tv Headline News RT October 13, 2017 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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outrage in the u.k. as an eighty five year old grandmother. protest by police. here in moscow on this friday. expected to announce a new strategy on iran on friday and old bet the american president ripping up the quote historic nuclear deal. never really shied away from airing his confrontational views on the agreement. one of the worst ills i've ever seen the disastrous deal with the rand one of the dumbest tales or one of the weakest contracts the people that negotiated that deal namely kerry and his friends are incompetent one of the worst deals ever negotiated the deal was how about out by the u.s. russia france the u.k.
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china germany and iran back in twenty fifteen it followed nine years of talks on a decade long standoff which many viewed at the time as one of the world's most pressing crises now the international nuclear watchdog that has been monitoring iran's compliance with the deal says tehran is keeping up its side of the bargain that includes for example the shipping enrich uranium to russia mothballing thousands of centrifuges and removing the call from a reactor at a key nuclear facility so u.s. officials also backed the view iran has been good to its word with a european colleagues think trump is simply wrong on the issue braun is in technical compliance of the agreement there and is not in material breach of the agreement and i do believe the agreement today has delayed the development of a nuclear capability but. the signals we're getting from the united states are that the president will explain to the senate that in his view the nuclear agreement
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with iran is not being fulfilled this is contrary to the view of the year. they were involved in the green it also contributes sorry we certainly do not want the nuclear agreement to be damaged we have an interest and the responsibility a duty to preserve the new kid deal with it and i discussed with. what comes reasons could be to break the deal. well first of all donald trump's problem could become a problem for the entire world and the problem is that this consensus agreement this compromise that so many international players you name them put so much effort into could essentially be thrown on the floor with just one signature from donald trump apparently he is not a big of the deal we can even say that he hates it he's not a big fan of iran obviously and he keeps referring to it as a terrorists nest that is his assessment fair enough but if there is an
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international consensus on iran not breaching the cream and what is wrong with washington or the way washington is treating the green mint today the house foreign affairs committee chairman explains the tehran regime clearly sees itself as a movement one that uses ideology and violence to destabilize its neighbors. to threaten others so that is an american official talking about someone else promoting ideology and views and also using violence and other contraries to meet their goals but isn't that a us thing something that's been a key element of their foreign policy as we've seen on so many occasions when we have to stand united with our allies for peace by acting now we are all pulling our values protecting our interests and advancing the cause of peace this nation.
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or any cold war has never permitted the brutal and along us to set history's course . now as before we will secure our nation protect our freedom and help others to find freedom of their run. my fellow americans for nearly seven decades the united states has been the anchor of global security the burdens of leadership are often heavy but the world's a better place because we have borne them it does all sound familiar we have seen this before of the way one historic background rory and with this historic background i guess it is fair to say that mr royce might as well replace the word iran with the names of these leaders in that speech and it is no secret what these leaders policies that were all about promoting american ideology i.e.
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democracy around the world lead to interventions the. group. i. i. so mr trump's announcement is coming up later today we know he is an unpredictable president but when it comes to iran maybe not so much political scientist. believes the nuclear deal was always a risk because trump simply doesn't understand iran as
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a country i really think that the notion that iran is a cause or a movement and not a state is a very poor substitute for a concrete and honest says iran and six to knowledge behavior unfortunately the u.s. has not been pretty loyal to us on norms and values by supporting and dicta theory other regimes that are forty into ballot boxes particularly in the middle east and persian gulf region so part of the problem with the u.s. is not that it's not just a regime man and woman. worst notion of its own values when it comes to its interests in all regions sacrificing democracy and human rights for to say. it's on and on and national interests so the problem is stems from the u.s. that takes a page from you saw on its history and attributes it to iran creates
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a convenient misperception in order to pursue a hawkish iran a for because this is against iran. hysteria over hacking u.s. and allied facilities house switch to north korea with the east asian state accused of cyber attacks and the hacking ability is quote beyond imagination. miguel frost santiago takes a closer look at well the new media hype. these days americans are well aware that north korea is enemy number one the media certainly the great job there and now the enemy's image is complete all you got to do is bring out the hacking card kim jong un has targeted the u.s. power grid in north korea hackers were behind the cyber attack the north korea may have hacked a military network north korean hackers north korean hackers the north korean hackers could soon target the u.s. and guess what they have the power grid an essential item on the to do list of any
