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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  September 1, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche but squeak we must. do the right thing at a thank you thank you as you know houston is under water but i have no fear in order to deal with it our billionaire billionaire manchild president has been busy tweeting with mexico being one of the highest crime nations in the world we must have the wall mexico will pay for it yeah while houston drowns you cannot forget them mexicans. i can tell because you tell you the number one
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thing nobody is thinking when they're clinging to a raft it's floating out of their neighborhood they're not to get those mexicans coming in here taking over the country obs the grab of the best flotation devices. no one is thinking that and this is true trump followed that tweet like a day later with a read tweet of this no color no religion no nationality should come between us we are all children of god mother teresa. but wait what about the wall come down that's to come between us right because. because i was really into what you were saying about the mexicans. anyway i was more unused to later in the show but let's get to the big redacted news of the week and let me just say on paper the democratic party is what america should be on paper they are good and just and fair my. on paper they should get every vote from americans who show up to
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the polling place and aren't actively thinking this will teach those transgenders a lesson. like everyone else should be voting democrat hypothetically but in reality in truth the democratic party is everything that's wrong with the american political system if they were a professional wrestler they would look like dude love played by mick foley. but their heart and soul would look like mankind played by mick foley. and this is why it really matters that last week the d.n.c. fraud lawsuit was dismissed thrown out it's over it's done however in the process it still managed to prove that the democratic party is a corrupt scam therefore bernie made off the bernie sanders. i don't don't get me wrong the republicans are just as bad but everybody already knows that no one was
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like no one expects anything but great a evil asking for the republicans. you know there's a lot to do with expectations right like if you if you go on into a day knowing it was someone who looks like chumley from pawn stars. then you're fine when he shows up you're like yeah that's my guy. but if you go on a day with someone whose facebook profile looks like jenelle monet and then chumbley from pawn stars shows up. very upset. your whole week it will. all on paper the democrats are the ones who want to regulate wall street and fight for the working man and when it comes to making sure wall street and financial services are fair to consumers seventy percent of americans polled said this was very important and another twenty one percent said somewhat important so ninety one percent of the. americans would side with democrats if the democrats
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actually stood for that but in reality they surround themselves with goldman sachs give no new economic ideas and recently unveiled their plan to have a fifteen dollar minimum wage by twenty twenty four. twenty one a bar just in time for you to be able to afford new tires on the r.v. you're living in so that you can drive it off a cliff with dignity. that my friends is called the retirement plan. you sixty percent of americans say the government should be responsible for ensuring health care coverage for all americans so the democrats in america agree on that in reality they are the party that solidified the concept the idea that the life death and health of every person will be decided by insurance companies by profit obama care only looks good when compared to the toxic idiocy coming out of
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the republicans. it's a choice. it's like of the democrats stole your dog and you said i mean titled to my dog and they said we'll give you three quarters of your dog. and then the republican said we have another idea kill the dog. and so you said no you take the three corners you are going to while these democrats are our great people they gave me three quarters of my dog. in the issue after issue what the democrats claim to support is in line with what americans want most americans want to prioritize alternative energy over oil and gas most americans are anti-war hypothetically the democrats rock maybe their new motto instead of up better deal all should have been. hypothetically we're
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everything you want so just take everything we promise and divide by so. over. and here's the real point over seventy percent of americans want to get money out of politics and overturn citizens united because they want they are elections on paper the democrats stand for those things in reality the ruling elite of the party have done everything to rig our primary system and in court before the case was thrown out the d.n.c. lawyers admitted the primary election was a sham they said quote we could have voluntarily decided that look we're going to go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way that's not the way it was done but they could have. ok anytime someone says to you hey i could have been a but i wasn't there were. the
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decency and mid they have no obligation to have a fair primary at all so why was a lawsuit thrown out basically because the judge a reagan appointee ruled that you couldn't prove any of the people donating to the d.n.c. actually thought the primary wasn't rigged or that they were hurt by the d.n.c. favoring playing this would be like if there were a lawsuit claiming that n.b.a. games were rigged you know they they were fake from the start to the finish but during the trial the n.b.a. said. the broad shades of a by boston dynamics are right. don't kid yourself. we have no obligation to have real games and the lawsuit got dismissed because the judge said the fans couldn't prove they were actually hurt by fake games. would that be a news story on every channel you goddamn right why e.s.p.n.
