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tv   Sophie Co  RT  October 13, 2017 8:29am-9:01am EDT

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heat waves in smorgon city's humanity is feeling the effects of decades of unrelenting pollution of climate change no longer in the distant future going to scramble for clean energy prevent looming catastrophe what tools do we have to replace the harmful power sources and will the world come together for the cause or fall divided. charles hendry welcome to the show it's good to have you on our program today so one trying to cap carob carbon emissions with new regulations limitations taxes sometimes politicians have to choose between fighting climate change and winning elections for instance president trump got the coal vote promising to revive the industry battered by obama's environmental policies and you've been a politician tasked with dealing with this issue can you commit to combat climate change and not lose votes. but i think our track record shows that we can since nine hundred ninety the u.k.
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economy has grown by sixty percent but our carbon emissions have dropped by forty percent so they've delivered better standards of living we've delivered a cleaner environment and we've maintained security of supply and say we've shown that we've been able to actually look after the interests of consumers whilst removing very strongly in a low carbon direction so trump's promise to bring back coal jobs remains unfulfilled perhaps to coal industries on its way out so what do you do with the people who are left behind those industries. i think it's more difficult in countries where they have very large populations in a particular area focusing on one industry as you would in some parts of the united states and indeed in some parts of russia the united kingdom the decline of co has been over a much longer period over the course of forty years and therefore it's been a more gradual. those losses as job losses have been difficult to manage all the same but nevertheless they have been able to find new levels of employment
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opportunities retrain greece killed and we've been able to move away from co we will have completely removed co from our generation system by twenty twenty five and we've been able to keep the lights on so we manage that transition i think quite effectively so while there is consensus among scientists about climate change not everyone is convinced polls show that a quarter of americans for instance have doubts about it regardless of all the hurricanes that have swept away it's it is recently how do you combat this attitude work against those denying climate change. i think there's two aspects to first of all one simply has to win the battle of science is over ninety nine percent of the world's leading scientists in this area say that climate change is happening and that man has been responsible for making that worse and therefore it's simply going to go on repeating the evidence of the science and public policy makers like i was
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who don't have scientific background we have to be guided by the experts in the sector the other element which i think is becoming increasingly important is that the cost of some low carbon technologies is now dropping to a point where they don't need subsidy this week in the united kingdom we've seen the first large scale solar farm being turned on without any subsidy whatsoever and some would say if you can do that in the united kingdom without sunshine record you can do that anywhere and say that we're now seeing that we've seen the prices coming down we can do this in a more affordable way and it makes economic sense to go in a low carbon direction it's not just because of the climate wire that the hard conservative media like right warred or mail or the washington times are the voice for we're missing climate change why does the right leaning media like them so much . i think sometimes they talk to different sides of the subject and say we will see some columns in some of our newspapers no me is the view of an independent video
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journalist rather than a new view of that newspaper over all those journalists who take a very skeptical view but then you also see those newspapers talking in very positive about the cost of offshore wind coming down on the opposition to united kingdom in that sector the opportunities the united kingdom in the title sector the importance of new nuclear here and say that actually when it comes to the individual technologies they can be much more supportive than one would sometimes get the impression one shouldn't take the view of one journalist and say that is the corporate view of that newspaper because it quite clearly isn't so from your experience and observation why is it so hard to make people fight climate change why are climate change policy is met with so much resistance i mean it's it's enough to open up the window and see how the weather has changed around us we don't have four seasons anymore i've just mentioned the hurricanes that swept away you know north america and latin america anyone in their right mind can see that
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something is wrong so why is it so hard for them to understand that climate change exists and why not fight it. i think it's a very good question i think part of the challenge is that people see conflicting reports and then they don't necessarily know which one to believe and therefore that's why it's so important to keep on pushing this argument and demanding that this course of action should be taken the other aspect which i think we need to take into account here is the role of companies and businesses who have been moving in a very strong low carbon direction to the missions and the role of businesses across the world is incredibly important in this and i think people can get very excited when the electric car has moved from being a very small vehicle which wasn't a particularly attractive vehicle to a new tesla people saying you know i'd like to own one of these on the rolls which it comes through now where people think they can have an electric car which
