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tv   News with Ed  RT  September 5, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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as a business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. questions . on the news tonight the world reacts to news north korea has successfully detonated an h. bomb capable of being placed on an i.c.b.m. and the president decides to end the deco program giving congress a chance to rewrite the crucial legislation and hurricane harvey relief funds hang in the balance as category five erma now bear is down on florida. reporting tonight from washington d.c. you're watching our team america.
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good evening friends good to be back with you we start tonight with north korea if the whole world wasn't looking at the korean peninsula before they are now on sunday north korea detonated an h. bomb the country's officials say can now fit on an i.c.b.m. in response the united nations security council met for an emergency session u.s. ambassador nikki haley said the north is all but begging for a war nuclear powers understand their responsibilities kim jong un shows no such understanding his abusive use of missiles and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for. president trump reacted by threatening to end trade with any country doing business with the north the president will now allow south korea and japan to buy advanced military equipment from the united states meanwhile south korea has approved the installation of four more thad missile defense systems russia and
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china have also reacted at the recent bric summit in china where president putin said the present hysteria could lead to a global catastrophe. and the whipping up military hysteria in these conditions will lead to no good. it can lead to a global planetary catastrophe and an enormous loss of life there is no other way to solve the north korean nuclear problem other than through a peaceful diplomatic solution use of any kind of sanctions in this case is useless and non-efficient china's representative to the un criticized the vicious cycle developing between north korea and the united states. and offered the situation on the peninsula is the period in constantly as we speak falling into a vicious cycle the peninsula issue must be resolved peacefully china will never allow chaos and war on the peninsula parties seimone del rosario was at the bric summit in china today and has the latest on north korea. the hydrogen bomb test in
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north korea that rattled neighboring china and russia happened just hours before russian president vladimir putin touched down here in china ahead of the ninth annual bric summit now the nuclear test has somewhat overshadowed the true purpose behind the brics gathering leaders from brazil russia india china and south africa meet to discuss economic development and bolstering emerging economies still there is always side talks at these summits and putin chinese president xi jinping wasted no time addressing north korea's actions together with other brics leaders they released this statement in the declaration saying we express deep concern over the ongoing tension and prolonged nuclear issue on the korean peninsula and emphasized that it should only be settled through peaceful means and direct dialogue of all the parties concerned now this is in contrast to actions the u.s. and its allies have taken since the nuclear tests the u.s. south korea and japan are looking to exercise military options while here and putin
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reached out to japanese president. urging a diplomatic solution and we spoke with russia's deputy foreign minister here who said that this military pressure has failed in the past it's a very delicate moment old responsibility restraint is needed on the part is having said that once again we deplore the illegal tests of missile technology. missile launches that of nuclear device. by north korea as the break summit wraps up here in shame and eyes turn to that of a stock russia where putin will be meeting with the south korean president moon j.n. at the eastern economic forum that's wednesday and thursday and north korea is also sending a delegation to the conference no word yet on whether the north and south plan to hold talks there as well for the news without schultz i'm. reporting from sherman
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china for more on this we go to former cia officer jack rice jack nice to have you with us does the h.-bomb really intensify this situation do you think the united states do they have this capability. no they didn't think that they had this capability understand the difference between you're no normal bomb if you will your normal atomic weapon and an h. bomb is about a thousand times i mean that's how big we're talking about and the real purpose of this is when you have something that's that powerful you essentially can miniaturize it to the point to put it on a missile again as we've discussed you and i one of the things that you need in order to make this a viable threat is you need to have the atomic bomb if you will of sorts and you also need a delivery system and you need both of those to work in concert if you have one but not the other then it doesn't particularly matter or at least doesn't can't be used to threaten the united states directly if you have both then you do that's the
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difference it seems like the united states is out of options in fact kim jong un has mocked the united states when talk of any kind of negotiated settlement comes up so where are we tonight how do you see this you know i think the one thing that's really important is to provoke kim jong un is not the thing to do in this case this is a man who is in a corner and he's stuck between the threats from the outside world and the potential threat from inside of the country himself and so for a man who's afraid that he's going to die a man who was willing to not die alone is potentially who kim is right now so i think it's very important that we see from haley ambassador haley that she not essentially provoked this just the way the president has been doing well president putin of russia says that these sanctions will work is the correct and if not what's the solution. yes president putin is correct in this case and so are the
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chinese at this point frankly yes there does need to be a peaceful settlement but i think the real question is is how do you provide security for kim jong il and that is the fundamental question and it actually hasn't been asked the real issue right now is been can you force him by essentially trying to starve him out let's face it it's been very clear that he's been willing to starve his entire people so long as he can survive and i guarantee that you can sanction him all the way up to his eyeballs he will be the first one to eat and the last one to eat ok and frankly sanctions really aren't the answer we'll put i think you're right on that and of course the president trump is now threatening some trade repercussions to countries that trade with north korea is that a solution what will that do. well you know what you know what this is really directed at it would be really interesting if he followed through because the very first and frankly the last country is the chinese are the americans really prepared to go down this path and stop trade with the chinese contemplate what that would do
