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tv   Headline News  RT  September 8, 2017 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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this is look because. the u.s. and north korea continue their war of words cooler minds press for diplomacy and negotiations how much of a threat is north korea to the border and why. a u.s. state department faces them all put questions over the seizure of russian diplomatic property. warble diplomatic protocol i do
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you know where i don't know if you all want to fly today or what but i remember. russia's planned military drills and other routes calls up for among western politicians to whether there's any basis to the widespread panic. and honesty international accuses bahrain of mass torture and a crackdown against its government's critics but human rights group also blames the u.s. and the u.k. for ignoring the problem. is a darting international broadcasting to you live from the russian capital i'm lucky aaron good to have you with us out the u.s. state department has been facing a grilling over this seizure of the russian consulate in san francisco as it appears our t.v. is becoming synonymous with uncomfortable questions of during the media briefings.
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more people writing programs are what's your name let's move on move on to something else if you still consider that sovereign russian property or were those properties searched because there was a concern that they were being used for intelligence purposes which would be like a different issue i'm just not going to get into that let's let's move let's move on to something else there. were any other country with us missions that. did a good search but the. government was you know what i don't know if you are working for today or what but i remember a u.s. department of state spokes person heather nauert was grilled by reporters who focused on the seizure of russian diplomatic buildings last week the u.s. state department ordered the closures of the russian consulate in san francisco a trade mission complex in washington and a trade office in new york u.s. security services subsequently searched the buildings and denied all access to them spokesperson heather nauert characterized it quite lightly calling it
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a tour which immediately provoked a backlash from journalists russian officials were invited to come along with us as we toured those facilities to get to you so you see things like you walk into those you may think this is this is it was this is it this is a very serious activity it was a very serious academic and if i use the word tour and that seemed to light in. the activity that took place then pardon me for that the russian foreign ministry slammed this move as an illegal invasion it's spokesperson even said that she views the u.s. raids of russian diplomatic properties as some kind of diabolic circus illegal and pointless while the u.s. state department said the measure came in response to moscow ordering the us to reduce its diplomatic personnel in russia russian president vladimir putin has stated that he has taken legal measures to fight the force closures ordering the filing of a lawsuit still. remains unclear where this will all lead and how these latest
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tensions will affect diplomatic ties between the two countries. despite the diplomatic fallout the russian president says the u.s. russia will not stop economic cooperation but about putin also jokes that the current situation is because u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson simply landed himself in a crowd. but you smarted on there. despite all our current diplomatic differences we continue to have contacts with american firms including vast energy companies such as exxon mobil to make on which rex tillerson used to head up we also gave to listen in when you can he seems to have ended up in tried company and is headed in the wrong direction but i hope that cooperation and friendship which is to lead him back on the right path. we discussed the cooperation issues between washington and moscow with several experts here's what they told us it's extremely frustrating because whatever happened to free trade. you know. the
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core of anything diplomatic really lies in economics and when you have a free flow of trade. diplomacy becomes just that much more. president putin has always been corporation and it's the endemic raso phobia in the american deep state system that makes sure that that cooperation doesn't reach the proper level it should be at it's counterproductive for the u.s. as well because really it's driving russia away in many ways both financially and militarily and in terms of all kinds of cooperation in all spheres that will be in the long run will damage to the u.s. than it will to russia i think what really. president putin the russian that are saying is we can escalate the stakes if you do as well we can also play hardball do you want us to so really it's a question being posed all the americans and forty of the moment american seem to
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want to play hardball. with the german election a little over two weeks many say a victory for anglo merkel is a foregone conclusion but not the chancellor herself it seems to. me it is and gentlemen we hear a lot here that the german election has already been decided i'm telling you that this is simply not. true. the latest polls show angela merkel's party breaking away from her main rival last in shultz's social democratic party however the so-called third parties may also play a key role in if a majority can't be formed in government as peter all of explains. with most pundits already calling this election a win. there isn't a great deal of intrigue. as being the battle for third place and who will perhaps be the kingmaker in the next coalition government the smaller
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parties in germany providing. long. time. controversy to the relatively calm seas of the political scene. for germany it looks like they will and paul a bit. alexion and they run on a message against. policy and what they see is the islam isolation of the
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country even drafted in one of the out agencies that helped promote trump in his campaign and not seen them produce some role the provocative. good alternative for germany is not going to be halted any coalition with. the chancellor and said so repeatedly likely to be part of a coalition with the mrs merkel all the free democratic. liberal pro-business traditional allies. kristie. but this time around they call it something of an added benefit they get on charismatic and photogenic leader has appeared front and center of the campaign however he does appear to have lifted sort of his migration policy right out of the alternative think jodi playbook if peace prevails refugees
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must return there's no such human right for cheese in your place in the world i'm not being harsh this is realism speaking to teacher old school but dot com entrepreneur is big to buy so much as a potential next foreign minister should angle of a joint in a coalition with them but one thing the a.f. did may prove to be a wise move as he looks to shore up his own party's position basically this is just political maneuver to get more voters from this from this side of the spectrum f.t.p.'s at the moment constantly collecting in all kind of fields voters for example with all these digital subjects they took all these photos which are coming like more from the digital natives area and now with this new statement about refugees they try to pick of course also people from the if the from the right wing side on the move who has already ruled out forming
