tv Sophie Co RT September 25, 2017 1:29am-2:01am EDT
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number. two the number you know. here's what people have been saying about redacted in the navy seals exactly it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know a lot of the really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same we are apparently better than blue best bet is see people you've never heard of love
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redacted tonight not the president of the world bank though take. me seriously send us an e-mail. seems wrong but. just don't call. me. to shape out just to come out ahead and in the game because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze reza north korean missile launch over japan
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is causing yet another escalation with a military response in the air what can stop the region from the slide into open confrontation of former japanese government advisor militarist scholar dr naresh. guest today. as north korea launches missile after missile international sanctions and resolutions the world's powers scrambling for countermeasures is there a limit to north korea and the world's patients with it the provocation see a real true spawn's from the u.s. and its allies and what can be done to avoid an all out war. dr morrow she gave me a former japanese government advisor and military scholar welcome to the show it's good to have you with us so the way this north korean test so the lending two
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thousand kilometer system of hokkaido the second missile to fly over japan in less than three weeks error rate signals were sounded people were told to hide in basements there's been a boom in bomb shelter sales in japan are you scared. well i'm not scared but people upset and. good news is that. the people who. through media and different. take. pan is pretty well pretty protected by the missile defense systems we have one two different systems one is a sea based. system called the s m three broke one day and the other one is based here and the missile defense system called the patriot three and those so recently the japanese government
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started to conduct a civil defense exercises they stole a missile attack similar scenario so people are running i mean there are have been several missed tops for example i mean. mrs you know the. civil defense message. said told people to get inside saw the buildings in the areas there are not many solid buildings so they people became their panicky but we be able to fix it kind of messages in the future so. new snow is korea continues to launch missiles the good news we have taken measures to the hole that was in is my question is precisely because north korea continues to launch missiles why is the japan shooting down the missiles as they fly over
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your country are you sure japan has an adequate anti-missile system to take care of north korean attack. well i mean does missile does not come down or inside the japanese territories or the territorial waters. there's not much need for us to shoot them down but we know if there is a war on the korean peninsula and missile will you know coming up to us we have pretty robust missile defense capabilities to take care of. the latest bomb tested by north korea is according to some estimates seven times more powerful than those dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki you've said that as to north korea's threat gross japan's defense capabilities also must grow do you think this situation will push japan into easing its constitutional restraints on the military. well the
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constitution amendment does not mater too much because. though not the constitution is there we can deploy missile defense capabilities in. a civil defense. you know measures and you know we can take on the diplomatic steps to. deal with those green issues so the constitution doesn't matter too much but do you think that japan will start thinking about its own nuclear weapons program now. well i don't think so there are many things that we have to do before we start talking about nuclear weapons as i said you know missile defense is one. already made the decision to acquire more advanced version of a sea based missile defense system called the s.m. three but also to a and b.
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a lot of money these missile is a high tech and very expensive missiles and so it costs a lot of money and then we can take additional civil. defense measures and also. there is an interesting debate about whether or not japan should start thinking about acquiring the. strike capabilities but those capabilities are all conventional so i mean there is. no talking about nuclear weapons not. can you this point can you solly rely on yourselves because this feeling that we get is that japan has for decades based its to fans on this sumption that washington will come to talk is help this anything but now that america itself is in range of a north korean missile how will the u.s. be more worried about its own security than the security of others can tokyo still
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rely on this alliance. well i mean the point is north korea is not interested in attacking japan for the sake of attacking japan north korea saying is to undermine south korea which is its rival south korea's the only country which poses an existential threat to north korea south korea is the only country which capability ability and intention to absorb the north korea and unify the korean peninsula so north korea's aim is to undermine south korea not to. undermine or attack japan and the reason why north korea is trying to develop capability to japan is to actually prevent japan and the united states from assisting south korea in case of contingencies because with nuclear and
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the missile capability is capable of attacking japan and the united states north korea can say oh the americans and if you assist south korea we would attack you with nuclear weapons and north korea will be telling. you no the question will be whether you know would you be willing to sacrifice tokyo washington new york for seoul and we depend on the united states would be put in a very easy thing fashion do you think that japan the united states will still come to south korea's aid if anything happens. that's what we are committed to do but. north korean capabilities grow. we will become more difficult so that's why we are trying to strengthen our defense capabilities so that we will be able to remain
