tv Headline News RT September 5, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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since you're. coming up on our team america d p r k's latest nuclear test has the world on edge we have the reaction from five world leaders and more from shaam in china. that is texas to new to deal with harvey's aftermath another threat develops and we're monitoring the approaching category five hurricane. then said scientists have a solution to america's aches and pains we'll tell you about groundbreaking new research which could mean an end to chronic pain.
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good evening it's tuesday september fifth five pm in washington d.c. i'm on your part until you're watching r t america we begin this hour as five world leaders are gathered in china for the ninth annual break from under normal circumstances the international relations conference what focus heavily on economic development but as simone's artie's samone dollar sario reports the focus has shifted to ongoing tensions in the region. the hydrogen bomb test in north korea that rattled neighboring china and russia happened just hours before russian president vladimir putin touched down here in china ahead of the ninth annual bric summit now the nuclear test has somewhat overshadowed the true purpose behind the brics gathering where leaders from brazil russia india china and south africa meet to discuss economic development and bolstering emerging economies still there was always side talks at these summits and putin and chinese president xi jinping wasted no time addressing north korea's actions together with other brics leaders
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they released this statement in the declaration saying we expressed deep concern over the ongoing tension and prolonged nuclear issue on the korean peninsula and emphasized that it should only be settled through peaceful means and direct dialogue of all the parties concerned now this is in contrast to actions the u.s. and its allies have taken since the nuclear tests the u.s. south korea and japan are looking to exercise military options while here in sherman putin reached out to japanese president. urging a diplomatic solution and we spoke with russia's deputy foreign minister here who said that this military pressure has failed in the past it's a very delicate moment old responsibility restrained these needed on the old party is having said that once again we deplore the illegal tests of missile technology rocket missile launches of nuclear device.
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by north korea as the bric summit wraps up here in sherman eyes turn to lot of us up russia where putin will be meeting with south korean president at the eastern economic forum that's wednesday and thursday north korea is also sending a delegation to the conference no word yet on whether the north and south plan to hold talks there as well reporting from china cmon dollars ario. the u.n. security council. met this week to discuss uncertainties circulating out of pyongyang but as our. reports sunk claim leader kim jong un's moves are in line with exactly what he's been proposing all along it's the tenth time this year the u.n. security council has met regarding the threats coming out of north korea according to u.s. ambassador nikki haley kim jong un's actions cannot be seen as a defense of kim jong un shows no such understanding his abusive use of missiles and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for war according to haley
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the u.s. does not want to go to war but also cautions the country's patience is not unlimited here she's alluding that the u.s. will defend itself when north korea issues threats with missiles pointed at u.s. territories. but an article from the washington post points out that pyongyang's actions have been clearly telegraphed the author refers to a statement from the official korean news agency it said the army's top missile unit was drafting a plan to create an enveloping fire around warm well a plan would be sent to kim who would then make a decision mid month and as you can see in these photos of kim grinning ear to ear the agency reported on august fifteenth that he went to see the missile units leaders to review the plan and on the heels of the joint us south korean military exercises on august twenty first the news agency quoted cam as saying he would keep an eye on the foolish and stupid he's seen these annual exercises as a pretext for an invasion fired intermediate range ballistic missiles allegedly
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capable of reaching guam just two days before the end of the exercises the u.s. followed suit by way of sending another fighter jets and still planes on a bombing drill near south korea's border with north korea on the final days of the drills and the article cites several warnings from kim a new years eve kim said his rocket scientists were in the final stages preparing for a launch as was carried out back on july fourth. and the u.s. is taking notice on sunday u.s. defense secretary james mattis said any threat to the united states or its territories will be met with a massive military response it's a serious warning yet again north such warnings before it washington talks with sweets r.t. let's get some historical insight now from peter cousin a professor of history and director of the nuclear studies institute at american university peter president trump announced today he will allow south korea and japan to purchase quote a substantially increased amount of highly sophisticated military equipment from
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the u.s. it seems if nothing else rising tensions with d.p. r. k. is equaling rising profits for the military industrial complex crises are always good you know war is our profession and the more the more crises the more that the military industrial complex profits but i don't think that's really was behind this this is a much more dangerous situation we know that the bullet and the atomic scientists move their hands the doomsday clock to two and a half minutes to midnight and this was months ago before this crisis and said that the chances of nuclear war were greater now than any time since one nine hundred fifty three or so and now what we've seen is this ratcheting up of tensions the situation with korea is so dangerous that any kind of miscalculation misstep could lead to the deaths of millions of people so we this when we have to