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performs extremely effectively and is not going to cost significantly more of a patrol car of the same caliber that in those circumstances people i think start to be one round mole we are seeing at issues changing and there's undoubtedly a generational issue as well young people are much more see just as a challenges and the need to take action gently than sometimes their grandparents will be so you just said that it's also about how the issue is presented to the general public and like you said there is an overwhelming scientific consensus about climate change happening but on t.v. the issue is presented as a two sided coin. with you know one on one debate why gave the impression that climate change denial is equal to scientific fact. because i think that we live in a country here with free speech as in america and so many other places and people with different views are entitled to express that is not the job of our media to determine between which one verse is right and which one is wrong its views
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individually to come to this conclusion but i think we are gradually winning that battle and i think people are being persuaded that there is a need to do things and the government i think has shown very strong leadership on these issues for the last decade starting under ten you pleasant under david cameron and it will continue in united kingdom under trees and they were just talking about the united kingdom but you know the media over the world in general it still does give you an impression that the two arguments way the same there's like a fifty fifty chance that it's happening or not happening while we all know those who are actually looked into this issues that it is happening so it gives a false impression that they may not be happening. i think people will reach different conclusions that is the nature of debate on all sorts of different issues and this is just one example of that i think it means therefore for those of us who believe strongly there is a problem and
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a challenge which needs to be faced we have to work all that much harder as i say i think we are turning the corner we are winning that battle people do believe that there's an issue and every time that we see a huge hurrican or a catastrophic storm in the united kingdom and issues of that nature and flooding then that i think persuades more people that the seasons really have changed the climate has changed and therefore government has to lead this is not an area where government can sit behind and follow public opinion at times that there's a difference between people who want or they want green power or whether they were cheaper the big tipping point i think comes when you can actually have both when you can see the costs of some of those renewable technologies coming down very significantly and therefore it becomes the central economic thing to do and people say well let's do it because it makes economic sense not simply because it's right for the for the climate so the price of greenland is in the bushes initiatives that was picked up by almost every state on earth only of the u.s.
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and say we are staying out of it but how do you make sure that it won't just be another trivial paper like its predecessors the deal is of kill two and copenhagen . i think that's a very very good question because with the paris agreement there were no penalties for countries which fail to meet the targets which they set themselves these were not internationally agreed targets that individual countries have decided for themselves what they want to do and say one has to rely to some extent on the leadership of those countries to help deliver that but i think we should recognise that this isn't just about now what happens within government the leading companies around the world are keen to be good citizens in terms of climate change they are determined through reduce their carbon emissions determined to make sure that the products they make are ever more energy efficient i'm say that we're seeing that change happening which i think is unstoppable and quite often i think in this
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debate now the politicians are actually behind the pace of change which industry is delivering and say that we see often the politicians debating and talking about it whilst industry is investing billions on making the change happen i'm not trying away i think the president trumps decision is not as significant as it might initially have appeared because businesses in the united states are going to mail a little carbon direction so you know as being the second biggest polluter of carbon dioxide you think paris still still makes sense without the united states on it. because many of the state governors across the united states still support the paris agreement businesses large businesses overwhelmingly support what's happening there and even trump has come to office we've seen a number of the coal plants in america closing down so the direction of travel is absolutely set and whilst he may be skeptical himself and we don't know his final
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position on this at this stage that what we all saying is that the pattern of investment in the united states and in other countries right across the world is showing that no carbon is gaining important time. ok well couple shall break right now and lower back we'll continue discussing ways to secure our energy future say with its. next geysers find it will survive until they save money that develop. closer to it is it this is the central plank support dying at the moment i'm going to call them right now so you stop.
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and. you telling me there's no you're also the you know mr welch that it's. never been so i didn't intend. to go for. the money. got up out of the local one. pm pull. out a book they're still moving out of the we're going to shoot me in the movies. music is always. going to. be a. time when to please.
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her. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. player out caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker.
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of light for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out so. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch at a final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just billionaire owners and spending two to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on earth because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful day and my great so will all chance for play. at least this morning to. play.
