tv Cross Talk RT October 12, 2017 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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syria demands that the u.s. led coalition in their country be dissolved saying the forces are destroying everything but islamic state meanwhile the battle continues syrian government forces edge towards against eisel last remaining bastions in the province. new york times editor and his friend who allegedly works at you tube are caught on camera revealing the way mainstream and social media manipulate the fake news. spanish prime minister wants catalonia as leader to clarify whether he is actually declared the region's independence or not and he has set a deadline of monday. being comparable roy says he will be here live in about an
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hour's time with the day's top stories coming up next though it is crosstalk stay with us. oh and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter all of hollywood elites present themselves to be the champions of virtue and liberal values the same elites have found common cause with the left part of the political spectrum the harvey weinstein scandal presents a very different picture a truly ugly picture will hollywood now face up to its own hypocrisy.
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cross talking hollywood hypocrisy i'm joined by my guest rob how big new york he is a political pundit and journalist contributing to the huffington post also in new york we have lionel he is a legal analyst and news decoder at lionel media dot com and in west palm beach we cross to dr gina loudon she is a psychology expert and host of america trends with dr gina all right in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it line to let me go to you first i've been watching you on social media you've been covering this topic quite extensively. the thing that i draw from it is i understand what people do in hollywood ok people buy and sell themselves ok i don't think that's a really big story but i what i really so totally disappointed with but probably also expected is that you know when they when you're on the right side of the barricade you're vilified you're destroyed you're buried you're forgotten but if
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you're friends of the powers that be the elites you give almost a free pass people oh i didn't know about it it's terrible ok and then they let it go it's so unfair and it's such a double standard go ahead lionel. and two thousand and five this brain trust called and i disagree they are not the left they are not liberals are not progressive they're just hollyweird but in two thousand five years ago they resurrected at conversation a private conversation between then donald trump and billy bush added was called a locker dog and it meant nothing to people talking not in front of women not in front of judge but privately ok cut to the chase they wanted to use that as the group of amun for their indictment to happen not only is that logical for a president but impeached and the like ok cut to this pig harvey weinstein that
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they knew for years was involved in sexual predators should have women he could have had the woman he wanted just by saying you want a part but he didn't want that he wanted the power ok now what happens is when it comes to the fore a clothing lisa bloom his advocate get a woman who supposedly what is that is the daughter of laurie already who basically was going to describe a woman ok one when there stan is on the lie when they're you know what's in a ringer all of a sudden they look the other way ok all right are you i mean to tell me i can do that i call it like that but i was staggered to live and let me pull in wrong here quite simply are there double standards here i mean that we look at the bill o'reilly look at bill clinton i mean and all the other bills you know it seems you know that they. thank you it seems to me that the reaction is really quite one sided and why is that is it because people like harvey weinstein are there their
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donors their connections with the clintons and the obama's and the fact is that a lot of stories were covered up over the last decade or so i mean we know this that has been a cover up i mean again the double standard go ahead rob in new york. i don't think there is a double standard i think that there's bad behavior on both sides good show it's been pervasive for years at fox news it's been it's happened in hollywood i'm not denying it but there are conservative elites you have the koch brothers you know there are liberal elites there are leaks in this country who have money and power and they're on both sides but to say that the right is squeaky clean and. i'm not saying that you know what i'm not saying that i don't think any and i don't think anybody is saying that now no one is saying that ok what i'm to what i'm saying is that they that if i go to jena and west palm beach for the warmest part of the program here. you see that you know why didn't people come forward earlier
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you see these type of little connections here and it was about convenience and i think there's hypocrites on all sides ok when it comes to this issue here but at the same time you we do know that the new york times over a decade ago was working on this and it was squashed ok squashed and and i have to wonder why women in hollywood didn't get together sooner or maybe they just preferred to have a job ok go ahead. well rob's accusation is ludicrous there is absolutely a double standard and it's evidence by the fact that lisa bloom even talk harry weinstein's case because she's supposed to be the advocate for the sexually harassed sexually abused whatever woman right and then look at this what about hillary clinton who hasn't had a word to say about this whole thing what about the obama's who were all talking about the locker talk incident that lionel mentioned that was blown into something
