tv Redacted Tonight RT August 24, 2017 7:29pm-8:01pm EDT
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eh i. watched the hawks founded by three young americans love their country but we have to constantly question our government watching the hawks brings the stories the give voice to the voice. we dig a little deeper we get the stories that everyone else is afraid to touch is afraid to talk about because they don't want to upset their corporate sponsors or interrupt their government access now is the time for that are we to question or. were in this post truth world we're going to have to matter to about educating people and giving them contacts instead of telling them like a dialogue is far more valuable than to be.
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welcome to reject it in a. camp today out the incredibly hypocritical mainstream media for their a holier than thou stand against racism and white supremacy but first i talked with america's lawyer himself mike papantonio besides fighting and winning endless cases for victimized consumers against massive corporations and hosting the argy americas show america's lawyer haven't done any oh has also written a new legal thriller law and vengeance it may be fiction but it draws from the
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true super villains he's faced off against soulless corporations here's my conversation with my five and tony. hey pat thanks for joining me good to be here leigh i want to talk about your new book law and vengeance but first i want to try and hit a bunch of topic speak in a while i have you here because as you know free legal advice is not easy to come by cell or use it when i got it you're currently you're currently dealing with a with a major cases revolving around the opioid crisis last year more americans died from opioids or a overdosing in general than u.s. soldiers died during the entire vietnam war which also ironically involves a lot of heroin but you say there's a lot of blame here for the producers in the distributors. yeah i think that i think the distributors are primarily. responsible for this here's why if
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a distributor such is amerisource or mckesson or cardinal those are the three major distributors that control eighty five percent of the distribution market in the country even though there are eight hundred distributors throughout the country what happened in one thousand nine hundred seventy is the government comes out with with a guidelines on how these drugs should be distributed so they give these distributors the right to do it but they say to them you are the last line in the sand your the gatekeeper and you know what if if you don't do your job we're going to have an opioid catastrophe on our hands and sure enough they didn't do their job they didn't do their job leave because they were making so much money doing it. we're talking about what i just bought one hundred one out of a hundred a minute we're talking about billions that these companies were making so this intentionally happened this wasn't a mistake this was l.g. was i lost my phone now this is i know how we're going to make
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a lot of money here and the way we're going to do it is we're going to let we're going to let this whole thing develop as as it will and they no control at all really this feels very similar to the tobacco companies who knew they were killing their customers or axon and shall who we now have proved knew about climate change in the seventy's and eighty's there's a similarity there. a lot of similarities both of those situations nobody has gone to prison and until we as a culture in a society start saying we have to throw some these people in prison yeah you know they're dressed up in three piece suits they drive you know they drive nice cars they drive mercedes benz and bentleys they have a rolex watch they don't look like criminals let's leave them alone they don't wear hoodies and till we start putting some of these c.e.o.'s in prison for these decisions that they intentionally reach i mean they know exactly what they're doing there's no question that they know exactly what they're doing is when this when
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this happened you may recall you bring up tobacco you may recall that in the tobacco wars you had the twelve representative of these companies still seven she'd stand up in front of the congress and just lie top to bottom the same thing's going to happen with the global warming issue same thing's happening here. real quick on on climate change do you see any path forward in the courts can we sue the pants off fox on mobile for destroying ours and then use the money to build a spaceship to go somewhere else or. ordinarily i would say yes i'd be optimistic but we're on a bad trend right now and the trend is controlled by by by court appointments both democrat court appointments and republican appointments i would love to tell you that obama's democratic appointments were just far superior to anything seen by republican appointees but they but they aren't in so i don't see that i don't see the courts buying into helping with this climate change issue. right you also
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recently covered the corporate scam that is forced arbitration companies trick consumers into agreeing to it and it's become more and more prevalent i don't know about you pat but i read every word of the forty nine hundred page i phone agreement i definitely get through every word of that then you explain what exactly forced arbitration is to those who don't know and how it's harmful to average consumers. in a nutshell congress passed this these rules that allow a company such as your phone company to say gee whiz you want to buy this phone you've got a son you've got to sign an arbitration clause well what they don't tell you is that the company that sold you this phone then appoints their own arbitrators it's a stacked deck the chances of actually winning in any real arbitration setting something less than twenty percent here's a real problem if they steal from you let's say they steal in some kind of phone
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deal they steal fifty dollars from you well you can spend the money to go get that fifty dollars back and they've done that to millions of people you understand so the arbitration prevents anybody going to court because realistically you're not going to go to court for fifty dollars but you've got millions of people who've been stolen from to and they can't go to court for millions of dollars so in the past you had class action cases where you would have one settlement on behalf of everybody if you signed this arbitration you can't even participate in the class action settlement so it is a bad thing that chamber of commerce you know everybody thinks the chamber of commerce is mom and dad stores down the road no these days chamber u.s. chamber of commerce is nine of the largest court mega international mega corporations in the world that control about eighty percent of all the money that goes to these to the u.s. chamber of commerce they're the ones that are really pushed have pushed the arbitration issue in the past they're continuing to push it unfortunately people
