tv News Weekly RT September 24, 2017 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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ios the thing i mean i see elementalist everybody for the first time politics and things like this help keep doing the job so they do the kind of guided towards positive goals we really need in. this course to get money out of fortunately germany has joined greece into a lab rat has turned it into a german colony and through greet us to socially demolish all fuel and it's work is right. it's just not in moscow it's just turned eleven in the evening here in central berlin a hike that was kept low in the care and with welcome to are a special ongoing coverage of the big german election today from a special studio next to the river
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a sprig spray i must get my children and see asian bad it does look like it sounds at the moment like the alternative to germany part of the f.d.a. are among the biggest winners in this vote but there's a big controversy over that apparently in the third place they're going to be entering parliament for the first time lot of people out on the streets in protest over this tonight we're going to tell you about the mass protests taking place against the party here think about two thousand also in frankfurt cologne and mostly in both protests spreading nikki those are all angle of merkel who will get a full time in power has said she was expecting better results for her party les brown have a look at how the main party has reacted when the results started coming in. i did friends this is a big day in history of our party we've made it we've entered the bundestag and we will change this country to achieve what happened today at six o'clock is that
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evolution. thank you all this li the c.d.u. would have hoped for a better result but we mustn't forget that we achieved our strategic objectives we are the strongest party we have a mandate to form a new government and no government can be formed against or without us. through today's a difficult day for social democracy we missed out on our electoral go after losing our central region and we lost the federal election. just over seventy five percent of germany's sixty one million eligible voters cast their ballots in this election that's according to early estimates and that several cars then higher than in the two thousand and thirteen election year photo get away for a while but no higher the postal votes still being counted another three four hours maybe before they're fully in and he's going to take you through in the coming hours but let's go our correspondents are out in
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a boat still tonight champagne corks pop some people laughing some crying and the hawkins is gauging reaction of the cd use headquarters where the mood has been bittersweet among merkel's supporters that in fact if they had their way they have like at least ten more points. if not all kevin of course just before the the exit polls say or do you want to germany's biggest channels was predicting a colossal victory for the c.d.u. well that certainly hasn't materialized the polls have got a right in some ways marco has won her for the c.d.u. c.s.u. are the biggest party they will be forming a coalition but they failed to predict a host of other issues the social democrats making it clear they're not three parts but a coalition the worst result since world war two the sit in of the second world war what war brought up for the c.d.u. and for the social democrats and of course games beyond anything the polls
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predicted or that they have. the the first far right party to be in parliament in the buddhist dog also since the second world war it's a personal victory from work and of course a she's one of four but she's got an enviable task of forming a coalition with parties who she really does have some fundamental differences with at the greens for example on energy are likely to give into any compromise on the shutting down of coal fired coal fired power plants in the freedom democratic party . one of their leaders today said a statement in the sand for them was sixty billion euros going from the european budget to countries like france and italy that would be hard for michael to thrash out of course as a very much pro european for straight thing and you know expanding the e.u. powers and budget so it's going to be a hard task one of the hardest challenges you face of course is winning back all those voters who turned away from her and the mainstream parties to the f d a she
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made very clear in her victory or fear of victory speech rather take a listen. there is a big new challenge ahead of us the a.v. party will be joining german parliament if you want to win back those who voted for the mt to find out their concerns and worries you. know as things stand now is the fifth longest serving chancellor in german history assuming she of course stays out of this full force that will bring her on par with helmut kohl the previous charts the past passed away of course in summer this year apart from of course prince also a bismarck of the german empire bengal markel could well be not only the first female charge of the first charge for east germany but also the longest serving charge of germany so very much a toss i would say for the litmus test that was the selection for merkel's popularity with voters and for the public's confidence in how policies she would
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have liked to have been. as you say is the pension all they have lost seats a lot of the boys and policy seems to take off once again. many of the young voters might remember a time when michael was shot so much as not just some long seems like it's going to stay that way cool now please let's take a look at. the time i remember she was always there i mean i can't remember a time when she wasn't like the chancellor and i don't even know who came before
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her mission a mission to underline that as only madonna's chatham longer the mag of a said i think she was elected in two thousand and five for the first time i was like seven she's just been around for ever she's always been an image she's been in power a long time there's a piece that is kind of us myself. i've never been an adult without under american governing. in two thousand and five she was elected for the first time i was only thirteen. i pierced my ear lobe. a boy from my school died in a traffic accident. in fukushima the core melted people died. i went to mississippi for a year as an exchange student. blacks voted obama whites mccain barack obama became the president. studied.
