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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  August 23, 2017 2:29am-3:01am EDT

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so just what road are we. let's find out and start watching the hawks. were to. get the. real deal with. the plot of. what the like you know that i got. this. week. was over on the watching the hard science i robot as i was out of the wallet. oh great but we're going to do something and i've got a similar killing terrorists killing terrorists i mean i'm sorry as we know it you know what year is it two thousand and one no two regime seventeenth two thousand and six two thousand two thousand is
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a new president news story we're going into afghanistan we're going to get al qaeda we're going to stop the taliban were really presidents now gary three the curse of the u.s. president is that they have to keep dealing with afghanistan i mean i wasn't so much money and i was trying to bargain as a fence usaid all these other agencies the state department has spent seven hundred fourteen billion billion with a b. of war and reconstruction efforts to war and reconstruction in afghanistan since two thousand and one and what we've gotten is not a whole lot we've heard some really. things go i don't know that we reconstructed much of anything or star about to tell us about some of the amazing things we've been able to reconstruct and spend in afghanistan with our tax dollars and our ongoing efforts there to rid the world of evil. well let me tell you about how we spent six million dollars on kashmir go to kashmir go and don't even get me pretty sweaters out of it. so the pentagon
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a pentagon task force had funded this purchase and transport of these specific very specific it was nine re or italian got the idea was that they would breed these goads with the native afghan codes and come up with some fabulous cashmere make good straight cashmere sold around the world blah blah blah the project director quit. most of the goats in fact all of the goods i think died or got sick so they were used. and here's one really good quote so is the special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction or what they call sigur. stated quote and i'm not sure flying italian goads into afghanistan was exactly what the founders had in mind when they created a standing army for the united states. no i don't think flying in mind goats was the was the plan nor is that a good way to reconstruct a neck on a million people and farmers i mean i guess i kind of understand where they were
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going but now we were very silly thirty six million was it was on an unused command center so they spent all this money to build about twenty eight million afghan army uniform they were a fabulous casmir about a billion for school the congo schools schools with no teachers and no students love were eight and a half billion on poppy eradication which we haven't eradicate the bobbies there doing great though eight point five billion since two thousand and two just to get rid of the poppy trade and last time i checked our poppy trade is doing great. you know woodward board not just of dollars and cents which are a big deal with a lot of money we've wasted and where when not does not mean that the people of afghanistan don't deserve schools and farms and these things they do they should get them if we spend that money it's a joke to sit there and say we spent all this money to help you when i'm sick goats and. you know maybe not dropping bombs on them is a gag a story that's a hell of
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a way to start the first place it's also just the human cost of this supposedly you know isolationist president leaves us with where he's all those more drone strikes of five times the rate of his predecessor we all thought iraq knew drones drones and barrage the drug a man is the drone who apparently trumps trying to break. record and when it comes to drones i suppose the civilian casualties in the in the war against the islamic state are on track to double their president. and that's according to air wars been following that for quite some time who are very i'm biased they're going after obama and you know our use of drones and sensibilities we've been killing and it's not surprising when you look at what is in the trump cabinet you know it's his his cabinet of swamp filled. those are not noninterventionist no you've got you've got
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three generals kelly mcmaster and that is the other key positions are obviously tillerson oil c.e.o. and then wall street executives. gary coleman and wilbur ross. you know what you basically have this kind of combination i mean let's be honest when you have a combination of military industrial corporatism well that is fascism but that's what's been going on in washington for the last you know thirty years forty years this is like meeting of corporatism and bashes him and clearly continuing the afghanistan war is what they want in terms pretty much giving it to him. last night's speech signaled a major shake up in the long lasting war in afghanistan during his prime time policy speech the president that when the sixteen year battle but offered little detail beyond increasing troops and lifting military restrictions the call to arms also sparked anger and dismay among the president's core supporters who have all but lost hope for the non interventionist policy as they tried so hard to avoid
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under a clinton presidency are chasing down dollars arya joins us to report on not only how his actions contradict his previous promises but also threaten to expand it beyond afghanistan supporters. in his first formal address to the nation as president donald trump acknowledged the frustration felt over decades of middle east involvement the american people are weary of war without victory. nowhere is this more evident than with the war in afghanistan the war in afghanistan will enter its seventeenth year this fall so far the us has suffered twenty four hundred military deaths now troop levels in the country have gone from just a few thousand at the start to a peak of one hundred thousand in two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven and then slimming down to roughly eighty four one hundred troops by the time president trying to go over as commander in chief from monday's announcement we learned troop levels will again rise but we do not know by how much or in what
