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tv   Headline News  RT  August 23, 2017 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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it's great except the bow to the decision. of. the jury be told to by the coalition it was very clear that they would no insurgents in the area the un expressed his deep concern over the mounting civilian death toll in the syrian city of right after coalition air strikes reportedly
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killed. the. protests are wrapped outside a trump rally in the u.s. state of arizona following the president's keynote immunity speech about the charlottesville violet's his change toward mode of afghanistan. at least thirty five people have been killed after an airstrike hit a hotel near the yemeni capital according to the rebel media which the saudi led coalition is behind the attack meanwhile r.t. brings you the story of a twelve year old's yemeni boy deeply traumatized by the ongoing war.
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hello there this is r.t. international broadcasting to you live from the russian capital i'm karen good to have you with us this hour. the un's raising the alarm over reports that airstrikes by the u.s. led coalition have killed dozens of civilians in the syrian city of raka. yesterday unconfirmed reports indicate that over thirty people were reportedly killed in the us us keeney neighborhood while eight internally displaced people from the same family were killed in a separate attack in another part of the city in recent days and weeks scores of civilians have reportedly been killed or injured in iraq out judah airstrikes and shelling when you first hear some of these reports it's easy to believe that they exaggerations take a recent one by the u.s. led coalition is accused of bombing a house packed with civilians killing dozens and dozens of innocents even more bodies buried under the rubble and then multiple sources begin repeating the same
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reports footage begins to a much videos pictures that supports these reports and these claims one thing to know more travel to the hospital and you know a witness and survive a testimony anything to go by these things happen regularly it was the second was we were directly targeted by the coalition it was very clear that they would know insurgents in the area they were children playing in the streets and we were carrying water from a tap on house and civilly in homes with direct be targeted reports about the use of white phosphorus civilian areas being peppered with chemical weapons. in which we heard that the coalition used white phosphorous near iraq it was dropped by the warplanes who else could have done it it had to be the plane was they were targeting a civilian neighborhood. we've contacted the u.s. led coalition are asking them to comment on some of these allegations and we got the standard response that they're taking all of this very seriously and that they
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are investigating concurrently one of the defacto leaders of the u.s. led coalition is actually in the edit be with us james mattis the u.s. secretary of defense and he's well optimistic. we will continue to be part of iraq the people under military make for a brighter future. pain the stability the. very very high price a very high cost hardly does justice to how much iraqis have lost and sacrifice during this struggle take mosul an hour's drive from us once a city of two million now reduced to largely a wreck abandoned by its people just west of that is. well james mattis is optimistic here in that two hours drive from here he's jets a pounding and not the community that tens of thousands of people trapped now in
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the new war zone the iraqi military the u.s. led coalition trying to push isis out of. the conditions there is said to be desperate. medicine and even drinking water a running out of not only people are in chaos everything you know life is destroyed this is my mother she couldn't walk so i put it over my shoulder and we walk like about thirteen hours now and we have nothing. more body left here is difficult there is no air conditioning there is no food we're going to run food. a solution. at the end of the day there is little doubt that isis in iraq will be defeated albeit at a tremendous cost but the u.s. led coalition and the iraqi military have demonstrated that it is a price they will let the civilians of iraq pay. all the nicholas davies has written extensively about the invasion of iraq and believes the u.s.
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isn't taking the issue of so-called collateral damage seriously they are not taking responsibility for the truce scale of civilian casualties in two thousand. seven the u.n. said very clearly the bombing of. civilian areas is a violation of international human rights law and that the presence of a few competitions in a civilian area does not change the nature of that area it is still a civilian area essentially what the u.s. has done in the last sixteen years has been to two renormalizing the bombing of cities i'm i'm sure many of your viewers have seen video of mosul at the end of this this bombing campaign or of other cities like cold bonnie.
