tv Cross Talk RT September 11, 2017 11:29am-12:01pm EDT
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or parrot the interest and policies of the political elites it would seem corporate media can't get enough of war. crosstalk in the medium joined by my guest here in moscow i was crucified for he is the director and writer for the duran dot com we also have picture although he is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dimitri bobbitt she is a political analyst we spoke nick international might as always cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want they always appreciated first story i'd like to talk about the military exercises russia. will be conducting in about a week's time it's called. which means west two thousand and seventeen and the western media is all up in a tizzy about it why do well it's not the first time it's really extraordinary let me just remind you that in two thousand and fourteen when the events around ukraine
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happened mrs merkel said would you know it's not going to stop here we're going to talk about moldova going to talk a bold georgia and ask serbia what kind of come next ask serbia and all the balkan nations and the quote so nothing happened to moldova nothing happened to georgia since then everyone forgot to of course what mrs merkel said no one held her up to her words but now we have a new threat you know and immediately of the german defense minister will fool on that land says that there are valid hundred thousand birds but in reality there how many less than three thousand you know this is where you want seven hundred to be pretty good so there's really the minds of the early ages there was a book by robert conquest that's reassuring historian who did the real caricature wrote a book about how americans and the europeans should behave in case the serious actually in the lead occupy their country. yes now we're talking about the times of mutually
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assured destruction there would be no you know that would be impossible literally but still the point was to scare to scare people care to scare people and this is exactly what is happening again to the point of these stories all across the european media all across american media is to scare people into believing and rushes into a media is the greatest conduit for exactly what is really interesting is that if you read these warmongering scaremongering articles no one ever reflects upon that these are military exercises within russia and be a ruse with bruce's permission and it is this is happened every few years there are outside monitors international observers here i mean there is no i don't see what this headlines are all about except would be interesting just to scare of course russia is not allowed to have military exercises with the border sentry that's not allowed but it's a ratio it's a question of course and of course from what products are standing they're counting
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in one hundred thousand number they've been counting troops who are at the bases monitoring the exercises i would think basically all the troops in the area and they're saying that one hundred thousand of them i think the bigger story is how the mainstream media in the west simply cannot carry out seventeen intelligence agencies one hundred thousand troops i mean everything seems to be you know totally you know above board. that's a story it's always inflated and they're always projecting more than than what's really happening to scare people well sometimes nato can call and so i feel nato had eighty five military exercises during the last six months on the border you know with russia in the book that's not going to make you not threatening right yes no and any hundred twenty thousand nato servicemen to be part in these exercise because as we all know the nato is uniquely defensive alliance it never it attacks in your one. people in libya about that when i read that you're going to last march and you. it is. need to do is
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a purely defensive alliance all they can do whatever they want including imitate in attacks you know that the so-called exercise in the baltics you know called baltic challenge i guess. fiendish and swedish planes took part in it and the lead to the legend of the exercise was all poetry you know a horse style. so it is if you can read about this you know. the legend of these. maneuvers and russia for the first time in several months has its own exercise and that's aggressive you know they say that it's a preparation for an attack either against ukraine or against it well it shows all of this shows here that nato is necessary that's what this is all about here let's change gears a little bit guys as i was reading an article in a conservative news dot com. robert perry how regime change war's lead to
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korea crisis just to our readers to have a look at this here. this. there's no when you look at media coverage of north korea there is no backstory at all and he almost never very rarely even mention the years of the korean war itself we have to point out to our viewers to during that conflict there the united states air force destroyed every virtually every single standing building in the country in the first year of the war in lasted three years the war isn't over there's an armistice here but if you take a look at the way the north koreans look at the world libya iraq they don't have a sudden they're thinking is a lot more rational because he's crazy right no it's actually a very rational foreign policy you know the korean war is the forgotten war and that's what the mainstream media wants the public to understand that it is a forgotten or so they don't publicize it much it's very cartoonish all the sudden you know this another dictator has just magically sprung up in another country far
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away for which the u.s. now has to take care of him so it's the same story just recycled over and over ok what else is recycled your dream is that you know the north koreans that they won't negotiate their irrational that they have proposed the freeze for freeze a double freeze you know ending the military american military exercise with the south koreans would they have what twenty four thousand troops there are stationed there you have you have a good part of the american navy around the korean and install and they're asking them to stop their testing ok that's pretty fair russia has proposed that china's proposed that would you would know that from reading the washington post of the solution is simple the. american south american side simply doesn't talk to the north koreans there are no talks you know so when they see him going wouldn't talk would negotiate them he can say refuse to have a negotiation. and i would say that you know very strangely maybe you know the
