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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  September 21, 2017 7:29pm-8:01pm EDT

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right we are a solid alternative to the. liberal or conservative and as you can see this bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking at lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all look at world artsy americans in the spotlight greatly admired no idea how to classify it as it actually took me way more time and i cared women. like.
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welcome to redacted the. leak for the show in studio i talked with jimmy door an accomplished comedian and the host of the jimmy doris show i finally got him in studio and couldn't resist the chance and we covered the catastrophic democratic party the missing antiwar left and google and facebook war against alternative and independent media here's our conversation. jimmy things really are a pleasure to get its people people think we can be in the same room the same time haha and we've been we've been doing it all right so the reason. it was the people's convergence conference which was put together by the dr burning people but also on
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a lot of other groups green party was their socialist alternative was there what are your thoughts on the whole draft burning movement that's going on basically getting him to create a third party well i think it's you know whether bernie decides to do it or not i think it's good and necessary for people to realize that the democratic party needs an outside force to help them change if they're changeable right and i've made this point a lot on my show that if everybody i knew on the left who agreed with the green new deal would have voted their conscience into in november instead of voting out of fear that that the green new deal would have got maybe fifteen percent of the vote or twenty percent of the vote because that's how many lefties agreed with it and if they would have voted for that it would have completely changed politics in america bernie would have taken jill stein's offer and run as an independent then it probably would still have trumped we got trump anyway he decided to back a neo liberal corporate warmonger and we got trump anyway so that strategy has been failed so this is to let people know we need
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a new strategy and everybody there understands we need a new strategy whether bernie jumps on or not we need a strong third party presence in america because right now you know i see your show you talk about we have one party it's a money party and this isn't new by the way this is been since the eighty's this is ben sends al gore and bill clinton decided to get in bed with the koch brothers in the democratic leadership council people don't realize that the koch brothers were part of the clip the organization that bill clinton and al gore set up and it's called a help fund they thought they had their executives on their board of the d.l.c. not only did they help fund it so that's how bad the democrats have gotten i think . it's you know all big change comes from outside forces lincoln when he ran as a republican it was the abolitionists the anti slavery party they were only a regional party at that time and they got rid of the whigs and took over so it's time and if it's not this it's something else i think there's
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a lots of different groups on the left there's a revolution there's a brand new congress justice democrats there's draft bernie there's a green party there's a democratic socialist so i think if we all come together we know that bernie's positions were are supported by sixty percent of the country if not more and ninety two percent of the democrats so and still the most popular vote by far the most popular politician by far and the second most popular politician in the country's elizabeth warren who is the second most liberal politician or progressive politician in the country so progressive politics needs to make a comeback and making a comeback inside the democratic party yeah absolutely agree i mean you need some change need something to blow up this two party system that's really a one party system to stop this this corporate state control you know there's plenty of complaints that people have about bernie i don't think you know that any of these movements should not be about one man and he's saying a lot of very important things why then one of the biggest criticisms is his
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foreign policy. and it brings out the question of is there really an anti-war left out there you know i was talking to medea benjamin this weekend about it she's the co-founder of code pink and it's just it seems like even these people that are genuinely left the war thing is just like off limits it's not touched julian assan recently was. tweeting with someone or whoever whoever has stolen his twitter account from him or whatever but someone tweeted to him virtually every bernie sanders supporter is non interventionists we are the populist left sondra spondon who is the populist left have jimmy doren lee camp now i take that as a compliment but obviously there are plenty. great voices on the populist left he's being a bit you know hyperbolic but what do you think about this is there is there a large anti-war left where is it there is not a large anti-war left there is an antiwar left and what the democrats decided to do was turn off the lights on them at the d.n.c.
