tv Politicking With Larry King RT October 10, 2017 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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dative been selling all the who's the libertarian parties vice presidential nominee in two thousand and eight he joins us from las vegas and robin byre own democratic strategist former obama campaign regional field or a dram a u.s. army ranger vet he joins me from atlanta all right lane what do you make of this from corker feud well first of all i don't know how anyone could say that corker is a friend of donald trump an ally is not corker is i guess to say people would say mitch mcconnell is that ally or paul ryan's ally i mean i'm a i'm a true donald trump ally for the first day and i'm telling you mitch mcconnell paul ryan corker people like him are not allies of donald trump they're the establishment they're the swamp and they're the problem and it's just a gross exaggeration to act as if donald trump is going to get us to world war three it was the inaction of of bill clinton and of george w. bush and of obama who did nothing to deal with this madman in north korea just all
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the prior administrations did nothing about it and we come to this point trump is trying to negotiate with the guy and the only way to negotiate with a madman is to be very strong and let him know for once the united states is not going to give it so i think he's doing a great job robin trump said he doesn't want to negotiate with them. you're right he sure does not and as an army ranger veteran that concerns me we need a tempered approach i disagree with the other panelist mr root that this is a case of donald trump i said that we've done this for twenty five years and it not worked but look it kept us out of war it kept us out of nuclear war i understand that right now they keep amy missiles at us they get closer and closer with each try but adding fuel to the fire by trump's crazy tweets calling him the little rocket man all this that's just doing no good it's making us look like
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a mockery to the rest of the world i'm deeply concerned right now i think we should be more about americans and forget this partisanship and just do right by america. concerning the thing with. ken ken you get tax reform passed without corporate why i don't know that attacking corker and disagree with corker means that you can't get them to vote for what's right for america and american business i mean is corker such a little bay a little crybaby that if you disagree with him on foreign affairs he's not going to vote for a tax cut that every american needs i'm a businessman larry and i was destroyed by eight years of brock obama's high taxes ridiculous regulations and this disaster called obamacare and i need a tax cut badly now and of corker can't vote for a tax cut because he doesn't like president trump or disagrees them on foreign affairs that corker asked to leave got to get rid of them and i'd like somebody who
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joins in who is more like donald trump someone who believes in cutting taxes to get the economy moving again is termed hurting things rather than by publicly criticizing corporate. if that's his style and he's not he's seventy two years old he's not going to change i'm much more concerned about what he's promised tax reform for middle class americans you've got to look at this policy actually because it does not deliver on that it promises better for the top one percent and for big corporations for middle class americans and donald trump breaux and his trumps roll out a speech he said that a family making ninety thousand dollars a year with four children so that's a family of six will receive a tax benefit of about one thousand dollars but the very next day larry he clarified and said that we would be losing the mortgage interest deduction now the national association of realtors already said that's a nonpartisan organization they said that we would lose value in our our homes of
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about ten percent so it doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that if you lose ten percent of the value of your home that's not the one thousand dollars in tax saving is not going to do a thing to make place of that does benefit the one percent mr be part of one of those and some limit because of the wealthy friends but it doesn't deliver the we're where we need it with middle class tax reform you guys you have been in first so first of all i'm not sure where robin gets his figures from never was the mortgage interest deduction up for debate this is not part of this i think robert's mixing it up with the state and local tax deduction nobody's losing their mortgage deduction but donald trump is proposing getting rid of the state and local tax deduction for people live in a high tax states like california new york what's the matter liberals are upset i thought they love taxes how come they don't want to tax increase every liberal ever meet loves taxes they think it's great for the other guy so when donald trump calls
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their bluff and he says if you live in new york or new jersey or connecticut or california or maryland a high tax state illinois we're going to get rid of your state local tax deduction liberal. freak out and they scream bloody murder i thought they think high taxes are great for america why isn't it great for them this is nothing to do with the mortgage deduction no the mortgage deduction and charitable deduction will both remain there's no debate about that such another based robin what do you make of the attack on so-called sanctuary cities. i understand that i live here in atlanta georgia it's technically a sanctuary city and mayor kasim reed just said that the police department here he's proposing will not cooperate with ice so i understand the problem and i know that that's going to be a hot political debate i'm open to hear about that i do want to clarify though that the day after trump rolled out his tax plan sarah huckabee sanders in her press
