tv Boom Bust RT August 18, 2017 4:29pm-5:01pm EDT
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because none of that no ways really matters anyway. called the future we don't know. every the world if you do you really believe that you'll get all the old the old. the old according to josh. welcome back to the world come along for the ride. here's what people have been saying about rejected and that it was actually just full on awesome that was the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it was that really packs a punch oh please yeah it is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we
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are apparently better than blue the things that i see people you've never heard of love redacted the night. president of the world bank so very clearly many seriously send us an e-mail. see million dollars are yo filling in for lindsay france this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from right here in washington d.c. coming up cuba conundrum how the caribbean island state could be tied to struggling venezuela and blocked chain unchanged we speak to cyber security expert john mcafee about how high bit coins price may go later tax turmoil a little known u.s.
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law is causing americans living abroad to renounce their citizenship standby boom bust starts right now. russia's continuing its steady dominance of crude oil production this year once again topping saudi arabia in june according to official data released this week as you can see here russia has been ahead of saudi arabia all of twenty seventeen producing ten point three million barrels per day in june of saudi arabia's ten point zero seven million the us is consistently ranked third now saudi arabia's exports also fell to about six point nine million barrels per day its lowest level of oil sold abroad since twenty fourteen saudi arabia is leading an effort by the organization of the petroleum exporting countries or opec along with other oil
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producers around the world to curb output and drain global supply because of that oil inventories in places like saudi arabia and the u.s. are also falling u.s. reserves are at its lowest point all year and saudi stockpiles in june stood at two hundred fifty seven million barrels its lowest level since january of two thousand and twelve. in south america an oil producer is struggling to meet delivery contracts and because of it it's losing prominence with one of its most important trading partners cuban trade with its ally venezuela has fallen seventy percent since two thousand and fourteen because of venice well as economic hardships according to the cuban national statistics office report released this week trade with venezuela fell to two point two billion dollars in two thousand and sixteen down from four point two billion the year before and seven point three billion in twenty fourteen the alliance dates back to the days of fidel castro and hugo chavez
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when cuba imported all of its oil from venezuela. national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for central cecil northeastern maryland southeastern berks county in eastern pennsylvania west central montgomery county in southeastern pennsylvania chester county in southeastern pennsylvania until five thirty pm at four twenty nine pm severe thunderstorms were located along a line extend from your way missing to hold would moving is that twenty miles per hour hazard sixty mile per hour wind gusts and quarter size hail source indicated impact minor damage to vehicle is possible expects damage to trees and
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power lines locations and pack that include reading calvert pottstown phone excel coatesville y.-m. as downingtown birdsboro collegeville oxford reuters word sinking spring parkersburg trap west groove rising sunshine honey brook shrinks phil elverson a new morgan to severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency they will send report to the national weather service office in mount holly new jersey intense thunderstorm lines can produce grief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage although a tornado is not immediately likely it is best to move to an interior or on the lowest floor of a building these storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage repeating a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued to five thirty pm for the following counties in pennsylvania burbs chester county and cecil maryland.
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withstand as many commercial economic and political changes as it can and its goal is to find another benefactor and traditionally cuba for the last sixty seven years began with the u.s.s.r. and then in two thousand found venezuela and it generally will allow expansion in its economy allow in this case as we see in the last five years the development to redevelopment of the private sector but then as soon as they can and as soon as they find a benefactor they retrench and in this particular case china the russian federation iran brazil they're not going to make up the slack and so cuba is going to have to make some changes and then you add into that the acknowledgment that they need to make commercial economic changes the trump administration trying to put pressure on the cuban economy and then these outside factors that cuba has no control over and it basically has the cuban government recoiling and you now have less than two
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hundred days before raul castro retires and is replaced by his vice president so there's all this stuff going on and for the cuban government it means uncertainty in the cuban government hates uncertainty you mentioned changes with the trumpet ministration what do you think is trump's game plan with cuba. well the president doesn't have a particular game plan and the program that's being developed that he announced in june and that's going to be rolled out in september primarily has been driven by the members of congress of cuban descent the six of them in the house and in the senate and the goal is to make an attractive travel to cuba and make unattractive u.s. companies engaging with cuba and what their plan need to do which is a brilliant strategy is to say we are going to dissuade you from engaging with companies in cuba that are controlled by the cuban military and that puts u.s.