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twenty four seven with the headline do you care the n.b.a. is both like it would be everywhere one another analogy of course you do the d.n.c. . you guys love it now you guys are like i said. the d.n.c. lawsuit is like if the adult video awards were sued for being fake and it was revealed in court that the videos are fake the directions are totally c.g.i. so really. it's only made by computers and the and and the millstone even have kids they're just they're just they're just lonely. just. yet they're given out awards for their stuff anyway but the lawsuit is thrown out because no one could prove the viewers were that hurt by. lack of honor all along boners. point is if this were a sport or an awards show the revelation that it's not real would be groundbreaking
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people would stop going to n.b.a. games they'd stop watch welcome they keep watching porn they keep watching porn but . if the d.n.c. had seen severe consequences for rigging the primaries a quarter of changed everything but instead we will go through the same con game the next time around when i was a teenager i used to think the democrats were the good guys and then i became an adult and i realized nothing is more villainous than being a bad guy wearing a little hat that says. that's why the story of little red riding hood is terrifying because the welfare send they're gone i'm your grandma. who did see kids saying it's our grandma and while we're arguing about it he keeps eating childrens. this with the this is all part of our
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democratic republic and not only does it seem that most americans don't care thanks to our catastrophic mainstream media most americans will never even find out about it but to those who have done the research and decided to be bothered the corporate run two party system is a facade it's a walking dead a behemoth and it's up to us to build something new. ok. i really can tell us take the news from behind the trumpet ministration continues
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there guarding of regulatory bodies in the us governments he just nominated it for you and gas lawyer to head for the commission in charge of deciding whether or yelling gas pipelines should be approved so for those for those keeping score at home guy who sued the e.p.a. a lot heads the e.p.a. woman who never set foot in a public school and wants to privatized them heads public schools guy who wants to get rid of the energy department runs the energy department guy who killed teenagers just because he didn't like them having sex heads the department of agriculture. and guy who prided himself on hunting jews he's the new surgeon general i don't know if you are if you do that you get the point and in fact this week scott pruitt head of the e.p.a. said quote science should not be something that's just thrown about to try and
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dictate policy in the last year did they say. yeah we should let science always get the way of our any article laws for example just because science says ingesting lead can cause brain damage vomiting and seizures doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. we should let cities like flint michigan experiment and that's why we here at the p.s.a. didn't do anything about the lead poisoning even though we knew about it nearly a year before we issued an emergency order let them expire or bad so you know maybe the seizures would awesome dance teams who knows who knows. but sometimes our government does listen to science and that's normally when good things happen for example science showed us that the drug m.d.m.a. . your molly is actually great for curing p.t.s.d. and just this week the f.d.a. designated m.d.m.a. as
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a breakthrough therapy for post-traumatic stress. was the big deal in that and that could help a lot of people who are having very difficult lives and it also means i can stop with the trump shaped ecstasy pills that i've been taking. that i've been taking rectally of course. because you know you've got to show who's boss you're really worth. well the fact that the at the f.d.a. is listening to science that you know that's got to be driving trump crazy in unrelated news as new head of the f.d.a. trump has nominated this half eaten can of tuna fish. like we're moving up from scott pro if that's a step up. yet while trump clearly doesn't give a crap about any of the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect americans from corporate abuse he does give a crap about where he gives a crap in fact the secret service recently spent seventy one hundred dollars all
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luxury porta potties for the president for a single trip seriously dude lobster reported jones while people are living in the houston convention center just trying to survive you can't even bring yourself to use a regular or. just call to the company they hired is literally called imperial rasta room. write me the most. i want to your you know cakes made of sapphires hand sanitizer made of the tears of immigrants. speaking a pile of the stuff. actually.
