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tv   News with Ed  RT  August 23, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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solid alternative to the. liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking at lefties talking at righties oh there you go. look at world. class it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. on the news tonight the president has met with protest as he hits the road at a rally in phoenix and then a speech at the american legion in reno and secretary of defense james mattis meets with turkish president. and pledge of support against the kurdish p.k. k. and china and russia protest the united states at the un for a series of new sanctions designed to curtail north korea's nuclear program i know a chance sitting in for ed schultz here in washington d.c. you're watching our team america.
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good evening we start tonight with the president back on what looks like the stump president followed up a rally in phoenix arizona on tuesday night with a speech to the american legion in reno this morning both of ants were met with protests the administration has been blamed for insensitivity in the wake of the charlottesville violence president attempted to clean up his image by focusing on a new message in phoenix you always understood. what washington does not are a movement is a movement built on love love. love for struggling americans who've been left behind and love for every american who deserves it of all of their dreams come true. for more on the president speaking to our will go now to dr gene allowed in conservative author and dawn jones former georgia state
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representative ladies thanks for being with me this evening so as you saw the president help us or a campaign style event in arizona his rally today in reno this is on the heels of his announcement of a change of plan of action in afghanistan on monday night and it seems that every place the president speaks is being met by protests on dr jena a lot of people on the right are saying he can't catch a break no matter what he does but given the lack of details that have been announced every place he speaks to some of these protests have any merit. they really don't they're astroturf by george soros we all know that this is the same song and dance that they tried to poll during the election that lost the election for them identity politics doesn't work even human rights watch has admitted and the new york post has admitted that the identity politics efforts of the left for all of these years is failing not just in the united states failing globally actually it's what lost this election for them and it's what will continue to lose
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for them in twenty eight hundred so i know a lot of conservatives that are really excited that rather than focusing on you know reducing regulations and tax cuts and jobs like the one million jobs the president has created pretty much all by himself conservatives are pretty excited that the left is continuing to focus on losing issues like identity politics but on what's your take on that you know i need to correct dr gene on one thing first of all let's not put everybody in one big basket of people who are out there. on the streets protesting are regular american citizens who may or may not identify with a political party or ideology to the left or the right these are people who are sick and tired of folks like donald trump saying things that further splinter our country so they are not all funded by george soros these are really hard working americans who are using their first amendment rights to speak up and speak out and we would hope that at some point in time donald trump would shut up for a little while and listen to what these people really want his rhetoric that has
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come out that has been so divison someone if the republicans who are leadership are going to say something i don't want you had to speak up. dr jean what do you do you don't wear black robes you don't wear black robes and black masks if you are a regular ordinary hard working citizens these people are nothing less than terrorists disruptors this doesn't even fit under the definition of our first amendment and and frankly the entire middle america that got this president in office is watching this going wow this is some real ridiculousness and they are faulting the left so it's not it's not about how i see it it's about how america sees it in america sees a losing to visit issue we see a president who talked about equality talked about unity who's worrying about things that are colorblind like jobs for people that don't have a color specificity tagged on to them and so it's just not true so this president
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on very unifying and if the if the left were smart they get behind some of his ideas and try to take a little credit coming up in twenty eighteen for all of that's going to be accomplished don i want to i want to stick with you though for a second here speaking of people needing to be quiet today hillary clinton released an audio excerpt of her upcoming book saying that she wanted to call then candidate trump a creep for essentially creeping up on her during that infamous debate last october why is hillary clinton doing this right now or is this in some way some sort of a perhaps a tactic by the left to set something up for the twenty one thousand race what's your take on on her comments today i definitely don't think there is some conspiracy that she's worked with the left or the d.n.c. or anyone else this is her book these are her thoughts she won the popular vote but she lost what was the election of her life she's an intelligent brilliant woman who wanted to put her words on paper there are a lot of us who are feeling
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a certain kind of way about her that interim whether you voted for hillary bernie or otherwise and hillary having an opportunity to come out and express what a lot of her supporters feel is very important. closer so we can move this country for now i didn't actually support hillary clinton when she ran but i respect the fact of what she has done for our country in the past and i think that she has the right to speak up there were some people who said well maybe the left is tired of hearing from hillary clinton clinton they want her to just go away donald trump brings her up in every other speech in every other interview so at this point she's not going anywhere anyway we might as well go ahead and hear her full story if you like dr gina has something to say about that. about the things that hillary clinton has done let's see an illegal server let's see the bill clinton's meeting on the tarmac with loretta lynch collusion you know i mean the list goes on and on and she's calling this president creepy i would love to hear one thing that hillary clinton ever did that is productive for the united states of america but i think
