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tv   Headline News  RT  August 20, 2017 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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this started. almost. twenty terror of vehicle attacks head strain leaving fourteen killed and one hundred more injured with the country now joining the way you are peon states affected by unsophisticated low cost terrorist. pensions and he hates rally in taxes says demonstrators confront a group of activists pulling for the protection of. monuments. and artie's campaign to find relatives of brush and children and then iraq after
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their parents travel to the country to join i sell reveals more heartbreaking stories. coming to you live from moscow you're watching the weekly here on our change or national. this week in spain a down day as terror attacks. in two separate incidents plowed into pedestrians killing fourteen and injuring one hundred more we're going to show you the immediate aftermath of a van driving into a crowd in boston but a warning there for you you might find some of the following pictures quite distressing. think.
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i saw many people roaming the covered bodies of kids lying in the streets this is a tragedy. on avalanche of people running in every direction but i knew it was total chaos we had no idea what was going on and i didn't see the van i just heard a boom boom boom sound and people screaming. and the ballroom looked all over the pool in the pool or i saw what the. view was.
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there able to look like that on the street like it's crazy it's christmas for us. around five pm on thursday a white van was driven into people on the popular pedestrian street of less from less focal point for tourists in the city now the van drove on for around five hundred meter essentail it reached possible korea where the driver then fled on foot well here still on the loose end of story to say that they do not know his location adding that he could even have left the country hours later a similar incident and they resort town of camp or else. police opened. it failed to stop at a security check carried on and struck people on the promenade speed for over. returning it's five occupants and matched and try to attack the best friends with
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knives but worse soon shot dead by police or it is believed these pamphlets racists up to two incidents were linked and were planning even big attacks are conjugates has more now from spain. i'm here on the rambler in the hearts of vassallo know where the deadly terror attack took place on thursday this pos at the city is a tourist hot spot people from my this thirty nationalities became the victims of this atrocity. and the tragic reality is that events such as this are now such across border threats that even members of one family can become victims all witnesses of different attacks across europe we met one such witness while covering the events here impossible or not. it was painfully familiar you knew immediately what what was going on i mean i live
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this life my daughter lived next to the buffet in paris my niece was just here for me it's not like for most people here a sudden unexpected. event for me this is the life i live. i've been working in these immigrant communities and i've been working on jihadi networks all across europe and i thought immediately that it's most likely a moroccan network was interesting because isis had always use spain as this principal. jumping off point for getting recruits into turkey and syria and the question for me is while isis was in control the attacks were fairly local laws but now i ask why. these networks are starting to perk up all on their own and
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whether they'll become more widespread marker. the fruit seller across from the bar in. brussels what's going on he knew a hell of a lot more that was going on with the police but no one seems to be in. remember standing what is going on in these networks and there are other examples as well manchester bombing survivor chris pauley also managed to escape death again on their own blood and for another survivor to be a moment the boss a loner a talk was good brush with terror and perhaps it's no surprise if you look at how often attacks rock europe these days experts now say that terrorism is a new normality in europe and here on the roundabout it looks like it's already returned to normal partridge azzi also like. also this weekend fenlon two women died in
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a knife rampage and what is being described as the country's terror attack eight more people were wounded before police managed to shoot the suspects in the lab and arrest him people have to stay away from crowded places security measures have been stepped up at airports and away away stations as well and they're taxing sprain in the lead to the wave of terror which has spread across europe particularly and the last two years. isis magazine directions lone wolves to rent a truck and drive into
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a crowd. of.