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allowed on air reporter who told the truth. he's a freelancer for al-jazeera and it did not go well for the climate change affects that we knew or knew about and that will because of the oil and gas industries he's owned this cars and even that close all and gas industries were covering up what they knew about climate change in the seventy's i have to go out about this are you or the al jazeera guy we got to the point. is very striking for us here so much money has been made in this region wasn't going to be posed to deal with the climate change it was in every little bit as a whole that thought for one second because on the screen we've got a live helicopter rescue. boat the one that's about control room well i'm sure she wasn't trying to interrupt that reporter look they actually did go back to him a minute later. this is just i mean this is the water wells is called let's just touch as politicians go we have
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a lot to answer for because well. let me just lost. that. very rare double cut off that. we're going to cut you off point you want to try him up for a moment then go back to you see if you will behave yourself and you know i'd. find where. oh my goodness what do. we have to go to a quick break but we have a live stand up comedy. was you shouldn't try to say whatever jack you were guys were texting regard to the court of california i know you guys can drive by. in case you're new to the game this is how it works my economy is built around
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quite. perforations washington washington post media the. voters elected business to run this country business. must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. what do you have for breakfast yesterday quietly to put up your wife or. donkey. what's your biggest fear a little bit on the hayride when celeste medical board you say if you ever met him so best quarterback. let's point the topic that doesn't belong in the piece now i've interviewed you to question more. ok. well. with the threat of nuclear war and trumped incoherent comments
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about adding troops in afghanistan our war machine is still trudging along kind of like a loveless marriage i mean i mean sure we could have left it by now but just when you think you're ready to finally leave there's general mattis dressed up like your mom. oh you've got to stay in for those oil i mean the opium i'm in the rare earth minerals i mean i mean the kids for the kids. here with more is our senior war expert now when we get. a thank you thanks to the deep states you know it seems that no matter what administration is in power there will always be the curse of endless war you mean the tradition of endless war there are college kids who've never lived in a world without troops in iraq and afghanistan we need to be sensitive to the fact that today's youth are used to occupying spaces nobody wanted the man. who kept
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pretty i'll admit a little part of me died when i saw a category for awful couto toast last week. fair enough but now that means young adults think imperialism equals patriotism us like the us has invaded fifty seven countries over our history i'm surprised we haven't invaded back soko recently to just to get cheaper avocado toast was this country thrives off of battle it's by people obsess over confederate statues why we watch game of thrones why i have a six month old nephew named great beyond. right know what i'll be shaving his head like a neo nazi and spending his summers at military disneyland. military. where the hell is that please please. tell me that's not pluto the dog with an assault rifle ok all right that's stupid it's stupid pluto doesn't even have opposable thumbs. goofy is the only disney dog who could ever be an efficient sniper.
