tv Watching the Hawks RT September 28, 2017 9:29pm-10:02pm EDT
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almost to never feel like it's a one does not need a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with this one to. the speech he has never know whether takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its make. you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't skew liberal or conservative and as you can see from his bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking at lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all to look at world artsy americans in the spotlight now every clique might have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time and i care to admit. i'm
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tom hartman and i'll give you what the mainstream media can't cope big picture. and when you question mark find what you're looking for says the. dog. will go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. greetings and salutations all right attention up hawk watchers hold on to your bug speakers i have an important and exciting new life living technique to share with you today it will forever alleviate you of the burden of having to take any responsibility for any of your actions or mistakes from the ones you made in the past so the ones. you have yet to make it's
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a very simple technique are you ready write it down it's pen and paper put this together when in doubt blame russia yes but name russia or russian hackers or vladimir putin or any variation or combination of the three blame russia that is pretty much the catch all be all and end all for any bad or controversial thing that happens now in the united states today and hey if it works for hillary clinton adams ship the b.h. as bill kristol the neo cons the meal liberals the liberal cons and all the rest of the groups then then why why can't the rest of us use it to you know you know they didn't pay your taxes russian meddling cheated on your significant other russian hackers drunk driving ticket a putin bought me the shots you know i'm screwed i do all around yes the evil russian meddling excuse has gotten so that that that bad on capitol hill this week alone we've seen corporate news headlines and anonymous government officials blaming the evil hand of russia in everything from black lives matter and f l
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players taking in need of the racism and to the racism in charlottesville and just about any other political or cultural problem in the united states is currently facing today and the best thing about the when in doubt blame russia thing is that you don't really need any actual evidence to support your claim all you need is just a few anonymous government cats and a blue check mark next to your name on twitter and when your story starts falling to pieces like the recent accusations by the department of homeland security that russian hackers attempted to hack the election systems in twenty one states running up to the two thousand and sixteen election guess what no one will ever notice because why would it be important to report that election officials in both california and wisconsin have now completely debunked the d.h.s.s. claims and force them to roll back their latest russian conspiracy theory. so today let's get to the reality behind the fiction and stop blaming the russians for all
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our problems and start watching the hawks. it looks like. it's a diplomatic if you. like you know that i got. this. week so. welcome everybody watching the hawks i am tyrrel but is that out of the list as you can see on our beautiful screen behind us this is like a smorgasbord of everything that now this week has been kind of laid at russia's doorstep or another to been amplified by russia now twitter by fake spoke ads and whatever else they can kind of pin on russia that are really problems we've created on our own and there are cultural problems here in the united states that we we
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cultivated but i see u.s. citizens have not yet as and by what i can sell flame russia for because they do drink a lot of that really good but i mean some blame them for that rationally. here's the question you know to have not put this out there and please write up write back to us to where you're going to answer the questions we put out you're going to let us play with how dangerous is this excuse now for for not taking responsibility for own actions that we we it's easier for us to blame russia or some other you know out of state you know mation state or whatever that may be another matter after battling it for problems that are truly ours and ours alone the world there long before any you know alleged russian hacking ever took place where they like you know how dangerous is that for a country in a people it's incredibly dangerous i mean what's the. most insidious about it is that it treats everyone in this very incredibly patronizing manner and which you
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know nobody can think for themselves the people of wisconsin are just too dumb they didn't see the great ad which i think is incredibly disgusting that that keeps being me no it didn't have anything to do with the fact that. there was no campaign there right there with but we spent millions on t.v. ads what's wrong with you what's you know why didn't you do what you were supposed to do is what it comes down to that they somehow made a mistake and that they were misinformed and too stupid to notice and that's that's incredibly dangerous to democracy because it says what it's saying alternately is that certain voices don't get to be heard certain voices have to automatically be silenced certain voices are illegitimate so every person from wisconsin who says i didn't vote for hillary clinton because she didn't show up is being called a walker now because of this no you just think that because a face but no you just say these things because those are republican talking you're just too dumb to know you're just a tell me whatever they mean or whatever the next thing they have that you know it's interesting when you dig into the facebook brings down dialogue and debate it
