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tv   Larry King Now  RT  September 25, 2017 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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just like the real news a good actor that active and in the end you could never you're on. some other parking. real thing all the world all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. on larry king now wrestling legend interest jericho i couldn't be the biggest guy on the show but it could be the biggest personality and the biggest character and that's why i focused on i never i never considered myself a wrestler because i consider myself an entertainer who is currently on the list well i mean anybody that that makes me mad but it's also a good thing to people everyone wants to be on the list that's the thing when you start as a bad guy like i was calling people stupid idiots and people were booing now the stupidity of people in the listings and you supposed to be mad at that of mice and don rickles said he saw me sacked exactly right we live in a world now called the era of the celebrity president now with trump no previous
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experience knows how to work a camera knows how to be charismatic that's what you need to be the president now we've we've already established you don't have to be a governor you don't even have to be a senator plus chris jericho in ten years still here talking to you larry and larry king now still be entertaining people will still be doing what i'm doing because it's all i know how to do you ever see me working at a bank. so all next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now my guest is chris jericho rustler musician podcast or a new york times bestselling author christians known as well most popular and charismatic professional wrestlers in the history of having want to multitude of world heavyweight titles throughout his career in the w w e e c w w w f and w c w outside the ring the i have told of rock n roll. it is the lead singer of the
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rock band fozzy and he hosts a hip podcast called talk is jericho on podcast one dot com his new book is no is a fall at a word how i failed spelling but succeeded in life failed spelling both know is a four letter word. how did you come up with that title what does it mean well i mean it's i find that. no really is an ugly word because people throw very easily and they accept it very easily it's also hard to say sometimes it's hard to say and i thought that for i was it for me was always hard to accept because when i was a kid i wanted to be in a rock n roll band and i wanted to be a wrestler and a lawyer but he said was no you'll never do that and i was never never accepted that i was want to deconstruct the no one find out how can i make it a yes so i've done three autobiographies in the last eight years and i like to write i go out a great stories but do we really need a fourth chris jericho autobiography and i go and here's exactly it's not jack
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kerouac or you anyway or somebody so people always ask me how did you make it rock and roll how did you make it in wrestling so what i did was i went through my life and i picked twenty principles twenty lessons that i learned from famous people fictional characters friends and put them all into this book about how i learned all these lessons that enable me to achieve these goals and make these dreams come true so this is a book to help it really is i still feel this ridiculous story is a minute still me right but you know the vince mcmahon principle work hard and then work harder the older principle there is no try there's only do the gene simmons principle always look like a star always always dressed for success all those little tips can help you get what you want in life and i realize this by putting in this book it really is a new tony robbins and they have paul stanley of kiss right the fourth absolutely the thing about paul was he gave me this quote when i was sixteen years old i saw him a documentary and he said the only people. but tell you can't do something to the
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ones that have failed and i always that was speaking to me that you can't tell me i'm not going to do it because i believe in this so to have paul thirty years later after this quote sparked off this career of mine that he writes the forward of it was like a real like full circle moment did you have a mentor. i mean i think not necessarily a mentor one there's been a bunch of them was there any one piece of advice i let on i mean i think i think just actually vince is a pretty big mentor of mine i've been working for him for seventeen years and six men is a very unique character and so you know very well rightly we've done shows together with you and i love writing about this because he's such a unique wacky motivated amazing character and he'll never write about himself because he's too humble is like telling myself so all right about him in my book that's the way i like to do it you know how do you get with the day that we have been working for years at that point in time when i started wrestling. i was pretty
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small at the time it was all that the whole code is still giant size three i never will be but what i could do i couldn't be the biggest guy the show but i could be the biggest personality and the biggest character and that's what i focused on i never i never considered myself a rest like i consider myself an entertainer because that's what i brought to the table that was different from from the guys that were really big i could focus on that and you have won a box no i was not i was always the show business what's the i want to be in a rock n roll band and i wanted to be a wrestler to me like my dad played pro hockey for ten years i was a terrible hockey player not you know a boxing i wasn't disciplined enough but the showbusiness element the character the patrol you know that sort of a thing committing to playing this this other person how do you try out for w w e as you wrestle before i've been wrestling for nine years around the world that so whatever is was there is that i was the star in mexico japan you know europe and then fall. only at the point time it took me nine years before word gets around