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sear it in libya that have simply been reduced to rubble by u.s. bombing and the artillery fire. the u.s. air force says it may increase as strikes on afghanistan following president trump's decision to step up the sixteen year military campaign on monday trump announced an open ended of troops and money to the country in a major u. turn on election promises it sparked protests in arizona outside a venue where he was due to speak. no. place formed a barrier to prevent unrest smoke bombs and fireworks with private offices hundreds came out to protest just over a week after the deadly violence in charlottesville and the president's much criticized remarks on the role of hates groups in the country racial tensions have
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intensified in recent days which may have overshadowed radical shift on afghanistan and stuck it in fuko reports. the way president donald trump is portrayed you think he is an evil leader the likes of which america has never seen shadow of moscow seems to haunt president trump the world's shining light of democracy has gone dark one of those in the radical right wing you know if you're a speech is take a look at what some of the neo nazis are saying about his speech. even terms announcement of a new afghan strategy was skewed to supposedly show how the president was stirring up racial tensions the president began his nationally televised address monday night urging americans to come together to rise above racial and ethnic divisions he wanted to speak to the nation about charlottesville and his comments he should have spoken to the nation about stroke zero and modeled it by putting it into a speech about afghanistan that's what i thought as an american can we just get
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back to afghanistan for a second please the president has made a fairly hawkish decision to boost america's military presence in the country sound familiar on my orders the united states military has begun strikes against al qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the taliban regime in afghanistan i know that many of you have grown weary of this conflict. as you are well aware i do not support the idea of endless war given what's at stake in afghanistan i am firmly convinced that we should make this extra effort. i don't well what both previous presidents both democrat and republican chose to do so it seems hard but clearly not impossible to chalk it up as just another misstep by the big bad billionaire we will also expand authority for american armed forces to target the terrorist and criminal networks that so violence and chaos throughout afghanistan this is in tradition with all u.s. president trump is no continuing that long held tradition and if we look at u.s.
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foreign policy over the decades it is one long today actually pretty much on broken interaction or gender always regime change or military intervention is always the order of the day and diplomacy always takes a backseat over the years afghanistan has been a massive drain on both u.s. financial and human resources and yet trump is choosing to soldier on. and all of those resources have led to little measurable success lost in the quagmire of the afghan conflict understand it's my responsibility we're not winning in afghanistan right now.
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this in tahrir is intended to put pressure on the taliban to have the taliban understand you will not win the battlefield there three we may not win one but neither will you things are going to get worse for the people of afghanistan especially the civilians we're going to see formal casualties their country in general is going to continue to spiral out of control some of the neo con generals the retired generals a couple years ago talked about a military u.s. military presence in afghanistan for at least fifty years they might be exaggerating. oh i can easily see that happening because there's this whole of the in the opposition so despite promises of making america great again that it seems that washington is just going to continue to fight an endless war that seems almost impossible of actually winning. washington d.c. . on the chimes new plan the u.s. expected u.s. is expected to send up to full thousand more troops to afghanistan with the exact number one maining
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a secret and their top commander for the middle east joseph hotel says the first new forces could arrive within weeks former u.s. congressman ron paul told us about the implications of the president's decision. changes the words and makes it sound like the world will come apart if we don't continue to be the world's policeman he says he's not into nation building but there was a pretense anyway how many nations that we can really build or improve we've torn nations apart so he is seen as a flip flopper which i think politically is a bad position to be. going to be perpetual war nobody knows exactly who the enemy is and nobody will know when it is ended i think trump has been maybe a little bit more upfront that his goal isn't to get done in six months or a year it looks like he's planning to be there for the long term. he
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wants to increase the troop levels mean he will but we don't know exactly and we who are on the pro peace side think that he should do very very little without the consent of the congress and yet it sounds to me like even he wants to give away some of his authority and say will the generals who are in charge the generals in charge let them make all the decisions. that he flip flops and goes along with the neo cons which it looks like he has he's not going to win them over the people who support mccain and graham and rubio they're not going to all of them say oh yeah looks like trump is one of us now we're going to support of so i think he loses i think he loses in a political way he loses support from some of his base and he's not going to gain any support from the people who are now saying oh he looks like he's waking up in the he's accepting the neo con position approach to a war. we visit the small spanish town where terrorists behind the two recent
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attacks grew up with that story and more off the break. why don't we just don't call. yet to shape our.
