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tv   News with Ed  RT  September 11, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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i'm going to paint a clear picture about how disturbing alcool forward and that is be. these are stories that you know what else might happen to your host of america. west. on the news tonight the u.n. security council unanimously passes the most severe sanctions to date against north korea and tropical storm irma continues its hand into georgia after leaving a trail of wreckage and flooding in florida and first responders continue to suffer terrible health consequences sixteen years after the nation's worst terror attack nine eleven i'm michel supporting tonight from washington d.c. you're watching our team america. good evening friends we start tonight with the united nations security council
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passing the toughest sanctions to date against north korea in response to the country's test of an h.-bomb last week the vote tonight was unanimous china and russia agreed to sanctions after the united states revised an earlier draft calling for a complete oil embargo on north korea the sanctions cover over ninety percent of north korea's exports including coal iron ore oil and even seafood meanwhile the trump administration is considering placing nuclear weapons on south korean territory for more on this tonight a very special report we go live to seoul south korea with our correspondent on your part of phil and you're going to evening. good evening at our morning here in seoul this is the nine things resolution adopted by the u.n. security council concerning north korea is it nuclear and ballistic missile.
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program since two thousand and six as you mention it includes an outright ban on textile exports and a cap on crude imports to the country both of which will undoubtedly impact beijing considering china sends north korea most of its crude oil and about eighty percent of textile exports from north korea go to china as well additionally the resolution imposes the ban on condensates and natural gas liquids a cap of two million barrels a year on refined oil petroleum products and will limit crude imports to their current levels an earlier version as you mentioned was a little bit more extreme but it was clear china and russia would not go along with a resolution which included an outright embargo oil imports to the country and sanctions which personally targeted north korean leader kim jong un as you can imagine however paean young is not happy about these sanctions releasing
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a very strongly worded warning before the vote even took place stating quote the forthcoming measures to be taken by the d.p. r. k. will cause the u.s. the greatest pain and suffering it had ever gone through in its entire history adding the world will witness how the d.p. r. k. tames the us gangsters by taking a series of actions tougher than they have ever visit now to get some perspective on the government in pyongyang i spoke with a member of the national assembly here in seoul to ask him what exactly drives the government north of the border why they see these weapons as vital to their survival take a listen to what he had to say. but they saw libya and. iran. collapsed they think they could because they don't have any nuclear weapons. if they have nuclear weapons united states. has to
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invade them. especially iraq. because they have nuclear weapons. they think because hesitate to. invade the best. thinking. this week a delegation of opposition lawmakers from seoul will be visiting washington and this comes just after a few days ago it was announced opposition lawmakers in the national assembly are including a u.s. tactical nuclear weapons in their twenty eight hundred budget proposal i asked mr ha if he supported this action and how it would make koreans safer. i don't agree with that. you know. because the weapons they want. they want to have it inside some square of territory
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. to. trough to this one obstacle use you know i try to use. chinese disagreement china. even far china. is putting. some kind of kind of sanctions on south korea. if we have you could open the inside sunscreen totally. china. is going to make food economies and. we cannot survive. much economic and military escalation here on the peninsula and i'll continue to bring you updates from seoul as they develop throughout the week thank you on your on your part bill reporting live tonight from seoul south korea for more on this we
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go to john said a lady's foreign policy principle a trilogy advisers john nice to have you with us tonight respond to that south korean representative do you think he is on the mark when he talks about what north korea is really concerned about considering libya and iraq what happened there while the historical precedent is pretty clear when you have weapons of mass destruction you tend not to be invaded by external powers and north korea has clearly seen the precedent in iraq in libya and learned a very important lesson there i think the question though ed going forward is what are the other powers in the region going to be doing about this very dangerous situation as it continues to grow in intensity and i think the larger consensus is that it is going to be up to china to exercise leverage and play the greatest role in looking to defuse tensions in the region what is china's biggest fear instability it is terrified that it will lose control that is the communist party will lose control inside of china is very much concerned about the potential for
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a humanitarian refugee crisis in north korea was twenty six million north korean spilling over into chinese territory it's also terrified of military conflict remember one third of the global commerce annually traverses the south. missing the pacific rim region china's economy japan south korea taiwan they're all absolutely dependent on stability in the pacific rim region and that's really kim's knowledge of it as well that he knows what's on his side and he knows the concerns of the other countries what will these sanctions do what kind of an impact will they have no countries had to put up with this it's very difficult to ascertain right now because we've never dealt with a government like north korea's where the elite not just kim jong un but the military leaders around him and those who help prop up that government in power really have no regard for the well being of their citizens so you have twenty six million north koreans whose well being is of no concern as long as that lifestyle
