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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  October 6, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinct. oh. ok. even though the very latest horrific shooting is taking up all the headlines where rico is still devastated and it drives me nuts to see the people struggling down there to see so much destruction and no one is talking about how our system created this instead trump is just throwing paper towels out of people like what is handed out merchant to rap concert you know why not why not a presidential t.
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shirt candidates who have a hurricane fire yet we can't get your car out of a trade but we can give you a free maggoty sure. yet but i would say you need more baby formula that of i had food. this think about this if one of these monster billionaires the mercer family or more exotic a burger or any of them were to offer five billion dollars to the first person or corporation or organization that could get food and water to people the people of puerto rico do you think it would have gotten done quickly of course of course there were big giant pallets of bring those into pre stowage waiting to get going to people they'd be ducking from k.f.c. bucket to hit them in their head you think they might have a new problematic get past the mountains of food a block in the road. gets just as right. people people would be. fighting to pump
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more brood and watery weather ricans just when the five billion dollars reward you does this happen toddlers off the street seven cheerios down their dollars like salad can eating a fish and other people would be arguing out the i don't buy buy rick you can't have it hi go ahead. and the reason is that's not happening the reason they aren't getting enough help is because of runaway capitalism because of the market economy there's no right there's no money. there's no money in spending millions to get food and water to struggling people forty eight percent of whom are below the poverty line down their ceo's of the companies with with the with the supplies just like where it where is a profit how do i get rich saving one rig and i was what once was kindness and my heart i'm unfamiliar what did you. do you see do i
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look like others have been deployed to iraq tell tell me i'm quitting the thirst of children is going to help the bottom line for us here at nestle corp. you know you know who i think need water people have two bucks to pay for it all right they look pretty thirty eight out there they go and speaking of nestle it came out last week it's definitely pays only two hundred dollars a year to steal water from near flint michigan a place that you might have heard needs water and this is the way we all are trained to think this is the cultural mindset so every time you see a gas prick put a rican or houstonian or a virgin islands virgin every time. every time you see one of those thank unfettered capitalism just give it a high five for those desperate people on top of that wall street created the poverty and. recall in the first place they got it there are economists and now
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balter of fun just like start of the laying and eating the financial end trails and that was even before the storm hit but our pastoring rash of a corporate media won't mention any of this ninety percent of the discussion about puerto rico is is totally forbidden from our airwaves is just as whole they don't have the clout the longer and then it goes supplies that they need that the system you rob cheer for every dollar right you. and your of course did by the same corporations that get rich off of puerto rico to you you do not need to you can't look you you cannot never question this system and yet feel bad for the people who can't recover from the hurricane that's like that's like lamenting the fire burnt down the little orphanage but never
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mentioning that it was an orphanage slash kerosene depot because because of budget cuts they were leasing part of the orphanage to a kerosene company it was run by a three pack a day smoker who love handles and fireworks i think there's a reason for the fire. no no no it's just a tragedy we could not have foreseen when or rico we did and no one could have seen it coming no one could have seen houston coming no one could have seen flint michigan and new orleans and detroit coming it's all such a surprise if none of the frogs. furthermore run away capitalism benefits from this chaos and misery it's called the shock doctrine and naomi klein wrote all book about it how about that c.n.n. fox news huffington post. go read a book sometime read
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a book do you see the book i know a book doesn't have all the interesting stuff like a wardrobe malfunction gift on the side bar there's no exciting pop up ads or you won't believe how this woman got rid of her fine yinzer you just find ways to have great sex and one way to ruin sex for others you know. there's none of that on a book could even go to snort a bottle of adderall and tell yourself it was pappy by a calm want you to do you can get through it was unfair to capitalism is incredibly inefficient in terms of where materials are and where they end up that's why puerto rico imports eighty percent of their food and supplies rather than using a local sustainable system we all do that right as stated in the new human rights movement in market based economics rarely if ever is anything said about public or