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with every retailer in america right now and so if he was going to go down that path because the chinese are the number one and frankly almost the only trading partner with the north koreans with real numbers that would strangle the north koreans i don't know if the chinese are prepared to go down that path jack rice always a pleasure great to have you with us on the news thanks so much. the newly appointed russian ambassador to the united states presented his papers in washington d.c. today he spoke to reporters briefly on a solution to the north korean problem can you mention both cities it's a great shoot. you notice we have so secure and. open. and like united states it's tough. but let's go. on with. say russian president vladimir putin will meet with south korean president moon jay in the two will meet on the sidelines at the eastern economic
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forum in russia's far eastern city lot of our stock russia and south korea plan to discuss closer economic cooperation as well as instability on the korean peninsula meanwhile president trump is threatening to pull out of a major trade deal with south korea recently i sat down with leo gerard president of the international steelworkers union mr gerard says the real trade war is happening now with china and south korea. mr girard it's good to have you with us lots of things you bet lots of things happening in the steel industry right at the heart of america well right now the steel industries in a in a very challenging position. post the election when the president and the in fact the republican party were talking a lot about job creation and and moving the economy forward president signed the executive order on investigation on steel we all knew that the steel industry was
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getting flooded with unfairly traded steel from countries like china south korea india vietnam indonesia just to name a few and we were very confident that that investigation under section two thirty two of the trade act of one nine hundred sixty four would result in saying that steel is an important commodity for the american secure america national security and here is the remedy we've been waiting for that and there's a lot of anxious people that work in our facilities there's a lot of anxious people in management that worry about what the future steelers are going to be if nothing happens to rain ohio became a hot spot for a national media before the election everybody wanted to tell the story about lorraine in the steel industry but there was very little conversation about the investment that was made by u.s. steel what happened there bringing the two sides together and now as it would with that plan ever come back. i mean be very. look i got to choose
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my words carefully because i wanted to come back but for it to come back we need to have us put the brakes on what south korea is doing. the the plant that made the pipe in the rain made a lot of drill pipe pipe for drilling to find oil and gas pipe for transmission. when we filed a case against south korea for that we won the case what would you assume would happen we've got a substantial remedy against their cheating what did we get for that we got an increase in imports from south korea they took the duty that was placed on them and found a way to not only ignore it get around it but increase their exports to the u.s. so here we've got a modern facility where the u.s. steel put in a lot of money into modernizing that facility we've got skilled trained workers that know how to make the best product in the world at the lowest man hours per ton
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and they're not able to compete against the south koreans why is that south korea built a brand new state in the year two mill in south korea with government assistance and they don't drill one inch of pipe in south korea they made it deliberately to take out the american market and what do we do we say well if we fight back we'll be in a trade we're going to damn trade war now. we get the hell kicked out of us because we're not fighting back our hope was that the president and the commerce department in the u.s. t.r. would put together a strategy to fight back we can we can compete against anybody we can compete on the lowest man hours per ton we compete on best product we can compete on quality we compete on every level we just can't compete a company against a country so here we are in this international crisis with north korea should the administration should the president use this steel situation in the goshi ating a better position with south korea and china foreign policy plays into this doesn't
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it seems like trade is always used as a cabbie out one way or another look at over the certainly in our union over the last three presidents of the union besides myself we've always understood that what the state department did was they used the ability to give our jobs away for state department positioning why did we need to deal with colombia because of venezuela why did we need to deal with panama because they need a place to make sure that we would control the canal coming through that why would we need a trade deal with south korea because of north korea why did we need to trade with deal on t p p was so vietnam or with vietnam because we needed against china so that all these trade deals aren't just about trade they've been a boat state the state department and national security in another sense but you know what if you can't have enough steel to defend yourself what the hell's going to happen. we'll have more with president should i say leo gerard later on in the
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week present from panels today that he will in the deferred action for childhood arrivals program better known as dhaka in six months if congress doesn't act on immigration reform a number of channels been following the story and has the latest lots of emotion here absolutely at although the news was actually delivered by the attorney general jeff sessions. and i'm here today to announce that this program known as darko that was a fact you waited under the obama administration is being pursued in the dark a program was implemented in two thousand and twelve and essentially provided a legal status for recipients for a renewable two year term worker's authorization and other benefits including participation in the social security program to eight hundred thousand mostly illegal aliens and that right there effectively put millions of people in the united states into
