tv Watching the Hawks RT September 22, 2017 1:29pm-2:01pm EDT
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you break the deals you media and you take back what you've given i think it's very obvious and i really hope that this example. this this will not become a precedent for. your. first book it was amazing to hear you when you talk about the scene ski there was saying incredible was great to hear. but the question is about. this is about libya. here we heard the special home boy saw a man say. libya the big problem he's people that wants to start a school because you know everything will be solved. the secretary general a few days ago said here in this room there for him to leave is their issue the international issue in this moment they will be easy to resolve all belief states
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it's close to be resolved. what russia things they leap in needs to finally find peace what russia's position is that this. will of course you cannot on do what you've done there is no way to go back. in time but the best way to ensure peace and stability in syria in this entire region would be not to bomb more conducted just because somebody decided that would be a nice thing to do and. the best way would be not to use the sentiment of the arab countries people in the arab countries during the so-called arab spring spring to many put political processes libya was bombed as a blank in violation of the u.n. mandate. which was limited to a no fly zone no fly zone means there should be no aircraft in this area but need
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to the most democratic organization in the world as you know they call themselves and that's why everybody six to join the serbian ization they used this mandate to bomb khadafi forces and to hunt after could personally but like i said you can go back in time as a regard to the constitution right and in addition and now libya it's not the problem is not limited to libya libya is now a big hole through which terrorists and. smugglers. charge south and a number of other countries and they are still. suffering from this decision there was actually another a un security council resolution on libya this was even before the second resolution there was an embargo on arms sales and i remember very well an actual
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this was. no secret that our french colleagues through their. general staff representative said that they were supplying weapons along with other products to the enemies of gadhafi you can look this up online the harm not the holding anybody's secret here it's common knowledge and then later. when the terrorists went to mali through libya in the northern mali in the areas where tourists live. hostilities started the french went to the u.n. security council asking. for a green light for their military contingent in mali to be used in the fight scenes these terrorists i got a call from the previous foreign minister. of france a lot of. he asked me to support this initiative in the u.s.
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security council and i said of course we will support this because we are fighting a common evil but i really hope that you will also learn some lessons from the fact that you will be fighting people people in mali whom you armed in libya and he said well so lovey. this is no way to. this is not the right way to define your policy here you want to topple gadhafi in libya and then you like could be a leader of mali no you have to treat all the terrorists the same way. an enemy is an enemy and there's for the current situation to previous special envoys of the un secretary-general fielded to get this process going in and understandably so they just started this work by no i hold put that. there is serious potential
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to get the. spro says going we received mr salaam last who can moscow and i just had a meeting with the general haftar was in my school recently and we also work with mr selleck we work with all the prominent figures in the libyan politics and it's very very obvious that they needed to or he can silence and we welcome the initiatives set forth by. prince shaikh mohammed in april and then in june by french president macron initiatives to mediate a dialogue between the tripoli and the tobruk tripoli was represented by saroj it was represented by the commander of the libyan national army general hotter and there are certain progress was made in the certain agreements were achieved in paris this makes us optimistic that this process is now underway and we really
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appreciate the contribution. by. the un secretary special envoy mr salaam. and it's just important and this is something that some of my african colleagues told me it's important and this is certainly a positive development yet it is important to remember that libya is a tribal country. libya has never had a political party is when we talk about elections in libya of course we want to. see to achieve get there to have elections in libya but the people who know the history of libya will shoot contributed here with this process. you very much to be sure additional three more questions please thank you.
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thank you for timely briefing. from japanese and educate let me back to the north korean issue. do you have any plan to meet with the content of the north korea during this g eight and one more question is about you retreated and this issue needs the nose knows. peacemaker in the future and we all know that the russia is strongly committed to the that this issue during the six party talks in the past could you elaborate a little bit about the road show you all the north east peace mechanism in the future thank you most. of my contacts with the foreign minister of the d.p. r. k. . which we talked to. in august in the philippines. during
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be a shoo in. summit and we did not plan to have such a meeting at this time and. it is not on the books. sparta multilateral talks we were greeted to develop a mechanism for peace and stability in northeast asia and russia was appointed to coordinate this mechanism and everybody agreed to that which and even during better times before this crisis started to we suggested several times that we should all get together and police to coordinate the simplest and the most the general principles like respecting the charter respecting territorial integrity sovereignty of all the states in the region respecting each other's security interests and so on our partners especially the previous u.s. administration refused to do that they said well we'll only deal with that after
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north korea meets all of our demands i think this is a wrong approach i would agree with you for we would at least discuss this mechanism at least we would get the spro says going to form this mechanism of security in northeast asia and then we would have a regular channel to talk to north korea and through this channel. north korea would be better positioned to understand the concerns of the six parties and the six parties who would be able to understand concerns on north korea and whether there is something to those concerns or their artificial it's always better to meet to discuss things and consider each other's position this is much much better than isolating and threatening.
