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tv   News Weekly  RT  September 17, 2017 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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but. in the stories that shaped the last seven days britain's fifth terror attack this year saw thirty injured in an explosion on friday morning the second man today now we're hearing is under arrest in connection with the. tension escalates again on the korean peninsula there was a response to the threat of further washington sanctions with another missile test . and russian submarine strike targets around the syrian city of. peace talks between the country's government and opposition result in a breakthrough a green. day
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here in moscow this is r.t. h.q. with me kevin no in and you're watching the weekly or rather for the big stories of the last seven days and father breaking news to tell you about just coming in from paris police and firefighters we're hearing are surrounded a british airways plane that's been held on the tarmac at charles de gaulle airport in france one passenger said on twitter that meant vidual had made a direct threat to the aircraft if you can see it there we've got the pictures coming through already taken of see emergency services there in the plane that the play was from london's heathrow airport anyway the passengers. there it is now calling to one of the passengers the pilots initially said they were technical issues so a bit of confusion about what's actually going on there we'll keep track of it looks like now the less everyone is safe. now meantime the other big story
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came through from london friday morning by they saw london hit by another terror attack in which an explosion on a chub train injured around thirty people in the middle of the rush the metropolitan police confirmed a couple of hours ago to a development that a second man has now been put under arrest he's a twenty one year old apparently and that happened in west london again the same kind of places where this attack happened that on saturday just yesterday officers detained an eighteen year old man in connection with this as well he was detained down in dover in the south of england. on friday morning in prose improvised explosive device went off inside that chub train in the middle the rush hour eight twenty in the morning that explosion obviously caused panic in a stampede where the young child among the injured islamic state says it was behind the attack and this is a report from west london. yet another terrorism related incident in the u.k. a twenty seventeen pandemic of terror with this now the fifth and every attack
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demands more security measures and public vigilance now to guard. following the van attack on westminster bridge they put up a concrete barriers to prevent a similar salt earlier this month london's metropolitan police came up with another measure to stop the vehicles targeting large crowds steal spikes road mats to be rolled out a big events but just days after the announcement london was hit by a different kind of attack the weapon this time was concealed in a simple plastic bag and bucket and left on the tube during rush hour cordoned off behind me is the area where the fifth terror related incident to shake the u.k. in recent months took place early friday morning in a train topped with commuters were a homemade device partially detonated commuters described the scene as a stampede with people running for their lives just what is lost in memory of the baby in the car with the mom and a man was shot in grand run so we all piled off the train and just ran for our lives we were literally running for our lives and i saw for a second i'm about to jump over what old boy like but the other choice asian with
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a beautiful bump and go into the steve jumping into of another terror attack has slipped by the authorities but the location this time has left many shocked and questioning where they go from here is to me flying that anybody. can do anything they like that we're not taking this that way like let's take let's walk it's kind of scary as authorities investigate this latest incident to see what should and could have been done the attackers seem to be one step ahead creating a new unnerving and unpredictable norm and marty london. a year ago said. living with the threat of terrorism is something muslims just have to excess. you won't succeed if you want to fight us we will be caught by terrorists.