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a panic this decision from the trump administration will affect approximately eight hundred thousand undocumented people known as dreamers those are folks that applied for the obama era protection from deportation now these are people who are mostly adults now who were brought here illegally by their parents or guardians through no fault of their own as children are babies and to qualify for those protections they had to be under the age of thirty one as of june two thousand and twelve when this was implemented they had to have come to the u.s. before the age of sixteen they had to have maintained residency in the u.s. they had to be present during that time of application and have had no legal status at that time also they don't qualify if they were presently in school or graduated high school or served in the u.s. military and last but not least have had no criminal history and given these conditions to qualify congress had still failed to pass a real bill that would make this into a law between two thousand and twelve and to. hey thus allowing president trump to
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overturn this program and speaking on the matter today senator graham and senator durbin exemplified the divide on capitol hill as to the president i think he was right to terminate. i believe from day one it was an unconstitutional overreach by president obama he had built women his hand i understand why david wrote the letter i've tried to do mouth part to find competence in immigration reform not only for the dream act kids but also for their parents but the main thing that i've tried to do is make sure that twenty years from now we don't have eleven million more illegal immigrants think that one once and for all and some might remember that just back in january senator graham said that the rug should not be pulled out from the dreamers but now sort of changing his tune for saying that democrats like dick durbin to push for reform we need to pass in this month of september a dream act a permanent law in this country that says that these young people will have their chance to become part of america's future the dream act is not
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a new idea introduced years ago gone through the judiciary committee was part of our comprehensive immigration reform in the day that we included it i can remember we met and had one of the shortest meetings of our bipartisan group we said fine everybody is for the dream like let's move to the next tough tough topic when it comes to immigration all right so you heard it there at the senate will likely be split down party lines on the subject of immigration no telling how a six month deadline imposed on them by the president might impact the cooperation but he'll insiders say they believe this was a move to force congress to make some sort of meaningful reform one way or another if these deportations were to take place it's really going to affect the economy huge impact if for dick durbin to say that they want to get it done in september nothing moves in a month with a set that is very narrow that thanks manila for more on this we're going to go to our political panel tonight for the sebring we've got ted harvey chairman of the committee of the defend the president and also civil rights attorney misty maris great to have both of you on tonight first of all what is the president's
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motivation on timing why now ted. well i believe that this was one of his campaign promises that he would push forward on immigration reform and the reason why he won the primary out of sixteen republicans who wouldn't touch the issue of immigration good doc and this is the main reason why he won the presidency the hillary clinton promised the american people that she would for push forward on dhaka and trump said that he would not and now we are where the president is fulfilling his promise and and pushing it back to congress where it should be president obama when he implemented this said that it is unconstitutional that it is temporary and that he hopes that congress will do something with it president obama is the president trump is actually abiding by the constitution go figure all right you agree with that misty well i think that the president is actually using this as political leverage because he wants to dock that to be included in other more comprehensive
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immigration reform so there is bipartisan support for daca i do think that there is a questionable or reach by doing this by executive order to go through the legislative branch it's leaving people in legal limbo let's get congress to put it all to the metal and get a law on the books is this really what the president wants to do in the long haul here he is today commenting on it what do they care it is. i have a love for these people and hopefully now congress will be able to help them and do it properly and i can tell you and speaking to members of congress they want to be able to do something and do it right and really we have no choice we have to be able to do something and i think it's going to work out very well and long term it's going to be the right solution ted if you love people you don't kick about of the country what about that well i don't think anybody's kicking anybody out of the country right now he's telling congress to do their job is that what it is i mean
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let's face it congress does not do their job there's going to be a real life changing ramifications for these people. and blame congress blame the children's parents and blame the socialist countries where this these parents were fleeing for how do you see that number this is not this is not the president's fault this is everybody but the president's fault there's no legal reason to do this right now this is cloaked and all what we're expiring in march we had to do this at this moment there is absolutely no legal reason to take this action of this moment but i will agree congress needs to step it up because these people need to be protected well that they haven't done this for forever and as long as the day is and i don't think it's going to happen certainly not in september what's the political backlash here on republicans misty or is there going to be equal blame here in the electorate. no there is absolutely going to be political backlash on republicans that's for certain but we have to remember that there are two factions
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of republicans right now the ones that do not want they do not want daca in any form as the ones that support the underlying policy but did not support its execution as an executive order ted political backlash will be there on republicans if they don't get this done they have the power. i think they'll be huge political backlash if they do not fund the wall that they did not secure the border and then come forward with an immigration policy that's dealing with immigrants that are here currently but until we get actual secured border the republican party is not going to move forward with anything on dealing with those that are here because as president obama said we will continue to have a flood of immigrants coming in here for generations and generations if we do not deal with the security of our borders today said harvey mr maris great to have both of you with us tonight thanks so much to you category five hurricane irma is threatening florida on the heels of last week's horrific hurricane harvey florida