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conference did clarify that we would be losing the mortgage and tax deduction so that is there for the record it's not it's not all i'm telling you is i don't know what sarah said you may be right about that i'm not argue with you robert i'm telling you i've seen that the tax the details the very needy gritty details there's nothing in it about mortgage deduction loss a matter of fact they state that charitable and mores the duction will not be touched you get it up to one point one million dollars so i'm telling you it's not part of this and it's not even up for debate and i don't even think that the taking away of local and state deductions will be part of the debate in the end i think they'll probably give you a limit maybe like twenty five thousand a year at local and state taxes so everyone at least in the middle class in california new york will get to deduct a certain amount but they won't get to duck forever anything you know any amount of property any amount of property tax going to i think that's a really really good idea if you live in a liberal state and you don't like that move come to divide one of the i live only
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to texas a lot of losses roads and great idea what do you think of the crackdown on sick and sanctuary cities reducing the number of incoming refugees to ten thousand a year new border patrol. agents and reduction in the number of immigrants who come to the country illegally as children i think the republican party on iraq that was our mission for maintenance for robin the mystery of that was a question for me i'll say this i know that right now my primary concern are protecting the lives and well being of these eight hundred thousand dakar recipients so frankly i know that the sanctuary cities thing is going to be up for debate and we're willing to work with them on that nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have already said that we're willing to have stricter laws regarding sanctuary cities if it means that we get to keep these eight hundred thousand dollars eight hundred thousand doctor is that because you're talking about people who want to contribute to our tax base people who want to be students and people who want to
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join our military and fight for our country and i would be willing to fight right there beside them on what the honor and distinction they want to be a part of our country and contribute so if sanctuary cities means that we're going to have to crack down on that to protect the dock recipients i say let's do it now when do you you're in las vegas horrific mass shooting there last week the n.r.a. in the g.o.p. is even thinking about possibly taking some measures to add to gun control laws do you favor that. well look i'm a very pro-gun second amendment guy but that doesn't mean there aren't little things around the edges that need to be done i don't know that every american needs machine guns and rapid fire automatic weapons and bumps and all kinds of things that this guy had so i'm reasonable i'm willing to negotiate just like i'm willing to go she had on dhaka maybe a guy like robin and a guy like me could get together and i could give an eye doc of robert gibbs in birthright citizenship in sanctuary cities there's negotiations to be done and i
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think the problem is that the republican party my republican party has always been a bunch of wimps that gives in and gets nothing in return i don't mind giving in to dhaka i just want to get something in return i think we've got to end century cities forever and we've got to end birthright citizenship and we've got to build a wall and if you're willing to give on those three i'm willing to deal and i hope donal's will in a deal undocked if you're not then i wouldn't deal on dhaka same thing on gun control there's some things you might do around the edges very minor things that prevent mass murderers that i play along with but in return we've got to protect and legitimize the rights of owning of gun ownership that to protect that second amendment for the average law abiding citizen right the one thing i would give is reciprocity i've given to you a little bit on some of these things that might be you know considered extreme if you make sure that i've got reciprocity so i could take my gun carry permit in
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nevada and i could use it wherever inside a fifty state of the new ranger what do you think of the gun control issue. wow i could talk for a whole hour about that but i'll keep it short so let me let me address i've reached out to my most pro-choice amendment friends my libertarian friends friends that are gun brokers and i asked them where we could and where we can have reforms and i and they said that there are places that we can mr root is because correct there are areas where we can work together any system that modifies a weapon semiotics to an automatic weapon you know we need to. hold that bill and we're reviewing whether or not those should be legal also i think that a lot of responsibility lies with private gun owners when you when you sell a weapon you there's not a process there's not a legal process to do that so people need to be educated that at a minimum they need to write down the serial number of their weapon and they would be really well advised to consummate this transaction the sale of a second hand weapon or purchase at a police station because