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that you finally get in now they have a big training center down in orlando they signed guys they think will make it they go down there for two three months and they train and they start learning how to get the business inside seen you wrestle i'm not sure you did one thing you advance is like i always say that it doesn't matter what you've done outside of those of those walls intil you walk into a deal to be re-invent sees you with his own two eyes i don't think it matters what you've done i think his his his is people had told him about chris jericho and he might have seen a few things but i don't think he really knew who i was and what i could do or what i had potential to do until i got there and as good as i was after nine years getting into the vince world was a completely different thing why is w w e and i've been on that show you have a yeah absolutely and i why is that why is is so successful i think because it's a variety show it's a modern day morality play it's
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a if shakespeare was alive today he'd be writing devotee of the shows because there's drama there's comedy there's there's emotion be trail conflict romance but it's staged of course it's staged but source those shakespeare plays as though the best movies i've ever seen you know you and i could go see the newest out and pick out any movie that in fast and furious movies and we go watch the movie like this is a great movie we know it's not real we know these cars can't do flips and all these other things that happen but within the confines of that movie it's magic that's what wrestling is why the fans go so crazy with the same reason why you go crazy at a boxing match or go to the movies you get into it i find that the three biggest. most focused craziest fans are w.b. fans kiss fans in star wars fans they're never happy they're super loyal they'll buy all the merge they complain but they love it and they're there for life and you are tired i've been not a full time devotee performer for both last. seven years but i don't know when to
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wrestle i just finished up a whole stint back in may take some time off book comes out other shows other opportunities that i go back to keep it keep it fresh that's another of the principles it's the david bowie principle reinvent yourself constantly keep things changing if you get in a rut change things and that's what i do is there a lot of camaraderie in the w w e the other is it's like it's like being in a war you see your old war buddies i've never been in the army but as i haven't seen them in twenty years is like a day haven't passed the same and everybody spends so much time with these guys and then when i leave for two three four five months you don't see them then you come back it's like your old buds you know there are moments when you really get angry in the ring not not not now not this level this is a professional but there was times i mean especially going overseas mexico you get in fights with guys in the ring japan it used to happen all the time because they would always try and teach a lesson to the foreign guy suit bases have to punch them back it does happen from
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time to time we make it a little heated with somebody but it doesn't break down into a full fledged fight in the ring sometimes there's fights backstage you know once in a while i've been into fuel myself but you have a close buddy from the wrestling world yeah this quit this quite a few you know this guy you know you went into acting like john cena go get yeah what do you make of like seem here's the thing you tell us in a time of the rockets i will beat the state i would jericho we all have that vince mcmahon work ethic and another thing is there's no prima donnas in the derby even backstage you see how it is you are expected to do your job your spec to the press expect to do whatever it takes to represent the company represent yourself so whenever we guys like us come out into hollywood guy like john work ethic through the roof attitude amazing the press what do you want me to do what else can i do to promote this it's like dream a dream performer for the for the people out here how do you explain the phenomenal success of the rock just work ethic work ethic. talent charisma not taking no for
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an answer and it all boils down to rock as ole osi things he does have all those things and he'd run for president absolutely think he could win absolutely i'll say the reason why larry we live in a world now called the era of the celebrity president started with obama in a little bit now with trump no previous experience knows how to work a camera knows how to be charismatic that's what you need to be the president now we've we've already established you don't have to be a governor you don't even have to be a good to be a failed present well i agree but but it retrospect but he still got in so if you have a guy like the rock who comes on with super charismatic he's a big guy he commands you know he has a presence about him he could win he could win his talk a few come in and former u.f.c. fighters might step into the w w ring i mean would they do oh well it's all show business like you said in tama gregor does well at the personality for it we did something with what is funny years ago there's so much here much of how much we were i remember when mayweather fought a wrestler we have
