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tv   The Big Picture  RT  August 24, 2017 10:29pm-11:02pm EDT

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to tell the truth artie's able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every week and you know what they're working. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice so the biggest raid in truth to stand down the news business you just need as the right questions demand the right answer.
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questions. hello i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture as part of its cleanup efforts the company that runs the crippled fukushima power plant wants to dump almost eight hundred thousand tons of radioactive material into the ocean how could that possibly be seen as paul gunter just a moment and exxon mobil lied to the public for decades about the threat of climate change should we give it the corporate death penalty state mccall and allen are goldfield into nice big picture.
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is the american nuclear industry on its last legs all across the country right now reactor projects are failing and existing power plants are sinking deeper and deeper into the red all of a sudden the so-called energy of the future is starting to look at off a lot like a relic what's going on with us joining me now is paul gunter director of the reactor oversight project of nuclear paul welcome back and thank you tom it's great having you with us so the big news in the nuclear world right now to utility companies out of south carolina south carolina electric and gas and santee cooper recently stopped construction on a couple of advanced reactors maybe they're not of your thoughts on that these are supposed to be the future of the nuclear industry what's happened well in fact the news today is that south carolina what you can gas never bothered to even the
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established a schedule for. construction with a set of goals so you know here's an industry that is notorious when i got first got started with this in the one nine hundred seventy s. . we understood that this that these construction projects could be bridges to nowhere and in fact the industry in the seventy's and eighty's failed on the fact that they could not control cost and they could not provide for any reliable. construction schedule completion and so they failed and now we see this industry in in an effort to bring about a renaissance they essentially fell into the same trap that shut this industry down in the eighty's but you know they've essentially been able to get. the rate payers in the in the taxpayers to put all the financing in construction.
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and the companies themselves were pretty much trying to keep all their financial skin out of the game but again with out of control of the of the construction cost without the ability to predict when you would be able to complete these things you know they essentially failed and why would one of these companies want to build a nuclear power plant to begin with the things are losing money they're dangerous the decommissioning is insanely expensive in fact we don't even know really the ultimate cost of decommissioning a nuclear power plant and but we're going to find out and cassie and we're probably going to have to pay it are they are they building these things these two that were built they build in them because they are making a profit just in the process of building them that they're getting subsidies or tax breaks or something i mean is there some some reason beyond the hope of future electricity well for example the the the to george utilities were getting the can the construction paid in financed through. what they call construction work in
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progress so they were charging a rate payers for the in the in their utility bills for the construction costs and the. down in georgia where they're building the vogel nuclear power station that had. an eight point three billion dollar federal loan guarantee tied to it so they basically are using ratepayer in taxpayer money and it's all about impaired building tom this is really. an adventure that we've seen fail time and time again but this industry gets to reimage itself and they sinned congress and the consumer chasing after these new mirages so what used to be the peaceful atom you know turned out to be
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a bomb what was too cheap to meter is now too expensive to matter and now they're reframing this image as as a way of addressing climate change through what they call zero emissions which it's not science right so but i understand that the industry at least here in the united states according to bloomberg investigation they're losing almost three billion dollars a year. how long can this this last can these things are literally bleeding cash is what the article said but this is really all about. again in an adventure in using other people's money for empire building and but what good is having an empire if if if it's broke i mean if a good chunk of all of the people are going to walk away with a pocket full of money i mean i'd like us you know you should also be aware that the these same utilities are now going to come back to the rate payers through
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a. raptured regulator to recover abandonment costs so they're going to look to soak ratepayers for billions more and you know what we're about to see and what we should really see is i rate payers. will resist and refuse so are you expecting a massive bailout of the nuclear industry is that the next thing that's on the horizon well actually i think that what we're looking at right now is the collapse so you know they're going to play it like a specialist rather than like the banks of the banks when they collapsed through their own screw ups we just said oh here's fourteen trillion dollars when the as best as somebody has collapsed we were like well there's no way we can resuscitate this industry so we will pay the victims of the as best as the federal fund and you guys just go off and declare bankruptcy and take your money and run and you leave these this radioactive ditch behind just which is just as companies left all yes this is this is you know this is criminal negligence is what it is except that they
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saw i mean you were out in the one nine hundred seventy s. saying this is exactly what's going to happen and you were right right it was. it actually even repeated itself and unfair tom they are talking about again reimaging this failed industry no. through what they call small modular reactor so where they sold this industry originally on a on an economy of scale with these huge facilities now they're reimaging it as you know we can make these into small modular reactors and will be able to simply lines so that we'll just make lots of little ones and that's that's the new plan and that's what we're looking at as our meanwhile over in japan tepco the company that owns the fukushima reactors. according news reports says that they want to dump almost eight hundred thousand tons of riley. active water in the pacific ocean
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what's the story here well. you know the the nuclear reaction. it creates all kinds of radioactive isotopes this accident created tremendous amounts of you know of probably one hundred twenty different radioactive isotopes in the fissioning process but one key one has been tritium which is radioactive hydrogen and the industry in talking about you know what they're going to do with all this radioactive water you can't filter tritium out because it is radioactive hydrogen and it's treated water so they're talking about either dumping it into the ocean or. the other option is to vaporize it but you create radioactive water vapor in that instance but.