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board is create a new security system of the world why they're short ugly. because. basically if you. like the wild west you know there are two ways to have security either have a good sheriff and then it makes sense to legalize weapons or if the sheriff is mad or inadequate then let everyone have westergaard so that's what. let everyone have weapons and then the walls will stop in the same way shootin stopped in the american wild west when people had weapons so there are two points here coming on the back of what just said first of all when tom just became president there were some. rumors rumors in the state department that indeed north korean delegation was about to get visas to come to the united states people from the north korean institute for american studies and their foreign ministry and care for and you go shisha is normal serious negotiations but then suddenly those visas were revoked
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they were not given and the administration decided to go the other way so that way the station works is one story we up the stakes and to see how he can push the north koreans into any more but at the negotiating position for himself but it doesn't work that we would have seriously saved my weight in the highway was that years ago she aiding in one of the seasons one of the reasons that it doesn't work with the north koreans is because they are actually very pragmatic the are very rational in their foreign policy and that's exactly the reason why one of the reasons why i don't like libya iraq which which i actually thought that it would go along with all the conditions are there that nobody will or that north korea fully and completely understands how to sort of additionally yes but the interesting thing here is that you know when you look at this coverage of the media loves this they love the ballots they love you know you have you do the caricature
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of a crazy dictator and you know without any kind of context what's going. on here a caricature of blood china's role in all this it's primary interest is not to see a collapse of the north korean state that's a nightmare for china last time i checked north korea is on china's border not on california's border and all the blame is being put on china for not settling the dispute with north korea so china's an interesting fall guy for all of this but if you go back to put some context to what victor said you look at you know trump trying to negotiate this and he can't negotiate because his cards are on the table in other words the u.s. history shows what happened in iraq was a disaster they got rid of their weapons a disaster libya the same thing a disaster we could even throw in syria let's not forget that the u.s. pushed chemical weapons to be destroyed in syria but russia came in and protected syria the oversaw the destruction the chemical weapons and we push came to shove russia came in and protected assad from another us mistake and now the u.s.
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failed regime change so now that syria happened north korea sitting there and saying ok you see the pattern here obviously it was going to how do we go to learning. you know with all of this years now exists after the international agencies after the u.n. security fight officially certified that syria no longer no longer possessed chemical weapon of the united states kimi and again and that that the syrian air force be saying there were chemical weapons there is. a pretext i think that if north korean propaganda probably would use the same argument as national rifle association in the united states if the sheriff is inadequate the sheriff attacks the city and soon all of the other people who gave up their weapons then let everyone have weapons and this is the logic we. know of course i feel russia and china do not support this war are we so they want to see you made it very clear here dissatisfied with the world if you really want the green regime
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that's another thing that's not reported well i think that the russian elite and the chain easily if they want to return to the ward with international war. with a good sheriff with an adequate sheriff the problem was there was no way to question so unfortunately saying all told diplomatic and all that we are absolutely against nuclear proliferation that way i don't accept the nuclear status for north korea i think the wall should prepare for the what and there was is indeed a walled where small countries will have destructive weapons even you've got to get it yourself or we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the media state that our. credit is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to tragedy i did i took
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a line just i came to god and meant that the debts time i came to and in the spiral not. many lives have been broken like excessive to the banks got you into trouble. big bankers go big. or go on the banks but i didn't think of. the last morning there was a back under creditors people see no future bad things from happening you know you become ill you turn to job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is dead a life long or is there a way out those actually come to a bit of know would like to just build from some more risk a few more. in case you're new to the game this is how. the economy is built around corporates corporations washington washington media the media the
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voters elect the businessman to run this country business if. you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. what. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again
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still some more fun to view those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with this one different i speak to you now as there were no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. welcome back to cross like we're all things considered i'm discussing the media. clearly still want to have a comment on north korea or just going off of what the mitri said russia and china in the security council cooperate with the united states when it comes to resolutions are north korea what happens to them they get slapped with sanctions so
