tv Headline News RT October 9, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov tells his u.s. counterpart rex tillerson america must return illegally seized russian diplomatic property warning of retaliatory action. the battle for survival continues in syria despite islamic states retreat from the eastern province of their resort we speak to two young sisters who have lost everything in the war. their. facebook criticism is failing to do enough to police fake news the company security
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chief saying social media giant mustn't turned up becoming a nineteen eighty-four style ministry of truth. warned a number of us media outlets operating in russia they could be sanctioned in retaliation for growing pressure in the states of america. this is our national russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov has told his u.s. counterpart rex tillerson that america must return illegally seized russian diplomatic property to get more of the story. kelly we know there's a phone conversation between the two diplomats what was said. yes in the phone conversation that took place earlier u.s.
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secretary of state rex tillerson and russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov discussed several issues however what seems to be the main focus of the phone call was russia's foreign minister making clear that the properties of russia the diplomatic properties which were illegally seized must be returned and that there could be possible retaliation in response to the illegal seizure of russia's diplomatic properties by the united states now for what we understand syria and korea were also discussed on the phone call with russia emphasizing the need for a diplomatic solution to both situations both syria and korea now this comes and let's also know that after the phone call ended there was a statement from russia's foreign ministry in the statement from russia's foreign ministry given in the direct aftermath of the phone call made clear russia reserves the right to undertake illegal action and retaliatory measures now let's go over
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recent events so we know there are accusations of russian meddling in the u.s. elections we know that he did sign some new sanctions on russia and then the u.s. they ordered the closure of diplomatic sites and now we have the former russian consulate in san francisco that was then searched after it was closed so we now have the latest about this phone call now on the phone call both tillerson and lab are of expressed support for the ongoing consultation between the two countries regarding the situation with the diplomatic property that was seized and we now have this word that russia is reserving the right to some kind of retaliation if their property is not returned killable prng is up to date from the u.s. thank you. people from liberated towns in the syrian province of their resort trying to get better lives back on track after three years of being surrounded by islamic state parties but i guess they have has the story of two young sisters
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whose battle for survival isn't over despite the terrorists having fled the area. meet sally she's five maybe six perhaps seven she doesn't know in this market the streets. surviving isis's each of their disorder was no mean feat so many perished as a result of starvation sickness violence. if. sally is a survivor she her sister and brother were abandoned by their parents years ago they divorced and left the children to fend for themselves and family and. can't home. who are now almost don't want to land she spends her days begging stealing playing and surviving no easy lot for them
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in this life maybe it'll be the sony went from home to home to live in the streets they beg for money to stay alive inside today's sick poor sally bags alone former neighbors who knew their family have taken pity on the kids and have looks out for them but it's not easy marcus now back up i wanted to take her in and she kept escaping i sent people to look for her but she never stays in one place long show escapes. well there. are no. sally's sister all she has left since her brother died of starvation we found the older girl at the end of this gloomy bullet riddled cargill is a room with broken windows in it leaves
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a young girl with only flies bloodstain mattresses for company. about a month ago sagitta who doesn't remember her age was brought in with a head injury when she fell she damaged an implant that siphons away the fluid different people tell different versions some say the full was accidental others attempted suicide but i believe the fluids keep building and there will be consequences she will lose her sight hearing and the ability to swallow much of the pressure on her bringing has grown. in hospital i don't know she'll find new cures indeed as order as we were filming a nice a shell landed just a few hundred meters away sagitta needs to get to damascus to survive but lacking identification relatives and trapped in
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a war zone it's difficult to see how that's possible. sagitta doesn't get many visitors but there is one vigil person who always makes a smile that. if left alone sagitta begins to scream and cry she needs people the story has spread and good. barrett institution is what i miss for a woman once came to the hospital and heard the screaming she followed him found the girl since then she's been coming two or three times a day to care for her to wash or to feed her she never knew this girl bushra whose own daughter is disabled is not rich or middle class she's poor but a kind heart goes a long long way now that are that are the end of everything my friend and i can do
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we will do for her as well dr of two hundred up to law everything are right up to the moment when she stands up and can see. there is cause for optimism sagitta suffering has touched a chord action is being taken to get the girls out of bed as or but for now all they really have aside from promises them p.t. is each other or i guess the scene from their disorder syria. meanwhile just forty kilometers north of there is all the syrian army is steadily advancing against eisel the chasing terrorists out of the city of day in considered one of his alarming states last strongholds in the province here is video that was sent to us from the front line.
