tv Watching the Hawks RT October 6, 2017 7:29am-8:01am EDT
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should be you know arguing about whether it's gun control or security discussions were guarding the prevention of future attacks make people uncomfortable but are we really that resistant to making change in order to save lives is it really such a stranger an ethical thing to do are we un-american without guns or laws that require certain rules and restrictions to be followed or are these security measures the opposite of politicizing a tragedy because of life is sacred in the american dream which is one rooted in living in a place without violence that terrorizes communities that we should be looking at every option doing everything possible to keep people safe from security to strengthen strengthening the bonds that tie let's join tyro enter an r.t. correspondent this week for team coverage from las vegas and start watching mocks. the. real thing. as you are to see.
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what it's like you know that i got. the. weeks or let. everybody you know watching the hocks i'm top of the wallace and joining me my co-host for watching the hawks who is on the ground in las vegas tyro enter our welcome tyrrel. welcome to all of the thank you for having me on once again and we have quite quite a story quite a few stories to cover out here in las vegas today definitely about security of the debate surrounding what more could be done and what what more could have been done and what more should we do in the future of america want to bring on today to tarsus we are to correspondent who's been here in regular spyware to appear before the store a couple of those. angles on the story of one steven product and his motive what we
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round out today at the dinner senators are still the for that motive but they have uncovered a few of the lawsuits is still hard it is to be sure that you read that likely behind tell this past weekend investigators realize that you actually called other rooms for two other concerts. for. half an hour after sunday's horrific massacre. there's a painful silence in the nation's party capitol very meticulously planned well planned someone like that is hard to stop tommy burns retired henderson police chief who now runs a security consulting company questions why stephen pound okrent today highrise condominium in september overlooking the life is beautiful concert a similar move trenching the tearooms at mandalay bay overlooking the route one hundred one concert starts sunday where he was said the life is beautiful concert down on downtown las vegas last week. allegedly ran in
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a condominium overlooking here and either he was doing a dry run or he decided not to do it he was might of been playing the same thing meticulously planned on the worst domestic attack the united states history. as many of you already reported panic room to room at the ogden hotel. and downtown las vegas investigators say padlock also rented a room at chicago's blackstone hotel which overlooked the park where the lollapalooza music festival was held well purses and bags are checked in open air venue's burns says shooting from an aerial position caught so many off guard i don't think anybody's ever thought of that i think it will change how. security new york marathon boston marathon las vegas marathon done on the strip but how will this change security burns says after the polls nightclub shooting in orlando vegas clubs acquired metal detectors in their clubs to prevent future mass shootings so what does it look like for hotels colburn says hotels here are secure doesn't
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compare to some other places internationally you know if you go to casinos say in russia or the middle east or something they do have armed security checking people checking i.d.'s checking bags he says an instable security is even one notch up with bag screening you go to istanbul say i dos and we just came back from there when your luggage comes at a hotel they run it through a metal but even a device like if the airport. where we see hotels do that in other words your back you go through a screening device then you can retrieve him and take him to your room or staff takes him to your room remains to be seen burns says hotel employees including housekeeping staff are trained to look for signs of terrorism but burns believes that panicky use a do not disturb sign for privacy the policy on privacy is something burns says could very much change. while you're in the taj i have to ask
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you know everyone is kind of you know what was going over all the different security devices and what would be installed and what in the hotels around the world i mean are we going to see that here and what other security surveyed now where and where are they going to turn our hotels and especially airports yeah it's a great question i mean a lot of the tell us that we begin with on the ship they definitely pick. that there are going to have things like metal detectors will have to wait and see if that's true but actually when we were checking into our hotel with the valet the hotel staff was checking the back of our car of the trunk of the car looking for anything suspicious and so the gentleman that i interviewed burns he said that if that tells do stuff like that that could potentially prevent future times that when there's i should thank you so much for that report it was a pleasure. so. moving forward to have what we got mixed well i was looking at some information and i saw that only ten percent of people polled by gallup felt that that gun laws should be less strict with thirty four percent
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saying that they were fine as is that a majority fifty five percent responding that gun laws should be stricter and yet tyrrell the top ten congressional members receiving the most money from the national rifle association like john mccain richard burr a journey ernst have all consistently voted against any kind of study restrictions registration and safety for firearms and all they seem to have right now as a lot of people have been saying our thoughts and prayers but after being largely silent on recent events the national rifle association today made a somewhat shocking statement regarding gun control didn't say. the that they did in a joint statement you know on the air earlier this afternoon and they are n.r.a. c.e.o. wayne la pierre and executive director chris cox called the a.t.f. the bureau of tobacco and firearms and explosives to review the infamous there's everybody is kind of pointing the finger at now bump stocks you know federal dollar
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to you they they stated that despite the fact that the obama administration approved the sale of fire stocks on at least two occasions the national rifle association is calling on the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. you know what is interesting to note is that the n.r.a. is own gun ranges already ban these these and from the stocks that everyone's been talking about and their reasoning is that they make the weapon less accurate and they decrease safety pretty fascinating stuff slide fire the company that makes them actually put a halt on selling them but they did not say it was because of the you know because of the tragedy this week so i guess that's rather just kind of suspicious timing that they just miraculously decided to not sell these this piece of appliance with one of these weapons i think a lot of people are are are quite surprise that the national rifle association
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association would even come forward and say hey we should rethink this considering we've seen you know their push for years and years and years we know it's not gun law if it's a gun lobby it's not community organization it's not there for responsible gun owners it's not about marksmanship it's about law it's about politicians and about gun manufacturers and you see this and to have them take this stab is pretty huge. the n.r.a. for this one time they're stepping up and saying we need to at least look at a problem which is kind of amazing because i'm very quiet didn't have a doesn't have a very good track record of helping anyone but themselves and the gun manufacturers so you know i mean we've seen it we've seen it before they say one thing but can we trust that the n.r.a. is going to suddenly really start stepping up as a as an industry organization and start halting things like this or putting more safety net. i mean it's hard to tell tell because you know on one hand is it a p.r.
