tv Headline News RT September 13, 2017 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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i. don't trump shows little faith in new u.n. sanctions against north korea and warns of toughest steps should the country fail to abandon its nuclear ambitions. not a big deal those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately world. but. the road to rock a new documentary tells the stories of those fighting to drive islamic state from one of its last syrian strongholds. ninety five ninety six russian athletes from nine different sports have been cleared of any wrongdoing by the world anti-doping agency that's according to a letter published in the u.s.
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media. we want you all to international live from almost a studio with me in india richard welcome to the program donald trump seems unimpressed by the latest u.n. security council sanctions against north korea he hinted to more action will still need to be taken to derail pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. we think it's just another very small step. not a big deal rex and i were just discussing. not big i don't know but has any impact but certainly it was nice to get a fifteen to nothing vote but those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen well it's certainly disturbing to hear these words from donald trump in the aftermath of a vote at the u.n. security council that was widely perceived as
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a victory for diplomacy the words that we heard from u.s. leaders on the floor of the security council were rather diplomatic and favorable to peace and cooperation at this point we're hearing u.s. leaders again talking harsh talking about the possibility of sanctions against russia and against china if they don't comply with the new u.n. resolution if china doesn't follow the sanctions we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the u.s. and international dollar system and that's quite meaningful so now we have these words from trump downplaying the u.n. resolution and many people whose hopes had really been raised for peace and diplomacy being victorious well those hopes are starting to dampen now they're starting to be some some fear that perhaps once again we are in the danger of a global conflict or some kind of war breaking out in the crisis in the korean peninsula could be once again intensifying despite what was seen as a step forward for diplomacy and international cooperation this is just another dip
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on the roller coaster and saying this seems every week with the war where it goes up very high than that maybe this one conciliatory talk some cooperation some diplomacy and then more threats of military force and it's really hard to know what to make of this yes we do have a positive that is the original u.s. draft was watered down considerably it was acceptable to the russians or the chinese but then we have this fire breathing talk coming from young beginning we don't know what the next step is going to be could be the real question is. going to be when do we actually get to a diplomatic track that allows both sides to step down and to my mind that's got to be something like the double three s proposal that china has put forward the russians agree with but is absolutely unacceptable to washington it seems a little surprise that pyongyang isn't exactly happy about the new science and despite the fact they are nowhere near as harsh as the u.s. originally wanted north korea's ambassador to russia says it's wrong to believe the
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sanctions will change anything. we've been on the u.s. sanctions for ten years it was the u.s. that instigated the u.n. security council to come up with more resolutions on sanctions against north korea so we used to living in such conditions and we still managed to achieve everything we wanted if washington things will bend under these new measures and change opposition it's delusional. author and filmmaker john pelletier believes the u.s. is acting like a bully. the problem is not north korea the problem is not russia of the problem is not try and the problem is the united states the problem for the rest of the world actually is the containment of the united states sanctions are relevant and the sense to this whole debate what is needed is a peace treaty with north korea between the united states and north korea and
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the government can solve but where it's all heading is the most worrying thing of all. to syria now where islamic states grip over the country is rapidly collapsing with no major city any longer under the full control of the terror group one of the main fronts is there is still where the syrian army is not close to pushing i still out of the city locals have already started to return there after a three year seizure is broken with the help of russian airpower however some pockets of ice for this instance remain in certain districts. they told us first don't forget you're in syria you forget all about it second it's you have to go to bed early t.v. is banned radios banned cell phones are banned
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a woman can go outside dressed so that the only thing which can be seen. so. we saw them breaking into houses in the approach to our house they were banging on our door because learning and banging the first i didn't open it for them but they smashed it down it got inside and smashed up all the things in the house. the myths about i spent seven days in a jail and then i was taken to the chief of u. the court sentenced me to sixty lashes they made the stand against the city. to my next year and i was driving along the main broke when a bomb went off with a fragment of the bomb hits my nephew and he died he is alive we didn't have enough
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time to save some people called an ambulance but he couldn't they say that he died even before he got to the field hospital. in the mansion i must saw him when we were leaving on the blockade we had no cucumbers tomatoes apples or potatoes i have all that now thank god we get groceries and food boxes from the red cross we are very grateful to them and i'm very happy that the blockade has been lifted. along with civilians a syrian army brigade was trapped inside terrorists or during the siege it held undefended several blocks of the city including a military at port we managed to talk to the bases chief commander. so. a siege was also imposed on the airport this siege was quite severe since i still terrorists attacked the airport another military points daily we had an
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operation through and everyone knew his duty tanks as their role the soldier had his role the leaders were side by side with the soldiers we fought to the death none of our soldiers ran away and we defeated eisel their bodies were in the ground even before the siege was broken we received munitions by air drop because all the roadways were under eisel control and using those munitions we fought eisel and won they weren't able to break any of our lines hundreds of them were killed all their attacks against the airports even when using car bombs and suicide attacks we faced them down bravely. well our documentary team has been to the very heart of the battle to rid syria of islamic state a clear travel to the scene of fierce clashes to film those fighting to banish the terror from the country.