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huge that as he mentioned there is no there is no proof of anything ever actually happening by donald trump and yet they're trying to make comparisons on that there is a complete double standard and we know that hollywood is where the black ball was started if you didn't do what the big powerful producers wanted you to do you would not just not get that movie role right you would be blackballed from all of hollywood i just moved away from california peter because there is a moral bankruptcy in hollywood has spread of much of television to jane it is a money and power base of the democrat party ok they did james wood might be joining you pretty soon because he is quite hollywood because they he was as he believed he was discriminated against blacklisted because he was a conservative you know one of the things that's happened over the last few weeks the late night show hosts i guess that there is zeus sitting up there in their summit here i looked because i don't find them funny on the left isn't funny
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anymore i don't find them funny and i find them really mean spirited and the free pass that harvey weinstein is being given oh that was a little much for a little on the side off the cuff thing but if donald trump dropped it had been anything like there's a touch of the president they would have you know a field day i mean there is a double standard go ahead lionel exhibit a. exhibit a lauren michaels executive prelate hate the past as sydell was confirmed did add an after hours party said hey why didn't you mention avi weinstein and he said this is a new york thing you know peter this is this antimony inferi of theirs we don't need no stinking badges and we don't follow the usual words the usual laws but here's the bottom line all we're asking for is very simply this if you're going to go after donald trump for
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a conversation let me repeat this of conversation to people alone thinking they weren't being recorded and it would be used in few terro twelve years later if that's what you're going to do if you're going to hold him up to that standard then when you have this rapacious hollywood who by the way this isn't the casting couch we're not talking about unwanted advances or mr lowe ferial these are serious observation accusations the same group by the way that when bill clinton was included in this people look the other way and hillary clinton just denied it these are the same as you would say liberal or progressive who had this breathtakingly enco haired woman's march with people walking around with foam rubber pudenda and actually. actually a judge who spoke who was herself the victim of harvey who was there and i guess when she said is it ok is a close clear ok now here i come look all we're saying for it is very simply that
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ok a good protection. is what you're going to let me go back let me go back to rob you know i've already said in this program if you want to go to hollywood and you want to be part of that cesspool buy and sell and all that you know that i guess that's there's a place for it here ok but but it rob at the same time i mean these are the same people who come on in these award shows and show their liberal values some. if they care about women how much they care about minorities and don't build that wall and get rid of donald trump this is what i find bridge with ok what people do when they go to hollywood and they want to engage in that that's their personal business here go ahead bob. well i'm going to have to agree with you here that this may be what we might call their comeuppance you know by the way leinil. some of the sorest stuff the deep in the dream i just it's sort of i love listening to my voice i have to go to look up words constantly i'm learning a lot from you i'm going to go i want to give you all
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a quick anecdote about three years ago i got overly horatio rochelle it had been in the lobby assess corporate alien isms and polished a lot of metaphors i was in the lobby of the beverly hills hotel and i heard someone screaming and i thought perhaps that someone was hurt or in trouble and i came walking over and there was a man on a cell phone were raining so that whoever was on the other end with obscenities it just it was behavior that was pure oil was a good one little in any way a high school kid couldn't do this and it was harvey weinstein and i remember walking away thinking my god how does this guy get away with this i mean anybody else would have been carted out of here where the beverly hills police department and shackled so yes this has been pervasive pervasive an endemic in in this business for so long and they are getting their comeuppance and i think they pushed it a little bit joining us on the war i mean let me get let me get along here in the novel
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let me give you the last forty seconds in the in the first half of this program go ahead react to what you've heard so far go ahead yeah i think this is the tip of the iceberg honestly and i think that social media and the way that people have cameras and things these days may just go ahead and and pull more of this out of the crevices and i hope it does because i know that weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg in hollywood ok i'm going to i'm going to jump in here way to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on hollywood pop crissy stay with us. no you know on the. on the water. total i don't go to. vote i'm
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not he didn't i don't know. oh you ought to go to the post pizza to move for you to. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the guy even saw you guys. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill you narrowness and spending to do the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great one more chance with. the piece it's going to take.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted a night it was actually just pull along awesome the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know a lot of the really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same we are apparently better than bluegrass things but i see people you never heard of love went back to the night i'm president of the world bank hey i'm going to write me seriously send us an email. welcome back across like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing hollywood hypocrisy. ok i want to go back to. west palm beach again another element of the story here i