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convention that's what happened and they used sound cannon so we're white noise to cover up the booing so when leon panetta who used to be the secretary of defense and famously said i play the clip by my show all the time he was asked by scott pelley how many shooting wars is the united states actively engaged in right now and his answer was disgusting because he left he went well i'd have to sit and think about that he had his own think about how many shooting wars we're in you know we you know many military bases the united states has all over the world no one knows because lots of them are secret but there are it's estimated over a thousand bases around the world there's not a thousand countries so we have done what all failing empires do is over expand military alee. military listicle and what is it for it's for the petrol dollar and it's for to steal people's natural resources like it's always been general smedley butler told us that in one nine hundred thirty five but with the banana
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it's never stopped so what we use our military for is to invade other countries steal the we're talking about right now in afghanistan the reason why trumps given that we're going to stay is because they have a lot of natural minimal minerals or want to get right remember all of the opium by the way opium was the taliban who is you know the horrific group but they also had banned like opium production and then we immediately go in and all of a sudden opium is through the roof we've got people dying from the over prices all of our economy we use eighty percent of the opium that is made there you know what's sad to me is that. we already know that we spend more on our military the next thirteen countries combined right that was last year's budget this year and with no major end. we by the way you know russia spend sixty five billion dollars on their military and often by the way that they weren't our enemy up until the twenty sixteen election before that they're hanging out in kennebunkport mention with the bush just right until it was given a speech bill clinton's given a half million dollars to give a speech designer given the plutonium to russia so this is all bull about we know
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that right but that's not going to get talked about but i was want to talk about that so we don't really have any enemies that can threaten us militarily in that way and they just the democrats just signed off trump proposed fifty five billion extra the democrats signed off on one hundred billion dollars extra on the defense pentagon budget from last year if you include the blockbusters about a trillion dollars yes so where and so nobody said how are you going to pay for that when bernie wanted to give us free college or what are you crazy you are right i pay for your colorado way families out of money no yamma but but meanwhile hundred billion to the pentagon it's so that's what's happening so i don't know how or wasn't kidding when he said we have to resist the undue influence sautter unsought from the military industrial complex he wasn't kidding that was a guy was a general he knows what's going on and that was how many years ago fifty years ago and it's way way way way worse so where's privatizing education what do you call
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a system that takes the richest country in the worldly and leaves half of its residents poor or low income you call that a failed system right but we're always going to stand by. and god bless medea benjamin for standing behind john kerry when he tries to get he uses every dirty discussed you mean standing behind him in holding up her bloody hands when he hears senate test he literally said during senate testimony he's trying to get them to convince the code pink and everybody to go along with bombing isis and he said you know if you're for educating women you'd be for bombing isis because isis doesn't educate their women and i'm like oh my god you invented pro women education. for all to educate them they. floatin book life out of this. oh it's considering the amount of money we spent a military thing we should on the side of each bomb we should put like health care these are the things that has our health care is our fame money yeah i would love to see one of those pro education program in education oh thanks to america i've
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learned math and about imperialism not just freedom bombs now it says occasionally as well yeah when they were behind mccain was there for this one is well when they showed up behind kissinger to arrest him a citizen's arrest of the handcuffs oh well one of the best moments but there is no accountability for criminals in america we do live in a lawless state right now there is no accountability for elites but only type so if you want to crash the economy while stuffing your pockets with billions of pac spare dollars and you work on wall street that's ok but if you made a mistake or you thought just one of your applications to get a loan for a house you are going to jail and the f.b.i. is going to prosecute you to the fullest extent the law why because we live in a lawless society where there's law in order for poor people and nothing for rich people yeah and you can you know you can completely destroy people's lives by exploiting the price of a pharmaceutical right and that's basically not never punished in our society you mention it we glazed over it in the last time i had you on but the petrodollar i
