tv Headline News RT August 22, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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it's the john oliver of our three americans who have to say we are verily better than nothing. and see people you've never heard of low down to the next president of the world bank so very. seriously send us an e-mail. get out of afghanistan we will also expand the thought for american armed forces donald trump does a total you turned on his repeated pledge to quit afghanistan now vowing to expand the military operation with no plan for a with. the president also makes another attempt to hail the u.s. political divide amid claims both sides are now trying to exploit the divisions political gain. and the u.n. voices deep concern reports at least forty civilians have been killed and a u.s. led bombing raid didn't rucka i still stronghold in syria.
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hello there it's five pm here in the russian capital and you're watching r.t. international with me making an error. a total disaster how donald trump as a presidential candidate denounced the u.s. military campaign in afghanistan pledging he would lead america out if he becomes president now he's flipping on his promise and actually expanding was already there . gathers date is a total and complete disaster let's get with it get out of afghanistan we will also expand authority for american armed forces to target the terrorist and criminal networks try to regularly slammed obama's approach to afghanistan even calling him to get smart trump also insisted on
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a speedy withdrawal repeating it was time for american soldiers to come home he added a bomb as financial support for afghanistan was a waste of money but it's about was all before he was elected president some noting that it's almost as if he's become a completely different person the commander in chief also giving no deadlines for any final withdrawal from the war when it came to the question of how many will soldiers to send trump chose to keep it a secret although his administration has already hinted at a boost in numbers he also wants nato allies to throw more troops and money into the pot we will ask our nato allies and global partners to support our new strategy with additional troop and funding increases in line with our own we are confident they will and now u.s. allies are beginning to react to trump statements but german foreign minister
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stressed the west should coordinate afghan policy with the e.u. but science mohammad marandi from iran's university of tehran believes no matter what trump says the approach to afghanistan won't change from his predecessors. well trump has flip flopped on so many different issues that it's really nothing new to to say that he's flip flopped here now whether trapes changed his mind or he's been forced to change his mind. i don't know but i think he is now pursuing a policy that the obama administration was pursuing there's no real difference he's trying to make it look a bit different but what is clear is that under the trump regime the united states will have a permanent presence in afghanistan it will remain there it will increase its presence in the country and it will not do it in the name of
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nation building he will do it in the name of striking out at terrorists but it's really the same thing the new announcements on u.s. strategy in afghanistan comes amid a shakeup in donald trump's in the circle his under fire chief strategist steve bannon has become the latest to head for the exits and the scale of more pain reports the president's foreign policy decisions with his new team may surprise the very people who voted him into the oval office so you want to be an american president what gets you a lecture is it pledges of more wars or the opposite we've been moving from one wrecked was divergent to another kid in libya syria iraq iran this destructive cycle bad decisions we cannot be the policeman of the world polls show that promises of peace were key for trump voters more than half of americans said they would prefer that the next president curb u.s.
