tv Headline News RT August 18, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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thirteen and injuring over one hundred people then hours later a car crashed into a group of people in the resort ton of cumberland's leaving one dead and wounding multiple others islamic state has claimed responsibility a word of warning the video we're about to show you is highly disturbing. come down here. the van was coming down the rambler and i was completely unaware of that. until it was pretty much alongside me and on this point i saw everyone from the. start running on i headed for my music when it was so close to me and. everyone just panicked like everyone everyone ran you know no one no one kind of knew what to do.
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i was next to it when it stopped and i didn't. get fifty feet behind me there were people people lying face down. sort of videos off the woods and it was a nice to watch. pretty . well this is how the events unfolded in barcelona run five pm local time a van was driven into the popular pedestrian nice treat all of. which was packed with tourists travel five hundred meters going up the speeds of eighty kilometers per hour employing three musses of people before stopping at a central square the driver then fled on foot ok partridge has this from barcelona
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. behind me. that they have right in the consulate around the us they started to lay out a makeshift memorial to think that the messages one was reading every little choice we remember the innocence. that summed up the mood of somber it was the people laying their tributes their teddy bears believes flowers and candles. and i guess nothing like that ever happened to me i hope they'll find the perpetrators and everything will be all right unbelievable if you go back to the rumble so many people are here and it's like normal life but some put. some candles on this on this place. by terrorists everywhere but i feel incredibly lucky and we do consider that luck just continue shopping it's just so nice to be out there we just i don't know we'll go back and catch up with a lot of the friends and that decision was just for show and just copley that we
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did that and we would miss this instance but now that i'm there are starting to go back to how exactly it was before there is a normality is there was before police have taken away the tapes that was along the signs that we first saw and we first came here and the businesses particularly all the cabin sort of always being here and now starting to open up people are coming in force who is there i think weaving their suitcases almost in an act of defiance in many ways you can believe that this actually was a crime scene and it was a scene of a terrible tragedy and barcelona is now trying to get back to some semblance of normality but with a slightly somber feeling of respect for the day and a memory for what happened here only a day. for people are currently in police that tension three of them are moroccans is spanish earlier media reports suggest that a seventeen. could be or was
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a main suspect however police have said they haven't been able to identify the drivers yet. the list second incident as we mentioned took place in the resort town of come to rhonda hundred thirty kilometers so i thought barcelona police opened. fire in the car after it failed to stop for a security check six people were injured and one later died of her injuries all five attackers inside the vehicle were shot dead the authorities are now saying that any one of those killed excuse me in the vehicle may have been the driver of the van in central florida or since the attacks took place it's emerged that one family had already been affected by terror before in europe and hawkins reports. now the tragic reality of the situation is that this is now such a cross border threat that even families who were vacationing on the consulate find themselves victims of terror attacks multiple times whichever country they travel
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to on the continent one such example scott atran his daughter was in the theater during the attack in paris in the twenty fifteen eighteen months on he finds himself in the middle of yet another terrorist atrocity bringing about some very painful memories take a listen to what he had to say because i was just bringing my he. didn't know what was going to happen my daughter was in the but. she still she still is very. very reconcile herself was staying in her room that we actually spoke to mr atran last year interviewing him his daughter was involved in the attacks and thoughts of how optimistic he was all of this threat being tackled effectively the threat of terror. in the european very much was not optimistic saying that there was very little chance things could ever be the same again the big problem is that isis has
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a unitary message and a unitary and universal appeal and the forces opposing them do not and we don't know really how to handle such a movement now another example of people being caught up in a double jeopardy if you like my interest the resident chris paul he narrowly escaped being caught up in the man. arena bombings just a few months ago he actually left the area just seconds before the bomb was detonated he was nearby mowed down dozens of people on the boulevard these attacks are something that we've sat down together and covered sadly many times over the last year to eighteen months or so they've become a pattern across the continent they all bear strikingly deadly similarities minimal planning preparation training equipment is required to carry out these attacks.
