tv Headline News RT September 7, 2017 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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this is. better than. the see. the world bank they. sent us an e-mail. a top north korean official accuses the u.s. of hindering efforts to end the simmering hostilities on the korean peninsula the comment was made in a rare interview regional economic forum in russia also. dozens are injured in clashes with police inside korea in protest against the point of u.s. launchers also ahead this hour. syrian government forces prepare for the next stage of their liberation offensive in parts
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he talks to the city's governor said billion suffering. states each. a potential ally of chancellor merkel's party said to clear refugee stunts just two weeks before germany's elections in an apartment attempt to win over votes in the migrant. from right around the world this hour welcome to moscow and to r.t. international i'm going to have your company our top story this hour in a rare interview with international media a senior north korean official has said washington is undermining efforts to end hostilities on the pinch. the u.s. neglects the international community's will to stablish peace on the korean
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peninsula young gang will retaliate against attempts to impose sanctions and pressure from washington with powerful counter measures with deeply condemn the leaders of south korea and japan for using the eastern economic forum for their own clean political purposes their attacks on our self defense of means strengthening the hydrogen capabilities of north korea clearly diverged from the goals of the forum where we discuss the topics of we can on a corporation. well that was the head of a north korean delegation speaking at the eastern economic forum in russia's far east or corresponding hawkins is their reports and crisis talks dominated the if it . north korean delegation the arrive in giving a speech just in the central hall to my left was very much something people waiting for it was a big media scramble to hear what they had to say quite predictably taking a strong uncompromising position saying their development of the nuclear program
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was something that was not up for discussion in the meantime in the hall just next door the leaders of russia south korea japan and mongolia were discussing also what to do about this crisis the world has been watching for some time and although there are differences in how to resolve the crisis they also do have it seems some things in common take a listen. to the final goal of these measures and steps is a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the crisis and they'd like to emphasize that there will be no war on the korean peninsula i'm certain of that. i just like my south korean colleague i'm sure that a large scale conflict especially one with weapons of mass destruction will not happen all of the opposing sides have the same sense of understanding of commitment to their people who live in the region and we will solve this problem by diplomatic
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means all sides involved in the talks here today are directly affected japan south korea russia they all share land or maritime borders with north korea and as we heard there would really suffer in the event of a military escalation of this crisis so they do share those calls to dialogue to negotiation just perhaps have slightly ways of getting there japan and korea agree that sanctions are needed a harshness of sanctions by the u.n. targeting in particular the north korean all in the street but they also say that these need to be done in conjunction with discussions with russia as well take a listen bombarding which i referred to the need for tighter sanctions and belief in the china and russia are speaking to the same position by the what concrete measures. need to be taken is something we must discuss together now this is in stark contrast to the position of the united states that's been very one sided these last few days and weeks we can all remember nikki haley donald trump saying
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that time is running out patience is running out and of course trumps the now infamous fire and fuel requirements all really serving to ramp up the rhetoric and increase economic or military pressure on north korea to isolate the country even more something that is approach that perhaps isn't so favored here in light of all . we heard from political scientist and consultant to the u.s. military edward about how the situation with north korea compares to the uranium nuclear crisis there was a difference to resolve the crisis because there was a realistic threat the iranians could get big rewards from the. all wrist big bomb. in the north korean case there was no such word because in iran you know. if the rain is continued down the road these israelis were going to bomb their way to bomb iraq and syria and in
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the kotoko you have the republic of korea which is the country of fifty million people with a trillion dollar economy that does nothing to protect itself not even this centralized soul soul is right there and then the board earth they say oh you can't do anything because otherwise there were nothing in forty years to relocate to move to give incentives to move a ministry down the coast except. dozens of protesters have been injured in clashes with police inside korea they were demonstrating against the installation of a u.s. anti missile system known that. was was was was was
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was thought close to four hundred activists turned out for the rally in song to a small farming village near a u.s. base but they were met by thoughtlessness of security officers who were sent to oversee the arrival of more elements of the missile defense system the spike the protests the components have not being the ploy to wealth or terminal high altitude early it defense is designed to destroy ballistic missiles now it targets short to medium range weapons and is being supplied to south korea by washington on the war activist medea benjamin explains what the locals think up on the situation. well know and one has to wonder why hundreds and hundreds of people would come out to protest a system that is supposedly going to make them so safe for i was in that village