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thank you mr minister my name is up. from the arabic daily quotes a lot of mr bass in his speech that simply he stopped short of the cladding the dissolution of the palestinian authority he was so desperate so he started asking where should i go. and i think that's a good question for russia you have an initiative on the tape it to call depart this to moscow to start serious negotiations the palestinians accepted this initiative but the israeli part did you see there is a chance for two state solution there is no let land left in palestine so can brush up get involved seriously and this quagmire thank one more problem for we should russia's response. yeah. well jokes aside we are very much concerned about this dead end we're seeing dead end in
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the palestinian israeli settlement and we are concerned about this especially because. the fact that the palestinian problem has not been resolved for what seventy years is actively used by extremists to recruit young people recruit new members they claim that the international community treats of these people on a fairly in these people have been suffering from the oldest conflict in the world currently and. the fact that this conflict remains unresolved. you've shown such a structure because the palestinian people still don't have their own state i can recall a lot of stooges times talks there was a time when talks were quite active we had a camp david agree agreements and we had an apple is a green mince. you could argue whether it was the right to abandon the proposals of
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camp david today these might seem unattainable but we have what we have which. we don't learn from other people's mistakes when we don't even learn from our own mistakes but you're right. i am convinced that it is wrong not to have directed dialogue and basically. since both parties agreed we suggested that we have talks. in moscow meeting between. binyamin netanyahu without any preconditions and as soon as they are really specifically to have this meeting we will provide this opportunity for them provide the support and to discuss the situation and i really hope that this will get the negotiating process going because the lack of the absence of negotiations have a very negative effect on the situation in the region and on their relations
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between israel and palestinians. like. mike. thank you thank you mr minister little my question he said out to cuba in venezuela just speak yesterday about that we would like to say to know about your position about this sessions that unite that needs a they've united to stay sections a against minnesota in the americans keep bill gates against q i think you know less sure. well as far as the cuban embargo is concerned there's no need to ask me about that because our position just like ninety nine percent of u.n. members is well known in surf lifted in their resolutions that the u.n. general assembly adopts year after year there is the vast majority of the countries that think that the zimbardo is totally counterproductive in illegitimate and
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they're you know admiral sanctions in general have never done anything good and they just poison the atmosphere and they stop us from creating conditions for mutual respect and log and the same goes for sanctions imposed on them as well. as what i just said we are concerned by what is happening in this friendly country and. i raised this issue in talking to many countries in the region like yesterday i had a meeting with the quartet i had a meeting with the foreign minister of mexico i have met with salvador with the dominican republic and many other countries and we welcome the initiatives. put forward by el salvador that supported and we welcome the proposal by the dominican republic to start a dialogue that's we welcome. the readiness with that i felt yesterday when
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talking to the foreign minister of venezuela to start this kind of dialogue with the understanding that this will be a dialogue between venezuela and. bodies without any external interference. and they would welcome mediation by lead merican countries though and there's one more factor here. what external clears to. those who want to help. they really work with all the parties involved those who want to. undermine settlement the only work with one party. we yes we have a very good relationship with the leadership and the president of them as well but the little ship of the parliament which opposes the government he also talked to us in and we don't shy away from those conduct so we work with the both parties
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encouraging both parties to come to any go sheeting table in come to an agreement this is something we should do in all these situations like when you have a crisis in the certain country this shouldn't be our approach in other international formats and on personal life you should always come together and talk as well. thank a friend i'm. ok so that was a lot of roff they foreign minister of russia giving a media conference there almost an hour long fifty five minutes he was speaking at a whole range of subjects the questions from all around the world there ranging from just the last few ones a lot in america but about half of that are really going on north korea and on syria we will be taking the the choices the issues from that the next hour here and bringing them to you all not media conference at the united nations general assembly by the russian foreign minister. well you're very welcome to r.t.
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international you're just tuning in let's begin our news hour in syria where the russian defense ministry no ses its submarines have targeted news read terrorists in the province of it live ortiz is following developments for us there. in the mediterranean. cruise missiles terrorist targets which is the domain of. syria they targeted various. terrorist strongholds troops and even vehicles. such as drones one of the targets intended to be struck struck it isn't by coincidence that the russians chose to shrike. about the rebels headed by.
