tv Watching the Hawks RT October 12, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all to look at world artsy americans in the spotlight now every really i have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time than i care to admit . greetings and salutation f.b.i. i want you to meet hot water yes the f.b.i. has found themselves swimming in hot water again hawk watchers this time for appearing to have their hand once again in the proverbial domestic terrorist factory cookie jar and a fascinating turn of events bruce joyner the security guard who was wounded in the twenty fifteen isis inspired attack on the controversial draw mohammad event in garland texas is now suing the federal bureau of investigation for their alleged
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involvement in the attack according to a court filing joiners suit argues that the bureau is liable for eight million dollars in damages because the f.b.i. help the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting the hold during a background check incited the terrorist attack the site of the terrorist to attack the garland event and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack joiner who was thankfully the only one injured that fateful day when elton simpson and not to be attacked the kurds call well center goes on to allege that even former f.b.i. director and bureau poster boy james komi actively covered up the f.b.i.'s role in the attack claiming that in the aftermath of the attack former f.b.i. director james comey to lie to the american people by claiming that simpson was a needle in a haystack that was invisible to us now look i know i know right now
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you're asking yourself how could those injured security guard possibly believe that a pure angel of truth goodness and justice like james komi would lie to the american people where would we possibly get a crazy idea like that well according to a sixty minutes investigation and a separate court. an undercover f.b.i. agent was sitting in a car directly behind the two attackers taking pictures of them all the way up to and possibly thirty seconds prior to the attack and the. same agent had texted simpson calling for him to quote tear up texas just weeks before the event took place or. if joiners case proves out i think it's time to ask who is who is a greater threat the extremists terrorists or the law enforcement agency that supplies bombs and spiers them which is why we must always be watching the harks.
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to. get the. real thing. as a lot of. what it looks like you know that i got. this. week so. we're going to watch the harks i am tired robot turbo and i'm having the wallace james komi live if i was being alleged i know you're shocked to find out just like the shark that there's gambling also blood explain it but it's very strange to me because this is another indication that the f.b.i. has not been doing their job and i have to wonder what's so much money spent with so much effort so much support that the f.b.i. had under the previous administrations what. why would we do this because that
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why doesn't he take some responsibility he was in charge of this and he goes up there and said not that an f.b.i. has never age and i are a person has never lied to congress before. this is a big one. yeah a really big well anyhow this is american security at stake and you're standing there going click click while they're pulling that match the big thing to kind of butt up for the debate about this is that you know is this another case where the f.b.i. had a direct hand in mitigating the violence to get a shot at the mayor here in the me and that or could be of step did that oh wait wait wait wait stop i mean komi i think later back george and said well we did make people aware there could have been something there within three hours and we're going to be honest this is a controversial of the i think there was a lot of security and a lot of personnel there because i think people kind of expected something to happen in this drama because it was yeah they got out there shal nature they expected protesters right more than any what's interesting is
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a lot of this information came out because of this kind of other you know content generally involved a court case or writing to the one of the shooters simpson. and that's where it came out that the f.b.i. had been following simpson for years the agent you know had direct the undercover agent had direct contact with simpson routinely in the months leading up to the attack us where you saw the tweet about simpson and they say some of his mosque leaders whatnot actually had dealt with a previous undercover agent who informant would who had you know recorded like fifteen hundred hours of their conversations actually drove the guy into solitude because the pope so betrayed by this part best friend now turned out to be an agent and then he got another agent working on the guy the undercover f.b.i. agent even used his cell phone you know several feet away from the building to film the secure the building security guard joiner seconds before he was shot by the extremists and then the guy who ran and got picked up by a girl and pretty had to really really was not
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a cover they let him go and the help was dead i mean it's just it's a bizarre crazy story but the crazy thing is to have it's not dissimilar from what we've seen before in other news of the f.b.i. was setting up somebody to take a terrorism you know we've seen this over and over and over again and we have. in all of the. traps it's a trap you know you're setting someone up you're giving them the idea you know joyner's attorney trent roberts had told the washington examiner that it seems like it had to have been one or the other just a complete botched operation where the f.b.i. didn't want the attack to actually take place or it's something where they need the attack to take place in order for this guy the agent to advance in the world of isis the lawyer went on to say about how he believes that the f.b.i. thought he was undercover and in order to advance he needed to get pictures or video of this attack and then that would bolster his street cred with isis now first of all. now so the interesting scenario boilers i'm going to go in no no