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committed in the case of crisis contingencies and. always so we are trying to strengthen a trilateral u.s. south korea japan. nation and the security partnership in all of the prevent the kind of consequences from my knowledge and so japan and south korea are sticking to the idea that sanctions will force into dialogue that for the new york times japan's prime minister shinzo has called on the international community to stay united and force the sanctions but meanwhile even the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley said that maybe sanctions aren't working so why insist on them. sanctions and no walking because because sanctions are not team place yet and already have already adopted the sanctions. it's the time for us to start
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implementing them and. you know attempts to implement them effective the chinese cooperation is in the ball indispensable so we're really trying hard to encourage china to implement you know important the sanctions are by the united nations security council give but there are and they so many of the sanctions which ducted will be able to say that about ninety percent. in the export sanctions on north korea are on single today they've been in place for a while other sanctions i mean this country has been sanctioned to death for so many years but they haven't been working hey still flying missiles over your head why do you think these sanctions the new ones will work. ok the previous sanctions were are not imposed on. a north korean import the
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export brode three those sanctions a space for good imposed on transfer of missile or nuclear rate to equipment and materials so the recent sanctions are more robust more broad much broader and previous ones so i believe if they are fully implemented that. would have a tremendous impact on north korean regimes capability and intention to develop nuclear missile capabilities in the same opinion that tauriel mr obvious says that any dialogue with pyongyang would be a dead end and that north korea would see more talks as proof of its victory over their national committee but in this case aren't we at a dead and already because there are sanctions and there are still launches and there are new sanctions and new launches and no talking. what do you think.
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well i think you know the politicians cannot say well this is a time for dialogue so i think it's more rhetoric and his long term vision. required for octave in gauging dialogue with north korea in two thousand and thirteen just after he became prime minister he initiated a process with north korea which resulted in agreement bilateral north korea japan agreement regarding action issues and humanitarian issues in two thousand and fourteen so he knows he is important what he is in trying to emphasize is that. at this point is premature and without pressure will be fruitless all right we're going to take a short break right now and when we're back we'll continue discussing
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a possible solution as to the north korean problem statement. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. to caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again
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still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our archives and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there were no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. right now we're in for their go go go scene over in fact. these birds fish leagues. i load via man would i might even be
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a small business on multimedia i might. a good introduce you eat it is home to the world's most powerful drug syndicates why you're growing marijuana no tomatoes it's a. good deal of the full grown people at the bottom of the global war nobody watch the people. of your. if. the government knows what they do and they do nothing.
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and we're back was dr narrow she began reaching for a japanese government advisor and military scholar discussing lives of approach to the north korean crisis welcome back to the show. now there's a russian chinese proposal will freeze north korea freezing this program in exchange for the u.s. and south korea freezing their military drills why is it being rejected by the united states. well because this is simply not the time for that because unless we take the necessary measures including sanctions and necessary defensive measures against north korea has been doing we would not be in a good position you know our ball going in position is not that strong so while we were trying to do right now as to you know i think we understand at.
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least a key but you know the best for the for the we have to strengthen the bargaining positions by imposing more sanctions and in a reinforcing defense capabilities russia and china's way of thinking is that came to nuclear weapons for insurance against regime change is it so hard to sing north korea is actually gearing up for offensive. well knows korea. gearing up for offensive diplomatically so i think north korea's out met the goal is to improve its relations with the united states and its nuclear power and you know based on the more stable international environment. might be interested in taking some kind of iconic reform
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but what kind of insurance can satisfy kids if not nuclear weapons is there anything else how do you make him believe that he will not have the same face ask. well certainly north korea has already have you know the tremendous capability to. destroy his soul north korea has deployed the large number of longer range teary pcs. long range multiple rocket launchers which can be used to bring about a major destruction. of seoul the capital city of south korea which has walked to basically deter. you know the united states from taking a preventive strikes against north korea and blocking nine hundred ninety four when the u.s. government under. president clinton syria's three thought about you know. preemptive
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preventive strike against north korea. that kind of conventional deterrent capability is not north korea had and you know basically did does the united states from going going ahead so those capabilities are still there so came does not have to be too worried about it for president obama's national security adviser susan rice one's friends and trying to accept north korea as a nuclear power and his intel to james clapper and made it that preventing north korea from getting nukes is a lost cause is it more productive now to just accept nuclear north korea and go from there. where i mean whether or not not know that north korea has nuclear weapons so for the time being we have to. you know form that policies and take the necessary actions based on the reality but it