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we're back with former u.k. minister for energy and climate change charles hendry discussing our planet energy future welcome back mr henry so why was the minister that you had it up energy and climate change screw up by the british government in london not interested in doing something about this annual. no is a policy which i had recommended to a former prime minister david cameron because i felt that we had set in lol the changes which would drive the low carbon economy we delivered electricity market reform which should provide a forum and a mechanism for driving investment into new low carbon technologies we had set very tough legally binding requirements on the country to decarbonize and then i thought what was important then was well say going forward and taking force what was
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important was we get the maximum benefit for u.k. companies the maximum industrial benefit that we can and there for him a great sense to link up the department of energy with the department of industry and so they get that industrial again alongside the new clean energy investment so transportation and power generation even farming industries and others are producing huge carbon emissions which one of the sender says is the worst offender which should be targeted for a pollution reduction. if i can phrase your questions are you differently i would say that where do you start to make the most impact and what we have done in the united kingdom and other countries are doing as well is starting with the power generation side and we are very rapidly moving in a low carbon direction when the conservatives came into government in twenty ten it was just five percent of our electricity came from renewables but is now over
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twenty five percent just seven years later so we've seen a five fold increase in clean energy in that time and we have a strategy for rolling out much more a new about energy generation more nuclear power stations as well so that's the place to start with then after that i think you tackle heat and transportation we're now seeing a move towards electrification of vehicles which is happening faster than anybody thought possible just a couple of years ago and so i think the focus the needs to be on heat because we use a lot of hydrocarbons still to heat our homes and businesses and we need to find better ways of dealing with that so electric cars are getting more popular across the growth germany even passed a resolution which would phase out combustion engine cars by twenty thirty but if we replace all gas cars with electric cars are we really being and were mentally friendly since day electricity still comes from burning gas and coal not to mention
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the batteries. what it is only happens it only works if you are going to generate the power in a low carbon way and that's why in the united kingdom we are committed to major road out of renewables we've just announced a range of new laws offshore wind farms which are going to be very significant where very committed to a new fleet of nuclear power stations because we absolutely recognize that if you want to decarbonise transport then you need to move in a trick direction because the trains and vehicles and then you need to do that in a way that the power for those. it's generated in a low carbon way i think you could also add into that what's called a smart economy where you can actually plug your car in to take advantage of the power of a night when there's not so much demand and say you can actually used which would otherwise not be taken advantage of and say that we can smooth out the demand across the day in a way which is not happening as well as it could do at the moment and do that in
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a way that reduces overall our carbon emissions so here it seems very serious about getting great of carbon producing power generation so why is there such a backlash on the continent against nuclear power which doesn't put as many pollutants in the air as coal or bass does. i think you have to look at each country in it so clearly in france that eighty percent are from suzana pretty come from nuclear and they have made this a very important part of that electricity mix for the last forty years they're now going to start scaling that back a bit as they take more advantage of some of the renewables but they will still remain very strongly pro nubile nation the bigger question mark is particularly over germany. germany is reaction was one to the fukushima disaster in japan after the tsunami and the decision of the german people and german government was that they should phase out early nuclear power plants but the consequence of that
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phasing out has been that they've had to go back to well copeland's and therefore they're one of the few countries at the moment where their carbon emissions have been rising so there is a consequence for that which the german government is very much aware of and i understand is very keen to address but they have a different history when it comes to nuclear so there are are there methods to curb carbon dioxide emissions besides energy production like storing it are in ground using it for something else for instance plus to production carol these measures like a real dale carbon emissions. if they can be shown to be both workable and affordable then absolutely they can make a huge difference and we're seeing some very interesting work being done in some of the british universities in china and so in russia on carbon capture and realization of storage the outcome of that will depend on the progress of the science and it still seems to me that we are some years away from being able to
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make it happen but if it does we can i believe in time it will then that means that we can continue to use co and then of that gas in the mix for many other countries that if it can be made to work they would need to move away from those technologies . it's a going to meet the climate change objectives so i think this is one of the most important areas of science and i want to see more investment in many countries towards trying to realize it and to commercialize it sooner than currently appears to be the case and of course the big question is will the rise of alternative power sources by the fall of zero pretty serious like the payer shell or are they here to stay. oh there absolutely had to stay i think if you look into the ways in which the countries which have the best hydrocarbon resources in the world are now looking for their own power then you can see that they too believe in alternative
