tv Cross Talk RT September 27, 2017 5:29am-6:01am EDT
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here's what people have been saying about redacted in the us exactly it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same we are apparently better than flew past that and see people you never heard of love redacted the night my president of the world bank paid money to write me seriously send us an e-mail. right now we're in quite a. scene over thanks to. these various fish you please. i hope he asked me who that might be yes moments it's almost time to night. i could introduce you eat it is home to the most powerful drug syndicate. why you grow
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter labelle there was a time when hollywood in the entertainment business used to do exactly that entertain us today there was a very different partisan reality now they soon their mission is to educate us and demand political conformity with the country evenly split is this a losing proposition. crosstalk in hollywood and politics i'm joined by my guest wendy in new york she is a liberal commentator as well as a race and culture researcher at johns hopkins university in washington we have tim black he is a political analyst commentator and host of the tim black show and in seattle we cross to that caller he is a writer activist and progressive you tube or crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated zach i'm going to go to you first in seattle because you got up early it's for this program and i'm really
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very much appreciated you know we're calling this program i'm calling this program hollywood propaganda but as we were getting all set up to do this recording what crossed my mind is that it should be called dog whistle because this is what people are using all of the time every time trump opens his mouth it's a dog whistle every time a conservative says that it's a dog whistle but i would turn it on its head i would say the emmys the c.n.n. and this n.b.c. e.s.p.n. all of their they're the dog whistles ok any time somebody says something they disagree with then they pack and they pile on and this is what really really bothers me your reactions i can see out. yeah i completely agree i mean everyone is just so sick of this moralizing that's coming from the establishment i mean it was a losing strategy for the democrats in two thousand and sixteen trying to tell us how to vote trying to tell us what to think and here the democratic party of the establishment and the hollywood entities that support them are continuing to just moralize and tell us what to think and what to do instead of providing us with
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information so we can make our own thoughts and decisions on our own and you know everyone is just sick of it it's just the same fatigue of the establishment and the corporate do awfully that's just keeping the public in mindless discourse instead of you know them actually getting involved to change the government and make the reform that we need to get out of the horrible patterns of injustice that we're in now ok wendy let me go to you because i'm sure you're going to disagree and i'm very happy that you're on this program what news outlets and organizations that i mentioned you know they always say that they believe in diversity but i don't see the diversity it's very monotone for me and it's not very deep actually as well and i find it really difficult because they try to take on some kind of moral superiority and then the deplorable rest of us and i think that's a very it's very unhealthy we have a situation like this go ahead wendy in new york i find it interesting that we often talk about hollywood as if it's just this sect of democrats when that's not
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the case there are conservatives who also reside in hollywood we have ted rock who currently right now is you know running for office and then we also have someone like scott bale so you know as americans we have the ability and as any citizen really have the ability to say what side of the political aisle you're on in should not be penalized for it and this is just so happens that hollywood happens to be more so less leaning then let's say those individuals who are in the country music sector then so be it that is their right we should not sit here and tell down on people who are in hollywood because we feel as though they are. but i don't kind of thing and i think don't you think they are but don't you think they talk down to the the heartland to the middle of the country i mean i greet everyone has freedom of speech i agree with you ok but what i see coming out of this is these the mainstream media the corporate media and hollywood and the music business and now it's invading sports ok let me go to tim here that i again freedom of speech we all
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respect but i think that that that speech that comes out of those news organizations and other organizations very monotone and i'm sorry it's very condescending all the time if you disagree go ahead tim yeah absolutely please look i can't believe what he's up here defending you know these multi liberals these are big studio houses and hollywood we know that these thousand barrels and they control the group think they control the group think this is what they do and if you are in hollywood you have to contend with that you have to alter your message and make sure it fits in with their agenda which is to push forth the liberal propaganda to the masses actors correct when these trip and i believe that most people in hollywood would agree with me. they have to get into they have to fall into line too in order to adapt in order to get work in hollywood reality zack you want to jump in there. yeah you know it's just it's interesting because we're still
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kind of everyone is still kind of recovering from not only the great policing in which obama transferred more wealth to the one percent than any american present history that still hitting americans really hard everyone's recovery from that but also in the twenty sixth election we saw an unprecedented conglomeration all of the mainstream media including the hollywood and the hollywood elites that were you know sitting talking with hillary clinton at her private fundraisers they were talking down on the entire working class that's why you know trump was listening to the working class more than hillary clinton won and that's one of the big reasons why he won but we are still recovering from this unprecedented conglomeration of the media and entertainment industry is involved in that we saw that point blank and it's you know the hollywood industry has all of the resources to be the ones feeding us the information so of course they're not going to tell us to dissent from them and to break from the things that they're telling us to do but that's part of what the american people are just tired of at this point is the rich people