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look at and say i don't want to take the time to fight it i'm going to sign it yeah you got me all arbitrate if i have to so it's just a way to take more rights away from people little just one at a time until we no longer can show up in a jury trial and have our peers decide what is right and what's wrong instead we have corporate corporate thugs showing up in an arbitration setting saying you know we're siding with the. ration who pays us. yeah i think that the chamber of commerce has been captured by the corporations similar to the regulatory capture with the f.c.c. and and ferk and so many others it's become you know corporate totalitarian state in a lot of ways. speaking of corporate crime and white collar crime that's pretty much what your new book deals with law and vengeance which is getting great reviews what did you draw from to do write this this new thriller is it is it experiences from
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your own cases. yeah just like the first book i came out with long disorder it's a series of books. go before in the series this book is based on real world things white collar criminals united states have been operating under this wild west mentality where they can lie they can cheat they can steal their way to financial success while never having to worry about the possibility going to prison but all of a sudden and that's one of the thing this pivotal in law of vengeance but in the united states we've had this way that even though we don't prosecute white collar criminals we've had a way of going after them through what we call false claims act or whistleblower cases one of the themes in the book is that the you know these men and women who risk everything to expose the wrongdoing of a corporation or government they're actually more likely interestingly enough to be prosecuted and put in jail than the people that they expose that this story centers around an actual case we handle here right in the firm actually a couple of them one is
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a gun site that was so defective that when it's actually out in heat and humidity it can be off two degrees for every hundred yards so basically makes the gun unusable it's called a hologram you're supposed to point it pull the trigger and you're supposed to hit your target well there's no there's no way to humanity in afghanistan nothing to worry about that now exactly yeah that's where they that's where it actually became discovered and police officers had some you had police officers that were mandated to use this piece of junk and the manufacturer knew of the problem kept it on the market anyway even though in the process taxpayers paid millions of dollars to to buy this piece of junk and so that's pretty typical in the whistleblower case and also in this case we funded the whistleblower is victimized and it's not this they're going after him to upset him they're going after killing him and many of the many of those tragedies involved in the book are involved people trying to protect that whistleblower and i'd love to say that that's just farfetched but it's
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not it's every. in america unfortunately you know we have we think that we really do believe that we have our finger on the pulse of how criminal corporate america has become our international manufacturers and corporations have become we think we have our finger on the polls but until you follow these stories as a trial lawyer every day you don't get a sense of really have that it's become and that's one of the things in the case in the book but it's centers around a female trial lawyer lily that i think you'll find interesting yeah well i've learned from our mainstream media that whistleblowers are the bad guys and they're they're horrible human beings and. i mean i mean the media has become so preposterous on topics like this it's really pretty pathetic. well the department of justice in this case what we thought we would listen to obama talk about how he's going to he was going to be there for all these whistleblowers in the end the
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truth is he wasn't for he was in there for any of them and in fact he had more people more whistleblowers prosecuted then three presidents before him combined so the truth is whistleblowers actually are sometimes the last line of defense to a level of fraud that's taken place in this country that is numbing it's just become so bad and so this this whole bill the whole book is built around that and it's a series of books the next book that comes out is built around the opioid crisis that's killing so many americans as you as you pointed out and opioid crisis is going to be the major theme of the third book in the fourth book deals with the banks that are watching international banks that are actually washing money for terrorists and actually unable in many of these terrorist cells all over the world to stay in business and you might remember i think was nine of the banks in europe pled guilty to actually washing money for terrorism that will be one of the themes
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in the fourth book yeah and then like you're saying none of those people even when they plead guilty they don't go to jail for it they usually pay a fine. but now we see a lot of lawsuits going after the media as well you covered this recently on your show people are more and more trying to hit you know especially alternative voices with lawsuits even john oliver right now is facing a lawsuit again by c.e.o. called c.e.o. robert massey i mean they're coming after the comedians and half what do we do here . yes well the first amendment still is holding up pretty well. you know you've got you've got some great case law in place you know the times case you've got about five cases that this supreme court has not obliterated yet in the appeal of their pellet courts. don't seem to be willing to do that but i'd really do believe as this public opinion moves further and further against the media it is