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companies in a bind because no c.e.o. wants to be on r t defending why they want to have business with a military run company as opposed to a civilian run company so the trump administration is planning to roll this out the good news for u.s. companies is that the regulations and the policy initiatives are going to be far less severe than many had expected but they come at a critical time for cuba because u.s. visitors to cuba have the highest net profit margin of any visitor to cuba and those half a million visitors to cuba mostly of cuban descent primarily from south florida northern new jersey they spend a lot of money in cuba and so the trump administration is basically trying to grab as much cash as possible keep it out of the cuban government's hands put it into the cuban private sector hands but ironically some of these changes may do the opposite about let's talk about what's happening on the island because cuba has its
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own struggles promoting private enterprise from within you know people can work independent of the state as as long . the national weather service in sterling virginia has issued a special memory warning for chesapeake bay north of fools island maryland until six thirty pm at four thirty six pm strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from twenty nautical miles northwest of have a delaware agrees to one thousand not to go miles northwest of middle river to twenty four not to go miles northwest of that river moving east at twenty five knots hazard wind gusts thirty four knots or greater source radar indicated impact voters and small craft could be thrown overboard by said higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel locations impacted include north east river turkey
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point specific island and aberdeen proving ground frequent lightning is occurring with these storms if caught on the open water stay below deck if possible keep away from an grounded metal objects. always looked at the private sector as evidenced by two hundred categories that are permitted whereas in never in most countries you'd have thousands and thousands you'd have to try to create some that weren't permitted but in cuba's case those two hundred are always considered an experiment they're not considered policy they're not considered to the economy or to the political fabric of the country and until the cuban government grasps and defines how we perceive success you're going to continue to have this private sector bump up against entrenched bureaucracy bumped up against cuban government companies because they have their fiefdoms and
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with and it's going to continue to be a developing story and bullies and will definitely be following those developments john cavil the president of the u.s. cuba trade and economic council thank you so much for sharing your insight with us today. you're welcome. stop me if you've heard this before bitcoin broke another record thursday of the digital currency top forty five hundred dollars in trading which means it's doubled in price in the past month alone that's huge and since the concept of crypto currency is still so new many people see growth like this and want to compare it to a theocracy wondering when the bubble might burst cyber security expert john mcafee says this type of thinking is a mistake he joins me now john why do you think the word bubble cannot be applied
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to bitcoin. first and foremost bitcoin is not a currency it costs over a thousand dollars to create a bit corn today and electricity and computing costs second the value of bitcoin is linked to the number of you. users and the number of transactions it is not a speculative investment even though it is being used as such by many people as the bitcoin network grows the value of corn grows as people move into bit corn for payments and receipts they stop using u.s. dollars euros chinese you on which in the long term devalued as these currencies so what you're saying is more of a currency devaluation than a bubble in bitcoin as more people use it it has more intrinsic value and again the cost of producing a bit coin increases with the value of the bitcoin so this is not something that
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we're pulling out of thin air this is something that's created with massive amounts of electricity and computing power while someone who disagrees with you on the term when it comes to big coin is mark cuban back in june he tweeted i think it's a bubble i just don't know when or how much it corrects when everyone is bragging about how easy they are making money. now when he tweeted that big coin dipped in price how can one person's random twitter thread have that effect on the price and what does it say about bitcoin stability. or is says nothing about bitcoins to go to after a drop five hundred dollars it's now one hundred forty four so these temporary fluctuations are meaningless are created by speculators people who do not understand the fundamental technology of the block those who do know that in the long term these fluctuations will make no difference the more people who use
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bitcoin the more valuable it will become this is the only metric we can use now big clinton blocked change go hand in hand but blocked chains ability to track financial transactions in a way that is incorruptible it gives it infinite amount of uses outside of the original purpose of using it for a bit coin do you see blocked chains overtaking certain aspects of the financial system as we know it now. it will take over all aspects people think that bitcoin or the block train is own and by someone and by a company or by a consortium no this is strictly a mathematical formula that nobody owns there we are all participating in and we use the block chain for everything from. fixing supply chain problems in corporations to verifying the authenticity of the sender and receiver in a financial transaction it is the most powerful technology that the world has seen
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i believe since the invention of agriculture now john we've showed our viewers rise just in the past month and we can show it to them again if it's up there but on july seventeenth one month ago you tweeted that bitcoins low of eight hundred yesterday simply could not be maintained in the long term big moves above five hundred thousand within three years and bets you ask so i ask you john do you stand by your statement. keep in mind there's bitcoin grows and grows in value other currencies national currencies are going to decline so the advantage to using bitcoin the advantages are huge if i do a wire transfer it'll it'll take me twenty four hours if i do a bitcoin transfer it takes me thirty seconds it is instantaneous i know people who do not use any other currency now other than bitcoin they buy their houses their
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cars everything using bitcoin by connecting to other users who sell the things that they need as more and more people use this what will happen to national currencies they will obviously devalue they have to so that five hundred thousand includes a massive devaluation in the us dollar which absolutely has to come if bitcoin continues to. grow at its current rate well it's certainly a community effort and the big community and for other cryptocurrency as it's only growing john mcafee founder of mcafee incorporated thank you so much for your thoughts today time now for a quick break stick around when we return a stolen are worth more than one hundred million dollars turns up in an unexpected place where no one was looking and the i.r.s. has the world wrapped around its finger with a little known law called. as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell.
