tv News with Ed RT August 14, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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now. on the news tonight the president denounces the events of the weekend in charlottesville calling racism the k.k.k. and neo nazi groups a great evil and protests spread throughout the country over the weekend in reaction to charlottesville reverend jesse jackson joins us for the conversation tonight and neo nazi ism sees a resurgent not only in the united states artie's alexy reports on the spread of this ideology through europe reporting tonight from charlottesville virginia this is the news on r.t. america.
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good evening friends we start tonight from downtown charlottesville virginia we are just a few short steps away from the scene of the gruesome violence that unfolded over the weekend the city was primed for a clash when a group of all right white supremacy were met by a large group of counter protesters then james alex fields a twenty year old from ohio a white nationalist rammed his car into a group of protesters killing thirty two year old heather higher the president spoke up about the incident soon after condemning what he called hate on both sides earlier today the president revise his message in response to a backlash his words were not strong enough in condemning the violence the president referred to racism as an evil in called out the k.k.k.
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neo nazis as criminals and thugs racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs including the k.k.k. neo nazis white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. attorney general jeff sessions spoke in support of what he called the president's clear rejection of white supremacist groups he explicitly condemned the kind of idiology behind these movements of naziism white supremacy the k.k.k. that is his unequivocal position he totally opposes those are kind of values his statement yesterday again affirm that and i think you'll hear that again today. meanwhile the situation here in charlottesville virginia remains tense but somber
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artie's that asha sweet was in the community today and got reaction the mood here in charlottesville virginia is completely different than it was twenty four hours ago as you can see it's a somber mood people are leaving supports with flowers and candles remembering the three people who died on saturday. a time for mourning and putting all of what happened saturday into perspective we're all suffering from this island bar tells a starlet's full residents while preparing for what she called an unpleasant event she says she was absolutely shocked regarding the death of three people tied to saturday's rally you know i've lived here for eighteen years there's nothing like this has ever happened according to barr tells it's not something her town stands for me i knew it was going to be bad we everyone in town knew there was going to be violence because the cops were bragging ahead of time but the fact that someone actually lost their life that someone would actually take such a violent step to deliberately kill other people was just beyond that i just
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couldn't believe that according to i glean a local shop owner while he's witnessed many protests during his younger days he says saturday was different so those coming as expected over their murders never expected and that took place right in my back door that does sitting there i heard the screams and i opened up to my my back door to let some of the people who were fleeing the car come in as people took shelter and i clean shop he says he knows why outside hate groups targeted charlottesville they have a third generation. hippie population politically politically and socially left of center very you know open to diversity and that despite his life in him politically views i clean says he along with many other locals are for keeping the property least in emancipation park attorney general jeff sessions has announced that there is now a federal investigation into sad. and the driver of the dodge charger james alex
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charged with second degree murder. and. for more on what has unfolded in this community tonight let's turn to joe thomas he is a morning talk show host. joe nice to have you with us welcome to charlottesville well it's nice to be in this community but not under these circumstances of course and this is and i grew up an offer this is totally out of character for this community is it not this is character of this community and one of our local news reporters did a very pointed piece going through all the license plates in the parking lot from all the places where these rabble rousers the anarchists came from to cause this in a community where we have a human rights commission that's tried for sixteen months to find a violation of human rights and hasn't been able to have issues in this town but they're not racial issues charlottesville here what happened they wanted to take
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down the robert e. lee statue after the shooting in south carolina and after that shooting they said well let's get rid of the confederate monuments and has a law that says you can't do that. war memorials. the city went ahead put together a commission that said don't move the statue put up other statues statues of black community leaders whether it be local or national. idea and just went ahead with voting to remove the statue then they found out they couldn't do it there's a court proceeding there's most of the way through and in the midst of that it's created a political platform for people to go out and start making a name for themselves off of the political issue over the statue really was the impetus of all of the political rhetoric that evolved to what we saw over the absolute. the rhetoric just got hotter and hotter and you spoke with the organizer
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of this tell us about that i've spoken to all the parties in the as and the organizers of the event and it's tough to tell who organized it because there are groups like richard spencer's all right and then they seem to be in charge but then we have a local fella jason kesler who was putting together a group here but then i didn't see him at the event on saturday i was there for the whole melee through the course of it but then there's also the participants on the left hand side vice mayor was bellamy who was one of the largest advocates former mayor kristen seiko still a member of city council who are very ardent supporters of moving the statue whereas then we had city councillors like mike sigman or the mayor and kathy galvin who voted against it so it was a divided council in now it's all hung up in lawsuits you don't know when the statues go to get moved if ever the lawsuit was fairly the judge moore was very clear in his ruling it is a war memorial and it and moving it violates the law he gave the city six months to