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no we just not do this like oh i got to get into this under the idea of like i'm going to be an undercover guy that's like being an undercover guy in anonymous you know you're not going to get any you know most them are going to now anyway that scares me the idea of law enforcement especially f.b.i. are too busy trying to get pictures of terrorist attacks and the idea of like global leaders doing best and can't make the case unless they're you let people get hurt you let this man mr joyner let him get her they have a history of the law was true but those that we've seen countless times over and over again over and over very i just i don't understand the idea it's like you want to keep people safe but then you put all those people at risk if they had gotten further in there are a lot of people have thought about it whether i completely disagree with their political ideology which i do this is this is the united states of america and those people have a right and a first amendment right and they should not be shown to be a single twist of this case through the boy or. the security guards burka goes home
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to their home one of the kind of have a theory that some of the guns purchased by. may have actually been committed to the. two so you see that in many different layers of the. but we will definitely keep you posted as this case moves forward to see what is you know the truth from the picture. a recent survey of one thousand americans on their media preferences and opinions of controversial subjects revealed got our suspicion of institutions fuels lingering myths casting their debunking into doubt which can be seen in their results not just by news outlet but by age group c. the news outlets perceived to be the biggest perv a or as of fake news were breitbart at the number one followed in descending order with fox news info war is the rush limbaugh show the glenn beck program buzz feed the sean hannity show
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c.n.n. huff post and drudge report when asked if they believe that they had ever been tricked by fake news twenty two point two percent of baby boomers aren't sure if they have thirty two point three percent of minute millennialist think they would never offend fold while fifty two point seven percent of us gen x. there's this method that probably or definitely we've been fooled and even though the administration and republicans have been going out or the so-called liberal corporate news outlets the perception by the public is actually that conservative news out so loud let's are more likely to be spreading fake news can a society that prioritizes perception over evidence or lack thereof truly uphold the values of american democracy is a great question but i think the curious thing about it is like think that we are a society based completely on perception though over yeah so i mean i think we pretty much we we we would rather how we will believe the perception of something before the evidence is even coming in of course and then when the evidence does commit if it challenges our perception there's no way to measure all this mail of
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evidence that space everything that doesn't agree with our pokes holes in our idea is fake fake fake fake and you see this of both sides of the political support that you're in the u.s. i hope it doesn't it will drop to the rest of the world i hope that we don't like. blood left or right we don't believe either side to matter what the whole. that scourge doesn't affect the rest of the planet of the way here i think in some ways we are going we already sort of break up our and everybody by conservative or liberal brother which i think is a real is a silly misnomer because you can not want the fad but also believe in feeding poor kids like these things are not have you know there's debris to school usually there is and i think that's where people are starting to realize they don't even live on either side of the people who fall for the most news according to this study we're baby baby boomers which is run entirely surprising because they are people that didn't grow up with the internet they definitely came into it later in life highest percentage of people the baby boomers the highest percentage of people
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that believe the white house this spreading fake name is sixty one point three percent so six and ten respondents said that they believe. that that they believe that the white house is spreading fake news which is interesting because that's the demographic that most favored. trump in the election and yet they're the most critical of news in general and the current administration that's really fascinating because murtha here's another thing that's interesting so when this poll kind of broke down the channels of the people who watched those channels chris found some really interesting factoids about these viewers like when your favorite when you asked somebody like what's your favorite news station what goes the subsidy a man was their favorite channel fifty one point two percent of those people also believe the vaccines caused autism which is weird because totally tries to devote every dollar that theory every time without constraint even have
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a discussion about actually vaccine also thirty six point one percent of people so see them as their favorites i don't think trump did collude with russia that's a low number for the amount of times they push that conspiracy and seventeen point two percent think hillary clinton was involved in doing. so again why. these are actually very bizarre numbers for people that claim would see it and their fair go to china does every minute of it with their editorial line knowing right not all people watching at all and let's move over to the opposite fox news our box news forty six point nine percent think sandy hook was a hoax these are fox news people suboxone is their favorite show sixty two port number something obama paved is a birth certificate forty eight percent think or what person was involved in rich's death and thirteen percent the climate changes were only thirteen percent fifty one percent again vaccines cause autism now what's interesting is that i'm not going to debate or talk about any of those different like kind of i guess you'd call them conspiracy theories though i would die for controversial and that would still
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soldiered fred for subtext but what's interesting is that i'm not surprised by the fox news viewers well belief systems but i am surprised by the c.n.n. belief systems which says to me that i don't think c.n.n. has the better care that audience that box news i know or the or the loyal audience that fox news i think is one of those things that people go in and out of it there isn't like an ideological home base for that it's interesting to note though on the vaccine that a lot of ten x. hours believe that and i think the reasoning for that or at least part of the reason for that is that if you're rich and x. or you were a teenager in the ninety's which is when the wakefield study that's been debunked that specific study was debunked and that's sort of the one that fed a lot of the vaccine movements for longer or that now that sort of attached to it is obviously it's just that idea they heard it when they are doing that and then whether or not they ever sort of to get off vaccine issues that important issue