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attic. and in detroit. trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the. hello welcome back at least thirty five people have been killed after an asteroid hits a hotel near yemen's capital sana'a that's according to who's the rebel media they blamed the attack on saudi arabia which is regularly carried out bombardments of the country riyadh supporting the yemeni government which is fighting against the rebels we have not it's been able to independently verify the information but the saudis that coalition has been repeatedly accused of killing civilians in yemen although riad denies the claims. r.t.
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has been to visit a yemeni boy age twelve who's already had almost two dozen operations of the falling victim to on to clashes in his country a warning you may find the following images upsetting. jaime's father told r.t. about the heartbreaking suffering his son has already been through in his short life. had a broader community even a slight cough affects him badly he's a very weak his elbow has been damaged by frequent falls as you can see his neck is egypt as well these tragedies come from war the boy spent a month in intensive care before regaining consciousness he's undergone surgery
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many times and will need more operations could all his injuries he's lost all his hair. have made it rarely gets a chance to leave the hospital with his constant battle against cholera the saudi led coalition is being blamed for the widespread outbreak of the horrific disease in yemen thought to be the worst cholera epidemic ever recorded bounced off of the coalition cut off supplies of medicine and food to rebel controlled areas the damning conclusions come in a study from the queen mary university of london. someone living in rebel controlled areas is seventy percent more likely to contract cholera and fifty percent more likely to die from cholera than somebody living in government controlled areas so the internationalized government in yemen are supported by a saudi red coalition this coalition has bombed the rebel controlled areas pretty much most of the city. and without much concern for for civilian life.
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they've been civilian infrastructure so we've seen hospitals destroyed schools destroyed the coalition is also enforced and naval blockade on the rebel controlled areas this means that there are shortages of food shortages of fuel shortages of medicine all of which contribute to a situation where cholera can prosper. now the sleepy spanish town of repulsion now lines at the center of a major investigation into last week's terrorist attacks it's where members of the terrorists are behind the atrocities grew up together and move radicalized. bad. police investigators have identified the less rambus terrorist as eunice abuja coos the suspected driver of the van comes from the pier in in town of ripple
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. research the apartment of an inn maman recalls it said could have been a radicalizing force a way that they were used during normal life i used to see them walking to buy bread oh you know on their you we're small community and open to now we'll have to peacefully together but this piece has been broken. for us to believe at the moment there are twelve people in this terrorist cell.
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and these are the suspected members of the cell some have expressed surprise at just how young many of them were the boss a loner a type a union stopper yaku for example was just twenty two years old however radicalized young men and even detains are not a new phenomenon last year sixteen year old syrian boy was arrested on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack in the german city of cologne a fifteen year old boy was also arrested in paris planning an attack in public places and two girls aged only fourteen and fifteen years old were arrested on the same suspicions and their homes were raided well our correspondent peter all of travel to the now infamous town of ripple tomorrow you'll be able to see for yourself just what he finds there but here's a taste of what's coming up the image of the school located in the building just behind me are built by the sun he is understood accused of being the mastermind behind the terror attacks he spent time in prison in twenty ten until twenty
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fourteen after he was charged and convicted for smuggling how sheesh it's understood growing while he was in prison to to radical islam and spain attacks clearly demonstrated radicalization is getting younger but in belgium employees of one kindergarten have reported signs of islamic radicalization even among total it's children were said to have made death threats to unbelievers calling them pigs and even displayed hand gestures imitating throats cutting it's claimed they've been reciting verses from the qur'an during play time while they have reportedly skipped class is because the kindergartens vision does not fit in with their beliefs we spoke to the co-ordination director of the facility good speed who says they were even more concerned about how the children and even more concerned about the children after what happened in spain. in fact there was
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a leak. about an internal document made up by kindergarten leaders in the framework of an initiative to strengthen their gut leaders and to train them to recognize signs of possible radicalize ation is a very early stage with toddlers and in the aftermath of the. the barcelona attacks it's you know we're very itchy about you know radicalization is love related terrorism or jihad isn't. first discuss this further now we're joined by our guest political commentator david vons mr vance thank you for joining us on the program now islamic radicalization is nothing new for the e.u. we know that but why do terrorists appeared to be getting younger and younger.