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take very very seriously and preempt in any way we can immediately. well speaking today at berks president putin of russia spoke to that point saying in this situation pressing on military hysteria will not bring anything this may end up in a global catastrophe and huge amounts of human life lost what role do russia and china play in this russian china potentially could play a crucial role and we know that from strategy all along has been to try to get china to put pressure on north korea but china's got limits to how far it's willing to go i would like to see china put more pressure. but united states has been playing this incoherent game whereby on the one hand we're talking about and then these trade trade agreements with south korea and the other hand we're threatening china with a trade war with posing more and more sanctions on russia you can't have it both ways how could china pressure on north korea there are still things that china
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could do china could cut off the oil supply to north korea that would have a very big impact there are other things that china does that actually aid north korea's nuclear programs but china has not been willing to take those steps president trump tweeted last week for his part quote south korea is finding as i've told them that their talk of the peace men with north korea will not work they only understand one thing what's preventing talks or dialogue at this point he's making it sound like there's a real conversation going on but is there no there hasn't been a conversation going on seriously for many years you know between one thousand nine hundred four and two thousand and two we had an agreement with north korea and they pretty much abided by that agreement and during that time their plutonium program stagnated their missile program stagnated it was really only after two thousand and two when george w. bush talks about the axis of evil iraq around the north korea that the thing
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completely falls apart and we haven't had serious negotiations since and at that time the republican. actually blocked elements from that deal i believe the u.s. was supposed to provide certain reactors to north korea we didn't hold that up our end of it so we know what the lesson we know the lesson that kim jong un has drawn from what he's seen when saddam hussein gave up those weapons of mass destruction the u.s. invaded. gave up his weapons of mass destruction the u.s. supported the invasion there as well and that gadhafi gets you know was sodomized and assassinated kim jong il in the you know we like in the west portray him as if he's a bit of a loony that's not the way he's portrayed in asia they see him as a rational calculating figure who's got to be understood he's playing a very dangerous game and the stakes are very high not only for his country but for the rest of the world they absolutely are i mean just this week a columnist for the new york post ralph peters wrote an opinion piece declaring we
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need to destroy north korea before it's too late the first sentence of this piece reads better a million dead north koreans than a thousand dead americans peter he's not just media figures and also a former lieutenant colonel in the u.s. army how prevalent is this way of thinking in our military and how do you read that if you're in pyongyang i don't think it's very prevalent in our military the military folks i've listened to and spoken to are not taking that approach they're the ones who really emphasize diplomacy is people like donald trump who've got no military background and little military understanding who's full of this kind of bluster and you've got nikki haley's saying time is running out but you don't have matters saying that it's not as good moments until lucent is certainly not saying that everybody knows that there has to be a diplomatic solution and we even know what the diplomatic solution will look like nikki haley's said that this freeze for freeze idea is totally bankrupt and
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nonsense so we're not going to pursue it but ultimately that's what's going to be the answer. that's what china is pushing that's what russia is pushing united states and north korea are still technically in a state of war the korean war never ended and in addition the united states is carrying out these war games with south korea that north korea finds very threatening and they think that their only defense against their only turns is to have this nuclear arsenal will certainly what prevents this military option right if the military highbrows knows there's a guaranteed strike back it limits them we have about a minute left i want to ask you obama is credited with beginning this so-called asia pivot. how how what would the impact of that in terms of the military in our relationship with the region and steve bannon former adviser to trump said in the new york times this weekend this is all about china is he right about that you know i don't think he's right about that china is our main strategic focus in asia but
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there are six of the world's nine nuclear powers are in asia right now and this is about something more than that and the thing about what bannon saying in terms of china being the focus ultimately china is the focus but in the short run this is a very crucial crisis in his own terms and we have to solve this before we can try to improve relations with china china's global times had an article a few years ago and say if the united states expects and wants china's cooperation in dealing with korea and other problems then the united states has got to stop putting treating china like an enemy and antagonist the united states wants from the relations with china could have to meet china halfway and the u.s. pivot as you know was designed to contain contain china china is the focus and the idea was to shift from the atlantic the pacific we haven't been able to do that in
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the way that obama envisioned but that's still part of the long range thinking of the new. who still have influence in the trumpet ministration as well right reflective and john bolton getting up on fox news all the time and saying we just need to wipe them out peter cousin a professor of history and director of the nuclear studies institute at american university thank you. we'll be right back after a short break they were. all the world's a stage and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are anti american playing party america. r.t. america first. many ways to use the landscape just like the real new big actors bad actors and in the end you could never hear all.