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for the regime is upheld and they're able to protect their borders and sustain military control i'm not sure how much they'll be caring about the people do you think these sanctions are strict enough that they could cause some social unrest within north korea and maybe kim could lose his grip that's a very tough question to answer ed because it is so rigid can do the control over the information it gets to the north korean people is so rigidly controlled in terms of internet cellular phones and whatnot if the people thought there was a better alternative maybe you could see the kind of social unrest that could lead to the ouster of the kim jong un regime but as long as they don't know any better and technology is used to spy on the citizens it's very tough to see where any type of ailment goes russia and china came on board to make it unanimous after the united states softened the proposal on oil so north korea is still going to be able to function. what does this mean it's a matter of gradually escalating the pressure to
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a point where china and very importantly if you recall paying at the divorce forum back earlier in two thousand and seventeen look to position china as the new global leader of the international economic order given the perception that trump is going to be pulling the u.s. out of a number of international relationships and alliances for china to be seen as a credible player at the united nations steps had to be taken but they were not as severe as the u.s. and other parties thought would be necessary to begin to bring the regime to its knees that's not happening and i'm afraid it's not going to happen for quite some time john so the leaders thanks for joining us tonight for shit so much. the trumpet ministration is considering replacing america's aging nuclear arsenal was so cold many nukes this is on the heels of heightened rhetoric between the united states of north korea and of course the sanctions by the u.n. meanwhile south korea says that they don't want any u.s. news manila jan is not following the story and she has more on it tonight but only how determined are they not to have nukes there well they haven't officially been
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talked about just yet but on the subject of north korea we first got to address the trump administration has minced no words of warning kim jong un about the threats that he's made to the u.s. homeland and to its territories or allies take a listen. should take heed the united nations security council is unified voice all members unanimously agreed on the threat north korea poses and they remain unanimous in their commitment to the deed there is a certain degree in peninsula secondly it's important to note that the united states withdrew all of its nuclear weapons from south korea in one thousand nine hundred one as part of a worldwide effort in nonproliferation an attempt to persuade north korea to do the same we now know this gentleman or lead by example model did not work since then the north has continued to build and test their arsenal to the point that their nuclear program is allegedly now capable however the southern foreign
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minister misses the law told the associated press that although south korea has not formally discussed the idea of real arming themselves with american nukes it would essentially wish to stay nuclear free american tactical nukes first arrived on the korean peninsula during the cold war and stayed in place during the korean war they were on call and ready to go to repel an attack from the north president harry truman debated the use of nukes on the chinese but as history proves didn't do so the nine hundred fifty nukes were eventually moved to okinawa by one thousand nine hundred one leaving only tactical artillery such as surf. to air missiles cruise missile shells gravity bonds etc so add these tensions continue to ratchet up we should take a few things into consideration here that this that while the fad systems have actually already been deployed to south korea their range doesn't actually reach seoul and other consideration experts in the field say that north korean north korea has just ten nukes and the us has nearly seven thousand including twenty
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eight or twenty eight hundred rather that are set to be dismantled or converted to those mini nukes that you're talking about earlier and that is what people fear would actually increase the chance of them being used the ability to make these nukes smaller more concentrated and more precise to a smaller scale and so people are afraid they're going to get used so without south korean delegation coming to washington in the near future this is going to be a hot heated discussion no doubt thanks minoa. hurricane irma has claimed the lives of thirty seven people in the caribbean and at least seven people here in the united states irma has been downgraded to a tropical storm and flood warnings have been issued in parts of georgia and south carolina meanwhile a trail of destruction has been left behind in florida hurricane has left over six million people without electricity in the state for more on this let's go live tonight with report out of miami marina. ed local curfews remain
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in place throughout the state as of seven pm this evening much of the florida keys and miami beach remain closed and as you mentioned millions are continuing to block electricity now the state is dealing with widespread flooding from sorum surges of four to eight feet on both coasts the eye of the hurricane as you remember was supposed to hit miami after slamming into the florida keys but late friday evening irma shifted west traveling the gulf before crashing into marco island as a. category three governor rick scott flew over hardest hit areas today saying overall conditions are not as bad as officials anticipated. we saw the. the remnants of the storm surge along the west coast but we didn't see what we didn't see the damage i thought i would see we clearly saw homes that were
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messed up we were. never off. the place and things like that where i thought we would see more damage and there's still flooding there still sand on the roads and things like that but on the west coast and this is confirmed by the mayors i've spoken to that today it's not as bad as we thought the storm surge would do. now to be clear the florida keys have been absolutely devastated and jacksonville is dealing with its worst flooding in one hundred years florida's governor said that seventy five million dollars in disaster relief has already been spent moody's analytics projects that property damage and destruction from hurricane earl will be between sixty four and ninety two billion dollars and as for the nearly seven million homes and businesses without electricity well officials say it could take weeks before all power is restored marina you mentioned the curfew tonight how