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a criminal's not going to go to a police station to buy this weapon that will keep the weapon out of the hands of criminals and we might need to look at making that a policy and you could also for five dollars run that serial number and check to see if it was involved in the use of a crime so there's that and there are four states that currently allow automatic weapons with a class three license now i understand that it takes a great deal of effort to get a class three licens but i still say as a as a veteran army ranger that the only place that we need automatic weapons is in the military and in law enforcement you don't need an automatic weapon to defend your home those have been banned since nine hundred eighty six and i get this state's rights issue but in nevada pennsylvania oklahoma and texas that you can still buy automatic weapons we may need to look at revisiting that and i agree with mr root i think we've got the room to do so together we're going to have you both back thank
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you very much thank you larry thank you robert wayne and rob and we thank them for their time today stay right there is more politicking after the break. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. to caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters my mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. claimed that
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mainstream media has met its maker. your watching and heartier got special report when they loved him this was love me as my love but basically everything that you think you know about civil society have broken down. there's always going to be somebody else to be one step ahead of the game. we should not be in the service of normalizing violence. we don't need people that think like this on our planet. this is an incredibly silly situation. there's a real irony delay it showed what a player brings out a responsible choice unable and there is always some doubts what goes wrong with the host always been expensive or is it again we're dealing with the ordinary no wholesale surveillance you feel you have already in while there's an admission to show she doesn't and trump has used the social media site while it always always
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story goes it's garbage in real genuine soon. welcome back to politicking she's the host and creator of the edis new show the rundown with robin v.t. she also sumi the only african-american female late night host on television. i recently talked with robin about her new show which premieres this week in which she promises she will targo our crazy current political scene and other problem called good news as. we get into her personal take on trump here is that interview watch who wants what's the run bone all about the rundown is a weekly late night comedy show in the vein of samantha bee or john oliver. but told from my perspective so it's politics and pop culture which the other shows aren't doing and it's for a primarily a black audience because we're on black entertainment television one night of the
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week thursday and live life to tape so we'll tape around five or six in air at eleven pm that with guests are just you go over talking to the guests just made can you believe it or see my face yet half hour we'll have some split some special celebrities and some of the tape pieces but no one else in the studio and i understand you have a twenty four episode order yeah isn't that wild who gives you that many right off the bat and i've never seen it so have you left the other shows for this well my lachelle the nightly show got cancelled and then about a month later i sold the show. through and what was the pitch i'm going to sit in front of the can yes did you say as. we all of a show yeah you know i said look in the weekly format i felt like what was missing was pop culture because everybody talks about politics right everybody's like oh trump is bad you know all that well and back then trump wasn't president all of a cage and they do things like he will he will and textbooks will go out and do
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those but mine is the rundown of the week so it's much more topical so we talk about what happened this past week in politics and pop culture and pop go yeah so you would discuss it yeah so we discuss you know riyadh has got it on a new line out your what is that yeah sure why not although i don't know if the bt audience cares about madonna but you have a lot of fish lots of graphics very graphic having lots of monitors is very cool. where is chris rock should fall so chris rock is a mentor of mine i wrote for him a few years back when he hosted the bt awards and we asked him to come on board as an executive producer and he said yes when he heard a sentence of the pitch of the show he's a fan of mine and i guess i'm one of my mentors so he's going to be he helped shape the show in the beginning and he'll be there creatively to give input when we take why do you think will work i think this show will work because other weekly shows i think they avoid pop culture like the plague because it makes them feel like it's