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think a lot of people don't understand what that is or why it matters to us but it's related to so many invasions we've had can you get into that for a second well you know i'm no expert but i do know about it that when we went off the gold standard they made a deal with the saudi saudi arabia right so that why are we friends with saudi arabia the most brutal theocracy dictatorship they export the most radical form of is of islam called wahhabi islam all around the middle east basically causing a genocide in yemen right now yes they are exporting terrorism there so why are we friends with them who never had election but where were enemies of our a man who has elections who has the most. prosy who a lot of their country is pro western right so why is that because of the petro dollar so what they decided to do is every every barrel of oil sold has to be sold in american dollars right so that helps our economy which is why we can print all the money in the world we want and so we now have promised our military to saudi
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arabia and john kerry's admitted this and senate testimony that same set of testimony were holding their bloody hands behind his head and he talks about pro education women bob that same he admitted that saudi arabia offered to pay for our invasion of syria if we would do it they'll pay for the whole thing because that's what they are deal is why are you over there fighting iran and in the persian gulf why are our boats over because saudi arabia wants this instability is great for in that region is great for saudi arabia great for israel right so as long as you keep the you know awful civil wars destroying so many lives then it's good for all those things and the petrodollar was saddam hussein dropped it in iraq and then all of a sudden we had to go into iraq and libya because gadhafi on the dinar right wanted to create a new a new gold standard for that region of the world and all of a sudden we need to get in there you know which because the fall we just notice there's not freedom there and we need to start a very important variable. in saying i want to before
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a time with you i do want to get back to our elections and the democrats and everything you and i both talked about how rigged darl actions are in just like a myriad ways it's you know there's there's interstate cross-check there's voter suppression there's the superdelegates and what the democrats did in the primary which was the why we had this d.n.c. fraud lawsuit that has been thrown out they say they're going to appeal but even before it was thrown out the lawyers admitted that they have of the d.n.c. have no there's no necessity for the d.n.c. to give a legitimate primary election that was a great. admission the so a lot of people mediately wanted to downplay the lawsuit and they said it was a frivolous lawsuit because it wouldn't go anywhere legally because of that some technical legal stuff that doesn't mean it's frivolous there's a lot of reasons why you launch a lawsuit one of them would be to get publicity to a cause and boy boy oh boy did this do that and so exactly as you said it got it
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got the d.n.c. lawyer to admit in open court that they don't have to run a free and fair fair handed election which they didn't because the wiki leaks e-mails probe showed they did it and that you have no right to demand an equal and fair primary so when he said that i was like is that going to be your fundraising slogan give us money you don't have to run a fair primary and when you go into a smoke filled room yes he said that all mediately that month that he said that was their lowest fund raising month since two thousand and three the democratic national committee and what was happening in two thousand and three the democrats were getting along with dick cheney and george bush to start the iraq war people stop donating to the democrats then they're done dating so every month since tom perez has been chairman has been a worse month than the month before and he just took a job teaching college that's how it's going we've got a quick break but i'll be back in a moment with the rest of that interview with jimmy door also i have live comedy
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shows coming up in philadelphia and washington d.c. and you can now vote for your city to be added to the tour just go to redacted tour dot com it only takes like thirty seconds back. thank you for new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporations corporations run washington washington the media the media over voters elected businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before . you know one old lady you'll street looks like a real bitch this would be analyzing this game from the bottom it. seems like
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what the players like you not i got. the please. please please. limit. the mission of news with it is to go to the people tell their side of the story our stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say that i think the average viewer knows that r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one
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tells us what to cover how long the coverage or how to say it that's the beauty of archie america. we hear both sides we hear from both sides and we question more that journalists are not letting anything get in your way to bring it home to the american people. welcome back here now is the rest of my interview with jimmy door. for why would you donate to an organization that tells you outright they're going to reveal x. in the primary election. but also you were talking about this before we came in here the debates a rig to and actually still trying to get johnson just trying to sue to get third parties into these debates but they are they are pushed out in so many ways and then it's rigged beyond just the fact that third parties aren't allowed there so people don't realize that only exactly said the elections are rigged the primaries