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move just to look good given the strategy if we want to be cynical maybe that's what that is and they've given us plenty of reason to be cynical i mean they've lobbied against them blocked legislation that would require gun orders just to simply carry liability insurance say if my gun goes off and hurt somebody i should be insured on that but you know recently though they did launch their own. liability insurance so it's very dynamic what's going on but also let's remember you know there's two sides to every argument i think that you know at the end of the day everybody is saying we need to outlaw guns we're just because you pass a law against something doesn't make it disappear or doesn't make it suddenly magically vanish were no one's going to have them anymore you know then it goes underground and becomes a criminal it goes into you know goes into the shadow economy which is that going to is that going to be better or worse for having guns around i don't know those are good questions i think we do b.s. because the moment you outlaw something then criminals take over and you know take over the selling and then you can't trace it at all and you don't know who has
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a weapon or who doesn't or what weapons are being sold yeah i think that's the hard thing when you when these things when these kind of events happen as that there's plenty of us who have either grown up around guns or you know recreate recreationally shoot guns or hunting or these kinds of things or even for protection i mean people in our line of work there's a million completely legitimate reasons to have a fire or to want one but it seems like now the question is should we regulate it in the same way that we did cars tons of people died from car accidents and so we said hey we need to look at the size of the car who can drive a car you know you can't go on just rent a semi. there's there's laws there's i think education is a big one i think when you see things that back and happen this situation obviously is years and years of deceit people are you know there's there's so much we don't know do you think this could be the breaking point because a lot of people say if it didn't happen after sandy hook it's never going to happen
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if it is it may be that we have so much video and we're really seeing it do you get the feeling maybe that that is why they have already started to see it. you know either so terribly that that's definitely what were you know that could be larger so that could be a pretty big factor is that you know they're looking at this issue saying. there's really no wind for us let's at least go this little bit we don't really care about stocks anyway it's not going to make or break us it's not going to get rid of you know you know like oh they're going to take away weapons even if they outlaw this one like little piece this little ad on them it looks good for us to look like that we're compassionate we're out of this which i assume they are you don't you know let's do it but at the end of the day you know i think we also have to remember the and i think you're right that look we put seat belts in cars because we realize that you know without seatbelts cars are rather dangerous you know rather more dangerous than they needed to be weapons are made to implement their implements about they're made to kill if we can't do it on something responsibly then yes we
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have to ask but you would have child can you really have this but let's also not forget you cannot legislate against chaos sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing nothing you can do about that that's very true and in these days we always hear you know it was evil it was evil it's something that we we can't say you can't stop those kinds of things i just hope that we can find some kind of work together and find that maybe this puts a middle ground where we can find a middle ground some safety measures could just stop even accidental deaths or make it a little harder for events like this to happen we're going to be right back we have to take a break but i'm going to come right back to you and as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our full says that r t dot com coming up tyrrell sat down with last vegas fixture and producer david sacks about what vegas strong really main stay tuned to watch.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works not the economy is built around corporation perforations washington washington media the. voters elected to run this country business equals. boom bust it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done. economic development is all about numbers really pleased to report this quarter we earned one hundred six morning. but what do we know about the other figures. when i think about the fact that our c.e.o. mike du made over twenty million dollars last year more than one thousand times the average wal-mart a says c.n.n.
