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tv   Headline News  RT  September 9, 2017 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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and. to return to the subject to try. but. as a humanitarian aide. for the. government forces and. take them. to the united states. with just a few weeks for. the countries. with
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three year syria's. government forces. to retake the city from the terrorists some of the latest pictures from the ground. the breakup of the terrorist blockade of the city happened after a series of successful operations carried out by the syrian army with the support of russian airpower and we spoke to one of the syrian army commanders about how this military success was possible. and this is the has the syrian air force played
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the main role in locating the terrorist forces known as ice or their identify their ammunition warehouses and listened in to meetings in which the terrorists planned attacks inside and around their results with the help of russian airpower the syrian air force struck these places ahead of the arrival of syrian government troops this weekend isis ability to attack and to call in reinforcements from raca and pow mira syrian forces fought fierce battles the terrorists had planted implies explosive devices and car bombs all around trying to prevent the army from entering the city in the end the syrian army gained a great deal of momentum and was able to connect their is or with other territories it has gained. meanwhile the humanitarian convoy has reached the city for the first time since i saw three years siege was broken and residents queuing up for food water and other vital supplies and we spoke with some of. the. people in there is all in the brink of starvation we were desperate for food and water to reach the city that was all we wanted to thank god help is now right after. that we cannot
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describe how relieved we are out there people who are dying we would like to think the army in a tribute to them for lifting the siege and. russia also joined the humanitarian efforts by sending more convoys to the newly liberated areas of the city for the past three years through out the blockade locals were depending on drops on a military airfield controlled by one of the syrian army's brigades at a local journalist caught up with that brigade which has now joined the major assault on i still. i am a judge. three kilometers away from the one hundred thirty seven degree gate i am it just less than one kilometer of all these little gatherings in this imaginary area just behind that building now the residual area of data store is just about seven hundred meters it's worth mentioning that some medical equipment and other food supplies have just entered the city was
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a gift the next time i did meet is the military. i'm sure that you do you remember the evidence in the sky now the side of me that there is the military and today result it's a just a few kilometers and also it is witnessing some juicy clashes between the syrian army and isel militants. a new russian ambassador has taken office in washington as the rhetoric between the two countries seems to be cautiously easing and i totally untaught off has already met with donald trump during the meeting the ambassador formally presented his credentials to the american president our washington correspondents americain explains what challenges the new ambassador is likely to face. well a much anticipated meeting between russia's recently appointed ambassador to the u.s. and u.s. president donald trump has taken place and to nobs predecessor was constantly
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targeted by the western media portrayed in a negative light over a number of allegations given the controversy surrounding the previous diplomat there are now many speculations around the new figure and as with all u.s. russia meetings this one also attracted media attention especially amid rising diplomatic tensions antonov in particular expressed russia's eagerness to normalize relations with washington and russia for your nation. to improve relations between the two countries and to the good relations between the united states and russia. feel. international peace and progress as well as a strategic stability according to the diplomat the meeting took place in a warm and constructive atmosphere commenting on the meeting the ambassador said that moscow is ready to take concrete steps to improve relations with washington and despite the ongoing diplomatic spat between the countries that saw us russia
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relations sink to one of the lowest points in history and said he believes the situation is mendable provided there's enough will to cast aside political differences and work together now this is all quite a positive shift from the rhetoric we've been hearing from both sides lately and it seems that improve relations between the two countries seems even more promising considering the new russian ambassador was actually a key member of the team that worked on the two thousand and ten new start bilateral nuclear arms reduction agreement a lot of dialogue on the possibility of a further escalation would benefit neither russia nor america that's according to political analyst charles will tell. it's really you know difficult for me to understand why our either side is going down this path i mean you know we could quibble and say you know in terms of our population we have a larger population that you could come back and say well we have larger territory and whatever but i mean this is really you know i have two children and a case occasionally when they would fight over small problems and ignore great
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opportunities you know i would try to teach them a lesson or two i'm not saying i'm try to regard the united states and russia as children but you know with all the problems we face around the world in particular our joint problem with radical islamic terrorism. an economy that seems to be still not finding its full potential like you go on and on and on with all those problems with with so many shared interests i fail to see the wisdom of going down this path . germany's foreign minister. is now the country's most liked politician edging ahead in the latest polls that of the country's chancellor in two weeks germany holds federal elections here's a quick look at germany's new favorite.