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i'm john harshman and i'll give you what the mainstream media chant the big picture . a look. and when you question more what you're looking to see. will go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture up. welcome back to our team erica while texas is still recovering from hurricane harvey and will be for weeks to come now socials are turning their attention to another storm which could be possibly more dangerous arctic correspondent thank you chavez has been following the news for us trinity what do we know well armas being called a catastrophic hurricane now it has intensified into a category five hurricane with maximum winds of one hundred eighty miles per hour
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there's only been three category five storms to ever hit the u.s. there was an unnamed hurricane to hit in one thousand nine hundred thirty eight hurricane camille which hit in one thousand sixty nine and hurricane andrew in one thousand nine hundred two hurricane earl is already the strongest hurricane ever to be recorded outside of the caribbean and the gulf of mexico and it is likely to make landfall somewhere in florida this coming weekend many florida residents are already preparing for the worst stocking up on things like bread and water stores are already selling out all the stuff with harvey i mean that's that's kind of the extent of the problems that they've had there in the polls we've had you know or four storms here not that long ago. we got hit pretty good before so people were more to do what i do.
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the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a bunch of flood warning for central berks county pennsylvania until nine fifteen pm it's fine thirteen pm doppler radar indicated sooner storms producing heavy rain across the area up to three inches of rain have already fallen flash flooding is expected to begin in the areas of heaviest rain some locations that could experience flooding include laurel deal one of four winners bill newman's town leaves port burns will soon view heintz spring ridge and center port turn around don't drown when encountering flooded roads most flood deaths occur in vehicles. officials confirmed at least sixty three deaths and now more than one hundred thousand homes have been destroyed many have lost absolutely everything even returning to their homes to find all of their belongings destroyed by the storm and
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says most of the homes affected by harvey do not have flood insurance residents are absolutely devastated to tolerate all the devastation. the water. it was it was like. it was like a nightmare here. today is the first time ever really broke out and i feel like i need this i need to talk to you i need to get it out. because we're strong. we're going to make it we're going to pull up our big girl panties and move on. we have no insurance. no. flood insurance was just too expensive to homeowners is not going to cover anything but maybe sewage back up which we. extremely difficult to listen to one of those residents according to fema there are oprah four hundred and thirty thousand claims
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for fema aid and nearly fifty four thousand people are currently staying in government funded hotel rooms the president has asked for an additional seven point nine billion dollars to add to the fema fund to help victims recover anya. is reporting some heartbreaking news for us thank you so much. thank you. but now back to a story we've been monitoring for a while how did russian and u.s. relations get to this new level on august thirty first the first day of russia's new ambassador taking up his post in the united states washington ordered russia to close down its conflict in san francisco and close diplomatic anik that is in new york and washington r.t. spoke exclusively with the new russian ambassador to the u.n. and a totally and a tog this was his first meeting at the state department where he delivered his diplomatic her potential he gave his take on the relationship between the two
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superpowers take a look i would like to see a much disappointed that. in the day of my iraq. united states i made. a decision. in the in washington in new york as well as in san francisco to do it in mind if my colleagues from state department that we have a lot of to deal together and the main problem for us is a fight against terrorism you know the accident proposals but my president we got him to unite u.n. security council resolution on the peacekeeping force is seen done by us i have in the way i did my american colleagues to work together to find a proposed solution on this issue and of course i can. mention in north korea it's a great chilling for us for united states we have to secure
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the n.p.t. nonproliferation treaty and please don't forget the united states it's too far from north korea but he is neighbor frankly i can see a new problem tool to deal with all outstanding issues with the united states. the syrian army has officially broken the islamic state three year long siege of territory in eastern syria russia's defense ministry now says the imminent liberation of the city is a major blow to the terror group in the country russia has been providing air support for the ongoing and they have already has more on the latest developments in syria this is of course the long awaited news on the and of the dare as sore blockade we were waiting for the confirmation and first we got it from damascus we saw a tweet from the syrian president he congratulated his soldiers of course a very important day for the syrian army and for the whole of syria and just about