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with all due respect i have to say i don't think that's right. is that just you know a free market would. people went from pretty simple financial lives pre nine hundred eighty to the point now where people are. just totally submerged in their financial accounts and they're all in debt and what exactly devoid society from the whatever the government tried to do both at nestle maybe. it might be making things worse. by saying this is not how complex and work this is our capitalism goes hopelessly disastrously wrong. despite all the efforts of the central banks to kill the economy by keeping bankers solvent when they should have been declared bankrupt years ago the index is showing that interest rates are going to go higher this means two things number one property market's going to crash and
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still hurting you just days after a madman's massacre is as has left this city in shock and bereavement the entertainment is the very life essence of this city it's a disneyland for adults and a playground for children with tourist spending nearly sixty billion dollars and twenty sixteen alone the show must go on for this town despite this this tragedy otherwise the heart and soul of lost bagus may very well die prolific vegas show producer david sacks is bagus royalty with roots deep in the beggars' show community i sat down with him earlier this week and i asked him a true expert on this just how much this tragedy will affect the lifeblood of bagus which is tourism and entertainment take a listen to what he had to say. how do you think this event this tragedy is going to affect you know the truism in the city of the lifeblood of the city you know not
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just in the next week but like a year from now you know what kind of effect do you think this is going terrible comparison but. obama when he first was elected he made a comment about. something that was benign but it was you know don't go to vegas and blow your money. and a job just that destroyed the convention business i mean the hundred conventions all doubt. just for the appearance of all we don't have a convention in vegas because makes us look like we're wasting money or something and we were terrified that that was going to end vegas don't want to come here again and you know and it did impact it but it came back you know three were very resilient. but one thing about vegas which is interesting sometimes i have been born and raised here i'll have people say oh you have cable t.v. in vegas you know growing up you have this mega something yeah i don't live in
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a hotel. and we're normal but what's with a lot of people don't realize is vegas the people in vegas are really from california arizona and canada and. the the local support that but vegas is america really is it's it's a collection of everybody that represents we just want to have some fun. and so that is america and so america's resilient begun since recently and i think we will definitely bounce back but it's going to hurt for a little while specially concert i would imagine you know right now everyone and everyone is kind of talking about you know what should have been what could be done what should we do max but i think in all that noise i don't i don't hear anyone actually asking bagus you know what that they need for the rest of us ask you you know what do you think pregnancy what is biggest need for all of us. for. well you know i've been watching this and i've even had it myself there's the
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whatever scummy steps of. when the incident happens there's the acceptance and then over that's later the blame we've been through. you know there's grief there's blame even i started thinking wait now why did it take so long why couldn't they why couldn't they just get up there quicker and why didn't they bust the you know we're learning now while that was pretty difficult and. you know the guy had cameras. to see if the police are coming in so you know i know a lot of the police i personally know a lot of police force captain tenants and. when it all comes down or i get the inside scoop to talk to them and see how hard it was but. i've been through these these phases and i would just say. what vegas needs and is to not be criticized and. don't we don't want people second
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guessing and saying. don't don't come to vegas. not just because we need the tourism but just it's not fair. don't go through that phase of the blame phase and say oh well vegas people are. this or that you know really good people who are i think they did their best for so many of the road stories i even have an employee who went down with his truck and just started picking up people to take from hospital i wouldn't think of that like that there wasn't enough ambulances people were just put putting people in the back of the truck and taking them so i think vegas needs now is don't don't criticise don't go through that phase right now. just just help and they'll be plenty of time for. looking at measures of how to improve and what could be done better but try not to do that what do you think people's biggest misconception is. of practice everybody kind of
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thinks about it was some city and it has that view of the decadence and all the other incomes are down below you know what is what is the biggest misconception about the city well there's at the one hand you know when you're born and raised here you do have a skewed view of it you know i take offense to people who think all begins or. you know there's just nothing but hookers here and drugs and. i just told my kid there's probably nothing to talk about with my kid we're driving i said i've never seen a hooker in my life i've never seen a rattlesnake more like kids snake might live tomorrow eleven never see the snake and never seen a hooker until recently now i guess i know what to look for but there are a couple of walk in there. but we're not just that that's just a part of it and those who might criticize some of the bad things or cd or things
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of vegas have to remember. there's the same thing in your hometown too we're just it's just more highlighted here i guess and. i don't know if you know this is a place to come have fun and. being from the entertainment industry sometimes i wonder because my wife's in the medical industry and i see why you're so lucky to change people's lives and help people like it's. i feel like you know so bad we're just entertaining. but it's true you know we the world does need that what if you just work work work and there's nothing else to do you need entertainment is part of life and it helping to make it better so you know she she told me she said you know what you do. it does help so we're not going to pull the plug on bogus yeah not that i would not because we i think people do need a release or at least the idea of you know i don't even go to the strip but knowing
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everything is open and i could it's it's a pretty cool feeling and i've lived a lot of places just touring the shows and. you know i'm not putting any of those down but it was just knowing that everything clothed in branson missouri for a year and everything close and i would drive in circles in the kmart parking lot at night i don't know if i don't want to do with myself and not that i go out here in vegas but it just knowing everything's the life is there so i just hope that people don't not come here because out of fear and i understand the fear but it's the odds are still extremely low. what are your plans moving forward. well you know i just i just called a meeting and i own several theaters here and we have four hundred employees and.