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back is not surrounded by us giant syrian democratic forces consisting mainly of kurdish militia clashes the wrong going as the terrorists are still in control of several blocks of the city we spoke to the director of a documentary about what experience. when we went to make this film we had no idea what we're going to come across we had literally no idea we started to build our story. three points are on the road to rock and the first point was the medical point the second point was the women's point and the foreign volunteers point. of the one quality of the unites all of them is the very altruistic they're very idealistic anybody wanted to criticize them and say well they're coming like foreign militias to fight a war that's not theirs but it says they mean they think it's their war i says
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acting community every country and it's like people are paying attention for one day two days and acting as if everything will be normal. no that's not we were attacked several times there was snipers usually so the main problems around iraq are snipers and mines and the drones the little drones that isis sons with little grenades so they drop the grenade and groups boards and so there is actually one that attacked us while we were not have been on a permission yet we were about to go to operation. the grenade exploded in midair so it dropped from it didn't calculate the height so if it fell lower it would be done.
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the most shocking story was one that happened when it got to be morning and when everything got to be peaceful and all of a sudden someone showed up with a huge sword. and started beating random things just executed it's true a few minutes or maybe an hour ago. these three kids all of a sudden maybe two minutes later we heard screaming and he just started running into a space just started running there without a rifle just with it with a sword i think. strikes from the americans because they probably sold them a lot so they were isis. you know was one of the medics said that we were filming. we were the only generation that will never be able to go back to the days when you're young. and it's from all firsthand accounts from one of the key battlegrounds in syria you can watch the full documentary on l.t.
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international next monday. ninety five of ninety six russian athletes from nine different sports have reportedly been cleared of any wrongdoing by water that's according to a letter published in the u.s. media all t's kate paunch which is across the story. this letter was from an internal wired report want to be in the world anti doping agency and that is said to be said that going by insufficient evidence that's the key phrase here that ninety five of ninety six russian athletes that have been implicated across nine different sports have now been cleared so as we know this is something that's been hanging around for a while since the mclaren report they gave evidence of apparently there are occasions of state sponsored doping and everything then has been carried on from there but we have had some early questioning as all of them can report the i.o.c. actually the international olympic committee they do also raise questions about the mccarren report the key point that they had used is how to demonstrate that came up time and time again based on those allegations so that there have been rumblings
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that some of these allegations that some of the athletes implicated we're talking about a lot of athletes i mean if you look at how they affected the paralympics all the russian team couldn't go to the paralympics they were fit to be banned and also one hundred eighteen russian police from the rio games also didn't go so if we look at all those parties the blanket bans how it affected those who are guilty and of course those who are innocent as well have been affected over the past couple of years it's now down to how the process continues when he fired these athletes have effectively been given the all clear by wada so now it's a case of all the international sporting federations coming together saying that's rubbish start this let's put our cases forward and get the rest of the athletes cleared. of this further with andy brown of the sports integrity initiative coming into the program and ok let's start with what's been happening it's believed that almost every athlete has been cleared after all the question marks of the mclaren report implicating widespread doping. how much was this