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what's really really amusing is the word using the word creepy coming from a woman who lived with bill clinton for most of her life that in and of itself is just it's literally it's so laughable on its face i know america is enjoying these characters you know you have to realize that even if he didn't say that the fact that he said that he grabs a woman's genitals the fact that he purposely walked into the room of the miss america competition and the fact that he has said very violent things we already thought he was creepy we didn't the hillary clinton ladies let's what you know i've been told what i will outline and i have here for the last minute i have here let's talk foreign policy for a second since we have secretary of defense matters in turkey today we see now that the pentagon is having more say than ever over the plans and all these foreign conflicts has would depend on the department of defense essentially co-opted the oval office or is this sort of the best case scenario for our foreign conflicts dr
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gene over to you personally don please respond. what i you know i think it's funny that it feels very much like this president could cure cancer and someone would criticize him this is the president who either isn't listening enough to the generals or he now he's listening too much to the generals here's what i know about this president ok he came into office just a little over two hundred days ago he spoke some serious business with syria he has created more than a thousand jobs in three weeks ago more than a million sorry three weeks ago remember this remember world war three was trending all over twitter remember that and all of the sudden now it looks like this brave face to. put on face up to north korea's bullying actually worked out pretty well and they backed down so here's what i trust i trust that this president knows what he's doing knows who is listening to i think he takes advice from a lot of people and he makes sound decisions and i think he's demonstrated that because actions speak
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a lot louder than the words that the left would rather focus inward on the last word goes to you so the question of whether they've co-opted the white house i think these generals are the only ones that can put donald trump in check we solve with general kelly how he's finally come in to help try to help him steer him in the right direction my only concern is to a hammer everything looks like a nail i really want to support whatever our generals say we need to do to make america safer and protect us all around the world but i wonder if they're looking through a lens where everything requires a fight everything requires more money everything requires more troops in order to solve every problem because that's the world that they are in so that concerns me and i don't believe that donald trump has the ability to counterbalance that or least look outside the box and determine if there are other ways to handle it because he's so inexperienced as commander in chief and he's been doing such a horrible job that he has no choice but to least listen to one person and then. we've got to leave it right there you so much both dr gene allowed and led on joan
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. one of the u.s. is most critical middle eastern allies could see a tremendous cut in military and economic aid some are questioning why they do it now are these natasha's sweet is joining us with more details natasha and the treatment of the question of the timing has led to a few toss and turns today and earlier white house adviser jared christer met with egypt's president and foreign minister just hours after the terms of ministration announced cutting or delayed some three hundred million dollars in aid to egypt now originally it was understood that the median had been cancelled which was seen as a political snub however at the foreign minister did. sit in on the meeting with president abdel fatah el-sisi and christer today because there is goal of discussing the revival of the israeli palestinian peace talks might have been overshadowed by the administration's decision to possibly cut aid to egypt dramatically for alleged human rights violations while the u.s. says egypt remains a key partner in defeating terrorism or
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a pentagon official my says that the move appears to show a dispute within the state department. with cushion or trying to get assistance and help from countries such as egypt. in trying to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict you just cut them off economically if you want something in return officials say they're particularly concerned over the passage of a new law on governmental organizations that has been widely criticized for really excessive and used to crack down on the opposition officials say one hundred ninety five million dollars will be held until egypt reveals progress on the human rights front egypt is the second largest recipients of military aid from the u.s. after israel receives nearly one point six billion each year so if you total that up the u.s. has roughly provided eighty billion dollars in both economic and military assistance to egypt for the past thirty years however arabia question for their
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human rights violations in the past is the biggest buyer of the u.s. arms in the world just this year riyadh and washington signed what's called the largest arms deal in u.s. history estimated at one hundred ten billion dollars and it's something questions and again it points to a difference of opinion within the white house as none of these issues were brought up during visits to d.c. . i think that this is where the the conflict and the hypocrisy of the administration of our policies lie because saudi arabia is no one for its mistreatment of women in the world and in from my own personal experiences in going to various syrian refugee villages i've actually seen saudi. rich guys buy in for nine and fourteen year old girls. yes so many rex tillerson is really the one to watch for he has until the end of the fiscal year september thirtieth to
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either sign a waiver or return the money to the treasury and the waiver now gives egypt additional time to meet those necessary well fireman's always gotta follow the money trail thanks so much for that natasha sweet. and u.s. secretary of defense james madison has met with turkey's president early on and on correct just today maddest pledged u.s. support to turkey in the country struggle with the kurdistan workers party also known as the p.k. k. the turkish government has raised protests over the us army of the kurdish by p.g. in syria as part of the fight against isis turkey has struck kurdish positions in the past and recently in the turkish press released information about u.s. military bases and troop positions in syria so for more on the struggle between turkey and the kurds we're being joined now by barak id and director of outreach for the kurdish policy research center thanks for being with us today barak so what will matter is this visit with glee give way to in the way of policy going forward
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in syria will we believe the matter is is that it's. generally. in regards to kind of reshaping the already destroyed relationship with turkey. will this salvage anything. i believe that's there right now trying to use the p.k. k. card and you know they're trying to rebuild their you know damaged relationship based on both as well as the why p.g. and the kurdish reference the upcoming kurdish referendum. the kurdish regional government can you can you differentiate for the viewers the difference between p k k y p g well they're totally. two separate entities as recognized by the state department continuously. repeatedly. one of them is functioning in the y. p.g. and or of the people ids functioning in northern syria and the p.k.
