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tv   Headline News  RT  October 6, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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like call of duty to turn off call of duty oh yeah well you can't turn up for these kids just don't hear. the darker side does the pentagon allow them to be told. just need more recruits. headline stories this hour prosecutor general reportedly. in russia in response to the. president calls for a senate investigation into what he called a fake news network. in. several major companies the. breakaway region. british pharmacist. spreading terrorists among children.
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just after ten pm in moscow friday october. our top story prosecutor general is reportedly mulling over the option of the carrying some u.s. media. in russia it would be seen. in response to a campaign against r.t. in the us the editor in chief sais it's under pressure in america not just on its employees but also on those working with the network the campaign has been based on claims that her channel influenced the twenty sixteen u.s. election although no solid evidence sounds ever been provided high ranking
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officials in washington continue to voice the allegations. the r.t.s. on twitter were almost uniformly anti clinton and those i think you look at them and you have to conclude no there was a clear design in these ads so that's one congressman's opinion yet on the same day the senate intelligence committee probing alleged russian meddling so the complete opposite there is no way that you can look at that and say that that was to help the right side of the ideological chart and and. not the left or vice versa or they were indiscriminate it seems that the overall theme of the russian. involvement in the u.s. looks create chaos at every level all of this is just the latest segment of the russians did it saga we're now all attention seems to have shifted to our channel and its social media ads well it's no secret that r.t. does advertise on twitter and other platforms just like most other media outlets
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the little blue bird sing a song of russian meddling last week and report the disclosed how much we spend on ads the sum was two hundred seventy five thousand dollars and it's funny to consider is that being able to meet consideration influence on the election when all the candidates spend about one billion dollars to make it look as if we've done something obscure shady or semi-legal summers utter nonsense shooters contacted us with their proposal. are you sure it is a presentation of the adverts so that is how much it would cost and we'd reach recently google became the latest internet giant to jump on the anti r.t. bandwagon when it yanked us from its premium ad service in the us without any warning whatsoever now that move is unlikely to have an adverse effect on our channels reach as we are already the most viewed news network on you tube and fact last month we hit the milestone of over five billion views nevertheless this ban only adds to the mounting pressure on the channel and so recently new active
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measures except to do is turn getting our reputation have been taken against last pacific rim number and so have we operate through. it's a kind of shared experience of danger to the point. of the contrie washington is absolutely insane with the idea that our t.v. is out there and they want to condemn it as somehow russian propaganda but the fact of the matter is whether you love our tea or hate our tea the idea that the u.s. government can tell you what you can watch and can't watch the idea that there's a government censor or something like google in bed with the government telling you what you and or can't watch this is like something out in one thousand nine hundred four well wiki leaks cetera julian a psalm charles reacted to the news by tweeting a mock gallery to modern western journalism he say's if you want to be a reporter in the west in twenty seventeen you have to first pick a random newsworthy story one that the russian media will be covering to even
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suggest you accused russia of secretly being behind me events citing the fact that russian media reporting on it as evidence on the wiki leaks co-founder is not the only one questioning the focus of a senate intelligence committee's probe president trump asked why investigators aren't looking into u.s. news outlets they're a possible role in manipulating public opinion with full reports here's how the chairman of the committee respond we're not going to investigate news organizations but we will use the findings of our reports to lead them merican people hold every news organization accountable for what they portrayed as fact in many cases without sources at least no sources that would admit to it and i think when we finish our report we will find that quite a few news organizations run stories that were not factual. well we talked to be
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director of grass roots political consulting done before and he says he shares president concern of the states of american media they have about five corporations that control or entire media apparatus people are profiting off of them and it's completely controlled and at the same time you have congress investigating and seeking regulation on free media any alternative news media coming from international sources like this channel to bloggers social media now facebook having to go troll through with physical people so many different news stories that their focus is on shutting voices of anything that's not mainstream media and it was an interesting tweet from president trump. meanwhile as we mentioned moscow is considering retirement three measures in response to washington's pressure on r.t. our correspondent nick reports. the kremlin has been pushed into responding in