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involvement in military conflicts and trump isn't the only president to have gotten the job writing hopes of peace but as we confront a vicious adversary that abides by no rules. i believe the united states of america must remain a standard bearer in the conduct of war. that is what makes us different from those whom we fight you got it they even gave obama the nobel peace prize preemptively but by the time he left office he had droned bombed and intervened even more than his predecessor many hoped that the donald would make a difference however it looks like he may be set on a similar track with words of love being replaced by war and i don't order a targeted new jersey strike or if you can see who we are sending an armada very powerful we have submarines very powerful we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option north korea best not make it work threats to the united
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states. they will be met with fire and fury. like the world has never see but thinking out of policy is pretty far from a one man job here are some of the people who help think out and develop trump strategy you know the one that got him elected well they're all gone except for one meanwhile the white house routinely invites people who have a pretty clear interest for wars to go on people voted for trump because they knew hillary clinton was a warmonger and that she had wanted to destabilize the middle east as she did with libya the people in charge of the white house are now jared kushner trump gary gary cohen h.r. mcmaster paul douceur all very pro-war people and those are closest advisors i think that most people who support trump hope that he'll keep to his
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promises but they do recognize that all of his closest advisors are now opposed to the agenda that got trampled elected yes the new team trump isn't exactly made up of peace mongers and it's pretty far from the vision that americans voted for caleb oppen r.t. new york. political analyst john raines told us trump faces a tough challenge not just in afghanistan but also in neighboring pakistan i think it's going to be difficult i think that you have two entrenched into t's there you have the government and the taliban and it seems at this point no one's really willing to give ground of course without any u.s. support whatsoever i think the taliban would certainly have a distinct advantage there but with u.s. support you pretty much have a stalemate going for it's also very difficult for the u.s. to be able to make the afghan army what it probably originally envisioned it's very difficult project it's been a lot harder than they originally thought it was going to be we have seen isolated air strikes in pakistan on the path that possibly will occur in the future any kind
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of major military incursion into pakistan be extremely difficult nuclear power has a pretty healthy and sizable army on its own so i think that's probably unlikely or transpiring accused of using his big afghan policy announcement as quote in damage control the widely criticized remarks about the deadly violence in charlottesville last week after the violence he issued a call for you know c. but was condemned for his alleged reluctance to single out the role of what supremacists and the clashes divisions in us society resulted in fresh confrontations over the weekend between left and right wing groups. i was raised was. that was that. the. was.
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i. and now one side has upped the ante by launching a petition on the white house website calling for anti far to be declared a terrorist organization more than two hundred thousand people have signed in just five days requiring the administration to now issue a response under its petition rules artie's jacqueline vega looks at how opposing sides are turning divisions into a tool for political gain. political tensions are reaching new heights in america and both sides of the divide the left and the right are trying to paint the other's most radical violent elements as being the true face of their whole movement. politicians are happy to pour gasoline on the flames as well trump has made it clear with bannon gorka in the white house and the klan in the streets it is now
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the white supremacists house hyperball that vitriol from the left has spurred threats amount action without historical power but violent extremism within political groups is far from a new thing for the us except earlier they didn't appear as tools in a political debate take timothy mcveigh a white supremacist who actually blew up a federal building twenty two years ago killing one hundred sixty eight people at the time politicians draw a line between his political leanings and his actions motives to me of course is irrelevant no political motive is worth the life of a child or an innocent human being so this appears to be a domestic terrorist act but that sentiment of motive being irrelevant is suddenly no more nowadays after the recent near enough the attack in virginia both motive and blame were place at the feet of president trump by the mayor of charlottesville he should look in the mirror and he made a choice in his presidential campaign the folks around with them to you know to go right to the gutter to play on our worst prejudices and i think you are seeing
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a direct line from what happened here this weekend to those choices the same goes for the other side in one thousand nine hundred nine some forty thousand anti-globalization the city of seattle into a battleground or protesting a world trade organization conference. right by what some may today branded as the left were exactly used by the right to make a political statement this was the reaction and we really never saw an. the excitement that was going on in the streets and i think frankly much of the media focus. on what was going on on the streets from the fact that most of the serious meetings were going on behind closed doors a similar left leaning crowd wreaked havoc in berkeley earlier this year and scale it failed to match samples events and the political outrage had a very clear target with the president timing and as well. if you see the does not allow free speech impressions this violence on innocent people with
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a different point of view no federal funds this is been kind of an evolution of things throughout the past i'd say two or three presidencies where it's easier to divide people and make them feel like everyone again is against them on the opposite party so when you start playing with identity politics and start looping in hate groups with that identity politics game it's not going to go away and it's not something that started with trump it's not something sadly that i think will end with trump this tablature it might tell you politically motivated violence is something new but it's not maybe the bigger picture is it's just now being exploited for political gain. r.t. washington d.c. . what it seems that even though rare and beautiful natural phenomenon monday's coast to coast solar eclipse over the u.s. can still americans from exploiting it for political purposes and each side came up with it the only version of what the event symbolizes. but it didn't. get.
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the u.n. has expressed deep concern i have a civilians killed in u.s. led coalition strikes in syria we've got more on that often a short break. when i almost choked still seemed wrong all right old quotes just don't call. me. yet to shape out this day comes to educate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground .