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you know we have safety plans and stuff but a lot of that revolves around relying on the police and the. the property of the hotel to manage a lot of that but it just made me think we really need to put even more intense plans together because we can't always wait for them we do need to have something immediate and as a venue owner you know you get sued for everything we get lawsuits cause. some people slip and fall or say they slip and fall and you don't want the liability but . i think i think it's worth the risk to train i've got some some really good deed or managers in ussher's who actually have. applied to be in the police force and i think we should give them training case somebody does stand up during a show and has a gun or something how to handle it immediately because. so i just started thinking through all our safety procedures and i want to revamp those. sort of thing also
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worked out. that. there's there's nothing more to add there's just the message of don't don't let's. see there's a ton of conspiracy theories out there already and toobin and all this stuff and and i i get it. but don't let that whatever that face is the anger phase or whatever the blame face just don't let that overwhelm you there's. it takes away from what happened to all those people and they deserve to. experience they went through it's disrespectful i think to them too to minimalize a lot just like that c.b.s. executive girl who got fired said that everybody had it coming to them and. think she took that out of this is you know i probably didn't mean it that bad but boy. just be careful what you say right now it's very tense but i think it's
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a positive thing at the other day that what you saw the show must go on i think i think that does bring people hope of it but does you know if everybody stops and quits you know well you know i don't want to i don't mean to criticize the other shows but this is this all happened so fast i had to make a decision about closing down thirteen different shows of my and i said my instinct was to go on but. you know m.g.m. mirage caesar's entertainment. oh my gosh i mean i think just about it cirque every show in town closed down i think we were one of the only shows to stay open and then i thought now i'm making the wrong decision like we're being disrespectful . i didn't feel that so i feel i'm probably gonna get some criticism for staying open but i really felt the show must go on and so did my staff and we felt we needed to be there and we've been up for free tickets. anyone who bought
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a show ticket to any of these shows that are closed down and they still need a place to go and gather they can come for free at my place in any of my shows so. there is going to say about thank you thank you for another go they could do that it's really good which drove them thank you so much for the first thank you talked with us today and he welcomes thank you. it turns out that building hyperloop salon the northeast corridor and exploring the outer reaches of space are the only fantastical projects ilan mosque has been working on in the land down under the world's most imaginative entrepreneur and innovative car maker is tackling a pressing problem namely australia's lacking power grid and large scale blackouts answering a plea for help from the australian government musk is in the process of expanding what will be the world's largest battery factories able to power over thirty thousand homes in southern australia and the land must has incentives to build quickly and successfully to after accepted
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a public that to begin powering homes from the facility after one hundred days or else for the building cost of the plant at no charge to a stray the battery center has already been drawing energy from a nearby wind farm and a pirlo venture outside in homes with their own batteries allows a straw unions to load up on power when it's in surplus and use it when the spot when prices spike during peak season test load or previously made headlines for building one of the world's largest battery plants in nevada which famously co-exist with families of walk old horse that hopefully must destroy you and probably project will be just as animal friendly and that's our show for you today we we are told enough as my co-host always says in this world that we were loved so i tell you i love you i'm proud of the wallace and keep on watching the hogs have a great indictment against the one.
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most people think just stand out in this is this you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice or the biggest reason. to stand to lose since you just need as the right questions get the right answer. in the us a child can choose a course in school. says teachers we don't. recruit will says to if the cadet is interested in going in the military but we don't recruit ourselves. but. the pentagon is funding a program to boost interest in the military among teenagers. to step up to an
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apollo so that comfortable with yourself. you can't go wrong with the military it's a great stepping stone for whatever career you want to do but some veterans are willing to tell enthusiastic children a little more they ask me call of duty is a very popular first year video game. it's play and that's because like call of duty to turn off call of duty oh yeah well you can't turn off more than a lot of these kids just don't hear. the darker side does the pentagon allow them to be told or does it just need more recruits. the spanish government should be. to accept that it sort. of with. full information of the people what does it mean what means independence what means in hand so tell me so and the question perhaps should not be only yes in those two independents but those will. enhance autonomy
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