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a way that it would prefer not to this comes as the russian prosecutor general's office and other state bodies they're not considering the possibility of the recognized activities of some us media on russian soil as undesirable now these kinds of measures are certainly not the preferred choice of the russian government but it seems like they've been backed into a corner with no other choice to make here now the obvious concerns are not only how this will impact on the already fragile relations between russia and the us but also how this could impact on the freedom of the press and that's something that's also echoed by the kremlin spokes person to be true we hope that the oppression against our t. go unnoticed by international organizations that monitor freedom of media however if our media outlets writes of further violence and we weren't exclude retaliate tree measures will be based on the principle of equality now those comments come just one day after a working group the federal federation council the upper house of the russian
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parliament held hearings to discuss the increasing pressure we've seen on russian journalists in the us and how their work is being restricted in this way now russia's foreign ministry spokesperson has said that tit for tat measures against american media on russian soil are still very much on the table. the russian foreign ministry counter measures against journalists representing media outlets of countries that have restrictions on russian journalists so what we still don't know at this point whether the tiptop measures will be taken if they are it would mean that channels like the big american networks like c.n.n. and fox would be removed from russian cable television however it would have no impact on the bureaus stationed here and journalists working here. the catalan government has announced the fine or fishel results of the independence referendum held on sunday just over ninety percent of those who cast the vote supporters split from spain the turnout meanwhile was forty three percent in
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barcelona for us on this to see turkey. really it seems like everybody here is holding their breath to see what will happen next because the fact that these final results have finally been registered with the parliament is quite crucial because we've been hearing from the catalan leadership that it would be within forty eight hours after that that the announcements of independence would come now in fact the final results results did confirm the numbers that were announced earlier that ninety percent of the population who came out to vote said yes to leaving spain so this certainly is seen as something reaffirming the cattle and a commitment to keep moving out of spain now we do know that the cattle and leader project montages been meeting with a mediator mediation committee just behind us and there was supposed to be a press conference held right after which ended up being cancelled which adds sort of to this thick veil of excitement and secrecy at this point in terms of what exactly is going to unravel next and we can say that obviously around the time of the referendum we've been hearing very strong rhetoric from the cattle on
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leadership that did become a little bit softer following the referendum result let's take a look at the mother the day after the first of october we will start a new period taking into consideration the will of the castle and not to mean do not underestimate the strength of the people of catalonia the central government may have many laws many bullets and but there's one thing food don't have they don't have you don't have the people of catalonia a woman can show you the situation ask for mediation and mediation means that we need a third passive i honestly believe that we have the right to be heard in the film. i will make a direct appeal to the european union. but there's a number of what we have never received any positive response from the state to any of the proposals of mediation that we have on the table at the moment well what we've been observing throughout these last days following the referendum is a sort of chess game with the council on leadership taking certain steps and
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certain reactions from madrid one thing we've seen. of course is the announcement to potentially hold a parliamentary session on monday where the declaration of independence was supposed to have been discussed we saw in response to that the constitutional court in spain allowed sick that they would block this kind of vote and as a result we've seen a push from put him on to have this serious and very important session where potentially the announcements of independence could come to be held on tuesday we've seen some parliamentarians urged him to not go ahead and try to push through for it to take place on monday to quote not ruin the dream but certainly this is something that we're expecting to take place on tuesday which is quite crucial to watch how exactly that's going to be unraveled because of course madrid continues to insist that they're not going to accept any of this now for more on this we're joined by our guest and rick fall from the solidarity from the capital and solidarity for independence party thank you very much sir for joining us what do you make of all of this what do you think is going to happen next are we actually
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going to see a proclamation of independence do you think come as early as the beginning of next week. we're speaking in the beginning of next week or least i think that it will be on tuesday evening. of independence of everything coming from us only one war no no no i don't mean that would we propose. that they all saw one to talk about one of the arguments is that only over forty percent of the electorate did come out to vote in this last referendum so do you think if there is indeed this push for their proclamation of independence coming as soon as next week there will be a split within catalonia as well because it's a big difference in the number of people that didn't come out look at the number of people who would show was coming to this time saying yes to the to the go you know
