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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  September 28, 2017 5:29pm-6:01pm EDT

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when you get caught the first time. now addiction is rough and i admire anyone who is genuinely trying to work through their stuff sincerely but come on that you went . after he repeatedly sacks not only women but now at shy olds you can say wow sounds like he's going through a rough time or something but admire her even the guys in prison with wiener know there's nothing worse than messing with children the guys in prison with them won't be admiring him that's for sure but here's the new york times going right ahead and admiring this child sex offender or rather this morning writer is that my hearing him but by actually having the nerve to publish that the times is really challenging my new initiative of not blaming an entire news outlet for one person's contribution because it meiring someone for being convicted of messing with kids will really challenge only one sense of decency even when it's new cellmates.
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guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape is not all left or all right but we are a solid alternative to the. liberal or conservative and as you can see that is bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking ad lib these talking head righties oh there you go above it all to look at world art see america is in the spotlight now every lead might have no idea how to classify as when it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. most people think just stand out in this business
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you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest street in truth to stand out of the news business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. questions. i i i i. i. i welcome to rejected in the camp tonight i'm a break down the jar hidden truth about north korea that is hardly ever mentioned on your corporate media because it doesn't exactly serve the interests of our
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military industrial complex but first joining the show is the associate editor and co-founder of disobedient media elizabeth voss threw out her outlet voss broke the forensic kater story which you might recall led to the nation publicizing publishing and raising serious questions about the alleged d.n.c. hack the nation said voss is work at disobedient media split the d.n.c. case open like a coconut vase his contributions also include tracking government suppression worldwide and the increasing censorship of independent media on the left and the right radack to correspondent naomi caravan and took the honors this time and talked earlier with elizabeth voss it's hello elizabeth thank you for joining us on redacted. thank you thank you so much for having me elizabeth stern and let's talk for a second about disobedient media can you tell us what exactly is the mission of
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disobedient media. mission media is to report truthfully and factually without drifting to either side of the political spectrum too much because we feel like we fill a nice that where people are tired of listening to one sided mainstream media that they don't feel like gives honest coverage and so we we try to fill that niche a little bit of who are we go into what exactly is happening who is being censored. well it's really disturbing because the groups on both side of the political aisle of being censored and so the way that a lot of mainstream media coverage of this frames the issue is that it's a fight between the old right and hate speech versus. versus like google or you too and the reality is that groups on both sides of the political spectrum
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are being actively censored so you have. trap supporters like for example diamonds and silk being heavily demand has on you tube but at the same time you have people at in black a.j. goodman jimmy door and your and yourselves on you tube also demanded ties so it's definitely not a only only issue that affects the right weight and it's really just when you look at it that way when you see that both sides of independent anti establishment media big censored it becomes much more disturbing what other news sites are being censored social sites are being censored and cycle and it warmed up can also got censored but counterpunch also. you know to leak out of country is more of a mainstream news source but is anti establishment enough that google algorithms have actually reduced its traffic very significantly and then recently we reported on the fact that gab which is seen as a right wing social media say pat was filed
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a lawsuit against google for allegedly violating violating antitrust laws and within twenty four hours of them by filing that lawsuit they had to change they were threatened with their domain being lost and had to change their registry and all of that sort of data so. on both sides yet again on both sides of the political spectrum you have heavy censorship from google just towards websites and social media platforms as well they're counterpunch as a pretty legit left. wing author also in your art of. well you mentioned that the world socialist web site was also being censored and democracy now the a.c.l.u. website and of course wiki leaks so how can you tell that these websites are being censored or how how do they know that they're being censored they report that they've had a significant percentage drop in traffic and they report that this is because when you search for something like antiwar or whatever day or so it's
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a coming up less prominently then they had previously you reported about gab and the anti censorship social media platform who so they set up a social media platform in order to skirt the censorship that was already happening on social media platforms but then they were targeted by google and they almost lost their domain you said this was the latest example of the increasing backlash against independent media from large cap companies can you explain what you mean by that. well i think that the reason this backlash is occurring a is there social media has been very successful whether it's a new social media platform or whether it's democracy now or redactors night or any other group like this that is reporting on a narrative that does not fit the established narrative and so i think that there has been some sort of perception of threat from that success and i think that
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that's why they're cracking down on on in the only way that they can since they can change their narrative being unpopular this is largely to do with the result of the election and the reporting specifically clinton campaign during the election of course we can sort of suspect that the giant tech companies are having backdoor deals with the establishments. so what do you think about that for example you would look at the washington post is a corporate media outlet that is owned by jeff bezos who also earns amazon and hours on got the six hundred million dollar contract from the cia so people are suspect when they hear news from outlets like washing the washington post in a way that maybe they wouldn't have been a few years ago but the gabsi andrew tor of us said. in the court case that has been of a private corporation owned all of our highways and they decided to close them down