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on the trial where i've spent countless hours boring through documents that tell the story about the abuse. corporate media report uses to talk about these foreigners. i'm going to paint a clear picture about how disturbing the rug for conduct is the mark these are stories that you know no one. on my trip to europe posed to the american league west to little i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided. to support his claims. i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing. for the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied that the
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n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable.
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few americans have heard of something called the foreign account tax compliance act or fatca but outside the us it's something every financial institution knows all too well the foreign account tax compliance act is america's global tax law it was quietly enacted during former president barack obama's administration in two thousand and ten and was fully in effect in two thousand and fourteen it's been touted as a way to track down american tax cheats who hide their money from the i.r.s. in foreign accounts how does it work it requires foreign banks to reveal americans with accounts totaling more than fifty thousand dollars and how does the u.s. and force it financial institutions that refuse to comply face harsh penalties and
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are frozen out of u.s. markets so everyone is on board including russia china and tax havens around the world never before has an american tax law attempted such a far reach the i.r.s. requires all americans to report and pay tax on income earned anywhere in the world fatca affects not just resident u.s. citizens with foreign holdings but u.s. citizens living abroad which has caused a number of them to remount citizenship its reach also extends to dual citizens and immigrants with any type of residence status as well as spouses of u.s. persons who have signatory authority. joining me now a man who wants to see fat cat gone jim jatra is a former u.s. diplomat and co leader of the campaign terrific. jim you call it the worst law that most americans have never heard of what's your issue with cracking down on offshore tax evasion because we always hear about corporations and millionaires that are of
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aiding taxes right i assure eyeball for cracking down on offshore taxation and all tax evasion just like i'm all for cracking down on terrorism because of against terrorism doesn't mean that all by your and everybody else's cell phone and e-mail records should be indiscriminately gathered by the government and i don't see why cracking down on tax evasion means not going after people you have a reason to think are tax evaders but gathering the data have absolutely everybody in order to say well we'll find those bad guys in there somewhere and impose all sorts of her in does cost on consumers around the world in the effort to do so and it doesn't work on top of all that is targeting the corporations and millionaires that we hear about that are hiding money on sort of the specifically exempted corporations as far as millionaires go if you are an actual millionaire or somebody really wants to evade taxes you could easily they in fact put your money in a fine art into bullion into gems also let real estate things that doesn't cover what it really causes a problem for a people of modest means many of them living abroad nine million americans living
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abroad but even people in united states who for whatever reason may have an account overseas basically to treat them as presumptive criminals and you'll find especially with americans abroad being denied a credit card or debit card you can't open a checking account they cancel your mortgage that's why a lot of these people renouncing their citizenship so they're treated different and we know how it's in force and we know why the whole world around board it's serious restrictions against foreign institutions that don't comply there's a thirty percent withholding penalty plus getting cut off the u.s. market nobody wants that but i want to ask is it worth it i mean does the u.s. recover a lot of tax money this way though actually when it was passed back in two thousand and ten was scored a recovering eight. eight hundred billion dollars a year who has a lot of money no it's not about it it's about twenty minutes of the operation of the federal government per year and as professor william burns of the university of texas a and m. university school of law as pointed out it may be recovers a quarter of that you compare that to the cost that for example individuals filling
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out forms paying penalties and they're probably paying that much themselves in addition to what's being recovered by the treasury issuing those estimates are correct and and but that then has to also be weighed against the institutions themselves paying hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide to comply with this is dog and those are cost being passed on to consumers shareholders people who are paying those costs being passed along by those institutions so let me get this straights the treasury at best is getting eight hundred million or a quarter of that too and generally a hundred million and you're saying the institutions and their customers and everyone else attached to them are paying billions of dollars to comply that's right and that even a small bank will be paying over a million dollars into the millions of dollars to comply a large bank like one big thing like bank of nova scotia in canada it's paid three hundred million dollars and it's compliance with that because there was a bank in spain that professor bernard on paying eight hundred million dollars it
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is fact that complies and this is money going into the u.s. treasury and hope is coming into the pockets of the great big accounting firms law firms people like this this is the biggest corporate welfare boondoggle the world has ever seen gimme the human aspect of the story of how i mean obviously with taxes and the laws it's hard but what is the human aspect here who is affected well and you know it's i think one way or another it effects a lot of people as i mentioned the people especially people living abroad americans living abroad and as you pointed out in the opening it's not just americans it's spouses of it's americans it's a resident alien or maybe somebody's mother was born in america they're people they call accidental americans some cases that you know they work because under a u.s. law big. because their mother had been born in the united states or something like that and suddenly find themselves saying well you haven't been paying for filing taxes for the last forty years and even though you don't know any taxes we're going to smack you with penalties for non filing that's the kind of thing that goes on but the other thing is look i'm a former diplomat the idea that we threaten saying it's against every country in