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from spain one. one hundred. fifty thousand more people than the people who was balding yes on the last off in the parliament in the indonesian of spain coming from the parliament of catalonia then it means that. we have more power for more people who are saying let's go out and the previews law. it means that taking on consideration that not we was not boding in a real free roaming no real superintend says with violence from site of this they then now we are full of force and full import it to go ahead on this decision and recall folks thank you very much for talking to us so obviously a crucial time within the next couple of days here in catalonia spain continues to face what seen as the biggest crisis seen in a generation. or one of the stabbing scenes over the past week and spain's government representative in catalonia has apologised for the violence carried out
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by riot police during last weekend's referendum. when i see these images when i know the people that have been hit pushed and even hospitalized think i can't help but regrets and apologize on behalf of the officers don't intervene and the spanish government has also adopted a new law making it easier for companies to relocate away from caste lonia several banks as well as energy tele communication and textile companies have already decided to move their headquarters away from the region we spoke to a financial expert about whether the government is stepping up pressure by introducing the law. well i don't think it is about madrid putting pressure i think it's the companies that are genuinely concerned about the break of the law and more importantly you know completely random the decision of which laws
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does the government abide to and which ones they don't because this is this poses a significant risk for investment security and for for many other issues these are global companies they don't need to be headquartered in catalonia they can be headquartered anywhere it it takes as we have seen very very little for these companies to change their headquarters we have seen major banks energy companies automobile companies change their headquarters very very quickly basically searching for security security and some of the risk of a unilateral decision of secession that could trigger a domino effect against their interests as companies. a british pharmacist has been found guilty of spreading terrorist propaganda to children is a mirror was sentenced to six years for showing graphic twitter videos on his
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mobile phone to primary school children across the story for us. the court heard how. brainwashed these two boys of primary school aged children under the age of eleven he gave the boys sweets he showed them graphic beheading videos and told them the islamic state one bad people he asked them if they wanted to go to syria or to stay in the u.k. and they told him that they wanted to remain in the u.k. and he said that in that case he would want them to persuade others to join islamic state this man was a pharmacist in northampton shit that's a profession that's got you talking to a lot of people on a daily basis and according to some media reports he was even in the process of setting up a religious school so he's going to be sentenced today but the reality is that there are many more just like him across the country john haddest propaganda gets
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more clicks in the u.k. than it does anywhere else in europe and unfortunately there have been intelligence failures here in the country when it comes to stopping potentially dangerous individuals for example one of the london bridge attackers karumba but it turned out that he appeared in a t.v. documentary called the just next door that was a year before he carried out that horrific attack in london bridge he was filmed in that documentary undercover praying in the middle of london next to a black islamic flag he was pictured with notorious islamic preaches and when this became known the metropolitan police were forced to issue a statement saying that bart had been known to m i five but at the time there was no evidence to suggest that he had been planning an attack similar cases with the
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perpetrators of the manchester and the westminster attacks as well both sound a bady and hallowed misuzu did. well known to the or thirty's before they carried out their terrorist attacks so there is a sense that there needs to be a greater effort made to try and stop these individuals from being radicalized before it's too late the investigation revealed. been posting tweets in which he expressed his extremist views indorsement of ice and fighters back in twenty forty the judge said that his actions were a determined effort to radicalize children and turn them into terrorist political analyst david vance believes that british authorities are underestimating the threat this was a guy operating against every best practice in the u.k. so yes of course he's sure no remorse but why would he and why would all the years when they see that when he's been caught and convicted he's been given
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a slap on the not calls and told don't let it happen again that's not the way to deal with this come having been convicted of seeking to radicalize children primary school children he's been given six years six years maybe he'll be out in three years the message being sent is that we are absolutely inept when it comes to in the first instance cutting these people and then we do can't get them we give them these risible prison sentences this guy should have been stuck away in solitary for life and that's why the u.k. has got a particular problem we don't seriously but the jihadists to course very seriously . donald trump has made a. sounding statement to journalists following a meeting with top u.s. military brass at the white house he suggested the talks during which north korea and iran with discussed were pretty major events but then declined to comment