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whenever they feel like it that is what it's like you can't deny people are fundamentals they pull of the internet so help us understand how are these monopoly is affecting the information that is that is reaching us. well not really if you take it was an example you can see that as separate to the demand it is a shoe going on with you tube because google owns you tube now and so when you have one company as a mention of one company all of these different social media platforms. or influencing them as well as the results you have in search algorithms if that company dislikes what a certain news outlet says whether it's independent media of any variety they can shut that down and that in itself is very scary at her a lot of people especially because as i said inability has been doing so well and
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to. have that potentially be shut down i mean it in britain raises the question of what other option will there be to get real independent news out if this goes further than already has how important are these tech giants or are these avenue as torben referred to them as a political expression shortly after i published the article that we're talking about with which covered google's ship of gab my facebook account was also restricted so. if it is definitely a major issue for independent media that uses platforms like facebook or activist facebook and twitter any of these platforms that we rely on so much to get the word out are are turning out to be a danger to those efforts because of their ability to censor and direct your access to the public answer. while while dad has been criticized for some of the people
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that use it it is also an anti establishment media platform that is one example of an attempt to get around those censorship abilities that the corporate giants like google facebook and twitter have so i think if there is any hope for for free speech to continue on the internet i think you need to see more social media platforms and just general or platforms in the model that gap has rising up to take the place of what used to be free speech speech platforms like twitter need to. let's talk about the monetization you're getting i feel like a lot of people don't understand how that works julian assange brought this up a few weeks ago and he pointed out. that it was was demanded izing and censoring videos that it felt were against lines or not quote unquote.
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receptive to all audiences so check technically you would think that this would mean you know explicit content or some sort of hate speech but in reality. you tube channels like ten black and a.j. goodman jimmy door and many many others on both the left and right have been heavily to monetized. they do not use a language they don't have any explicit content and it's very arguable that this is absolutely biased against. media and the reason that's a problem is that these independent media content producers rely only. in order to fund themselves to be able to produce the videos so if they don't have ads anymore then they have to they are de incentivized from creating the content of their big making and i know for an example tim black had over two thousand videos demanded highest i believe which is a very loud large proportion of the videos he made and said that. mind boggling if
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you if you think about it you know that the type of content he's producing on the right side of the spectrum of diamonds still having a sixty five percent of their you tube videos demonetized as well so it's definitely going to injure the ability of independent media to keep producing content almost platforms and the reason that is so damaging is because there is the mass of people that have no political consciousness or no. there is thought process about these issues you can access those people on these massive platforms and if you go to an alternative platform then that audience is going to be much much smaller for the forseeable future and that's why this is affectively damage so elizabeth you spoke with michael mcmahon regarding widespread long term systemic corruption in the f.b.i. is vetting process at present he said no one is held accountable for falsified
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background checks adding that fear drives the silence can you explain work michael mcmahon shared with you. michael mcmahon spoke to us about the vetting process and that he said that there is a long term systemic problem with the f.b.i.'s vetting process and he said the reason that's so important is because the f.b.i. is is what he called the gold standard for betting so other groups other institutions that also. follow the example of the f.b.i. and he said that over six hundred fifty thousand name checks that had been had been forged and that was his term and he is a very highly decorated. navy intelligence officer he had a top secret clearance as well as his work at a relatively relatively high level and his is main point was that he wanted to see two things happen he wanted to see. non teared across the board whistleblower
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protection so that you would incentivize people to speak up that something is wrong and that he also wanted to have a transparent process of accountability where if something goes wrong people died because of a faulty vetting process and the people who are the people who did not that correctly should be held accountable and he described it as a system that when he thought we would be successful being comparable to a dishonorable discharge in the military and he felt that if you don't have these type of accountability measures that it's just going to continue because he said at this point the f.b.i. is paid for quality quantity not quality so per inning check they get they get cash for that check so that's why they do it as fast as possible and he said that he is very very. it's not accurate it's not complete and too much holes through
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the cracks that way and he wants to speak to president jumper doctors and congress in order to convince them to enact something that will really make a difference in this area i just wanted to say thank you know elizabeth thank you so much for joining us thank you so much appreciate it if we go to a quick break but if you want to listen to everything we do here redacted including web exclusive content it's all of alle of all on the redacted the i pod cast it's called moment of clarity and it's free on eyes to i tunes and the stitcher app i'll be right back with a lot more. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those for. your wife. now i could give you two. more.