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days after the terror attacks in spain as truly as prime minister malcolm turnbull unveiled plans to make crowded places and his country more secure against such atrocities so he proposes police advising local businesses on wants safety and security measures they can add and the plan also aims to increase the number of bullard's to separate cars from pedestrians while the presence of officers and security in public places should be increased as well. and now a rally protesting a white supremacy in the u.s. city of dallas has resulted and tensions with a group of activists calling for the protection of a confederate statue was president tell me about it. i
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thank. you he's moved in to protect a group of demonstrators and favor obscene monuments remaining both sites are reported to have been armed however there are no reports of shots being fired the tensions are part of the fallout from last weekend's deadly violence and the u.s. a town shall a cell which was also center it around the relocation of the civil war monument similar efforts to take down the statues regarded by some as symbolizing recess and have taken place across the country throughout the week oh. please. i thank. you but this is simply not just that.
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i. think they are they are holed up in our dallas siding. here at work washington actually worked on the jefferson statue for a gravity that they call the thing that's owned by slave owners change yeah this should be there's a difference between honoring history and recognizing that we shouldn't repeat it. racial tensions have been stalked after donald trump appeared to bag down from singling out the role of a white supremacist and last saturday chabrol virginia rallies similar to the ones
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in charlottesville took place in boston on saturday thousand so counter protesters demolished against their plans rallies were free speech with a minor clashes between the demonstrators and police one and two people were arrested also this week hundreds are tacet against trump outside his residence in new york and also in washington d.c. . petitions been launched on their white house website calling to recognize auntie phone as a terrorist organization nearly eighty six thousand people have already signed up in just three days to with one hundred thousand required for the white house to issue a response or he's mop and has been looking at how america's political debate is increasingly about labeling divided groups a warning his report contains so you to violence. one of the chants most frequently
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used at the protests is no trump no k.k.k. hell fascist usa essentially trump and his supporters are being barred with the same brush as white supremacy. ok. do you think. that. our guy. you. have a suspect in the horrific charlottesville car ramming was himself a member of the far right but the mayor of the city was very quick to put his blame on the white house and president trump and he wasn't alone he should look in the mirror and he made a choice in his presidential campaign the folks around with him to you know to go right to the gutter to play on our worst prejudices and i think you are seeing a direct line from what happened here this weekend to those choices trump has made it clear with bannon gorka in the white house and the klan in the streets it is now the white supremacists house. this incitement of hatred to that got us here is as
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real and condemn the bill as the white supremacists and i was tweets the democratic response to the car ramming mirrors the way republicans responded to the shooting at the congressional baseball practice they blame democrats for stoking up the atmosphere while reality of the attack was carried out by a loud republican made up you had an increasing intensity of hostility on the left three percent tension has been building. things since election night. that vitriol from the left has spurred threats and now action without historical parallel events like today are exactly why we took issue with and why elites glorifying the assassination of a president now most americans liberal conservative or otherwise are not violent however it seems like the leaders of the two major political parties try to make the other half of the electorate look like they are and that seems to be mobilizing people in both camps if you want to start some. and demonize me but i don't.
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think. that. that. was the united states has created a political system in a way to demonizing one side means supporting the other side for many voters those who haven't really learned that much about third parties yet the the solution to this is to reduce some of these impediments to we need a system in which political parties have to fight for their own ideas they have to show why what they believe is good and why it's right and what an excellent idea. and not just focus on demonizing be other side so no matter what your political
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outlook is the best strategy seems to be the same generalizing demonize tabletop and artsy to your. north korea is warning washington that nuclear war could be on the horizon more details coming up right after the break. in case you're new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporations corporations run washington washington media the media. voters elected businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before.
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what holds and you should. put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to express. yourself want to. achieve right first this is what. three of the people. interested always at the water's edge. there should. welcome back north korea has threatened strike war and washington of the risk of uncontrollable nuclear war if plan to end a military drills between south korea and the us go and hat then you know war game simulating
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a military conflict with an isolated country. that the drills sorry provocation while the u.s. maintains that their defensive. want us here sound seventeen and a half thousand pound a gun troops are expected to take part john donne emirates professor at king's college and the u.k. says that there will be retaliation if tax americans hold. this very dangerous situation because. what is. real is that when the time. has always been is it time for some real. name. honesty if it is for american forces i mean that would be retaliation i believe you should ever think to the clarity. to use. well new. weapons as an empty threat because it is possible
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to use them and you have been used before and they all use results are absolutely important. i don't think north korea wants to risk a nuclear war i mean you have to be crazy to do so. she. said how us foreign policy sometimes goes against the wishes of the international community when it comes to foreign policy it seems that trump is trying to twist the knife into some of the most balto international issues. there's fire and fury for north korea while the international community is calling for deescalation in the region trying to spouting some of the most aggressive rhetoric that's been heard in decades. and this man will not get away with what he's doing only they will be met with fire and fury. life the world has never see.