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it just goes to show that you can't trust the sheriff in town so look well we're going to see what happens at the next security council meeting very strong. bad feelings because the latest phase will be pushing for inspection all the north korean ships bringing the price. arms and north korea and that means trees in twenty five million people the same you know it reminds me of i was watching a nikki haley and she had a little squabble with the north korean regime and you know he was the only person i know that has a ph d. in hillbilly studies i mean you know this is just not the way to to run of form of foreign policy had to put that in there it's. a little bit to syria. you know half a year ago this was the headline everywhere i look. you know were russian killings to be you know killing his own people that. the war has tipped into the other direction i think is pretty obvious here but you
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wouldn't know that from mainstream media you wouldn't know that from cable t.v. would you what happened in syria last time i heard over a half a million approximately six hundred thousand people returned. i thought they were supposed to fear mr a start their whole media narrative has collapsed basically the message from the new york times is stopped dead in the piece is coming back just like their main message for mr trump during the talks with britain is stop telling me that they want honestly. i want thanks to you and you're going to be held to account for that and this is in the torah also the new york times you are absolutely right you wouldn't you wouldn't know the situation is improving from the western media i have to learn the situation is improving problem the have all of their. positions negotiating so-called supreme calm still here lashed out at stuff on the you under presented to want to syria for what staffan de mistura basically
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said to their position you have to admit that you didn't win this war with president period so immediately they said your opinions and russia's want this war for russia so the war is coming to end there and they're on. the. we never see the hope to win it for the syrian people this is just how bad coverage of that and somehow refugees are common to this stalin back to the dictatorship. instead of these nice there's another angle to that story and that is remember in two thousand and eleven when the war was just starting with american and western support going to the radical factions in the syrian opposition to some terrorist groups they wanted to structure the story as it was not a fight or for the government forces against terrorists but a fight of sunni much surety pushit sunni maturity and i guess the and i why is she a minority supported by outside powers like iran is us exactly and and to the south
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constantly well with russia supporting the government the entire sunni arab world is going to align against russia and they're going to create russia and are going to be consequences of all kinds of for proportions for for that what do we see to be with the war ending with the syrian government the kink that they can back to you from all kinds of terrorist organizations like isis like the like or like different. what is actually happening soon you qatar is actually closely aligned more closely aligned with iran now you know and russia then it used to before in fact before it qatar did not have their interests there in tehran now the deal with egypt with judea with jordan russia has either the same or better or better you know every single program i say could crosstalk rules in effect but you know what the other phrase i think that i've used. the second most common phrase of
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use in this program is the law of unintended consequences it's called blowback and so now you see you know all these states are now fighting with each other so at first they had an enemy and in syria they had a common goal and all the syrian worst. coming to an end they're fighting amongst each others and thank god the syrian war is coming to an end thank god assad is going to stay in power because we're not going to have a black flag raised over damascus and this is why the mainstream media will never report but unfortunately there is a negative aspect of what you just said is that i first see. one war russian and you are right and this we have a few more months for the administration to try to find some kind of rational to overturn the nucular agreement the only thing in foreign policy that barack obama did that i agree with ok but they're looking to overturn the iran will be next and when israel did commit an airstrike in syria from lebanon so they syria from
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lebanon the story the official story from israel change that first they were bombing a chemical weapons plant then they were bombing hezbollah so you can see the israeli press working with the mainstream media in the west to adjust their story away from chemical weapons which no one really wants to hear anymore more where we're protecting it gets hezbollah we're fighting has blood that's we're fighting in iraq well i would say that there is also the war on the reported in the western media and one for example russia and. the russian invasion destroyed their minister or the so-called islamic state who is none other than groom or old high level. special forces officer trained in the who basically defect to the isis in two thousand and fifteen in order to fight that war this also is a regime and who could replace town hall but you rush really. to
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georgian dissent to call so forth against russians then who fall into the glorious ranks of the islamic state off towards fight and. prediction here ok few years when the syrian war the bloody syrian civil war will go by. you know it will be part of history and the people there will live in peace. the official american way of framing historically framing this war would be that it was the united states that defeated they says it was the united states they defeated it was the united states that conducted the peace negotiations and there may be a russian maybe some other countries scoped out but not so much that's how it is not so that our western audiences think about the second world war exactly know in this case you know think the normandy landing you know saving private ryan in the russians that a little bit on the other side of course one of the americans that i've heard that . you know it's already happening mr mongrel and the french president is already