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and i'm up. interesting once a lot of young people will not have known any other chong during their lives and to be making sixteen years and being at the helm i'm going to think i will carry on till twenty twenty one although some of the guests are things that might not be the case it might be somebody waiting in the shadows so i will tell what we know who is not waiting in the shadows and very much lit up ready to speak to us just never a dutch journalist joining us now on the line from les lovely to have you on the line this time of the evening thanks for your time looks still quite like this to you see this is a successful i suppose it depends how you look at the glass is half full it's not half empty i guess she would have hoped to have come out much better than this what do you make of it looking on from. well i think basically it's an enormously psychological breakthrough for the germans. just
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became. an important part of this talk now so there will be now for the first time in a blue stark real discourse about immigration which never happened before and i think this is the most important thing you can say. mrs merkel she made one of them. biggest decision in after war germany by letting in one million people. and the people themselves without any real discussions in the buddhist socket cetera and she did get an enormous slip in her face because of this and i think it will take more time to really know what really happened at that moment but medical yes she will still be depriving political force in germany but she has now to deal. with
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parties who are told on the left side the lucky if the liberals and the greens. they don't agree they are totally only up a side of the spectrum while she herself say she will not get back dos folders. but she has to go into politics was another way around and dad will be a fairy bad for her and i don't i don't see how she manages. what do you expect from the f.t. now they've gotten into parliament. well to be honest i don't expect too much of them i don't think they are most of them are fairly good politicians they're not fairy good in bringing up their their point. it's very good possible. they get into trouble with each other so it will fell apart or things
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like that which happen a lot with new parties so suddenly does success is suddenly so big for them so i don't think day i mean we've already seen in the in the last moments that. it's not a fairy year. spartina the fairy. strong party and so. they came and went straight. i think. most people don't really understand what i mean by it. so that means that i'm not fairy. yet let's say looks very good politicians who just come up with these feelings and bring themselves into trouble. but on the other hand what you see is that the other parties will keep on like especially the s.p.d. to socialist party will people saying that they are now cease and one day i would say that it will become very easy for the f.d.a.
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to just be themself. and to make it more easy so one day are more professional the other side they will just let the f.t. say what they have to say and. it will come out very strongly. the sort of on martin shows i mean he's being called a bit of a still loser after this is that it but he will be in opposition to merkel's party but many say that that positions us so from medical positions on issues a strikingly similar to what is this just rhetoric you are about to see any real change in model so this is dongs. i think it's more rhetoric i think he isn't really serious about going you know position i think is just playing a game so when say first time we are going your position left the field for open for gold to go try to work something out with the with three
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parties which are fairly on the left side where it's our fairy pro. very pro open borders set trotter which is totally opposite each she said she wants to do it so this will gets very complicated very messy. i can speak from my experience in the netherlands which those kind of new governments fill immediately . well full of parts very quicky. say look i want you and it is still going to work and. mrs merkel is to come back to say please work with me we can work something out and then merkel is in a fairy weak position until she's in a fairy strong position so we've seen this display going on for a long time it's nothing new but i don't think mr shields is really obvious when he says he wants to do the opposition i think it's just a political play. if there's been any surprises during this