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an hour and a half ago we got the news from the russian defense ministry there saying that it happened and this was the point when we started to realize how dramatic this military operation was thanks to bits of information that was coming from the russian army we understand that as the syrian army was making some rapid advancements towards their. had to regroup somehow to obtain some sort of new positions that are of strategic importance there and then came the caliber cruise missile launches bother watchin army that were launched from the fray get admiral in the mediterranean and these strikes were very important because they destroyed a number of things that were crucial for islamic state their hideouts their underground tunnels artillery units and military depos but of course some
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terrorists on the ground were killed as well and that is very important because everything counts in this crucial battle now besides this i can tell you that when according to the russian military the syrian troops were advancing in order for this not to happen in order for the blockade to remain is. i make states and dozens of car bomb vehicles towards them and these were also wiped out in the wash in strikes so really this is the drama and thus of course you can see the celebrations that are. the national weather service in mt all the new jersey has issued
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a severe thunderstorm warning for berks county in eastern pennsylvania western montgomery county in southeastern pennsylvania chester county in southeastern pennsylvania in till six fifteen pm at five eighteen pm severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near wilmington north to look at the very moving east at forty miles per hour hazard sixty miles per hour wind gusts and quarter size. source radar and spotter indicated the storm has a history of producing large hail and damaging winds over york and lancaster counties in southern pennsylvania impact minor damage to vehicles is possible expects damage to trees and power lines severe thunderstorms will be near sinking spring were still and rob is only around five twenty five pm reading why missing least for spring ridge and sort of you heights around five thirty pm laurel beale and honey brook around five thirty five p m. birdsboro fleetwood elverson new
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morgan mount vernon glenroy around five forty pm oxford lions home dylan going around five forty five pm cochrane villa around five fifty pm paf town west groove valley that fills bill for town job it's still chester springs shade arville leandro mark wood and leon gill around five fifty five pm reuters for the east greenville around six pm other contacted by the severe thunderstorms include harleysville west lawn we are town west reading the parts grove laurean can or east south pops down in front of you for your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building in addition to large hail and damaging winds frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with the storm move indoors immediately remember if you can hear thunder you are close enough to be struck by lightning torrential rainfall is occurring with the storms and may have.
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maryland chesapeake bay north of fool's island maryland chester bridge of queenstown maryland patapsco river including baltimore harbor in till seven pm at five twenty four pm strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from eleven nautical miles northwest of have a delaware agrees to six not a call miles west of bank river to twelve nautical miles west of fort smallwood state park move east at fourteen hazard thirty four knots or greater and small hail sort radar indicated impact boaters and small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel locations and pack that include fort small state park pine forest turkey point north point state park maggots the river part miller island gibson island bond can point pools island submissive the island gun powder river baltimore light seven foot mill and aberdeen proving ground move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. and to further
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drive the point home that there is just another device of two on its tagline is actually media for this sixty five point eight million meaning it's a media platform only for hillary clinton it's meaning those who didn't vote for clinton are not welcome this is coming from the woman who said she was about being stronger together mind you this is the woman who said she's about unity i love not hate and divisiveness this is the incredibly divisive social media platform that woman is now backing whose tag line is we're only for clinton voters others. the funniest part about this we're new site is that each little card a user makes comes with an authentication code in the corner each card it says very dot com authentication code one two three four five six seven or whatever the number is and that is supposed to make people feel better that the information is not fake news but it's authentic and has been vetted by various unseen overlords
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like you can trust this stupid little quote in picture because we verified it's true we being these faceless gods behind this website the god actually behind the website is actually petered out a guy who worked on clinton's campaign he's supposed to be some sort of guru for digital politics which is what makes this last part of the story so funny because right after clinton promoted verite the site got hit by a d.d. o. s. attack it got taken down on the right by hackers immediately so the new social media platform made by one of clinton's digital gurus does nothing but let clinton voters spend more of their time spewing out suppose it vetted hate and it got hacked immediately yep sounds exactly like the social media platform i'd imagine coming from her.