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kind of this almost a self-imposed kind of problem developing i think of the i think of the trump issue look we can all agree. as awful shouldn't be there but if you have all you're doing every night is turning on that television the trump supporter in middle america is turning on that c.n.n. or him s n b c whatever it may be and all they hear is the attack the attack the attack they at some point start developing this mentality that the media is not our friend and i'll tell you where it really applies if you think about how important this this new race war that's developing in the country there's no other way to put it is purely purely a race war it is middle america versus others and so you come into this thing and you want media to be able to tell the story and be credible in the way they tell the story but up to this point they've spent seven months really affecting their
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credibility by not really. not not focusing on things that maybe matter to people even more sometimes if you can imagine than the trump story and you and i both agree well being we've nobody worked harder to try to defeat trump than i did or you did but we have to say the media has to be aware of the fact that they have this a long game it's a long game and they can't they can't damage their credibility in the process the more they damage the credibility the more susceptible they're going to be towards really getting nailed by a lawsuit some day well and you can fight they seem to not understand or maybe not care that you can fight against trump and what he stands for in the racism in the country you can do that and also spend a lot of time dealing with actual major issues you know corporate a crime and all that that's going on that. destroying so many lives as you cover so well in your on your show and in your in your new book and i want to thank you for
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coming on and really highlighting those issues the important issues rather than just all the shiny bells and whistles that the mainstream media wants to act like is all that matters thank you. thanks that. we can go to a quick break but i have live comedy shows coming up in philadelphia and washington d.c. and you can now vote to have your show added to the torah just go to redacted tor dot com it takes like thirty seconds and it's free of course i'll be right back with more. hey guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't skew liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head left these talking head righties oh there you go above it all to look at world artsy americans in the spotlight now every lehi have no idea how to classify as and
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it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. the mission of newsworthy it is to go to the people tell their side of the story our stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say that i think the average viewer knows that r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one tells us what to cover how long the conference or how to say it that's the beauty of our t.v. america. we give both sides we hear from both sides and we question more that journalists are not putting anything get in your way to bring it home to the american people. i do
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not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta scheme ailes and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the deep n.s.a. was kerry. now hold still the balance of the u.s. . the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable.
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welcome back so as you know the horrible moments in charlottesville last weekend as well as other white supremacy marches and protests have allowed our media and our politicians an opportunity to really get some good grandstanding in there really just grandstand away about how they're against racism here's an example from a.b.c.'s this week hosted by martha raddatz. the very same day president trump was defiantly defending his charlottesville response by saying there were very fine people on both sides even among those white supremacists and neo nazis i was flying in the back seat of an f. sixteen near the north korean border where thousands of american service members stand ready to give their lives to defend the u.s. and its allies as if she flying around in that jet being like look at me look out
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cool war is is it also a form of white supremacy furthermore protecting our allies there is basically no estimate of a military strike on north korea that doesn't involve the immediate death of hundreds of thousands of south koreans or perhaps millions so really we're just putting them in harm's way plus most south koreans do not want military strike on north korea and their president moon said they will not allow it but thanks to our catastrophic mainstream media like you martha raddatz and your jingoistic salivation for war you've gotten us to the precipice of conflict conflict once again is trump a maniac us but has our imperial military policy over the past thirty years also been maniacal that's where i go tasmanian devil with
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napalm strapped to its ass but that's fine talk about how the real problem is that you have to get words that came out of our idiot president's idiot face in a rare form or a into domestic issues the heads of the air force army marine corps navy and national guard all released definitive statements condemning the racism extremism and hatred on display in charlottesville seriously what what exactly is it when we have a thousand military bases around the world if not. white supremacy what exactly is it when we dropped twenty six thousand drone bombs last year alone if not a form of hatred what exactly is it when we allow the starvation and destruction of the yemeni people by our friend saudi arabia while using our our our your using our weapons if not racism what exactly is it when we heavily support israel's
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decimation of the palestinian people half of whom are below the age of twenty four is that not hatred and oppression against children no less don't get me wrong i am eternally grateful that are warm and she took the time and the care and just state they summoned all all of their basic human decency and they and they used it. to put out a tweet the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff joseph dunford echoed his service chiefs saying there is no place no place for racism and bigotry in the u.s. military or in the united states as a whole there is no place no place for racism and bigotry in the u.s. military. was that drop in the mother of all bombs on afghanistan. well