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what holds if you should. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be present. with some want to be rich. if you're going to be this is what. three of the people. interested in the war. should. hello welcome back the un has expressed deep concern over reports at least forty civilians have been killed in a u.s. led bombing raid in the i still held syrian city of raka yong a galon who's an advisor to the u.n. special envoy for syria told is the loss of civilian life is coleman in urban warfare in which is
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a heavily dense densely populated town that has been the album bartman from the coalition for a very long time inside the islamic state by this. whole thing as civilians as human shields it is very hard for people to escape. from the remaining enclaves and rucka we know that there are casualties of very many. looks at the heavy price civilians are paying in raca as well as in a similar operation in neighboring iraq. well just to bring everyone up to speed racket was once considered the capital of isis in syria and for many months now it has been besieged by the u.s. led coalition and its local allies in syria and that is be the brutal siege not a week goes by without reports of not civilian casualties and this last week has
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been no exception the u.s. led coalition is accused of killing forty civilians in an airstrike and that's a conservative estimate there are more people believed to be still buried under the rubble we contacted the coalition asking them to comment on this matter and they said that they take reports of civilian casualties very seriously in the that they're investigating but you know if confirmed if their previous responses are anything to go by we'll hear more apologies some regret condolences and we'll see more strikes not a lot will change we all remember the horrendous price paid by civilians in mosul during the city's liberation this talk of as many as twenty thousand dead killed by isis and killed by the u.s. led coalition by the iraqi military in ceaseless airstrikes they kept apologizing
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saying how sorry they were they regretted the loss of civilian life but the bombs kept raining down and the civilian death toll kept mounting it's happening again this time just west of mosul in an area known as fodder which the iraqi military says it is determined to retake from isis and to him and the town telephone next in the march of liberation the heroic security forces preparing to liberate this region i say to islamic state you have a choice surrender or die as with mosul they're pounding talent with all they've caught me sile. strikes out tillery tanks the sorts of weapons that don't discriminate between isis fighters and civilians now consider that in the middle of this hell there are forty thousand civilians according to the u.n. and the situation is desperate for food medicine even drinking water
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becoming a luxury and the u.n. is warning that there's a real exodus thousands of civilians or expected to flee from iraq still a far and surrounding communities during the iraqi military operation there's little doubt that isis in telephone will be defeated but the cost will be tremendous the iraqi military and the u.s. led coalition have shown time and time again that it is a price they consider worth paying. as the u.n. warns about new mass flows of refugees from talor fall there are fears that refugee camps will simply be unable to cope with the latest influx people at the camps said the conditions there are already atrocious. larger than what it was here is difficult there is no air conditioning there is no food with people running food the transit. people are in chaos everything in
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our life is destroyed this is my mother she could not walk so i put her over my shoulder and we walked like about thirteen hours but now we are here and we have nothing that we don't know we don't know where they will take us we don't know why a lot of it is. for more on this less cost live to our guest of the gnosis think tank in middle east commentator good to see you mr walker now the un says it isn't deeply concerned by reports of large civilian casualties in iraq do you think the pentagon will admit those casualties. not at all i mean they've just issued a report if you days back a couple of days back say that since the start of their campaign two thousand and fourteen is that two thousand and fourteen that's almost three years. they may have been about six hundred twenty four civilians dead as
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a consequence in direct consequence of their air raid estimates easy to put that figure at ten times as much so they won't be able to admit it obviously because their internal public opinion could be outraged. what are we doing there how can we continue to clean this high. ground you know we really winning hearts and minds of people in order to help them later on get trade of this ideology. you know. being killed mercilessly by other parties that week to be better than so they will be able to bridge a temple should be we've seen in a much more detailed incident in the mosque of aleppo about six months ago. in the aleppo province where they just bombed a mosque prayer time table it was like. it took them quite a while to say yes well we've had this investigation and we still stick to our