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not as smart but i think that viewers are just as smart if they care about what the car dash in the kanye are doing and also what trump is doing we'll lose food will be your blood cultures absolutely we've never had a show like this monique wanda whoopi they've all had late night shows but no one's taken on political satire in this way in addition to covering pop culture with the same legitimacy what's the cultural difference black and white with regard to you more oh that is a great that's why i asked. you really good at that actually i have a great answer for you. sarcasm that is the difference in this in the political satire to white audiences are more they give you more leeway to take a long trip down sarcasm road whereas a black audience needs you to tell them the joke and make them laugh and then they're on board but you have to be a little broader you have to point things out a little more on the nose because if you say something like for instance if i say well i might believe trump on this and then show
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a clip where he's saying something ridiculous they'll go wow did she really believe him but if i was on comedy central they would go ok she obviously doesn't believe him it's just a comedic set up but it's just something in the way we just we just are very sarcastic in our humor as much as other audience is donald trump a gift from the comedy gods yes but he's a curse to the american people. oh it's a double. oh but there's a report when someone is cartoonish yeah and i know done a long time i mean does it become redundant harder to be funny about him when he himself is forty correct i think i think it's a double edged sword i think on one hand he's unintentionally funny so you get some comedy out of that but the times he really lands a joke yeah what can you do there you know but the great thing about my audience and bt is that they didn't vote for trump anyway so i don't have to spend the whole half hour telling them that he's bad i could explore other topics and talk about
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jeff sessions or betsy to vos you know there's anything funny about obama i think wasn't funny he wasn't funny although he did love you know i was the head writer at the correspondents' dinner when larry are hosting the room that's enough i agree yeah i was live in towns delivered very i thought so. and yeah i think obama became funny but i don't think he allowed himself the humor that trouble for that's you know so i think that is the gift of trump is that he just you know he wants you to laugh with him and he'll even take it if you're laughing at him george w. bush was a give but he had a good sense are you correct he was every bit of sales he didn't laugh at himself he was perfect let me explain in the what that he did have a great sense of humor and he wasn't scared to laugh at himself i think he's very funny and when he did the way those coast one absolutely he was look yes all weapons of mass yeah. it was great he really started that trend i think more
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to when obama followed it up and really got into those is some things. and you're good at this not. you can't kid your kid charlottesville right good question so we perfected this at the nightly show with larry and it's something that i'm going to take to my show as well when there is tragedy you can't make jokes about the tragedy why would you you would be a terrible person but you can make jokes about the coverage a lot of times what happens is people in a twenty four hour news cycle say ridiculous things and we did this i remember with the charleston shooting we had to do a show that night and we talked about how the coverage was kind of contradictory and how some people were covering it versus others and so you can find humor you can find irony comedic irony. and certainly satire in those in the in the characters around the tragedy but not the tech tragedy itself you were funny kid. i was a weird can i think i was funny i thought i was funny you have mixed heritage i am
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my mom is black from the west side of chicago my dad's a german. second generation german from the middle of nowhere in iowa and they met in college and have been married forty three years. well raising wright who stays married that long anymore would you grew up in davenport iowa devonport even more in the quad cities right on the mississippi to black culture there no. no but i spent summers in chicago with my mom's family and got a lot of. a lot of my experiences there there's one black conservative in the senate tim scott yeah mosco and they i met would trump and he said that trump and he's very good service yes compromised his moral authority when we blame both. tim scott well for i mean right this is like i mean it's even when you see a miss america pageant you know miss texas or whatever saying that i mean i think reasonable people understand that. there are two sides when it comes to not six
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what do you make of of on the people who have created her so if she had been real is to go explode. she's in love with. her she care can she influence of influence and she's married to a jewish version right a converted she's complicated i think i don't think she can dollar father i don't think anybody can control him. and i don't i think that's an unrealistic expectation i think i think she's in a tough spot i think she's somebody who's a bit of an opportunist but she comes by it honestly. so you know i think she could do better and i think she could help the image that her father is trying to go for well you know a protozoa boy who she may be leaving what is her job i have no idea but i know we're paying taxes for it. i don't know what is her job you know i don't know if i have no idea you think obama should speak more no i think he's got to let the