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case functioning in southeastern part of turkey but a lot of people say that they're in the ties of them being kurds is what connects the two groups whereas one is fighting isis and one is deemed a terrorist organization is there any merit to that them saying that they're connected surely for the fact that they're kurds well of course not i mean we have multiple parties in the united states of america we can be relating democrats to. conservatives just because of the fact that you know they're both american so that's very logical i believe and you know they all saw themselves repeatedly said that they're not actually. there are two separate entities at the end of the day ok and mattis has also met obviously with president i don't want today and the two expressed commitment to a bilateral relationship what do you think was earning one's primary concern he might have expressed to mattis his primary primary concern has been the y.p.
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g.'s existence in northern syria. certainly he himself actually certainly does not want any kurdish formation in northern syria. considering the fact that the united states has been providing a lot of significant support to the kurdish forces. as well as the y p g against the isis so that's that's been their main concern you know the kurdish existence not a matter of y p g or p y d it's just a matter of kurds being in control and the northern syria but where is the us relationship going to stand in this obviously the us decision to arm the kurdish militias. in they've been the most successful right in fighting isis in terms of the local forces apart from having. allied forces coming into. into syria to fight isis the kurds have been doing all the heavy lifting and they've been doing it for quite some time now so what's the relationship where's the balance here between the
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u.s. and turkey going to be if if the kurds are the ones showing that they can do it absolutely i mean again the state department and. have stated that kurds have been the most dependable ally of the united states as well as the quality of forces against the fight right and you know the united states need to will or turkey needs to understand the necessity of the kurds. of the kurds in the fight of against isis so having said turkey again ridgetop part of iran is having the fear of the kurds having kind of an autonomous region in northern syria and you know the united states have stated the kurds have been the boots on the ground you know the western countries of the on behalf of the coalition forces and they've been pretty effective against isis so reject i part of
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one really wants to shift the main focus from the fight against isis to the y. p.g. as well as the p.k. k. but again britain occurred recently visited turkey and tried to convince turkey otherwise you know the main focus right now is the ice is because we also need to understand that not a single bullet has been shot from the white p.g. into turkish borders so that he's trying to change the conversation right now so this is a very interesting talk to be to be heard hearing what might be going on behind closed doors in turkey thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us barack i.d.m. director of outreach for the kurdish policy research center thank you manila. in syria the u.n. has expressed concern over the civilian death toll in iraq. after coalition air strikes are days where i have has that report. yesterday unconfirmed reports
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indicate that over thirty people were reportedly killed in the us keeney neighborhood while eight internally displaced people from the same family were killed in a separate attack in another part of the city in recent days and weeks scores of civilians have reportedly been killed or injured in iraq out judah airstrikes and shelling when you first hear some of these reports it's easy to believe that they exaggerations take a recent one by the u.s. led coalition is accused of bombing a house packed with civilians killing dozens and dozens of innocents even more bodies buried under the rubble and then multiple sources begin repeating the same reports footage begins to a much videos pictures that supports these that reports and these claims one thing to know more travel to the hospital and you know a witness and survivor testimony means anything to go by these things happen regularly was that we were directly targeted by the coalition it was very clear
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that they would know insurgents in the area there were children playing in the streets and we were carrying water from a tap on how sensitivity and homes would be targeted or reports about the use of white phosphorus civilian areas being peppered with chemical weapons on a system in which we heard that the coalition used white phosphorous near iraq it was dropped by the warplanes who else could have done it it had to be the plane was they were targeting a civilian neighborhood. we've contacted the u.s. led coalition are asking them to comment on some of these allegations and we've got the standard response that they're taking all of this very seriously and that they are investigating interrogation one of the defacto leaders of the u.s. led coalition is actually in the edit be with us james mad. that u.s. secretary of defense and he's well optimistic we will continue to hear the part of
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iraq the people. make for a brighter future. in the stability of that. very very high price a very high cost hardly does justice to how much iraqis have lost and sacrificed during this struggle take mosul an hour's drive from us once a city of two million now reduced to largely a wreck abandoned by its people just west of that is. well james mattis is optimistic here in that piece two hours drive from here he's jets a pounding and now the community tens of thousands of people trapped now in a new war zone the iraqi military the u.s. led coalition of trying to push isis out of. the conditions that is said to be desperate. medicine and even drinking water a running out of should not of people are in chaos everything you know life is