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on. facebook is criticism that it's failing to do enough to police fake news the company security chief says the social media giant mustn't end up becoming an orwellian the star ministry of truth morning speak to want to ease the miracle of cover from the united states of america why is facebook in the headlines that. well facebook has recently come under focused after revealing over three thousand ads allegedly purchased by russian actors during the two thousand and sixteen election
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totaling to about one hundred thousand dollars now the company is under pressure from all sides with politicians and media claiming that facebook has not done enough to stop what they call an influence campaign. to be useful to understand what. social media outlets are doing i was concerned first that some of these social media platforms companies did not take these threats seriously enough i believe they are recognizing that threat now they have provided us with information from know the answer to this question but it's interesting to me are they a telecommunications platform or are they a news organization. now facebook has itself stated that the ads are amount to almost nothing in terms of total content explaining that campaigns have spent over one thousand times that but that didn't help to calm the storm facebook security officer alex stamos took to twitter to address accusations that directed at
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facebook saying that journalists largely underestimate the ability to filter content for billions of users he also stressed that it would be naive to assume algorithms are entirely unbiased now his patients seem to have run out when he tweeted that there might be a way to battle fake news if you're not afraid to turn facebook into the ministry of truth. so if you don't worry about becoming the ministry of truth with machine learning systems trained on your personal biases then it's easy. now this kind of twitter storm is highly unusual for facebook as this company usually sticks to restraint statements but as i've said before social media giants are now releasing statements and writing reports about russia's alleged activities on its platform on their platforms during the two thousand and sixteen election but they're doing so without any proof or evidence to substantiate their claims of
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correspondence the mirror can bring is the latest thank you. elice discuss this subject in more depth now can bring in a guest pierluigi plug in any cyber security expert more specifically is the chief technology officer at c a c and to prize very good evening to facebook's sawyer security chief said there are two ways of tracking fake news you can do it manually you can do it by using an algorithm but that admitted that both of those processes of bias do agree with is there any way of creating them biased algorithm. i totally agree totally automated systems are not too easy to implement. current mushing in genes cannot be used in a single way to to have the proof that someone is trying for example to push some specific arguments and all the social networks so i totally agree when we say that
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the boards met or that are the way. this all happened did a sort of a burst of tweets that came from facebook cyber security office what do you think prompted him to make it express his views now. basically no more pressure we are assisting in the sense of more answer to an increase the use of such on talks by military and also for in-state so it's normal that. people that are involved bit in the security of social media platforms are under pressure so this is just their normal response to the pressure or media and also quality chances in this country and what we're hearing from some important people at facebook that really the war on fake news isn't working as you said has been a lot of pressure on stopping fake news although we don't always hear what exactly
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is fake news will the whole concept have to be rethought. yes of course these will push security teams to better solution for automatic analysis and of course social media plot the most read involve more employees in this kind of analysis but do we have to consider that probably the best approach to the approach that will involve the boards out of market solution and also human analysis. let's talk about the source of all this because it all really began from allegations of russian interference in the us presidential election there aren't any proof put forward yet as a cyber security expert can you suggest how we find proof how do we prove these claims. you know basically i have to turn to you that is not so easy. because the attribution in cyber security field is probably one of the most
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important problem that we have to freeze so it's very hard or cross sometimes it's possible to our allies some specifically in the good of the specific activities to . let me see truth darkhorse but any we must involve a huge or a huge a half or so interim or go after matic system and also in terms of the human resources so actually not easy to our tribute to a specific can be specific to a specific characters we are also to consider that we can also feel that with the fast flag operation so imaging for example that to depart to go a mentor is interested to blame another country's so you can use a social network in order to interfere with the any kind of violent. mean they're. behind the what do we call a logical a parisian yellow it's great to speak of our guest this hour pierre luigi paganini
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cyber security expert. move on to other news the russian ministry of justice has warned the number of u.s. run media outlets working in russia could be sanctioned after washington told this tells us we must r.t. america to register as a foreign agent let's get more on this from our correspondent trying to be in the studio with me. first of all tell us more about these possible measures. hi again well the russian ministry of justice they sent out notices to american news outlets in russia several of them one of them even confirmed it that they may face restrictions in according to russia's law on foreign agents and here we're talking about three news organizations at least including radio free europe and a video channel called current time now and this case the question is what what does the word restrictions mean and it is absolutely fair to say i guess and also