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you will see over the next few days the increased number of. across. the attempts to make countless acts of kindness that brought people closer together . and. they continue to be visible patrols around manchester which include the deployment of armed officers. will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days no reason to be a long. road but. we need
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a. long that is we'll see an increased number of visible police officers. for the news the last seven days it's been another week a standoff over north korea or monday the u.n. security council passed a resolution on new sanctions after pyongyang's nuclear test earlier this month although the harsh of original draft prepared by the u.s. was renegotiated to seal the vote washington had wanted a full oil and natural gas embargo against north korea but the final resolution imposed only a cap on the country's exports the original draft also demanded a travel ban on an asset freeze against the north korean leader but again that didn't make it to the final draft the the u.s. president wasn't impressed by the compromise than at the u.n. . we think it's just another very small step. not
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a big deal rex and i were just discussing. not big i don't know but has any impact but certainly it was nice to get a fifteen to nothing vote but those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen well it's certainly disturbing to hear these words from donald trump in the aftermath of a vote at the u.n. security council that was widely perceived as a victory for diplomacy the words that we heard from u.s. leaders on the floor of the security council were rather diplomatic and favorable to peace and cooperation at this point we're hearing u.s. leaders again talking harsh talking about the possibility of sanctions against russia and against china if they don't comply with the new u.n. resolution if china doesn't follow the sanctions we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the u.s. and international dollar system and that's quite meaningful so now we have these
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words from trump downplaying the u.n. resolution and many people whose hopes had really been raised for peace and diplomacy being victorious well those hopes are starting to dampen now they're starting to be some some fear that perhaps once again we are in the danger of a global conflict or some kind of war breaking out in the crisis in the korean peninsula could be once again intensifying despite what was seen as a step forward for diplomacy and international cooperation this is just another dip on the roller coaster and saying this exemplary week with the war record goes up very high than that maybe this one conciliatory talk some cooperation some diplomacy and then more threats of military force and it's really hard to know what to make of this yes we do have a positive that is the original u.s. draft was watered down considerably it was acceptable to the russians or the chinese but then we have this fire breathing talk coming from young beginning we don't know what the next step is going to be could be the real question is. going
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to be when do we actually get to a diplomatic track that allows both sides to step down and to my mind that's got to be something like the double three proposal that china has put forward the russians agree with but is absolutely oh i accept little to washington it seems in response to washington's calls for new sanctions north korea then carried out a missile test on friday according to the south korean military that projectile reached an altitude is five hundred seventy kilometers and traveled for nigh on four thousand kilometers before falling into the ocean and just like the test carried out a few weeks ago that missile also flew over japan triggering sirens to go off on an alert on how kaito island but it seems not everyone inch of felt threatened by the launch. to bring i don't feel like japan is their target as their target is the u.s. that's why the missiles are just pressing also depending i don't think north korea will drop me self directly on us and say. it's
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a missile is trough strength good because we won't have to go to school only from their home we were raised joking around never taking it seriously. south korea did react to friday's missile test though with a military drill near the border with the north and over the south korean president threaten pyongyang with destruction beyond recovery over the provocations he ruled out stationing nuclear weapons there former u.s. congressman ron paul told us washington should let the korean leaders resolve the crisis themselves. why couldn't we encourage and get behind saying look south korea we encourage you to talk to north korea and see if you're going to sit down maybe united states and china could both be observers or something and they get it moved on but not for us constantly stir up trouble by having our military confrontation about building up and having these war games what are these war games where are they practicing you know is so unnecessary and in confrontational and it
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doesn't mean that if we didn't have war games that we would give up something on our defense our side has to worry about the bush doctrine which tried just to you know make it our official policy that you need to have preventive war well preemptive preventive war is aggression and that i don't like. spades restive region of catalonia so thousands tonight on monday as the countdown continues to independence referendum shojo for october the first emotions have been running really high for this week specially in lead does this say that if indeed votes if you do chose yes and independence could be declared within a very short period just forty eight hours. i. was.