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the world for not following the law over which we don't have any jurisdiction over them and punish them just because we can this is you know this is a fundamental deformation of the principle of sovereignty in international affairs i know that the penalties are harsh but does it surprise you that all of these countries all of these financial institutions do comply with us no that doesn't surprise me at all because let's face it bankers and other lists of the same merchants morals are nest not necessarily the strongest in the world you know what's patriotism worth to the bottom line what's their client's privacy worth to them really with a look at it and say i'd rather crack down do it do whatever they want is a shakedown but we'll do it and especially we're going to pass the cost along anyway and besides who's advising him on this stuff the very same compliance firms that are pulling in all the money so they're being told by their advisers oh real fact is he has to say there's really no other choice and then they're rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of all the money they're going to make so is that the here to stay there's been quiet rumblings of
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a repeal but that's been happening since it was quietly enacted so we're talking about seven years ago and it was enacted under the obama administration seven years later i haven't seen any news of a strong repeal isn't going anywhere i think it is rand paul in the side of freedom caucus chairman mark meadows in the house of repair it produced repeal bills it's in the republican platform that it should be repealed you know as you know the tax bill if we can get anything done in this town is hopefully going to go through this year we do have groups like americans of tax for national taxpayers union that are supportive of this this effort so i think there's a real shot at it plus there are some things the treasury department itself can do not to go into all the detail. are there things the obama administration did that were just strictly illegal to try to implement had to do because it would collapse under its own weight if they did it treasury fixes those things the slings the duck knowing what you know about the trumpet ministration do you think that this is something that helps get on board with i don't know because unfortunately because
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it's wreaking havoc and costing so much money abroad inside the united states because the impact is largely not felt here and it's really kind of it also ran issue of fact look i think if you asked eighty percent eighty percent of congressmen and senators what you think about fact that it's a fact of what's there exactly and even though foreigners this is all a big huge priority of the united states to impose this law and you get all this information what in fact it's you know how they got it back in the first place it was simply a paid for another bill oh this will raise eight hundred billion dollars let's put that in nobody examined there were no hearings and there was no cost benefit analysis it's absurd to former u.s. diplomat co-leader of the campaign to reveal repeal fact at repeal fatca dot com thank you so much for enlightening us today is very interesting. all right tech giant apple is looking to throw its hat into the already crowded digital streaming ring sources claim apple is looking to acquire ten original t.v. series and that various company executives are already scouting prospects through
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different agencies the move comes just after apple hired two longtime sony pictures television presidents they've been behind some of the biggest shows on television such as the blacklist breaking bad well the do over will be responsible for overseeing the build up of world class content for apple now this isn't apple's first foray into streaming original content the company released both planet of the apes and carpel karaoke a spin off of c.b.s. late late show with james corden on its apple music subscription service but neither of those was met with credible claim and while the company plans on spending more than one billion dollars it wouldn't be enough to catch up with streaming giants like netflix and amazon this year alone netflix spent over seven billion dollars on original content amazon's budget has reportedly been about four point five billion dollars for the entire year and for more news on video streaming and the fight for video views catch a special encore episode of unplugged airing tomorrow at the same time. well one point we've all dreamed about finding lost treasure some people search sunken ships
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others go to ancient ruins like indiana jones but one lucky person found to be normally valuable lost treasure behind a door this discovery happened in town i used to live in thirty two years ago someone stole willing to famous painting woman ochre from the university of arizona museum of art authorities searched high and low for the piece of art that is said to now be worth as much as one hundred sixty million dollars but they never had any luck fast forward to twenty seventeen where furniture an antiques dealer in silver city new mexico bought in a state just up the road in a town called cliff where i went to high school behind that door was the painting he didn't keep it he didn't get any money it is now in its rightful place thanks for watching today will see you next time. you should. put themselves on a lot. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to present.
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yourself want to be rich. but you want. to see what the three of you get. interested all the while. there should be. local blogs sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the box or send you to fight the battle. to do so for the tell you that every gossip the public by. advertising tell you pull it out and buy their product. that we all.
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want. coming up on r.t. america barcelona is in mourning after thursday's terror attack killing fourteen and two others are now dead after an attack in the finished turku. and the mayor of charlottesville canceled a major announcement he previously planned regarding the statue in the city. and the a.c.l.u. announces a major victory for civil rights as cia torture victims reach a settlement with two psychologists responsible for the agency's torture program.
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