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destroyed this is my mother she couldn't walk over my shoulder and we walk like about thirteen hours now and we have nothing. left here is difficult there is no air conditioning there is no food with the full run of food the transit system to salute. at the end of the day there is little doubt that isis in iraq will be defeated albeit at a tremendous cost but the u.s. led coalition and the iraqi military have demonstrated that it is a price they will let the civilians of iraq pay. china and russia are blasting the u.s. over new sanctions against individuals and firms accused of aiding north korea's missile program our chance to mondale rosario has the story. as the u.s. and south korea continue joint military drills to deter provocations from north korea the message from pyongyang is that these drills do the opposite as us
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warmongers ignored our warning that they should cautiously act and make the right decision in this situation and made a dangerous military provocation they will not be able to avoid merciless retaliation and on sparing punishment by our pay it could do for evolution theory forces. a new video released by north korea or news threats against guam showing ballistic missiles targeting the u.s. territory and it depicts u.s. leaders engulfed in flames. in my opinion we should really teach them a lesson not just that we should bomb mainland america to make the maximum sense. and newly released photos of north korean leader kim jong un visiting the chemical material institute appear to show the progress of pyongyang's solid fuel missile program solid fuel missiles are faster to deploy giving north korea the ability to launch without much warning south of the border in
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a subway station in seoul local emergency services and the military are holding emergency defense drills preparing the country for any potential infiltration threat from the north meanwhile aboveground u.s. and south korea forces conduct the very joint military drills agitating north korea you know argue you have to continue to exercise until we have a reason not to and that reason is much better because of north north korea that we routinely expect but it doesn't stop us and our goal to be as ready as possible and leave the greatest number of our. on tuesday night president donald trump said kim is starting to respect the u.s. and mused maybe something positive will come of it it's worth noting north korea has not conducted a missile test all of august leading state secretary rex tillerson to praise pyongyang's so-called restraint for the news with ed schultz i'm sorry oh. new studies suggest social media platforms like instagram and snap chat are now
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overtaking facebook and popularity are teens trinity child as explains. teens are waving facebook faster than expected that's according to a new study from research firm e-mail for a week or predicts a fourteen point five million users between the ages of twelve and seventeen years old in the u.s. will shrink by three point four percent this year this being the first time the company has predicted a decline in facebook usage for any age group and the reason is because teens are using other social media platforms like instagram and snap chat but with over two billion users facebook has continued to grow up around the world but younger people are finding the social networking site less appealing i honestly use snap chat and instagram a lot more i just feel like people stopped using facebook for posting pictures and you can just post them now on snap chat and instagram and it's kind of a more in the moment and more like filtered out while the older generation still prefer facebook or use facebook the most because it's the first social media
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platform that i started using back when i was in college so it's just you know i'm very comfortable with it and you know i think like when the other platforms came about i was already just very happy with facebook and didn't really i mean i had the other accounts but i didn't find a need to like make the other ones my primary social media accounts. marketer senior forecasting analyst said we see teens and tweens migrating to snap chat and instagram both platforms have found success with this demographic since they are more aligned with how they communicate that is using visual content outside of those who have already left teens and tweens remaining on facebook seem to be less engaged logging and less frequently and spending less time on the platform or rosco however does say that there is a demographic who over looks facebook all together these are children considered to be tweens and they're known as quote facebook nevers and soon facebook could have more dead users than living ones the b.b.c. reported by two thousand and twelve just eight years after the platform was
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launched thirty million users with facebook accounts had died. that number has only gone up since some estimates claim more than eight thousand users die each day although even make this latest forecast predicts that the usage of facebook will continue to decrease and the usage of instagram and snap chat will continue to soar the upside is facebook owns instagram reporting in new york trinity job as our take . and don't forget starting this coming monday august twenty eighth r.t. america will now be available on direct t.v. channel three two one we're excited to announce that you can now watch the news with ed schultz and all of your favorite r.t. america show starting monday august twenty eighth don't forget direct t.v. channel three twenty one and that is the news tonight you can follow me on twitter at manila chan right there bottom your screen i am going to watch and sitting in for ed schultz reporting here in washington d.c. we'll see you back here tomorrow have a good day. here's
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very. seriously send us an e-mail. i'm lindsey francis the boss broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. knights wall street reacts to president trump claims that the government welfare.


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