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telling us what we should think the diversity that we need is not diversity in you know race so much anymore it's diversity in socioeconomic background we're looking at oscars emmys any of these award shows where's the diversity in economic background there is none and that's what hollywood needs to continue not ok all right all right. wendy respond because wendy one of the things that i found and i think it's quite obvious we've heard the emmys so ok i mean it seems to me that the hollywood elites have not learned anything from two thousand and sixteen they're still litigating that election the everybody else has moved on except for the democrats and hillary clinton you know people are moving on and they're in hollywood is doubling down on a message that failed and you know it's going to start hitting their bottom line people are not they're not going to movies as much anymore they're probably just stop go going to football games i mean this is again it doesn't make any logical sense to me they're actually hurting their own material in. by the path they keep
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going down go ahead wendy in new york. no one is litigating this over again what we're seeing here is a reflection of the polls donald trump has the lowest approval rating in modern presidential history so if you are at an awards show and the majority of the people do not like him and decide to use the opportunity to take a day exact them that's not because they're making it out but they are putting up some smoke and mirrors just for this award show is reflective of the poll numbers people do not like donald trump and to go to a comment that was made about we don't see diversity and socio economic status in the award shows we should move away from diversity their race that actually is logically flawed how do you have diversity of socio economic status at the awards shows when you have multimillionaires given the warts of multimillionaires so we're not looking at diversity for social economic status what we said be looking at is diversity when it comes to race when it comes to religion when it comes to gender so that argument was completely false you know what it was i was like right here
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because i know ten men he has comment it sounds like people are big babies and they're mad that democrats have the celebrity backing him donald trump nobody i think has been saying they are mad at midst of liberals here let me go put it to me here you know tim you know we see these we see these big shows of rich people in their nice clothes and everything you know and they're supposed to be the best of the best i find it very mediocre and awful most of the time but you know don't they have. don't think i have to respect their audience i mean they put the shows on for their audiences presumably or maybe they just tape them and won't go home and watch themselves ok but they do have some responsibility to their audience go ahead tim yeah absolutely people have a responsibility but is to to share holders is to do. so they don't hear above the average working person out there they want to shape the narrative and param it the direction of the liberal agenda look look i agree diversity. yeah we need the verse to be behind the camera and in front of the camera but that's not what's happening
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now and that's what's never happened in hollywood you know if if these people want to live in a bubble then they would understand that we have all types of people with conservative backgrounds liberal backgrounds runs the gamut but that's not what's projected you know the family values of conservatives also served by a number of other liberals but when you look at the narrative when you watch t.v. when you was to movies look the the emmys the lowest rated emmys in the last four years i mean what do you what do you call that the liberals the you that they don't want to call out the fact that hillary clinton her new book is just another albatross around the neck of americans of the democratic party of the d.n.c. they want to get rid of the but they can't why like i said before it is control they have to fall in line they would love they got a gag reflex going on right now peter they don't they don't want to accept the fact that they've got to come out again and support hillary clinton as the worst villain sound i would want to send that back ok exactly let me go to you i mean i again you
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know i get this they get this impression the you know with the advent of donald trump we have culture wars we've had culture wars for decades right now but you get that impaired impression looking at the shows here that you know it's all his fault not that i agree with everything he says like i he shoots himself in the foot all the time his whole alabama thing was a fiasco in my opinion it's not the did need to do go ahead zack in seattle. i mean it's just like all of this mindless blathering and making jokes about trump is just so stressful because there are so many horrifying things about his policies that need to be you know denounced in no uncertain terms and here we have hollywood celebrities and the political establishment taking you know just jabs at him that actually do nothing to change the things that we need to change and it's like every time these you know the liberal neo liberal talking heads are complaining about donald trump or all trump is awful it's like yeah trump is awful then why did democratic party and hillary clinton elevate donald trump as their campaign
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strategy why did the media give him billions of dollars of free airtime elevating this exact inflammatory and offensive rhetoric it's like they use it for their advantage and they think that we don't understand what's going on they think we don't read wiki leaks it's like come on we know they're trying to censor information from us that's not going to stop us from finding the truth unfortunately for them try as they might we're still going to find it in the harder they try to obscure the truth and facts from us the more we're going to look for it ok on that note we're going to go to a short break and after our short break we'll continue our discussion on hollywood and politics state with our team.
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this with the with me. the most get a little. bit. of the new but i. know both it was a bit of but i guess sort of kind of the side of this you. see a dump of and just syrup that is. where the blue he will get a specific good area for immigrants it's hit and miss we never really know for sure but this has been a active area. so i. you know. when i started no i.