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serious is law enforcement about that and how long do you anticipate this to go on for weeks. look i don't think the law enforcement they i don't think they want to find or arrest people i think the goal is to get cars off the streets so they can clear the trees and all the hurricane debris off the road there is so much there and that is why the curfew is from seven pm to seven am i don't there i don't think they're being one hundred percent strict but they're trying to get cars off the road all right thanks so much marina marina porter reporting live tonight from miami. thank you turning out of the ongoing investigation into the trump campaign's possible collusion with russia there is no scheduled testimony this week in the media focus and conversation has all but left the screen what if anything does this mean for more on this let's turn to harvard law professor a constitutional scholar and author of the new book trumped up how criminalization
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of political differences in danger's democracy mr alan dershowitz alan great to have you with us tonight on the news i appreciate it your book very timely no doubt and a very provocative title what was your motivation for this because my thought and my question is when does the search for a legal wrongdoing become a political overreach your thoughts on the investigation. that's the hard question and i wrote the book trumped up because for twenty five years i've been complaining that both parties try to resolve political differences by indicting the other side whether it was tom de lay or. senators ted stevens it's been on both sides of the aisle now it's been in and is being indicted and bernie sanders and his wife are being investigated and of course moby dick and the whale the white whale of a boat muller's investigation is the president of the united states you can't get a bigger catch so what concerns me is when broad statutes like obstruction of
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justice or corruption are used to criminalize political differences look a lot of us disagree with a lot of policies this is ministration but i have looked very hard and i can't find hard evidence of real crimes take for example the russia issue let's assume there was collaboration there's no evidence of that let's assume take the worst case area yeah the president it states cold lot of your boots it led to a big deal for you you want to hear it sanctions i want to be president if you have . me become president by lawful means by giving me information that you already haven't changed i'm not going to ask you to act or anything whatever information and help me become president and in exchange for that i will help get rid of the sanctions that would be a terrible terrible terrible thing i can't find anything in the statute books that would make that a crime surprising is that it is this should be something in the statute books that
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makes it a crime i can't find anything and did donald trump jr's testimony last week bring you to any conclusion that there might be some wrongdoing here. well the difference between wrongdoing and crime is a very important one in any democracy what does trump's opponents are now saying is maybe it violates the campaign contribution laws because providing information to the trump campaign about hillary clinton's lack of qualifications as i think donald trump to put it would that be a campaign contribution no not under the illusion it could be because the campaign is a first amendment right just like the new york times has a first number right to print wiki leaks information or information gotten from illegal sources so to a campaign and the right to use mation that was a change in questionable ways and what about the amount of media coverage of the investigations it's gone from minute to minute in the talking head cycle to almost
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just imagine your thoughts on that because i personally believe that the media has done a lot to gin up the lawmakers in washington to the point of fear mongering your thoughts on all that well i predict that as soon as the motor got a point that i know miller is a very honorable guy doesn't leak information like i think komi did before him and i as soon as the information as soon as the investigation was turned over to muller i predicted that the media would begin to lose interest because everything is done now behind closed doors everything is done with the secrecy of the grand jury and i think we won't hear very much about what's going on except after a decision is made whether indict not to indict that's where i actually want to be a bipartisan nine eleven type commission that could look into the whole issue of any kind of collaboration between the russians and the americans any attempt by russia to influence an american election that's
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a bipartisan issue yeah and i would have it public and open and we could be debating that every single day but most of the se asian has quieted down the media interest in this trumped up how criminalization of. differences in dangerous democracy alan dershowitz professor at harvard great to have you with us tonight thanks so much thank you so much today marks the sixteenth anniversary of the september eleventh terror attacks the fallout of toxic dust and carcinogen particles from the attack is affecting first responders in manhattan to this day artie's trinity chavez has the story. on this day sixteen years ago thousands of lives were changed for ever the terror attacks of september eleventh two thousand and one claimed over three thousand lives and thousands of first responders still continue to struggle with health issues because of that for on this day. the collapse of the world trade center released nearly two thousand tons of hauser's
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dust that coated the ground zero recovery site first responders were exposed to a multitude of cinematic and toxic exposures if you like your mouth was on an exhaust pipe tom wilson was among the thousands of first responders and rescue workers at ground zero he spent weeks combing through the debris searching for survivors and the remains of men and women who perished when the buildings collapsed now wilson is sick diagnosed with cancer in two thousand and eight if you see on my wrist here this is part of my list was taken out in a new trial he was rebuilt and then a serial gram you know want to be removed from my life gone from my wrist to my elbow implanted the artery into my neck to resupply the new tone and then to make sure the cancer didn't spread i had a second dissection to remove the. node you see if the cancer spread the surgery was successful and after six weeks of radiation wilson was put in remission but the future of his health is still uncertain and already today more than eight hundred