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twenty million people are on the brink of death. and under three years in violent famine and preventable ravaged fire. yet the international community remains silent. it's time to talk about yet. for over two and a half years a war has been raging on in the middle east that very few people have heard of thousands of civilians have died and millions more have been displaced i'm not talking about the wars in syria or iraq no i'm talking about the other war in the middle east taking place right now in yemen it's not a simple sectarian conflict as mainstream media would have you believe but instead
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a full scale civil war expanding beyond yemeni borders like most wars this one is incredibly complicated and involves many players and like most wars it's the civilians who suffer the most the kingdom of saudi arabia launched military operations in yemen. while. the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a flash flood warning for northeastern berks county in eastern pennsylvania until nine thirty pm at five twenty nine pm doppler radar indicated for under storms producing heavy rain across the warning area up to three inches of rain have already fallen flash flooding is expected to begin shortly in the areas of heaviest rain some locations that could expand but glued kutztown and she. turn around don't
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drown when encountering flooded roads most flow gaps occur in vehicles. but this union was merely territorial since then divisions have continued and several armed conflicts have ensued let's take a look at the warring sides a bit closer. in the northern capital of sana'a you have the what these and other rebel groups they are loyal to former president ali abdullah saleh who was ousted in two thousand and eleven by now they control most of northern yemen to the south of sana centered in ad in the country is in the hands of pro-government troops there is the internationally recognized government of abd regu and so are hadi their forces are backed by the saudi led coalition but there is one more force in yemen southeastern
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al mccollough is where al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has built a vacuum left behind by all of the fighting in the rest of the country i sat down with dr sheila kara pekoe professor of international studies at the university of richmond to get a deeper understanding about the warring factions and their goals dr cara pico can you explain the origins of this conflict the immediate arjun of this conflict is in the two thousand and eleven uprising against ali abdullah saleh who had been in power for more than thirty years and was preparing to transfer the presidency to his son and there was a very sustained nationwide. uprising that went on for months and months and months which deeply worried to see. dynasties that rule the kingdom of saudi arabia and its allies in the gulf cooperation council so then stepped in with a kind of transition plan. which they negotiated with saleh to
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give him immunity from prosecution and to allow him to retain leadership of the majority party in parliament so who are they who are these we always hear that they are a tribal people but they do seem to be pretty organized they originally. originally originally more than ten years ago it's kind of the say the revival movement in the governor of sodom on the saudi border and it was really in response to saudi and wahhabi proselytizing salathiel proselytizing in their area and were part of the nationwide uprising. during two thousand and eleven and then what was surprising i mean it caught me off guard and i think most people was the sudden the law spittoon sarla and the who thinks so we keep hearing about the who these are doing this or that who these are doing that but
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a lot of it it doesn't make sense that these who again are a small local group would be doing things like trying to capture adam it really makes much more sense that ali abdullah saleh would be trying to capture i didn't we have to hear the conflict in yemen is driven by a shia sunni confrontation is there any credibility to that argument the sectarian conflict is a result rather than a cause of violence and civil war. the nationwide uprising during two thousand and eleven which went on for months and was in the nation wide. that was sunni and shia together there was no difference how much does foreign involvement contribute to all of the violence going on right now i mean foreign involvement is the main sources of. so i mean most of the deaths from firepower have come from the air which is to say from the south.
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for which you know the whole season so i mean there are no angela's and they also have contributed when they commit. what i think would plausibly be labelled work crimes do you see any way for reconciliation you know the new ambassador to the united states and he was interviewed and he said we are trying to bring the loosies to the negotiating table all they need to do is surrender all their weapons and then we'll negotiate with them but that's not a negotiation that's a demand for unconditional surrender that's their position is to keep them out completely and it's the wrong approach as if the war isn't hard enough to understand with so many internal players it's foreign involvement that has escalated the war to catastrophic proportions are to correspondent on your part and bill has more on outside forces shaping the conflict in yemen.
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or the war in yemen escalated to devastating proportions the country was already the poorest and the middle east although surrounded by lavishly rich gulf kingdoms on march twenty sixth twenty fifteen those same wealthy kingdoms and their allies with the exception of oman began a bombing campaign of yemen stating their intended targets were who the rebels. the mission was led by saudi arabia with ground and air support for the assault provided by egypt morocco jordan the u.a.e. frayne qatar kuwait sits on and the american private mercenary group academy immigration attorney of the dear bar says the crisis is exacerbated by these forces just recently the company ministration signed a billion dollar deal arms deal with with saudi arabia and what do you think all those weapons all those jet fighter jets all those bombs are going to be added to the roughly two young men who the rebels are often mis characterized as
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a proxy force of iran while it's true that with these received support from the country the group is an independent political movement grown out of yemen more comparable to hezbollah in lebanon but it's important to note the air campaign being waged against yemen would not be possible without material intelligence and ground support from the united states it's a huge geopolitical war the top and the i mean and it's not simply you know. good or bad oh this fight it out but it's not really wanted when you say you know who to to use and whose whose you know it's not somalia were originally from where it's a clan warfare it's quite literally foreign. intervention in yemen that's causing this it can be stopped simply by. demanding that the government does not provide weapons and assistance to saudi arabia and to take a stand and say enough is enough and we should have a proxy war in our small country the middle east while the horrors of yemen may seem like a far off tragedy in reality u.s.