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the escalation in brest freak certainly doesn't solve the problem the solution to this crisis must be political the potential consequences of military action are. to even contemplate. the two thousand and fifteen iranian nuclear deal and agreement that took two years to reach and one that was hailed as a landmark diplomatic treatment this isn't a story. and response to washington's threats of more sanctions to promise so that they could pull out of that deal altogether but america's u.n. ambassador doesn't appear all that concerned iran cannot be allowed to use the nuclear deal to hold the world hostage the nuclear deal must not become too big to fail. and then there is venezuela a country divided after months of violent protests and the run up to a key election.
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help bring an end to that trumps in just meeting fire with fire apparently the white house wants to kill a divided society and political scene with more violence we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option if necessary whatever happened in terms promises of making the world a less nasty place to live i would love to be able to get along with everybody right now the world is a mess but i think by the time we finish i think it's going to be a lot better place to live for now it seems the president has zero intentions of making friends with everyone. our t. washington d.c. . party has been campaigning to help find their relative self or
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friend russians faking children stranded in an iraqi orphanage it's believed that their parents traveled to the war torn country to join i sell and then either abandon them or work killed we've already received responses from people who have recognized some of the children and one of those spawn tets was little they were. form called to that very same shelter the voice on the other end says another girl has just been brought in from mosul. but it could be too early to talk for her any question and the girl may break down. this psychological state she's struggling to answer a question as simple as what's your name to the. study but those. of us that. go. it's clear mariam is lucky to be alive there are scars right on her face surviving this head injury as almost
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a miracle. surrounded by other kids in caring shelter workers mariam gradually got to the point when she began talking believe it or not mariam gets least stressed out when she speaks of her once over the just that i'd like to build that there were the chill that in that except that it took oakley for. a school kid you will find it is closer to the one. it seems the lucky escape happened shortly after that dreadful experience but here's mariam describing what happened just before she found herself at the epicenter of the war. they teach a buddhist it's just that they just don't need to do that it would. if it were known that a lot maryam is not the only girl who has told us about the horrors by some river
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that's apparently where many children lost their mothers. how much of this is just. yet living. the mom i know never. did what kind of other horrendous things these people went through somewhere by the river in mosul we can only guess mariam doesn't remember anything more or just can't talk about it we ask about her father but she can barely see a thing but we knew this will save us from below do you. believe . this yet there is a glimmer of hope that she can grow up in peace and reunite with her family grandparents. good food good wash. this to you
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by the stuff. at the bush it was. it tough you know. death nothing to do it. are our. blow put the allows us through our radio doesn't dilute it soon you know more soon you know it and i am. being cheated and that's the end of that is this is. the sat half handstand try not to even have a. meeting of. that you wish me. chair is that it people did not set foot on constitution it's an attention to detail systems of our our. eyes. here i sit here and there is
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a i hate those that have. to step. it's twenty five minutes until the hour and you're watching our international we'll be back with more news right at the top of the hour. i would need to make this manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. the blame and. lift certainly the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room sick. to lose millions more you leave. the world.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to now because there were no other takers. claimed that
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mainstream media has met its maker. in case you're new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporations corporations run washington washington controls the media the media and so voters elected businessmen to run this country business equals power to bust it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. i've. led.
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a leg. length thanks. click i am going to see. what it is it will show me a.


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