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thought the national government strongly opposes the push for independence despite growth in local supporters and hundreds of council of officials gathered on saturday that in a show defense against madrid just days before but more than seven hundred men is discover the face prosecution by the government for supporting the dependents votes when couple held its first symbolic referendum it was back in twenty fourteen we covered it then again the authorities in madrid would not happy they sounded as. constitutional and even threaten to kick the legendary barcelona football club out of the national league over it it didn't put off leaders though or dent their popularity then after a pro dependent's party secured a majority in catalonia parliament it did sisted that the region would succeed the way of the story so we go on to march then madrid up the pressure and even barred catalan officials from holding public office for organizing the referendum so why does fear this vote so much where there are
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a number of reasons for it let me take you through it briefly if catalonia goes its own way spain would for a start lose seven percent territory and the key here is that it's a rich bit of it's a top g.d.p. and it's also going to lose seven million population to in other words a fifth of the tax revenue and earnings coming in twenty percent of exports would also go as would a quarter of all spain's tourist the whole region's really popular in barcelona and in addition to incidentally catalonia has a third of all spain's olympic medalists so to make things worse for spain italy this seems right at the moment as it stands as many as forty percent of catalans are in favor of independence according to the latest polls was going to be close to call one male we spoke to says madrid treatment of catalonia show spanish democracy is not in good shape i never officially t. it's very sad it's more than just indignation to see the democratic generation of the spanish state and this feels bad this is what we regret most of all but that's
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all we are calm we have a lot of work to do in the midst of paris i'll continue working for the people and that's what is important for us the measure of the members of the parliament of the catalonian the parliamentary i in favor and learns eighty percent of the cattle and six cents. of their referendum of several terminations to ask catalans if they warn or not. during the referendum by without despond the state because that's what we warned we don't do it unilaterally because we want to hide and they. keep on all for being the sponsor state. and to leave or to participate in these democratic exercise but it's up to them. number of targets close partly syrian city of daraa resorts just one of the stories
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ahead as a user of it we. seem wrong. just don't. get to shape
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our. trail. find themselves worlds apart. she's to look for common ground. i again the syrian army's reach the euphrates river after retaking two more districts in the southeast of the dia resort city for myself earlier this week the russian navy supporting the syrian military had a number of targets close to that city. russia's defense ministry says the deisel command and communications posts as well as i mean were destroyed seven cruise missiles were apparently launched on thursday
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from two submarines stationed in the mediterranean after enduring three years of terror starvation and ongoing fighting india is or locals are nonetheless trying to get themselves together now to bring some normality and safety to their lives. here. she's. alive each and i live a plane. that is some older than me up five now. i didn't get me and yell at me like that if daddy. i let her be although i didn't know i would find. the schooner so to call my that. would only be. thirty. seconds before i'd ask no one.
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at them. to get it. shifted or a lot of them. maybe maybe. maybe even a shot of. trying to steady one of. my beckett humour's just no more remarks on the side of the middle any she's. meanwhile the latest round of syria peace talks in kazakhstan has seen a breakthrough agreement on the deescalation zones as that which could finally provide some peace in the war ravaged country the guarantors of the peace settlement us russia iran and turkey signed a document marking the boundaries of the final deescalation zone in need live province this up in the north west of the country in syria it's on top of the already implemented zones elsewhere in the country and there's still much to do
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partly to see a night all the country's forces in the ongoing struggle against terrorism russia's special envoy for syria despite all but is cautiously optimistic. we consider the establishment of the deescalation zone will still be a major milestone it has served as the light at the end of the tunnel for the syrian people and made them feel more secure we'll see if it gives hope for progress in the near future. and r.t. documentary teams going to the very heart of the battle to retake another syrian city rocker to hear firsthand accounts from the people fighting to repel the terror group there. afterwards i was surrounded by the u.s. by democratic forces which consist mainly of kurdish militias clashes are ongoing as the terrorists are still in control of several blocks of that city it was as you
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can imagine a tough program to make because the documentary director explained to us earlier. when we went to make this film we had no idea what we're going to come across we had literally no idea. we were attacked several times there was snipers usually so the main problems around iraq are snipers and mines and the drones the little drones that isis sons with little grenades so they drop the grenade and are exposed so that there is actually one that attacked us well we were not even on a permission yet we were about to go to operation. the grenade exploded in midair so it dropped from it didn't calculate the height so if it fell lower it would be done.
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the most shocking story was one that happened when it got to be morning and when everything got to be peaceful and all of a sudden someone showed up with a huge sword. and started beating random things isis just executed this through a few minutes or maybe an hour ago. these three kids all of a sudden maybe two minutes later we heard screaming and he just started running into a space just started running there without a rifle just with the with the sword i think. strikes from the americans because they probably sold them on the satellite so they were isis. you know was one of the medics said that we were filming. we were the only generation that will never say we want to go back to the days when we were young. and it's true.