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just a few weeks ago and it's a very conservative village and these protests are being led mostly by the elders of the village who say we don't want to be in the eye of the storm we know that president trump has just said he's going to allow more highly sophisticated weaponry to go to south korea taking billions of dollars of people's money there this is a cycle of militarism that is extremely dangerous and the opposite of what people on the plane peninsula need and want well with concern growing over the crisis on the korean peninsula the possibility of global disaster president trump is yet to argue line a strategy for talking the situation. but . however reports say it does look like the u.s. could be set to make billions of dollars selling organs to its allies in the region
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. the north korean threat is something we hear on a daily basis from u.s. officials with the statement supporting. and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for war. they will be met with fire and fury the stakes could not be higher the urgency is now this may not get away with what he's doing believe and the urgency is still strong the u.s. is rolling out a range of american made weapons to save the day on offer for remaining rocket launchers for the u.s. missile defense system for south korea also increased amounts of highly sophisticated military equipment which trump this kind we allowing both south korea and japan to purchase and the infamously troubled after thirty five fighter jets also be added to that package and of bonus but not free of course but look forget that north korea is by no means the only threat to global security and america for decades iran has fueled the fire of sectarian conflict and threatening the region
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and causing so much by a lintz all nations of conscience most work together to isolate and all of those attacks are music to the ears of saudi arabia an american ally and fellow detractor of iran so of course riyadh was all too ready to sign a one hundred ten billion dollar defense deal with from neighboring qatar also agreed to buy over twenty one billion dollars worth of american military hardware now trump's approach to conflict is definitely pragmatic make a quick buck if you can right and clearly this guy can sell anything even managed to find a way to spin continuing america's sixteen year long war in afghanistan as the prime minister of. as stan has promised we are going to participate in economic development to help defray the cost of this war to us hey if you can't solve the problem see if you can at least turn a healthy profit instead of i'm a businessman that's what i'm supposed to do that's what i'm supposed to do. i
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think a lot of people project on the behavior of the united states maybe of other countries that it's all about business it's all about making money for the arms manufacturers and the plane manufacturers and so forth the people who make missiles the militarization of the policy of using military threats and military force is the only item in our tool kit his son how become so ingrained in their mentality they really don't consider other alternatives you have people who believe that the united states is and must be the global head of on that every solution must be solved by a dick taught from washington and whatever force and threats are necessary to achieve that end will be employed. german chancellor angela merkel has been facing a tough week both in and out of parliament with a little over two weeks to go before the general election she's been on the campaign trail trying to drum up support but with mixed success.
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was. merkel was cheered booed by demonstrators during a rally in finster valley. while the day before a protester three tomatoes asked her during a similar event. where she was also recently interrupted by the main opposition party while addressing parliament for taking credit for their work eventually she had to remind them. that's the. sound of. the few months you loose. as soon. as. you are if it is the. really you know side out.
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there when you inspect it when clinton was in parliament it's nice. that she was meanwhile the leader of the free democratic party a potential ally of angola merkel's party has adopted a markedly on team or gratian stance some see it as a direct attempt to win votes from the alternative for germany party which has long criticized germany's open door policy across the story peter all over. well it's christian linda he is the thirty eight year old leader of the free democratic party here in germany and he's a dot com entrepreneur who made his money that way and he's long campaigned for lower taxes in germany but we haven't heard from him up until now was what his real policies were going to be when it came to migration when it came to refugees and what was to come next following the influx of people in twenty fifteen well he's revealed all in an interview with the german tabloid build in which he said well he
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pretty much disagrees with the route taken by chancellor merkel and wants to see a much harder line taken by germany he does say that he understands why people left their homes that they were facing a humanitarian emergency but says that back in twenty fifteen angela merkel should have closed germany's borders he says he wants to see the closure of the mediterranean route for migrants arriving into europe and says that germany must use its experience that it gained from taking in refugees during the balkan wars in the ninety's that if people have a job if they speak german if they have no criminal record if they are integrated then they can state however all other people they would have to go back once their country is declared safe if peace prevails refugees must return brás new such human rights for choosing your place in the world i'm not being harsh this is realism
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speaking so why has linda come out and said this well his party the free democrats are well the potential kingmakers for merkel's christian democratic union and for anglo merkel to remain on german chancellor they're the most likely to form a coalition with her and they want to make sure that if they go into that coalition they go in as strong as they possibly could be so in order to do this we've had christian linda talking about refuge. geez and migration policy that could well be an attempt to steal votes away from alternative for germany the anti islam and tea immigration party as the free democrats try to make them the strongest partners they can be as they try and team up with angle of merkel and the christian democratic union in the next parliament. these are the latest pictures from syria where government troops are being put through their paces before an operation to storm i still control the areas of the city have to resort on choose the syrian
