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tv   Documentary  RT  October 1, 2017 12:29am-1:01am EDT

12:29 am
love the voters but you know to say that our culture of atonement. oh remembrance of nuns nazi crimes is room that's too much it's the attitude of some people in the if to which by the way is no in the process of tearing itself apart. in the us a child can choose an army course in school. with retired officers as teachers we don't. recruit we'll sisters if the cadet is interested in going in the military but we don't recruit ourselves. the pentagon is funding a program to boost interest in the military among teenagers. to step up to an
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apollo so that for a point comfortable with yourself. you can't go wrong with the military it's a great stepping stone for whatever career you want to do but some veterans are willing to tell enthusiastic children a little more they ask me call of duty is very popular first sure video game. it's play and asked me is the military like call of duty to turn off call of duty oh yeah or you can turn off or not if these kids just don't hear. the darker side does the pentagon allow them to be told or does it just need more recruits. this is the parking lot of the american embassy. which are called beans while you're waiting in line for.
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you. must. be. there are three ways to get into the usa you can apply for a residence permit but the chances of getting one are next to impossible. you can also cross the border illegally not an easy task the third option apply for a tourist visa and overstayed so you remain in the country secretly. but to qualify
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for a tourist visa you still need a very very good reach. them . i mean you know you got. to see a little guy missing. if. you know you admiral stockdale sit in wouldn't he just maintain openness i don't want to bust up in face the meantime is bullshit hey listen i don't. want a loan i think any of them. but it will assume no us is the infant they.
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go for what i believe. i think want to feel passionate i still misses. the best. still. bill.
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for. but my mother was that he was. close enough.
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to loosely. likely want to bring facing. doing please see if. you will go to a normal life only still for the first look let him know what both. one just don't buy how many who don't know what the let's say and i look forward to seeing. what the yes of. doing. this beautiful part of the apple did. then i love to play a sales is it that he say's oh he does think when you. see it but it will
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buy them ok so it goes with that my bill is a lot of. both of them but now that everybody if i set my phone. more says that i don't get much because of the.
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as. if.
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in the army that is a. no
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no no no. for kids what do i do think i want to say i knew i meant in the kind of comes. to know who you know lou not a penny and i want to know so who is asshole find out honestly i don't believe there is not only. the son of the only property between me. but is it a look see feel my nose that i am not to dance around use. your r. and b. c i want to show you what i'm. most of. the seed i mean the pumping.
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up the cause the overlying i was gonna. shout that but that's not going to be on the family where i was. you are what you eat they say along the road what you eat says all about which side of the wall you're a. good. it
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just feels like everything that we would find there was a piece of the. behind
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. and in spanish. to. us. i stop. it all you got kid all you got. when i have found women and children and pregnant women. and what they had to go through. i have. i can struggle for words here but.
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i'm actually in all of the courage people to make this journey. and i say all the more power to them i really do. peacekeeping when it was only about maintaining peace between states i didn't essentially symbolic value when you have militias when you have criminal groups. the symbol is not enough you need robust force. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decade's long debt. studying so hard it requires trust.
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going through humiliation to enter society. and partying to death sometimes quite literally. wants of the true colors of universities in the us. yep i thought. you know that. number off. don't you. think about that. i didn't. know that. but i think they got to one post so because i don't see when some interest if what if there are a lot of it. is yet to be able to say it got
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a nice little sissy get done. but when i was a simple i mean nic is so similar to what we end this compulsion in this day you know at least of which of the most money and this is. going to be all that i wanted i didn't want another me when we had his. so if he had this news for me it is me i want to meet the moment one time when i mean i want to know. that i when we get on with the myth of the last day on say science you know but i was always something that i was somewhat of a matter of even thoughts as to my family. and when i think of it here it was i mean you. know we might see them to look at the polls and i don't know twenty often but if it was you know i'm going to go on a couple. of months you know one of them is. going to the extent that i keep most of my outside to have going through. the same
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us dead unless there is. an assassin now you but i can. see to do there must must be employed or looking like you give me a key here through this a process to work with government or. what kind. they don't push back and there was time to come because of what they say it was and they want to someone call me a west coast yeah starstruck. looking and. actually it was a length of in nebraska renia what they're going. he meant a letter for you to let them listen think of the hour. it was lyndon which marking look at him compliment with a hint the loss of his circa the end you know and then we'll pussy lament the bacon for not o'connor for the trip or thought it made us feel. better to say some thank you the i wipe when i meant i don't think.
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we could go to bed as had thought they had to lift up a set a cloak and all up in but i was dazed lit up then as it had been well you may be a going to go back and see on your sentences as stay. me form of a metre is that by using them with in the open sick real men for their sin look i studied them all but on my most the most are just the one i don't. know what i was really set me so used to some was. on me yeah those months but i'll smoke particles and thought i meant another poem of your muscles we already caught up with the element that no look up in psalms was i see it as he calls them that i really shall not omit them.
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people who are physically strong enough to survive this journey should be congratulated at the finish line. in my opinion such an bishan should be celebrated
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here you go with trophy a job and a happy life ever after. all the migrants i've met along the way. one of the few to have made it to the finish line. he now works in a paint shop in southern texas. but i have. done it over. the.
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last month. and i have. no will well he will put that on the bed. when the home or. see him put i hope on the whole to. me. not to do that. but it is. i mean they.
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are constantly where. if i want to treat his first american meal. in the parking lot. after lunchtime finally clear. we've got a real. way to. make.
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even a sexy. little. mitt the day you eat. ok to hate. me. going with. the idea. because i'm. going to. but. you. in addition to the twenty seven million hispanic nationals. begin to usa. throw them out of the country what would happen. economic collapse.
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go to prep the court. who will clean the hotel rooms. and who would screw trophies together. a little birdie. birdie you want to. hear.
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the. other side. mom. it was. always here in mexico or in the states the united states houston texas yes texas
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seems like we're home on the second. and you feel more thaksin or mexican. texan definitely could you say you are a generation of immigrants that are living the american dream absolutely yes. we my parents you know my parents worked hard to educate my sister than myself you know they worked in the fields in the farm. you know that my parents were doing everything that they could to. you where you were living the american oh yes definitely i mean going to school i mean i don't think i don't want to live in mexico i don't think i could live over there but i mean i love i love the usa are more american than anything and i'm proud to be an american i an american citizen and. another here i mean this is just
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simply living here. if you're born in the states you automatically become a citizen there the children of immigrants can fully realized the benefits of the american dream. still has a long way to go he will have to sell a lot of pain to get ahead and the fact that his children were not born in the usa doesn't make it any easier. his options are limited to. go to the movies once in a while. just
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a trip to the cinema in mexico. i don't know whether it's because i'm married to a woman or because i saw the disc. is
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wrong. this is of tearing itself apart to. include a. scene over. these birds fish. he
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asked me to just moments it's almost funny yes night. i could introduce you eat it is home to do most bowl full drug syndicate why you're growing marijuana tomatoes let's see yes there's a big good deal of the don't kill the market. for your money watch the people. here. to keep. a. close. must times the government knows what they do and they do nothing.
1:00 am
polling stations are set to open in less than two hours with madrid having spent an extra forces to prevent that from happening also in this week's headlines. tech giants google facebook and twitter have all joined in the hunt for the increasingly elusive looking alleged russian election medalist with twitter also taking aim at this channel plus. i. do.


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