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taxpayer dollars are the greatest enabler of the crisis on your part until our t.v. . yemen is now home to the worst humanitarian crisis in modern history here are the four horsemen famine sickness death and war. seventeen million people are now food insecure with seven million more severely starving within the next decade yemen is expected to completely run out of water so far ten thousand people have died from illness directly due to the saudi air blockade which prevents medicine and food from entering the country and trapped those who are sick from leaving another twelve thousand have died from violence and forty two thousand have been injured three million are internally displaced including those who have tried to flee but have since returned and are too crude gained exclusive access to a remote village in yemen and filed this disturbing report.
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and i would have regretted i do not have any doubt that i am do it again and over to the right and then a message. of allusion to the money is used with the movies alone although the. start of lose in the lead end on a high in addition to hunger over half a million people are suffering from cholera and other preventable diseases earlier i spoke to dr riyadh's karim a co-founder of the mon a relief organization which provides aid to some of the most vulnerable communities in yemen here's what he says civilians are facing on the ground the who made it paragraph says in yemen is is beyond comprehension at this point i don't think the
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world actually knows the severity of what is going on in yemen when you take an entire country that is ninety percent dependent on foreign imports to sustain itself. and put it under a blockade for almost three years. that country is basically going to come to its knees i will give you an example of a horror story one of her people. heard a little go crying in a hut and she was continuously continuously crying and so he decided to basically go into that hut and see what was going on and why is this go continuously crying since you know since i cough an hour and when he actually got in there the little girl was about a year old her mother was laying on the floor in
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a pool of blood she had given birth to a baby and both the mother and the baby did not make it and the little girl was doing everything within her power to try and wake her mother up. now when you hear stories like that it's not only heartbreaking but it is it is also inhuman in so many ways that we can you know as as powerful nations around the world subject a small nation to this kind of atrocity it is it is just unbelievable i asked the doctor to tell me about the scale of famine and the outbreak of cholera in the ravaged country and he claims the situation is beyond critical they don't have the very basic necessities which is basically a human right for everybody and that is clean drinking water and proper sanitation
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that's one one of the basic human rights that we provide ourselves with everyday bases those people don't have that they have been bombed to pieces and their water wells have been destroyed everything has basically been destroyed out there when you have a situation like that your obviously going to have. you know color dysentery dang if you leave or this is a very common when when you're living in circumstances like those let's put it this way when you have one piece of bread. and a packet of tomato ketchup feeds a family of five. that is that is pretty atrocious i would say people did not have food sometimes it is a choice between what we're going to eat or whether we should take our child to the hospital and ninety ninety percent of the time the child will end
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up dying because there are so many other children who are sitting hungry the parents have basically sold everything that they owned that had you know that even the minute or so of value. in order to feed their children dr riaz karim also told me that yemenis know well who is responsible for their plight but their calls for justice fall on deaf ears they know that the people who are responsible for this is saudi arabia and the coalition because. you know when saudi arabia actually invaded yemen they were they were very very close to coming to an agreement with the north in the south and then the invasion happened and everything went to hell in a handbasket and you know and then what happens is that it started creating vacuums within within yemen within the southern part of the amman where al qaida.
