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tv   News with Ed  RT  September 14, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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i'm going to paint a clear picture about how disturbing. for her and that is be. these are stories that no one else in my family to your post of america. question. on the news center night north korea launches another missile over japan over an hour ago as kim jong un threatens to sink the island nation and conservative lawmakers respond to president trump's ongoing conversations with democrats on daca immigration and border wall and the russian navy launches further strikes said dearest or as isis forces continue their retreat across syria i'm ed schultz reporting tonight from the r t newsroom you're watching the news on r.t. america.
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good evening france we start tonight with another missile launch out of north korea just over an hour ago japan is on alert after a missile was fired over the country from a district outside of point young this is the second launch over japan in recent weeks the launch comes as north korea issues more threats of violence kim jong un threatened to sink japan and turn the united states into ashes and dust the statement and launch came after the toughest round of sanctions to date were approved by the united nations security council on monday more recently south korea has proved its own preemptive strike capability by testing the taurus missile on wednesday artie's on your part and phil was in seoul south korea earlier and filed this report earlier this week i reported on efforts from the opposite. liberty
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korea party to convince washington to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to south korea in response to recent weapons tests from the north well today president. here in seoul ruled that out as an option saying he believes such an act would only excel or rate the arms race on the peninsula speaking today in a televised interview president moon said he does not agree that offending tactical nuclear weapons would improve security here on the peninsula adding he doesn't think south korea needs to develop its own nuclear weapons in order to deter the north however as moon has already demonstrated the option of introducing two different types of advantage military equipment to the peninsula is not entirely out of the question considering we witnessed the deployment of that here very recently a sad misfiled defense system despite heavy protests poll shows sixty percent of
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south koreans did support the act but to get a different perspective i sat down today with one woman who organized the main demonstrations against the deployment of that and began by asking her why these protests happened around one hundred south korea civil society organizations set up this coalition opposing the limits of the body in south korea and because recently the government are trying to enforce assad deployment in a small village in south korea and that is why villagers and also. groups and also those opposed to us went down to his home due to protest against assad deployment we see that there are three major problems some thought is employment in korea. assad is going to be part of the us and the system the missile defense system by deploying saudi south korea that means there will be part of the us people to just trust. which will eventually. threaten tensions in northeast asia.
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secondly they say that they deeply thought in south korea to prevent an orc north korea and a missile threats. but when you see the distance between north and south korea it's quite close to each other and thought is to prevent a high altitude missile. shooting so when they shoot missiles from north korea to south korea will be low altitude because we are very close that is why we say the fog is not going to effective to defense a south korean peninsula korea from north korea stret. lastly the process of deployment to fight in south korea it's not them accretive at all it was not transparent the government did not get any consultation or agreement from the villagers living in some june as well as there was no discussion proper discussion in the pilot and the deployment process has been very untransparent that is why we oppose the started pointing south korea it sounds like bad might be more about russia and china. north korea. we say that this is
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a part of the us people. so the official reason of deployment is to protect the south korea from the threats from north korea but then we believe that this is not going to work in that way well there you have it seems tensions escalating on the korean peninsula have much to do with the us pivot towards asia it was a pivot begun by obama just how far president trump is willing to take it remains to be seen for the news with and i'm on your part until insole. turning to politics tonight the president is drawing mixed responses from his own party what looks like a calming deal with dhaka on immigration and a border wall with the democratic leadership after a meeting on whimsey night senator chuck schumer congresswoman nancy pelosi in the house announced a deal had been reached for the president. the president stopped short of giving
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details today but said republican a democratic leadership was on board with the plan go we met last night with those you know humor pelosi and a whole group. i think it's fairly close but we have to get the border secured. so i think he said bush yes it is a forceful runs and board. speaker paul ryan meanwhile referred to the meeting on wednesday night as a discussion instead of an agreement there is no agreements the president and the chief of staff called me for more air force one today to discuss what was discussed and it was a discussion not an agreement or negotiation let me say a couple of things and i'll say the same thing i've been saying for weeks and the president i've been talking about this for weeks you cannot fix daca without fixing the root cause of our problem we do not have control of our borders so we need
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border security and enforcement as part of any agreements i think that's something the democrats are beginning to understand i think that's something that they're beginning to agree with republican senators mitch mcconnell and john cornyn a texas express skepticism until a formal deal is presented to them for more on this we're joined tonight on our political panel for the evening we've got amy tarkanian former nevada g.o.p. chair and also with us tonight law dawn jones former georgia state representative great to have both of you with us tonight amy i want to ask you first let's talk about a deal how much of a problem is this going to be for president trump turning to the democrats in such a big way where he is actually backing down of what he said about dr earlier. well i'm not exactly sure which are implying on backing down because it's a campaign promise that looks to me like it's just delayed not denied he's been very clear that there's not going to be amnesty that the discussion did not include