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ecological health why because the market is life blind and decoupled from the actual science of life support and sustainability if there were no more emergency does it does anybody here know how to cook the stuff that grows around your house i know i sure as hell don't there's a moment the corner store gets blown away by a tornado i'll be heating up eating what ends up being poisonous berries out of my neighbor's flower box i'll i'll be the first to ever die from a single day food shortage. local news report is like yeah i was the bodega flooded and then the guy driving the flowers and i. mean the arby's was open life three blocks away really really a sad story. no not of us know how to survive if our food doesn't show up on time after being shipped from vietnam or. wherever they make the frozen pizzas and farm
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the tuna fish they're real you know you know once you go in first in a natural disaster the small dogs will all be the small dogs in no time don't blame me all right it's true all right i won't deny it will be sad to see a little bit dazzled collar on your plate they will say well but you gotta do what it takes that i do believe me but when they hit the fan i don't think any of my neighbors have tofu terriers i could pilfer. run off with. him let's be clear this situation is not problems fault but he is making the other at all of them selves by saying things like clarity goes through our budget a little out of whack. but saying strong business making an ass of himself is about as surprising as saying should kill o'neal has been acting pretty tall lately. thank you. dave. probst is projecting the perfect
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representation of unfettered capitalism as people starving go thirsty and employer rico he has basically said what you want for guys who even cares because there's no money in it for him there's no there's no financial benefit in simply helping people we need a revolution of the mind so that there's not a price tag play every aspect of the economy or what you. think well still muslim league. analysts take the news from the behind the.
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it's funny you throw the word changes everything the head of the commodity futures trading commission announced last week that it will be switching its strategy from discovering criminal banking for describe discovering criminal banking activity instead of policing them directly it will increasingly look to banks and other financial institutions to come clean on their own misconduct and problems in the market this is gonna be great. this is why i grew up in and alligator at a daycare and asking them to self report is baby a kid every day just let us know if you munch down on any of those little tykes otherwise we'll assume all is well and happy time day care and alligators. but maybe i'm wrong maybe the commodity futures trading commission never really did
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that much to begin with let's see the agency is responsible for policing a broad swath of markets and financial machinery such as the complex derivatives that help torpedo the financial system in two thousand and eight zero so it's a lack of oversight in the past only brought all the global economy to its knees these wall street bankers are criminals are right there crim we all act like they're upstanding citizens because they hate to add on or mani's showed you you could put a rotting maggot filled corpse of a diseased buffalo into a suit you could you could squeeze it in there that doesn't mean you should put it in charge of your mutual fund. the commission's director of in forstmann james mcdonald says we start with the share understanding that the vast with joy. already
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of businesses want to comply with the laws. oh well why why why do you why do you do that. that's the exact opposite of what any crime fighting organization should ever think i don't care if you do this you're the eighty five year old ball company charge of making sure fifty year olds don't steal nyquil to get up out in the parking lot every bad guy starts with a shared understanding that teenage boys don't want to steal stuff that he's in the mall company he should assume that every t. they board is al capone. and then hill really be paying attention right these wall street firms are filled to the brim with sociopaths who will do whatever they can to get away whatever they can get away with anything they get what you know just look at the libel or scandal for one example jayson donald basically has
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a box full of tapeworms in front of him and he's standing there going. i operate under it with a shared understanding that none of them want to bury their tooth the suction cup heads into my delicious digestive track and feast on the fillings. all right i think after that description i think we need some good news good news was that dad. this is the kindest shortest country but not really country of scotland has completely banned fracking. no more fracking from scotland but yet. stuff that off your kilt and simbo kits actually never spoke anything up anyone's killed
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a even if they say they're doing you a favor all right. now i want to believe the scottish people banned fracking for all the right reasons but it's just as likely they heard crack and causes earthquakes and earthquakes make stumbling whole faced all the more difficult it does to i spent three months in edinburgh scotland and every memory i have is blurry. i had a threesome that later turned out to be just one girl. although for looks like today you know that's all that matters all that. oh look at back i'm not sure if i was dizzy from the alcohol or the haggis. oh oh oh oh oh haggis speaking of getting tapeworms there's. news breaking news about monsanto lobbyists and that transition was insulting to tapeworms. must monsanto lobbyists have been banned from the e.u.