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now a lot of people have drawn a clear foreign policy link between these attacks. and foreign policy spain whoever is very interesting because of course spain last fall victim back in two thousand and four two was the most terror of the two thousand and four madrid train bombings that the big impact on the election at the time the prime minister the ingoing prime minister withdrew spanish troops from iraq as a direct result since then they have been no attacks but this really goes to show why so fulfilled their pledge of targeting westerners in every major european city
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if you remember after the nice attacks of twenty sixteen the prime minister at the time and all viles he stated that terror is a new reality in france something people have to learn to live with his comments at the time very much provoked controller see and criticism but what we've seen today . really proves that this is not only the reality in france alone but on the whole of the continent just how safe do people feel now i think many in barcelona in spain indeed in europe will be questioning that in the aftermath of this latest attack or police are also linking the attacks to a blast on wednesday night in a heist in a small town not far from barcelona it was initially thought to have been a gas leak but police now say it was a homemade explosive device that destroyed the building counterterrorism expert terry topia lodo sees people need to be more aware of threats. there's no doubt in
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my mind that we are now going into a new phase of extremism you know being carried out by islamic jihadist i think we need to change narrative the way in which we put these individuals need to be much tougher with them we need to and make them understand human that is not absolute you comes to equity most come to equity with clean hands and this individuals who know get away with these barbaric act i. think we need to start becoming more aware i think there is more that could be done by the muslim community in trying to rein some of the individuals that are being vulnerable to violence extremism out of putting them to security agencies to the muslim community. you know saying that to know this kind of action is not a scepter will individuals involved parents should be walking to know to their kids. and moving on finish officials say two people have been
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killed six injured in a stabbing attack in the southwestern city of turku police have shot and detain one person who they believe was likely acting alone authorities say terrorism has not been ruled out as a motive and people have been urged to stay away from the city center security measures have been stepped up but ports on railway stations too we spoke to a local journalist. several people have been asking that are not they can call that the perpetrators were shouting allah akbar police did not confirm death but they did say that two people have been died and several other injured and several have been going on to surgery not to go spitz all the perpetrator had been shot on the leg and had to be detained by the finnish police he's not born in finland. this is a finnish television show that the perpetrator have to be. a kind of
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a dark skinned person let's put this way social media is. sending around interesting videos very dark skinned people running go beat beat baseball bats in hand on the streets of tool cool it has not been confirmed by the police that are not this has been connected to this incident we also heard from social media that helsinki. alert because they have thoughts about a similar attack carried out in helsinki that could be one of the reasons why the finnish police put. or let's say put this way somehow to. force the airplane the airports and the rover station in downtown i was suki and other important traffic points well the police did reiterate that terrorism is not one of the avenues being pursued at present although in light of what happened in spain the first reaction of many in turku has been to assume the worst fears medina caution of. the incidents that took place and silence was quick to spawn parañaque
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whether alarming post about another terror attack spreading through social media and this is the new reality really when people see have lines like this and these had lines popped up just within the first hour after the attack now we see words like knife wilting attacker and multiple of that tense stabbing care well people immediately think of yet another terrorist attack and no one even waits for any. information from officials and this just demonstrates the level of fear many people are experiencing there are constantly expecting attacks to take place and believe nowhere is safe anymore eyewitnesses on local t.v. were claiming that there were three attackers and that they were not friends and they had dark skin now a few moments after the incident took place a video emerged apparently showing the attacker screaming god is great in arabic right before being shot by police oh people were we posting this video repeating
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the claim that he was shouting just that but then it turned out that someone end of a deal was just screaming look out and finish all this just shows that people are saying terror after aware now. so there are new stories this hour the american civil liberties union house hailed a historic victory after a case involving the cia's torture program was settled it was filed against two psychologists who earned over eighty million dollars from developing the agency's so-called enhanced interrogation program because of their status as private contractors last to target as private citizens the plaintiffs were to torture survivors the family of google rama a man who died in a secret cia prison yourself partially declassified cia report described what happened to him. treated rahman harshly because of rahman's alleged
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he's uncompromising reactions who didn't tarry cation in lack of cooperation the pressure to break him and lack of experience with a committed interrogation resist on nov two thousand and two ordered to approve the gods placing roman in the short changed position whereby he was compelled to sit on the concrete floor of his so roman was only clothed in a sweat shirt they sent directly led to romans death by hypothermia. of cia's torture methods have repeatedly been criticized by human rights activists fisher reminder of some of the other so-called interrogation techniques reportedly used in american secret prisons.