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capacity we will not talk about numbers of troops or our plans for further military activities conditions on the ground not arbitrary timetables will guide our strategy from now on. seemingly taking aim at former president barack obama for giving deadlines to his strategy in the country it's not the first time trump has disagreed with his predecessor on how to handle the war in the past trump has advocated for complete withdrawal but now that he sits in the oval office he's changing his tune not only is the increasing involvement in afghanistan he's putting neighboring countries on notice like india to help and most notably taking aim at pakistan pakistan has much to game from partnering with our effort in afghanistan it has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists. like afghanistan any plane with pakistan is
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short on detail the regional leaders are urging against pushing the country to hard as for afghanistan its president is pleased with renewed u.s. support as the government there loses ground against insurgents. i have a clear message to all oppositions you're not going to win militarily join peace and accept my he's full invitation to. the taliban meanwhile is vowing to continue fighting in the region until all american troops leave afghanistan for good. so you for coming out and talking about this rather interesting issue that obviously all of us of them following no point. what what strikes me is is trouble uses the same campaign rhetoric of you know don't telegraph troop numbers we're going to take the enemy by surprise as a play don't know that we're there. but he's also you know troops are at certain
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times he's basically giving in to what the national secure his national security team wanted do you do you think he may be using this kind of language about really committing verbal eoghan public to what you know maybe they're asking of him in order to potentially is he going to do is he going to play some long game with them and around and pull us out of these four foreign wars is just kind of like giving them a little lip service last a little part of some serious plan and maybe giving the generals you know i don't know you ok sorry about that you were hoping that you know you got a little bit out there not the case and you're talking about his campaign rhetoric but the difference here though is that this was not part of his campaign rhetoric yes he blasted his predecessor for giving timelines and things like that and publicizing when we wanted to go when attacked but aside from that he has had a steady record of being against troops in afghanistan he was constantly saying
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during the obama years especially. during those peak troop numbers to pull out he's saying this is not in our national interests so he had a steady record of that he held that same narrative through the campaign and into his election and into his presidency and even admitted last night he said my my own outlook and my own assumption was to pull out completely and he said and now i've changed my mind i went against my instincts and now i'm listening to my military leaders of course they always do for me about little league switchboards. would keep them running exclude. will be warmongers go when they actually realize what they have to do and suddenly they're faced with it is very strange but this part of the world i think the strange part is sort of this idea of pakistan and afghanistan being part of this whole war and it's always been a complicated relationship where pakistan it with pakistan ever since the invasion especially due to when we found out that osama bin laden was was very
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close to just miles from pakistan's capital so what do you think this complex relationship between pakistan and afghanistan is going to magically. be much better now and can they find a way to work together here's the thing there's going to be there's a much different way of looking at this from north america as there is looking at it from the region and what's happening in the region is that neighboring countries are actually worried how far trump is going to push pakistan you know pakistan on the surface claims to want peace but their idea of peace is different than what the united states sees pakistan sees peace as the afghanistan government kind of coming to terms with the taliban have to remember the taliban is very active in the country of afghanistan and they're taking some of the dollars that the united states is spending to fund schools and medical services whether the ideological agreements are there or not is unclear at this point but pakistan would like to see more of a collaborative effort between the taliban and the afghan government. this. fact
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the u.s. is never going to let that happen so other countries are worried that trump might actually push pakistan too far and what does it mean to be threatening pakistan on such a national and international level you know i just quickly i just have one question to both of you very quickly explain to me again very quickly why we need to be there. and i don't i mean i asked i asked the owner cia agent jack rice last night about this idea of security threats being immense in this region i asked him really what are the security threats to the united states and to our national interests so it's just definitely a question to be asking when he's saying that americans first you know from all right well as we thank you so much for sound i'm always a pleasure to have you on the right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think about topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are t. dot com and starting this monday august twenty eighth we're going interstellar we are going to be up in the atmosphere is watching the hawks at all europe and other
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favored are two shows will now be airing on direct t.v. channel three twenty one adelaide we come coming out of my costar with a wallace sos the seeds of knowledge of the current state of u.s. farmers in our teams would be the song toast puts the spotlight on the acting scandals that have rocked and still town as of late stay tuned to watch and see. what you get you want to use it you know that's another good morning and one million people died. he killed people even date you. know no one's income tooling everybody's rounded up and that's.