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. this is up there is a huge staff and. an example of how every country should treat these vipers speaking of syria setting an example of the catalonia region of spain voted for their independence by an overwhelming margin this week this. week and the amazing thing was they did it despite the fact that riot cops beat and arrested them for trying to vote yet much of the media much of the media ran with headlines like riot police clash with voters yeah let's call it clashing with voters when we're with voters when the authoritarian government beats unarmed old ladies in the head with the taunts it wasn't a class that's an assault or right and don't get me wrong i've seen some mean old
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ladies in my day all right i have i watch my ninety three year old grandma in delaware interest to look pregnant and not even apologize afterwords just because she didn't get her baked potato with extra sour cream. but even so i don't think old lady voters deserve to be beaten by riot cops. don't worry though don't worry the abuse ship spanish cops have been asked to self report any crimes they committed and the government is starting with the shared understanding that police really want to comply with the law but when an old nagra fights through or arthritis to give them a bony crooked middle finger what choice do they have. a choice the cat. would saddle.
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the parliament in catalonia said they would declare independence and yesterday the spanish court suspended the cattle on parliament i also cover this story more in-depth as a web exclusive which you can get youtube dot com sites for back to the night we have to go to a quick break but redacted tonight is coming to burn land to film a new stand up comedy special tickets will be available soon after jack to tour dot com you can vote for your own there as well where i've got. what politicians do you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express. some want. to go right. it's like. you keep it. interesting.
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question. in case you're new to the game this is how it works economy is built around quite. a ration from washington. washington post media. voters elected the businessman to run this country business if. you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. lemme warhawks sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings prisoners to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still ends the new socks for the tell you that celebrity gossip and tabloid worthwhile for the most important news today. advertising telling you are not cool enough to buy their products.
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these are the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. a thank you welcome back. through the disaster that was the grand cast of the obamacare repeal bill which failed to pass congress forgot forgot to reauthorize the children's health insurance program or chip which provides health care to millions of poor kids they basically left america's kids in the backseat of the car while they ran inside the capitol just for a minute just for a second right kate if you get on recheck the cushions for mammon ems all right stop your bichon this oversight has left states trying desperately to figure out how to provide coverage for their most vulnerable kids for more on this we turn to
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our senior health care expert now i begin. right. so this is. so this is sending states into a panic oh yeah i can understand the panic this affects nine million kids who rely on chip because their parents make too much money for medicaid but still can't afford private health insurance the same way i have a master's degree in english but i can't afford hacks who will food. eating real apple jacks. yeah apple orbits are no good don't do it do it but but i will say there was a terrible analogy because you still have health care these kids still and there is the funding hasn't completely dried up. unless you're minnesota as of last saturday then it's tryer than my vagina on a date after a dude tells me black people own slaves to. the same heritage.
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but over half of states wouldn't run out of cash until as early as january that's still terrifying i know you think if i take u.s. history off of my interest on tender i'll stop getting do so i mean you know this. funding is terrifying manoli chip was one of the few efforts that the both sides could agree on and still do now now that this gram cassady b.s. is over with there is a bill waiting in the wings right now where both parties have agreed weeks ago to phase out a twenty three percent funding increase for chip in order to keep the program going of course what both sides obviously can't agree on is obamacare and democrats got a little overzealous when pushing for obamacare several years ago thinking it would offer the same benefits chip does but obamacare isn't shared the same way apple orbits are apple jacks and the stores are definitely not the smurfs.