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a we were on your show with me mayweather and you invents right so i went back to find that last week and then i realized that i had done an enron confrontation with floyd i was in his face is that listen the man i will knock you out of knocked her out so i had totally forgotten about it until i was looking up our show with you and me and then found that picture you know it is you do so much stuff sometimes you forget these things that you've done but floyd did good because it is the gift of the gab connor would do great as well because he knows how to talk he has a to sell tickets so it's all about so there are a lighter people like that who wrestle absolutely i'm not i mean floyd actually wrestle the big show you know because its size doesn't matter in the desert it is just about to go out there as he would do absolutely same thing is showbusiness she would do great there i would be i betcha she'll be in the devil to be before conner will be i really think that because you know the economy's well in connersville you're not going to get connor for anything less than this day and age did you expect him to do what he. i thought he did
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a great job i was expecting floyd to win completely and i think people might have underestimated connor a bit like he's there at a boxing match well big deal is u.f.c. champion you could punch that guy in the face ten times he's not going to go down as we saw but the inexperience of the conditioning is what led to him losing but it was the perfect finish he looked great floyd wins fifty you know retires had connor gone the distance or even won it would been horrible for boxing because what a show and he would have shown a guy with those to be experienced and come beat the best of all time pound for pound so it was a great finish a great fight and everyone got their money's worth hubbies played if i did mcgregor never heard him never heard floyd you never heard of two things hit them in the first three rounds i bet it's like a callous like you know if you i go to play guitar or lift weights you get the calluses your fingers the callison and i bet she's got a whole body callous and just years of a vetting punch where doesn't the fact that he was rope a dope and larry i mean totally was he was tiring out the old ali trick and that's
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exactly got to me we wanted we could see mcgregor and like the round nine just like just standing and they just and this now right but the experience up next stop putting the great pristine told in the if you only knew hot seat and you don't want to miss this we'll be right back on larry king now. there's a real irony. there is always. always a. wholesale surveillance you feel you have already while rosen and criticizing the things used to sell oil i always thought it was it's garbage real. i meet a british. it's powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater
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media landscape is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the we don't skew liberal or conservative and as you can see his bar graph don't skew the facts either talking at lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all to look at world art the americans in the spotlight now every really admired no i get to classify as it actually took me way more time than i care to admit i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the deep n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an ethical government claims that cannot be
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verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. and that is chris jericho the mobility in the bestseller no is a four letter word about the band saws the yeah was that a big. i like to do them both and that's that people say if you can only choose one i don't have to do them both and right now we have a number one song on on satellite radio for five weeks in a row so to see the band growing the way that the wrestling career grew you could do another album absolutely sure no one comes over to over thirteenth what's the song judas is the song judas about the guy from. it's about betraying yourself
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about you always in people we always make bad decisions and you know it's a bad decision but you make it anyways you betraying yourself that's kind of what the lyrics revolve around any bands you like to collaborate with well we toured metallica back in two thousand and thirteen that was amazing you know obviously the biggest band in the on the planet but not just how they play but how they act to how they treat their opening bands very classy organization you know yeah i mean i've always found that the bigger the star the class or they are so is the guys in the middle that you know i mean that have the problems ego problems and stuff but i mean anything you could ever in time it does it with metallica's is the most up for sure game of if you only knew all right all right there we go who is your childhood celebrity crush who actually was funny the first crush i can ever remember having is never marry hartman mary hartman of course i don't know who is louise i can order name was mary mary hartman was my first and then also a charro i love out of our own when i was with you yeah there's
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a piece of advice you ever got. actually my dad told me you've got to sell yourself no one's going to call you got to pick up the phone and call people and beyond to give off the porch absolutely yeah worst piece of advice you ever. drink another shot of whiskey. or see most memorable wrestling moment. match wise probably had a ladder match with shawn michaels in two thousand and eight that was a culmination of this amazing eight month long story that's probably my favorite match for all those reasons story of you and just this is the always the nice guy i know i always i've been the champion six times all of them as a bad guy so let me tell you that tells you which one i like better so bad guys when they can get they have to that's how you build it up for the good guys to get revenge in the end strangest fan encounter with it's always strange to me when people have tattoos. view chris jericho tattoo of my face some of them are great