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citizenship so we'll just have to wait and see what the legislature with the legislation looks like. don how do you view would present troubles trying to accomplish here i think it's a smart move president trump has always market himself as a deal maker and he started to realize that trying to side with the establishment republicans is not getting him anywhere which is why he has not passed any significant legislation first i thought that this was kind of a lay up or play off when he sided with the democrats on extending the debt ceiling because republicans never want to say they had anything to do with debt but now looking at this as a second opportunity maybe a third opportunity to come to grips with the democrats on dhaka and the border wall trump is getting very excited about his deal making opportunities and i think it's a good opportunity for democrats and liberals all over the country. amy in that part of the country where you come from is a wall imperative to
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a good deal those does trump have to stand his ground on this wall. well security is definitely a priority and however that looks whether it be a wall whether it be some type of technology that's being used as we already know the wall currently is being reconstructed in the old areas and they've got four companies with prototypes that are already in the works and competing for the additional portions of the wall if he does not have the wall i know that there will be a lot of republicans that will not be happy with that and but i do know that there are the rest of us who are just wanting to make sure that our families are safe the border is secure and then we can help those families that are stuck in this dream or situation and just prepare them the best way that we can to move forward. but done your thoughts on chuck schumer saying that the president likes him and quote he likes us he was caught in
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a hot mike situation where he said that and i'm just wondering your thoughts on words the downside for the democrats here they're in the minority they can't do much other than obstruct in here is this president willing to work with them what about that well you know i never convince when someone as experienced as chuck schumer has a hot mike moment he knows better so i think he wanted that information to get out and you know what it's not a bad thing i've been saying this all along we know that trump likes to win and so let's give him wins in areas that we can agree on he apparently is rolling back almost within twenty four hours his mind his ideas on dhaka we can see in his last tweets within the last twenty four hours that he is doubling down and so it is to the benefit of democrats to really play into this game get out every inch that they can because if the if trump feels like he's winning he's never been an establishment guy he doesn't care if he wins on the right or left he just wants to win so let's go for the win if you put up
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a wall walls can be torn down if that's what it takes to get this thing through and to protect those almost a million people who are here the let's go forward. amy let's turn to health care quickly as we wrap this up the president tweeted today slamming bernie sanders for medicare for all but he also was critical of the republicans for not finishing the deal on health care. were the republicans right now on this and then of course you've got. senator from south carolina lindsey graham thrown out a plan how imperative is a deal on health care for the president. well i think it's very important and we you've got someone like myself whose family our premiums have gone up i think up to six hundred percent we have our co-pay is up four hundred percent you've got hard working middle class american families that cannot continue to sustain this this has to be fixed i actually mean favor ever repeal
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a just straight up clean repeal replace and let's start over. he's going to have a hard day and unload on. our right we'll go have you back to talk more about it thanks so much flo dawn jones and amy tarkanian thank you so much the death toll from hurricanes arma and harvey continue to climb as florida and texas have started the cleanup and recovery efforts millions of people are without electricity or water while tens of thousands are still in shelters across the south miliband is joining us tonight for the latest on the developments minola that's right ed well every dollar counts right now it's a drop in the bucket towards the estimated fifty five billion bucks it will cost to get life back to normal for millions of irma and harvey victims and today perhaps the biggest celebrity of them all went down to florida the president himself donald trump he checked out the florida devastation firsthand. well we love the people of
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florida and they went through something that i guess the likes of which we could really say nobody's ever seen before they've never seen a category like this come because you came in really applied for you have to do is look at what happened in the keys but we love these people and that we're going to be back and we're going to help them and the job that everybody has done in terms of first responders everybody has been incredible and by the way that includes the people that live here because you see the people who are mediately getting back to work to fix up their homes like bobby like some of the others so i just want to tell you we are there for you one hundred percent i'll be back here numerous times and this is a state that i know very well as you understand and this is their show special people and we love them thank you. well he walked around various sites met with local officials shook hands with residents who lost it all he made a similar visit to texas about two weeks ago following hurricane harvey which pummeled the lone star state as we know today there was outrage though in hollywood
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florida over the death of at least eight senior citizens so far at a nursing home who lost which lost power shutting. now it's air conditioning in scorching florida temperatures let's take a look at some of the numbers that seem to be climbing from both these natural disasters so far hurricane irma has taken at least sixty nine lives in her wake that number is expected to climb as rescuers continue to work their way through the wreckage florida's state wide damage looking to go north of twenty billion dollars that's based on insurance claims up to now and right now there are at least two thousand national guards on the ground across the ravaged areas of florida helping with cleanup and distribution of clean water keeping the peace things of that nature and harvey were a few weeks out from him we're looking at eighty two people dead that number likely to stay close to where this is as those who are missing have been accounted for by a large cost of damage in texas will climb far north of thirty billion dollars still hard to tell since many areas are still too plotted and the real damage
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cannot yet be assessed a world record of twenty seven trillion gallons of water dumped on areas in and around houston and low lying land brought in the form of rain directly or so swollen rivers creeks dams amounts of water greater than what we saw more than a decade ago with hurricane katrina so add these numbers are going to continue to climb they're going to shift as cleanup efforts continue no doubt some of the worst natural damage we have seen in more than a decade and hopefully there's not going to be a big fight in congress about helping these americans thank you manila thirteen season is it the atlantic and gulf coast with a fury in the past couple of weeks on air force one today the president discounted any leak between hurricane harbury and irma and the human influence on the climate . if you go back. to nine. eleven we've had over the years to be bigger than go back and get it.