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what would you treat it looks like. it would. be for the bottom. like you i got. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big money corporate interests that's drowned out a lot of boys that's how it is in the news polter in this country now that's where i come in. i'm michel martin america i'll make sure you don't get railroaded you'll get the straight talk in the straight news. questionable.
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welcome back the conflict with the north korea is heating up or should i say our president's face is heating up recently hitting like magenta on the terror alert chart i think but let's take a moment here and consider that this suppose it mad man right we're told all the time is a madman is a madman kim jong un a madman and his father before him are actually very predictable ridiculously predictable for your average regime as the intercept reported on comments by. dennis blair the former director of national intelligence and admiral who once commanded the u.s. pacific fleet he said the overall consistency of north korean policy has been pretty remarkable over i'd say fifty years or so and kim jong un is basically carrying on that policy which is to provoke take outrageous actions below the level
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of triggering a major conflict with the united states and south korea they fire a missile they do a little test but other than that they're actually really predictable the most unusual thing they've done in recent decades is invite dennis rodman over which i admit quite concerning not good but i don't think he's going to help them much with their nuclear capabilities and considering we've housed rodman for all these years that we've really thrown stones out of our glass half i think not i think not so with north korea is predictable then what is going on here why what's all the bluster why does everything seem to be unraveling oh i know we have one of the least predictable least intelligent least reteach of presidents to ever set foot in our empire control room right trump is easy is incredibly belligerent incredibly unpredictable and nominally stupid so let's stop acting like oh my god north
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korea is so crazy no they're not. they're predictable kim jong un maybe and all but he's just doing the same thing they've always done and during all these breathless news reports about north korea what what you won't hear mentioned much if ever on our by our corporate media is that it makes perfect sense north korea would want to keep nuclear weapons to protect themselves from the us considering they have not forgotten what we did to them during the korean war in the one nine hundred fifty s. what did we do to them if it case in case you case you need a refresher this quote is from a few years ago in the washington post not known for being a lefty piece rag right the bombing was long leisurely and merciless even by the assessment of america's own leaders over
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a period of three years or so we killed off what twenty percent of the population said air force general curtis le maggie head of the strategic air command during the korean war he said that back in one thousand nine hundred four dean rusk a supporter of the war and later secretary of state said the united states bombed everything that moved in north korea every brick standing on top of another of the running low on urban targets u.s. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war flooding farmland and destroying crops when he ran out of targets so we started hitting the dams on the farms we dropped a don't all of the zigs one hundred thirty five thousand tons of bombs a good thirty two thousand five hundred tons of napalm on north korea which is more than during the whole pacific campaign of world war two we killed
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over twenty percent something thirty percent of their population. to put that into perspective during world war two the u.k. lost close to one percent of its population france lost one point three percent and china lost roughly one point nine percent the us only last point three two percent of our population we took out twenty percent of north korea we obliterated north korea so you can perhaps forgive them for still not wanting to be bastards with us i mean giving dennis rodman an international audience is pretty awful pretty awful but they've been cooped up alone not by the potential of for a long time you know it's a land that time forgot for all we know the only v.h.s. tape they have is nineteen ninety seven is double teams starting dennis rodman and sean claude van damme so that could make it
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a little weird. but since the media won't tell you the truth about north korea what is our mainstream media telling you about what are they what are they talking about home on a mission can do more than just ease daily living sensors that can detect multiple information such as light humidity temperature this robot can deliver medications rate to you oh no smart homes and robots c.n.n. presents this like is just the best thing the cat's pajamas but they don't talk about any of the issues it raises are great when don graham on the loving titanium arms of a decommissioned reprogrammed bomb deactivation robot will do you know where it was just a little tinkering by our nerds here in general dynamics the r two d two can hand arthritis meds to nana instead of cutting the blue and yellow wire in an i says strong hold johnny fire is probably still not even right in the head after that