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saying call the political structure or syria should be formed after the war instead of apologizing for basically supporting and armed insurgency in a sovereign country he's not then and now they should organize well demon is your theory list habits die hard ok well really just like mrs merkel would not like in the beginning of our program with mrs merkel to defend in serbia from russia you know. ten years or twelve years after driven you borked you would swallow that sort of bit together with other western nations. it's media coverage of the they don't there's never been a war they don't like. what right is this is it just hits i mean it's eyeballs i mean war is popular i mean because what i see in the mainstream is that it's just a p.r. arm of the neo cons you know they're crawling out of the swamp and they're making you know they're getting their fix to the levers of power again and the media are
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in lockstep with these this ideology that let's not forget that all the media in the us is controlled by six large corporations and all those corporations have ties with the military industrial complex so everyone that's that's reporting on what's happening in the world they know that it's good. business to report on war and it's going to lead to a promotion are going to get into you're going to be speech saying the news on fox are anonymous and b c you're going to have a chris hayes or rachel maddow or jake tapper they know that by reporting on war they're going to get a nice big promotion and that's also face it all these people that for example promoted the war in iraq from bill kristol to they're not only are there a little there they get they get editorials in op eds in the new york times they they're talking about syria now they're talking about north korea all these guys that you know they're in the never you know how do they never they guess got a little bit more gray hair you're absolutely right from two thousand three all of them it's the same people same people people going to look this is how it works
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it's really very simple so josh rogan gets a call from a source in one of those seventy in syria says that they're so good that doing their job and allies and everything and he knows he can write the story we stand that if he doesn't write it the right way. he's not going to get another call and maybe if he doesn't get another call then his job at that publication of where he gets it will be jeopardized. if you will you said jeopardize what i think is really interesting gentlemen it kind of an echo but what you said here you can be wrong and there's no downside i mean it's not always a great if you know you can actually be the greatest job in the world if you don't ever have to be right you just have to parrot what you're told good but i mean the style of these people is getting more and more aggressive. today i read and you total in the new york times the of the morning it said the wide close and it's leg is in certain federal agencies and that's the beginning well that's probably all
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the people of that said when i told and that's lake it's you know that's not going to this is going to be a. bit like the north korean is they should have been here the problem is not just the influence. of the problem is that. these people think they have an ideal which then gives them the right to attack creature size and destroy anyone including the white collars of the elected officials who you know and their language is becoming more and more aggressive simply because of impunity you can publish any fake you say might put you think it's also a sense of powerlessness as well i think there inverted here because something must be done this is that the system this is the whole legacy i read something must be done and we give you an example you know how the new york times and the washington post kept saying if gay athletes come to the russian olympic games they will be arrested you know they came in no one was arrested no one apologized and no one was
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reprimanded for basically reporting false information but you can be fired it if you write something good a bold put in a bold would have been a point or a bit of pain this was you know i'm sort of going to go to concrete examples phil donahue who was once the number one talk show host in the u.s. was fired because he openly disagreed with the iraq invasion that's case number one brian williams who was the n.b.c. anchor and lied lied openly i was caught for it what is he doing now he's back at m s n b c anchoring the show on that point and we've run out of time for this segment of the program many thanks to my guests here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here or to see you next time and remember crosstalk.
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a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves some real scenarios it was interesting to see. a hit. to the subject to try to. go all those years you god i don't know this but we are not. coming from a trumpet ministration which is being victimized by this. imaginary. with the trump campaign is being used by enemies and adversaries to do to them as a. manufactured . to stick to public wells. when the ruling classes and protect
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themselves. in the primary go around listen to the woman was told. to ignore middle of the room signal. child's seemed wrong but all in all just don't hold. the world yet to shape out just to come out ahead and engaged because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground the one.
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middle of the room to. delete. the un security council is set to vote on sanctions against north korea over its latest new kid. and. actions threaten the peace and security. terrified that regretful and new looking for a way back home and the families of suspected i still find as a weight that fate in a refugee camp in iraq is among the first news networks to gain access to the. you weren't disastrous through these women's faces nor to reveal their names and most importantly nor to tell anyone where the hell. are some live pictures that you .
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