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the industry likes to frame this stuff tritium as what they call a week amid or they like to frame it as harmless but in fact tritium because it is radioactive hydrogen you know it would it as a beta emitter it won't penetrate the skin but if you ingest it or inhale it. it will then displace the. normal natural hydrogen with radioactive hydrogen and then it starts to incorporated the most intimate biological levels where it will start bumping hydrogen out of the d.n.a. chain and this then when it when it's at that level while it won't penetrate the skin tritium itself is twice as affective is doing to do biological damage than x. rays or gamma radiation so the next time you hear the industry claim that this is
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a harmless and. in fact once it's incorporated in the biology it's it's more effective than gamma radiation and destroying. our genetic makeup which is a bad thing a for future generations and b. for anyone who doesn't want to get cancer is as absolute as we get it is tepco is also building this ice wall we've been hearing about this i think it was over a year ago that you were kevin or first on our program talking about this this ice wall that they're building to try to constrain or or hold in the radioactive material from the. china effect kind of meltdown were they out with that well you know they were talking about building a mile long perimeter around the. the wreckage of fukushima daiichi which these meltdowns have they don't know where the molten cores are in three of these reactors but you know behind fukushima daichi is this huge mountain range and it's off that mountain range is tremendous amount of groundwater that's been
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flowing into these basements with these melted cores and then spilling over and back out into the ocean so the idea is to take about sixteen hundred pipes sink i'm ninety feet into the ground down to bedrock fill it with refrigerant down to minus twenty two degrees fahrenheit and then as the water moves up against these walls of these pipes it'll freeze and then you have an essentially an ice stamp. according to the japanese regulator the nuclear regulatory agency there in japan they believe that tepco is lying about the effectiveness of these this unprecedented technology i mean you can you can use this to freeze under bodies of water you know soil so you can dig a tunnel but it's never been used in this kind of application to shore
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up against water moving into this radioactive wreckage and so. plus isn't i mean if the water is passing over the reactor of course the radioactive cores are not maybe literally read up at their dam other thing they not only is it their groundwater moving off the millions that they have to contend with but they're having to pour water over the. into the wreckage itself to keep the cores cool and we've been doing that for now is to heat is going to close the ice walls and just melt them more well you know again they're they're saying they're making claims that they're going to be able to freeze a wall but you know it might turn out to be just a slushy and not really an ice wall at all but again how long and you know that they don't really know so stay tuned all yeah having you know nukes yeah
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there you go thank you coming up it's time to execute enron i'll explain why in tonight's big picture panel with dave mccall and eleanor goldfield right after the break. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around quite. different ratios from washington to washington post media the media. voters elect the business to run this country business because. you must
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it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. the mission of newsworthy is to go to the people tell their side of the story our stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say you know i think average viewer knows that r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one tells us what to cover how long the conference or how to say it that's the beauty of archie america. we give both sides we hear from both sides and we question
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more that journalists not getting anything get a new way to bring it home to the american people. you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't skew liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all to look at world artsy americans in the spotlight now every really hard have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. to. why are american right wingers now copying isis and ramming their cars into crowds of people fast tonight's big picture panel.