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sources of power in russia you've got to rostock term investing in on shore wind in kazakhstan you've got them looking at or turn to sources of energy in the middle east and saudi arabia they're looking at concentrated solar power no way has always used hydro in a very significant ways so if it's right for the hydrocarbon countries providing the needs for their own people it has to be right for the rest of the world and i think what we're now seeing among so many of the power companies is that they see this is an integra part of their business and they're very serious indeed about supporting emerging technologies not just in the alternative energy space but in demand reduction in the artificial intelligence which will help to balance the great in a better way that some very significant investment is coming from those very large companies and that will be a very good good force for good because we need that sort of large investment and
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the people who have immense expertise often in working in different and difficult environments you know more than one billion people on earth live without electricity that's according to they were all that energy out local twenty six staying at the same time when it's windy day in germany power output exceeds more consumption and they just released a surplus to their neighbors networks causing overloads why not create an effective mechanism to send energy to those who really need it. you'll have found an extremely good issue is one which i absolutely believe you're right i've been a very strong supporter of a in northern power grid which would be essentially across the north sea linking the countries around the north sea in the baltic and providing them with greater energy security and enabling power when there is too much or show in the wind in one country to be transported easily to another and return to grid would be in the mediterranean to bring power from north africa into
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southern europe awareness to much and to ship it back the other way i think that the transformative issue of this century is going to be decentralized for many of the people and you're right that a billion of our fellow citizens live without a light and therefore we need to find a way of delivering this in a way that doesn't exacerbate climate change we can't just simply turn round and say look we've had one hundred fifty years of great growth and we want to stop growth in countries which haven't seen those benefits we have to give them the opportunity to grow and to prosper as well i'm saying or i think that in many communities particularly in africa you can have it on a very small scale basis and it doesn't just bring the electric light it means then you have education when the schools that otherwise be dog it means you have hospitals you can keep medicine refrigerated you can keep food refrigerated to stop disease you can do sal in a totally deep pollute the water you make an absolutely transformational change
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through affordable low carbon energy today's communities and today's people and i think that's going to mean that places like africa and india will be some of the most exciting areas to see their growth over the coming decades it's only forty fifty years ago places like dubai in the middle east were themselves very impoverished communities but through energy they've become some of the richest places in the world and what i would hope to see now over the coming decades is that places which have been without power through cheap almost limitless solar power in particular would have the chance to share in those benefits. you know there is danish. which specializes in the natural resources per women or his head of the women are consulting and he thinks that green energy is just another bubble like that of dotcoms into thousands on the u.s. mortgage crisis do you think it is
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a point here i mean keep in mind that green energy is now eighty percent financed. no i didn't think it's another ball but i think it's something where many countries have found a long time way of funding it in the united kingdom we've given a essentially a price guarantee for the to the life of a new no carbon plant not could apply to nuclear or to offshore wind and say we've found a long term way of making sure that the sustainable but while we're also finding it's true that early commitment we've been able to help bring down the costs the cost of offshore wind where the u.k. has almost half the offshore wind in the world that the cost of that has come down by home often about six years and will continue to come down further and so it's true that sort of leadership rather nasty to people saying look it can't be done it's too difficult it won't last it's that sort of government leadership and industry leadership which will make an enormous difference to the wellbeing of all people and to the sustainability of our planet this is not something which is nice
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to have this is something which we have to do on the leadership which i think many european governments enough many governments right around the world. shows that they now get the importance of this in a determined to deliver on it. raise your hand or thank you so much for this lovely interview we're talking about the role of renewals play in our planet's future with charles hendry former u.k. minister for energy and climate change and that's it for the latest edition of said i'll see.
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los angeles the city of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. this man phoned his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution. me house on
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a city parking space is not a solution. someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. according to the international atomic energy agency or rand is in compliance with the agreement signed during the obama administration donald trump knows this so why does he want to trash the agreement. is still exist. ricos treats it as one. and then only under three cool i see no. the island is controlled by the u.s. government and some. independents.
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still do wish to join the u.s. . leave every day. with the country at a crossroads. is on the rise. i . i i i i. i i
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i i. was. it was. two. years i'm told to negotiations over iran's nuclear deal could be ruined i mean fears president trunk could be decertified the historic agreements the global nuclear watchdog as well as u.s. and european officials say the wrong thing its side of the bargain. u.s. media claim that the global gaming sensation. has become a tool for russian. the u.n. says it strikes enough don have led to an increase in civilian casualties compared with last year.


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