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doesn't really breaks and it does it's interesting when you dig into the just the facebook. you know oh my god she's a legit russian and tea at some point we don't know if it was connected to the russian government or we don't know anything really about it but they bought some place because this is out there facebook had to kind of go back in and search like two three four five times and get pressure from god you know from a war. congressman war to buying something apparently what they found is that they discovered that a company sold at least one hundred two hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of ads to alleged russian ling group bought the ads and then you're kind of filter them through four hundred seventy phony facebook pages in the columns one hundred thousand dollars worth of ads bought from two thousand and fifteen to two thousand and seventy two year over two years does that seem to have been your background in . marketing gigantic marketing blitz no it was a little you know it's the kind of campaign i would mean bothered taking care of
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myself but have somebody else take care of it was just let's just compare. these ads filtered out through the you know the world of facebook to change people's opinions and cost hillary potentially parts of the election hillary's team invested thirty million dollars in digital ads just in the homestretch of the election thirty million versus one hundred thousand i'm pretty sure that if people were as stupid as you thought they were little. thirty million would probably influence them a lot more than a lot of those proper way most likely yad sort of just it's kind of ridiculous even sitting there even still having this argument and as jeff zucker said this is just getting out of hand you can't keep blaming facebook and twitter because there are crappy people in the world that's it's a ridiculous argument you know the idea of free speech is everywhere we have to respect that we have to learn much you know just cause somebody put something up on a bulletin board that you don't like doesn't mean it's the bulletin boards
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responsibility to save you from not having a determination very. international criminal blease commission known as interpol facilitates cross border police cooperation with over one hundred ninety two member countries this week over seventy five percent of interpol members voted to approve palestine's membership in the international intergovernmental police cooperation organization it will be one of fifty international organizations and agreements that palestine has joined into since gaining united nations observer status in two thousand and twelve but not everyone's thrilled that palestine is joining the world community in entering internationally recognized spaces of diplomacy earlier this week israel was still trying to block the vote on the grounds that palestine would see just the membership in interpol to issue arrest warrants for high ranking israeli officials and citizens that they would compromise sensitive information and as stowed is saved. it in the jerusalem post days before the vote quote israel is adamantly opposed to palestine admission positively an admission to all
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international organizations arguing that a state of palestine does not exist and therefore it cannot be accepted as a state in international organizations don't expect to see fair and balanced coverage of this issue either even as israel spent the weeks leading up to the vote trying to block and publicly denounce and the palestinians right to voice in the international community some still push this false that this is somehow some secret vote as israeli prime minister netanyahu calls the move diplomatic warfare threatens retaliation and warns the world that any attempt by palestinian spring season stability to their own is alive palestinians and much of the world community see it quite differently palestinian foreign minister riyadh mulkey addressed the issue by saying it was a victory for law enforcement the new voice of confidence in the capacity of law enforcement and palestine. you know this is one of those stories where i'm just like why shouldn't we hear all voices especially the level of like interpol we
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should be hearing these voices we should be hearing from all countries and every countries is allowed and at the end of it at that table with their invited direct and yet here we have the united states and israel specially israel i mean the idea when i see that when i saw that vice headline and i see these things sitting there saying it was a secret thought it was that that's nonsense that is just terrible reporting on the ground a little bit bored even however it was well this is a good show chris i really admire him every day it was something in the israeli press and press here quoting one person or another complaining that this what was going to happen and trying to stop it and then you when someone says or when i see something it was a secret vote that's nonsense that is nonsense that's the kind of garbage fake news that you really should look out for because this is one of those situations where you have a group of people in this in an almost and credible situation trying to enter the world community to sit up to have. their community be set up the way they want it to protect their citizens whether you like it or not and sit there and have. the