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current president be the current president you've got to respect that office and i think. personally i resent him for speaking out now if it was something he hadn't spoken up about when he was president we had him for two terms he had a chance i think he did well but now we've got to lie on the bed that we've made. do you see fake news absolutely all the time yeah i think there's a difference right trump's version of fake news is just news he doesn't agree with . but i think there is misinformation there's a lot of misinformation certainly happening and i think that's the burden of having so many news channels that have to compete with the late night shows do you think we will be better off when we just. leave brinkley. three networks none of which could be labeled one way. well as a difficult time then right like it was. you know not we had different issues that
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not all citizens were treated fairly you know. they reported on that and that's true of the king they got joe mccarthy that's true that's true but i feel like they were covering it when tragedies were happening right i mean i think now we get a chance at least to have some commentary i think some commentary is good on both sides. god not to sound like trump but. but here i think there's a little bit of all the mean you always respect those look i was a journalism major at northwestern and those or those guys are heroes your hero hello. but i think there's a fair amount of room for commentary now but i think whenever we're doing things just to be salacious and just to be that's what i do like the throwback era of the cronkite's and ever are moreau's because at least they just reported the information you're on twitter i am on twitter do follow trump i don't but i don't have to everyone read tweets so i don't have to add to his numbers you know most of his numbers are not most but a lot like thirty percent of his numbers are fake that's what i saw you can go and
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look at you can run there's a website where you can put in someone's twitter handle and see how many of their followers are fake like thirty percent of stuff so i heard i don't know look at look it up yourselves. has become part of the nomenclature it was part of johnny carson a little but you know. all shows even phelim they all do it yeah i think it's tough for them right so it's tough for the guys who are on the big five networks trying to do. you know humor that's going to apply to everyone but. they're in a tough position but luckily i don't have that burden. on me or contribute to for larry we're more well more yeah what was a like it was fantastic larry more and yeah he sent task you know he was on the daily show before and jon stewart was our executive producer just lots of great role models i loved the job we had to go on every night and talk about you know we
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had a panel we did sketches you know there were so many different elements to the show that i was able to take part in which jon stewart and i know him well yeah it's your thoughts on his genius. i think there's nothing like it i've never seen anything like it in the comedy world i've never people always say you know she is the father of this style and while i would give credit to the women who also created the daily show i think john really honed it and we're all just chasing jon stewart that's the truth i don't care you know we're all products of john stuart right sam be me john oliver you know bear we're all from that family and anyone who's doing political satire really well comes from his tree you know who are a delight oh thank you oh big story was robin the new york times yesterday the run down with robin three the premier's this week on b g at eleven pm eastern thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the
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conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a can still some are fond of those that didn't like to question our arc. and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters mind it's consumed with this one to. speak to.
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no one there to. claim that mainstream media has met its maker. called the feeling of. every the world should experience. and you get it on the old the old. the old according to josh. the modern world come true there are. guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape is not all laughter all right we are
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a solid alternative to the. liberal or conservative and as you can see in this bar graph we'll it skew the facts either talking have left these talking head righties oh there you go above it all so look out world r.t. america is in the spotlight now every lead might have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. all the world's dates and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are in t. america playing r.t. america offers more artsy american personal. in many ways the news landscape is just like this you know real news fake news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never know your audience so the parking lot all the girls to all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely
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a player. that . was. president carter says catalonia will postpone its a declaration of independence for several weeks he says the region won the right to break away from spain and its referendum that is giving dialogue a chance. tear gas broken windows barricades a nationwide strike is underway in france where workers are protesting president labor reforms. and twitter takes down what it calls and then fly video.
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