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as big or bigger. but if you go back at it in thirty forty back. and even. for more on this we're joined tonight by conservation biologist dr rhee salter dr halter nice to have you with us i know you've been watching this closely and you've almost predicted the the massive storms that we have seen and you've talked about intensity in the past but i'm curious what is your reaction tonight to president trump's climate denial after going down and seeing the devastation in florida in the impact and saying that we've had bigger storms in the previous century what about that good evening ed that's very disappointing and by the way for the records non-sense. first of all we've never seen two category
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four plus that would be harvey at four and irma at five smote into the united states of america in one year we've never seen that ad we've never seen the kind of damage the biblical flooding earlier we heard of of the of the texas situation in fact the washington post gang tells us that there was thirty three trillion gallons of water dumped on texas louisiana tennessee in kentucky we're talking of people that are losing everything their lives their homes it's nonsense to say that humans are not forcing it as a matter of fact the more fossil fuels we've burned and the more we can expect damage mother nature is angry yeah dr hall to you make the
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point about harvey and irma but the president specifically stated that we have seen greater storms and even gave the dates and the decades is that true or is the president totally wrong on this. we have never seen a category five lake ever before as a matter of fact thirty seven consecutive hours of one hundred eighty five miles per hour we've never seen anything like that in the gulf of mexico or the western atlantic and this is nature is unleased she's drawing all her energy these hurricanes from an overheated ocean there's five hundred sixty billion tons of carbon dioxide in our oceans. all right we're early into this hurricane season what do you think's
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going to happen what are we going to see could we see storms of this magnitude in this season after you view this absolutely we could have a very busy october these hurricanes need temperatures of minimum seventy seven degrees if you look at the maps both in the gulf and the western atlantic we're looking at temperatures of eighty six eighty seven degrees yes there will be more hurricanes and as a matter of fact we're now seeing we're now predicting that they will be one of the cornbelt will see above normal winter temperatures and that's going to leak into the mid atlantic states and the more fossil fuels we burn the more wicked these storms around america and planet earth are going to become and it's unacceptable to
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continue to subsidize the biggest wealthiest polluters we have the technology we have the work force to go renewables we lack the political will to protect our nation and our children and our children's future come on ok. dr resultor good to have you with us tonight thanks for joining us on the heels of these horrific year arms are pretty shit the russian navy has targeted a number of isis held areas with missiles near the syrian city of durham zoar artie's jacqueline volga reports tonight. thursday's strikes are really quite significant because many see darrow's or as sort of one of isis last remaining stronghold in syria that we could be seeing the beginning of the end of i saw a final push to take back what little land they do have left at this point and the pictures we have of the seven cruise missiles being launched from two russian submarines in the mediterranean sea really do show
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a lot of destruction being dug to their targets and of course the statement from the russian defense ministry has confirmed already that all their intended targets were hit and that includes eisel control centers communications hubs and possibly most significantly an ammunition stockpile all in dare is or no of course the fall of paris or really started last week on the fifth when a landmark progress in the city finally seeing a syrian forces backed by russian air force were finally able to break free year long blockade of the city and it's also believe that a number of very high level eisold militants were killed in the massive air strikes conducted by russia and while fighting of course does continue in the city today's successful strikes by russia really do bring syria one step closer to finally fully liberating that city and possibly the country as a whole from islamic state. a new report claims the pentagon is buying
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weapons and be an issue from eastern europe syrian rebels are too used to the details to international weapons monitoring groups are making a big claims that the pentagon is spending a massive two point two billion dollars on weapons from the former soviet union to arm syrian rebels fighting isis well the organized crime and corruption reporting project and the investigative reporting network say they've obtained documents that failed to mention syria as the weapons final destination some documents name places like kuwait when according to the reports the arms are ending up in syria the two groups allege the pentagon is manipulating the end destination of these weapons if true the report claims that this would be quote undermining the object and purpose of the united nations arms trade treaty well they say the program is all part of the u.s. is campaign for the syrian democratic forces which is looking to continue for years to come according to foreign policy's coverage of the reports the department of