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want to keep stressing here what people want to do what kind of relationships they want to have with their bosses they submit to a humiliating selves if that's what you want to do to get ahead in life i feel are actually more sorry for you and at the same time i think the quality of the talent in hollywood is really you know it's a swamp i mean i don't think they present values that i have nothing in common with them that's why i used to live there i don't live there anymore and i'm very happy about it but jane and one of the things if you trust in the new york times story which i always have a huge huge grain of salt on my shoulder and i read them because i have very little trust in the new york times these days for actually a long time but the number of journalists that submitted to pressure and editors pushing journalists not to say this not to let it go back off and then you know we have hollywood actors big names you know they go they call up these women don't push it don't push it you know don't don't rock the boat i mean this is corruption in all kinds of levels of life here and i think this is one of the most important
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thing that harry weinstein is the pig that's no news apparently it's not news a lot of people have known that for thirty years apparently but the news is is how they try to censor this out and people are willing to get to go along with it i find that truly shocking and really disappointing gina go ahead. yeah you know everybody in media wants to talk about collusion all the time right we're going to talk about collusion let's talk about the collusion between the democrat party and hollywood and the fact that hollywood is a lock stock and barrel in favor of democrats at every single turn let's talk about the fact that weinstein gave almost seven hundred thousand dollars that we know of to democrats i don't think he gave any to republicans and now they try to cover it up by saying oh we're going to give it to charities to women's charities they gave thirty thousand dollars the d.n.c. thirty thousand dollars to emily's list emily's list is just a pro-abortion lobby basically that is not
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a charity for one thing and that's not giving the money away because it's going right back into leftist democrat coffers the exact same beneficiaries that have been benefiting from those like weinstein who everyone just shut up about like you pointed out even the media totally quiet because they like getting the money funneled to them from the hollywood elites so so there's no way to say this is on both sides like my friend rob over there said there's no way to say this is on both sides this is i mean. the media is quite for the left hollywood gives all their money to the left no the money the money and the power out of hollywood all goes to one side i don't even think you'll dispute me on that the media being quiet on this they were never quiet on anything regarding trump were they ok rob go ahead rob in new york first of all let's not talk about individual politicians like trump and trump got elected by the way despite his his comments to billy bush so i don't even think that it's it's. it's discussion all right no what's more poor we're talking
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about the people outside of washington the power brokers not the individual politicians there are power brokers on each side for each party you have the koch brothers on the left you could have launched the open the koch brothers on the right you get of launching on the left but they're always there it's not even to think. if i have any desire and i'm a lover of sexual misconduct well i think also i'm a driver just ahead of me but i think the koch brothers so that's a that's a fair issue but they don't run hollywood ok i mean hollywood is just an extension of the democratic party that's what i see how i look at it ok i mean they've they're they would symbiotic ok i don't see any major forces on the right minus fox and fox is fifty percent against trump and the republicans these days ok so it's a pretty much stacked deck and i think that's the if they bring in line and you know that's the another issue here is that you have the mainstream media the corporate media minus fox to some degree you have the democratic party and you have
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hollywood it's for me this is closing out taking the oxygen out of the room and only talk about things that interest them that's one of the problems here hollywood's a big part of the problem go ahead. now you're correct the focus is not on people being involved politically the pockets of the focuses is there a double standard let me repeat this again harvey weinstein pens a deal interestingly enough with lisa bloom lisa bloom is that these she is the daughter of the feminist rights lawyer gloria all read the babe ruth of lawyers and she signs a deal with harvey weinstein then she either is enlisted to help them or serves as his lawyer any his dealing with this now remember little conflict of interest the new york times the boards and others in fact the weinstein board get
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rid of her and harvey because they say you know lisa bloom not think about this are advocating discrediting witnesses women who com forward who dared to impugn the integrity now this is from a woman can you imagine if i good gray. dear friend rob just think about this and madge and if trump or trump lawyer or make new general manaf order whatever they made the same thing not a dossier that was for no but did just imagine there would be a free song on aid for not a frothing fomenting volcano of activity cold bare camel saturday night live it would be nonstop but crickets crickets all right let me go to wrong here gentlemen no jury day come on we've got to give rob some oxygen here in the
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house how does this go a go forward here because you know when. harvey came out and he said he was sorry which was not kind of sorry at all the way i read it i appreciate it all talked about a cell he actually got out of the bottom of this threw it away but he talked about himself as he's the victim in this is the left always does that always does that ok you know this is this is the problem here this is this politics of victimization and and i think that you know when he came out and said i'm going to make and i think i'm paraphrasing here i'll make a. and r. a film you know if that kind of atones for this ok i mean and then we'll hold that's a good idea harvey that you know you got connections maybe you could make that i found that to be pathetic as well go ahead rob. i'm not defending harvey anyway if you're not his lawyer and you're not his lawyer going to everybody knows that and i think i think there were quick to condemn the whole industry and i think that