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has declared a state of emergency as residents scramble to gather food and water or to sweet joins us live tonight for an update of. hurricane arm is strengthening in both size and intensity expected to make landfall on wednesday and just to put it into perspective of exactly how big this hurricane has become hurricane harvey that recently hit texas reach maximum winds of one hundred thirty two miles per hour and as you mentioned earlier has clocked in at one hundred eighty five miles per hour after seen just at least sixty deaths from hurricane harvey officials are taking no chances this time around for the governor rick scott was quick to formally declare a state of emergency in all sixty seven counties and his state and forecasters but the national hurricane center they're predicting that hurricane or may be the strongest hurricane in the atlantic basin outside of the caribbean sea and the gulf in. mexico in the end. and now while we know our math is growing forecasters are still uncertain back crackly where it all heads now for the last the hurricane
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center is urging residents and warning areas to make preparations to protect life and property and say it's simply your brass to completion ok thanks the death toll from hurricane harvey has now climbed to at least sixty three people meanwhile the governor of texas says relief spending for the state could reach up to one hundred eighty billion dollars now the administration is gearing up for a fight with congress treasury secretary steve minutiae has said that aid for hurricane harvey should be attached to an increase in the federal debt ceiling both the house freedom caucus and the republican study committee seem to be opposed to the plan to raise the debt limit for more on this we're joined tonight by former congressman jim moran jim good to have you with us tonight the republicans love to use the term offsets are we in offset territory here i haven't heard him say too much about that so the question is how big
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a fight is this disaster aid going to be in congress well they've been taking offsets for years there's no more money to offset increased spending. and they're only asking for less than eight billion dollars they're going to need as you just said about one hundred eighty billion and yet they're not sure they can get the eight billion that they're asking for currently they are afraid that the only way to get it is to add it to the debt ceiling which is going to make it all the more difficult to get through the right wing republicans in the house i mean these representatives that were opposed to sandy relief you know cruz is one of them now it's in his backyard what do you expect the outcome of that's going to be. well you know where you sit is where you stand so cruz is now going to support funding and of course probably more money for the flood insurance program. i do think it'll probably pass and eventually the house will pass relief hurricane harvey
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without a debt ceiling but in order to get the necessary votes the senate will add the debt ceiling on to it and then it goes back to the house i think it probably passes but you know you should be able to say of course it's going to pass you know but you know there is some hesitancy because you don't know if it's a combination of incompetence inexperience infighting within the republican party and within the white house so you can't say for sure if the debt ceiling doesn't pass that's the real problem because then our markets are going to go crazy you know you could have a real stock market crash everything that trump has promised would go out the window i can't imagine you'd have a debt ceiling default a but he's got about one hundred seventy republicans who really don't want to pass debt ceiling increase in the use of all their constituents constituents to really
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understand it they told them they're not going to vote for it so you have to go to the democrats and of course nancy pelosi and stand the oil are tough they're going to want something in return while the last thing anybody wants is another government shutdown and with everything that's going on internationally and with all of the things that have happened with the market and the job increases which trump has been touting quite a bit can he afford to have a government shutdown but. understand why you said the last thing anybody wants to happen is a government shutdown but trump threatened it if he put it on the table there are some people within the at least the house that probably would relish it they kind of like this kind of stuff you know their heroic to some of their constituents but it would be ok. us it would be disaster and it would cost us for years to come if there were really was a government shutdown it happened for of a few moments really a few years ago we're still paying the price but all of that is going to be
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resolved we've got nine days of legislative action in september another nine days in october you've got an enormous list of things to do things and i think that's going to be tough what is really upsetting is they know this was going to happen you know they know it back in january and they wait till the eleven fifty nine and then they start thinking about how they're going to deal with jim moran great to have you with us tonight you thank you so much and a final note tonight we are pleased to announce our t. america is now carried in can be viewed on direct t.v. channel three two one that's direct t.v. channel three two one thanks for watching i'm ed schultz reporting tonight from washington to see that the leaders from. the ceiling.
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and you'll get it on the old old. old according to just. yes. your watching and our team america got special report tonight about the spots you install me as one that's by basically everything that you think you know about civil society have broken down. there's always going to be somebody else one step ahead of the game. we should not be on the normalising minds. we don't need people that think like this on our planet. this is an incredibly tense situation. you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater
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media landscape is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't skew liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all so look out world artsy americans in the spotlight now every lehi have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time than i care to admit i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the deep n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an ethical choice for government claims that cannot be verified.


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