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defense has budgeted five hundred eighty four million specifically for this syrian operation for twenty seventeen and twenty eighteen another nine hundred million has been earmarked between now and two thousand and twenty two for soviet style munitions totaling to two point two billion dollars well the report questions if this is allegedly being done to hide u.s. involvement and the alleged operation has been criticized by officials in berlin saying they've seen large amounts of weapons passing through u.s. military bases in germany in route to syria we reached out to the department of defense for a statement on the claims and have not received a response as of news time and washington and sweets r.t. . and wrap your head around these numbers archaeologists have only covered a tomb dating back three thousand five hundred. years artie's trinity chavez takes a closer look at this fabulous story gyptian archaeologists have discovered the
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tomb of a royal goldsmiths containing mummies of a woman and her two children the mummies are believed to be his family who lived more than thirty five hundred years ago during the reign of the eighteenth dynasty we are inside the body of chandra to discover a. little smith called the heights of the middle of the done this to the relief of the condition so for the uk as you can see the tomb was found near the nile of the city of luxor about four hundred miles south of cairo the crumbling statue of the goldsmith and his wife greeted archaeologist in the main chamber. be on the burial chambers hold other mummies sarcophagus and a funerary mass carved in good along with more statues of the couple following the many objects of the trinity. equipment inside the tomb we have the ones that you have although often told his wife. was one of their sons
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behind you over the edge of the sun and the figure is too low and the you have another chart which was used as a video during the twenty first and twenty second then this does with coffins and mamas and the although the tomb is not in good condition archaeologists are hopeful the contents will lead to other discoveries the world could not finish yet the new are expecting to find more objects and. going to propose this is only the latest discovery of a series of finds this year in april archaeologists discovered more than a thousand statues intense our coffee guy in an ancient knoebels tomb also near the nile city of luxor cairo authorities hope these discoveries will increase tourism in egypt reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. . and hillary clinton's new book titled what happened the former presidential candidate blames everyone from bernie sanders to russia to the d.n.c. for her last. the donald trump. on presents a slightly different side of the story. looks like hillary clinton is back in the
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headlines promoting her memoirs and giving interviews left and right to discuss what exactly went wrong in two thousand and sixteen when she suffered an unexpected defeat to reality to start on a truck. and it seems like she's compiled quite the list of exactly who and what to play horses that were. twenty six russian with the week a press nothing from the democratic party not a democrat. my primary opponent and a lot of the sexism in the massaging the resentment the stereotype. a lot of people didn't want to hear my plan. for an even more detailed explanation hillary clinton has just released a new book entitled what happened in the book clinton managed to blame everyone and everything under the sun including jill stein songe barack obama and of course.
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mentioning him and russia about three hundred thirty three times clinton even leveled attacks at senator bernie sanders for impugning her character but here's what else happened the e-mail scandal when it turned out clinton lied about handling classified information as secretary of state there is no classified materials our investigation found that there was classified information so it was not true let's not forget the constant shaming of supporters you could put half of supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable zx and then there was a major strategic miscalculation when she chose not to campaign in the rust belt losing the democratic fire wall that obama won in two thousand and two thousand and twelve the same voters bernie sanders won over during the primaries hillary clinton says she doesn't plan to run for president again. but since definitely making sure she steals the spotlight with the swan song. on our team washington d.c.
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. and a final note tonight we're pleased to announce an r.t. america is now carried and can be viewed on direct t.v. channel three two one that's direct t.v. channel three twenty one thanks for watching i'm ed schultz reporting tonight from the r.t. news room see you back here next. week q. one q three it looks like a real risk would be analyzed to keep the bottom. line. like you not i got. to put.
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limits. on larry king you are watching our america question and more. i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russian i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance.


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