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what good do your snorkel heads do if you're underwater. do breathe. ok murph or knock off and we're going to more good show if they're all just floating there but. it's not off the side of why do i have the feeling ship would have been fully funded on time if this were you know voltron and these poor kids could transform into an f. thirty five jet. oh my god. that is an amazing idea no no it was a joke it was a job well then how also we're going to guarantee money for chip this is this is going to permanently funded program that's why congress revisits it every few years to figure out if we want to renew funding and to be honest every time my two year old nephew throws a tantrum unless we watch the same episode of doc mcstuffins tree are going a broken toy fire truck for three hours i had to question my support of health care
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for children. but i still see the value the fact that our lawmakers don't think twice about funding our military by the trillions yet they have to decide every few years whether or not poor kids should have the health care they're entitled to is disgusting disgusting. but. if it does the sky us thing is secretly hoping the toys doc mcstuffins tree don't survive. maybe not only do you know much. work yet for this report they have a load of cases they're working on and redacted correspondent naomi carol bonnie dug a little deeper on one of the most important ones she filed this report here. i'm here at the nation's premier process and sam the supreme court justices have kicked
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up the dust and are ready to star in what the skoda sportscast calls a blockbuster blockbuster p.c. with the blockbuster. blockbuster cases so the cases are bankrupt abandoned you give you a sentimental feeling about your childhood love of gremlins the movie. that movie gave me adorable nightmares for yours the supreme court opened. time with the fight over workers' rights and appears to lean toward firms that block joint legal action by employees so the first to get screwed this year are workers you thought it was going to be immigrants the president and the band. so the plaintiffs in this case discovered they could not super missing wages because of the mandatory arbitration clause the very fine print in their contracts which says
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they must take their cases to private arbitration with the company on a worker by worker basis or he or she will be denied employment why can't there be anything good in fine print like. free tickets to hamilton things to the mandatory arbitration clause workers can sue for violations of many important employment laws including brights to minimum wages and overtime pay rest breaks protections against discrimination and unjust dismissal privacy protection family leave oh all the protections that keep you from being. a serf and not even a good serve. was nothing but an unfriendly go so what is arbitration like the company has complete control you don't go to a courthouse with other workers you go into a conference room with the table could be any table ping pong table or an operating table the case is then not decided by
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a judge but an arbiter which means. i don't know i looked it up in the dictionary ok and it's either something like an arboretum or in a theory and i'm pretty sure those b.'s are working for the man. the business is don't seem to know either they choose the arbiter right there and then it could be yes the c.e.o. is bastard son and jeff is aware of role or ceremonial garb he could just be wearing their boat. tassels on his and if the plaintiff or this case stephanie sutherland wanted to sue together with other employees of ernst and young to recover just eight hundred dollars in lost wages because if she had to sue on an individual basis she would have to spend two hundred thousand dollars of her own money now i'm not a mathematician but i think that is about. carry the. too
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much too much organizations like the public as it is since a four star patrician gives companies a monopoly over our system of justice by blocking consumer. access to the courts and it's a get out of jail free card companies so they sent the monopoly man himself to go to the equifax and hearing you tell it was never to have. arbitration clause in the quality of services or offer the consumer the monopoly man fit right in in a congressional hearing with a big company c.-span didn't even think to turn the cameras if forced arbitration doesn't end in the supreme court it will be another defeat in workers. only a win for monopolies rich uncle benny bags hey if it's still hanging around here i have some questions about a property i have on park avenue took me a while to get that. we're porting from the supreme court this is naming caravan
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jack to it's night. which i didn't get through the night with a good card ok there will be able to read it when i do it or you can now watch redacted tonight on the record t.v. channel right through our building next time if you find it. on larry you're watching r t amount per student for. hey guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't skew liberal or conservative and
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as you can see from his bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head left these talking head righties oh there you go above it all to look at world artsy americans in the spotlight now every lehi have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. the mission of newsworthy it is to go to the people tell their side of the story our stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say and i think the average viewer knows that r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one tells us what to cover how long the coverage for how to say it that's the beauty of archie america.


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