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a coalition with the left party the greens this time out at the lagging way behind in the polls there's even the possibility that we could see you know the grand coalition with the social democrats and when it comes to coalition possibilities there are even some that would see him do a little cool not to be the next chancellor of germany however the most realistic options are that the free democrats will not only return to the fold to study following september the twenty people to vote but that they will also be part of the ruling coalition peter all of the people in. russia's upcoming military drills that will take place in bellaver snakes week after the mainstream media and european politicians in a panic may go francis looks into the story. russia and bell the rules are to hold joint military training exercises this month i was planning to be real serious about this but hey how can i resist when the reactions pouring in are just
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so colorful what washington thinks russia does or about to do an exercise in be able rouge russia. that's going to tail up to one hundred thousand russian troops moving into into that country the great concern is they're not going to leave and that's you know that's not paranoia on did you get that one hundred thousand troops that's just the russians not counting the forces and bella ruse i mean that's probably enough to storm europe and yes they are concerned what europe thinks russia does it is undisputed that we have seen a demonstration of the capabilities and power of the russians and one who does that has only to look at the high number of forces participation in the south but exercise more than one hundred so that it doesn't end there there are more fantastic predictions was that a neighbor's think russia does well seriously worried the head of the zoppot twenty seven thousand drills is numerous aggressive forces taking part in it and there is
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a demonstrative preparation for war with the west now russia and belarus are allowing three nato observers to monitor the exercise even though the alliance thinks that is not enough but hey there are supposed to be a hundred thousand troops yet at the same time nato secretary general mr stoltenberg says there is no i quote imminent threat to any of its allies confusing right and how this bell or see the upcoming drills we should just stop making excuses whether our drills are defensive or not we have an army we have a join russia and belarus military formation in the west and while it exists which we did make a secret off we're going to train it how to fight just in case now let's take a look at the real numbers from the russian ministry. defense in fact it's thirteen thousand soldiers around a quarter of them arriving from russia plus three hundred military vehicles and twenty five aircraft doesn't sound like
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a blitzkrieg now does it. one of islamic states most prominent commanders called marotta cullom of is believed to be among the forty i'm still fighters killed as a result of a russian airstrike in the syrian city of d.s. or that's according to the russian defense ministry color march was a commander to take us down special unit security forces he moved to syria in two thousand and fifteen and became an ice the warmest i'm a month after caliber of disappeared he appeared in this video. another i still remember confirmed dead in the strike is abu mohammed ali he's of saudi arabian origin and was i saw as finance chief he's also suspected of organizing the two thousand and fifteen terror attacks in paris. staying in syria
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for humanitarian convoy has reached the city for the first time since and i suppose each began in two thousand and fourteen forty trucks delivered food to people who previously could only receive basic amenities through airdrops into the area. these are the latest images from around. with terrorists continue syrian troops have now established
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a four kilometer long corridor to allow humanitarian convoys to deliver supplies. in the german capital some people are doing their best to help refugees settle in the country now a chinese cultural center in berlin is offering free tongues food lessons to migrant children. i i i i. i. i i look down my life my brother my friends started to conflict so i came to i wanted to learn more about the cultures of other countries . i was. skeptical kind of the little space when i first did a class was just the refugees i saw that they had no discipline i realize that conflict might help instill that quality and that and help them integrate into
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german society better one teenager who came here to train had has some issues with the police because of fighting as into conference is to learn to shield from and try and john war spiraled because here nobody is allowed to use martial arts also as a club or else you will be excluded it's the train helps him pull himself together and develop this a person. i think it's good good school is good both for your body and mind and it helps me with school. refusal to shake noways immigration ministers hond has been grabbing the headlines in europe we'll tell you why after this break.
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i i. i. i i. i. i. i. most people think just stand out in this is this you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand down the losers and you just the dance the right questions demand the right answer. question.
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welcome back the lead to of a muslim organization in no way has found himself in the headlines after refusing to shake hands with the country's immigration minister because she's a woman the man on the left in this video who leads a group called islam net to all that the minister a bunch of flowers but when she reached out to shake his hand he declined well style guests for their views on the story. trying to do is push his religious beliefs onto other people and what he's doing he's actually not integrated he doesn't want to integrate shake your hands it's just a gesture of friendship and it's not down to religion it's not religious based however not shaking these hummed we'll insult you well i'm not here to defend that particular remark but i am here to defend the right of people to choose how they practice their faith we have in our country and europe many orthodox jewish people
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who refused to shake the hand of women so actually it's something which goes on it's not disrespectful it's a form of respect this is about religious freedom and you know nowhere in what i've just seen which one of the i'm sure. the june. well let me show it is not unlike their leaders so sorry you believe an issue it let me finish let me let me finish ok it's not about you telling other people what they can and cannot say air and it's not about you to decide to need term and what's acceptable or not if there is somebody within the jewish community orthodox jew jewish community are refusing to shake people's and do you have a problem well when i run for mayor of greater manchester the ukip candidate was jewish refused to shake hands with women. and i said that was not right that was against our culture so it's not just against islam or what you're talking about a one hundred friendship being given to somebody and it's been thrown in the face
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when we go to morse or we go to synagogues we expect two other women to have a headscarf we expect to take our shoes off and very sort of things which we do as a matter of respect are i'm saying to you you've got to understand that if somebody individually wants to express their old way of practicing their faith why do the jewish member of our society why they're in muslim or a christian or whichever faith they're from all they have to do is. it is their choice to do that and we have to respect our. bahrain has arrested and tortured one hundred sixty nine activists on their relatives in the gulf states crackdown over the last year that's according to a new report by amnesty international titled no one can protect you.