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come up with. an appeal and that ends at the end of this month so somewhere in september will be the final ruling you were pepper sprayed by both sides both sides down covering it live stream and did you anticipate that it was going to get this volatile to no death no and certainly the events that transpired later in the afternoon where one young man decided to take tactics out of the book of isis and drive a car into a crowd of people it was just absolutely dumb striking to anyone in this community and then to lose the two state troopers the way we did in a helicopter flight that honestly should not have been necessary this was not that kind of event that should have been that kind of volatility volatility your callers this morning how to date the response to the president's first statement when he used the term both sides they were. very supportive because there was i was there it was violent on all sides there's
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a picture on the internet now on facebook of me about to lose my cool with a member of the black lives matter movement and it wasn't until of the bronx black lives matter interceded only because he knew me from the d.n.c. convention last year he stepped in and grabbed him and said no he's cool and it deescalated the young man catches up to me hours later once we're out of the mob think and he's like i'm really sorry i don't know what got into b. but i mean he was hot yeah you know he saw me he said you're a racist i was oh you know even though me how do you know i'm a racist. one on one the only way you beat mob rule is one to one in knocking on your neighbor's door and say hey you want to come for a cup of coffee because the only way we diffuse mob rule is if we convince people individually that we're not who they are but telling us we are a post-mortem on law enforcement there was one eyewitness that said that they didn't get there and respond fast enough what's your take chief thomas had
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a press conference earlier this evening in which he said there was an agreement between the permit did users of the park with robert e. lee's statue that they violated which put them in proximity to the protestors we haven't heard the second side of that but that was the chief of police's statement that they that they had done everything in the planning stages had everyone followed the plan and finally do you expect. more protests or is this i think there's going to be more protests because there are more insistence that there's an answer beyond that and that's the problem and this is we're looking for answers out there and sort of in here joe thomas great to have you with us and good sir as you bet the trump tower in new york city was the site of numerous protests today of protesters took place throughout the country protesters were out and about and numerous occasions. chavez has the details on all of those events. we are here across the street at trump tower in new york where hundreds of
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protesters are gathering right behind me chanting hey hey ho ho trump has got to go this is just the latest protest to take place that at the slew of protests that happened over the weekend and nationwide let's take a look. you know i did the protesters filled the streets of new york over the weekend marching through midtown manhattan times square and you can square demanding for the president to a few white nationalist groups including the k.k.k. and neo nazis who clashed with the anti racism protesters in charlottesville part of the struggle against point and the guns of research on how many know they probably did however have its residents are descendants of a city where they continue here on. demonstrations also took place in other major cities including seattle chicago baltimore and san francisco to show support of charlottesville thousands took part in the multi-faith vigils and rallies across the country you are standing with one hundred other groups across the country today
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and leaders that are doing the exact same thing telling people that we are going to put up with that crap that happened in charlottesville this week i'm telling you i look to my left and i saw how their higher lying on the grounds and i saw the life pass from arise and i watched. it from that moment on ice words myself that i would not stop the fight against white supremacy and i would never let this happen again i would never let another person die. because of white supremacy because of domestic terrorism although many of them were separate demonstrations they all shared a similar message and you don't it states of america where you were wrong people didn't find it white family i am trying to argue right right. meanwhile counter protests also took place. in seattle tensions were high as various counter protesters took. in the streets at one point you could even see trump supporters clashing with law enforcement police said they had to use pepper spray and blast
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balls to disperse crowds after fireworks were thrown at officers here you can see some demonstrators pouring milk in their eyes after being tear gassed president trump is expected to arrive here at trente hour later on this evening this will be the first time he's there trying to trying tower since taking office on january twentieth and protesters are expected to be gathered here until he arrives and protests throughout the evening in the news with the jokes trinity charges r t. for more on what the country is facing coast to coast as racism seems to be breeding and white supremacy is certainly an issue i want to turn tonight to the respected reverend jesse jackson reverend nice to have you with us tonight and these scenes that we are seeing on our television screen remind us of the sixty's where tensions were very high and change was in the atmosphere in this country give us a sense of what would defuse what starting to happen in this country that is now bringing is death. this wrist then the six has been this is you at some of them go
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with us and you had an alabama jordan wallace and you had the bull in birmingham and jim while going to alabama this coming from the white house there we have them down and then we have known from what now you have to see about and then you had bill mortgages and sold the clouds have been see them from the top in these moments of support that's what they would do call out and thank him because the great divide really is between. both rep of the white vote and white male supremacy is. not cism and k.k.k. and they represented secession and slavery and submission and segregation and so that's what the battle there really is all about that's that's. reverend. what your counsel did if he is this where do we go from here. or you need presidential