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expected andy. well it wasn't expected so much i mean and it's important to kind of harvest piece things first there were seven hundred twenty four athletes implicated in the town reports the vast majority of which were russian their only routes well who weren't so this isn't every every russian has been cleared this is the case is cases in progress to date so since the evidentially evidence was translated in may two thousand and seventeen up until now that's that's what this is actually dealing with so it's not dealing with every single russian case they see to read it that way but that isn't the case it's dealing with the cases that have been processed by the international federations to date which were to have then said only one of them can be brought forward is ninety three yeah i mean think of the high if we look at the report or how likely is it that written mclaren will come out with any reaction to these latest revelations. a lot of discrepancies it seems doesn't it in his
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report. yeah well i think there has to be some sort of statement a clarification from wada specifically really in relation to the number of samples that are still held at the the moscow laboratory i mean initially said that they couldn't access a lot of the samples that were held there because of an investigation by the russian investigative committee which is still going on however it is said that the samples it's now said that the samples of being provided the ones originally seized to the international federations however a number of samples are also destroyed so how many samples have been provided to the international federations to work which is actually a key question because you need evidence to bring forward an anti doping move our relations so you need an address in our analytical finding from the urine sample. is crucial how many samples have been handed over to the i.r.s. to analyze from the mclaren report that information needs to be consonant yeah what
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we did with the three of us that cyclists have filed a lawsuit against that wada. how damaging do you think these latest figure is are for the organizations if the athletes do indeed win the case. well i think it could certainly be more case records i mean as as your reporter rightly said in her somewhat summing up of this it wasn't only the guilty athletes that were implicated in all of this innocent athletes who were also banned from the rio games in the paralympics and i've got a particularly pertinent case in on your russian volleyball player alexander market who was prevented from going to rio however he was given male dhoni and by his coach on the same date as a u.s. colleague maxwell holt who when storms represent the u.s. in rio and the u.s. beats russia in the bronze medal match in volatile so there we are people like that
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have a very valid case that they were unfairly treated by all of this and that's just one case and he will have a lot of time on the brand of this fall's integrity initiative thanks very much for giving us your thoughts on this issue i recommend to my fans. ok mainstream media step up the hunt for russian hacking of germany's elections with the vote just weeks away about so in walked this break.
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here's what people have been saying about rejected in the senate is full on. the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah it is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than that. i see people you've never heard of low down to the next president of the world bank so very. seriously send us an e-mail. welcome to the program the president of the european commission has delivered his state of the union address in strasburg he started by thanking any twenty seven of the twenty eight members of the e.u. despite the fact the u.k.
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will continue to be part of the blog for another one and a half years and to britain instead of thanks he had a warning. on march the twenty ninth two thousand and two the united kingdom will leave the e.u. it will be a sad and tragic moment. we will always regret this and you will regret it quite soon. at the end of the address everyone got up and applauded except for a group of british army pays among them the hard core breaks a tear for our but it wasn't just you kept members that gave younger a frosty welcome. but the european union is not europe and europe is not the european union. wants to force the european union to become a single state yet we know that the euro is not a success story we have extraordinary levels of that. and social instability.