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well as she said i mean conventionally when we talk about radicalization we normally refer to i guess young man and then perhaps leave teens or early twenty's as we've seen for example in barcelona and we've seen the horrendous consequences but she said that in this instance what we're talking about is radicalization in the kindergarten before the even got to primary school there being an call kid of unexposed to her ific ideas ideas which are not compatible with our western civilization so i think the question has to be who's doing the radicalization of these young kids and you know if it's not help if it's happening outside of the kindergarten back in the home then i think those homes should be read it and we should be arresting anyone who's putting such violate is into the heads of young kids. at the a you have seen almost five hundred cases of radicalization in schools do you expect that number to rise further and how potentially dangerous is the
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situation. i think it's explosive nikky that's what i think and i think that the numbers will absolutely soar i mean what you've got happening across the european continent is an influx of millions of many muslims from north africa by no means do they all accept western values and nor less a fair approach to live and let live so if the e.u. imports this deal of muslim immigration then is it any surprise that we see these historically with precedence things happening because you know if we are actually having kindergartens and centers for potential you know and call cation of jihad theology then we've got a fundamental problem the only way of stopping it nicky is to stop the to close the borders and to deport that's what we need to do we need to send
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a message that what's everyone is welcome and we all want to live side by side with each other if people are going to essentially it's this is child abuse putting these notions into the heads of young kids then they're not house to stop a message must be sent but you know this happened in belgium. as we saw in the broken district of brussels belgium isn't exactly one on top of the issue as far as i can see ok david violence political commentator thank you for your time and for sharing your thoughts i can't see international law be back at the top of the hour with more news in the meantime to get in touch and share your thoughts on today's stories by following us on facebook and twitter.
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well you can you don't order you know. playing on one million people and i'm. killed. even dangerous. now no one stolen from tulane everybody's running and that's.
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a. tense and this is going underground there's debate over whether the u.k. government will full reaches fever pitch in the wake of what some a calling to raise amaze hurricane katrina coming up in a show where this smoke this fire we are schools are of getting by as states possible culture and austerity britain dr lisa mackenzie if state backed neglect corruption cuts to services that just social cleansing at the ground fell tower in west london this week and we asked the tory co-chair of britain's old party fund a safety and rescue group so david amos how much to raise a mate was to blame for the london influence and. what could the cia have conceivably got to do with the death of the best selling soundtrack artist of all time the inimitable whitney houston we will cointelpro with award
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winning filmmaker nick broomfield and. framed on whether to raise them a culture good deal with the means the end of the northern ireland peace process. coming up in today's going underground but first no one really knows how many people have been killed by government austerity to bail out the bankrupt city of london since twenty zero eight the journal of the royal society of medicine says thirty thousand deaths alone could be linked to health service cuts but if anyone wanted member for the slashing of emergency services social housing and capitalist regulation this week's tragic and lethal inferno in london was it no wonder social cleansing immersions an issue within minutes of the fire breaking out in west london and increasing inequality that resumes chief of staff gavin barwell who allegedly sat on a tower block fire safety review even state mandated u.k. broadcasters at the scene couldn't avoid the topic of rich was as poor as they sought opinion from the local community one thing i wanted to say that i was saying
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about i might have been afraid to exploit it was something that i don't know about would have but why do you know if they did regeneration last year building that they're talking about doing to these buildings they did it that they wouldn't only ten million pounds they're talking about and put the plastic things on there. because they want more. on this to. generate the blocks or they could knock them down and often i'm not so sure that was totally an accident i'm not even going to lie i'm not going to lie to you could you cause me to have i'm not going to lie the whole situation that's going on in this area and we've got a way that they don't want us to. they don't want us here and they put those richman's blocks over there that's from someone who lives near the grenfell tower in north kensington where half of all children live in poverty poverty being a bigger killer than any and for so a class war now firmly on britain's political agenda we're joined now by dr lisa mackenzie research fellow at the mountains.


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