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welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing hollywood in politics. ok got to go back to wendy in new york oh you wendy fred astaire was a lie. i flung republican in gene kelly was a lifelong democrat most people don't know that i only recently found about it you know and i didn't really care before this but now everybody has to wear everything on their sleeves why they're just entertainers that we pay them a lot of money to entertain us why do we have to hear about their politics all the time now go ahead. so this this whole narrative of just you know shut up and entertain is really is really you know perverse and we have to stay away from that because even though they're entertainers they're also human beings and you know
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most of them are taxpaying human beings so they have a right to speak about the democratic process in our nation and i just want to clarify a few false truths that have missed this discourse i believe it was ten who said you know the emmys will had the lowest rating this year yes they did but before that last year was the lowest rating and before that two thousand and sixteen was the lowest rating so this is not about politics because last year with the president i was in office was in trouble it's about award shows and general have been low ratings and doubly right now what we need to vote zeidan has. to be on this is important why do they have the ratings because i know you they had low ratings for the right in the ratings last year they had really no that's not true they were recruiting they were asleep as you know it was you know and two thousand and sixteen no one how about the ratings because they are the fat because that's the way how alec baldwin what his award. for making fun of trump how about his co-host won her award for making fun of kelly and the ideals of the day when we
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do one of the politics that's not true who voted for the war that's what i am example in this manner piers painter here piers voted for. a little just you know let's go to the one i keep their leaders it's not because they apparently did not get out because we're so bad because he's damaged and i want to legislate that i am just a bit of magic she has everybody and i don't care either way and let me go to remember to be you didn't read anything about nobody filibusters him go right ahead. look we do. have a good point you write the ratings have been down for several years and for several years the image has stink and look you know regular american people to vote all these people to vote for you to go to go to kentucky to go to go to pennsylvania to to go. see in my neighborhood birds fly missourian as these people say what do you think about alec baldwin most people don't care about alec baldwin or his imitation but that's where the the thing with this is i have
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a lot of democrats folks that follow my channel they watch these ollywood they watch my show when it's a good windows but they can come on the show when do they can come on the show because of the backlash they will get from the democratic establishment from hollywood these people have to eat and for you to sit here and say that that's not the reality that's really disingenuous so maybe you just don't know really what's going on in hollywood these people really have to follow their lead so yes you say with their freedom of speech is controlled it's controlled by the fact they have to be employed by people who say watch what you say you can say what you want but it better be what i like so be it that's what you can say what i like you to say and that's the reality and windy ok but let me go to sac here equal time for everyone that can see i don't remember it zach got up early as we all owe him a cup of coffee ok you know exactly what i want to go back to the different astaire gene kelly comment because i think it's really telling i mean they were great entertainers but i don't remember them for their politics i remember for their art real art not like the trash we see today ok and i think there's that consumers that
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you we should there should be some kind of consumers rights when it comes to entertainment in many ways then and it's certainly hollywood isn't living up to that bill of goods right now go ahead zack in seattle yeah i mean if a celebrity wants me to take their opinion on politics seriously you know come to seattle come two or the immigrant detention center that just got slapped the massive lawsuit by the washington state attorney general for detaining people and paying them one dollar a day instead of following minimum wage laws come look at the housing crisis come to one of our cities and actually look at what the problem is and show leadership in helping us address that issue if you want me to respect your political opinion jennifer lawrence it's absolutely absurd what you said before is absolutely correct well it's a losing strategy in two thousand and sixteen for them to be moralizing and inserting themselves. in our lives trying to tell us what we what is best for us it's just such an insult to merican people that we don't know how to think for ourselves and we need entertainers to tell us how to vote and tell us what problems
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in our lives make a difference it's just completely ridiculous and having seen how the hollywood elite i mean i think the breaking point really it was kind of nice when the white helmets won their oscar because we really saw how in bed hollywood is with the pentagon with n.s.a. . cia and the government i have to mention they've been working to manipulate our entertainment industry for decades they're trying to fetish size the military to increase role meant they're trying to make it seem like imperialism is something to be celebrated it's just disgusting and as we move into a post capitalist society there's just going to be more people losing interest in it sorry when you can defend the emmys as much as you want but nobody's going to care about it five years from now ten years from now people are losing interest and money it was never a value to begin with and rich people have to keep telling us it matters because that's the only way that people might think it actually does matters but tim and i both are out there fighting the good fight on a daily basis in spite of the unprecedented obstruction and you know it's just like
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you can't even speak out without being told not to criticize the establishment it's just unbelievable and you know you know hollywood if anyone in hollywood if any celebrity really wants to be a true hero get on the front lines in syria get on the frontlines where journalists are getting killed for their art you're doing nothing on t.v. or in a movie i don't taking a jab at trump great. going to going after that's nothing new that's a good point you know we go to wendy going out to trump is easy i don't know why anybody thinks they can score points that i think is pretty primitive i mean madonna actually judge. johnny depp i mean i mean really i mean this is a kind of garbage that comes from these people and you know what if they had something interesting to say i would listen to it i would listen to their speech where they don't have anything interesting to say when it comes to politics which is bluster and again spitting down on their audience go ahead wendy. so i think was that said that was really interesting was he said you know years from now no one