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that i love talking out of the show and gary i guess how many people who are just like no but i want to know i believe ultimately one side or the other road because it's a good debatable issue that should be out there and should be not ignored by channels and should be not ignored by news shows because i think there is some i think there is some some fire amidst the smoke there. terms of what's called war now but getting back to business what's really interesting too is when you look at party affiliation yeah sixty three point three percent believe the of democrats when you look at democrats they believe that climate change is real and fifty three point six percent believe trump colluded with russia and. you're sure me earlier an interesting thing about the collusion is the of all those people the watchers none of them could break the fifty percent no of all the water they've given on both sides would have been liberal or a centrist news stations like me and i'm sad it doesn't matter everybody fifty is fifty. all right as we go to a clock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think the topics you cover on facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are to dot com coming up we present
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sean stone's interview with famed pentagon papers was the war daniel ellsberg and there are they will discuss how the real history of the vietnam war is still being watered down and are you written more than fifty years later don't want to miss that interview so stay tuned for watching the whole. all the world's a stage and all the news companies nearly players but what kind of parties aren't american planes r t america offers more. in many ways the news landscape is just like the theater and in the you could never how we your on. so much part of the play all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world and we are definitely a play. called
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the field we don't know. every in the world should you. leave and you'll get it on the old the old. the old according to jeff. world come true there are. claiming anywhere between three and four million deaths the vietnam war was one of the most brutal in world history and back to the entire region of southeast asia for decades after it ended the shaping of an entire generation of americans no war is arguably have more of an imprint on our society but to this very day it is tragically underestimated just so many lies and fabrications went into the
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realization that marketing of this vast conflict and how many lives could have been saved had truth prevailed over politics but the most significant victim of our distorted understanding of history isn't just the ideal of truth it's the lessons we miss as we repeat our historic mistakes over and over again to take a deeper dive into the untouched lessons of the vietnam war and a recent documentary about the war by ken burns shawn stone recently spoke with daniel ellsberg form of military analyst turned whistleblower who released the very famous pentagon papers unsuccessfully prosecuted under the espionage act ellsberg leak revealed years of lies under the kennedy and johnson administrations both the feasibility and predicted outcomes of the vietnam war and led in part to the war's send a landmark first amendment decision by the supreme court and president nixon's fateful decision to create the secret leaking taskforce that a year later was caught breaking into the watergate hotel here is what mr ellsberg had to say about recent coverage of vietnam and what we may need to correct in our
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collective record. the words they used in the film right at the beginning and in the book which i've just received. are inexcusable they didn't actually use the word intentions all that was clearly implied they said the war was begun in good faith by decent man whatever that means i can't think of a meaning of good faith the would apply to any of the man who began the war it was very clearly a support of a french attempt violently to wreak conquer the country of a colony that had declared its independence in the summer of one nine hundred forty five the us supported that effort for various reasons and by nine hundred fifty was paying eighty percent of the cost of the war so it was not just a french war it was a french american war and that's the way most vietnamese understood it at the time there was nothing in our tradition or our constitution our declaration of independence any anything that made that good faith and indeed the
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real nature of that war was obscured from the country just as it was later there's no way of calling as they did call that phase of the war a civil war was the french american war a civil war it was an attempt to impose a century and imperial or a colonial regime on a country that wanted independence the war later on the next period of the war from fifty four fifty five on again was an american war essentially to call it a civil war is absurd as they do call it a war in which one side is entirely paid equiped directed basically by a foreign power is not a civil war they i think they were misled by the fact that there were vietnamese on both sides some vietnamese specifically the ones who may have called it
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a civil war to some degree. we're the ones who had fought for the french against the independence of their country for various motives and essentially those were the same officers and many of the same men who came south and fought under the americans and other foreign power and some of them may sincerely have felt they were fighting against countryman communists who were they and they didn't want to communist regime others simply wanted the pay or the family physician or whatever of working for foreigners and a very small minority of the nation against the independence of their country which was something desired by virtually all vietnamese nearly all vietnamese although they would not all have fought for it to the degree that the communist would nationalist movement did fight for so it was a war that that resulted from american policy we preferred the we the u.s.