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you it be you are saying like no they're not real it's not a thing you don't exist when you twelve it's absolutely ridiculous i mean look at it and also just look at the facts you have to bring facts into this omission facts i mean interpol doesn't issue arrest warrants they don't issue arrest words so it makes no sense for israel to support people against this to keep insisting that this is a serious concern you know the whole of israel but you know the people that are pushing back against that this is some groceries they can't afford arrest or no you know look the idea of the palestine as a threat by having access to your poll information is again non-sensical i mean look you know who many in the israeli government point to as a threat iran they always draw iran's go. there around that is a member of interpol and that hasn't been an issue for israel since iran's been involved in the north pole this is just so much you know making mountains out of
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molehills and really it's all about like as you said it's kind of keeping this section of people about sheryl don't let them have a voice don't let them have a seat at the table they want to be it it's i mean it really does come down to that at this point there's no logical reason there's no reason to sit there and say well you shouldn't this is this is political even though it's not a political anything it's not some sort of political warfare they're trying to be better at protecting their own citizens so you complain about things like terrorism and when they join an organization that makes it easier to track terrorists and terrorist activities you say no this is off but they're going to use that to beat us up it's crazy it's crazy it's really silly and then this comes on the heels of another. thing the u.n. human rights or god and human rights. commission adopted a resolution sent about one hundred fifty letters this last week also with a lot of. israel and over here. informing businesses mostly u.s. and israeli businesses that they were being put on the database that was already
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come through there was a u.n. resolution that there would be make a database of anybody who was doing business in what they called illegal jewish settlements so in two thousand and sixteen the u.n. adopted the resolution two three three four which defined israeli settlement activity as having quote no legal validity and constituting a flagrant violation under international law now our new administration the top administration is stating that they will not participate in the database that they're against that they even block the u.s. the administration blocked palestine being part of a tourism. organization this will you don't exist can i just say they don't i just say that i would just make it up and then like you to say well you don't exist there are there plans you have to recognize these people and where people's lives these are chill and children who doubt it it's crazy all right we're going to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that r t v dot com coming up sean stone sits down with former member of the new york state select committee on crime and
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former n.y.p.d. detective jim rothstein to discuss some rather bizarre claims and accusations made by sort of sam killer david berkowitz that puts a new twist on that dark and tragic tragic sexual abuse york city history stay to watch the whole. here's what people have been saying about rejected a knighthood to us is actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than the blue. sea people you've never heard of love jack tonight . president of the world bank so he doesn't really seriously send us an e-mail. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics.
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big money corporate interests that's thrown down a lot of boys that's how it is in the news culture in this country now that's where i come in. i mean it's still fun our to you america i'll make sure you don't get railroad you'll get the straight talk in the straight news. questionable. in the one nine hundred seventy s. a long string of murders stunned new york city and the rest of the nation as time and time again couples out on dates were gunned down with seemingly no motive the crime spree quickly gripped the nation's imagination when letter signed son of sam and a host of satanic references began to pop up at crime scenes and in reporters' mailboxes after a year long manhunt police finally captured david berkowitz a socially withdrawn man in his twenty's with say tannic scrawlings all over his
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apartment guns and ammunition in his car and then there was he asked a confession to all the son of sam murders but after some previous allegations and references berkowitz made shocking claims years later that he actually had only killed three of the victims and that the others were slain by fellow members of as he said a satanic cult he was allegedly part of the talk of a nationwide ring of satanic cults sounded like a far fetched conspiracy theory back then and it still does but as it turns out many of the n.y.p.d. detectives and prosecutors on the case had plenty of other doubts about berkowitz being the only son of sam for more on those down from the various leads that detectives had even before the murder started shawn stone talked with jim ross stan a retired detective from the n.y.p.d. vice squad and former member of the new york state select committee on crime. so they were concerned that you were basically reopening the investigation although as i understand it yonkers is never officially closed the investigation into the actual sort of killings. the whole day didn't they absolutely did not because they
