year one of the reasons it went down was because the chinese started putting restrictions on it and how you could trade what what the deal had a big day so that by the way those are some of the dangers and you have to look at the dangers as well as the opportunities as we believe and that is that you know
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the governments could come in at any time and try to do anything they can to stop alternatives from showing the worthlessness of the currencies that they have just as it happens frequently with gold all of a sudden you know bam you know all of a sudden there's these short selling you know a naked shorts you know by the tugs and who did it it's usually a government but you know will never let you know that so this is the dangers to that people have to be aware of. right there is there was some chinese activity chinese government coming in making some restrictions they their parents going to keep their currencies comes at an interesting time because it's a time when the u.s. dollar appears to be losing its dominance as world reserve currency and the rise of china and russia kind of getting very big in the battery business there get huge and accept their currencies to the chinese government as. is treading a fine line here because on one hand they don't necessarily want control bitcoin
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among the other hand it is a pathway toward being free of u.s. dollar gemini of being free of u.s. dollar control so that goal may trump any local or regional goal and take them to a different place as the twenty first century really starts to take focus as the chinese and russian century your thoughts. oh i agree with you the twentieth century was the american century the twenty first century matter of fact that's going to be one of our top trends to twenty eighteen it's china and it's it's real and by the way one of the other things though in china did start trying to put some restrictions on bitcoin was because of the devaluation of the you want and they were concerned about currency outflow and now they seem to have those currency outflows under control so they're not so concerned so countries that are going to
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be facing more currency outflows are the ones where you're also going to see more and more action in the crypto currencies because the people are realizing that their dough is useless yeah let's move on to another threat to the current system the elon musk's tesla the reviews of this new car the mark three are in there fantastic five hundred thousand on oil are the most short of company on the market is the shorts are getting hammered. you know has funds got a wrong it seems like a lot of people got iran is this a trend that will take over general we don't see taking over when you look at the real numbers max the united states europe china electric vehicles one percent the. technology is really smokestack era technology and when you dealing with the battery thing was invented
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in one thousand nine hundred sell unless they come out with something better than what they're dealing with we don't see it happening at a grander scale having said that there are now some breakthroughs coming out so i owe to being one of them and a new battery direction the battery direction has to change it has to go beyond something that exists now and where it will happen at some point where right now we don't see it given it lay here go to the u.k. go to norway go to france they're all talking about having no combustion engines you know particularly the u.k. and. and and. norway and france will talking some of them twenty forty twenty forty day. that's a walk away so unless we have
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a new technology to replace the battery technology we have today we don't see it going at the level where they're projecting it right now ok so point taken the battery technology itself goes back a hundred or so as you point out we've got more efficiencies in battery and i've got to transition to more battery power engines and cars and vehicles it's still however you've got a dependence on lithium as part of this battery global battery business and the lithium supply is controlled pretty much by china through a proxy more or less in australia so is lifting him the new oil in other words if oil powered the twentieth century and now are moving into a different kind of a scenario a different era different energy sources is lithium now in a position to eclipse oil is this something that you get greater out
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energy out than energy and it's cetera what do you think. you know i think afghanistan has a lot of health and i don't know if it will replace it again i believe there's going to be something bigger than the battery coming by in the way it is now and it may take something else other than lithium i don't know but yes you make a very good point because when you really start looking at it and taking a global mamak view you mention oil look at what's going on in the oil industry i mean saudi arabia needs oil at one hundred dollars a barrel for their government valent sheet to break even and it's around fifty bucks why too much supply not enough demand and alternatives eating away at it whether it's wind power of biofuels solar battery power so all these things in a grander scale are bringing or oil to say you know those old songs back
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in the twenty's they talked about the ice man is no wice man over there because they've got refrigeration so we're in the twenty first century and it's really a time of great transition whether it's bitcoins whether it's batteries whether it's new energy sources it's on the near horizon yeah you mentioned that trying to anticipate when trends are emerging and they become big of course is something that investors are always looking for you mention that there are risks of course and these sometimes don't get the attention that they should get in the case of oil and one hundred dollars per barrel oil needed for saudis to keep going a lot of that thinking emerged during a period with a very popular me at that time of peak oil that we were running out of oil oil was one hundred thirty one hundred forty and going to two
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hundred fifty a barrel and that thought process completely collapsed. we have to. say goodbye for this segment we'll come back and do another segment with you. in the very near and coming up so don't go away carol thanks for being on the kaiser report i sat in riyadh backs and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey i would like to thank our guest gerald celente hey if you like general stick around for the next episode of we'll be back if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time my heel. will willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but noone signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people that was leaked or biological
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and chemical products said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam all polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between burn pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the burn pits would bring literally some to be a broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay. for it the middle finger to be used to model is. delayed and.
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isis militants have just shown patrolled by. enemy troop movements have been spotted on the river. here in the two groups of militants have joined forces. in those groups elusive to clear their determination for independent islamic state in the philippines. to two months of fun to keeps finding weapons and explosives. areas where civilians used to live daily occurrence. not knowing what the bundle. of noise.
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is or does or did not. see in the. walking dead. and it will make. the fishers though says he doesn't love the. two young girls reportedly taken to state controlled territory by their parents are recognized by their grandparents back in russia. or. for her to go through. her. daughter rhetorical dual what north korea president now warning leader kim jong il will be credit x. and y. . afghan officials accuse u.s. forces of killing at least sixteen civilians in an airstrike.


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