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with a for their eyes big picture panel are dave mccall a national. you know peace strategist and eleanor goldfield creative activist and host of act out occupy dot com thank you both for being with us it's great to get both let's go back so a still unidentified man has been taken into custody after he drove his car into a crowd of marchers last night in st louis actually the night before last those marchers were participating in a protest honoring a local transgender woman who was killed by the police earlier this month wednesday's attacks came just a few weeks after neo nazi james lee fields jr drove his car into an anti-fascist march in charlottesville virginia killing one person and injuring nineteen is the american right turning into isis eleanor. i think i think the comparison is a little difficult to make but do we have
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a religious right wing extremist in this country a country absolutely and as somebody who was in charlottesville a mere feet away from what happened. i can definitely say that the american right is willing and ready to take lives for their beliefs just like isis is and there are six states that have put up bills that would protect a driver's right to plow into protesters and we can't separate this sort of legislation from the impetus to you know hurt peaceful protesters that are merely exercising their free speech rights so i think the comparison is not necessarily out of place but i think it it also makes it all too easy to take the focus off of what's happening in this country and say like oh it's just these extremists that are like isis and it's actually a much bigger problem that we're seeing across the country to say that the american right is a terrorist no bill that's absurd the one difference i would draw is. you know the guy who drove the car into the other higher. all of these people they're not
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willing to kill themselves the difference the isis guys are willing to kill themselves in the commission of a man actor. yes murder right wing terrorists who have committed as many murders as muslim terrorists in the united states over the last twenty years are not willing to kill them so that i can send a religious belief whether or not i don't see a difference in whether or not ones that want to martyr themselves or not for their cause whether it's on the right or whether it's isis or whatever it is in the name of all of whatever terrorists are terrorists whether what you call them right wingers because they are right wingers ok great that's like saying that that all all muslims are bad are terrorists or they're like isis all right we're all conservatives or republicans are somehow terrorists no that's offensive that's offensive to all of you a lot of the country well i mean i'm sorry that is not the same thing as a conservative there are two different ok so i'm right wingers make me a terrorist i just said right wing extremists i don't think you're hearing the words that are coming out of my amount of credit so the second time first i know
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you i think the implication was there are trying to say that all republicans are all right we're only what i'm trying to say i was saying that right wing extremists are incredibly dangerous vigilante what violence has been on the rise in this country for decades the southern poverty law center counted nine hundred seventeen extremist white nationalist groups and that's just the ones that like have facebook pages that's not all the people that agree with them a lot of those people like we saw in boston only fifteen people showed up it's not just fifteen people that agree with them there are far more and that's really what's dangerous dangerous are terrorists in the united states into the domestic or foreign doesn't matter if they're right wing great ok you know what they're bad terrorism is back period so you know who you are but while the right wing media glorified running over protesters for example back in january the daily caller is mike rouse posted a video of trucks and cars bumping into protesters and told his readers study the technique because it may prove useful in the next four years. ai says publishes the
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same stuff in their magazine. you know it's. terrorism is bad ok and we have a larger chance of getting killed by a white vigilante in this country than you do. any muslim act a new study out of harvard has confirmed that fossil fuel giant exxon mobil intentionally misled the public for decades about global warming study looked at exxon's internal communications and public statements between one nine hundred seventy seven and two thousand and fourteen and found a stark difference between what they were saying internally and what they were telling the public while eighty percent of internal documents acknowledge that climate change is real and human caused only twelve percent of advertorials did so with eighty one percent instead expressing doubt about climate change should we bring back the corporate death penalty for companies like exxon or if they're behaving in a way that is going to be destructive to the quality of life or just to life itself enough i agree i mean the general has the power to revoke
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a corporate charter and i think that exxon has has given reason to revoke that many times i mean just in the ninety's alone they paid out millions of dollars in corporate settlements for everything from pipeline ruptures to tank spills i mean not to mention exxon valdez i mean they've given plenty of reasons to revoke their corporate charter destroying both people and planet they get huge amounts of subsidy is while they cause their actions cause great detriment for the economy and people and yet we pay them to do that i think it's definitely time that we revoke their corporate charter but the question is will that happen in a in a country where revoking that corporate charter comes with so much political baggage at something that most attorney generals if not all of them are unwilling to do you know we used to do this routinely davao up until the eight hundred ninety s. it was just absolutely a couple thousand a year companies would be put out of business because they were failing to function in the public for the public good or in the public you know in
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a way that promotes the public good which used to be required up until the charter modern era in the ninety's used to be required that every corporate charter said that was their first step sons of purpose or. her statement of purpose. why not why not clear out some space here open it up let some smaller companies blossom i mean let's have some competition competition is great absolute competition but the idea of your view and the idea of a government going into a business say like oh no you're no longer you know you can't do that is why we have the court system this is why you have you know you have congress this is why they can go ask questions congress why they are insured and the courts the courts have been. well. we've had this can't right now more than half of all federal judges are federalist society people i mean you know the during the obama administration mitch mcconnell would not allow bush i think over one hundred federal judges that obama had appointed or wouldn't allow the appointments or wouldn't consider them and so trump has been i think he's got up to thirty seven of