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i was close to being arrested in iran china turkey and saudi arabia as i visited those countries i like to think i'd be able to refrain from triggering any foreign policy crises of my words. right. now of course i gabrielle isn't looking to chancellor but the party to which he belongs the social democrats the closest rival of the ruling christian democrats of course headed by. and exclusive interview gabrielle told us his view on the upcoming elections in europe's ongoing refugee crisis. i
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want people to vote in germany's interests and in their own interests we want this country to prosper and that's possible only within the united europe so those who are turning against europe will weaken our country in the long run. i think russia is just as concerned about islamist terrorism as we are and russia like us is concerned about the proliferation of nuclear weapons if north korea continues down this path and other small countries follow we will want the same thing as russia arms control nucular disarmament and measures to ensure peace establish trust and defeat islamist terrorism our countries have plenty of shared interests. that's why i said i was very happy when two days ago the russian president vladimir putin publicly announced plans to request a u.n. mission of course the conditions proposed by russia are not the same as the ones we will ukrainians proposed but i consider it
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a good first step and what we need to do now is negotiate my advice to all those involved would be not to refuse a deal because not all of our conditions have been met but instead to talk openly with russia about the conditions of such a blue helmet mission i think russia's initiative for a peacekeeping mission is sensible artists are just one in ten minutes past the hour here in moscow just a moment here on the program will give you the latest update on hurricane that is bearing down on florida.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted in the sixty's. the only show i go out of my way to find you know we wanted to really packed a punch. is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than. the c. people you've never heard of love redacted tonight president of the world bank so take. me seriously send us an e-mail. thanks for joining us here on out see the new york times article his claim to reveal yet another technique used by the russians to sway you have american
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elections allegedly russian ball creating fake accounts to pay for political ads to spread and t. clinton messages on twitter and facebook. process takes a look at. all. well you're proving it has an army of internet trolls a legions of trolls that they have spread in program one messaging their problems mission was to hurt the us democratic process to hurt hillary clinton and undermine her presidency. facebook and twitter were turned into action and deception and propaganda russia's fingerprints on hundreds or even thousands of fake accounts. mr putin is denials of question many have been cool. mr putin interfere in the twenty sixteen election put
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him self ordered the attacks gave his cyber experts broad direction. wow you might think this looks like a new t.v. show that's about your screens but no it's actually a new york times article use your imagination now kremlin bots turn into americans who influence the u.s. presidential elections since ational plotline the script must be amazing well here's a spoiler it was inspired by a post by facebook's security chief which said they had discovered hundreds of bots purchasing space for political ads our analysis suggests these accounts and pages were affiliated with one another and likely oprah rated out of russia this plotline also has a hint of mission impossible to sway the elections for just a hundred thousand dollars compare that with the whopping clinton campaign budget
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and what was the impact of that mission while facebook estimates that out of all the election related content posted on the platforms only one tenth of one percent resulted from information attacks like the alleged kremlin pain they'll need to do better than that if they want to sell this dollywood but ok what about the main villain i think you know what i'm talking about ip addresses can simply be made up mr putin said referring to internet protocol addresses well showing the striking familiarity with how cyber attackers might cover their tracks president putin mentioned this can be masked and anyone can pretend to be someone else seems he knows way too much about how it all works there's even a spin off on twitter it turns out the russian bots reply directly to trump on twitter oh those clever russians clearly this was an effort to influence donald trump they know he reads tweets so what exactly does that prove. zilch zero zero zero well the title was so promising but it turned out to be the