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here's what people been saying about reject. it actually it's the law and. the road show i go out of my way to you know what it is that really packs a punch. is the john oliver of war to americans in the sense that your version was better than that and see people you've never heard of low down to the. rest of the world but i'm very sure there were a seriously. according
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to the u.s.d.a. economic research service agricultural resource management survey and the national agricultural statistics service as of march eighth two thousand and seventeen nearly ninety nine percent of us farms are family owned and make a gross cash farm income of less than one million dollars per year they also provide nearly ninety percent of the share of production and according to the u.s.d.a. u.s. farm income is expected to fall for the fourth year in a row so what are the reasons that in our current government policies affecting not only farmers but the price of the goods they produce three major areas of concern are immigration and subsidies and trade so the recent crackdown on undocumented immigration by the republican administration has forced some farmers who were once able to utilize less expensive migrant labor from mexico are now facing labor
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shortages that n.b.c. news reports will leave thirteen million dollars worth of crops to rot in just two california counties this year immigration reform supporters call this a win since those jobs are now available to us citizens at rates above minimum wage with paid time off and even for a one k. retirement plans but despite decades of cries from the right that immigrants are stealing our jobs u.s. citizens aren't taking them now that they are available leaving food to rot raising the price for consumers at the groceries. also hurting consumers is the greatest threat to humans and all living things on this planet climate change georgia's world famous peach crop was nearly decimated this season due to excessively warm winter and a hard freeze that occurred in early spring now both peach and blueberry crop saw eighty percent loss in yield which cost farmers in georgia over three hundred million dollars and you just might need a mortgage to afford that this year in the wake of california's record shattering heat wave that battered the crop so into less expensive imported avocados hit the
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market one piece of the fabulous fatty fruit will cost you double so how is the government helping farmers and consumers in the battle from farm to table well some are calling to end the farm subsidies entirely since they usually only go to the biggest and most successful farms often on family farms the house budget office directed the house agricultural committee to identify at least ten billion in cuts over ten years but instead of ending things like costly subsidies to what many called cadillac crop insurance for big farmers they will make cuts to food stamp programs sugar beet farmers in minnesota are struggling to survive due to cheap sugar from mexico that was illegally brought into u.s. markets despite trade agreements against it peter said of the southern minnesota sugar cooperative told the high plains journal quote more frequent and intense weather patterns rising interest rates and production costs along with lower commodity prices have increased risk and decreased incomes and necessitates
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a strong farm bill over the last few decades the us government has given over one hundred billion dollars in farm related subsidies and loans to big corporations the literal one percent of agriculture the u.s.d.a. spends have the billion dollars annually to market meat and dairy products to americans and yet while they make so much hay that we're supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables they hardly help or subsidize those industries at all so the cold hard truth is that both republicans and democratic politicians in washington have spent the last thirty years to special interests and lobbyists but we need to remember that the fight for farmers is a fight for all of us. that of most definitely is the wallace and i'm not shocked that all the democrats and republicans do you know say a lot on the campaign trail promised farmers everything promised by a family farms everything and then just kowtow to begin their street noticed the
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cow pun. but you know we're talking about afghanistan earlier it seems like oh you know let's send a bunch of money and send a bunch of troops over there while the basic core of our country raj is the garden of plenty that is the united states of america the role in green fields just rotten rotting from the inside apparently because we can't get our farming right we promise a lot we politically you know make a lot of issues that we shouldn't even say there you go. you know i mean the usa has between ten thousand and twenty fifteen two thirds of corporate welfare subsidies went to a few of them six hundred large companies that's incredible incredible and that's you see the exact same problem as we looked at those numbers from earlier is that you quite literally there is this idea that just gets all that all your food comes from all farms or just these big corporate conglomerates and everything else but that's not the truth the biggest chunk of farms in the united states are family
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owned meeting the operator the owner is related to those you know they're related to each other or that they own it. but that's the thing we look at fruits and vegetables and these things that are so we're paying all this money to import cheap avocados from somewhere else when we could be subsidizing farmers here and it's simple it's operational cost that's what other countries do. but our subsidies are all going to the top one percent and they aren't happening the people who need it and it's mostly in the livestock in these areas not in fruits and vegetables right which and then we wonder why. you know. you know when you're talking about livestock and you know on. this is one of the ones you've been following too badly you know it's also interesting what is subsidized and how they subsidize these looking of luxury items as opposed to be items with the we all want to we all enjoy this is one of the things that always bothered me about the hammond issue that led