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election it would probably be firstly be a if these that says and secondly that there was no russian interference prior to the election they put all this talk about russian meddling in the german media and what he didn't want to be sort of hysteria because of course nothing and no no evidence of any russian meddling. yes the word hysteria is exactly the right word i think that's a little to happening in the media i just before coming into the studio i looked at the german program and a will which is to. talk show in germany and day they had. an important figure in the program so you would think ok they would let him speak about what he thinks and instead just he was just sitting there and he didn't get any room or freedom to say what he want every time he said something the other
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party went through him. and it will just use a pathetic way of looking at the long fairy professional way which is price me because mostly when i look at german talk shows they are more seriously they get the open and free speech and then there's an open and mostly very emotional. where speak your mind is but here we sold totally the opposite we sold out the other party were fairy emotionally against. the a of d. and the a.f.d. were they didn't get any rules even from any will herself didn't believe for any belief here in any space and i think this is fairy emotional a fairy not professional and one day will behave in this way. and get some signs also from the newspapers as it will go on this way. it will just
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bring to be a more votes in the future. thanks for your time your thoughts they're just not going to touch journalists not to say what a ray of light you are i'm still modeling nicky why it's a quarter past eleven at night and you're sitting there in a beautiful suddenly. long may it continue the one of the television all right now to give me the main winner of the day the alternative for germany party which will become the most right wing party to win seats in parliament in sixty years the chances of becoming the main opposition party faded the course of the social democrats ruled out forming a coalition with the c.d.u. still nonetheless they have to use particular to get only thirteen percent of the vote that's a big breakthrough into the parliament however many voters especially the young are concerned over the party's by the co anti immigrant stance of the thought is that might change that might soften the tone that according to some of the german media tonight anyway as the if they support and celebrated the results inside their h.q. outside wouldn't continue to show the pitches the protest has gathered in fact
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people have turned up to protest now in cities all across jim including how the bug cologne and frank puts in frankfurt tonight into the thousands we believe. was the. whole the major parties with scathing about the f.d.a. in the run up to the election. and in india it is wise to recognize that a party like the av d. is not only a challenge for the christian democratic union but a challenge for all of us in this parliament but it is about preventing
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a party of agitators from entering parliament on sunday if the f.d.a. is elected into the the stock market and the grave diggers of democracy to parliament for the first time since one thousand nine hundred forty five i am telling these people here in but you are enemies here and you can see i want to live in a country use the opportunities provided by the democratic system and then disappointed by something vote for politicians who will destroy democracy is from example from a political point of view he is the anti liberal and takes civic policy. and is not only top german politicians who see the a.f.d. party as a threat a lot of media outlets do too many so they might be better not to voters haul them to vote for a.f.p. and claim the party could actually pose a threat to democracy in germany so let's talk about those protests the still taking place outside the. german headquarters here in berlin polly boyd is one of our money team tonight let's cross to her again polly what's the update.
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yeah look at this. leaves that's just kind of been saying or would they even say these protesters that have turned out some lights in anger really at the president's success that the f.t.v. was celebrating up there in this building just opus it where the protesters have gathered young quested and his success that the populist party has had this evening now i can show you some of the fact that they still have some pretty weird ones actually we've got some people who might need a spelling lesson in english. but they have been calling the people. very. they were saying. oh thank you. oh thank you thank you thank you.