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the sources within the justice ministry are backing it up that the russian authorities could come up with amendments to the legislation that may lead to legal circumstances when these news organizations will have to register as foreign agents in russia is this just another example of what we've seen in terms of sanctions between the countries is this retaliation this looks like we're told definitely just recently as you may well remember at the us just this ministry required the. american service supplier to register as foreign agents and in this case it is based on a similar law in the u.s. but actually that's a law that dates back to ages ago and initially it was drafted to take on nazi propaganda where would this leave. this particular case it would really make the lives of our team america very difficult because they will have to reveal personal
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staff details and also for instance provide transcripts of the interviews so earlier the russian foreign ministry they promised that there will be retaliation to this and our editor in chief has been underlining and stressing how much unwanted attention and us our channel has been getting. and you don't know we have until recently no active measures except those targeting our reputation has been taken against us in the u.s. specifically you were asked if we ever experience the kind of pressure that we experienced today in the u.s. to the point eventually being forced out of the country so. i mean about pressure what kind of pressure we're talking about you know you were a member i guess that report by the american intelligence committee on the allegations of russian meddling in the u.s. election and in that report seven pages were devoted to it's supposed to
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influence on the public discourse this is when the reports in congress are t. was blair was labeled as the kremlin propaganda too but you know in this case it isn't and there there was also twitter's report they came up with the papers where it was. you know they put r.t. on the same page in artie's advertisement campaign as internet trolls and bots so really it's just going downhill from there and at the same time donald trump how's wondered on twitter why the senate and also the u.s. intelligence community isn't doing anything to take on fake news organizations in the us was an interesting question and no answer as yet it's a fascinating story this things with even is that what what evolves from all of
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this discussion. now hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of barcelona sunday to back spanish unity and to actually denounce the catalogue of this push for independence the rally comes amid speculation that catalonia as president may proclaim the region an independent state in an address to the regional parliament on tuesday he's on the situation and brings us the latest from barcelona. i was. i was i was you could see was that the region was that was. but the ninety percent of those who came out to vote in favor waving spain goodbye an observer
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first also expects promises to be kept with over eight hundred people injured on the day of the referendum the question of could it also have been for nothing is now live i was with meanwhile madrid has made it clear it won't budge spain's prime minister mariano rajoy says he's not ruling anything out including suspending the region's autonomy and has vowed to take any measures necessary to prevent catalonia his independence we're going to prevent independence from occurring that is why i can tell you without sleep frankness that it will not happen with me about him on nobody it seems wrong to me not because he thinks so but because in a democracy the president must protect the people's right to choose our goal was to do as little damage as possible what happened was due to stubbornness and holding a referendum when they knew it was absolutely illegal it was very irresponsible of those who made that decision but over the last one the last year or more i think
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the government has behaved very severe. aggressively towards a kind of legitimate and democratic demand of catalan citizens it's a battle for europe it's a battle for european values and we have to win the national populism goes against european values. european i don't think so because europe should give us more support it doesn't seem to me that there's a battle going on between his government and you who does not say anything that makes sense he does not listen he does not try to hold a dialogue and i do not understand why he is still in his post if he was receptive and humane person he would resign from behind these walls of the cattle and parliament that the next big steps for the region are expected to come from catalan leader carlist which demanded promised action towards independence within forty eight hours of official referendum results but has avoided specifics since this week all eyes will be on what happens here next. council of europe has called on
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the spanish authorities to ensure an independent investigation into all allegations of police misconduct during the council on referendum spain's interior minister immediately back state security forces as per instructions from the divisional acted prudently proportionately and appropriately to guarantee respect for the law and the protection of rights and freedoms of full citizens all council of europe is a powerful human rights group but it's not connected to the union brussels has failed to call for any probe into the numerous claims of police misconduct during voting well professor lopez both says that the e.u. will back madrid no matter what. you are not interested in. in talking of all human rights on the lawn and what's going on they would react if the spot is called our man goes forward we were oppression of human rights we cannot forget.