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writer can both robots get p.t.s.d. god knows what he saw out there on the battlefield i said the blue and yellow wired i think yellow. sack of bolts it comes back with a human foot now a year later is in charge of taking care your pap pap is that what you want sit. well look i did. this type of technology can help can be very useful for some people i get that but as with all technological advancements it means we're getting rid of tons of jobs the elder care industry is massive it's massive so when you get rid of those jobs. that savings of time and money should go to us just go to you and make all great robots to have my job that means i have two days a week off to do what you still get paid still get to do everything i love you get to do it even more because i have two days off. so we can enjoy our lives better
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spend more time chasing our passion whatever that is whether be education or art or music or. it did if your passion is that. i have no problem with that people and people make fun of it male female undetermined i don't care tell me that tell me that's not a better javi to have the then the car collecting or yacht racing or some other pretentious look at how much money i have bowled to do it by live so i just collect these very expensive things that most people can't afford makes people happy jerry seinfeld having fifteen aston martin says just. shifting the person back to the point using robots and technology to give us all more time and wealth is not what will happen would you know that i know that these robots and bots and algorithms will replace most jobs and the money and time savings will go to the
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very rich the very top this is how unfettered capitalism has worked since its opening days since they first opened the doors and said let us see it is presenting us with our own destroyed lives and we're just supposed to celebrate actiq said yeah we're going to be slaves to the robots that can wait parsing out our cool on a brand like some pills and like the soma pills and brave new world who you want to pose as. my robot you know that's where leads you know dusts every time. but seriously aren't there some questions we should be asking here that are good that our corporate media just completely ignores do you think maybe there's a privacy invasion discussion that should be had with a smart house that knows so much about us some of the technologies they were working with are actually quite useful in terms of understanding behaviors whether
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that's avoiding falls avoiding disease or managing disease better knowing when you're all knowing when you're not all knowing when you you know when you have to do every move so that we can map out that every goddamn action of every american and project it with algorithms that you don't even understand your life you don't get i'm going to get them well no you're cheating on your wife before you know you're cheating on your wife a motion sensor can detect when your stupid has been left on unintended incent word right to your smartwatch near field imaging and this floor can assess movement or lack there of the data collected could signal underlying medical issues yes medical issues such as the severe burns we gave you by turning on your stove when you weren't expecting it your stove your hair dryer your vacuum your posture period adjustable bed they're all working for us now there are there are soldiers out
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there will fold you in half in your posture peanut bed and your last thoughts will be a real issue to watch margins more they're cutting smelly. others seeing these things could only be used for good you know they could never be hacked or smart house and all the devices could never be used by a hacker or an abusive or authoritarian government with a militarized police force and the largest surveillance infrastructure ever korea aided such as is going on right now on the tiny island nation of the united states of america. look i'm not a lot i'm not i'm not opposed to technological advancements i'm not saying stop them i'm not saying let's go back beyond this get out of butter churn a barn raising all day long i'm not saying that i am i am for technology but instead what we do with all these technological advancements it is totally
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ignore it totally ignore this and all of our data all of our communications all of our lives have been handed over to a government that only serves the interests of the business world the ruling elite even when doing that crushes the lives of average people something to think about that's all the time i have but we have web exclusive video stuff you have not seen on the show go to youtube dot com redacted tonight this week i covered the redacted side of the catastrophe in puerto rico and lastly you can now watch redacted tonight on direct t.v. channel three two one good night keep fighting. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those through. your wife.
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why do you need them back now i could give you due to. all. that. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to
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stand down and lose business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. questions. greetings and salutation. all right attention up hawk watchers hold on to your bucks because i have an important and exciting new life living technique to share with you today it will forever alleviate you of the burden of having to take any responsibility for any of your actions or mistakes from the ones you've made in the past so the ones you have yet to make it's a very simple technique are you ready write it down it's pen and paper put this together when in doubt blame russia yes.


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