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further. put the. what. you. want you're in the discussion with his military chiefs to criticize him for not following through on the nuclear deal to slash its stockpile. we must not allow iran to obtain to obtain nuclear weapons the iranian regime supports terrorism and exports violence bloodshed and chaos across the middle east that is why we must put an end to iran's continued aggression and nuclear ambitions they have not lived up to the spirit of their agreement well during the obama administration period tiran ship tons of enriched uranium to russia as part of the nuclear deal and also complied by closing thousands of nuclear facilities including the removal of
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a reactor it renie and political analysts psion mustapha thinks that trumps trying to provoke iran a nation that intends to develop nuclear weapons is the velo ping one because that's the tenor and iran never desired to do that and that's why it has struck the deal so he by the way and the united states they never mean to we through all from the deal he's just playing with this certification the certification in order to put the pressure on tehran and you're up to do the actions that these years he made the sentence in order to provoke the iraq he did it i believe purposefully because he is in the habit of not making the situation and conditions clear for target contraries just mean to put the pressure until iran and europe to go for a renegotiation. september was the deadliest month of twenty seventeen for civilians in syria now it's according to
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the un's regional humanitarian coordinator the violence has escalated as the bottle to retake once dominated by idle edges ever closer to it had been home to more than two hundred thousand civilians there's hardly a building that don't touch civilians displaced from the city told us how they managed to flee the u.s. led coalition airstrikes. recently collison air forces were ready to demolish the whole building to target one member of ai so they have no problem killing civilians . we ran from death and fear any human being would be afraid the sound of the planes makes us a free they were shelling the civilians destroying buildings in the houses we fled from the shelling and the coalition has definitely destroyed the country it killed many civilians i lost children and friends.
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and not the america was destroyed by a coalition aircraft only ten percent hit the targets the rest hit civilians the massacre of civilians was something unimaginable. to europe or a six suspect has been arrested in the investigation into a field bombing in an op market neighborhood an explosive device was found on saturday and at that point five suspects were arrested the homemade bomb consisted of four gas canisters which were wired to detonate by mobile phone the explosives were found by a local resident while it all comes as a new anti terror laws being passed through the french parliament and is expected to be adopted later this month or to charlotte dubin ski takes a closer look at the new they just. front's has been under a state of emergency for almost two years and ducts is about to end the catch is
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that essentially it becomes permanent with many of these emergency powers being signed into law under the new law already approved by the lower house of the french parliament the police will have moved though is just such close to carry out stop and search operations to wiretap the phone and e-mail communications it will also allow the closure of places of worship suspected of inciting terrorism and placing alleged jihadi sympathizers i mean to house rats now the recent poll in france suggested that fifty seven percent of people are in favor of the law even if sixty two percent think it will lead to use that freedoms. i think this will become dangerous in the long run and won't be beneficial today they say it's against terrorists tomorrow against ecological protestors and it's just a day after tomorrow it will be against journalists as they say there's
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a pandora's box on a specific and i think this limits freedom because i believe the whole program is useless human rights activists say it's two groups violation of privacy even emanuel mock or him so you've admitted that these measures do not to war against terrorism so why are they passing them maybe the regime is getting weak maybe they are anticipating social unrest maybe they just want to chase around public opinion and tell them we are doing something but what we need is for the french government to do the work thing and their work thing would be to force us to question why do these terrorist attacks happen and second world with their keep happening in montreal my whole pledge to end the states of emergency by november and peace is key to him keeping about forming. this unborn child is no doubt that will be the powers of the police it's unclear if it will the people.
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any more safety despite the sacrifice of liberty. to speak. us. now there was a scramble for seats in the german election there's a scramble for parties not to sit next to the parliament's newest members most m.p.'s are reportedly trying to avoid being placed near the un team migrant alternative for germany party but. but.
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oh. no. no. it's a physician since you. know understood below the given plays into being given. this is our to international remember there's always fresh content being made on our twitter page to check it out i'll see you again often hours talking today with us.
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welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yonks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporations corporations from washington to washington controls the media the media the voters elect the businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before.
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it's taken these children's homes. now it's ready to take their future. little came here could erupt again at any time. most people have a stark choice. live in poverty. or join a gang. but some are following a different. concept .


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