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to the sunday times over takeover in oregon. the thing that never got talked about this idea that you know these were farmers being you know so downtrodden by the government and that they weren't helping them when in reality what the ham and farm does and what the bundy's do is they raise a very specific kind of beef cattle these are japanese beef cattle known as wild goo or kobe there this idea of just taking all these fancy japanese beef and bringing those breeds here you know what they're doing is we're paying those those subsidies which are grazing fees the bundy's cattle were grazing on federal land getting at these dirt cheap prices about a dollar thirty five a cow while cow and calf per month where if you were doing that on private land it would be about twenty dollars to we were subsidizing this other nineteen dollars that they didn't have to pay but what they're creating is something that is the big
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deal it's not going to put beef and good hamburger and good things for for us consumers in your average grocery aisle it's going for a luxury item that is in top restaurants five star restaurants for an average of one hundred dollars a pound now it's great being if you're and don't believe it's a really is a high quality of beef but why am i subsidizing civilian. day. oh wow we found us to be going over the one person was job over hollywood using nothing can earn you more room at the office than spoiling your coworkers on a watch game of thrones episode of guilt about myself but that is exactly what a lot of the. i doubt by a group of hackers has done much to the dismay of executives of h.b.o. and across hollywood where the met work practically dependent on game of thrones it's a billion dollar franchise it's worth wondering what executives are more concerned by the leak or the hack that paved the way for it but rather than dealing with the
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cyber aggressors with the same impunity game of thrones night. the network appears to have opened the usual back channel with the hackers posing some interesting questions on how the corporate world these days is tackling cyber threats are two. more on the story. h.b.o. has been hacked again with the alleged the cyber attackers releasing new episodes of the network's hit shows game of thrones and ballers other data that has reportedly been compromised includes things like a contact information for actors employee e-mails internal documents scripts and even job offer on the damages from leaks episode that may be easy to calculate the losses due to other early states is not back in two thousand and fourteen the infamous sony exposed in unsavory culture behind the scenes costing the studio forty one million dollars and its reputation so far the h.b.o.
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hacks have been less dramatic than sony but still the hackers reportedly held the content ransom demanding six months of salary paid in which is what prevalent to roughly six million dollars so which h.b.o. replied quote we have received your letters and we appreciate you making us aware of the security vulnerability and we have a bug bounty program to reward white hat professionals who bring these types of things to our attention as a show of good faith we're willing to commit to making a bug bounty payment of two hundred fifty thousand dollars to you know whether it's actually intended to go through with the payment is unclear and why the company referred to the hike as a white hot incident is also unclear as this. studio has yet to respond to requests for comment the hackers are now threatening to release the new game of thrones the season finale and with so many studios susceptible it's likely only a matter of time before we see a sequel in los angeles preview to santos r.t. . and whether we were squinting up at the sky or fiddling with cardboard glasses
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most earth side observers missed one part of the great american eclipse what was perhaps the greatest photo bomb of all time what made it first may appear like a small instruct somehow crawling on your screen and astronomers were pleasantly surprised to find none other than the international space station zooming through their shot of the eclipse sun but if i'm astronauts of the i assess we're not sitting idly by while disturbing the national spectacle as they took unique photos of the moon's full shadow or covering wide stretches of north america under the watchful eye of most administrator robert lightfoot who observe the eclipse from the skies and the agency's gulfstream nasa went to great lengths to document the historic moment the next total eclipse in north america is set to return in april of two thousand and twenty four crossing the country from texas nor through the midwest it's. all right we can't wait for it but as our show for you today remember
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everyone in this world we're not told we're above develops we'll tell you all of you i am so i rolled them to earth and on top of the wall of people and watching those old celebrity great day and night everybody.
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yeah and book a clinical place call it a police a key to keep. the lights out what was i. supposed to. get him you know who are going to commit their we're going to write. a song for the ball club with such well they didn't know when to dodge michael for the one he said i feel we should i should think muslims you all thank you possibly . a bit because.
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but also. do chemicals that. really increase the risk of cancer. known to infuse in the. wrist is is true by independent scientists. from my time as was the others why is that. doing if you want to learn more. about the.
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big business against health. the two thousand and eight economic crisis turn some countries into peg's these are the countries with we can recall them is that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation or. even the recession. these are very bad idea it doesn't work it makes millions of people very happy and employed see their wages decline almost a decade how good are the results. gathered in which to watch
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it all get people to see what do i. knew she was i mean to for legal. challenge was to. think she sat on it. while the same mission is still in place who one of the consequences is to weaken bluebirds. i will firstly. this is the truth the consider is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision. of.
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the jury be told to by the coalition it was very clear that they would no insurgents in the area at the un expressed his deep concern over the mounting civilian casualties on the syrian city of raka the coalition air strikes reportedly killed dozens. of the. protests erupt outside a trump rally in the us state of arizona following the president's keynote speech about the charlottesville violets this changed the whole closure over i'm gonna stop. visit so you know any boy.


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