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and dies have actually taken over a lot of the areas and they're being funded by by the outside actors this not like they're not getting the money they're actually getting paid to do what they do but you know they have free reign over there and that vacuum is causing a huge problem right now even for the coalition because they don't know what else to do with them i think our first responsibility is to try and see that we take care of fellow human being what is happening in yemen is absolutely inhuman and i don't think it should be as it should be happening in any country in this world so please go read about it educate yourself and try to help make some noise and try to help yemen eclipsed we can together i think we can do it since the war began human rights watch has documented the use of at least six types of cluster munitions in yemen which are banned under international law according to the n.g.o.s the saudi
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led coalition is responsible for nearly all of the amnesty international has also been keeping account stating that all parties in the conflict have committed war crimes and violated international law with impunity new york faced him and. aeration lawyer julie goldberg has filed a lawsuit on behalf of hundreds of yemenis with u.s. visas who have been affected by the recent u.s. travel ban julie has been helping yemenis flee the violence from her office in djibouti africa and she has witnessed the destruction firsthand she joins me now to discuss this julie how is u.s. foreign policy affecting the people in yemen well it's not just the arms sales for example i was just we have a boat that runs from to duty to at and i was on that boat because i went on the first couple boats and so the day i was there that they have a video of it one of us drones had actually brahms at in and
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so. so it's not just a matter of foreign policy or arms sales we're actively participating in what's going on so the air and naval blockade prevent aid from entering the country but what about the aid organizations that are already on the ground how are they holding up i think the biggest problem is like for example i don't know if you saw i was about nine ten months ago. where the saudis and the u.s. on the consulate stopped just south borders so what's happening is because you know in a civil war where you have people fighting on the ground places like unisa red cross can go in and isolate an area and create some sort of protections or safety or medical care or food or stuff you don't have that in yemen because it's basically an air strike and the saudis have control of the airways so what's happening is there's no area or safe place for a lot of the relief agencies and the aid to go in and help these people and so
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internally these people are getting absolutely no help whatsoever like for example in syria there are areas where because it is a civil war in a lot of it's on the ground there's areas where unicef has gone in is secured the. and is able to provide food and aid that's not happening in yemen which i think is making it much much worse so when these refugees fleet where do they go what is their path to safety they are no longer allowed to go into saudi arabia in the beginning some of them are coming across the land border the only way out now is by water and i don't know if you're aware but during july and august none of the merchant ships run i mean it's the waters are so to modulus that they just they don't run back and forth during that time so what has to happen is in order to get here the only way to do it is you have to travel to add in which given the combat and everything that's going on is very unsafe and once you make it to add it you
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then have to take a boat from at and into djibouti and those boats run anywhere from twenty to twenty four hours. there's not a lot of safe boats that are traveling some of the boats are made strictly for animals and they're going into the water in july and august which typically all boats are shut down in those months so you can imagine how dangerous people must think it is over there to actually risk getting into the water at a time when boats just typically don't run right now the people are really being taken advantage of there is one particular guy who kind of has a monopoly who is one of his boats is actually relatively safe the other ones aren't he's charging exorbitant fees he's taken advantage of these people when the outbreak happened they shut down all the boats so it drove the price to about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a person which is almost perhaps a tip for someone running from the war. and it got completely out of hand and then
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when they started running boats again which is when we had kind of put the boat in place. the prices dropped now because of the outbreak again and they're shutting down boats the prices coming back up what happens when people reach djibouti and then from there what happens when your clients. reached the united states what's unfortunate is these people are running from the war and they're getting taken advantage of from their own home of their own government people who have been displaced and aren't getting paid now because they come in to djibouti and they're placed on the port and then that's one kind of all the expenses start because they've got to pay to get off the ports the yemen embassador over there actually is involved in some of this money taking which is extremely unfortunate and so they go through this lengthy process to get off the port and when they finally do get out the port that at that point is when they can have access to the u.s. embassy the people that are coming to be at the united states are a lot of them are u.s. citizens that were just happened to be living in yemen the united states never did
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any sort of evacuation from yemen and so a lot of them are children that were born to u.s. citizens. a lot of them are the spouses of u.s. citizens and so they have a place to stay here because generally they have family here they have a husband or wife or a father or mother and so all of these the refugees are coming into the united states to have some sort of legal status what's really important is not a lot of attention is being placed on yemen right now you know there's a huge focus on syria syria syria and i think the united states has focused on syria. the national weather service in mount holly new jersey issued a severe thunderstorm warning for eastern berks county in pennsylvania northwestern