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the kingdom of spain that's more than one trillion euros mostly to european banks so by the moment you opinion countries are not interested in this clique of spin. that's why. by the moment the only group on that which is from the council you were up. if the interim doesn't change its policy towards iran it will pose a great danger for europe that's according to germany's foreign minister comments came after the us president hinted he'd pull out of washington's nuclear deal with tehran there is a great danger for us because if the united states of america takes that course then the world will change. auntie's correspondent for national has more now on the recent german statements where we hear that germany not only fear is that u.s. made his job from the red in agreement but it has also accused washington of
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quotation replacing the rule of law by the rule of the stronger as we've heard that from germany's foreign minister who has said that germany's and will be committed into two of the deal a supposed to stop iran from building its own nuclear bomb the accord that berlin helped negotiate adding that germany france and britain all together urge washington to give up the idea of pulling out otherwise the world will change the u.s. as we joe is at this point a very unlikely scenario donald trump the american president has been a vocal critic of the accord for a long time accusing iran of not fulfilling its obligations but this is the opinion that it seems europe is not quite cherian. since we reached a deal two years ago the international atomic energy agency has been monitoring the implementation of the deal including with inspections and it has certified iran's to compliance eight times we have an interest and the responsibility
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a duty to preserve the nuclear deal with what happened in two thousand and fifteen when five countries russia france britain germany and china together with iran reached a deal to curb the country's nuclear program it was taken by many as a break for as a historic landmark agreement and this is why it's clear what many are suspecting the u.s. to pull out of the accord later this week frustration and fear is very high. he will apparently be accompanied by surveillance experts of the twenty eighteen world cup here in russia according to a newspaper report the school's concerned russia might plan bugs to spy on the. a major security detail will accompany the squad and it's not beyond the rounds that they will have someone sweepin rooms beforehand the last thing the mainland wants is a leaky camp so everyone is able to be relaxed and just concentrate on their football
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. earlier my colleague kate partridge discussed with alexia share ski executive producer of r.t.e. stan collymore show why the three lions are expected to step into the lion's den. they're afraid that there might be leaks out of the england camp but at the same time some anonymous source within the english squad is leaking this to the tabloids we believe these tabloids there will be a team of surveillance experts making sure everything stays within the england camp and also this and named source says that basically the threat of global terrorism and potential threat of football hooligans is the same thing when it comes to russia nonetheless this is something that we've been seeing for a while it's not only just tabloids in england which are doing this but also bigger outlets more official outlets like the b.b.c. we all remember that documentary which came out recently basically just telling england fans that russia is hell and do not come here let's watch this. i'm going
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to russia to meet the hooligans who hold the fates of england fans in a. man who reject the negative image of the past to immigration new identity limited. so if you think this is the first time you know and if you think it's only the english to do that no remember sochi olympics american broadcasters mainstream media m s n b c had this to say had this warning to the fans going into sochi olympics letters to russia can expect to be hacked. to new smartphone browser for information about the sochi olympics almost immediately we were hacked so there was seriously suggesting that fans going to the such olympics and teams would be hacked we all remember how that panned out nobody was hacked not a single count complained about this but you know it's typical ukraine poland the euros don't go there we'll come back in
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a body bags will remember that south africa same thing now it's russia but france can make up their own decisions and everybody saw how few weeks ago liverpool man united were in moscow how safe it was. very very she won't fund. it. you all right up to date with the latest news headlines at the top of them. here's what people have been saying about rejected in the senate just full on awsome.
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