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most. times it comes from one of the key battlegrounds in syria. tomorrow various times. most is hillary clinton shock election defeat to donald trump but still keen to explain who she thinks is to blame for the old clintons on the fifteenth to promote her new book called. the book's already top. list and sees clinton through accusations of people organizations she thinks. a washington correspondent reached through clinton's analysis of what. looks like hillary clinton is back in the headlines promoting her memoirs and giving interviews left and right to discuss what exactly went wrong in two thousand and sixteen when she suffered an unexpected defeat to reality to start on a truck. and it seems like she's compiled quite the list of exactly who and what took place verses that were in two thousand and sixteen russian wiki leaks are proud i
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inherit nothing from the democratic party not a democrat. my primary opponent and a lot of his supporters sexism in the massaging the resentment the stereotype. a lot of people didn't want to hear my plan. for an even more detailed explanation of hillary clinton has just released a new book entitled what happened in the book clinton managed to blame everyone and everything under the sun including jill stein. and of course. mentioning him and russia about three hundred thirty three times clinton even leveled attacks at senator bernie sanders for impugning her character but here's what else happened the e-mail scandal when it turned out clinton lied about handling classified information as secretary of state there is no classified material. that there was classified information so it was not true let's not forget
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the constant shaming of supporters you could put half of supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable zz and then there was a major strategic miscalculation when she chose not to campaign in the rust belt losing the democratic fire wall that obama won in two thousand and twelve the same voters bernie sanders won over during the primaries hillary clinton says she doesn't plan to run for president again but she's definitely making sure she steals the spotlight. on. washington d.c. . the days of the book's publication more than nine hundred negative reviews of website but some of the negative feedback vanished. that's been see. the put the web under some scrutiny over where it's gone is what. it's no role to decide what view as helpful or unhelpful in making that decision we do have
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mechanisms in place to ensure that the voices of many to drown out the voices of a few and we will move customers of. guidelines amazon participate in the usual thing that the mainstream media do their propping up clinton the propping up the democrats and the removing any negativity just as they did during the election campaign constantly criticizing donald trump and his supporters and constantly saying she was going to win she lost this is just the next chapter mommy say in her loss well i'm surprised that many people have actually read the book or even bother to read the book why would you want to really read a book by the loser there's a thought for leave you quick update on a story happening right now in paris we talked about paris airport officials saying the safety controls whatever that means are in progress on a british airways plane right now that's been held on the tarmac after
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a security alert earlier police and firefighters surrounded the plane there you can see there you will in a minute an airbus a three twenty at charles de gaulle airport which is prone to fly to london heathrow passengers said on twitter that an individual made a direct threat to that aircraft it's not been confirmed at this point according to the passenger the pilot initially said they were technical issues other passengers were searched before being taken off the jet there's the jet there's passengers coming off they'll be partly heading back on it later so everyone safe there by the looks of it we'll keep you posted but how do we look for marty and kevin know it i'll leave you for now with more pictures of the thousands that last monday in spain's catalonia region thanks for watching. live live
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. international community continues lee emphasize about one theoretical united iraq as a slogan maybe an approach of the politicians but in reality on the ground iraq is not one and we recognize united and we as kurds are not the ones to be blamed for what is happening in the rest of iraq and the direct wrong directions that iraq has gone through. prescribe medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was ashes my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit
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suicide what or who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects . was chemically altered what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's a. bad image was quite controversial some people store as irresponsible some people sort of dangerous threatening whereas other people including use or as a symbol of something very different what was it. powerful. protecting. that is more for.
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the people who criticize you what the days. are right wing lunatic. eighteen years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with the gun. i witnessed the grim results of these weapons in hospital emergency rooms morgues in the confused of the mass of mass shooting sprees after each new massacre the newspaper headlines were always the side why did it happen here. says my book was published in the year two thousand more than half a million americans have been killed by firearms in the usa five hundred twenty seven thousand people dead and many more injured i decided to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who i'd met and photographed those years ago to understand why.


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