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knew there was much more to it because remember the person that we do or long before berkowitz was overtly or goes he only got out of military i believe in seventy four we already had this actually it was the one nine hundred sixty eight where i was taken there by this time we had developed a whole underground of information and like i said there were a number been investigated shoes very high level and every one of the bushes. down but they all touched on this because you can remember of those days new york city especially times square and that was a free for all there were hundreds of kids there with no homes nobody knew who to belong to so it was a perfect feeding you know and my job was to know what was happening and i had you know people like ed scull murphy who was probably the best of my people who
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told me what was going on and dead eventually i arrested a man by the name of ben rhodes and just to give you an idea how to start it i got called into a very high a level. ranking guy had a new york police department and he called me into his office he closed the door turned up the music and carried on you know just talk and he took out a piece of paper he thought it was written dr rockefeller looks like cars a model supplies little boys to the united nations and deal only thing i did was god and he burnt did ash created crushed up the ashes and when i arrested as man. it was exactly what we thought but then he started cooperating and there were unbelievable cases of what was simpler and it was just like what later was told as the son of
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a sap. well how do you mean similar in the sense of of what capacity because of sam was very particular as far as the idea of this sort of shooter wandering the streets killing couples on date nights right. yes but there were other aspects of this and remember also at one point before he learned to keep his mouth shut he had told maury terry and you'll find that in some of the stuff that he was not alone and we later identified these people when maury terry called me and verified because the names i actually identified them people in minnesota. the other two shooters and wanted to forty four hours came out of. claire wisconsin see this thing had spread across the country about the time that the son of sam was arrested we already had known that it started moving west along
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interstate ninety day before so this thing ended up all over the country and at the time i had. a lot of freedom and most people don't know to new york police department doesn't just work in new york and i was one of those guys my job was to follow this and see where it went what it was so that's how much bigger it is. now you said that you are basically we're told this is and this is an issue of national security and it was shot down at a higher level why would it be classed as a issue of national security and who was looking to protect this type of safe tatic activity well like i said when i arrested ben rhodes and i doubt information that i got about. the guy that looks like guy's a moto i identified him and his name was made rolls and when i arrested him one of the bits of information we got is that three little boys two fourteen year olds and
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a fifteen year old were killed on east sixty fourth street while they were being used to compromise somebody having sex and a fourth kid survived and that's how we got into that and then years later just happened in one thousand seventy one and about one nine hundred seventy seven seventy eight i had identified the guy and we met him in locust valley new york me and my partner matty rosenthal and served him with a subpoena to comment testify in front of the committee and before we got back to the office they already had both national security so everything was shut down. did you ever come to a conclusion as to what the reason for this indication of national security was really about was this done because this attack ring was being protected. yes because not well number one you've got to remember power to go to respond to the
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fact that they were using kids to compromise people you know in the india intelligence world. when you copper my somebody you can get him to cooperate any way you want and what we call that was human intelligence and human compromise and this was my specialty and we found out how big this was when i started my investigations so it's not very well known about how all of this works. it's certainly a fascinating issue so what ultimately either this or this satanic order you're saying is also a one called that moved across the country i mean did it have a name or was it in a fight by a certain name or was it just sort of. election of them had very satanic beliefs well there was the name it was an offshoot of the process church that had originally started it when we first got wind of it and that ended up moving west
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with dead people all along the way it ended up being cannot utah. and you know dissed up as been going on even after i retired people still kept coming to me on this because it's a lot of offshoots and there were different versions of this you know it involved the jeffrey dahmer case in wisconsin. delish goes on and on so it was something that we followed for years. but to get back to the issue of the son of sam shootings and that particular issue why do you think that this call to express that self and an attack on iran a terror a year basically with these random shootings. that is something i never quite found out or learned about although it had to do with some type of ritualistic.