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rigged superdelegates gerrymandering what have you voted suppression cross-checked but they don't even realize that the price of the goddamn debates are rigged right so used to be run by the legal womens voters and they would have a fair impartial questioners and questions and then the two parties the two corporations got together and said let's get rid of these people they're asking us questions we don't want to answer and since we both agree on screwing over workers and we both agree on being in bed with wall street the mill let's just get our own and so now they have their presidential debate commission which has nothing to do with fairness it has to do with protecting the party which is the one party and so did sense two thousand and eight there hasn't been a question about climate change and the presidential debate and then when jill stein showed up they handcuffed her to a chair for eight hours and why do you do that you don't do that because she's not a threat you do that because you're afraid of the ideas and you're afraid of people hearing them why wouldn't you bring gary johnson and jill stein on stage because you actually have a conversation then and they don't want to actually convert
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a lot a lot of you will know that you are not exaggerating they handcuffed jill stein and her running mate in a basement during the entirety of the debate and then released her into the night without her cell phone or any way to contact people after it was all over yes that is correct so are free and fair democracy right there at work or i want to hit on this question of climate change right now we've had one one of the strongest hurricanes that's ever been recorded we had the largest american rainfall that's ever been recorded in joost and we have the largest los angeles forest fire. that have ever been recorded going on and the hottest month ever recorded in human history and that's all over the past two months that's the past two months and yet our mainstream media they'll go down there and they'll say it's raining a lot on the stand there and get all wet in the blurry camera angle or whatever but they won't actually say climate change in fact alley velshi had on a guy and he started connecting the thing with where they cut him off with the oil the oil companies with climate change yeah they had a guy from al jazeera their interview and you said and he was starting to talk
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about what's really going on in that there's not the investment in the infrastructure but there's just been a wealth of direction by the fossil fuel companies which is what all corporations are the center of the yes so they just wealth extracted there is no infrastructure to handle floods that are being caused by the oil in the fossil fuel burning and as soon as he started to say that all we've lost i'm even lost i'm sorry the feed just knew there was you know they oh there's only a low a certain amount of megahertz truth yeah that's right it just cuts off it go away we have to get to a bill kristol telling us why we need another war. this may seem like a selfish question but i actually think in packs a lot of great voices out there you and i have both both been basically attacked sidelined on you tube facebook google they've all begun since the election really of what didn't really start before that. they've suppressed us in a lot of ways demonisation are just starting the algorithm facebook now has their their fact checkers that are news organizations such as a.b.c.
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news and it's like a.b.c. news is the war machine they've to monetize so the only places you can really find the truth about war is been on you tube people like me and as soon as you put anything in a title or a tag that has anything to do with terrorism or isis or syria or war or the petrodollar they will demonic ties it so that is discouraging you from because you don't make money off it you've invested money in putting this video together and be monetized as a way of flagging it is there's a problem with this video so it's also not going to be. own is meant to write it so it's not just a money thing right so then so it suppresses the circulation of your video also it sets off an algorithm to do closer look at more of your videos and to monetize them and then you don't know which videos in your past have been demonetized to because i don't go check but it they can just do it all the way down and then those videos don't get circulated so there's a lot of theories about why this is happening but it certainly is no coincidence that the people telling the truth about things they don't want to fund especially
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the truth about war you're not ever and i this is not hyperbole but you are never going to get the truth about the war on c.n.n. m.s.n. b c a.b.c. n.b.c. c.b.s. the wall street journal new york times and especially the washington post remember a fake news was w m d's fake news was we should go to war with iraq that saddam with same is threatening us this is all the stuff that the washington post printed the heads of their editorial board this wasn't some blogger this was their editorial board saying that if you think that there isn't weapons of mass destruction and so on was saying isn't a threat to us that you're crazy that was the washington post you're never going to hear the truth by the way there was a million people in the streets who knew that was a lie i knew it was a lie i was a nightclub comedian and i knew it was a lie you were knew it was a lie my mom knew it was a lie but you're telling me everybody at m.s.n. b.c. c.n.n. and new york times didn't know was a lie you tell me why they beat the drum when while chris hedges comes out against
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it and they fire him so one guy who stood up to the new york times to tell the truth about the iraq war they fired you tell me again we're still down to you on m.s.n. b.c. they got rid of the one guy telling the truth about the iraq war you know you think you want him back no no no let's keep him away let's keep all the people who are wrong about the iraq war right because when you're wrong in the defense of the establishment especially the military industrial complex and wall street you will never be punished you will in fact be rewarded. i have so i can't take enough jimmy i wish we could do this more often or on separate close we would but yeah i have leisure so i want to finish up the show by talking about this mind blowing interview that steve ban and did he hardly ever does interviews i think for the same reason that you know when you lift up a rotting log the bugs scurry away to hide again we interviewed steve benen windy at his home in washington which doubles at the headquarters of breitbart news the interview was the day after the trumpet ministration announced it would in dhaka