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some of them aren't they look like maybe they design be version of jericho but you still have to be nice because that's great thank you so much man is that your real name. my real name is irv and chris urban yeah who gave you jericho that's pretty good i got that justice at the battle yeah they wanted me to be a cowboy when i first started i hated cowboys and stuff they want me to be a cowboy chris casper or something like that and now spoil me so i needed a name quickly and there was a cassette tape of this german heavy metal band in the album is called walls of jericho and as i want to be covered chris casper i'll be a christian all right chris jericho days who's a wrestler from yes the year you'd like to face probably the late owen hart he passed away before i got to the devil to be but i would be a great one who from history would you like to take to lunch. amen i'll go i'll go john lennon for now i can change a person you'd like to switch places with for
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a day. on the same lines i think it is to be like paul mccartney or mick jagger some of the everybody in the world knows just as it would be to live that for one day biggest risk give it took. probably jumping off the top of a fifteen foot high steel cage into the ring i talk about in this book just because i wanted to see if i could do it you know i was forty three years old me to kill an elbow thief that i land on the guy so doing across a body from the top of the guy and i'm like out give it a try what's the worst that can happen death but i did i didn't die i'm still here was the worst injury of i've actually also i'm actually really well known for never being hurt the only time i've ever been hurt i had a i broke my arm to see the scar i got to still play and that was in ninety four the only time i've ever missed time in wrestling in twenty seven years was a seven week period one thousand and four other than that never been injured and to break it was trying to flip it he did but he moved because i thought i could do it i was doing enough a diving board and then i just tried side to do it off the ropes and it didn't work
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as well as the diving or secret talent. secret talents really good barbecue or i can barbecue a steak like a mo fo real good as the try it super power you wish you had flying maybe or x. ray vision to see through the ladies' dresses guilty pleasure. early ninety's rap mc hammer vanilla ice gerardo i like that stuff for some reason well it's something still on your bucket list. it's weird mad because i got a chance to do so many things. i'll say start a movie leading man in a movie. yeah something you wish we should be paying more attention to. and i mean you could see the environment i think that's something i have a tesla larry which is like you just plug the car you know and love what it is lazing really think car policy powerful i think a little bit more a little bit more of a treat each other better. with the way people treat each other sometimes on the
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street or other countries or other. ethnicities i don't like that i think we're all need to be nicer when i think of tesla with a smaller car i think it's great the affordable one i mean i mean i think probably the car companies are are you know having heart attacks right now because it's basically the end of an engine there's no more engines necessary tesla has no engine no oil nothing it basically plugs in and it drives itself. so i think it's a very very important because you think of the driverless car interesting right now for me yeah i like to be in charge i like to have i don't know you know i like the idea of if you take your eyes off the wheel for a second it will get your back but i could never just get in and just go slip into terminator for me i would also not trust it as i mean this is a woman's terminator skynet taking over you know chris jericho in ten years still here talking to you larry and larry king now i'll still be entertaining people i'll still be doing what i'm doing because it's all i know how to do whatever to be
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working at a bank or. have some social media question all right aaron jay on the larry king now blog jeremy donald trump when he did his stance on w w a yeah i met trouble a bunch of times he even gave me a bottle of his vodka when it came out so so thankful that i can mr president. when yeah he was a lot like vince very air of confidence always a tinge of arrogance but very friendly. and dub two or nine what is your future hold after wrestling basically more of this i love to read books i love playing with with the band the podcast is going great like i said there's a lot of opportunities in acting to acting as well you absolutely lisa berry on facebook who would be your dream guest on your podcast. paul mccartney he's a great guy yeah yeah you've been with him a lot of times leslie also s n o six you that's right it was actually an honor to have you on my show larry when you came in did it i mean just to have oa loved it