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they psychologists lawyers claim their clients were public servants whose actions were authorized by the u.s. government they say the actions were illegal in an effort to protect innocent lives from suspected terrorists an attorney for the american civil liberties union say's the case sets an important precedent. this is a historic victory for our clients and the rule of law this outcome shows that there are consequences for torture and that survivors can and will hold those responsible for torture accountable it is a clear warning for anyone who thinks they can torture with impunity we discuss the implications of the settlement with former cia analyst and whistleblower john kerry aka. this is absolutely a precedent for other victims to seek justice of course there are some who i think the cia would fight because their cases are very sensitive but there are so many
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other people who were sent to slee. torture for no reason people who had no ties to terrorism but were just in the wrong place in the wrong time it's going to enable them to seek justice and to seek monetary compensation frankly i think the cia dodged a bullet here now there is a second case the american civil liberties union has filed a case on behalf of what was a beta arguing that the cia and mitchell and jess and tortured it was a beta that case is going to be more sensitive so the cia hasn't really put the issue in its entirety behind it yet we have to wait and see what happens with that was a beta my guess is that because the opposite in a case is so much more serious because i was afraid it was the guinea pig of the cia's torture program that the cia will seek to have that case dismissed. or in another case of brutal torture iraq's prime minister has acknowledged the country's
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if thank. you for target for release pictures of the torture suspects were beaten raped tortured to death we talked to the photographer our county earlier when the images came to light he describes what he witnessed. i thought they were heroes yes they were so brave fighting on the frontlines every day but then i saw the other side the torture the raping the killing first they didn't want me to film the torture and other bad stuff it affected me my psychology i kept thinking about the torture of those people and their suffering it got worse and worse and after five weeks it became so horrible that i decided to publish everything. and. i. know it was unbearable but i made myself continue to film because they knew it was important to torture people and kill them over and over what we heard this morning that the foreign secretary the foreign minister jeffery has requested. assistance
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of the u.n. to look into. crimes committed in more so and that is good and all the positive steps because iraq do need to system from the u.n. and we can feel that maybe some of the pressure has been put on the on the government to take any. further and fist a geisha internet which is we find it very important to me that's what we're looking for from the government of iraq is to look into this kind of incident to to to to see and also to take people into or hold people accountable about this incidence. martine he is campaigning to help orphans stranded in war torn iraq find their relatives and returned home they were taken there by radicalized parents who joined this law makes state we are appealing for family members who might recognize the youngsters to get in touch with us some relatives may have been followed but many are still waiting.
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flood watch to include portions of southern del appear in new jersey including the following areas southern delaware delaware beaches inland sussex in new jersey atlantica atlanta coastal cape may cape may coastal atlantic coast aleutian cumberland eastern mom of ocean in southeastern burlington until midnight tonight multiple rounds of showers and thunderstorms can be expected through tonight torrential downpours storms that develop the sea even could produce rainfall rates greater than two inches per hour while the entire area will not receive heavy rain isolated fall totals of three to six inches are possible where storms track over the same locations torrential rain falling in a short period of time will result in rapidly rising water levels along st increase and in areas of poor drainage significant roadway flooding is possible in isolated areas. a flash flood watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding flash flooding is a very dangerous situation you should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to
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take action should flash flood warnings be issued. record a message to. hear voices that hear noise they are. going to get. we have also being contacted by a couple from. they believe they have recognized their granddaughter who is also called. the girl say she saw both her parents die and that she is originally from. we are continuing to look for the relatives of these children if you have any information that could help please contact us the email address on the screen children at r t t v dot. this is our to your main news this friday with terrorism in spain which has left thirteen dead and scores injured in
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barcelona authorities say an even bigger atrocity was being planned i mean not only stay with us. isis militants have just shown patrol base on the left and right even this is coming. to be true so been spotted on the other side of the rhythm. here in the really proves that militants have joined forces. those groups as a determination some independent islamic state in the philippines have you know.
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even after two months of fun. keeps finding hidden weapons in. explosives. not being on the relations in the areas where civilians are used to live on a daily occurrence. not implementing one for the bundle but what do you know if you get. to see him. walking dead. indeed. it is the fishes though says he moved the soul. but you. notice i noted marine one million people.
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killed people. even. now no one station crew tooling agent that is random and that's. valid tanks that's a seventy billion dollars potential loss and you point out it's mostly private investors which would include let's say goldman sachs and others but if these folks like a goldman sachs suffer any losses at all remember they banking on the government for a bailout so they could go to the government and say hoover blew up we need to bail
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out the government because it's staffed by goldman sachs employees mostly c.n.n. or trump they would rubber stamp that bailout and then. to pay for the bailout they'd have to go into people's attention accounts and they have to grab that money or wells fargo and go into your personal account and grab the money. and book a little place called a police a key to keep. up . get in you know who are going to commit they're going to write. such will lead you to one of the joyful for the one he said i feel we should i
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should think almost as you pull. a low and welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle it's probably fair to say no other american president is more controversial than donald trump was so many powerful forces arrayed against him can he succeed even stay in office we will see however legitimizing the destructive means employed against him.
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