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government of which i was part at one time preferred there to be a war a continuous basically stalemated war endless rather than a peace which amounted to a unified country almost surely eventually under communist leadership and we didn't want that so we imposed essentially a war on the vietnamese. and in terms of imposing that war on the vietnamese the documentary also. just sort of quasi is over the gulf of tonkin and the idea that they espouse in the documentary is that we essentially retaliated for being attacked in the gulf of tonkin which i think most serious historians have dismissed that there was no attack by north vietnam against america but could you illicit at this point. you know i've heard people what should who got the impression that the film said that there was an attack that was in my impression
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watching it i'm not sure on that that would of course have been a total lie and absolutely wrong there was no attack on august fourth the supposed to attack with the claimed attack to which we responded with. moves at ninety five or sixty five sixty four perhaps sorties that individual flights bombing against north vietnam supposedly against an attack on our destroyers which if it had occurred would not have been as johnson president johnson claimed unprovoked there had been just before that covert aggressive attacks on north vietnam by resources p.t. boats and others they were entirely directed owned run by the cia by was an american attack essentially using cruise by the way from all over asia the philippines korea some from vietnam but it was a cia attack of which we were aware and which the north vietnamese were aware. had
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they responded as they did by the way on august second to that they had responded to such an attack and johnson chose not to retaliate quote to that because it would raise the question of the provocation we've made when there were we thought initially there was a similar attack on august fourth he did prepare to retaliate and although uncertainties emerged before the attack occurred great on the certainties. and in fact there had been no attack nevertheless the president went ahead with it and that was the beginning of bombing campaign against north vietnam which was suspended for the duration of the campaign because the president was running against a more hawkish opponent senator goldwater general goldwater in the air force reserve who wanted really under strict it by me against north vietnam johnson wanted to be the peace candidate and won a great mandate on that. issue among
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a couple of others for not widening the war as he promised we seek no wider war that was a lie he foresaw a wider war he intended a wider war and he carried it out in the spring after which we bombed we dropped four times almost four times as many bombs tonnage on indochina as we had in all of world war two so and we did this against this one region of indochina largely largely in the south actually but also in the north of vietnam and in laos and vietnam which we've been part of french indochina so it was a a major crime against the peace by the united states. and speaking of this. this bombing in the overall war profiteering that occurred it strikes me that a documentary like burns's is unable to actually address
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a large aspect of history because the corporate sponsorship that's in place from everything from ford foundation to bank of america and other corporations almost prohibits real history from discussing who profited as far as we know understand the military industrial complex that exists and this relationship of major finance with the arms industry and obviously other businesses that are involved in the making of war. you know. it's often said by only in the north you're dummies writer says in the film plausibly no one wins or loses in a war that's not quite true course the vietnamese in the end won their independence at very great cost but in the united states to say that no one wins is misleading the arms industry and the financial industry and so forth but the that supports them but the military industrial complex in general profited very highly from the
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war. we lost a tremendous number of helicopters more than a thousand i would say and those had to be replaced and were replaced at a profit to the makers some of whom by the way had faced bankruptcy virtually before the war and and profited very heavily from the war that's a factor in congressional tolerance of a war like that because there are jobs and profits and campaign contributions in almost every state of the union in such an operation. we've known for a while that now that it's laser focused on finding humans to mars but the how is of course much more complicated to know why a mars mission poses an overwhelming. problem among them is how to protect astronauts from the copious amounts of radiation the encounter on such a long trip through outer space but now we're beginning to get some answers and that's the appears to be approaching this problem creatively to say the least and
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the risk of at london this chief technologist douglas terrier dropped a hint that the agency is considering gene modifications to allow astronauts to endure the extreme levels of radiation they'd encounter on that trip to mars of course this raises a plot of ethical questions but nevertheless it's a fascinating prospect that nasa bio engineers believe they may actually be able to make a human resistant to radiation by slightly altering their d.n.a. i mean whether or not we create a mutated species of astronaut humans however remains to be seen because the mars missions only scheduled to happen close to twenty thirty but double that would you get your d.n.a. mutated to go to bars. without a shot over the notion of sort of real i'm ready to go. i don't know i don't know i'll be able to live in with the mars which is you can come back well it's a one way ticket right and it's a one way ticket a lot can happen between now and twenty thirty that's true that's true we'll see what happens are better served if they remember everyone in this world we are not
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told that we are above the sword so you will i love you i am i robot into that trap with a lot of people watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody. the mission of news with you is to go to the people tell their side of the story your stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say that the rich are. r.t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor no one tells us what to cover how long the coverage or how to say it that's the beauty of
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our t.v. america. we give both sides we hear from both sides and we question more that journalists are not letting anything get in your way to bring it home to the american people. it's called the feeling of freedom and. everyone in the world should experience freedom and you'll get it on the old roll in. the old according to a gesture. welcome to my rural come along for the. one on one with commentator host bestselling author tavis smiley his take on the n.f.l. kneeling.
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