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whatever whenever i put the list of gas i was put larry king right at the top so i'm one of the favorite absolutely how raw man on twitter wants to know who is currently on the list. you understand people you have a beef with right he has the list of jericho it's this is throwaway thing that he did that became like this iconic thing goes on the list well i mean anybody that makes me mad but it's also got a good thing to people everyone wants to be on the list that's the thing when you start as a bad guy like i said i was calling people stupid idiots and people were booing now call me stupid idiot can you put in the list like that is supposed to be mad at that mice and don rickles insult me x. act exactly right grains loss on facebook what do you make of the current state of politics in the united states it's interesting and the most. i've been forty six is the most decisive time in politics as far as line down the middle team a and team b. it's
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a little scary it bothers me once again because are we concentrate on the betterment of the country or we concentrate just on not liking the president like the president is very nice of divisive exactly at this is comes to on twitter who has influenced you the most in your wrestling life. from a from a learning standpoint visit man in his right hand man a guy called pat patterson is in his seventy's now but i learned more from pat about how to structure a match about the psychology of wrestler. thing is all psychology it really is is not the moves it's where you do things how you do things where you put them and selling the story of the match i learned moments all i know from pat patterson lewis re read twenty twenty on twitter what goes into training to become a good wrestler it all depends you know it is for you what was training like you have to train well you obviously have to train it was all about you know lifting weights a lot so they but once again like we talked with mayweather and they mcgregor cardio is so important and now for me my training consists of basically just riding
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my bike twenty miles a day at the path that i have near my house i don't lift a lot of weights anymore because cardio is more important. but if you're starting to have two jobs it's a physical looking business it's an aesthetic business but cardio is very important at kaleo tourists five on twitter who is your toughest opponent throughout your career and some great ones i love working with shawn michaels like i said the rock was always on the rock actually because he's so popular now in hollywood people forget how good of a wrestler he was he was a great wrestler inside the ring always fun to work with him and you say great west since it's stage what makes a great wrestler well. connecting with the audience is so important but also within the ring the physical things you can do the moves that you do together you know i always say you'll find it's interesting wrestling could be an olympic sport because it's as much of a sport as synchronized swimming or gymnastics or figure skating it's two people
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doing a planned routine so if you had like team america do a match and the judges would vote then team russia doesn't match the team can it is a match it's the same thing the judges would vote who they thought did the best performance together and that's what wrestling has you're working together. exactly right like a dance same thing i never thought of that yet maybe that's be my next thing but if you're also fighting x. on tuesday. right knew you were first that bout you don't have time we work four days a week sometimes more lot of travel when you get it's like being in a jazz band when you're that good it just followed each other all the changes let's try this let's do this you may reverse some of that maybe you've never done before one move or something but as far as the whole match as impossibly just don't have time and plus i can't rehearse if there's not people in the crowd i'm not doing a bunch of stuff i save it for when the people are there that's the adrenaline that you get a senior gave me larry thank you so much always
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a pleasure big thanks to my guest chris jericho be sure to pick up a copy of his new book no is zero four letter word how i failed spelling but succeed in life is always you can find me on twitter and kings things and i'll see you next time. people have got to know whether or not fair presenter support american people deserve to know you and your friends at this point does it mean a guard against the military industrial or we shall never go. to an old and very old yet we do what.
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future does the sacred. rejected tonight comedy show. not defect by the corporate. we can go after the corporations it's just more your life profitable for people. redact it's not for me it's like medicine that's like. i can tell from all the stress that the news but still under redacted tonight is a show where you can go to cry from laughing about the stuff that's going on in the world as opposed to just regular crying we're going to find out what the corporate mainstream media is not telling you about how we're going to filter it through some satirical comedic lenses to make it more digestible that's what we do every week hard hitting radical comedy news like redacted tonight is where it's at.
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i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories that are critics can't tell me you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know what they're working.
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to make. tough talks begin in germany is on the market party looks for coalition partners after limping to victory in the federal election. meanwhile the. rallies in the city of dresden after right wing nationalists enjoyed a surge in support. and human rights watch accuses the u.s. led coalition of killing scores of civilians including thirty children in airstrikes near the syrian city of rock back in march. and that does it for me with my colleague to call a break we'll be back. live from moscow. coming up next though it is stay with us.


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