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them so far as cranking them through. and that's why i don't tend to trust our core that we have a republican mean we have an oligarchy which means the rule by the wealthy and the wealthy are the the rex tillerson says now this i mean it's absurd so these people are the ones running the government so of course then the government's not going to go in and say that you shouldn't have a charter but also means that we can't trust the government to actually put down laws and regulations that will keep people safe and this isn't just i mean if you don't like people or plan it that's fine but a lot of people who don't like people and planet care about the economy well exxon is draining the economy by their actions because we have to pay for their subsidies and then pay out so much money to clean up their mess regardless of the people employed by exxon. let me think i don't have the exact amount or i mean people who don't know how much of it i really enjoy you know if you're going to billion do you know how many people could be employed by green energy i mean the comparison is ridiculous that's like it's like somebody saying well if we didn't have oil spills
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you wouldn't be able to pay people to clean up oil spills that's an absurd argument these companies make profit off of torturing people and planet and that should stop if we didn't have an all of the. ricky it would stop ok so you want to have a government go in and disband an organization oh but you don't trust cover in the first place to be able to say i don't like the laws government to do that i don't think that they will but should a government that is an actual republic should it do that would it do that yes but we don't have a republic i would argue that exxon mobil has broken many of our laws many times and so then sue them and you know what that's that and that's the trap and then they just pay it out and they take it out of their you know out of their stockholders dividends and it's no big deal to them it's just a cost of doing business that is disbanding the government and i think it's time for you know i'm a big fan of the death penalty at the corporate level i don't like killing people for a life or a shuffle corporate ok donald trump's labor department delayed for a second straight time the implementation of the so-called fiduciary rule the
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fiduciary rule which was put in place by former president obama requires retirement account managers to act in the best interest of the people whose money they manage it prevents them from wind to their customers about how much of a commission for example they're making on your investments it was supposed to go to a fact back in april but an earlier delay by the trump administration pushed pushed its start back to the middle of twenty eight eighteen after this month's second delay it won't go into effect until twenty nineteen so the trumpet ministrations excuse is that they need more time to read research the fiduciary rules impact on markets but all i research was done years ago by trying to keep it legal for your banker to lie to you about your retirement investments are just trying to find cover for an obvious favor they're doing for steve banks or buddies was draining the swamp the biggest scam in election history dave. i will say that when the president first came in and promised to drain the swamp kind of like that may not
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have happened but we're going to see little bit more of it one of the big things about this particular rule is not and i'm not suggesting that it's a bad thing what i'm suggesting is that the portion where is it talks about. its fate. fair compensation if that's the actual term fair compensation it's not well defined and a lot of the banker people have questions about then whether or not it's actually a legal thing they can do so yeah ok so there may be some questions about all this all this rule requires transparency there's a lot more to it if. transparency is a good thing you know i completely agree but there are some aspects of this there have been to do with fair compensation as that term applies i what i mean you know i have no idea and i don't know what you're talking about what i'm talking about is that part of the fiduciary rule that says that if i'm your stockbroker and this is your retirement funds and frankly i think that should apply to all money because this is now this is just applying to people's retirement funds the hippocratic oath for money but it's exact i think you know if i'm here every investment guy i can't lie to you about you know hey i put in this fund because it pays me
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a three percent commission and so this fund which will do twice as well for you but it only pays me a one percent commission the issue is is the government says that you have to be compensated fairly for for transaction fees and stuff like that and what that's defined as it's kind of ugly but it has to be disclosed to the customer so the customer is going to have something to say about what's fair i want to i mean i will say that i'm not an expert on this i haven't read up on it as much as it sounds like both of you have but i will go back to what i said in the earlier comment is that we have an oligarchy and that we are ruled by wall street and i mean we've seen this for and it's not just republicans i mean democrats are just as owned by corporate money and wall street as republicans are but it's very clear that when wall street wants something then they will push it through and you basically have a company as your president so and wall street and big corporations and us when we are hillary clinton have been just as bad. but are not great having both. of you with us thank you and that's the way it is tonight and don't forget democracy is
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not a spectator sport get out there get active tag you're it. ok you know me or not i'm out. called the field we go down. everyone in the world should experience phillida and you'll get it on the old rolls. the old according to just. welcome to my world come along for the ride.
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of the war hawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that will. produce offspring to tell you that will be gossiped in public by file for the most important day. off the maverick tell me you are not cool enough to fight their product. all the hawks that we along with are on the watch. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand down lose business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer.
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questions there. on the news tonight president trying bows to amp up pressure on pakistan to aid in the war in afghanistan former cia agent jack rice joins us for more and secretary of defense james mattis leaves turkey to attend independence day in ukraine's capital of kiev while vowing in u.s. support against russia and a federal judge says racism was behind a move in arizona banning a force on ethnic studies in schools. i'm going to chance sitting in for ed schultz here in washington d.c. you're watching argue merica. we
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begin tonight with the president's strategy in afghanistan and his strong words for pakistan president said pakistan better get on board with the u.s. as the administration shifts policy in afghanistan pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in afghanistan it has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists pakistan has also sheltered the same organizations that try every single day to kill our people we have been pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting but that will have to change and that will change immediately for more on u.s. pakistan relations let's go now to former cia.


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