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same old story with nothing proven and nothing tangible we go r.t. . on our facebook recently changed its view want to interfere and send influence leading some to question the credibility of the allegations right after the us elections c.e.o. mark zuckerberg said it was crazy to think that fake news could have influenced the outcome of the u.s. presidential vote you know personally i think the idea that. you know fake news on facebook which you know it's a very small amount of the content. influence that what the election anyway i think is pretty crazy idea right and it's. you know voters make decisions based on their lived experience facebook claimed it was unaware of any paid design to meddle
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in the elections that on wednesday the company suddenly said that it had found three thousand suspicious uds however the company refuses to release any of the alleged russian says it found at the same time google says it hasn't found any evidence of suspected targeted ad campaigns earlier we spoke to a historian arabs wise things that these allegations are ridiculous. facebook earned sixty six billion dollars from advertising just last year alone and be a legit campaign as that two year campaign with one hundred thousand dollars obviously that could not have swayed an election anywhere except maybe in a small town in an presidential campaign there are hundreds of millions of dollars that are spent no one in the government or at facebook or in the news media is presenting even a single one of the alleged three thousand on line advertisements the lack of true
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shipley shows their intent i mean that they would present this garbage to the other like it's not even worth presenting at all all of the allegations are so brave the special counsel who's investigating to try to find a reason to have the president impeached is looking into everything that he can. the state of me and maher is facing condemnation from mostly so over its failure to stop violence against the country's persecuted religious minorities pakistan afghanistan russia and other countries with a significant muslim population are among those protesting the years long religious oppression in me and not the country's government claims it's only trying to establish peace in the country by fighting terrorists while the reputation of the country's de facto leader unsung suchi is suffering because of the alleged genocide
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of the ro hinge a minority she previously earned a global respect for promoting democracy in the country and even won the nobel peace prize for her nonviolent advocacy for human rights and with the situation concerning me in a massive row hinge on muslim minority escalating activists are now calling for unsung suchi to be stripped of a noble prize however the organization that made the award says the prize cannot be revoked. under its rules and has a look at how the prestigious award can sometimes be politically motivated. the noble peace prize is supposed to honor those who have done the most for fraternity between nations they are bullish on of standing armies and the promotion of peace that's how alfred noble envisioned it more than a century ago but the record of some prize winners and nominees has sometimes been juby as in two thousand and nine the newly elected u.s. president barack obama won the award despite his campaign promises the american
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military were actually at war for every year of his eight year term airstrikes already were held in seven countries and in twenty sixteen alone over twenty six thousand bombs were dropped by the u.s. air force years later a former noble prize secretary even admitted to his frustration over obama's award the prize did not have the positive effect for obama they were might have hoped his passion in the u.s. another contentious choice is a european union the bloc was rewarded with a nobel prize in twenty twelve for quote six decades of contributions to the advancement of peace and reconciliation democracy and human rights in europe the same year europe saw spike in terror attacks two hundred nineteen happened that year in the e.u. member states also in twenty twelve some european countries were engulfed in mass protests against the sterett images the bloc had imposed the same year the syrian
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rescue group the white helmet was nominated for the award that is despite its members being alongside al nasra terrorists and even at execution sites the white helmet reputation was also in question after it stays the fake risk video taking part in a so-called money can challenge. nobel peace prize has you know historically sometimes been a political tool the committee that controls the nobel peace prize nominations and how they select sometimes do it because they are hope for they are trying to push an agenda so with obama for example it was only about ten months into his presidency when they gave him the nobel peace prize he hasn't had a chance to even set up as desk at that point if you look at some of the people that chose one of the ones that you mentioned today on sun suit she the reason why she's deserve the prize is she says she worked for years and years in a nonviolent way to change a country i don't think her actions to today are that of