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how would you call bases or background would where they were satisfy some ritualistic. goal that's the only thing that i could ever figure out and i did it one time interview a high priestess that was very familiar with this type of stuff and basically it was part of a ritual. precise some sort of ritualistic blood set bloodletting sacrifices certain dates prayed for example but in terms of the actual you save you identify able to identify certain priestesses and priests and members of these cults did you come across members of the cults that also happened to be for example at the same time working for the intelligence community or from the military or military personnel people who just got example like the temple of set for example which is within the military itself. yes we did not come up with the temple is sad
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but what we did come up with a lot of names that were familiar to me and when maury terry. actually took them to berkowitz berkowitz did identified these people as having been a vault in all the people that you identify were deeply involved with cases that i had worked individuals who i knew these people were very very high level. perpetrators and as undergrowth. but were these perpetrators also i'm saying tied to the intelligence community for example and you were able to identify them as military personnel or central intelligence agency things like this was there a higher level of intelligence connection directly to these people. yes there was debts like one i mentioned the stuff with ben rhodes that actually he was identified by berkowitz as one of the people that were involved.
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but ben rhodes was also intelligence or what was his bending role as was ben rhodes was a pharmacist but what i said is that when i was given that term in the street he was known as dr rockefeller and he was supplying a little boys and girls to maybe basically boys to the united nations and that group of people but he also well you know the whole bigger picture was a huge operation in that area. to millions of people every year to travel up toward the pole their circle to experience the surreal beauty of the northern lights the visual spectacle is a gift of nature to alaska iceland and scandinavia drawing and claim that it's a tourist eager to get a glimpse of the famous green light show but though some may travel to norway to see the aurora not many get to watch it unfold from outer space like the european
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space agency is powered on the phone made in from his window at the international space station and circling at over two hundred miles. above are the i asked us provides a view like no other compiled from seven hundred and eleven individual photographs put together into a multi hour time lapse the footage shows an incredible color and detail just how countless charge countless countless with charged particles radiating from the sun collide with the earth's outer atmosphere drawn magnetically to our planet's north and south poles as well he is currently on the i s s s part of the mission a european space agency project designed to explore improving life in space for more long term exploration and colonization waking up to that view outside your window definitely makes the mission sobering reality that much easier to deal with beautiful i'll take that view any time you need an extra person says she's ready to go she's like beside me are bright. and i got it it's beautiful as always and that's the thing that i love so much above this planet is that you know it gives us
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a little windows of beauty all the time from where we looked at all right and. everybody remember everyone in this world we are definitely not told we're loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrone winter and i'm top of the wall and keep on watching those hawks and every great night everybody else. from the government. was. sent to see the worst. oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. oh. oh oh.
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oh. oh i do not know if the russian state. hacked into john podesta e-mails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provide credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing three months before the revelations provided by edwards he denied that the n.s.a. was carrying out the wholesale balance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo of government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the base of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable.
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welcome to rejected in the camp tonight i'm going to break down the jar hidden truth about north korea that is hardly ever mentioned on your corporate media because it doesn't exactly serve the interests of our military industrial complex but first joining the show is the associate editor and co-founder of disobedient media elizabeth voss threw out her outlet voss broke the forensic kater story which you might recall led to the nation publicizing publishing and raising serious questions about the alleged d.n.c.
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hack the nation said vos his work at disobedient media split the d.n.c. case open like a code. canet vases contributions also include tracking government suppression worldwide and the increasing censorship of independent media on the left and the right data correspond to naomi caravan it took the honors this time and talked earlier with elizabeth voss. elizabeth thank you for joining us on redacted. thank you thank you so much for having me elizabeth before we get started let's talk for a second about disobedient media can you tell us what exactly is the mission of disobedient media machine media is to report truthfully and factually without drifting to either side of the political spectrum too much because we feel like we still a nice where people are tired of listening to one sided mainstream.
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