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montgomery county in southeastern pennsylvania lehigh county in eastern pennsylvania northwestern bucks county in southeastern pennsylvania northampton county in eastern pennsylvania until six thirty pm at five forty eight pm severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near crissy town to near fleetwood to near birdsboro moving east northeast at forty miles per hour hazard sixty miles per hour wind gusts and any size hail source radar indicated impact expects damage to trees and power lines locations impacted include allentown redding easton bethlehem pottstown forks emmaus northampton quick your town perkasie. bedminster public town nazareth birdsboro cuts down sleet and fleetwood and chalfont for your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building in addition to hail and damaging winds frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this. move indoors immediately remember if you can hear
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thunder you are close enough to be struck by lightning torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms and may lead to flash flooding do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways repeating a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued until six thirty pm for the following counties and sylvania burks books montgomery and northampton. ports of suppose that iranian arms shipments into yemen have never been independently corroborated you know these are claims made by the us government of saudi arabia oman which they claim the arms shipments are going through has explicitly denied that iran the sending weapons to well why is this a narrative what is the difference between iran fans of shia islam and the who these brand desired the muslims inside yemen are actually much more similar to sunni than they are to twelve or shias who make up the majority of the iranian
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population but of course saudi arabia for political reasons has tried to turn these you know forty percent of yemenis into suppose that shia because understate the hobby as i'm in saudi arabia you know these are non muslims they're heretics they're polytheists and what that sectarian narrative does is it provides ammunition to saudi arabia by which they can demonize yemeni muslims and centrally consider them inferior and not muslim and then also try to tie them to iran western officials say iran is running weapons typically sees what evidence is there that the allegations that iran is sending these weapons via boat are highly suspect because saudi arabia with the help of the u.s. navy has been imposing a brutal blockade naval e. and also in terms of air on yemen which you know prevents any kind of arms shipments from being set via of the water and then the allegations that iran is
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sending weapons through oman have been denied by the omani government and this is unlikely because the with these do not control the area inside yemen on the border with oman that the weapons would need to travel through so again these are all the temps to try to justify a foreign war on yemen by falsely portraying it as a proxy conflict and not what it actually is a u.s. saudi war on yemen do you think the united states deal with iran affected saudi arabia's decision to get involved in this conflict. there is no question that saudi arabia has been terrified by the growing influence of iran and unlike iran saudi arabia has not pursue diplomacy saudi arabia has invaded its southern neighbor and launched more than ninety thousand air sorties killing thousands of civilians and destroying much of the infrastructure of the country and you know certainly part of this is. supposedly justified by saudi arabia based on the fears of purported iranian influence inside yemen and they've been incredibly worried by expression
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leave the iran nuclear deal and the potentials of rapprochement between the u.s. and iran i think that's exaggerated there's no question that the u.s. even under barack obama would still considering and pursuing regime change against iran then the saudi led coalition has been accused of committing war crimes how credible are those allegations there's no question human rights watch and amnesty international have documented multiple war crimes committed by the u.s. side the coalition the bombing of a funeral that killed more than one hundred forty people and wounded five hundred others i mean double and triple strike attacks on hospitals run by doctors without borders and then in addition to that saudi arabia has been using cluster munitions which are banned by more than one hundred countries and these cluster munitions have been made by the u.s. and the u.k. and the u.k. has provided you know hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons and support to
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saudi arabia as well as the u.s. so there's no question that the u.s. saudi led coalition is responsible for the majority of the civilian casualties the u.n. has repeatedly said that and has committed flagrant war crimes inside yemen saudi arabia and its allies has failed to reinstall heidi is the country's leader leaving yemen completely in shambles so is there an end in sight for this war earlier i spoke with picard executive director of the m. and peace project right now. basically we are trying to get the u.s. out of the civil war in yemen and more resolutely involved in the peace process the big thing that we need right now is to get the international community and particularly the u.s. to resolutely and vocally back at the peace process so that it can move ahead i agree that the u.s. cannot act as a peace broker while it's also supporting one of the sides of the conflict and in fact acting as a party to the conflict itself so what we're trying to do is stop the flow of u.s.
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arms to saudi arabia and the emirates remove the u.s. from the conflict so it can take on a diplomatic role we believe that in order for the u.n. peace process to progress it needs to also become more inclusive and that means making sure that all of the factions that are involved in the conflict so the southern factions tribal militias and party based militias are all involved in the negotiations because they're the ones doing the fighting on the ground and indifferent to that what we really need to see is the u.n. security council members especially the u.s. but all of the council members really getting on the same page and committing to moving the process forward rather than acting on behalf of their allies in the region. i've only scratched the surface of what's going on in yemen there are still many other issues that need to be investigated but the more we talk about it the higher the chances are that the international community will
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i'm tom hartman i'll give you what the mainstream media can't help big picture we'll go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. greetings and salutations september is finally upon us the kids are back in school university is starting up again but will soon be turning beautiful colors and here in the united states our lovely elected officials in congress had back to capitol hill to you know look busy talk a lot and ultimately not really do much of anything but one country that is talking a lot lately is north korea they they also appear to be doing quite a bit over the way.
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