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thank you thank you. want to think about. not being in a coma and i was you excuse me thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. thank you. thank you ok. ok also thank you he was thinking that i wasn't taking was on t.v. was except i was was people who were very angry that there would. be sort of you l g b t was well. interesting racing so i was well i wonder if they know that i want to be i may know
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contentious leadership. in an openly gay relate. but nevertheless sort of a big crowd very young protesters as well as people that should be much older h.d. politicians icicle which is what i saw right in that very. very smooth the syndic they were very happy with their results now one thing that springs to mind when you see these very angry people is it may be quite a frightening experience for anybody in that state now the national coalition from the a.f.c. and eyeballed team see auras so and me. fully a.f.c. and beatrix still inside will the coaching the senility. and i also are about was the protesters would be take a listen to what she had to say. oh well that is democracy you just have to know the damn people with different opinions says i disagree you have forgotten
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a little bit of this democracy additional voice i love it when you the moment has none of that stuff we just paid to see about you still keep chasing this migration responding to see your against associates is the advocacy you know you reading all those pages of evidence only had one on syria sending we did what we were going to do to reduce the baro between you but then you just will accept that there are other would you give that up to your father as i said that with similar types of movements just like this one just like with the national front in front of some supporters in the us with the quote regs it crowd the anti establishment wing makes them because they are actually egged on by protests like this they think they will give the reason to galvanize and kind of get together bonsa get the most wrong was sadly the sense i got was a med school case i suppose about how they feel about this. tonight now one of the
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all that teaches one of the week the scene of a celebration was over phone d's no less which said the first they ignore you then they lost you then they might see you that way now i get the feeling that in the a.s.d. camp they they probably think that they've gone from the loafing out to the fighting stage was. ahead this. point is that the number of people that have come out to protest against. that want to say things like it was not. i think about. the people who they are referring to as. have left the building. they have all been quietly a school kids out the back you'll say they are protesting now at an empty venue for that but take a look at what it was light and how celebrating the atmosphere was just
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a couple of hours ago oh i'm sure michael may have come out on the spot but this is the policy of staying in pretty good job of raining on the way they have come to live like it is warning to eliminate results on the bed in that a.s.d. camp is incredible even those that have been speeches from the few candidates already talking about taking the country back and very reminiscent of the day we had from the probe breaking out in the u.k. from the forces in the us and supporting fronts and this is going to be story very much days before i knew just how different it would mean elsewhere problems. and not happening with the immigration policy in particular and to him but his decision to lessen the pain for a million refugees things on the scene taken my motels the a.f.c.
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we need to should pull back tires just how much all to move health and down to should. say anti establishment rhetoric tomfool about political correctness and anti as long as these are things that define the party and they haven't been scared about being provocative and culture of us still one thing that's basically meaningless to me is that the advertising campaign based on that they had during the run up was the election they featured women in bikinis saying we'll choose beheadings over the fact is any day and they talked about the germans being born with pictures of a pregnant you may german lady rather than having people come into the country and become german instead of a lot of the supporters of the party will say that they feel vilified by the mainstream media the mainstream political parties here that won't have anything to do with them and the foreign minister here in germany referred to them as a nazi but that's the sort of thing that tends to work like a red rag to
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a bowl to calculate the party's like because it may have gone at most of course in the end in a very angry and spit on the happy politician head because this really is a watershed moment this is a policy that was a setup in two thousand and thirteen now they're going to be getting ten minutes to meet in all of them and they're going to be a major opposition and will most often tonight they get on the board funding and more influence as well so that a.f.p. celebrating a victory. now let's have a look at the projected results our way leading the way as expected designed christie and democratic union with thirty three percent of the votes martin scholz in his social democratic party. trail in second with twenty percent and big gains this year for the alternative for germany policy going to enter parliament for the first time so far scoring just over thirteen percent close behind is the free
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democratic party with ten percent and that's seen as a likely coalition partner for angela merkel now the greens also looks set to gain nine percent and the left party eight now for the main two parties the results are looks to be the worst in post-war history but is the big headline tonight at least one of them one also of course of the the what have seats in the federal parliament rochelle to the bottom is. all coverage continues into the morning you're here for the three for us because we all feel it's lined up keeping a close eye on those on to the protests some are breaking out across germany for me kevin always thanks for watching but a sight seeing because it's what i post here let's see what's happening over the river. yeah three pretty at night isn't it we've had the rain with the bright sunshine earlier on my place berlin nicky i'm going to hollywood you for the rest of my naughty but have no fear tomorrow for me in the rest of the guys good evening .
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