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the site is not really disney it's just the nickname for military adventure camp in kentucky it was coined by the camp director who sees this as a summer getaway for kids who want to taste the military like look. oh i that's a summer getaway that looks like the hunger games. i bet the last kid's entire bunk is denied food unless he hits his target ok or a final round of the entire bonk cast him. but the odds are ever in his favor to become an official killing machine these campers shoot at human chain targets with a ar fifteen which the n.r.a. calls america's rifle the same way football is america's game in the fast and the
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furious franchise america's her be sore. just keeps coming back this is normal us civil war for kids if they really want to know what the military is like they should talk to the nearly forty thousand vets who are homeless on any given night better better better yet how about. better yet why don't they send those kids home with p.t.s.d. and tell them to act like everything is fine in a society that ignores they were even over there fighting in the first place ok ok yes yes these camps never show that side of it but you assume every kid in these camps will join the military you know i know you're right maybe they'll just join the local police departments instead. you know there was there was no controversy there. i think you know maybe raytheon was like sailing
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camp. here there's a lot less racism on the open sea so now we get it done thank you thank you a group was ok as you know the largest rain event in u.s. recorded history has hit houston texas scientists can tell you it has absolutely been made worse by climate change but that's not all we could have learned if we actually paid attention to science for more on this raging controversy let's go to redact a correspondent they only care of. believes that naming hurricanes solely after women are great but harvey. that's grandpa's name watching the news now it's like my grandpa destroyed a coast of my grandpa trillions of gallons of water on texas that's disturbing c.n.n. is using my grandpa to advance their wealth to suggest. you scientists
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did conclude as a fact that climate change may hurricane harvey more deadly and worse than the flood or so the most disastrous result of climate change we've seen hits america's oil industry capital houston it's like mother nature gave birth to hurricane and other fossil fuel emissions nourished it grew bigger then after college it moved home and ate everything in your kitchen even your precious melon mars' you tried to hide and in many of you saw everyone is using this hurricane as an opportunity to get their message across people emerge from the mud to talk on c n b c like the former director who just stood by and watched as hurricane katrina destroyed the lives of thousands michael heckuva job brownie ok i guess they couldn't find anyone else that day and a producer was just like let's bring in this guy he's
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a specialist on the. web stuff he's wearing a suit might come up a disastrous beginning of this local government so the federal government's going to be told the state the first responders it is a huge mistake that empowers you to do the much more that it should he's running but one thing i want the government to spend their tax dollars on is helping people that money is for wars and subsidizing big banks and the oil industry so keep it rescue personnel those rafts and those oxygen tanks to yourself big government let's take a look no more just remotely and see if we can do some flea market reforms to the flood insurance program against the fremont. again nothing is more comforting when you've lost everything and putting your life in the hands of being invisible hand sure there were some businesses you helped like the mattress sales when we transformed his warehouse into a shelter put on she rapturous smack you were just waiting until everyone was
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homeless so they were forced to try your super soft pill tops will news for you. there are various softs but it's the private sector which mean houston the disaster area it is today in twenty fifteen proposed look on the texas tribune published a report about how unprepared the famously un's own city houston would be for climate change an oncoming storms the journalist harder and with scientists and data simulators and may be witches because all their print dictions came true they showed how local officials have largely snubbed stricter building regulations allowing developers to pave over crucial acres of prairie land that once absorbed huge amounts of rain water but how could anyone complain when there was so much for you parg. now knows that he is a parking lot we should raise this elementary school to the ground and make it
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a used car dealership but those local officials like mike how bob the former head of harris county flood control district said the idea that these magic sponges out in the prairie would have absorbed all that water is absurd how i knew it was witchcraft get your magic meter ones out of here and your number spelled scientists the pro publica investigation one awards but it had no impact on policy it's like politicians looked at the data simulations and just thought whatever might. spiderweb how the people it's or. a bad trying kind now looks like use to. reporting from washington this is new and we caravanning.
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headlines from the future coming up next monday you'll learn. scott pruitt to take a year off after dismantling the e.p.a. goes much quicker than expected. was a tough job and all wednesday f.d.a. confirmed strong doses of l.s.d. found to make trump presidency more tolerable. two weeks from now no. secret service struggling to afford required twenty four seven testicle hollers are you ok and now that the courts have agreed rigging the primary election is toad's fine in october you'll rig. d.n.c. announces chuck schumer will win the twenty tornadoes are growing all the days of our brothers in. charge joe but all week every week we publish breaking news on twitter at least camp and at redacted i don't miss it until next week good night a good bye.
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to all the food we don't leave. everyone in the world should experience. that you get all the old the old. the old according to just. the world cup i am sure there are. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last term. caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry
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i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave the funeral in the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with this one to. speak to you now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has. met its maker. i'm one of the frances is boom box broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. and i.


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