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leadership that will refuse to be reduced to the feet as the people have you know while the folks at home of the trump with tweet hot tempered when a body between mr jefferson sessions remove prince and the cruise from cid is monitoring police behavior of a blacksmith in the back he's shifted money is from pursuing race why supremacy were able to militarize and affirmative action so the from back in white people is not just a river can the president of the absence of responses to the policy administrations is in fact full plates the fantasy is of these right wing and it is. you know reverend i don't hear the term nonviolent being used by either side in the aftermath of this we all have our differences that's what makes up america but these these differences have now morphed into extremes back in the day of the
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leadership of martin luther king and you were right there during those civil rights days the term nonviolent was used a lot we have to get back to the basics of that to remind people that we don't all think alike. will get ahead of the negative that there were in fact none violent and they were hit with a terrorist attack but this is not the first time the terrorists struck us and we seem to be in denial is to maybe bombing the home of the federal building for example of the acts of terrorism we recruit the call that terrorism but it is it is just that and i think that the misanthrope to make the modern equivalent of civil rights protesters with the k.k.k. and the neo nazi is insulting and the misreading of american history. what would you like to see the president do from this point on reverend. may begin to be the white house conference on violence causes
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a few of. us grew in racial disparities at the highest of them leadership second the mis assessments and pull back from removing flaunts from affirmative action and to take in we've fallen from and we is now relaxing. white nationalists we know they have me at the they run military and military outfits in the in the in the woods of a country and they were in to salute. ms a says it took the pressure off of those why and that is to put pressure on university as an affirmative action and so we need to have a policy the whole idea of. the suppressive versus voter fraud that will move all the fraud that was oppressed in the last campaign still miss to have been feeding. this for a long time. reverend jesse jackson i appreciate your time tonight here on that is
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with that thank you so much for joining us all the best my friend the accuser. several leading republicans have called out the president for not taking a strong enough stance against the events here in charlottesville virginia members of the president's own party are urging the president to call the attack on saturday a case of domestic terrorism senator marco rubio tweeted saying the attack should be labeled for what they are a terror attack by white supremacists national security adviser h.r. mcmaster also referred to the incident as domestic terrorism. what terrorism is is the use of violence to incite terror and fear and of course it was terrorism so you do classify that as terrorist will from a legal sense will be a full investigation as you know but but certainly i think we can confidently call it a form of terrorism when people have driven trucks through crowds and your piece called it radical islamic terrorism he should use this opportunity today to say this is terrorism this is domestic terrorism this is white nationalism and it has to stop
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for more on this let's go to our political panel tonight we are joined by dawn jones former georgia state representative and also with us tonight conservative commentator dr gene allowed great to have both of you with us tonight dawn i'll start with you your response to the president's first response in the criticism against him for not going far enough in using the term both sides when we had an eyewitness here tonight who was there saying that well it was both sides how do you how do you piece this together in every protest that i've ever witnessed or participated in there were counter protests and there were protests the many times americans only particularly when it with black lives matter of the things that they didn't agree with never mention the counterprotest he is the president of the united states and for him to only want to point out there with both sides when a woman died it's absolutely ridiculous he has a higher standard just today when he was able to get on twitter immediately and
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call out the mart president for getting off of his by first and last name called him out immediately but it took him more than twenty four hours to call this what it is we all know and we all knew those who did not vote for tom that this is exactly the type of thing he would do with the band in his camp and all the other people that he's brought on is very disappointing and although he cleared it up it did not go far enough. dr allowed near thoughts in the president's first response and what he came out with today was there a difference. he talked every time about love about unity about coming together about being americans and once again the left obsesses over words while the president is concerned with actions that benefit all americans regardless of skin color look at the unemployment rates look at the the way things are going in for detroit for inner city detroit experiencing this whole new revitalization
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the president is completely colorblind and it is only those who only ever want to talk about skin color that are pointing to anything else this is precisely what dr martin luther king has done to allow dangerous are we all know how do you have the character not the not the color of his skin. dr this is a bill a political fight in charlottesville virginia over a war monument that is backed up by a law and white supremacy showed up with the intent to do violence and they were met with some pretty harsh protesters as well so who's at fault and word is the president what role does he have now to diffuse this. why am i come down in a little different place than some of my conservative colleagues would but i would say this line that instigated this in the very first place is where i would put the first blame i don't think that violence on either side is right and i condemn all violence especially when it's based on skin color or any other identity politics