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first responders and workers have died from illnesses linked to nine eleven and more than six thousand first responders are rolled in the center for disease control and prevention the world trade center health program retired n.y.p.d. officer anthony flamming is another first responder who continues to this day i've been diagnosed with various illnesses social out of stress chronic sinusitis from a night of. reactive a away disease sleep apnea. kushal can dry to. one of the know all the illnesses and also the property as well thanks. lammy have responded to lower manhattan within an hour of the attack he was dispatched to help the evacuation but knew something was wrong i realized that when i got debris in my eyes and i knew something wasn't right and you know when i was escorting the remains of it that was one of the firefighters out of the pile. i was hit in the patrol car and i said this is not helping. my eyes were you know it was tearing up
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and they were they were red and i was feeling like discomfort and i said this is not right this is this is not right something not right this is going to be a long term help but you know i knew a couple days later you smell that you smell the new you smell death and yeah clammy i continued to work not realizing the extent of his health problems until five years later two thousand and six i'd still sleep in a patrol car. and apparently somebody had stopped to ask for directions knocked on on the window. they had called me on one one visit but i was dead in the car and in two thousand and seven his career came to an end two thousand and seven i responded to a house fire and that was the end of my career i didn't know when i responded i don't know how i got into the house while got out i actually removed the people from miles far didn't know what happened i blacked out. there are thousands more similar stories from the experiences of the first responders whose bravery and commitment
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to save the lives of others will never be forgotten today we celebrate them and honor those whose lives were lost on the tragic day of september eleventh two thousand and one reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. . former white house chief political strategist steve bannon may be out of the white house but he hasn't left the arena bennett says that he will target numerous republican senators up for reelection claiming the establishment is out to get the president. they're not going to help you unless they're put on notice they're going to be held accountable if they do not support the president states right now there's no accountability they have totally they do not support the president's program it's an open seat in the capitol hill everybody in the city knows it and so is there for now that you're out of the white house you go into war with absolutely for more on this let's turn to our political panel tonight media consultant holland cook joins us and also dr jean allowed and conservative author and radio talker let's get right to it jeanne what kind of impact do you think banning can have
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outside the white house going after and he's listed a number of senators one of them is corker from tennessee i think that he can have tremendous impact honestly because this is a this is a this is where bannon's political know how was born it was within the tea party and the tea party is the party that wanted to hold its own party the republican party accountable and the tea party was trying to drain the swamp before there ever was a collector of a donald trump presidency so i would see every reason why this could be a tremendously successful effort for steve benen i believe he'll have the backing of all the conservatives and all of the people who elected trump and all of the people going back to the tea party how long is this a real threat to these senators and will the radio talkers buy in oh sure they will and it is very convenient to president trump to have been on the outside playing bad cop and jeanne is right it could work be careful what you wish for with that four seat majority in the senate this could easily backfire because of bruising
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primary is going to eat up a lot of campaign dole raimi that they're going to need for the general and while the primary opponents are sniping at each other they're going to articulate a lot of the negatives on the each other which the general opponent can use in his or her campaign so be careful what you wish for gina how do we know this is the beginning of the real divide in the republican party. well i think that you can take a look for a while and out of the fundraising numbers i think they're very telltale you know the republican party has raised a lot more money than the democrat party i think three times as much money they republican party doesn't have a debt and the democrat party has a lot of debt the republican party has won the last five special the last is the party this is the union and this is this is bannon an outsider saying that he's going to target establishment republican senators because they're given trawled too
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much squat on capitol hill i mean that's what it comes down to tonight it's not about trump it's not about trump and it's never been about trump to the trial voters and i believe even to the president all of you got to listen are the people of the united states well what about the people of tennessee this will not be inexpensive you've got multiple media markets and t.v. is not cheap in nashville and memphis they're going to have to buy chattanooga that dough can dry up quickly ok great to have both of you with us tonight holland cook and dr jean allowed to do it again thank you and a final note the same thing we're pleased to announce that are to america is now carried in can be seen on direct t.v. channel three two one that's direct t.v. channel three twenty one thanks for watching i'm ed schultz reporting tonight from washington will see right here the warning.
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i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta e-mails and gave them to we but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provide credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself. in a senate hearing. for the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied that the n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in
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a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. to do just that and you're watching our. poll.
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if we've done our jobs correctly we've done a fusion of punk rock and off trailer park boys and her funny but it should also be electric and entertaining an action packed and hopefully if we've done our jobs motion there. it's all i've ever wanted to do since i was a kid old time dream nine years old it was a life. ever. the thing i'd hoped it would be and heartburn what's your relationship like with jonah hill. yeah there is one i guess i know the maybe it was contentious once upon a time but i think now we're sort of we're each the devil the other almost plus thanks to my guest jaber rachael. oh really it's really it's a bird it's.


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