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it lays the blame for some of bahrain's human rights abuses on other countries as well including the u.s. and britain is theirs they turn a blind eye to what's happening in the country despite having a high level of influence over the king. of bahrain denies the allegations of abuses against his government's critics that calling them terrorists are trying to undermine the stability of the country we got reaction on this from a member of the bahrain freedom isn't. but. of what is doing is that he is persecuting the people in the political stance of london goes into an.
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impact on the policies of the regime that are doing laws that without their support it cannot survive if without the support of the business and americans of course under through these as you would have without your strongest from washington along with the route to improvement over the human rights situation and broadly a political transform it into those democracy but they don't want that. hungary and slovakia have lashed out at brussels after the e.u. has highest court ruled that the countries will have to abide by mandatory mike when quote says both countries earlier trying to challenge the program and refused to take refugees in. it was not a legal expert but a political decision politics has raped european law and european values. by the european court of justice doesn't bring any new quality political position
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or my government quite as a monument has not changed it's all the use migrant quota system was introduced back in two thousand and fifteen at the height of the migrant crisis under this scheme all member states are required to take a share of refugees arriving in greece and italy via the mediterranean hungry rejected the program taking in zero out of its quota of one thousand three hundred refugees poland took a similar stance and slovakia received less than a dozen migrants out of more than eight hundred a professor of european studies told is the e.u. is putting its own survival at risk by imposing being's rules on its member states . actually the people who are preaching about solidarity in europe. cohesion in europe are actually undermining the unity of europe by forcing states to do things they don't like they don't want to have which they see as interference in their serenity so i think that in this case the more pressure
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will be put on rebellion states like hungary slovakia and others that are opposing the open door policy the illegal migration to europe will work like a boomer arm it will undermine european unity and in the end it is a ticking time bomb that might. contribute to the final collapse of the european union. disney has begun a filming a remake of its hit animation film alloted but the movie giants are already coming under fire and some fans of the original cartoon are confused by disney is including and new rights character for a tale that's set in the middle east. we will.
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remember any white characters in the movie a lot. or. i didn't notice they're going to have a white character in this one it's guy ritchie and disney they're redoing it which character do you think they're going to make white. which i think the only way well below the main character i don't know why he would be because he's found police are not white.
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they can kill whatever characters they want to in the movie and i don't think colors are always the big issue it could be important it could be a reflection on society especially of minorities the changing badlands you might. say with both the day stories by following us on facebook and twitter and for more days to be back in about thirty minutes with my call eight hundred follow.
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united nations and the security council in particular should be it should not be a place full futile that the ticks to the spotlight the must must there at that excuse they should be a place you should be a place. which is a we should that we should perform its main responsibilities to maintain security. donald trump elbows g.o.p. leaders out of the way an exception agreement with the democrats on tying hurricane harvey relief to raising the debt ceiling and funding the government how does this affect the republican leader's plans moving forward we'll take a look on this edition of.
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politicking on larry king on wednesday president donald trump over rule g.o.p. leaders even his own treasury secretary to reach agreement with democrats on funding the u.s. government and raising its debt ceiling all in apparent effort to get much needed recovery money on his way to those affected by hurricane harvey the three month deal on funding now heads off a government shutdown until sometime in december where does the g.o.p. and the president go from here what battles this is set up for later let's talk about it with representative joe di arrington republican of texas and chairman of the economic opportunity subcommittee of the house committee on veterans affairs he also serves on the house agriculture and budget committees and he joins me from statuary hall in the u.s. . capitol hill what do you make of this relief program seven point eighty five billion for hurricane harvey did you vote for it. i did vote for it larry and
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and my fellow texans that desperately need this first phase of funding and they need it quickly and i'd prefer to have the debt ceiling. peeled off for that for the broader funding discussion and debate so we can get some structural reforms and and and how we spend the taxpayer money but my understanding is that you would need to raise the debt ceiling in order to ensure that the folks in the gulf coast get the money they need so you can play politics with people's lives voted for it i support it and can't get it there soon enough that's seven that's nearly eight billion that's just a down payment is the government expected to pony up more although definitely you know my last stand in the bush administration was the long term rebuilding of the gulf coast after katrina which as you know cost about one hundred forty billion dollars this is going to cost you know tens of billions more could be upwards of one.


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