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but i will say that i think the president was strong in his condemnation of these sorts of behaviors and i think that it had he come out right away i would really challenge the left because i had he come out right away and use the names of some of these freaks you know we in media we don't like to even use the names of islamic terrorists when terror happens because we don't like to glorify them and elevate them hadn't done that. john i would bet you they would he would look like criticized for that too no he i don't know what john spawn. dr louden just said that what's your response to a doctor just said it is clear that he has to he there are recordings were donald trump himself clearly said you must call it for what it is and then he himself does not call it for what it is this was not just about violence and also let's let's draw the picture here these were men who came out here with torches with fire who not just ran over this woman they were beating people with their tiki torches from
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their grandmother's backyard trying to relive what happened in confederate history because of that war monument make them feel entitled to do so they were hitting people they were beating people they were out in full on him and more limited surely entitled to things oh absolutely does they absolutely feel entitled to have robert even knowing him and only there you are any day may not have made you feel entirely but the fact that you can walk around and know that someone who clearly said that black people were inferior sits in our public square still in the united states of america today does make you feel inside that you may not notice it because you've got to tell you don't do it but it's me but it but it is free speech it's disgusting vile and slimy it should not happen that it is free speech so i guess my my heart would be in this to have the dialogue about the victims and about the mentality of these losers that started this whole problem in the first place
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but then not how many then see how words of a president that the left hates because so much of the left is socialist and socialism is exactly what condones behavior is exactly like what a lid on his content is condemning right now we cannot change the subject from the core of this our country was built on a history where blacks were told they were inferior we fought a war over this they lost our right there in the prime of freedom and socialism in it's on its face flies you know you want to talk about baby you know rebel and we want to talk about a colorblind or a diety then then we should be condemning socialism and the things that lead to totalitarian governments that is going to have to leave this. i appreciate both of you coming on the program tonight thank you so much for joining us dawn jones and also dr jean allowed the neo nazi movements have continued to grow throughout the
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united states and not only in the united states but across europe. has the latest on the growth of these movements overseas this may look like last weekend's rally with torches in charlottesville except it's not this happens every year sometimes even twice a year in the heart of europe ukraine's capital kiev and doesn't seem to surprise anyone anymore these people marched in support of the nine hundred forty s. insurgency movement in ukraine saying that they were heroes who fought for ukraine's independence from the soviet union the problem is that in this fight the obama army openly collaborated with the nazi invading army killing tens of thousands of jews poles and russians in the process there was even an s.s. battalion not to god operating in ukraine and led by the man who founded the army to monitor cabbage who was behind the anti jewish programs in the western ukrainian city of involve on june thirtieth one thousand nine hundred one basically the first
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thing his battalion's did when they marched into the city after two thousand and twelve jews were massacred within the month of july about that what did that have to do with you know fighting for the country's independence open neo nazis in order glorification of those who fought alongside nazis is not something new for europe in some countries those are reduced to underground cells and many others people with such views are actually in power or out in the streets from ukrainian far right nationalists openly supporting nazi rooms and symbols to marches in the baltic states in memory of members of the baltic s.s. allegiance and openly fascist golden dawn party in greece but all that rarely gets attention all of the mainstream media in the united states just recently the washington post finally rang the alarm bells in this article suggesting that the fire. in ukraine or holding the government by something no one wants to be held by and act with absolute impunity which does not let ukraine embrace the values it's supposed to embrace but that was the rare exception when senator john mccain and
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house speaker paul ryan tweeted out their gleaming impressions of meeting ukrainian parliament speaker would be the man whose book proudly showed him with one of the nazi s.s. symbols there was no outrage and not a word on the mainstream media and sometimes it gets even borderline bizarre when the official twitter account of nato tweeted out a promotional clip of the forest brothers the one thousand nine hundred fifty s. insurgency guerilla movement in the baltic states which also fought against what they called the soviet occupation but apparently nato the organization which was created right after the fall of fascism in europe cared little for the fact that many of those guerillas were former members of the s.s. battalions as admitted even by latvian historians on the latvian history dot com website the tragedy in charlottesville reignited the talk about neo nazis in the united states when it comes to the rise of fire right in europe however the media and the society on this side of the atlantic prefers to turn
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a blind eye which if you consider that there cannot be such things as you know nazis and the damage which was done to everyone seven decades ago is nothing short of baffling. the reporting from washington d.c. . and that is our news tonight i'm ed schultz reporting live the saving from charlottesville virginia thanks for watching we'll see you back here tomorrow. q. one o. three it looks like a real bitch just like. the last game at the bottom it. seems like with the players like you but i got. this.
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clinic so. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories in our critics can't tell me you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes.
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