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army by russia reached the city breaking three year long siege well here on the map you can see islamic states territorial losses in syria over the past four months moving towards terrorism where the syrian army red on your screen gained around eight kilometers per day they eventually united with a brigade that had been trapped inside the city the commander of those soldiers was going to dean known as the lion of the republican guard he had been in the city for the full three years has a long record of military service and has fought on several fronts in the syrian civil war we managed to talk to him right after the siege was broken. but a lot more during this siege we were like a mile and in the middle of no should totally isolated the closest city is homes which is more than two hundred fifty kilometers away yet despite the siege by us
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and the scarcity of all means of survival. food the army and the friendly forces in defending their lives or. are also managed to speak exclusively to the governor of terrorism we're about finally breaking the thirty eight month long siege. all of our people whether they're heroes or the syrian arab army who are defending their resort or all societies elders and young people all of them have been waiting for this moment when the troops map on september fifth they speak of victory was achieved on the way to there is all the work very fierce clashes with her wrists but despite all the clashes and the explosives that i sold service plans that syrian troops were able to obliterate these enemy forces it was a moment of triumph moment tell you about see because we're going to factories and the students at and the colleges on this shelling it's believed to be the longest
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siege in history the city was suffering in darkness there was no electricity no diesel no gas there was a shortage of healthcare staff very free surgeons helicopters were open to take people out of their resort for treatment of the u.s. military is sending humanitarian aid to women and children stuck in an ice cold convoy stranded in the syrian desert following a coalition bombing they had been given safe passage to head to an islamic state controlled area near the iraq border as part of a deal brokered by the syrian army and lebanese hezbollah fighters with the story here is killing. so at this point the road which the ice hill convoy was taking through the desert has been struck by u.s. coalition airstrikes by still fighters were evacuating under a deal they made with the hezbollah fighters at this point we have seventeen buses
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as well as other vehicles full of full of ice still fighters and their family members that are now stuck in the middle of the desert now according to what we've heard from the u.s. led coalition they are now supplying food and water to the women and children on the convoy now on twitter the u.s. military was very adamant that it was not providing any support be it water or food or otherwise to the ice still terrorists they insisted in a tweet from u.s. central command that the water and the food was only going to the women and children on the ice still convoy now one must ask how is this being carried out how are they making sure that the water and food is not being shared these seventeen buses on which the ice will fighters are being transported also contain women and children and how are they making sure that these women and children are not giving water and food from the united states and the u.s. coalition to their brothers and fathers who are i still fighters that are on the
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exact same buses that they are on that question must be asked now voices from the u.s. military have been highly critical of hezbollah for negotiating and allowing the ice still terrorists to evacuate they have denounced this deal and she says that global threat relocating terrorists from one place to another to someone else to deal with is not a lasting solution now u.s. military leaders have made these statements and criticized this battlefield negotiation despite similar actions being taken by their allies the kurds a convoy of those forces withdrew from the city to the north in a convoy of civilians were observed in the convoy with the fronts as. we have. mentioned the curve that's our apartment. to avoid civilian casualties collateral damage so the part that forces on the ground did not engage the convoy so right now we have seventeen buses full of ice fighters and their family members that are
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stuck in the middle of the desert so who is to blame the syrian regime is letting women and children suffer in the desert the situation is completely on them or leaflet distributed by u.s. forces in afghanistan has provoked rage and received the damning response from provincial leaders in the country they say the document consider highly offensive to islam is likely to eliminate locals on bring about a spike in extremist violence it was designed to encourage afghans to cooperate with security forces against insurgents but it's the picture of a dog considered clean by many muslims with a secret passage from the qur'an superimposed on to it. many and despite an official apology from the u.s. military there has already been blowback on whether the taliban carried out a failed suicide attack and by graeme base where america has troops stationed in
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retaliation we heard from people in the country including a local leader they feel about the leaflet. we don't know why they do such things are they testing the patience of afghans or trying to encourage afghans to rise up against them such disrespect towards the religion of the afghan people who cause an increase in the level of hostility towards them foreign troops must not repeat such acts here for the purpose of supporting afghans in ensuring security and development we want them to do that they seem as peacemakers because the usa is here to secure its interests not to rebuild afghanistan if such actions continue there will be a holy war against the foreigners and it won't and well. the european court of justice say's that hungary on slovakia should take their share of migrants that are stranded in italy greece that provoked a fiery reaction from hungary its foreign minister. it was not