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doesn't mean to say we will accept north korea as a nuclear. weapon state in the longer on so we have to find a way to. resolve this program and dismantle north korea's nuclear weapons by a step by step approach how realistic do you think is the north korean understanding of their american adversaries i mean do they seriously think they can pressure the united states into doing anything with threats. well it does with north korea's brinkmanship diplomacy has walked twice in the past the united states and north korea. more than a year of. course if diplomacy came signed an agreement called agreed for him walk in october one thousand nine hundred four. in the second round of fun
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nuclear diplomacy in north korea after six or seven years of. you know options came to an agreement in two thousand and seven in the six party talks frame oxo it has walked twice and they can walk again from internal north korean propaganda it seems clear that the north koreans are aware that if the war comes it will be devastating and the official line is that they're ready for that how do you play the new chilly assured destruction game when one side isn't afraid of destruction of self-destruction. well known as korea says one thing and do another is the. north korean leader it's crazy or stupid they have been quite rational in stopping cho to all of you know over the brink they've been playing this
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brinkmanship diplomacy in the past more than twenty years but they have not failed to. follow that and goal over the brink so they're pretty good and they know the limits and the playing the game within limits and so. you know they play the game you know continue to play the game this man right came don't go. prince of sorts in north korea a man who hasn't heard you know much of his lies on like his grandfather came john mail for instance so do you think he will actually know when to stop. well i mean camilla saw his grandfather was. you know he didn't know there was too much too well his father didn't even you know study abroad the cuban tone has been exposed studied in switzerland and has been exposed to one of the fairs he's you know nets for net software and he's much more informed and his father
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and we don't know how russian or smart he is but he's since being quite rational and you know and you know compared to his father for example kim jong il in the ninety's all the years of his tenure he was crazy but kim joan has not done that kind of you know committed that kind of yet so we have to wait and see but there is a you know progress you know possibility. of more small it's a little more you know rational his father so right after the american president sat that the military option against north korea is locked and loaded secretary of defense mattis secretary of state hillary they wrote a joint saying that the u.s. isn't after regime change in north korea so is it wise to play confusion games when
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we're talking about nuclear bombs. oh so everybody is playing the game here everybody all the countries are trying to. get in positions u.s. . strikes north korea. nuclear. and the device they shown while assad just you know. they you know the said after he reviewed than to launch missiles. he said according to the north korea report well we have to wait and see what the united states might do about this so both sides are playing the game and both sides seems to understand ultimately the day with the heart to engage in dialogue but not the time yet so how do you plan out your moves and their colander moves when it's so
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hard to find anything about this very close country north korea is a game where all the players are blind. oh you know really you know. one of the nineteen nineties not many people understood what kind of games the green thing really wondering and diverse opinions is what north koreans are trying to do but not. north korea has been playing the same game for the past more than twenty years so we know more this the name of the game how they play it and how they tried to ratchet up the crisis create a dangerous situation. when they suddenly. had just dogs and the so that kind of. house we have seen and can be repeated i'm not saying it will be repeated but it's quite possible to spot them would be
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repeated relations between china and japan have been pretty dire over territorial disputes but now that they have to do with north korea together somehow could this bring the nation closer together the two nations now that they have a bigger problem than islands in the sea. well it's not necessarily a good news we have north korea because. china has you know the wire that they should use destructed away from both their way from china sea and the south china sea for the korean peninsula nobody's talking about the south china sea any more so china has better you know more free hand to take auctions in those areas so we're pretty you can say and or limited pressure defense resources has been diverted to some extent not then toddy but from away
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from the south china sea and the sea toward the korean peninsula so it's really a taking heat to win in this situation which is thank you for being with us today we were discussing how the international community should handle the north korean nuclear crisis with former japanese government adviser and military scholar dr get me that's it for this edition of sophie and co i will see you next.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works in the economy is built around core. washington washington post media. to me though voters elected the businessman to run this country business equals power boom bust it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before . what politicians to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or some want. to go right to be precise that's what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters
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in the. first sip. this bed with the with me. the most get a little bit critical it was. plus i'm a lawyer but i. know both of it was a problem but i just sort of kind of this side of this yes. he had dumped on us and just she refused. to. wear the blue he won't get up to six good area for immigrants it's hit and miss we never really know for sure but this has been a active area. next year so i. don't know what when i sort of know if.
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