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what color the people down there oh yeah go for it go yeah you don't have to ask next time yeah yeah no no problem start once for lunch over here hey by the way did you know we should print out my anti-racism tweet did you see that tweet i did wish print that out and we'll strap it to the front of the bombs because i don't know that the a rub down there i don't know that they read the u.s. military makes that clear every day strict regulations guarantee that any support for supremacist groups means you can be thrown out of the military i couldn't find one look i can find any article saying there are neo nazis gang members or criminals being recruited for the military so how about a book instead an irregular army how the us military recruited neo nazis gang members and criminals to fight the war on terror there is no room for racism in the us military except for all the racists we recruit for the us military. i
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was kidding there are plenty of articles just just google you'll find it takes like a second this of course doesn't mean that all service members are racist or nazis or anything of the sort i think a lot of them are wonderful men and women who have been misled by their communities and by both media like this all the institutions in our country our volunteer military is the most diverse the most representative and provides the most opportunities for all americans. whoa slow down there hopalong let's start with the phrase volunteer army in fact many in the army are there because they feel it's the only way out of poverty and to take care of their family or to get an education or health care so they don't do it out of volunteer ism they did it because of economic force that's the opposite of free choice next radice says the
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military is the most diverse of our institutions that is true because our largely white ruling elite is more than appy to have a diverse group of cannon fodder really you want that cannon fodder to be all colors on top of that the reason the more minorities more people of color are willing to sign up is again because of economic force they're trying to dig themselves out of poverty and get health care and an education and if you're willing to kill or be killed for an education. that means college is too expensive that means health care is too expensive so when those service members from all backgrounds return home and take off the uniform there should be no confusion over whether every one of them is respected and valued our system doesn't respect that and value veterans. all our capitalist profit over people
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culture choose them up and spits them out cannon fodder to protect the oil interests of our rulers we have roughly thirty nine thousand homeless veterans and a third of them don't even have access to emergency shelters and it would cost us practically nothing out of our military budget gals all of them plus only twenty two percent of veterans feel the federal government treats them well and only eighteen percent feel they have gotten the benefits they were promised what respect and value are you referring to are you talking about the pleasantries of saying. service is that it i'm not talking about the pleasantries of thank you for your service i guess not then you have me down right befog old what the talking about. you say that there should be no hatred towards our troops our veterans that they should be valued yet hate and devaluation comes in
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a lot of different forms doesn't it is that just yelling racial epithets at someone when a veteran waits for weeks and months to be treated at a veteran's hospital because it's not well funded or staffed they are receiving the hatred of our society when we don't make sure they get housing or support when they return home they are being devalued when they are sent into harm's way for unknown reasons to protect our oil interests or our poppy field interests then that is devaluation furthermore hatred and devaluation is hosting a new show that glorifies war and intervention and actively pushes for more death and destruction and then cynically acts like standing for respecting our troops acting like they stand up for that in any way pushing war jingoistic media insanity
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celebrating our bombing celebrating the the death of civilians the perpetuation of analyst battle that is the true under valuing of our service members at the end of the day ms raddatz you know everything you claim to a whore. shifting gears here at the end i want to i want to close out tonight with a quick thank you thank you to dick gregory and passed away last weekend at the age of eighty four and for those who haven't heard much about him i highly recommend that you read his books check out his work i was lucky enough to share the stage with him a few years ago he was an amazing comedian but he was much more than that he he gained stardom initially for telling jokes. but then he used that fame to push for civil rights racial equality gender equality and much more he once ran for president and he never stopped pushing the buttons on the powers that be he was
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arrested many times he went on many younger strikes he marj thousands of miles for various causes and was even shot during a protest he put his body on the line to make our world a better place so thank you dick gregory you lived a full and important life. we'll . all the future we go through. every the world should experience. and you'll get it on the old the old. the old according to josh. welcome our moral come along for the.
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i'm tom hartman i'll give you what the mainstream media can't go big picture we'll go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporate preparations from washington to washington media the media. voters elect the business to run this country business because. it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. most people think just stand out in this is this you need to be the first woman on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice so the biggest reason. to
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stand losing you since you just leave there is the right questions to the right answer. question. on the news tonight president trump ballast to amp up pressure on pakistan to aid in the war in afghanistan former cia agent jack rice joins us for more and secretary of defense james mattis leaves turkey to attend independence day in ukraine's capital of kiev while vowing in u.s. support against russia and a federal judge says racism was behind a move in arizona banning a force on ethnic studies in schools i'm an old man sitting in for ed schultz here in washington d.c. you're watching argue merica.
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