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bonafide enemy of america these days just take russia china and iran if you believe the media hype they've all been at it at some time or another in russia skase this turned out to be fake news and the story was retracted another must have been any hackers hit the power grid story the disclaimer there is no certainty the state actor was behind it it's based on unnamed sources and there's no evidence the alleged attack actually had any impact the tax was allegedly from china russian group of chinese believed to be state sponsored hackers why can't we see the evidence that was by alleged chinese hackers first reported the attack citing anonymous sources the systems were not breached let's look at enemy number two iran yes we'll soon be hearing headlines about hackers from iran gearing up for an
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attack oh wait wait a minute we already did there is a template. there is a story line and you say either put in north korea or china russia just put it is nobody's going to ask the why should north korean hackers russian hackers did this no damage and then at the end bring in the kim jong un and many missiles and that sort of thing that will pass you just say. russia and we just react we don't think anymore and we don't sit there and even suspect that maybe these these articles these stories aren't necessarily just false they're just poorly written this is horrible. but aside from north korea the frenzy over russian interference in the u.s. is now reaching yet new heights the global gaming sensation poky one go is now
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being hyped as a meddling tool for moscow in the u.s. election. how come i'm never going to far beyond if it did it went far beyond facebook twitter you tube the elaborate claim was that a supposedly russia link to site posed as part of the black lives matter movement and use the game to intensify u.s. racial tensions however no attempt is even made to explain how that might have influenced the u.s. election we discussed the claims which did originate from c.n.n. with a number of experts they say the allegations sound more than a little farfetched. if you're talking about pokémon go go to somewhere where this poster child i mean we don't know what's happened we don't know the facts the evidence within this quote unquote c.n.n. investigation but if you're talking about something like go to some place where a police brutality happened or something bad happened you can't force people to act and i think if you're talking about just sanctioning in the united states between i
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there are some elements of black guys matter or the right extremists or the left extremists or some of the racist elements here i mean there is a problem in the united states of america there is a lot of hatred in so for c.n.n. to be targeting our or highlighting something like this i think is breaking news specifically highlighting any elements from poking mind go with an investigation without providing any evidence is actually kind of indicative of how little facts they've had and how much they're trying to continue to paint this election as just one big russian conspiracy if the kremlin did come up with this plan of getting into so manipulating code come on go to draw attention to racially motivated murders of black men by white police officers i say more power to him but it shows a lot of it shows a lot of originality and quite frankly draws attention to a very important issue that americans could not possibly spend enough time thinking about because it's very serious allegation by c.n.n.
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according to the international atomic energy agency iran is in compliance with the agreement signed during the obama administration donald trump knows this so why does he want to trash the agreement. joining us here on our civilian casualties from airstrikes in afghanistan are up by more than fifty compared with just last year that's according to
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a report by the united nations assistance mission the u.n. also says more than two hundred sixty six thousand people have been displaced since january with many women and children having to stay in makeshift shelters. you know the. u.s. forces bombarded everyone including children men and women in the houses have been destroyed on to the children and women were wounded and killed there are no houses left. some homes were burned by islamic state militants and those were hit by u.s. drone strikes yet if you. look at the. junk food were thrown the fight that is ongoing islamic state militants came in started the clashes they would stick cars ahead self then u.s. troops bombed the area so we left and came only the houses were destroyed and now
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we're leaving temporary shelters here. but there was some of the joke that they shut up. here their problems with water supply fetch water from very far away. coming. up. to notify later the ongoing fight between islamic state militants and afghan and u.s. forces means we can go back to our home. meanwhile the cia has made public its file on a militant who was tortured and died in a u.s. jail in afghanistan and the group he fought for was originally backed by the u.s. state department but it then fell out of favor only to find itself back in the good books when it through its support behind the new government in kabul. american
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investigations. captured by the cia back in october of two thousand and two under suspicions of having connections to the afghan militant group has been islamic the been. the group was founded in the one nine hundred seventy s. and enjoyed western aid and funding as it was one of the major militant groups fighting the soviets in afghanistan. in one nine hundred eighty five they were even invited to meet president reagan in the white house. decades later the group suspected member a gold mine was confined to the notorious cia black sites known as salt pit to provide an understanding of salt while thirty three of its workers have been court martialed and over fifty five have been reprimanded for mistreating detainees upon arrival to salt pit and was immediately subjected to what the cia calls enhanced interrogation techniques.