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they've made some missteps in terms of defending him and in fact he said and i was appalled by this that some of these these accusations may not be true and they obviously are all true i'm sure i'm sure there's going to be a lot worse that comes out. it's a complicated situation and it's very difficult for me to defend because and i'm not talking about harvey and i'm talking about the general behavior of the hollywood elite immunity over there was not a big fan of the emmys i turned it off it's hard to watch because i think they're a bubble living within a bubble now you have to you need to vomit bucket to watch that stuff ok gina let me go to you because for me oh it's absolutely ok rich people you know what walking around with their their jewelry you know rattling around their neck and all that on their wrist i mean and then talking about how great and wonderful they are rich people get awards and they spit down at everybody else you can't even come they
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have security there oh they're really secure right there but when you go to another venue for a country music and you get shot up ok these are the elites protect themselves here jena for me it's an indictment of the hollywood culture and mentality ok and you know i'm sick and tired of these so-called celebrities current ones or has been spewing about politics when they don't know jack about what they're talking about. and while they're disallowing any voice of the other side you know i was actually part of an organization inside of hollywood that had to hide it they had to be underground and had to network with one another because they knew if they were ever found out they would be blackballed from hollywood you cannot have a differing opinion other than the straight up socialist mindset if you're part of hollywood and that is just a fact and yet the very politicians they support let's look what's come out of him we not only have weinstein we have anthony weiner we have bill clinton i mean the
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list goes on and on so when you really want to think about who the party is that champions women are which side of politics because most of us these days don't even like to identify with the party it is not the left that is out there defending women it is conservatives who believe that women should be honored and held held in favor and that's what many of us on the conservative side would love to see people like rob advocating within their own ranks because they definitely need help there is the hypocrisy there lol disagreeing with your doctor letting obs a hey look i don't agree with this guy. two against one action riggins landline rob what rob go. i'm kind of flabbergasted at dr jean as a response that the conservatives on are women i mean ok let's attack harvey weinstein on the left a little bit here but let's not champion the right and make believe that they put
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women up on pedestals unfortunately there are guilty parties in both parties so that ok well you know on that point i have to agree with lionel here. man that put them so you have these powerful positions and i don't care what your political coloration is should be absolutely condemned obviously ok but what i take umbrage with is what political elites and media elites to make one man's sins worse than another that's what i take exception with leinil go ahead peter imagine again the issue that we're speaking of is double standards not. the policies of the d.n.c. they are zero but imagine this assume argue endo for the sake of argument the following let's assume that was a a republican or a conservative version of meryl streep. who not only lauded encourage r.v. wind or kept your mouth shut but she would make you money everybody is making money
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and thirdly knew about this but lauded in addition to that roman polanski now i'm just saying and i'm not going to argue that marriageable but the question you asked very simply is is there a double standard the answer is yes and let me tell you who knows that mainstream america mainstream main street the people and they're also asking why did blade runner why is it crashing why is the new jet i movie why is hollywood freaking out because netflix and others are just destroying it they need this right now like all of the ok hang on here is go i know you let me tell you i'm going to evolve to be good to let me give gina the last word on this program hopefully with her great powers of speaking she will stand warmth from florida all the way here to moscow go ahead thirty seconds. that really do my best i think that i think that you know it's a sort of punctuate the conversation that we've had we have to look at leaders in
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the democrat party like hillary clinton like the obama's who have yet to even make a statement about weinstein and imagine for a moment as linus pointed to if the shoe were on the other foot and this was donald trump and something had come out finally with any evidence behind it about donald trump would hillary clinton and the obama's be silent the answer is no that is the well i guess a way so i guess just to everyone here will stand or we're going to move for a walk needs to be correct yet we're going to go from lock her up to lock him up i suppose ok we've run out of time many thanks and i guess in new york and west palm beach and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. you next time and remember crosstalk rolls.
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thank you for new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporations corporations run washington washington controls the media the media control over the voters elected businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other
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. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one to. speak to because there were no other takers. and that mainstream media has met its maker.
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