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story and now we talk about large civilian casualties in iraq about what the u.n. investigates a as previously stated is that these u.s. led as strikes on iraq are causing quote the loss of civilian life do you think that's a fair comment to make. yes in mosul as well and we have to remember also a couple of things first of all nobody invited the syrian government never invited the americans and the coalition to help liberate iraq from diet and be this comes at the same time on the for example the russian ministry of defense announced eliminating elimination of two hundred fighters without any single civilian casualties so it's pretty embarrassing but at the same time this is been turning into a trend and this is what is worrying and there is no stopping that obviously the reports you mentioned. we expect also heavy casualties over there now we need to
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take into consideration there is no one questioning here that another terrorist will always take civilians as hostilities and try to. mingle in between you know to avoid being destroyed but at the end of the day they need to be the attacking force needs to be always sharper and sharper and sharper this is not happening for the coalition. i'm moving on syria iraq has very briefly now the u.n. has reported that the flow of refugees from the iraqi city of tal afar is only going to get worse all the best sources of aid on the ground to provide help food basic basic increase of refugees and also what can we make of these testimonies all the refugees they say conditions in these counts already a polling place we have very short time you know i mean the coalition should planned this or should have planned this operation long with the iraqi authorities a little bit more. now i live it better but we need also to understand that you
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know some of these people are getting out of town law far are not happy at all and they will. you know. complain of whatever they see because they be kicked out of their houses and so. but you know better planning is is key and hope for. ok on that note i'm a work after director of the no source think tank in london thank you for your time sir. now the main suspect in thursday's terror attack in barcelona has been shot dead by police in a suburb of the city the man was wearing a fake explosives belt at the time of his death you know it was believed to have been the driver of the van that plowed into more than one hundred people along a major pedestrian on a street in the catalan resort artie's kate partridge looks at how the story of the old. eunice cooper who's twenty two and of moroccan origin has been shot dead in
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the suburb of soviet outs which is about twenty eight miles about forty five kilometers west of barcelona last thursday eunice abuja cooper was one of twelve managed appears in this terrorist cell that police are now saying has been in some ways neutralized in other ways they have been detained but there still is an ongoing investigation looking for any other accomplices they performed what were several incidents over the course of nine hours first driving in a van that went along la rambla right in the heart of barcelona hitting at pedestrians knocking them down we're searching people died and one hundred twenty were injured he then fled on foot is through korea which is the main famous market just awful around and police have been hunting him ever since meanwhile later in the evening there was also an attack in countability which is a coastal town not far from barcelona about one hundred twenty miles away where several men were in a car that rammed into pedestrians on the promo not where a woman was later died meantime the police then five of those men were shot by police they were also wearing what police believed to be explosive belts which were
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later proved to be false also a day before that been an explosion in a house in al canal which is also one of the coastal towns where they've been an explosion and several men have died there too and they're also believed to be part of this terrorist cell and also there is a belief by police and in the reports coming out that a gas explosion a bigger explosion was meant to be second place in the meantime what happened what unfolded in barcelona and campbell's was when the men subsequently took more actions into their own homes. well you get in touch and share your thoughts on the day's stories by following guys on facebook and twitter i'll be back in thirty minutes with morning. here's what people have been saying about rejected and i was actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are
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apparently better than food nothing's better and see people you never heard of love redacted tonight president of the world bank so very soon because many seriously he sent us an e-mail. and book a good little place called a police a key to keep. the usa all that was. supposed to. get him we all heard it was ok to commit their we're going to write. so.
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greetings and salutations there is a dark shadow creeping its way across the land here in the united states and no i'm not talking about magnificent celestial events like we saw earlier this week i'm talking about the four hundred military installations crisscrossing the united states some active some long closed whose use of toxic chemicals over the years have contaminated or are suspected of contaminating the grounds and drinking water of the communities that surround them in fact almost forty per day almost forty percent of those military bases the pollution is so severe that the environmental protection agency has declared them superfund sites but but spawning i thought we cared about our soldiers and the communities that support them i really did i mean after all the pentagon paid top dollar to the national football league to show us how much we care with all those amazing halftime soldier in the crowd gimmicks and.
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