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will remember the emmys and i think that's a great point but you know what people will remember the fact that donald trump has no legislative lens the fact that he has tried to repeal obamacare where it's a four times a has failed the fact that his travel van has been struck down twice yeah that's what we're going to remember so you're right we have to start talking about the things that people will remember and quite frankly this president has done nothing that is memorable instead he has the lowest approval rating and he continues to call individuals different groups whether they're muslims whether they're african-american athletes or whether they're gold star families yes what he specializes in so until he puts a legislator when on the board i will say we have nothing to really discuss because he has shelled that all we can talk about are his blunders but that with this is the point let me go to tim i think but i agree with wendy but in a completely different way because we're talking about all. the entire room is
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sucked out of the air is sucked out of the room to talk about these ridiculous cultural wars doesn't really benefit anyone except for the rich and comfortable ok and legislative agenda well tim you know it's because of the establishment i don't want anybody to think i'm a republican i'm not a plague on their house ok they're not doing anything the democrats are doing anything and the establishment media are going along for the ride with the ratings none of them are contributing anything positive to the average person's life right now as we speak go ahead tim. absolutely right look when what obama was in the office they could have been saying the same complaints that they have now about donald trump about a double shot support i just call out nonsense when i see it if you look at the all of the police shootings that have occurred all that has to examine the all the aztecs peter all of those people gathered there obama but they were virtual signaling or the end result is about all look what obama's done is making all these wacky all these white officers shoot black kids if that would have happened under
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donald trump they would be saying it and saying it at every award show at every opportunity always saying this you can hit trump but here i want substance you know the great if you want to make a donald trump joke great at least make it funny to hear it about his hair hollywood is staying on this cosmetic personality issue that's all about his weight as this we need to focus on the issues and i'm all for focusing on the issues and hearing about policy that's what matters and that's what matters to the american people to the point exactly when i go there because you know that's one of the things that i say you know this whole thing in alabama what a fiasco what a waste of everybody's time when he went down there for a purpose and he got out he wandered off the reservation into another one of these senseless cultural war conflicts that dell doesn't need to be exasperated but it is go ahead zack that i'm not that's not a vote of confidence for donald i think a. no and donald trump is terrible i mean i i swore i wasn't going to vote for him
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first which is why i tried to vote for bernie sanders and that obviously all went out the window but the democratic party elevated him so here we are stuck with him and i think that the n.f.l. drama this past weekend wasn't a very clear kind of indication of how the media tries to spin things in order to bash trump because they think that's good business or good ratings or something it's like the take a knee movement is in protest of privily police brutality it's not in protest to trump and everyone knows that we are here fighting to find justice from the top where hillary clinton is skating by without you know any ramifications to her crimes all the way down to the bottom where we have killer cops killing our brothers and sisters of color with no ramifications whatsoever this corrupt criminal justice system top to bottom needs to be addressed in a real way and bashing trump doesn't do anything about that and it's just absolutely absurd that anyone would think that the president of united states is the person is responsible for improving law enforcement and relationship with
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communities in seattle in new york in d.c. these are local issues that need local leadership in all the time that we spend just mindlessly bashing ok again it's just ok. it was you both against a wendy me maybe me a little bit too so wendy in the last forty seconds on the program i'm very pleased that you are here go ahead. thank you so much no i think that you know the zach brings up a good point but we have to understand that this all starts from the top and heavy is the head there where it's a crowd that whether you voted for him or not donald trump wears to crown and he has done things with his attorney general sessions to rollback civil liberties for individuals even when it comes to militarize and police and we all know that that does not help community policing so we have to start holding him accountable so i can't sleep out uses terms or derogatory towards n.f.l. players who put their bodies on the line every single day weather isn't. actis or again that that all the divides our country further so we have to start have an
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honest discourse and we have to start holding him accountable because he is ok and a glorious united states run out of time how to higher standard one last night i really hope that hollywood will make a dramatic mini series on a family why they voted for donald trump last year because hollywood isn't interested in it many thanks to my guests in washington new york and in seattle even thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were yourself and taken your last wrong turn. to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other.
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but then my feelings started to change you talked about more like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its make. sure you know we're in the. c.l. or in fact. these various visual clues. i'll. yes. i could
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headlining right now rockets are fired at kabul international airport just hours after the us defense secretary in the head of nato arrived in the afghan capital. and the taliban say they did it. last breath in syria we got an exclusive look across the euphrates river near the west bank now we liberated from the terrorists . and donald trump again threatens north korea saying military action is a possibility while the state department defends his approach to the crisis. will be devastating i can tell you that devastating for new.
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