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with the german election now less than two weeks away western media have been busy trying to track down russian hackers who as they assume should have already started meddling in the european power has its vote in a washington post article one security expert is quoted as saying that it just doesn't feel right that the russians haven't struck yet the report as the reason may be that germany's nailed out of cyber security yet it also states that no evidence of any attempted meddling has actually been detected artie's jacqueline vega takes a close look at the story. if you haven't been in a coma for the past year you've likely heard a thing or two about alleged russian interference and america's recent presidential election the cia has concluded russian hackers intervened in the u.s. election with the purpose of helping donald trump when packing and leaking that the administration says the russians carried out connect the dots russia did it and all those claims were never backed up by any solid evidence just a lot of speculation and hearty assurances that hasn't stopped the world from
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pointing the finger at moscow and also predicting that the big bad kremlin would do the same again in europe the russian hacker scene is huge german security agencies and cyber experts are alarmed own evidence points to russia that's why we cannot rule it out why we are preparing for a similar efforts to influence germany's election many warned that the upcoming german elections would be a prime target for those pesky russian hackers so security was bumped up and investigations were launched but even a year long search by german intelligence for potential russian interference failed to uncover any evidence of kremlin backed meddling or not though that hasn't stopped anyone from seeing russia as democracies enemy number one a recent article by the washington post examines what sinister implications there could be behind the fact that we have yet to see moscow's hand trying to steer berlin's vote it's just not an election anymore without russian hackers with one think tank director saying the silence worries him quote it doesn't feel right the
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article edges that the lack of evidence doesn't necessarily mean moscow is innocent perhaps they just haven't been successful or moscow is simply biding its time and it goes on to say that russia's attack me only be seen after the election speculating that russian linked networks may try to manipulate the vote count so remain alert the washington post even quotes a german security association that works closely with german teligent agencies who came up empty when looking for sophisticated attacks coming from russia we did not find any evidence that there are more sophisticated attacks coming from russia in the pre-election period. but that lack is credited to germany's resilience in stringent new legislation against the spreading of fake news legislation that doesn't come into effect until october but you know whatever the article also concedes that perhaps moscow decided to leave berlin alone because they're close trade partners something that putin himself has said in the past. we did not interfere in the u.s. election so why would we created the problems here we have good relations with
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germany it's our largest trade and economic partner in europe but he is russian after all statements really only become fact when western powers make them so the clear message for russia is you're damned if you do hack and you're damned if you don't. protest have turned violent in paris where people have taken to the streets to vent their anger at the french presence labor reforms which are set to be adopted this month four thousand separate strikes and almost two hundred rallies have rocked major cities across the country at the paris protests projectiles and flies with threaten. i.
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was. opponents of the reform a few areas as the main gave employees more pilots and conditions limits compensation for dismissal and workers councils. only a few months of the how many president micron's approval ratings have taken a nosedive and in recent months of the protestors could deliver a new blow to his popularity. i will be absolutely determined to do that i will not yield in any way not to slack because you're not cynics not to extremists.
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who are gathered here today to protest against his policies which the very existence of the workers from. this movement is necessary it is the response of the french people who are protecting their right. an outsider and i felt the need to get the checks out on social media on facebook twitter and of course i website that salty dot com i'll be back at the top of the alice so stay with it.
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they were going underground just a few miles away from this studio london one of the largest arms dealing occasions on the planet coming up on the show we need a government and an economic industrial policies that are not stuck in some 1980's tynwald of neo liberal dogma as u.k. labor leader jeremy corbin calls out neil liberalism of britain's trade union congress conference we are told chancellor richard bergen about re nationalizing justice after decades of a new liberalism and who is regulating the regulator as we speak to award winning national treasure no lead mittens as he fights financial regimes on the tenth anniversary of the collapse of britain's northern rock bank and from the headlines will review claims of chaos in caracas and the right royal bum on the freehold free for all all of them all coming up in today's going underground but first it's arguably unsurprising. today a tory british prime minister like tourism
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a should have a defense secretary address one of the largest arms dealing festivals in the world before donald trump's three hundred fifty billion dollars deal with saudi arabia now threatening tens of millions in yemen there was a courtesy of wanted to raise a maze heroine's this was the most corrupt commercial transaction in commercial history of all time it was sanctioned by margaret thatcher who son mark thatcher was paid twelve million pounds as a bribe on the deal the greatest irony of all though is that the son of the saudi defense minister prince bandar bin sultan who was the saudi ambassador to the united states at the time was paid over a billion pounds into his accounts which were held in riggs bank opposite the white house in washington d.c. some of that money found its way into his wife's account and inadvertently he claims into the accounts of two of the nine eleven hijackers that just.
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