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a nobel peace prize winner but i certainly don't think that you should take the prize away. these pictures from the international space station of hurricane which is now made landfall in cuba and is heading towards florida has weakened to a category four while passing over north cuba but it's still one of the most powerful atlantic ocean hurricanes in recorded history if issues are warning of a large scale catastrophe the storm has been battering the caribbean islands leaving a trail of devastation and it's claimed at least twenty lives. let's
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bring in some live satellite pictures for you right now of hurricane which is now four hundred kilometers from miami it's it's thought now that it's shifting slightly west of miami so miami should maybe be hit by the eastern of ridge of the eastern shoulder of this hurricane system meantime the governor of florida has told everyone and. more than a million people to get out of the disaster zone here's our correspondent marina. six hundred sixty thousand people have been instructed to leave their homes in miami dade county that is the largest evacuation this county has ever seen a total of forty three shelters in miami dade will be open but with enough collective space to accommodate one hundred thousand people the federal government said no one in florida has experienced a storm with the intensity of erma urging all those in evacuation zones to get out
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now if you're told to evacuate leave get out quickly. the roads will fill up quickly so you need to go hurricane it continues to be a threat that is going to devastate the united states either florida or some of the southeastern states i'm located in one of the zones that was instructed to evacuate i'm in a neighborhood called brickell this neighborhood has a lot of high rise buildings and a lot of buildings under construction one of the many reasons residents here were told to evacuate is because of the construction sites and the construction cranes these key cranes also route miami that litter the skyline are actually being left up they have not been taken down despite the fact that city officials knew irma was on her way more than a week ago it is not clear why they have not been taken down by they oppose danger
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to any building around it all of those people that are trying to evacuate many are succeeding many are failing we heard from some that were at the fort lauderdale international airport fortunately i was able to buy a one way ticket to memphis all the tickets were sold out i kept trying all week over and over again and lucked out now. i have never experienced this in my life in my entire life so i just thought it might be you know unsafe for me to get out because. i have never been in this before and i just want to get out everyone is being warned every hour that will be ferocious when she hits florida and your updates will continue every hour here on this channel for the meantime though your worldwide headlines continue in about half an hour thank you for joining us.
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as long as you run support still the intel international community should say to run this is not acceptable you should stop financing still from our perspective baseless ballots hamas saw this is will they do in the place but this is something that i believe israel should see to good or withdraw some goals with the united states with other states and to say ok it's not just you know a small these only problem. basile in the dubrovnik in venice are all fixed travel destinations so it must be nice to live there or is it. crowds of tourists disrupt the city's economic and social life to them and hopefully for this on the celestial good outcome to all such as the traditional story some nuts comes by you sometimes yes you've done as we've done as minor
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leagues in a school but there's a ton of people while the city has tried desperately not to collapse. collect a profit a vision to make what it was up to will and probably globally don't coffee cup at home in the bushes up the on saabs knock up a supposed to me of a. mind. is a tourist phobia. to fall into an identity. to get the quantity i'm in. general get over it. if your ubiquitous on the music little you also need to. say what you're the among honest of equal seen on the. lease us they all go.
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up but is it again me put it to. me to say no to the miss ali i call my mom a. sub is kissing you not postpone it is. thinking about a no no no no no not all ten of us here all up with up to me i got on them is what i was told. i is the last in fair to meet us by august. opals name is spelled out most of us and had a muslim a brothel i know you must tell me about how they will but i don't come get the gun get theirs up to the meat the. loss in phantom menace. a poem you saw there. one fake stands sinks and yet it hung on fungi guinea lived in tulsa set up . the. course i may have also to move
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a little about all of them but. most of a young woman to quit. made this thought of the wonder the guilt. of the last. black jew in the dust but this loss on us a good look at the end of. this was no mrs w. . saying them is the. name all business.
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i was proud to. call them in the first in the morning. you'll. think. me a study session if. they don't get oconee. that accurate as he'll.


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