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that's the headquarters of breitbart news it's just a living room and in the corner of the table there what appears to be a can of bear mace on it i assume that so the woman in green can keep steve band in a bag just keep the sexual harassment down to a low boil the street fighter she had been a hand came ready to bro and not with liberals or democrats the republican establishment is trying to nullify the two thousand and sixteen election chooses his skin is like literally it is who's ing all of his face is he what it is he looks like a talking to learn. you don't like. substance is something truly. it's so ad he is i don't know if that
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guy had a brother but it steve bannon clearly they were separated borrowed something blue eyes that blood agger and men in black he wants to rule the world bank and wants to rule the world you notice you never see agger and bad in the same room same time. he's talking about the neo nazis and the confederates in the klan who by the way are absolutely awful there's no room in american politics for that there's no room in american society for that your the room in american society for that you have bragged about your publication breitbart news being the platform for the ultra right well first of the swap is fifty years in the making let's talk about the swamp the swamp is it is a business model it's a successful business model it's a donor consultant k.-street lobbyist politician seven of the nine biggest most of the wealthiest counties in america running washington d.c. you abandon are the problem you're obstinate about what your complaining about
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right now the rich ringing in d.c. exploiting all of us exploiting taxpayer dollars to make them tell itself even wealthier your part of that problem how do you think are some of the biggest funders of breitbart news the people bill for going off our tax dollars going to dig funded to trun campaign mercer's all right the bald billionaires the hedge fund elite is. here's upon the democratic party from the democrat party there's no breitbart the problem in the democratic party they haven't had a civil war and you know why the financial crisis shows you that bomber and there were guys in that administration that understood that they had to go and hold these people wall street accountable and they blinked way of the often huffing opposes in the rachel maddow they're just cheerleaders they're just cheerleaders for the donor class of the democratic party and it til they vet that until they have their civil war they'll never be competitive that's. a great point that while while i. i totally agree. that is
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that guy may be available to run a left wing media organization of some sort because he doesn't read points all these phone left media like m.s.n. b c the ones you mention they stand for war and wall street as much as anyone right they are they are backing all of that they you would i have lunch and you hear about stopping war on m.s.n. b.c. c.n.n. a.b.c. c.b.s. n.b.c. any of them now or fox news of course but that's right wing they're not they're not a left wing you cannot be pro-war pro military budget pro wall street probated pharma pro their health insurance scam we have in this country you cannot stand up for all of that and say you are left wing you are the progressives.
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are so called you know left wing media was so they are all raw jump to trump every time he fires a missile he shoots off shoots his load into another country every time he sells weapons to another country they just cheer him high five abandon was just about the only anti-war anti intervention voice left at the white house and that threaten the deep state threaten the general it threatens our corporate media threaten everybody in that system and ultimately even trump so bad it's gone and it is a i as i've said that's all it's i've been talking about banners and walking pieces . but he was anti-war and anti intervention and that pushed out. that's all the time i have but we have web exclusive videos on you tube dot com plus redacted tonight and lastly you can now watch redacted tonight and all of our t.v. programs are g.'s programs on direct t.v. channel three two one good night keep fighting.
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i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the deep n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in
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a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. on larry you're watching our amount per student more. dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks to fight the battles. that you saw spreading tell you that let me.
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tell you. that we along. with one. other news tonight president trump signs an executive order granting the treasury department increased powers to target north korea's trading partners and the chinese to step up to the plate ordering their central bank to prohibit the country's banks from doing business with north korea and hurricane maria leaves the entire island of puerto rico without power as rescuers continue their efforts following mexico's earthquake on wednesday i'm reporting tonight from washington d.c. this is the news on our team america.


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