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the syrian government in northern how mona twenty kilometer wide front and trapped in it was a unit of russian military police twenty nine strong they were then a deescalation. have been happening at dool they were surrounded and for many hours the. special forces unit was scrambled to help them to break through to them and evacuate them. and was successful of itself has been stalled they managed to penetrate twelve kilometers into government territory but almost everything they took his been retaken huge casualties as well we had a few days ago about eleven tanks lost. and dozens of vehicles. and eight hundred and fifty apparently killed well the overall picture is that almost ninety percent of. liberated from islamic state has
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figured from the russian defense ministry. the terrorists since the beginning of their campaign two years ago russian our forces have killed more than fifty. russian fighter jets. reich's during over thirty thousand flights to eliminate terrorism in syria one of the country's main bottles is now a dare is sore for syrian troops by moscow or trying to get rid of the remaining pockets of journalists are to travel to the city to talk to people who live there for three years. have no money to buy food for my children i've only been able to feed them properly once in the last few months shell exploded in killed many innocent people including
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children it is or has been soaked in a moment. i would play with them i would push them and i was like a mother and a father to go but only to die. when i went outside the floor to buy food and that simple my mother she was sick she had a strong going to heart attack when i went out i was injured. what can i do now i used to do all the housework and stand in line to buy food now i can only see and cry. the leaders of the united states and north korea of engaged in a fresh round of name calling they made the escalating crisis first kim jong un
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slum trump mentally deranged and even sent the internet into a frenzy with the centuries old insult daughter which means old person has become weak or senile trump buck on twitter branding kim jong un quote. the verbal tussle follows trump's first. speech at the u.n. general assembly earlier this week artie's caleb maupin has been across the story for. the united nations general assembly here in manhattan has not yet concluded but already we're starting to see the results of donald trump's debut performance at a podium it's usually used to promote peace and dialogue we heard donald trump launch into an attack on several countries now the top target in trump's remarks was north korea and afterwards we now see north korea threatening an unprecedented weapons test in the pacific as washington has just slapped them with more sanctions let's
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take a listen to that exchange the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself words out we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself. what kind of measure will be taken is decided by the chairman of the state affairs commission. but i think that the strongest ever hydrogen bomb might be tested in the pacific iran was also targeted by donald trump in his remarks he accused iran of exporting violence to yemen syria and other parts of the middle east he furthermore denounced the iran nuclear deal saying that it was an embarrassment to the united states the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered it we just heard iranian leader president rouhani speaking in tehran and announcing that iran
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was going to step up and increase its missile defense capabilities let's take a listen. we will increase our military power as a deterrent we will strengthen our missile capabilities we will not seek permission from anyone to defend our country france and germany long time nato allies of the usa were also critical of donald trump in the remarks he gave representing the united states people wonder if the nuclear crisis on the korean peninsula could escalate people are also wondering about the iran deal and does the iran deal now hang in the balance a lot of questions are being asked as the united nations general assembly proceeds in the aftermath of donald trump's controversial speech the u.s. representative to the united nations nikki haley has admitted washington always puts america's interests before other nations but global policy expert george zimmerman really believes such an approach is doomed to failure first let's listen
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to what hillary had to say. it has never moved the u.s. to care about what other countries say what does move the president is are we doing everything in the best interest security interest for the american people saying what she said she's expressing a kind of us our egos in which they you know just say it's just does whatever it feels like doing it it will not be restrained by any forces at all of course this is completely idiotic because you know it's just as simply isn't strong enough big enough to be able to have its own way on on everything international cooperation requires everybody to be on the same page and work on the same script and try to achieve the same objectives. block woman from texas who criticized the sale of cotton decorations for being racially insensitive let's face the backlash online down the l writer wrote this facebook post after seeing raw
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cotton being sold as a decoration in a high street store she complained about cotton represents the hardship of african-american slaves and should therefore be removed from sale however her post sparks such a strong reaction she's not blocked her social media comment what is really wrong with my post is the reaction that is receiving from across the nation i have to block by page because my facebook page has turned into. a feeling of burning racism . well a group of block students also find offense when similar cotton decorations were used as a table centerpiece a dinner hosted by the university's president he later apologized for the incident saying he should have been more sensitive although that's got many questioning just how far over fence can go.
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you know slaves at a lot of different things they worked as nurses they wash dishes the pate. turnip greens mostly greens the whole thing is just silly because if you follow that train of thought then everything that you pretty much use on daily basis would not be able to be using the more if you're a white person you know these days you get called a racist as where you stand being called a murderer or anything else average black person is just being honest about it is really silly is just a flower it's not anything racist what i think is races av a high bar for actually what's being a racist if you are using racial slurs or you try to deprive someone of opportunity i think that americans need to kind of up our bar as well because it erases in that
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racist to join me again in four minutes time i'll be here with all the global news headlines from our to international. but. at the united nations u.s. president donald trump described his vision of foreign policy as principled a realist he also tried to convince the gathering of the general assembly that his
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idea of america first is compatible with his vision nonetheless he sees the world differently than his predecessors. the strength of the european union was very detrimental for the development. economies and if these economies developed and. recreate a life annuity for the people. in the event see the stop of this i mean gratian from these countries.
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to medication is widespread on the u.s. market and a frequent cause of death. like everything was ashes my family was literally coming unglued i had planned. to commit suicide watch all who. used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was. what i did was. legal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's saying. this.
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are not accountable just adding more and more to the. stabilizer global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for. headline news stories this hour russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov the leaders . to kindergarten urging them to switch from name calling to dialogue. russian submarines fire rockets all news for a terrorist positions in the west of syria the russian defense ministry say all targets were hit also this hour. even though i am. taking place.
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