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a legal or expert but a political decision politics was raped european law and european values an appeal to reverse the decision was rejected by the court it said e.u. member states must take a fair share so that other countries don't have to bear the brunt of the crisis the e.u. commissioner for migration welcomed the group made it clear the bloc will take legal action of hungry on slovakia fail to comply if the member states not to look a the it or not for a long time do not change their approach in the coming weeks we should. take that last step in the. procedure but if all and. it's a republic to the european court of justice for your poor my knowledge point of studying law as a rule according to the position of the hunger in government this decision is at
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ridges and also irresponsible and we believe that this decision puts at risk the security of all europe and the future of all of europe. puts delve deeper into this with professor of european studies at the university of dummy welcome to the program is that the only warning shot to all there is in the e.u. who are are against brussels on the issue of migration do you think well i think the problem a step gary i'm sorry angry with the double standards of brussels sunday expecting solidarity in the issue of the relocation of the migrants that are stranded in greece and italy but on the other hand hungary hearst's defendants the external borders to schengen borders. they are not supported by the european union they didn't find themselves so they are expected to show solidarity with those countries
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that neglect it's their legal duty namely to support to protect the borders off external borders of europe and they are punished for protecting the things they have to do legally so this is a double standard type of policy and that is what's that makes the hungary and angry we just heard of course from the hungaroring foreign minister on screen saying that the ruling was flawed and politically motivated what's your view. well i think he has a point because if you look at the moment evasion that is. expressed in this predicts you will you will find that. by disposition which is affecting i think not even two thousand migrants. greece and italy will be released and its contributions to the saloon solution of the migrant crisis in europe well this is an extremely naive point of view with
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millions of migrants waiting in africa and libya to be shipped along human trafficking networks to europe we all know after two years that most of these networks are organized and sponsored by criminal networks and also by some western european governments it is very naive to think it's the relocation of a few thousand people you can solve the migrant crisis also murat's professor of european studies at the university of amsterdam thank you for your thoughts this hour you're welcome. i'm brazilian man has been fooling the media for three years pretending to be a united nations for targer for the goal of france to santiago picks up the story for us. the author of these pictures boast an inviolable list of clients including major news outlets like the b.b.c. wall street journal al-jazeera and or cervelli but wait
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a minute those are just inverted images by another war zone photographer anyone who knows how to use google reverse image search could have sort of this out but unfortunately no one bothered to check and that's exactly how for many years eduardo martens managed to pull off pretending to be a un photographer who traveled to syria iraq gaza and many other hotspots the man who actually took these photos was quite shocked the worst thing about it was the way changed my captions kind of like reframing the story and the stories of the people a photograph a few years for you know to like. me is well you know it's my content and make use more current social cielo he wasn't really vetted because he had a strong social media following so i got in twenty seven thousand people as twitter and i think a lot of the editors of the photo agency use that to stuff a little lazy yeah i'm really disappointed it's so i do believe that this is still
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a lot faster distrust in the public in the news media at large to make his deception more believable in a wider martens of that's his real name which most likely is and boasted selfies from somalia and aleppo well you don't need to be an expert to see that this has hints of photoshop but hey the posts had all the right tags of aleppo in ruins and so on so who cares and no one bothered to take a closer look even the man in these photos was actually a british server who was alerted by his new savvy friends that his identity was stolen i was relaxing having some wine when a friend from wavelength magazine contacted me saying that someone has stolen my identity in a kind of a prank on the internet so it seems we're dealing with an internet troll who. caught on some of the biggest names in the world of news into buying his photos perhaps those compelling interviews had a trusting effect once in the road shoots in a conflict or stop shooting to help
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a boy who was hit by a motor of drop the camera and help him get out of the conflict area in scenes like this so stop being a photographer and become a human being he was also feeding the media a pitiful story of his childhood which included a battle with leukemia and being abused while growing up both of which he managed to overcome and use as inspiration for war photography he also claimed he was working for and then go children safe drinking water which must have been easy to fact check but no one did but now the cat's out of the bag the b.b.c. confirms that this was indeed a con man whose photos unfortunately they've used while promising to better their verification process the fraudster whose identity is still unknown has deleted the photos and accounts associated with them leaving only an unpleasant remnant for the major media system he managed to trick into showing something it was entirely fake media francis and thiago.
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