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hekmatyar it was. hardened and allowed to return to exile where he shook hands with the country's current and former presidents us we consider this step clear evidence of the afghan government's commitment to restoring peace and stability in afghanistan which will ultimately benefit the afghan people so has been islami experience every phase of the u.s. policy making its way from allies to enemies. the united states government and the united states military are willing to partner with absolutely anyone if it looks convenient and useful even if only in the short term the decisions of the us government in terms of allies are completely.
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believable believe. you mean to tell me you came. across the road. police released a statement insisting a no complaint has been received over the incident however the pensioner says her shoulders were bruised and she was so traumatized that she says she's been struggling to sleep. it's also a large online backlash against the offices and fracking campaign a member of britain's green party. police brutality. similar to the issue of police brutality in the usa police must do their jobs to keep us safe but was
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a disabled woman that much of a threat awful to see and being dragged like a rag doll over to rode by police but they will move her more carefully next time brits feel put people in a uniform give them some authority cut them some slack and you can quite easily create. a shocked to see the video of her being dragged across the road she's a peaceful woman as well. preston you rode with her a few times and she will sit and she will talk and she will hold up a mountain frankenstein i've never once seen so of provoke she's passionate. persistent she is still an eighty five year old woman spoke with today and she's it's all still there she said really struggling to sleep since. i'm very upset it's a real shame when the way it's being policed actually takes the attention away from the reason that we're all there. a woman wounded in the las vegas mass shooting
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on october the first has filed a lawsuit against the hotel from where the gunman fired meanwhile the shooters house has been broken into despite the ongoing police investigation stephen home was burgled a week after the shooting which of course left fifty eight people dead and the robbers didn't even have to try that hard if i they just went straight in the front door police found the property had been used by the gunman as a sort of a warehouse but it's not the only so-called failure emerging from the attack investigation it has also been revealed that security staff was didn't call police immediately after receiving a shooting warning from a hotel employee a maintenance engineer said that he had heard a rifle shot and happened right before the attack opened fire on the crowd. i will call the police almost wired i got up yourselves firing a rifle on the thirty second floor down the hallway that it's at the end of the
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hallway if i can i can tell you what room he looked like he fired down the hallway when i close the door the timeline of the shooting has also shifted with police now saying a hotel security guard was killed by the attack before the mass shooting not off to us was only a claim. the armed security guard who. has been identified his. countless lives. personally. what we were told. we were told that. counter.
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action on his part. still have a clear motive or reason why this is how conspiracy to kill you so you won't tell us this so off you go back to nine eleven the early news reports were all over the mayhem and that is exactly where the conspiracies started they started because they read those news articles and things weren't in one article said this saying another article said something else and so it's a natural thing i think a lot of the problem comes in right now because the police are making this big effort to find a motive and in fact you know nashua hers that are suicidal slash homicide all are not going to have logical motives that the public can easily comprehend
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you're going to need a psychologist or a psychologist on to explain this thanks for sharing your friday with us here on our international we are back in about half an hour. with no make this manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes can protect themselves. in the final larry go around the sun be the one person. we can all make the routes to.
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apply to many clubs over the years so i know the gaming so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the shaper money just kill you narrowness and spending to do the twenty million. well it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so one more chance with. the thinks it's going to.
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name is elvis somerset and i built tiny houses for the homeless. see his back and they are here why do these guys sound for me a tiny house is not a solution it will be a free for all. it's my safe conditions to live it. to suit the president and the city of los angeles. always good terrorist. nobody should be homeless anywhere but especially in one of the richest countries in the world.
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i build everything was true because i make a lot of mistakes. and it's easy to back out your mistakes in compton south central l.a. a pint sized idea as some as in a battle with city offer already. when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle. the mayor of los angeles has declared the city is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. is trying to solve it one tiny house at a time the tiny house idea is very simple it's shelter. food water and shelter are not optional they're required for human survival so it's a. temporary solution and like the first stone a foundation if you will to.
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